The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 22, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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T rr c 3 r-r-N ri v-tn r- r-r-v
i '''. Y7
53 and, 55
North Third
; Street
Corner Davis
Sale Starts Tomorrow, Saturday, Morning at 9 o'Clock,
: at No; 53 a
North Third
J Street
Corner Davis
ladies? and Men's
; of Ml hinds to be Som of Value
v. ' . ... - w ,
MERCHANTS TAKE NOTICE All Unclaifned Freight will te sold in lots to suit, either by the case lot or the single piece.
The following items will give you an idea of the prices : , , p.'. v.; v.
: Hen's alt wool (50 Aft MenVl5c to 25c" On Children tfM H0 Hen's $100 ' AC? Youths' $10 GO QP Hen's $1.00; QftX
Suits .Vvv v Socks . . . . . . 41 and $1.50.Shoes Work Pants . I and $12 Suits V&oO (derails. ... . Vt
Hen's $3'Worki ;COo Hen's Odd Coats 0Co Hen's $1.25 ICo Ladies' $1.00 OCr Boys' 50c , Or Hen's $1.00 and
. y Shoes ' .-. . L worth $5;00 . . 3 1 and $1.50 Shirts and $2.00 Corsets o V fciee Pants. .;.x. V $2.00 Work Shirts
'-'mmmmmmmimmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmmammmm .BHHHMMajaHMMHMHMBHeaBMMMHBa HuHMnHMHMMHMHiMiHiHM
$100 and '$3.00 OCp 5000 pounds Co Hen's 25c iand Co Ladies' 25c .: , Cr Fancy China JQ Ladies' 15c and flo
Wool Blankets ,; Candypound . ; ',3y 50c Neckties . . . and 50c Aprons.. Jy ' worth $1.00. v ."1t ' 20c Neckwear ...
Ladies' 25c Men's 50c and Qn 10c Water Glasses OA Hen's regular Qo Ladies'$5 and CI flQ Boys' 50c and 75c
'and 35c Hose 31 $1.00 Underwdr-13L each ; .... .. 50c Suspenders v. $6.00 Shoes . . yl'VU Shirtwaists. . . . . Vl
J0c andSl5c U- a Hen's $5 and OC Hen's $15.00 (ffi QC 5000 large i nn ladies' $35.00 flC Hen's and Women's AQp
; Tin Wash Basins ; it i:.$frShob Spring Suits v V . $1.00 Rubbers . ;
$1.25 PAlUS TEE M
Ladies' $2.50 TA0 V nlf rented tfcl. .tor. for ve days, nnd everything mu.t be .oldbefore then. HenY50c and C(
WTilrl rtlil. Sttle start at 9 tomorrow morning ana all goods will be sold In lots to suit tne public. rt nn n-,u , IL.
Wniie WaiSIS . y VV ( Make no mlstake-COMlL TTHE BIG SALE1 , . , . , 31.UU ttatS . ; a v
Good Bowling Last Night on
.. Oregon and Multnomah
Allevs. l;
Lftmond Beats lUrmond im m Special
, v Match immn. Team Haa Kb Dlf
' f lenity la" Putting the OUsa Ag-
The Parka war. dfatd laat nlftit
by th. Chinook tam, which baa bn
tranarthaniul b - RauIuiKr. Oalllard
and ' N.wataad. Th. . raappMraaea of
thaa. m.a In th. aama maka th. dopa-
tara . alt up and look wlaa, aa to tha
atrongaat team In tha laaf ua. .
Thalr samaa avaraaad will, but owlna
to tha apurt tha Parka nada In tha aao
and (una totaling lit plna, they won
two out of threa ,
; Tha Columbia team -bowled for an
average laat night Each team rolla
twice during tha aeaaon for a team and
Individual average. Their flrat game
waa email, fS, but they ' came back
trong with t0 and 11. '
Sumption had tha beat avaraga of th.
evening 111, aleo, the highest alngle
game. 111. 1 -X
arranged batwean rred Raymond and
H. A. Lam ond. whloh waa won by tha
latter. Ha waa Immediately challenged
by Amba and Raymond for a match
Tha teama aoorea ara aa follow.: .
:, CHINOOK8. : '
, U (I) i (I) ara
Boulanger ....... Att lit 171 11
Christian 144 1S4 ' 14 16
OalUard 10 .16 10 174
Newatead 17 to 'ill ll
Moaar 14T 145 111 111
Hague .'.
Annpach -Dala
. .,
Amba -
ToUl T
... . . .144 14 ' 141
;1) !!
lit 171 11
......It 1 14
......17 174 14
,....ll It 1(
117 1 . 17
........... 711 til 101
. . . . i- m . i .
Olllaapla .........lit ' 1 . 181
Bolaad '...........171 111 117
Hill 144 177xlt
Keaa ' It7 171 17t
Sumption ........14 tit ' 17.
... -.-.- .. :
Total ........... tO
Team average. 111 plna.
At X. A. A. O. Aneya. '
. Ona of tha Olaee bowler. . did not
ahow' op laat night at tha Multnomah
club alleys and tha Jamaa gang bad
an aaay time. Here are tha scores:
- fci AMES TEAM. .
Jamea 171 lit 161 41
Keller ....10 111 1 60
Bailey 17 . II 14 . 4t(
Lombard 14 161 121 41
Jonea 114 ' 1(1 '114 41
II 71 14 1.0
Glaaa ...14i 10 111 .' 1(7
Blaajen .:..101 111 141 tit
Orton 114 141 11 III
Thorn.....; 101 11 111 tlO
"- 41 '. t lit 1.100
Coach Bezdek Is Putting Lemon
Yellow Players Through
: Their Paces.
(Bparlsl piapetA te TVs IsaraaL)
University of Oregon. Eugene, Or,
March M. The baseball candidatea for
Oregon' team are working out hard
during th wet weather In th. gymna
sium now, but th laat few day of out
alde practice ahowad some change In
th probabl lineup ara likely. Huston,
who has been trying for pitcher, haa
shown up aom. remarkable ability a an
lnflelder and it scams likely that ha
will play there Inatead of pitching.
Ramp, who waa an Infielder laat year,
la likely to go to the outfield therefor,
though thee thing, ara not certain un
til about tha flrat game. Kelly will
probably play la th field part of th
Urn also, for, though he caught laat
year, Johnson la showing up equally aa
well behind tha bat. and aa Kelly I a
crack fielder it la likely that he will go
to th hayfleld part of th time. -
"Dud" Clark la making good at center
field, he being easily "the faateat man f
th fly chaaera. Kaatlay la aleo doing
good work spearing borsehlde insect.
Bexdek baa been working very hard
with hla pitchers. Laat year the weak
est part of th team waa th alabatera.
and aa there la no new material In alght
Becdek la almply developing tha pitch-
era of laat year. Bo far ha haa worked
on th fundamental trying to get form.
Hurd aeema to, b trying th hardest,
and last year all that kept him from
being flrat-claaa .ciooalA waa hi wild
naaa. Beadek, who MKaa experienced
backstop, however, haa given him aom.
., SPRING 1907 ; :
Tor Style and Durability
It Has No Equal ,
Built for the Oregon Climate
Weve Lvcrythinj.
' to Wear for
. Men and Boys
, t iiaaTAM U6-H8 Third Street
l6tlil ne ' (Co -N"'Mrir
nonawK JDUiiaing .
valuabl points, and th poorest fan can
see tha Improvement In hla control. Ha
la a left-handed youngster with lota of
Th Portland Bunt olub members will
enjoy a closed paper chase tomorrow
afternoon. W. M. Davis and Dr. Em
matt Drake ar. tha harea for th. oo
eaaloa and a large field la expected.. The
start will ' ba mad. . at Eaat Twenty
Sixth and Kern atreete, near tha Clin
ton Kelly achooL at t:tO p. m. ,
a, 1
Th Multnomah Amateur Athletio
elub'a representatlvea at - th Paclflo
northwaat meet at Spokane, which came
to a close laat evening, will arrive horn
tomorrow morning. Bud Hughes, who
won th gold medal and tha northwest
championship by defeating Ray Stana
bury of Spokane, will atop over at Te
koa for a few days, visiting hi brother.
Hughe had all the better of th. argu
ment with Stanabury. Smith of Mult-
nomahr who - wreatled' Venablea af Se
attle, put up a rattling good bout, but
lost tha decision on lack of aggresalre-
neea. du. alone to experience. Smith la
a eomer and will maka alt men In hla
claaa atep lively In tha future. . I) ran fa
of M. A. A. C went up agalnat
stronger fighter in Parsons of Bpokane.
Dranga waa kept on th. defenaiv. all
during tha bout, whloh laated ona and a
half rounda . When the. Jwiockout came
Dranga'a head bit tha floor, and thla had
considerable ta do with bis taking th.
count at that time. The Spokane boy
treated tha visiting clubmen In a moat
hospitable manner. - '
. ... e ' .- ' ;.' , '
Irish athletes In Dublin have been for
aoma time dlecuaalng tha question of
tha handle whloh Is auch an Important
element In what la known aa "throwing
tha hammer." It la proposed to bar
certain American Innovatlona In th
build and eonatructlon of the hammer,
In future the handle muat be a atralght
ateei rod with a wooden, grip.- Thla, in
effect, meana a return ta th old-time
condition and an abolition of th wire
rope handle. Among professionals and
spirants to professionalism thla new
order recelvee a mixed reception. Ed
ward Barrett, who belonga to a family
af Iriah athlete and holds records for
hammer throwing, both In England and
Ireland, agrees with tha Idea of re
turning ta th. old etyle. "Our fathers,'
he said "were nature's athletes. We are
only meohanloal an artificial lot look
ing out for aom. artificial aid to aup-
ply what nature refused to give us. I
ara glad to support the new regulation
In th construction of th hammer. Let
It be a hammer and not a flying machine.-
No man admires the Inventive
genlua of America more than I do. but
from tha very commencement I con
demned tha wire-rope handle. . It doea
not ' give aa. honest athlete a ' fair
chanoa." ..,
. . . -
In th. Multnomah club's pool tourna
ment lest evening A. Morris defeated A.
Kerrigan. 41 to 17.
e e ',:.(
Th gam. between the Alblna Athletic
club baaketball team and tha Chamawa
Indiana, which was to have been played
last night at Alblna, baa been poatponed
until further notice on account of
waahouts on th Southern Pacific
will ba run and won at th fair grounds.
Th event la exciting tha usual keen
Interest among th turf followers and
a record breaking crowd la expected
at the track.
It will ba tha fifteenth renewal ta tb.
history of tha race, which year by year
haa gradually grown In value aad Im
portance until thla year tb. winner will
pull dowa a tll.OOt ataka, the first af
Its ' six aver offered her. Prom pres
ent indications tha horse that will go
to .tha. poat will comprisa a -faat- a
lot of 1-year-olds aa ever faced th
tarter flag. Betting on th rao I
already vary brisk and an Immense
amount of money will Chang handa an
tha result. . '
Crescent Cltjr Derby. '
New Orleans, La., March 11. Tomor
row tha banner event of the winter turf
urao. tb olaaal Craaoeot Cltv derby.
Future Bins Erenta.
March Chart! Niary vs.' George
Memslc. 10 rounds, at Milwaukee. Wis
consin ; Jack Johnson of Topeka vs. Jim
McCormlck, , 11 rounds, at Omaha, Ne
braska. March H Jack Palmer vs. Jack
"Twin" Sullivan. 10 rounds, at Los An
geles. California; "Cyclone" - Thompson
vs. Dick Hyland. rounds, at San Fran
cisco. California.
' March 17 Billy Rhodea va. Bill Papke,
IB rounda, at Davenport. Iowa. -
March X Tommy Murphy va. "Kid'
Sullivan. 10 rounda at Baltimore, Mary
land; Canadian boxing championships at
Toronto, Ontario. .
March t -Canadian boxing champion
ships at Toronto, Ontario.
March 10 Canadian boxing champion
ships at Toronto, Ontario. - ,
Near" and Memsfe to Meet.
(Joermt apertst fcfft
Milwaukee. Wis., March 11. The beat
boxing show arranged by the Badger
Athletio club thla winter Is to be pulled
off at Sch litre park tonight The
wind-up will bring together Charlie
Neary of this city and Oeorga Memelc
of Chicago. Th. agreement provldee
for a io-round bout at in pounda
Several promising preliminaries have
also bean arranged for th ahow.
Killed by Kicking Horse.
IIashmI oedt lnle
Pendleton. Or., March 11. William
McQIbbon, a fanner, waa killed by the
kick of a horse near Wallula laat night
He leave a wife and three children.
McQibbon waa a pioneer at Weston.
Milwaukle Country Club.
Eaatern and California races. Take
Bellwood and Oregon City cara at Flrat
and Alder.
pairing partner ef Jahn L. Sulllvaa.
ara carded for a ll-round bout In Oma
ha tonight under the ausplcea af th.
Oethoff Athletio club. It will ba thalr
second meeting in tha (tag. Tha two
are - regarded as evenly matched and
ara counted upon ta pat ap a alugglng
. ..
HeaTTWelfcht Contest.
Omaha. Neb., March 11. Jack John-
eon, the colored heavyweight af Topeka
and "Big -Jim" McOormlok, former
Men's ShirtSStylcs for Spring,
1907. Coat and regular styles, cuffs
attached and separate. -n
Light shades . . . . . . 4)1.-)U
Jersey JackctSNew line of ex
tra fine Jackets in Cardinal, Oxford
fcnd Light Grey, Navy r n
Blue and White ..... ) 0 . U
Neckwear The popular greys of
the season in new and 3ltr:c!iv:
designs and effects. Lzi;z
1 1