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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TOMIOHT I AMOSEMrSTi. Rttllg , -. . fcsiplre. Oraud . I.jrlo ,. mw..., .. ..''...."The VlrflnUn" "Hliaonno of the Klitti" ."lb King of Tramp." V.mte.lMt ....."Ulcluel Mtroitorr' "Dwrartud at tbe AU.r" Mor than 10,000 hare of th Butt Boy Mining company a share were sold yesterday to paraona who ordered by mail direct to th office, Weatherly building, 1ft East Morrison atraet. City sale are constantly increasing also, since it la becoming mora broadly known that thla la a atrictly home com pany, composed of home buslneee men, each on well known to th community II I man of atria business Integrity. .According to th stock quotation, those who at Its original price invested f 1(0 ' in tn chare ol the Mohawk mine at Ooldflald could have unloaded yester day at $104,000. That wouU be rather a comfortable aui of . money for any body to possess, and om of th oper ator of that great property told r manager 10 daya ago that "your allow ing la Juat aa good aa our wa at th asm ataga of development. I cannot aee any dlfferenoe between your o'rea and ours at your preaent depth of shaft. J ahall not be surprised if within a ye r your shares era worth a .much as ours." Three yearj ago Mohawk atock sold at IH cents. It aold on Monday for 117. Mathematicians can ftguraior - themselves the profits on that kind of investments. , 'v ',;', BE ALIVE to your own interests; don't wait until you're sick or unable to work to begin to save money. Bev gin now and put your sav ings, big or little, in this bank. Let it grow , in our care and get the 4 per cent interest we allow on top o; your own money. Be alive "f "flurfesth-a '.Therapeutics1'-' weathe .'-. subject of a- lecture by Dr. A. A. Mor , - riaon. rector f Trinity Eplsoopa.1 4 ' Church, ' at th Fourth Presbyterian ' church last night. - Th lecture waa under th auspices of th South Port' , land Library association.- Dr. Morrl .. eon told how to ward off many forma of dleeaa without. th use of medicine ' - and declared that th - physician who , used medicine moat sparingly was the on who accomplished the moat good. - H declared that few - peraona. realise : that by their mental condition many of their aaaoclatea are mad unhappy ,'.; and aom ar mad even to suffer ao- . " tual pain. ."' .. ' Judg Wolverton. In the United State . ' court thla morning dismissed th auit brought by W. p. Allan agalnat the La ; ' Grande Water Storage company and th ' Orand Hondo Electric company and or- : derod . oaob aid to pay Ita own coats, . Th plaintiff bad eeked for IS.H9 dam- , ages because the two companies refused to accept a piece of machinery ordered by the La Orand Water Storage com pany on th ground that the eonaollda- ''.' tlon of th oompanlea had made th n- - chlnery anaaeaaaary, ... . 'TYt4 Horn Training asaoclatlon will .. meet Thursday at I p. m. in th city hall. Th aubject of th day will be "Nerrouaneaa, ita Relation to cnua . Government," which will bo presented by Dr. Oaroon BoyaL An evening meet - Ing of th aaeociation will be held next - Tuesday evening at 7:4 at th elty hall. when th ubJot will be "Child De- velopment and th Relation of ooedl i enc to Punishment"" Mrs. W.' J, , Hawkins will lead th discussion. ', v William Rtlea, a pioneer of Oregon, : died yeaterdagr afternoon at hi homo, ' 104 Eaat Washington street, aa a result of a complication of diseases. j He waa born In Ohio 77 year ago and came to Oregon in isoo. 'At on time b owned -' th block on which th Chamber of Commerce la located and ' sold It for 1100 to rata money to in alee th trip to California during th gold excite- tnent. He la survived try aywtdow, ar- eral brothers and a slater. ; : ' : Charlaa Barney, th young meeaenger, who a tola S!26 from Mrs. Dorothy Dar .; llngton last January, waived prellml nanr examination thla moraine- and waa i - . jwuiia over w mt iiaur7 irwt wura - -'of 1 780. Th lad .has announced hi Intention of pleading guilty -and in view ' of hi youth will undoubtedly p. com mitted to th reform, acnook- . Look! Look! Look! W take ear' of - your cloth by th month,., For II I , month w call for, sponge, pre, and deliver one suit of your clothes ack week and glvo you eight ahoa shine a month.' We have th largest club in th city and ar prepared to handle a lot more. Call n up on your automatic phone.- A 4314. Ualqu .Tailoring Co .100 Stark street.'-:. ,. , - '. Woodmen will hold th tenth meet - Ing of the aerlea, which la being held by the local camps, at Kem Park. . Thursday evening, iiarch 11. Th visit ' Ing campa will bo entertained by Arista camp and the eontcats will be between ' Arleta and Lenta camp. The tug-of- war teams ar in good shsp and a sVir pria 1 looked for. Refreshment will . be served and th public Is Invited.. ' In th eaa of Deloa D. Keer agalnat Franoea Van Zant, aa action' to recover 1371 for aervloea rendered aa an archi tect, th jury, found for Neer In the sum of 1110. . The eaa has been en trial before Judg Gantanbeln In th atat circuit court for oavaral daya, ... Bert Foreman waa arreeted yesterday afternoon by Detectives Jones and Tioh nor on a charge of larceny. He Is ao ruaed of bavin atolan a purs contain- W Pay -4 Merest Wrlt for our Free Booklet, , MJUnking by Mail.! :' ' " n Trust & s Bonk' Sixth and Waahlngton Street, Portland, Or. ; Resources $1,900,000.00 W. II. MOORE, President, ! K. E. UTLK. Vice-Prealdent. . W. OOPElt-MORR-(S, Cashier. DALiES F.U. d conPAny MAIN 100 MVITE YOUn niQuiniES for PnifJTirJG Fim ilD OAK STHEETS A OFFICE OF li Spectator Remov-d to Room ' U; Maclety BIds 265 Stcrk Street lngv$g.S5 from th horn of Mrs. Maud Tlfft. 201 North Twnty-thlrT street. Foreman was employed - br David H. Strowbrldga. a contractor, and while de livering a pane of glass to Mrs. Tim's residence purloined th purse. Th pris oner naa maae a run conresslon and th case waa continued, until tomorrow for hearing. -.:.' . - ' Rev. ,. J. K. Snyder of ' Vancouver, Waahlngton, will hold a aerlea of special evangelistic aervloea la the Sellwood Presbyterian church, corner Eaat Seven teenth .street and bpokan avenue, be ginning Monday evening, April 1. - Th service will begin promptly at 7: JO with a song service, the aermon at I o clock. Mr.. Snyder waa on of -Dr. Chapman's evangelista during th great campaign op live. " " " Hamilton Ward, commander-tn-ehlef or ta united Spanlah -War Veterans, will Tlalt-Portland,' April 1, on a tour of inapectlon of th' western eannt, Th local campa now have more than 400 members, Notlc of th approach ing vlalt of the commander waa r celved by ui secretary of Soott Toung camp ei this' city.- .. , - John H. Olbsgn, James D. Hart and George 8. Rodgera filed articles of in corporation today with . th county for th Rodgera-Hart-Glbaon company. The new company will deal in real estate and insurance. . Th capital -stock -la $4.500, . divided Into aharea of a par vaiu or loo. . ' Otla Col, a steam boatman, who' waa arrested upon complaint of Charles Boylan- for aaaault and. battery,, ap peared In th police court thla morning and entered a plea of guilty. After hearing th statement of th complain ant Judg Cameron Imposed a - fin ot lit. .;. .-. .. ; ... - ;.. . , Th Le lavaatment A Trust 'company waa. Incorporated' today- by, M. C Loo, George C. Johnson and 3. H. Mlddleton. Tha object of th company la to act as trustee of estate aa well as th pur chase and aala of real and personal prop erty. Th capital stock la $ 1.000, divided Into aharea ot 110 each. ..- ..- Th Dammaler Investment '' company was Incorporated today with a capital stock ot M.000. divided Into aharea ot a par value of f 10 each. . Th object of th company la tha purchase and sale of real and personal property. The Incor porators ar O. - H. Dammaler, ., Adrian MoCalman and Frank Mlohela. A. B-rOloeter, aergeant-of detective of New Tork City, returned last night from Salem, where he secured the neces sary requisition papers tor Herman Von Cleff and will leave tonight with his prisoner for New Tork. Von Cleff Is wanted In th east for grand larceny. He was. arreeted la Portland. March 4. Th suit of Stahl and Lawhorn against Minnie L. Foater, an action to recover S&31.0I for unpaid services on labor performed by tha plaintiffs on dwell ings belonging to the defendant, la on trial before Judg Fraser in th state circuit court adayv -,.- .. - Floyd Burtla. tnw-young man arreated for contributing to th delinquency of a minor child, entered a plea ot not guilty when arraigned in th atat cir cuit court this morning and bla ease wsg set down for trial April t. - .. The study claaa of the Council of Jewish Woman will meet this after noon In the gelling HI rsoh hall at t:S0 'clock. , Mrs. Alexander Bernstein will read a paper on "Judah Ha-Levi." fol lowed by a, brief talk by Rabbi Jonah B.-Wlaa. ,. ...'..'. j i ,.,-- Th educational department of th Woman's club will meet . with Mr. Nathan Harris, 710 Ollsan street, to morrow (Thursday) afternooa at 1:10, Reporta of committees will bo heard. A full attendance la desired. If wisdom guide your vaoloe. " you will b better pleased and It will cost you less money than anywhere else. If yon have your y glaaaea mad by-. Fourth street , "i-.- , 7 Mrs. Ok a Oehme. for years a well known saleswoman In th millinery de partment ot 'Ltpman. Wolfe eV Co I now in th salesroom at Fralay'a. 114 Third street where ah wIU be pleased to ee. friends. ' . - , - Steamer Jesse Rarklna. for ' Camaa. Waahougal and way lending, daily ex cept Sunday.- Leave Waahlngton street dock t p. m. -.j .- -, - Woman' Exchange .'lit Tenth street. lunch 11:10 to I; business men lunch. Acme Oil Co. sell th beat afty coal 11 and fine gaaolina Phone Beat tit. Why ' pay more? ' Meterer fits yur eye for L ill Sixth treet Berger Sign s 114 Tarn hill Phona DOY STUDEHTS SCARED MM Hot Talk In St. Johns Counci Chamber . Makes Professor Lead Class Hence. v '. . . , ATTACK MADE UPON . RECORDER THORNDYKE Third Ticket for Clip Electloa Nonv-'- lnated bj Caucus Leut Evenlng - Oliver II. Downs Indorsed, by In dependents for Mayoralty. 1 Bast lid XepartmemtL Professor Aldersoa of the high school took hi "amateur council body of youngsters studying the practi cal problems of municipal government In the St Johna public school to wit ness a sesalon of the St Johna counoll last night In. the worda of others preaent "the session as - a stormy one." Whether the embryo council ac quired some valuable knowledge -re garding the workings of the governing body of our modern cities is a much discussed question In St Johns today, At. any rate, tha teacher and hie email seekera after knowledge did not atay long. .. The following petition, signed by II taxpayers, waa presented by O. R Down a: '. a, the undersigned tax. payers off the city of 8t Johna, aak that the city recorder be compelled to make out his semi-annual report aa re quired by article li, section 74 of the charter, specifying th. duties of tbs recorder, and that aame be published according, etc" . ,. KawttVa tronf Talk.': This precipitated an attack upon th recorder by councilman H. 8. Hewitt which haa been unequaled in the doing of that etormy body. Attorney Greene attempted to pacify Mr. Hewitt aa he holda that the council haa already gained an Unenviable reputation. ...The report wa adopted. Mr. Thorndyk answered that , HI books were open to Inspection at all tiroes and that he could ahow Touchers for - every cent of ' money received or expended by him. He aald had been impoaalbl to make our a detailed report No other matters of Importance were transacted except a requeat from the Cement Products company aaklng for - a oertuled -copy of the contract mide by the city with Toungferdorf eV Son for the construction of the city halL - - On advice - of Attorney Oreene the request waa not acted upon.- A third ticket waa nominated laet night in an open caucus by th Inde pendent. . Oliver R, Down waa In dorsed for the mayoralty, E. M. Eaaoa for recorder and George XL Hall for treasurer. David Buaby, W. D Weeka 1 C'J. Anderson were nomlnaHed fori councUmen at largo. 8. L. Doble and J. ! H. Black for the council from the first ward and B. C Hurlburt and J. S. Downey for the council from the sec ond ward, r ' i X quarter block on. Jersey street was bought this week from Pascal Hill by Loula Richard, proprietor of - th Louvre at St Johna, for 10,000. Th regular meet In r of the East Side Business Men's club will' be held to morrow night at the hall on Eaat Pine and Grand avenue. Reports from the committees on the depot light and the occupation tax will be heard. Do you get good' coffee and taat Schil ling s Best . - - Ajnrawjmrn. Mas t n. ta. ita ma Mcitis Tttcirne Waahlngtaa UUUV ,. illUllftt Thor., rrl.. "it. Klirita. Marek xl. Bpaciai prwt Matinee mraraay. - , IOIIIX1 XMOTT . V la J. M. Brrl' Oom-dy-prasia. . MAtJCg BIT BT th nmx." - v venlac Priras Lower Floor. 10 rows, 91.B0 last rows, 1; Balceay, It 78c, AOe; Oellery, Me, JSC ' .. ! - Matinee Piles 11 te gSe. I4ta aa HCIttr THCITDC Waaalsstee tiuiu lULAiai. Umxa t, TWO y-ERFORMANCES TOOAT. , . gperial Pries - ' Last Thae . aUllaee 0:10 - Toftlsht. ' Tee Xn-ke ta fiCe Oemnay Frmets ' r--. nvsrur rauitK "' '-' ' th TrionriA. ' ' ' KvralBg Prices 11.00, tl.OO. TIM. KauV ase Prices tl.OO. TBe, fOe. SSe. See. BAKER THEATRE Oea. L. Baker, sfsr. Hobm ef th raahlmaM Baker Tbeatr timet OBmpaay. AS Tale Week. Breamcs. i:lt Matiaee ( (tUvrl7. J is. ' Tee nreat AnrkvlndU Military TtraaM. . "HAinfOV'Oy TH ilXTK." ttss riHier Dlreetia Mr.. Artbsr UsekleV. rirst Time- ts Partlsed. ' IsiBieese Cast I err Sscreae, Recer aest la Advenee. Bveainr Prlea. SSe. ase. tne. Wt.. ine, SSe. Haxt Wa "AO A MAX Mil1' EMPIRE THEATRE ,, . , ... Mntaa W. Btaaas. Maaaaer.' " ' Only Basten Itasd Attrsetlea. ' Tself All This Week tke Beetle aad eattosat Oeaedy Dreaia. " .th xnro) or TBAarrs." ' . Matinee Weniwedsy and Batmrday. Btralar Bmptre Pnpalar PTiees. - ; ' Wa AttraeUea "A COWBOY'S Oral.1 Tha Meier d Frank Store Great Sale of Women's Shoes $235 Pair Greafc' iSale -of JW'El Great Eaoter offering of 1,000 pairs of Women High-Grade snoeo, in patent colt, button, tfiucher and lace otyle. and sun metal. Bluchero; hand-sewed walking-weight sboeo, medium and high Cuban heels, all the new ohapeo and patterns, all (izet and widths. Best : $3.50 values,, for a few C?0 t days only, pair.... V3J Mioses and Children's kid Law Shoes, with patent tips and heavy extension ooleo, opring heel. Good, serviceable foot wear at a very low price Vi to 11, on aala at. pair.. .05 to 2, on sale at, pair, f 1.Q5 500 pairs Boys' - School Shoes box . calf, - lace - and ' Blucher styles; velour. calf, lace and Blucher styles: heavy double soles, solid heels, at, pair Z to Syt, $2.50 vaL, pr' f 1.98 13 to 2, $2.25 val, pair, f 1.T8 9 to 13. $2.00 value, pair, f 1.48 Easter Sole of Table Linens 72-inch Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, best patterns, great variety, at the . c 1,111 yard V.l mtJ Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, $175 grade, on sale for this special price. CP 1 A Q yard V $25 grade Bleached Satin Damask Table ' 1 Q Linen, yard........ V eUeV Great special value in large Satin Damask Table Napkins, best patterns, at the dozen '. . ... . . . rlesnl aneeiat values in ' TT anl Embroidered Round Linen Tea- cloths, JoxJO inches, Deautitui styles and qualitiesi phenome nal values, at, eacn . . .. . $3.00 at on ! it, each f 3.38 V v iiayniiia, $2.45 $3 JO val. on gale at, each f 2.98 $4.00val. on aale at, each 83.40 $5.00 vaL on aale at, each o).8 $6.00 val. on aale at, each f 4.98 Great Sale of. -ndssPHlows IJ0O0 Silk Floss Pillows here at special sale prices. They come in six sizes and are the greatest values ever offered, i Take ad vantage of this sale, 16-in. on tale at, special, ea. 24e 184n. on aale at, epedal, ea. 32 f 20-in. on sale at, special, ea. 88e 22-in. on aale at, special, ea. 45e 24-ln. on sale at, special, ea. SB? 26-ln. on sale at, special, ea. 65d Complete Atock of Blankets-and Comforters, all grades and prices l?Jfeillqn Agtmt ior Famoat "L Crcz Cortett A Model for Every Ti -Pre Instrcc'.lon Civen In Art Embroidsry Lcion Newest Methods Second Fl 1' Eiceptlonal Valoes in Rqgs of all rxe and gradss New pttern and Coloring at nnmnally low prlcet-Every home h interested In today' t Rqg bsrgaini -Third Floor a ltd It . 1 . J t Tmnnrtffd f Arhin-.f 4s Orint e7myoi Koitif ! A mmA i orings, perfect reproductiont of genuint Orientals, 5 ttzea special: 1 6x33 in. Surak Rugs Ea. $ 1; 10 36x36 in Rugs $350 Val S 2.95 36x63 in. Rugs $6:50 Val. 5 5.35 55x79 in.Rugs $12.50 Val. 510.65 69x99 in. Rugs $18.00 Val. $1 6:45 500 Axminster Rugs, Oriental and floral designs, 27x54 inches. Best $2.50 val., on sale at this low price, each National Roller-Bearing Carpet-Sweepers, nicked-ptat-ed, nickel protection plates on ends, $4,50 vol.. special., Sanitaire Carpet-Sweepers, dust-proof box, best model. Regular $3.25 val., ot this unusually low price, each. ,..., 01.57 03.65 $2.35 and Children's White Bresses . . . . : v : A beautiful showing of Misses' and Children's White Dresses, in Linens, Lawns, Swiss and Fancy Nets, trimmed with lace and embroidery, pointed and round yokes, low and high neck, short sleeves, with lace and insertion trimming; full skirts, with lace and insertion trimmed flounce, also drop skirt. Dainty styles for dress, party,' confirmation, Easter and graduation wear all ages. Prices range all the way from 6.00 to 822.00, and are wonderful values at these prices. See them on the Second Floor. ; Special offering of Lace Curtains" in two-tone effects cream grounds, white figures Japanese and leaded glass designs Large variety to select from AH are 50 ins, wide and 3 yds, long Reg. $3 and $3.25 vals. on sale today and tomorrow at this phenomenally low . price (Curtain De partment, i hira Floor) at the pair , $2.35 $5.00 Couch Covers $3.85 Each Soecial lot of 200 Heavy Double-Faced Couch Covers, rich btendin of Oriental colors, 60 inches wide by 3 yards long, fringed all around ; high-class Couch Covers of grand style and quality. 01 flC Reg. $5.00 values, on sale at this low price, each........ vV.Of Groceries Sold Here at Saving Prices K ate a rraaVa raaaa Keeha aat Java Coffee, ta aamal 40 " graoe, per pona4.,,,.,..,,...S3 Darke 8ala4 Dressing, araall. .10 Durke. Salad Dressing, sned. . . .18) Durkee Baiad Dreaalng. large. . .40 1-lb. ean Oiiffln's Asparagus Tips, on ale at, epeclal. to Victor Oltv Oil. euarts..... a. Too New California Navel Orange,- per dosen. jcreat special sej. .....300 Keller's Marmalade, per Jar.... SO 10 lb. Whol Wheat Flour... . .05 10 lbs. Rolled Oats for..,...,..40a Puffed Rice at, packa-.:,....,I0 1 pkc. 1-Ulnut Tapioca... 10 IV lbs. Nun-Better Tellow Peaches ca sal at, each .10 t cans Smith Kip. Herring . . ...So 1-lb. Jar Sheppard Marmalade. .SO lbs. Blicd Pineapple for..t,.15a C a B. lAicoa Oil, ouarta. ..... .To I pkgs. Orap-Nut for. ........ SS J-lb, Jar Chipped Beef 15 Xa A Perrln a Sauce small. . . .too tl lbs. Granulated Buaar. . .. ..fl.00 H-lb. eaa Lo wrier Cocoa for... .80 1-lb. eaa Baker Ground Chocolatf on sal at, each So t pka-s. Bon Ami for..; ase Sapollo on sal at, bar......... To 10-lb. eaok pastry Floor for. . . .So rvictor" Flour, "none better" peU value, th. sack ...... B1.10 1-aai. can Honeysuckle Byrup. .Ae lo-lb. aack Tellow or Whit Corn meal, on al at. ... . ....... . .ts 1 lb. Poatum or Flgprun, lb....aoo THBSTARK Tke Allan OJteek Oeatpeay Preseats - DESERTED AT THE ALTAR Br Mr. Mere K lassie?. Mttlesr Tnnilir . Tbarsdsr. . aataras - aaJ Sneday at 0:00 i. m Prtoee lOe ani SOe. Brerr eveeiec at SMS. rrtewe ise, me eaO 00. ai r pa sis. Ma-a eeve, au i LYRIC THEATRE Krtlaaa Veealar Stock Hease. Xvery Afta. aa xveala rau wesa. lne stsea Oem. ta u rasieoe iwai er in Ufe. "Xichaju. oiaoaorr." erred saets eaa sew ee ssiersd la eaVaaee trass 1 s. ai. te 10 p. as. pally wtiaeae at aeoal time. Evsalaa aerfnrientse et S:IS. aateraar ae aeaoa veaial anea at T:1S. AMATEUR RACES TONIGHT , . . . . real Tlai. at k. Oak gkattag Siax. Tonlaht will b amateur race nlaht at th Oak rink, and an amateur race will b siren at 0:10. Great crowd continue to err" the merit of th Oaks rink, and tha biff t0-mmbr band under direction of L, Hoch make katlnsr a delight beyond Imagination, Th rink open at 0 every mornlna;. and hundred ar taught th ekatlng art very week. Com out.tonlsht and hear th tnualo and leant to skate. . The Grand Weak Xank U. TaaeevUle ta. Kr, aa4 Kit, Walter X. Deavse Oa. ta fpeeUT Added Attrea Una Soil tk O'Brlea, ort Waste. lb. aa4 r. - Ma K, Oissar, Deaer, Oksa aad Aaalr, Tke Oaava. Matt tee. OAKSSHATKGREVK Amateur Race Toniflhl . aTkaa .alcn, Sa ta Vast . aad watak ta Oaks - Rlrilc William H.'iSherwbod AKWUOAT- maATXST VXAJTZS -'" V Wko played o wonderfully at Murlark Hall last night, has been en gaged for a ;, -..-....', . . RETtlLH RECITAL AT ICE CHAPEL CF 1"'ITA1AH cccacn f rioat everisg next, msca 22J , - MR. BTTP;RWOOD8 r'aylns- Is th equal. If not th superior, of any f oral en artist over whom people rev.. American should b proud of their own American pianist, and glv him a great complimentary re ception FRiDAT KVEN1NO. Tickets and reserved seats, TSa and flXO ai Khsrmaa, Clay fj Co. Talking Machines Sold on Easy Payment . Plan ' Talking Machines and Records is special department with us. We employ an "experi enced man, Who has exclusive charge of this line. . Our rooms for ; demonstrating records 1 and machines are easy of access, downstairs. t There you will find every item appertaining to .talking machines. . '.,:) , . , - ,t '.';';'"' cnpri jk I , A $30 TalKIoi ' Machine and J I Lt 1iL Six Disc Records for $2 1 .60 . Machine sold with our guaranty. Mafchines ri-;;r from fS.OO to f 7S.00 , Vnune Paper A Nice Stock of Good Values at - Popular Prices : , ' Box Paper and Envelopes, linen ; . . . . . ,25e Tablets, bond or linen ...J ..20t Papeteries, long boxes . ; ; ir. ........ . 50o Ink Tablets ..5o lOe and 13e Writing Inkalors.'.r.V..i'.5t lOe and 15e Writing Fluid, half pint, one pint and quarts J Library Paste . v. . : . . .5 lOe S5 and 50 Novelties Representations of Chickens, Rabbits, Eggs, etc, true to nature. , ' ' ; - , New Denatured Alcohol Just as good for heating chafing dishes and use b alcohol stoves, at ONE THIRD the price of pure" alcohol 'Burns without smoke or odor. . ' ' -. ... ' fO) RALPH CRYSLER, Prep.