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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
1 Till: OREGOH DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH tX 1807. n sire mm 1 ''' Sbs -; And we arc bound to get it Wc intend to get it by pleasing you, Wc intend to please you by offering the best and juciest meats on the market at reasonable prices. This , system combined with promptness of delivery is bound to please you.i Give us a trial. , --Pcnnyr Savedrls-a PenhyEarnedl- Choice Corn Ccel Juicy Dolling D&I c'&. Fine Pot Roast f : Economy rr" It Is widely - known that economy is 'a step toward riches. ' You can take that step if you pat ronize this market. 1 We sell good meats at rea- lonable prices. Why pay Choice Chuck' Steak n if mm u 25 c Juicy Round Steak 3 lbs Fine loin Steak ' , .- ,1''.;-- more?' . yv?.. I j fn UK , " : , , Iff V IK Phone Alain 1657 221 FIRST ST.,'COR. SALMON K 849-351 OAK ST.. ... GROCERIES - MEATS M fill I! U II I El VI ! U II j Phone Mala 2598 848-330 ANKENY ST. IMrwitirT,tlnr1r-rrTrn i ,. ,. . . - IF YOUR GROCERIES COST YOU TOO MUCH TRY PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND CHEAPEST GROCERY." WE ARE LEADERS IN Q QUALITY AND PRICED STORE ON OAK STREET NEAR SEVENTH. ,, , ; B QnkkCltv Flour Fnncv Patent, ner Sack fit :1FS 3 Ghrid Hard Wheat Flnuh her sack Q5c I 10 cans Star Cream ..... . ..,50 Eagle Milk, can; Ui.i .'.V,'.. .V.".15 Can Baker's Cocoa iV... ;V. ;';1..V.20 5 cans Pork and Beans.... ...'..'..T..'.. 25 t 2 cans Minced Cams ................... 25 2 packages" Force. ... . . . .25 1 .... r Pound Mocha and Java Coffee. i.25 4 packages Corn Starch, .25 12 bars Laundry $oap,,.....J4...U. J... 25 Scotch Oats, package. , .-. ; . f .;; . . ; . . ..1 .10 '2 cans Standard Cra;V"i""!jj Gallon can Maple Syrup. . . . . . ; . . 91.00 Gallon can Table Syrnp. . . '. . .'. . . ; .50 SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND BOARDING-HOUSES .. B THB' MM: WOOD MWE IfDPY At FL1ST cr.d ALCES on the cc:;;zr - What Does Inspection of Meats Mean to the Public? It MpanQ111 aU meats wnic go onto the family table are free from taint of all diseases common to 1 " : animals, such as tuberculosis ("The White Plague"), glanders, lumpy jaw, etc That no old cow, too old to give milk, or tow bearing- caH shall reach your table through the meat course. : What Does Meat Inspection Mean to the Wholesaler of Meats? ; That he must use scrupulous care in selection and buying, else financial loss must ensue, for no diseased - meat can pass to slaughter when subjected to inspection. DISEASED ANIMALS ARE CONDEMNED. WhatBeTOmesnifThW That are refused by those butchers who insist on Government inspection? i rtem SMtO I4, lttNk XT) ..." ; ' . .; MEAT INSPECTION ; ORDINANCE SIGNED Blue Stamp Will Show Here after Whether ,Law Has 1 j - ..Been Complied With. ; The meat inspection ordi nance,' passed by the city council last . Monday, was signed by Mayor Moore yes terday afternoon. The ordi nance win become a law Tues- day. - ' v 'U. The ordinance, which was drawn up by the board of health and the health and san-' itation committee of the city council, is modeled after the requirements of ' the United States government in ( its, in spection of meat.":- V As soon as the law goes into effect every pound of meat sold in Seattle must be in-' spected. W h a te v e r meat comes from outside the state is inspected by , the United States government. All meat slaughtered in Seattle and to be used for home consump tion will be inspected by the city.--. - . The local inspectors will stamp all meat inspected with blue indelible ink. The stamp will be similar to' that of the United - States - government. Penalties of fine and impri onment are provided for any person who sells meat that, has not been inspected. All cattle slaughtered here will be subjected to an ante mortem and post-mortem examination.- Cattle belonging to farmers of the vicinity and destined for consumption in Seattle are to be slaughtered at Frye ft Bruhn's abattoir. The charges for killing are fixed by the ordinance. . SHOULD NOT PORTLAND FOLK BE - GRANTED -THE- SAME PROTECTION AS SEATTLE OR ALABAMA r l'y . r: PEOPLE?':;,: '! V'.". 3 ATUROAV PECIA1L Delicious Rolled ROAST OF BEEF Such aa Other . Markets Aak 12e and 18c i . Pound for. 9 i '. . ; , BEEP Choice Brisket ... ...... . .4ft Choice Necks to boil. .. ..4f Choice Stew Meats 4c Fine Kidneys .... .... . . . .5f Corned' Beef ...'.6 Choice Pot Roast ; 7c Choice Shoulder Roast. . . . .7f Round SteaK fiSr 8c Choice- Shoulder- Steak , rU Choice Rump Roast. ...... 8f? Hamburger Steak . . 8 Tripe .8 Loin Steak .... ....... . .10f Sirloin Steak ....;.4.12Hf) Small Porterhouse ... .12f Fancy Porterhouse . ...12ie .Rib SteaR . . . . ; J2c Fancy T"-Bone ...... 12if VEAL - Delicious Rump Roast. .12 Delicious Leg Roast. ..12eV .Delidous.Rib Roast. . .XS&yif Juicy CuUets 12t Veal Shanks, broth. .... . ..Oft Veal for Stew......,...8e Breast of Veal. ,.. . . . . 10 v T. Shoulder Roast ......... 10f ..PORK' 1 Legs of Pork.i..i..i..12j4 Pickle Pork ;12 Side Pork V...i.....l2et Pork Shoulder Roast. .121 Pork Chops .......... .12l : SUNDRIES Brains . . '. .. . . .. . . . 10a Mixed Sausag ......... 10et Hams . ; . ........ ....... 17t Breakfast Bacon ...... 17e Pork Hocks ....8 Cvm Ooniwa, EDUCATINO . , BUTCHERS TO THE -. INSPECTION IDEA V At Montgomery; Alabama, where an admirable system of inspection is maintained, the health officer says that when the question' of abolishing the numerous butcher-pens and dirty slaughter-houses first came up, and it was proposed to substitute a modern abat toir, a storm of protest arose. The butchers -declared that their occupations would be gone, their business ruined. The need for reform, however, was preached ; inspection both before and after killing was shown to be necessary. The city passed an ordinance abol ishing butchering-pens within police Jurisdiction. Reform, once forced upon the butch era, became as popular among them as ' among the other classea of citizens. What Montgomery has done Ala bama can Induce other cities within her border to do. Education of the farmer who kill only a few animals proceeds more slowly than the training of the butchers. , Aa a matter of fact, it should be more rapid. More than 9 per cent of the cattle in Maine are affected by .tuberculosis, though that state has had for years a most efficient cattle commission. This percentage is, therefore,' aa low aa it is likely to be in any of the set tled states. Not one tenth of 1 per cent of the cattle killed by local butchers in Maine are condemned for tubercular Infection. The result is, of course, that the people of Maine eat infected meat. Tuberculosis, already the plague of America, la spread and fostered by the apathy of the states in regard to meat inspection laws. . ...... - ia rrrr;rLLA, ---------------r FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. 226-22$ Alder St. UVlSt asi 2d ' "Fighting th Truat" ' ; Said the Beef , Trust ( to Smith : "We are going ' to drive you out if it takes $50,- "000 to do so." ',." ; Said Smith to i the Beef Trust : 'Try it, you've got lots' of money. Spend 50 times $50,000 and 111 still be here." , :V; "'; ; "The race is not always to AtHe 'SWIFT nor the, battle to the. strong.! ' - Soup Meat-. i ... . . ...3c Lamb Liver ............. 5c rW Heads ......... i.C5c PigsVreti J.:;....:;. 5c Beef Kidneys-", . . i . . .5c Beef Stew ;.;::;;.V.....5c Beef Necks to Boil ; V .,..5c Choice Brisket Beef. ... . ,5c Beef Liver . . . .V. ; V. . .j .5c Oxtails, per pound.. . . . ." 5c Corned Beef ....6c Lamb Stew ...... . . 6c Veal Shanks for broth. . . ,6c Veal for Stewing. ...... 8c Pork Kocks . . .. i . '; ... 8c Beef Shoulder Steak. ....8c Beef Shoulder Roast:.... 8c Pot Roast Beef . . . .... ;.8c Rump Roast Beef. .... ;8c Hamburger Steak ,. .V.'.8c Beef Tripe J: i.V. .V. . . h8c Prime Rib Rpast Beef. ; 10c Best : Round Steak . . . . . . 10c Beef Brains ......... '. . 10c Breast of Veal. . . 10c Shoulder Roast Veal:. 10c Pork Mixed Saus3ge. . 10c Frontotiartra Lmh .lOr! Shoulders of Lamb i.i.lbc Lamb Sh'lder Roast.... 10c Our Own Pure Lard ; . . 12c Beef Sirloin Steak; ... 1254c Small Porterhouse . . '. 12c Rolled Rib RoastBeef l2Ac Beef Rib Steak...... 12c Beef Loin Steak. . . . . . 12Hc Roast of Veal. . 1254c Legs of Pork . . . . . . . 12lAc Sid Pork 1254c Pork Shoulder Roast. 1254c Leaf Lard ....... ...1254c Pickled Pork 1254c Lamb Shoulder Chops 1254c Fancy Porterhouse . Steak .. 15c Fancy "T-Bone . . .... i 15c Veal kump Roast .....15c Loin Roast Veal. . . . . . .15c Rib Roast Veal. . .. ...... 15c Lorn Veal Cutlets V..... 15c Rib Veal Cutlets . .15c Pork Chops . . . . . . . .'. ..I5e Pork Loin Roast....... 15c Pork Steak . . . , . . .... 15c Leg of : Lamb... . . . . . 15c Lamb Loin Roast .....15c Lamb Rib Roast .......15c Lamb Rib Chops ......15c Our Own Hams ........17c Our Own Breakfast . Bacon . . ... ; r.Y. .1754c Lamb Tongues, dozen.. 30c Beef Tongues, each.. ...45c rszxxx: SANITARY TABLE. SUPPLIES We announce . the opening of our New Home Bakery and' Candy Kitchen. ' We invite you to call and ee the dainties in these departments, insuring you the highest standard of v cleanliness and quality. Home-made Bread and Pastry. Home-made Candies. It's easy to become acquainted with their goodness. The highest ideal of perfection in .the sup ply ofpure food is sought for in every department ' Five deliveries daily north sod south , of - Washington street Watch for other new departments. Watch for our grand . . ..v . .. ., . opening. ."v.;' - ; . ....... - - '-DRESSILR'S : FIFTH AND STARK v - I " . : J ...... East Fifteenth and Broadway, Seaside, Or. j POUNDS PURE M Carte Suar for d) m wrra a 3.go csuccst oidex I KOTICEt -Wa ay m earloa t FLOUR oomint ta by tint Wdna.T na no room. w - bar about too acks ok ftBt m to tnak room w rtl) Nil It Saturday. Monday and Tnaadajr. par aaek SJl.OO. f Tnia nour is ruuy rarantM. tou try It and If you don't Uka It wa wlU 1t you your mon.y back with a amlla. Corrallls Patant tlbur.........ft.OO tf lbs. Sugar for Sl.OO C a a Oil, qta................T.S H. M. Bak. Soda, pk. .R H lb. eaa Uht M T...........30 M. 3. B. Trsa Tsa. Sto pk ..25 Pura Comb Honay ia Pura Jally. ( Blaaaaa.... ....SS Vog Cabla Mapla Imp, (U......40f Lo Cabin Vapla Syrup. H cal.-e84 Vot Cabin Mspla Syrup. 1 faJ..l.lS IxtnCa Mapla Syrup, qta. ........ .85 Lonaa Uapla Symp. H sal 60f Long s Mapla Syrup. 1 sal f 1.10 Tabla Paachaa. t oans...... 25 i ru. can na ppis xof 1 aaL can Pla Pumpkin ...'...26 cant Groan Oaca Plums... 25 19-lb. sack T. or W. C. Maal 25 la-lb. aaek W. W. Flour ..25 fMflfl Or)MB t 84 I pkaa. Ratal! 25 t pkas. Currants ................25 Panoy Drlad Paaohaa, Tb ....15 Spaelal Surar Corn. 4 oans ...25 Wa earry a full Una af tvaoh taaats. tab and poultry, , Wew York Market and Grocery Oua H. Ktnnankarep. Prop, Uia JHf Btora at 477-471 WlUlamv Ara. Phona But 41a. Varaon, Ptadmaol ana Waodtawa ordara iquat ba In bafara I 'elaok. Go By the Book ana ran arfl aartalnly to hmf aur Planr. Ton cannot hay any anoeaas aritb your braad-mablnf or pastrymaKlna; nnlaaa yon uaa tha right kind of Plour. This brand aasuraa to tha oaraful bousawlfa bottar elaaa of braad, and aaora of It. than vUl ba jrlaldad by any othar kind. All wa aak yau ta do la to try It onoa and wa know yon will aarar bay any othar -kind. It naakas Braad that la most beautiful nutrition a. In tasta ' and moat DallesDiamondFIcir 1 Don'tReadThis Unless You Af : Looking for Bargains in Good Meats W . wMl't Ittati .n I tk,. A. v.. . . . . . . : " " - . - u, mil won in noma arouna to tha ahop wa will aurprlaa yon with prloaa. Baatdaa a moot aneallant Una of roaata, ataaka. ahopa, ata., wa earry ' that far-famad COR V ALL! a CKtAMKRT BUTTER. Wa ml thl.'knttar for laa. than any arohant te town, Taur patraaara to naoat aamaatry aoUdtad. . ( Paul Soath 185 Fourth Street Phons Main 2830 Saturday Special FRESH RANCH EGGS 20c Dozen v RAZOR CLAMS 10c Dozen . LITTLE NECK CLAMS 4c Pound ; MUSSELS 8f LB. .... HALIBUT 10t LB." FRESH KILLED CHICKENS. DUCKS AND TURKEYS We have no Branch Stores. Do not mUtaka us for "Cdumtla coLu:..:!:.n5nco. Fresh Ranch Egg 2 Dozen 45c Bert Creamery Butter 70a. T5 Creaiaerjr i .C5 Dairy Butter .J.. .'.EO Best Sugar Cured Ham...,.17 Breakfast Bacon . . .... . . . .18 Cream Brick Cheese, lb. ... .20 Zimburger Cheese, each....S5l Full Cream Cheese, 2 Ibs...S5 Ch!c!:cr.5 17c r.r.3 2C: LnP:r