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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
- -V TODAY'S MARKETS POTATO MARKET TO GO HIGHER Latest Gathered Statistics Show . That All Oregon Supplfes ; -Will Be Needed. ; T 4- . -bearsJreLroutjDAnd. are anxious to buy But 190.O0O Sack Available for f California ' oMumption Both to ' That State and Here Price Will !; Go to $1.60 or Better.' .: y7 Principal Market features tooer: . potato xsarxet will advance. coum mk so Bigs aAeaare la hotter SJeds. Kraje hole; m set Biers. rbk-kea market sot at all sew, famine la tbe prodso ssarhets, ; Hop hear getting to worx. - s i 2 Pout aUrket will 1 Al.k..1. ' mrnadjas. aMlftsVrT ' OT . ","'.t--: . i. Mt4 th." tie rotate -r.rt will r-dl -.rtn, to. present sreso. renditions W oaslIkvThV 'twrl l.Uroraia price dorla the acxt few ys anl.wa agate aontethln. anfureee at thta time k.p. Ta CUIoral. .wk'r ,.X7 W. aafcl to dJ" L vissneui rf potatoes ai4 oa aooon.t " .J p, th. southera r.Hfte ao hlpmnt T rail ,. ...ii.!. nlnt. front Oregon swe at fciiT rato- I. the California siarkata are t at sll evea California sweat sheet H.OOO sacks of PMatoes ,rrrr i,7, Koklnc the tkat state t ll . , tiw. anaant auoa (boat at.ta f", aDUlea ablpavat f ' oot.tmM ta aU baade aaH . ..tlmana br varlooa lntrrta that C.nrorm. uppllas will aot aaabar - awra thaa WO.OOO Mrt.. ThU placaa tea available eppll p..'.! I. OcVwo. e J M.ka. Aa CallfornJa wlU ae 1 10-Vff aacka ot potatoes than that t ana Oraaoa a roroly. " raatalaa for the oaalwe laora o aaala brlof la auppllra from ethar point. "rn. Mt.nt tbwaV will be ablpmanta from m .ahlnstoB and amne ffoia Ovtoraeo aae ethar pAnta. Daahra bare with California eonate. rioaa bare already notified their "eopla la the wth that they Bt f"..'" fj1ff In apnds from ether- pUren. With thla ae maud oa lor every baf of Omron poUton for aale.'' H It M tlkely that when lb - new aeaaoa atarta any will reBMla anaoM 4a this etate. .. . , , ' Av -.'. ' - Air Banaada Tnea Orama. ' ! Pfaetleally everrtblna; raaardlnf the fotare af thie vear'a potato prlee la the aooth aa n In thla iUIi deaenda apoa the attl- nrt. of lh. Orecoa arowera. . It la Bow gtm- arreed that the price of Oreroa pa- Utoei will not to below 1.T U the 8aa Yanrlar Bsarkat at aay time enrto f" tw. nment aaaaon. . At thla time tl.ere la every proeneet that tha prtre la the annth will reach ait SO at bo dtotaat date. Jot thla will b doe entirely t tha fact that Momenta roach tbe Bay City front here by rU and that ateamablp laellitle aro ei. m Ttila will aneoubtad- i. . .iv. . tMda here- set lot ebare ef MMltMnMt and boost Drire la the local aurket hlaher. rrm the present ebaervattoa (l an wlU be tb top her, bat too e id led dealera and camnetlth' aaay force tbe price aa hlfb aa fl.Tfi.- It nrewere wlU sell at . ue rrlcea It la the wplnloB of tha- trade that aU available atecka -. la .Oreana caa ba v .laaM an. Baatera Bntataes can be laid u . t eh-f!afamla anarketa arannd S1.A0, bnt there W always a preaihiai of over those price tor Oreaone. -The a If a point for tha price 1 expected to be reached dnrls the tleup ef tbe railroads (ad aa there are asaay can bow ea rate to Cslltornla which are thla aide er in niocaaoe i win w... to reach tbe Bay City all at nca when tha blocked la lifted. Thfa will very likely force tbe price dowa, bat sot nae- ly below In the Iff city. Oraaaury- Batter la Advaaees. Aa waa told la The Jonrnal Teeter day. city M.n natter la advanrad ttte -a ' tmw. Three local creameries pst ap the price t SIH poond and the others aa espeeted to. follow. The temporary eslreme Mwtir. lm antmlbs ta the eaoaa. - Kgf are very firm ea the street at 0c mod eoraa dealera era. tslklsa ef a fractlonel sdranc. These,, bowerer, , caanot ; fnultry la only " hnldtsg Its awn. attboafh reeetnta are not at all liberal.' ' . Preaaed-bof arrivala along rrorrt arrsat were enmewbat better today, bat demssd eoatlnBes eves more liberal thaa aappUes. AU . meat valnaa snrhanaed. Tndap will 4 the sapplles ef frees Cohinv r bla rleee aalmoa la thla market aad tha trade wlir he forced te a eM atoraaa stock nntll ' freah. eapallas ena W obtained, from- Ua Mec. rstDnto. -, Osarae Salt I Klsssv, - la carload Iota cearan salt waa tnc a ton br the .local 4rad ' this anrtrtnc, but bo rhaaaea are yet shown la the values ea lea than carloads. The are espeeted advance later. ' . . Hov hear are very JK-tle atnee tasatiic tbetr last statement yesterday mornlna and are eat ta tbe coantry ta fore te hay at lower value. Soma tricked an at former flnree. Tb trade pay the following prices te Front -.. all at. Prices paid shippers are Iras raanlar cnmmwatoa:. - i ' . : erabw Wear aad raa. t eiAlM BAGS Calcatta, (He aaylns BtVs: . avlllnr. .el.e. - ' ' ' " wntAT Clsb, T0et7J: red Rnaalaa, 910 aa. khurim. Tza?Sc: vallsy. Toe. ; COBH Whole. 2o.00; eracked. (mte BABIBt-Bew read. WIJIOstMOSj rstled. 22 00A24JK); hrvwing. BTK $1 As per cwt. .' OATa Hew Ptodswera pcW He. aonnrtAnn: ersy. $2 an2a.Hi. - I whisa. rLOHB Hesters Oregon v patents, M fg. strsKbts. $.): .eaport. $1.35: valley . $8.76; rrabam. s. $30: wbsls wheat, echl; rya. bo (B.NV-. ttetaa. 32.76. uiij jrTTTFrn Ursa, $17.00 par teat mid. dimes, $26Xt ehorta ewnatry. ,$20,605 tit. gis.fto;-fnop.- ti"ai.w. HAt-a'rodacers- prl.a--Tlmothy. WIBametrs valley, fancy. $1$.00114.00: srdmery. ge.ooa) 10 00: esstem Oregon. $1(.00: mixed; lo.OOttiO.CO; alover. $0.00: grata. MOOtJiotW; cheat. BS tsi. Sattar. Igf aad Pealtry. bCTTTB rT-f. e. Brtl.Bg-)wM mu0Mc: aonr.. $lKf24e. BfTT:B t'ltf cresmery, UVXTt; eatrlda fanry. sr' "OCS. swm-'T suw. . llfgWc y(10!S BXtra ssw-j, .mwivu. jc, riiBErN ";'" flaw, looistte tirmf America. 1717Vlc. Ptn l.TBT Mld fbickena. !4Ue per a. faiirr lens. 16C U: roosters, old, llOiae broiler. I.' lb: old dncka 18'cj spring .ck, tH per lb; gee,, OMV pee lh; tarT neee, 17c per lh for sUi dressed, fancy. t per lh: 2 aer Bos: ptcsnne. $ gef do, ureases vmnry m per id asxher, Boa, went aae auasa. J. nor -Ios crop Choice, llr: ; prima t rbol.'. WtJIOHf. ta prime, (1)Sc aaVdliir, Be: eoatrscts. 107 tea, lsa, n.ioi-iBO .iip-v.iiay xuatew; e.r, T.?H'Ale-rtw; WOT-M lb. ' ' SMkiKI-aklBw Shearlag. loeJlOc eecht aVer) wAai. aS40e: fnediam wsai, J74r each: I ,"MII1 each, v , TALIjOW I'timo. par to. 3H4e: bjo. $ aad ..e. sl. . rillTTlM. BARK e for car fetal email lot, 'il7il!-iry. Be. I. It lh tad bb. ISJ lie ner lb: dry kip. . I. 6 to 15 lh. 150l(c; 'dry calf. Na. 1, "nder $ lbs. SOc; sslted hklee, eteera aeaad. 00 the Sad war. ingfllc: ewes. Hktilivtci atasa and helK eoenU.. flyTei hi. I t (2 Ma Bel calf, ansnd ander 15 Ins, lie; sreea saaalred t least -alu e nee M Weal herae hlnesealted. -ich, $1 now 1.00: dry, each, hi is.l 5 ewtt hl''ea, Stetue: Boat skies, aesamon. each :oinc, a.m. aae. eM fraisa aad Taawamataa. ' rTTOr having prtca, aaeteea Valine. taah aad Uarksmas Bslsvt, $1.04)1.M; aau-......:.'....- .'.-'....'-.. .- THE WHAT DEALERS SAY ' ' OF. LOCAL MARKETS 7. ' Bv Everdlng FarrlL 4 Egg market has m meat e eattafsctory from a Boiler's vlew 4 point tor th pant week. end t 4 ; the surprise f almoat every one 4 , receipts have been - somewhat 4 "light and prices bar sharply 4 advanced. It la likely that until after Eaeter . prlcea will rule firm for fresh esse. Butter has bn very care ( for some weeka, and at famine prices, and It looka aa If re- celpta would not pick, up very much for some time, and that s nrlces would be maintained. . . a -PowHry hae been la light re. ,a 4 celpt and tood liena ana springs . e have - been - prumpuy tasen up. The aaro la true aa to brollera " and fryera,' alao ducka, but live geee and live turkeya are not much sought after. Fat dreaaed hen turkeya are quit Arm, how ever. . While It la trne that spring; la faat approaching, veal -and pork till brine; fine prices., and are In firm demand. Potatoes are firm and higher, but onions are a drug on the market ' Inc. fancy. 11.60: orttloary, baytag, tl.KO .n; eweets. Tc lb. ONIONaWohMng price Ne. I Orviroo. SOrf) 11.26; K& S. sOajoVH!; baying price. eOUBSo T. e. b. ahlpnlng nulnti garlic, ljle par lb. APOLK.1 rancy Heed Hirer Kniraenbeca and Yellow Newtown s, tl 26; fancy Wtllamett val ley and soathern Orscoa. ll.MdJl.7Bi srdbMir stock, il ooil 28. : ... . . FRRflll rRt lTS Orangea. new aavel.' $S.TS Q3.2S; tancerlaea, 1.2S; bananas, DC per lbl rMnsas. $4 aJ4. bo bos: limes. Mealrsa. li.JS aer 100; pineapple. fa.OOtiJ.00 per doses; pine apples, $s iter doa: grape fruit, $3.25. vvxirrfil reTnnpa, new. BOwd aactr: carrots. 7Bct.oa per ssrk: beets, 1.1 Cr sack; paraalpa, cab re. 92.50: toots toes, Msilcss. 2JISOt.D0; Florida, as; .parsnips.' sOcll at ring beans, ISr par Ibt re all flower. tit per doa; peas, 13c; horseradish. e per lb; artichokes, Y.VtSll.OO doa; aqnssh. 78cjll.00 per boi; celery, istlfortila. t3.tO3.oO par erstei crsa harrlaa. per barrel: enronta. aftut lb: aanaracus. 15: rhubarb. fUjCtOe lb; rroea anions, lnc doc: Florida bell peppers, iUc lh: oDlnsrh. 11. IS boa. DBIKI. rRIIITH anaue oeaaaratad. 4Ur re per lbl aprlssts, ltu,120a per nil peaches. a 1UU. aer rhi aaeha u. ne lh leas! nraae. M to 40. fceric: KLe area aa each 1-10 amallet rhra. California bUck. eaaue - Bar lb: California white. e3Hu.a par B), galea, golden. M ao par Boat tarda. i 40811. no par la-lb boa. arssarlas, Msta. Ate. . SIV1AB faltfoeiite Si Blawaltai tiny, I powdered. .12Vh berry. t.2H: dry crahnlated. (4.92U; Rl.r. A4 72U: coat. A. $4 B2W; eitrs B. U.43V.: coidea C. 14.82m D yclk-w. a.22V: beet craaBlated. $4.72. wtatsrs cube. I4.tt7 14 : sowdered. b.uh dry cranaUted. fs.27u,. P. c. (4.72 u,: St. PrsBcls, W.J2H: coofcetkmerV A, $4 MH: extra u.; goiaea c. B4.I2H: v. yeiiow. $4.22Hi beat graaalated. $4-72ttl bNs, 10c; Vi bbia. SBc: Miss, 5ue adraac oa ssrk Basis . is dots or Mae are so days net uonai. . .- - - - HONCT A3.00 per ante. COfrEB Packaea hraada. alB.aaMtaaa, ALT 4arsa Half aroaud. 100. f 10.00 B na' DUB. BJtl.&o: table, dalrv. BOB. Bia.wx tuus. $13.75; bsles, 2.(j Imported Liverpool. 60a, iuus. bi7.imm vim. aie.ou: eiira na. bhia. S. na. I Us. A4.frlt50: Uverponl ksaB rock. 1 20 AO per tea; BO-lb. reek. $10.60) 100a, S.V.VU. - ' .Abava pries apple ta aalea ef lees thaa ee Ms. Car lot at apaslal arleas aahjsat as (lactoatlaaa.k . BICB iDinerlal Jasaa. as I- Bel - Ba. S. eUs Haw Orlcssa. baao. Tel AJax. Bel tiaaa. site. x PHaltH trmsn white. (H am : mrae white, (3JE5; pink. $2,001 ha yea. $S.TS UmaA. ,t Vleilcaa lads, ac NUTS feaaata. Jamba. BUS nee nt Firsts la. lite par lb: roasted. 10 per lb: Japaaass. ! ifeef rosate17u7 par lh cocoas a ts, a0Oe per aus; wslaots. Callforala. let per lb: breach, lAe pa - lb: plaeaata. - 144)15 bjcsott aarn. lue Bar n eaestaats. rastern. lAfriger par Hi: Braatt aata, I Me pat lb: fllbvna, 19c par ttmsBds. 20X1 Me.- mi nary pecans, isyjwci Xesta. rub and rrovUtaaa. rRGSII M RATS rroat Street Hon. tascv. "VB'4je lb; veal, extra, hc per lb; oraioary, TVtOa per let poet, a per in: manoa, laacj. taiuc ner B u.kii. nsrvisr arc hMHMj m.i - - - bams. 10 ta 12 lbs. lb; 14 te Id lbs. lac : 18 te 20 lbs. 10 lb; bras kf sat baeoa. lHc: U2JH ltl picnics, lac in; cetiace roil, la lbl regular abort r leers, asamoked. I2e lb: assoked. ia in. t clear nacxa. onamoxea. ixcx amok ltd. lee lb; fjnloa bntta. 10 te 13 lbs. aa ainokad. Se lb: smoked. e lb: clear belllee, aa- smoked. T2Hr lbr-sa sohed.-4At4e. Ib almnUlars. 1 12 IB; pKkiea lonsnea, oaca. LOCAL LAB D Kt tie leaf. 10a. 184 lb; Sa. 1U lb: M-R tine. 18Ue lh; steam res dered, loa, 12 lbl (a. ttfce lb; as ai aeaad. oa. It.e Da, CABNRD SALMON Co ram Ma stesr, lib tails. $1.80: B-lb talks. $1.76: fancy. I -lb flats, $1.00; H-lh fsary flata, $1.18; fancy Mb evaks. 12.73; Alaska tails, pins.. aeavur; res, biao nominal. 2s. ran. x.dc. nsn Rock cod. Tc per n: nounner. nc tb: balltmt, e per lb: crab. $ljl.SO per do: atrlped baa.. 12 He per lb; ratflah, lur lh; salmon, fresh Colombia river eteel heeds, lie; rhlaaok. 12 We lb f rosea saimoa. ptytie; Bar. ling. 6e lb: srdes, flc lb: shrimps, loe lb; perch, e H: Black coo. ie per id; matron, is par kJatera. 10c ner in: trea macBerei. m pal ll; crawfish. Jue per doers: sturgeon, loe per lh: black, bass SOC '. per lb; . cols .melt, rtc ner n. OlrrTtTHB asoaiaaiei na. per aaiioar z ao; nee MD-ah ' ssrk. 34.50: Olympta. par calloa. $225: per 116-lb. sack. $5.6008.26; Bagle canned. SOc rss. $T doava. -' CLAMS Hatdsball. pv box.y $2 40; raor elama. $2 per box. tier, soars lie. . ' raiat, Oaal 00. Xta. Borrt Far Manila, 16; atandard. 18e etas I. II. COAL OIL Pearl ar Astral 43aaas. lHe pst gsllaa: water white, fcroa able, lee par galloa; woodea, lie per gaDoai headlight. 170-deg., eaaea. 21 H par gallon, O A8)U H C ae-oea laaaa. S4He par gallaa. Iraa bbla IN pec xauaa. BK N IN B S3 dag. casaa, xS Bar gallaa ena hhls 1SV4C Bar Mlloa. ' TCBPENTIBB la aaeea. ea par gait wis its bbls. 1c per gallaa. . . WBITS LBAD Tea mte. Te per mi BOO-lb krta. Re per u; less lets. par re. WIRB NAILS Prasaat Baals at $248, LINSBKD OIL Pars raw. la bol Iota. (Or l-bbl lot, sAei cease. 68 per gal; gaaalne ket tle hot led. caass. 00 par gal; 6-bbl ssts. B4et 1-bM krta, 6oe par gal; grossd est a. car sets. $20 aae tea; ataa teas ear ante. gj per tea. . . tmiTZD STATU OOTIRBTaINT SOVDt. , Kear Tark. Marab 22. government boada: -V Date. Rid. Aak. Twos, reglatmd I 1 do coupon 1B.KI' lH Threes. relstered ........ k-lisst 1'i.lV, liAH 1 Kit UK lot 103 131' 131 do coupon 11 liH Fours, realstered 1007 !)' eoouoa iwvi . 101 Threea. small bonds. 10214 iao2 roars, r slate red .......... 1026 do coapoa 1026 Dtstrtct of Colombia S-SB Foara, Philippine Twos, Panama .... do coapoa lnov, ; 104 104J 105 105 . 1 XJTERPOOL ORATN XARXXT. Uvirraael, March M. Official prlcea: WHEAT. Open. Close. Mar. 21. Lees, March Msy ; ;..Sa 44 . as 44d Sa 4V4d ... a 4d Sa 4d OS 44 sa 2d Sa id 6 Id T ' CORN.- ... 4ld 4s 2Md 4 SSd ... 4s Ad 4 6td 4a 4.d td July Marck May . 5t McMlnntrllle I.ycptira Coarse Ends, ( Derlst Dlenateh ta Tb Joarasl. 1 - McM Inn vile. Or., March 22. Tha Dun bars, male cuartet. and . bell rlngera, closet! the Lyceum course here at the imperial theatre with tha beat enter Ulnment of the courae. The company was ' enthusiastically , received -. by crowded house. Don't let the baby suffer from ecxema. snrea or any itcnins or tno sstn. Lioan Ointment gives Instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly sale lor children. Ail druggists Ball It. OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. ... FRIDAY , Potato ' Growers Who Did Not Follow Ad vies of Outside Bears Are Now .In Clover for Prices Ars Higher Both Here and South DHL1 WEATHER. i f.lORE Reports From the Wheat Coun try Do Not Show an Encour- ' aging Crop Outlook. TOO HOT AND GRAIN IS-SHOWINCfOAMAGE Samples of Wheat at St, Lou la Re eelred From, Kaaaaa Are Full of -.... Bug Chicago Market Is Sharply Advanced. ; BHJITIT1 WH1AT T$LUES. . Mar. t2. Mar. M. Oala. I8O8 May r.-rrr; rr.$ .7HA $7RB 0i - $7 14-1 ttly ... .JTe .T71B .U"SS .risk September Oscembar , 784 .78mj , .00 H ... .,7)B .761 .OOS Ckicasn. March 12. Damar aewa waa the baala tor the adranc ta wheat today aad forced 11 values highsr, both her and oa the conti nent. The bulla are laying great stress sa tbe fact that spring work I oa, which will result nt smaller receipts. - ' A specie 1 from Bt. Lenta says: "".ample of wheat Just received her from Kansas show great damage. The Jtrala ta foil of hoc." A spec 1st rrom Kansas city aay: "lis weather show another scorcher todsy sag the wind Is blowing at a (rest rat. It I Bow 05 decrees. Teaterday'a weather broke all March lacord Tor heat." ' Another spec Is I from St. umis: "uemags reports ars coming from everywhere. It Is already IT oegrses at jenerson viiy ana is getting Vattsr.n ; t , OfflclBl aotatlons by Overberk. Btstr Oook company: r.- W tlC A I . , .Open. Hlrh Low. Close. 70UA 77 78li May Jnly ...... .... I 75 7u 75' 772 77 70 4.. 7al ; 74 TT pee tarn tste December May ...... Jnly Hep tern bar ..... T - T CORN. ..... ea, . e .... fl ' 4 - 4 48B 454A eeB OATS. May ..... ..... 37 ... 82 July ' September , . 32H 156S 1673B irrt 880 MI2A MBA8 PORK. ,..'..1556 . . 1570 . 1W2 15H0 158 ' 1567 ' 'LARD. . . - May ..... Jnly May -rr.-.-ri-i-iTr S7i - 7T gag July 870 ; ' RK7 70 September .....MX rW6 886 SHORT BIBS. May .......... R66 ' Sba i SM July W2 877 8rl2 September ... 5 . IDJ III 871 880A ISO CHARGE IH TONE - IN LOCAL MARKETS Livestock1 Situation Is Slow With Nominal AiT.vals---AII Firm '. '' '."a Year Ago. ; Portland Anion Stockyards, March. 22. Ltre- (tock -ractlpbit r- - - Bogs. Oattle. 8 hoe p. Today ........ 226 wee a age . - ... Tear ago 121 39 Prevtraa rear 808 26 181 The Itveatock market continue with nominal arrivala, with demand la all Una showing la tena flrmneea. bnt valnaa are ttlonsry. A year ago aU 11 nee war firm. wUh aa advancing tenoency in came. , , , Official livestock prlcea: Hon Beat eastern Oreana. $7.76: a rock era and feeders, $7.00; Chins fata, $0.7807.00. Cattle Beat eastern Oregon terra, $4,790 8.00; best cows and half era. $3.50; atockers and feeders. gx.Ts: onna. ti n, Rheep tMlied, OfO'ae: wathssa. atai swssv 6C; lambs. C460c. EASTERN MARKETS GOOD Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City Steady In All Lines. Chicago, Marck 22. Livestock receipt: ' Hors. Cattle. Sheep Chicago i.... 22.000 T6.0 7.0"0 Kanaaa City io.oisi t.wki x.wsi Omaha T.Kon l.ono ' S.000 lloga ars stesdy at yesterday's riose.. He rein ts a year ago wars 16,000. Left over, S,4n0: aatlmated tomorrow, hogs 10,000. Prices: Mixed. $6SnflrlO: good asd heavy. $S.403$.B0; roegb, $2n.36; light. $. 8.66. ' i Cattle Steady. . . , Sheep Steady. PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Sale of Washoncal Extension the . Only One Daring Session. Bnt one stock wss la demand todsy en th Portland sxrhsnrs. the saw being 6.000 aha res ef Waeboo'al Kitmstoa st 2Hc. This Is aa dvane ot He over yaatarnay s era. r0fT1ell prloee: BANK VrOCKS. ''' , Bid Ask. Bank of California $306.00 $.. Banksra A Lumbermen's. 103.00 Merchants Katlonal 138.00 120.M Oreana Trnst A Savings.......; 125.00 Portland Trust Co tailed State National 200.00 listed iKcrmrnwi (bonts. American Blaeslt Co, St........ SS.00 100.00 02.00 66.00 04.00 103 .VI 100.00 City A Suburban 4a ..... Columbia Southern Irritation 6 ... Horn Telephone 0 O. R. A N. By. 4s 00.00 0. W. P. A By. Oa 100 00 Padflc Coast PI sen It Ce. Sa.... 1X1. HO PortUnd By. 6a ' MISCELLANEOUS STOCK!". Aaaoetated Oil 43 00' Home Telephone 80.00 1. C. Lee Co 10.00 pacific State Tetephon ..... . Paget Sound Telephone......... oo.oo 48.80 28 00 lne.00 60.00 . .MININO STOCKS. Lakevlew . .:. .- Lee Creek flold..' .01 H North falrrlew ... Msnhattas Crows Potat. ....... .IS Pnttcle Mining .12 Waahongal Biteneton .......... JS rNLISTED STOCKS. .28 .02 1, ..ira .20 -it4 - .2a. Taonlna Bsv Telenboaa $. , .1314 ' .04V4 -.22", .I2S( .01-4 .08 4 .03 7 50 .10 .00 .28 .1.1 .04 .17 .00 Alaska Petroleum ........... BrlilsH Columbia Amal.. Caaradla Oold field Trotter Orest Northers Mammoth . Morning Moant Pitt Standard Consolidated Taeoma Steel , joaii .1014 ..07 .121 .IB COEDS tTALENS DISTBICT. Copper King .144 Bullion ,074 ' O. K. Consolidated .03 . Happy Day .on Park Copper .................. at . Setowslioe .43 Sanwatora 3.80 . .in4 .4B 180 P01TLAKD BAKK tTATtMIKT, riearlnr todsy .... Clearluga year age ... $1.141. 24 27 'f ... 823.220.38 Oala today . Balanraa today ; 81S.003 ng llnl.BX4.IB atelaece year ago...... 1M.630.8S DAMAGE i J4 . 42U 41H i Z2 82 CANADIAN LOSS IS VERY HEAVY Pacific Road Drops Very Rapidly in New York During the Trad ing of Today. V DECLINE IS OVER SEVEN . DOLLARSOR-SESSION Speculative Market Weak AU tbe Wajr Through Eric Makes New Low RH:ord -Union Pacific 8uf- Ksw Tork. March $1 The stock 'msrkst wss raided today by tb profeeelonsls and the visit coat Canadian Pacinc ever a a share. Brie strark a new low mark and Union Pacific miff ercd snoot - g -potnta break from the (am ranee. The market waa weak all the way throurh and aeveral points were clipped on the general list. On of th cause of the drop lu Krl ta aald to be th euoposed (ban donment ot th better men ta ea account of a lack ot ready money. ... J. 4. mil ears as wiu not resign Juty 1. It b) expected that th Great Northern will Isms short time not It th eoart decide against the new stocks. Large earnings revive rumors ar aa early, aivraena ea iianaaa mkj Southern preferred. Banking authorities do not think th adranc In the Bank of Francs rate will auk any difference la ear gold If we need It after tha end or uu muntB. urn. doa aspect to lose gold t New Tork ta April. ... ' JTTTADA iramtg BTOCZB. t i" " Bsa rranctaca. Marcs 22 Official Md prices: T0N0PAH8. Tee. Nov., $16.50 asked; MoaL Tea, $S 8TH; Ton, Bit.. $4; Midway. $1.76; Ton. Belmont, $4.60; Ton. No. Star. 80; Onto Ton, 6c; Weat Rod Coos.. $1.80; Rescue, Ue; Ton. Calif., 18c naked: Ooldea Anchor. SO: Jim Butler, $t.02Uj Ton. Caah Boy. Be; Ton. Borne, 10c; Boat. Ton., 12e; Monarch Pitts. Ex.. 10c; Moat. Mid. Ext., 7c: Ooldea Crows, 18c; N. T. To. Coos., lOe naked. , COMSTOCK. Ophtr. $2.tS; Mexican, 70e; Ooald g: Carry. S8c; Coa. Virginia, aae; Savage. 77c: Bale k Noreroas. 87c: Belch ar, 48e; Confldenc. $1 askad; Blarra Nev., 87; Exchsqoer, bOc; Cnfaa, 60e. . ...' . ". , ' '' ;, . Open. Cloa. Amalgamated Copper OB 0.14 1U Amarlcaa Car foundry, common. 3d . 3514 American Car A roaodry. preferred .... 07 Amsrlcaa Cotton Oil. commoa. ...... 80 . ' 20 merlcaa Uieomotlss, commoa.. 'At Amarlcaa Bngar, eommoa 111H . 121 Americas Smelter, common ...120 118 American Smelter, preferred.;... ilO6ttl05t Anaconda Mining Co American Woolen, commoa. . . 02 14 2N4 00 vi '. . S4 . WSS!" . 64. .171 W . 80 Atrblaon, common Atchlaon. preferred 4 on V4 62 1H4 m 4 1.1H 128H Baltimore Ohio, commoa.., Brook Ira Baptd Tranalt Canadian Pacific, commoa... Central Leather, eommoa ....1 Central Leather, preferred ., B4l Chicago A Great Western, eommoa, 1214 Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Panl. . ,.1R1 v Chicago Northwestern, eommoa. .1404a Chesapeake A Ohio 40 m Colorado Fuel A Iron, common Colorado Southern, common 37 . Colorado Southern, 2d preferred 804 84 20 48 01 Colorado southern. 1st prererrea , Delawar Had son 177V4 17.1U. Denver A Ble Qrande. com Denver A Bto Grande, preferred... lm Erie, eommoa t Z8 ' 20 874 Rrsa, 2d preferred. ......... 43 Erie, let prererrea. ............... nov minora Central rjo 140 Loulavllle A Nashville 1184 11414 Manhattan Railway 1HX Mexican Central Railway 20U 0 A Tax, eom.... Sfl'A 86 .lisvj 137' Mhssoart. Ksneae firmt NATtharn . M aaoarl. Ksnea Taxaa. pra 00 Missouri Pacific , "T National Lead . New Tork Central.. .15 , New Tork. ontarts at western Norfolk A Western, commoa 78H North American Northers Perlfle. common.., 1264 Panlfle Matt Steemshln Ca.. ... .... Pennavlvants Railway ....122 People's Oss. Light A Coke Oa. Pressed Bteel Car. commoa Readlnc, common 83 ......10414 ...... y. ; Reading, 3d prererrea..... Bmi.c. let ore f erred Rermbllr Iron A Steel, commoa..,, 21 Repanllr Iron A Steel, preferred... 84 Rock Island, common: -s Bock Ialaad, preferred.......... St. lonle A San Fran., 2d pfd.. 83 St. Lonl A Ban rran., 1st pra St. Urals A Southwestern, com.... St. loa Is A Southwestern, pfd....J -Rootnern Pacific, common......... 804 Soothers Pacific, preferred.'. .... Southern Railway, commoa Jf Soathern Ballwer. preferred .!?' Tennessee Coal A Iron...., 141 Texas A Pacific H Toledo, St. loot A Western, com.. Toledo. St. loa Is A Western, pfd... 61 J4 I'nlon Parlfle. common 's'ZlTt rnlon Pacific, pn . SI 4 !loi4 . sd4 .100 - t'nlted States Rohher, commoa.. r-itlteH States rtnonev. nTexerren. railed Statea Steel Co., commoa. t nlted Statea steel to., Wans eh, common , Wahash- oref Western Onion Telegraph. 80 tvfarvm.ln Ontral. Wisconsin Central, preferred. VlrrlnU Chemical NEW BIOGRAPHY MAN AT PACIFIC UNIVERSITY (8ned1 Trhmate to The Jeernatt Pacific University. Forst Grove, Or.. Maroh St. President W. N. , Farrln has secured Charles O. Chambers of Oeorge town, Tenneeeee, to fill th vacancy In the biological department caused by th resignation of J. C. Brldwell. who to' to th stat agricultural college at Cor vallla. Mr. Chsmbors ts a man or experience end comes to Psclflo highly reoom manded. He graduated from th Uni versity of Indiana In 1401. when David Starr Jordan wa stltutlon. and did otpr tinder him, oral months in universities and Ph. D. from th Bpertsl work ha wss In th employ fish commission nesse. For two In head of th Georgetown college, Chambers will arrive some time next week. In time for th spring term. . ABERDEEN IS CLEANING ; HOUSE EXPENSIVELY . ' (Special nispatck to The Jonrnal. I ' Aberdeen, Wash., March IJ. Th ex perts who ar now engaged In going over the city's accounts for the offlotals ar receiving tit a day and bave already coat tha city $700. It la aald tbey have ao far discovered nothing of value to th city and are not yeC" Bt the end of their task. Tbe work la of such dimen sions that tbe finance commute la aald to be considering th plan of postpon ing th completion of the work until another year. When Waldo1 Hart, an expert accountant, took hold of the city's books he. found things In such a muddle thst he strongly sdvlaed ' tha opening of anew set. sgalnat th hug task of attempting to reduce order out of th chaoa of th old ones. It looka now as If hit advlo was sound. a prosinent ortnax in-. - - ... - Bsjire .Kef I -rill ' s '.'. .-.'wy . . 1 , ' i t r-' 1J special work In biol- 1" .;tt- Ar th. I tV H i'i f f 47' w ' - . .k f ' Y7 H. has studied, sev- J 37rand trial. 1. st th. Imperial for tjj U ; -I r .H, .1 t I 1 .'1 Is a candidate for a - Z.' t, ' n. m..ta, fish warden. IS.V( -' t i 5:r 'S f i' V '. IV i 2 I latter place. All "h'o ta Portland from Aatorla and will i ' t :''' I! rV ' . " 1 fc .-'1 I s been in biology ana no . . n. . short tlma-on r ' J -i i i St itV , . V V I f . 1-1 In Kntucky snd Ten-1 Jayn. of Hood River ts at th Vj 'S, I I vH ' ; v U ? Vj V I 'I I , yesrs h has been act- T J . ' ' hrUf bu.n.., visit In IS ! I r MU'H ' 1 I MolOBloal Sopnrtrawit 9f " . .. . , T ' - .t.' ' 1 I EVENING. .MARCH 22. ir57. PREL1"0ARY TO C TERi.1 OF CIRCUIT COURT Brief Session Today Jn Benton Twenty-Five Cases on v the Docket. " - (Ssaelal fHarjateh (a The lonrSsLl -Corvallla. Or,ldaroh aa..r-The Benton county circuit court holds , Its usual brief preliminary terra thla afternoon at S o'clock, preparatory to tha regular March term, which oonvanae Monday morning; at I o'clock. Judge U T. Harris anivad thla afternoon to be la attendance. There ars tS casta on tha docket, ef which three ara for divorce, aa follows; H. W. Durkea v. Annl B. Durke. Min nie Johnson vs. W. J. Johnson. Boss Armstrong va Fred J. Armatrong;. lha-JUat..Blmngt ,,fojoUeq -Jaa3 eaaea. In which the principals ranss rbllnd-pla'L4a- vlolaUon ef the, law and were finally put out of buelneas In Cor vallla after numerous arreeta. appear oa th docket on appeal from the Justice court. . ' , ' . . -.-.'... Tha Jury Hat for the March term ts as follows: : W. K. Bavag-e, J. B. Alfl rlch, W. H.. Dllley. J. H. Moore. H. JU Hall. Punderson Avery. Orant' Elgin. 8. T. Fraaler and Joha Bier. Corvallla; 8. A. Thaxp. J. W. Walters, A. H. Buck Ins-ham, Jasper Rlckard, Bellefountaln; Osorgs W. Cooper. A. W. Pugaley, Ck Ck. Newton, A. M. Newton. Philomath; Ooorg Dodele, irTrAllenTll. O. Vin cent. Frank A. Plunkett, King's Valley: K. S. Brimner,' Charles Caxtwrlgnt, B. Bartlett, W. H. Hammerslay, Monro; E. M. BesJs," R. IB. Brown, Alsea; Paul Dodele, John . Tomllnaon, 8oap Creek; Joaaph Skag-ga, Bummlt; . M. BsJlsy, Falrraonnt. HARVARD-PRINCETON- - - YALE DEBATE TONIGHT ' fJoamal Bneelsl Barvica.l Prlnoeton. N. J- March 11. Th de baters ef Princeton at to bar thalr hands full tonight In upholding; th honors of their school. Harvard baa sent a team her to en gaga th Prlnoe ton debaters, while Prlnoeton has seat second team, to New Haven to engm- In a forenalo tilt with th chosen de baters of Tale. . Th question to be de bated at both place is th same. follows: "Resolved, That th preeent dis tribution of power between th federal and gjtavt governments Is not adapted! to modern conditions and calls for read justment In th direction of farther cen tralisation." RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS TO MEET IN SEATTLE A meeting of th National Aasocla' tlon of Railway Commissioners, , th first satherlnr of Its kind on th Pa cific coast, will ba held August 14 nt Seattle. The convention managers ar preparing to accommodate 9$ men.-. It la said th meeting la a new form of convention In this country that will evolve Into on of th most Important and Interesting of th many annual conventions held. ' Th program will be mad op of dis cussions of th various transportation problema that are encountered by state commissions in anting wun ids ran- 114 na never oven sucgeaiea a vmit w road companies and th paople. It will rail way prealdenta to Roossvelt, Hs re be a clearing; house for knotty sub- tumA to discuss railroads snd said his Jecte, and Us deliberations will have whoi. attention was occupied by a frood much to do with shaping th policy of thing In -th Grand National race this ran roan legislation ua tiawa. . . w-..r.,.rs ,a,r, r-nr-r-o iiiipt )' I nUMAd MiiU rntw muo i FACE ASSAULT CHARGE Ben Thomae -and Herman - FT -will have to appear In th municipal court next Tueaday and anawar to th charge of assault and battery or forfeit each $7$ ball, which was put up for their appearance. Thomas and Free ar aald to hav attacked on Beryl Chamber lain and bruised him up conalderably. Thst were arrested at Front and Mor rison streets Isst night by Patrolmen Wad and Barter and gave consider able trouble by resisting; arrest, . REFUSED TO PAY FOR HIS RIDE IN BUGGY S. C. Friendly, who dror a team that collided with a runaway team of th street denartment laat September, was awarded amages In th sum of IT by th street commute of th executive board this morning;. Friendly had asked for $10. Of that sum he said he had to pay t for. a buggy that h hired to take him home. The commlt te thought h should hav walked horn and It refused to pay for th luxury. , ,! ''t j ...,'..... j . -J, , FALLS FROM WAGON - v AND INJURES HEAD . . ' Hnry Davis, a driver for th Ore gon Transfsr company, fell off th aeat of th truck he -was driving this sfternoon and wss seriously bruised sbout th hesd. H wss ' removed to th Good Samaritan hospital. The av oidant ooourrad at th Intersection of Sixth and Gltssn streets. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pfelffer of Al bany are st th Imperial for a short visit In the city. : A. K. Harrlaon, a well known busi ness man ot Pendleton, Is at th Im I T "5C n EAPT-R TOI5tTItI) m n.ri.1 for a ahort stay In Portland. '"' ' IFT7rA 17 v- Wt ' j ' ' :'-' , l.-J of ths United State. , -- "-aSo "with hi. offlc. A I i VtV UJ t Jiifi , f ; 11 - Tennassee. Mr. I ' -i (Si ;Y' -U v;-;-', ' s 1 ' I Eremon WIn National. . j j , F " ' vv tS IJeoraal Staejat Srv1ca. : "'ill '' I i '-: . ' - f Liverpool, March !. Eremon won I f ' f .i., ... th $15,000 grhnd national handicap. , ! ; I V today. "Tom West was second and Pst j j I render third. ' ' ' . ' ' '. 4 ; ' ' r" quit niNo rent! NEW HEAD OF FIRE BOARD .. Max Flalachner, who has been sp polntod chairman of the flre commltte of the executive board by Mayor Lane. Is a member of th firm of Flelschner, spa 4 - $ Max rielschnsr. Mayor Ct Co.- He has been a Hf lon Democrat, and he has taken an active part In politics, but he has never run for sn elective office. I. N. Flelachner. a brother of Chairman Flelschner, is a member of th board of education, and waa n prominent member of th Ban Franelsoo relief committee. STEAMER NORTHWESTERN ASHORE ON AN ISLAND (pedal Dfapstcta ta Tha JoernaL) Seattle, Maroh H. Cable advices thla morning from .Velds. Alaska, say that the steamship Northwestern, formerly th Otisaba, Is hard ashore at Latoucha Island. 69 tnUas northwest of that plao. Th Northwestern left her March 10. On the return trip It la supposed that sh lost her bearings In a snowstorm. Th passenger list wss probably small. OREGON COAL LAND IS " REOPENED FOR ENTRY - (Joarasl Boedal Sex-rice A Washington, Maroh I. In a state ment lsa-ued by th land offlos today, 710,608 acres of land In Oregon that tsa Thaa viraaloualw classed . aa - coal land and withdrawn from entry Is r-i opened. Land of similar character in Washington snd Montana wore re opened aa follows: Washington. $10,000 acres; Montana.. 3.000.000 aoraa. ,? I NEVER SAID IT, SAYS JOHN PIERPONT ' (Jonrnal 8 pec la Sert1e. UveraooL March II. J. Plarpont Morgan arrived her this morning;. He 1 afternoon. vile . . - Wltneasea Acalnst Hermann. . (Weahtnrtoa Burean af The Journal.) Washington. March It. Dr. Andrew C Smith and Harry Kooanaon, auicn ell's private secretary, arrived her to day to testify at the Hermann trial for tb government Monday. Dr. Smith will leave for horn Monday evening. TOYVNSEND & VAN SCIIOONHOVEN ; Wholesale and Retail Grocers f47 FIRST STREET Study on prloss than yon will se why on trade has tsar seta. Our roods ara of tha big-Bast naUty aad w shanenfe a oomysjia wlta th flaaat that an be found ta aay store, rraah maaoh Sawn, S doa. fo.....45) Beat Creamery Butter. T5t We gat our eggs from th farmer, butter from tb creameries n middle men. .-'--- - : . .- ' Cross sV Blsckwell Xueoa Oil. qt. ..65 Cross Blsckwell Chow. H pint. .20 Postnm or Flgprun Cereal ...s..S0 I can good Peaches Of Apricots... 15 Standard Tomatoes IOC) S cans Corn, Pea or String Beans. .S54 Evaporated Cream, I cans for ....154? 1-lb. pkg. Arm and naamtr noaa. . , r4t Naptha Soap 64) I bars Baby Elephant Soap....... X0 ARM A HAMMER SODA BULK, 3 POUNDS . . t, . . . . . lOo iiiczZaixiiaiuzzxn Boat yon bay ; r" -. aBOOumzBS Whsrs yon'r aiway Svava tharu pleaaet Oome to na ToaOl aak r to Moaa At ths rut-Iron (trooery . snorl . Cy th way. It la nsav ally speUad ' Flatlroa hers.) For fS.SOO snd on terms we offer ths nhov hew snd modern residence with spacloua grounds in heart of sristorratls Irvlngton, 731 , Tillamook atreet. . If in need of a home this Is worthy of your serious consideration, but It will mov quickly. .- k. . v." .! . , , ' ,;; .. . , ., Jackson Phon Main 3AO METHODISTS REFUSE TO JOIN CHURCH UNION (Journal. Special Service.) Chicago, March 2. When thA final vote waa taken by which the Congre gational. United Brethren and Methodlat Episcopal churchsa of 14 atatea were formed into one religious organisation, the Methodist delegates from Missis- . alppl and Louisiana refuead to accept . the result and re fused to have anything to do with th union. . NO HOPE OF SAVING . . LIFE OF CANBY MATt (Special Dispatch ts Tea Juaiaal.) Canby, Or., March 21 O. H. Ander son, who was terribly Injured by an ex plosion of dynamite while blasting stumps ' Wednesday, is reported dying this morning. Prsparstlons had been made to remove him to the Good Samaritan hoapltal at Portland, but he began alnklng so rapidly that th physi cians cav up all hope of saving his -tllfe."' ? -r--w-w------T--- Ton don't know all of grief and lone liness unless you have been a boy and ' lost a pot dog. Atchison Olobe. xt tot WAJrr m wx$t-m omasa Poultry, Fish aiid Oysters Tou can set them at G.C0VAOI&C0. ; y only . , . r Thy handl this Una 'only and put . $11 their fforts to frm, th public th highest grade. (,'.,'"; , G.C0VACD THE. HIGHEST. GRADES, OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. h. 1 :cofeee: 1 TEA PRICES BAKING 50VDER ,r- :extractss-" tfUST'RIGHT BBS CLOSSETt&DZVERS - . ,tJtU LAN U, . UI.IW 1 lb. English Breakfsst Tea.... ..954 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea S5f 1 sack Best Valley Flour fl.OO 1 sack good Hard Wbeat. Flour. . . .&0 t sack Beat Hard Wheat Flour (patent) .....,...-.... 91.15 1 bottle WoroeaterBhlr San, 18o sis v.... ............. i.....lr4 1 lb. Whole Nutmeg ;....8S4T New Crop Prunes, T lbs..... SKtt New Whit Honey, comb ....... .I64) 1-lb, can Corn Beef .............. 10t H-lb. can Deviled Ham, I tor .SS PHONB MAIN Jill. . ' Bast sld delivery Tueaday and Friday. r - . ml f S rfljiwev.--, M ccirtf VtDa arj , ajagssBXaSBo ,THE FLATIRON BUILD ING GROCERY v Will open for busineie Monday,, Marofc ; If. Ton ar cordially rnvlted to In speot our line and wa will be pleased t raoelv your order no matter how small It may be. . ; THE fLATIRON BUILD ; ING GROCERY miT ajtd oivanAJcus, Phon Esat it$l. - e& Deer in g: 3 AO. STARK STRHOT i i