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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINO. MARCH 0. 1807. LESS STREAM DHDEOT Hydrographer Stevens Deplores . ; Failure of Legislature -, to Appropriated COSTLIEST STATIONS TO BE THE FIRST TO CO r-jurfrrh and Ontnd'OregoB, ber Work Ii o( Mort Moment, Are Ibarra Volunteer Obaorrera Maj , Help' la Overcoming Ditt lenity, (Special rtteaeteh to Tke JearnaL) EaJem. Or, March 10. A a result of ' the legislature's failure to paaa the . Katou bill, providing for additional ap propriations. J. C. Stevens, dlatrlot hy : rtrographer of -ther United Btatee -ee . logica) survey, atatea that much of tha work In tha Una of at ream measure ' menta In Oregon will here to ba eur- tauem materially tha comlne seaaon. "Tha abandonment -of work of - this nature right la the very face of aa In creased demand for the- results," aald Mr. Stevens, 'la greatly to be regretted. , dut mere is no alternative, - ; "A reduotloa ta the fixed charges for , tha malntenanoe of a large nnmber of the regular measuring atatlona now be. cornea abaolutely. necessary.. 'This can ; be done either by reducing the number ' or atatlona or by enlisting the cooper- , atioa of parties Interested In the re- - suits obtained at particular stations, . and thereby securing voluntary obaer- veuona. . ? t Oaatcal Oregon Will ataXfe. A reduction la tha Bomber af ata tlona will, la any event, be necessary. - The atatlona la central Oregon are of great Importance to the residents of that portion of the country and to pros pective In res tore of capital and to tha - atata whan reclamation Is la progress under the provisions of the Carey act. 1 Notwtthetandlng this. It will be neoea aary to abandon a largo portion of tha work la that part of the country on , eooount of Insufficient funds. It may be possible at some future tin to take . up the work again, but tha records. In - thla ease, will lose a great deal of their value, aa account of thla enforced Inter. ruptlon. , : , Toluateer Obawvure .weald, Xsb f "The stations so affected - will . ba those on the upper Deschutes river, t those la the neighborhood of Sliver lake. , on the Chewaucaa near Paisley, and on me BUvlea fiver- and Silver creek In ; , the vicinity of Burns. The work In j . Malheur county -will be reduced to that ! of one station, on the Malheur river at -Vale. The eitlaena of Union, realising the importance of the .results obtained on Catherine creek, at that place, era j pumto spirited enough to furnish obser-' ; vatlona voluntsrlly, which work will b maintained. If possible. Ia Wallowa - county all atatons on the Wallowa will be discontinued, unlesa local parties are J sufficiently Interested to furnish volun ?' tary observations, - Tha atatlon oa the i I'matilla river at Gibbon, which has Tseea maintained for a number of years, wtu ba abandoned. -?'. - ,Wnt: of the Oaeoadea. 1 ' - "West of the Cascade ' mountain! a CLERKS HAVE TO WORt OVERTIME Entire Force of Interior Depart ment Ordered to Hasten Patents for Settlers. USE EVERY EFFORT' TO EXPOSE LAND FRAUDS Clerks Will Work. Flail Hoar Extra Every Dajr to Get Out Patent-. Thirty Thousand to Bo Issued at Once Land Looters Warned. ; . . j number of atatlona have heretofore j: been is Interned which are chiefly velu v able for power purposes, and It win be necessary to abandon tha work at sta tlons twhere the expense la Inordinately r high. , just which win ne airectea nas I not yet been determined." :, f PERCY R. KELLY DEFIES r. COUNCIL' OF! ALBANY if . ... f r '"' fSseeisl Dwpeteh tv The tarsal., , 1 Albany, Or . March 10. The etty council la hi a Quarrel with Percy R. l' Kelly la regard to certain repairs that r he desires to make on his building, att . uated on first street - A complaint has ..'been filed with the county elerk and a '' temporary Injunction obtained to re . strain tha etty officials from tearing ; ' down or Interfering with the work In '' progreaa on tha building. The council tV on March It passed a resolution declar ng agalnat tha Improvements en . ac k" count of being In the fire llmlta.'and i. ordering the proper officials to atop '"the work Immediately. -... fWaahlnstoa Bareaa of The Jearnal.) Washington, March 10.-An order by the new aecretary of the Interior that all clerka ahall work every day until o'clock means that t,00 people ta the Interior, department will work one halt -laj-noux.AxXraechdax Jq bring up to date the patenta which have been pend tng for ao many months. Secretary Garfield was seen today by your eorre- aponaent ana sal a: . "I And that many patenta have bean pending for a long time, and. after con sultation with Mr. Balllnger. the com missioner of the general land office. thought that the only way to amend the situation was to require the clerks to do some work. Hence tha order." Maty Taeasaaa rakaate reaaiaf. Commissioner -Uaillnger aald that there ware 0,009 patenta pending la his department, and that It baa been the de aire of tha administration Ho hurry them to completion. Tha extra hoar order will be effective until April 1, until May J, U neeesaary. Aa soon as the congress voted not to allow the i0Q.00t asked tor by tha In terior department to Investigate en tries, the situation was reviewed, and thla measure was resorted to In the hope that much might be accomplished to relieve western settlers who have waited . lor their . patents for many months. Of the 0,000 pending patents, I0.W0 will be hurried to Issuance without de lay; the ether t.u will be examined as far as tha financial resources of the land ofnoo will Justify and will thea be rushed through. It has been made apparent that the new administration of the Interior de partment and general land offloe pur poaea to continue the policy of former nonrotary Hitchcock and ferret out frauds wherever possible, leaving no ef fort anused which will contribute toward the desired end. . . . v Impressions have been given out that there would be an entire reversal of Hitchcock's policy, but It la understood now that there la ne such Durnose en the part of the new officials, , .-Onara Agalnat rsaaaV ' ' Land lootsra will have to tax- imHm that there will be no cessation of vigi lance and that attempts to steal from the publlo domain' by the devious de vices heretofore resorted to -wilt meat with the best akin at the command of the agents of the department having ion uusiness. in cnarge. in every manner possible tha nreai. dent and his subordinates have made It piem inai tney. wui moairy orders or issue new ordere whenever ft is shown that the settler has been onoressnL The rweaae m iB.evv.eev sores or eoal lands, which had been Included erroneously ta ma di.vuv.uvv acres withdrawn from entry last summer, la one of the meas ures referred to. and the other la an order saying that patents ahall issue with all possible dispatch, uui th.t home-makers In the west ahall ba im. tected. : . -: , .- . , ' ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver PiUs. f " v.. .' ;, : Must Boar Signature of Y -t Wrapper Tary CARTERS IXI IEABACRL , ro duzineis. roi uuoHSiitt. ; F0TC!riDUYll. FCI COXSTIPATtO.- rci tAUOwsm. rOITMCCOMPLUIOI MmwWMh Afes Mite Safety old nffiE nils rnce qss m ;p.f j. v iiiQirciia S3 CURE SICK HEADACHE. WAS BLESSED OF WAYFARERS Chester Sloan, ' Long an Hon. . orer Innkeeper, Deadat'V; ' i V , Forest Grove. Prepaww to Strike. ' Ooaraal Bpecatl errlee.l Chicago. March 10 Oreaniaera t tha International Association of Ma chinists, embracing machinists of all grades,- today notified the local anions that a strike la likely to be called In May, and they had better be prepared. There are t.OOO membera' in Chicago An assessment of II a week was leviMt to create a atrike fund. bon t lot tha baby suffer from eesema. rea or any Itching of the akin. Doans Intment givee instant relief, cures so rea Ot aulcklr. Perfectly All druggists aeU ft to ror children. ' (Bsedit Dlepsteh te The 7oeresL : ' 'Forest Grove, Or., March to. Cheater Sloan, aged 1 rears, one of the best known cltlsens of Washington county, passed away here Monday night after aa Illness of over two months. . Mr. and Mrs. Sloan established tha first . hetsl .in - Forest - Orove, in lt(, whloh was known as tha Sloan hotel, and among traveling men all over the ooaat It was renowned for Its hospi tality. Mrs. Sloan died In 1104. Cheater Sloan was born In Chautauqua county. Now York, la IStS and was married to Mlaa Sarah A. - Cheabro, a native of England, tn 1(41. Hla people were early settlers of Madison county. New Torlt . la 1111 Mr. and Mrs. Sloan came to Oregon and settled In Forest drove. Later they moved te eastern Oregon. where they engaged In the stock busi ness. In what was then a wild and un settled region. After three years thay returned to thla city and established the rorest u rove hotel. ' Ot the three children ' horn to them but one survives, George 0 of this olty. mi. Bloen burled today In Buxton oemetery , by. the side of hla wife. . ; .-.' At a pncti'cAl mechanic and electrical engineer 1 have lot fourteen yw ttudied how to nuke can rna fatter. kucaci, mn uim vrcr ociore. am aone cxpenmenuna;. "v , - . i I Have at Last the Greatest Invention ot This Century. I Can Double the Earning Capacity of . . Any bteam or tlectrlc Railway in Existence ; .-- It" wHI 'remodel the whole railroad business. There Ja not a railroad In thla rnnntrw hut that will innntr or later b compelled to adopt my system, became It is faster, aafer and mo"recohomicI In operation thtrf- aiiy oincr system. 4 ;,. . ' - . ,... I absolutely control the next reat step forward In the railroad world in my patents. , Why f Because steam has run its limit! Steam cannot run a train 100 miles an hour and keen it no. The trollev and thw nreaant third-rail systems cannot be depended uoon for long diatancea. Their motors are likelv to burn out anv min ute. With my system I can run a train any distance in any kind of weather, without a hitch of breakdown, 80 to 200 rniles an hour, with perfect safety. By my system, if f wheel broke or a rail broke, ths ears would stay, exactly in position on the track. They could not do otherwise. Thsy could not jump the track at any speed. it would be impossible to run my cars oil the end of a track into, a river where a bridge ii open. My car would stop itself even if the teverman was asleep. No danger of derailment on curves. r .1 know this whole system to be a success, because 1 have tried it for two years. During that time mil lionaira..hav tried, to gtt control of my system, but I. would not let them, because I preferred to protect my i OwHaTit-the;ther ttockholdera'linvestmenta. ' - Charles T. Yerkes offered me $100,000 if I would Ihrow myhventiennh-CTap ne aia not want io ot compeuea to cnange nis old cable system. i ' Wall-street capitalists have made five different attempts to gain control over "tha Leffler Electric System, and Wall street generally knowa a good thing when they see it . I conld not afford to let these big moneyed interests, get control I preferred to go to the smaller investors, to the people who want to make good, safe and aure investments. I have therefore bound myself to this company, and to every stockholder, that I will personally see to it that every man and woman who makes an investment in this company will get a square deal This is a square deal from start to finish. r . . m , v . . Te prave that roe win set a saoare deal t have had tae follewlua oontrmct arlsted sa ue sacs et eTerr eeruiuatai .... AH er any ahaiee ef the assltal atsek ef the Leffler Xieotrie Syateai will ee re. 4ead kr it et per er faes value ap te and faMlsXisg the 10tk aay ef air, A. D. IMS, spea wrlttsa aetlae pneerly fives to said Company at its exseutlTe effloa ia Ohleaae. Illuuil, la a aissssr sad farm aa pnvidW ky its ky-laws. aad edep4 Vy a siaieritr ef tae atoskholdera ef thla Compaar, ae that all ateok ee effeied for ledwnpuea, wltkla eay givea parlea, saay aue eeeally eaS propertloaatalr, Sow ever, tha stock ef this Compear ia oalf radeooatile trmm fuads leaeivad, er te ee Mini, as nraltiea fran nurcaS oom paniea aahie toe yatoats ef this Oaapaay aadot lieeass. aal after anpof aotloa, aa afonaald, wnloh auy e resolvod fran ttoekkoldan diroet, ef from saoh ef aald imilnad eoupaalae aa save rsaatved said stock la sarnioBt for iiaasportatioa. sv otaorwiae, ikOVIDSD, BOWXVEa. aa tMok shall ke rodeaeaed BatU after Hay loth, lavs, eaeept at the eyUea ef taia Oasipsay, .-. This Contract Means eompanr win pay that eet ef the royaltiaa aald by rallread paalea Q.lnf sir arataie tola eompanr wit roe full face value for every ahare ef stack roe ear as that If yea hnasht 100 aharea at the prosoat price rea weald be able to got at least S1.000 br taralns roar eertlflrata of atock la te aa, ta ba paid from royalty moeer in ear treaenry. I doa't think yoa will rr.r want to aelL baeasaa of the eaormoaa dut Oonda we will par. hst if yoa shoaM be esm poued ta e.11 roar eertiacate would tbea be worth Itt fall fare value. Thla makte it absolutely Imooaalhla nw aav stockholder te be treses eat of tbs sompany. No Lurking Scheme In This We have ae sldaabow com pantos er braces argaaiaanene Car the parpoae of foellag peeple, aad wilt have aone. - All bastneae at to ba aoae ea eeatraeta te ' be- performod by, with aad for . the leffler Klectrte Sjitam. Thla eompesy does set esatraet with say eosstrne noa company having officers eoaaeetad with thla aempsay.- Tble uaane that we will not allow the eaapsay efflears te let eaatraets to thaaualrae aader the guise at a eaastrae tloa company, er a- compaar ef say ethaa kind, te dafrsad the stockbalders. . ; Every Share on the Square Wot a dollar's worth ef atock will be aoM which deea sot rapneeat acaetly the same footing er standing that every ether share or dollar represents. - The stock ta VULLT rAIS aad NOV-ABSKSt- ablb. , . .t. t . . '.;rt- -. My Automatic Signal Service I abaotataly prsvent eaUlatoaa. latjeaeia a ess bum It sends el sua Is ahead aad be hind. It U not affected by storms er ear weather condition. My alsaal sratam does set reontre either haed er mind ef stsa to op erate It. No wires er poire ere eanoeed where atorms eaa blow tbea eows or Interfere with them. If through some accident one alcnal la brosra. m etberwlae pet eat ef eommtoalon, another alsaal ImatadtaUlr tokaa Its place. arrry tram aiapatrher and operator ea the road eaa so te sloop, and my slgaala wtU work perfectly ' and eafely. ' Em the train men hare nothing to de With then. ' Three . ae forgetting. . Krary stsnal works anro. statically. Whea trains eome toaether t cloaely, head oa er from the rear, ea eleetrie bell rings vlgoreasly ta the leveraus's eaa. Cars Under Absolute Control ' It la all controlled by ene lever. The arvar aa atarta. stone and mine with tbe seme ktrar. Snow, loo, alaat. vain, greaae, dirt and each suhetaneee de not afreet the power er eootral ef , the, est aa train. , . Investigate Us Carefully , 1. cannot deacrlbe the aratam folly bare. I bare dona thla. la a booklet which I will aend rea free for the aektn. If roe eas't take but tea aharea. gat the booklet and leara fully all the wondere of the elmpleet. Boat perfect are test ever oerteea. It will eet yoa to wonder ing that some ene did set think ef this atarrelmis Idea before. When I aaad roe thla booklet t will elae aend roa tha re porta ef eame ef the ableet electrical englnaera In thla eoootry. wbe have aarefnlly ezaailsad the ayataa. They fully indorse It. We reeelia aha est daily tasussta fraaa te spaaafkle parties for eatimatae fa aattiag ta my jilaaa ea sew reads about to be ees Straeted. OaU, write er tolagsapk at ease. ; : Insure Yourself a Life ' Income Now ! , , far every IS ebaraa. S4I eaaa. r For eeery 10e aaaras, S4e saak. ' Anv etha aambaa ef aharea. aa to t.eoa shana. at the eame rate. After Saturday sight. Karok SSrt, the arlaa af this stock will ae, le aaaras S4S. 100 shares Our Easy Monthly Payment Plan gar every M shares, V eash aad sjsataly vwn. ea ff on. . ivimu ty payments ef SSaS For svary 100 aharea, gTO aaah and I payments af 7 eaeh. Total Sana, Any ether sambas s aharea. Bp aaeaw at the same sate. GRANGES CONTINUE TO REFERENDUM THE BEST $3 HAT H. IN THE WORLD H - A 80,000 SOLD,' NOT ONE RETURNED BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER . (' V ? V . v ';- ,' Harmony Crang at 7 Albany -'y Swells Cry for Relief -; From Legislation. ,"; ( ;;';'.;'". (Bpeelal Diapateh to The losmall Albany, Or, March 10. The aranae organisations of the country are con tinuing to resolve egalnat tha heavy a p. proprtatlon ef the last legislature for tne maintenance of tbe University ef Oregon. At a meeting of ' Harmony grange the following resolutions Vers adopted: "Whereas,' At fhe last meeting "of the IJnn County CoundL P. of H.. a resola- tlon wss presented ' and unanimously adopted by that body asking for tha re ferendum upon certain laws enacted at the last aessloa ef the Oregon legisla ture; and- ..... :7, "Whereas, Said resolution was em phatic in asking for the referendum upon the compuleory paaa law and upon the e re salve annual appropriation ef 1121,009 for the state university; there fore be It "Resolved, By Harmony grange No. 13. P. of H., of Linn county, Oregon, ta regular aeaalon this ISth day ef March, 1S0T, That wa heartily Indorse the aot loa of aald council In pasalng upon the nesaurea; ana De It further . fReeolved, by thla grange. That we are decidedly la favor of Invoking the referendum upon the aforesaid S1SS.00S appropriation, the compuleory pass law, and other, we believe, extravagant ap propriations, knowing tha same, thus recklessly appropriated, total aa amount that will make tha taxea a burden upon a majority of tha taxpayers of Oregon," BETTER THAN COLORADO , LANDS AND CHEAPER (Special rpeteb to The Joereal) Bend, Or., March SO.- Aa SO-aere tract of ditch land near Redmond. Ore- iron, and lying la tha eagre ration ef tha Deschutes Irrigation Sk Power eom panr, ''Id last week for 11,290, or 140 per aore. Thla land had been Improved somewhat, having a house and a few other farm buildings on It. and eome land cleared and plowed, Tha purchaser, a Mr. Meyers; comes from Loveland, Colorado, where Irrigated land at a much higher altitude than that In tfie Pend country ta selling at from S7S to 1300 per acre. Ha la very much pleaeed with hla purchase here ' Many prospective buyers are eomlna Into the l3end country thla aprtng to look over the lands of the Deeehutea Irrigation Power company. . Without exception those who have had any ex perience in irrigated countries are very favorably impressed with tha future of this section. Tha price paid for thla land is . but a faint Indication of the Increase tnat la generally expected will take place aoon In . tha value of Im proved land hereabout. - READ. THIS LETTER ; We find it came from a thoroughly- reliable concern. It was unsolicited. In fact, they are entire Btrmng-ers to us. ft :;ty,fr: i t lEWIS S; company, ; v - V . , ; ., SOLICITORS OP PATENTS.7 f Electrical Warfc a. Sned.ltw. v ' ZV s'.r:'A Ptent and mechanical expert I have been greatly interested in your clajms for the Leffler Electric System, and realizing its enormous value, if properly , protected by Letters Patent. I made an exhaustive investigation of your patents in the U. S. Patent Office. . . . . . ' The result has convinced me that you have an absolute monopoly in what is destined to revolutionize . the railways of this and other countries. The dividend possibilities of your company are almost incom prehensible, controlling as you do, practically BASIC patents. It is my opinion that you hare public necessity, and as patent man I know thst you have a monopoly in its exploitatioo. The value of the - patents cannot be overestimated. - ' ' ; . , , . , Altogether, from my knowledge of patents and mechanical matters, and what I know of the possibil ities of your system, I would ssv that not only is your company rather under capitalised, but at the present prtcc per share will prove indeed shrewd investment. ', . v ;, Therefore, kindly send me subscription blanks. Very truly yours, LEWIS & CO v . V - ' , - ? -" ' JOHN AMBLER SMITH, Secretary and Treasurer. ! - Twelve Daya Later VST. Smith Was a Stockholder. - -'A : PAirr. w. Lirrua Inventor of , the ' Ieffler Electro-Mag- netlo Railway and Signal 8yatem In ventor of machine to make Barb Wire. Inventor ef many tmprovementa to Har- Consulting Engineer ef Leffler Electrle gystemA.. ,: " ' J ; Per vales ef an aharea, tro par share. .' - an reanttasaae aasst ae aaaSs la either nost- efflea awasy order, raglatered latter, eaprass money craer er eran ea Maw Tors er Chicago. If yea let this epportesltr gat br wlthoet taking aU the steak roa ess poaalbly bay yea wui aoon "be la the seslttoa of the aisa wbe reraann an nay seu leiaDBone stoea Wbaa It . eouls be had for email anney aad later eaw ' It aell far thirty times what' as eeeld bare beaght M for. . , ., . . , OaU aad are se sad let aa axplata any thing roa Oa not aaderataad. ' ' ' rea aaa't eatt. Wrtte far boeklat aad ea glnaers' reports. saawannnawsaanwaaaaaawaneewa-----ii i i ii ,i n Mine a .nun u numi m i.i w .mn 'i v'l'i'.'wtwi'en nnnii i--' , - ' ' ' ' 9 t y - x , " - --'I' LEFPLER ELECTRIC SYSTEM (INC.) CHICAGO. " r , , ; This Leffler Electrle Train Will Run 80 to 200 Miles an Hoar and Without the Possibility of Jumping the Track. 8wift, Safe and Sure. Highest References. Mail Orders Postmarked Up to Midnight, March 23. Will Ba Ac- wwnvu m sTiviwii. k iivtv nuui vmw afaVii viucri mlUJ eVnqullTCgl fO F. D. JODNSTON, Fiscal Agent, Si&K! Office vsca Sattrdiy Enalsfj Ontfl eClwh Points to Remember About the C Leffler System Taking lb? Place of Present Steam ; Railways t it ooea away aatlraiy with IneenotlTaa, krary amtor ears, electrle enelnee aad all oraer alot liar heavy and eapenslvs I cnlnea. . ." .r. A stated ef SO to SOS nllea ha bear ess be resnlarty reached and Maintained 'for any autaaca. . - .f-.., - Hons Winter snd Bnmnar alike.': Mat af fected by lea, esew, greaae, dirty stoat, rala er any sues weataer coamuoa. - i Less thsa cae gnsrtvr'ef the Tnet Is Seeded.' Tralas '"rea' -be atared ' aed ' atopae4 enleker than by aay other raUm sad with est oiaooniXart to naaaesgara. , .. , he irtaced eno -aitlea . Ke brakes are reomtrad. Tha etnonlaa la osaw vy rareraing we -correal. There le ne flattening ef the wbe la and eoaaeeueet touting ef the de net grind oa the ralla to etart tralaa. hence ae boles and denreaakaw are made. It la aaalas ea the roadbed sad rare, and srecUcslly ae rasa Ira will be Beaded, . - Points to Remember AboutTbh System for Street Railways . There are ae' overhead wtree. ne third rau. ae alot la the treat, no anderareuad (roller. t ehatrncrloaa la the street. Can be ran falter, eater, easier sad Bora esatortablr thaa ear ether antra known. . ... It Is these sr te eeerate. aaee a half laae fnel st cower house, la eleaner. aorar and quicker In oeeretkm than an ether. Oanaet be itonel br aleet er anew. atorma, rala. lee, greaae. dirt ne any ether similar contractions ea tbe trsek. It cassot erodeee eleetmlrals en aratar nlnas er eosdulta la the atreeta. arhlrh la now sneh a heavy aaoenee (e ciflee aader the trolley. - . .... . tt rsnnot Interfere with anr ether elee trie wires, reanlree lean enrront than ethas ayatsass, asd derelopa greater power. . It la all controlled br eaa lever, aad to slwsrs under . tbe saoat abaolnte eeatrel, aayvhare, aad andar aU conditions. It Is nnlialaaa. atnee there - are ne reap. lags, antes or ether machinery .to grlad. miuaak or rattle. There are ae 'bare-en's' ef notore. be- aaaae there are ae aietors to barn out. It Is ImDnaetble for maa er beaat to rat a sheea from aa eleetrie enrreat. -. for a friend." ' The chief could get no satisfaction out of tha man, and finally decided he waa Irresponsible and ahould be cared for.' .. PYTHIAN KNIGHTS LODGE IS INSTITUTED AT BEND (".Dedal Dtenateh ta The Journal. 1 Bend, Or., March IS. The lodge of Knlghta ef Pythias organised In Bend has a memberahlp of IS knlghta An Installation team from Prlnevine was In attendance. Work began at 1:10 p. m. and continued until T:0 tbe next morning. - At midnight a reoeaa waa taken and a three-course banquet en joyed at tbe Hotel Bend. The new organisation starts oat un der very favorable auaptcea and with Indications of a , rapidly Increasing membership. Tbe oRlcsrs of the new lodge, which la called Deschutes Lodge, No. 101, are as folio we: N. P. Smith, C. W. Mer rill. 8. C. Caldwell end C C. Trlplett, past chancellors; Urllng C. Cos, chancellor-commander;' Charles D. Brown. vice-chancellor; H. P. J. McDonald, pre late; Charles A. Stranaburrough, mas ter ef work; Charles D. Rows, keeper of records and seala; William B. Wil son, m ester of finance; M. M. Morrison. yU gkneab. tmst aotrr OBAoax so ovtoa" i Hsve-OORrrereleeMbonheleS . una woa't tear eat, oas. '.Ml eo anaiwa Taov, a. v. TaiUMSH i Oawaattoawle." -r.aiellara," ; STI f I maater of exchequer; E. A. Orlffln, maa ter at arm a; B. P. Weat, Inner guard; Millard Trlplett, outer guard. - ' Loiterer's Sanity Sosprcted. , (Special Dlapeleh to The Journal.) " Aberdeen, Wssh., March 10. FVed StmMieeman tiae heen t.lfMl n VfAnta aano by . Chief of Police Schneider to I tte examined aa to hla sanity. The prisoner had been hanging around the city halt for several days with no ap parent object and when asked what he wanted replied that be waa "waiting CASTOR IA . For loiaati and Children. . , Tta Kind Yea Kara Always EtuwM , Bears the Blgiiatture of , Only One HOMO QTXaTZn." That ta LA X ATI Y ft BROMO Qnlalne. giml larlf named remedlea aometliuee decetre. The flret and arlrlnal Cold Tablet Is s WHITS rACKAUB wits blsrs snd red lettering, and bears tbe algnatare ef K. W. OROVS. oe. . Ilcemlts of Hems City Election. , iSpeDal Ul.nalHt te Tbe 'earnal.t Burns, Or., March 10. The municipal election held la thla city, waa a' quiet affair, there being no contests except for recorder and marshal. Tha conteat for marshal was the moat Important, with three nominees In the field, who received tha following votes: I. I. An derson.' 71; W. A. Msyflald, It; Carey Thornburg, 41. Tha following for other offices wera elected: Mayor, Ben Brown: councilman, Oeorge p. Ha gey, V. J. Hopklna; recorder, M. La Lewis; treas urer, I E, Reed. , . , . . ----- ti u mm ..I ,., r. DrJiIorroir'sAnti-Lean kakxs uast nona vat - TasoagTa the aerroas systeaa. It la a parely vegetabu eompoaaa. ' Contains no oils er fata or -. any drug that la lnjurtoua or iiaDie to proouce a habit IT IS THt CUATCST TONIC IN TUX WOULD Bach bottle contalna ' a month's treatment and cost a $1.60 at any first-class drVig etore. r re pa rea ny tne A!m-LEA!.llEDia3IEC0. Oregoslaa Sldg Trortlaaa, Or. H WOMAN A SPECIALTY MRS. S. Ke CHAIN Tbs saty Obfness wotasa sMdleal dorter la thla rtt?. She baa cured aiaey afflicted sarfarera. Cured prlrate aad female die eaeee, also aatbaia, throat and lung tmuhleet atomaeh, bladder and klrine and dleeeaae ef el! klnda that the bnmaa flaab hi heir to. Cured br Calneee berha and roota. Remedlee harmleea. Ho eeeratlona. Ifoneet treetmeaa xxAMiMATions racs. MS Clay Street. Cetser Third. MAYOR'S VALIIUT Oil Weetoree Color te Gray Helper Bearaf aileeeeea 1MB llekM SMM.taieAeiUiteMb.eM. a hi. etM. eMrtlertM. rreeeratli. ee..,, i ee rare r-eaar, rtlnl, ku, eejai. aM t.m ia..t.. errnlt.S.e thaetlksw. T.. eil Wit. ot-toti .,u -, inn. Mr te rr- , MOe.e aealtkr. S-e-rlll, IMnii leriiM m .erllDf eiih i, , III.MKMIel. S-.4hrM.UrI aieialVme BtaaaaSe.a j ii. eel reur arM.cirt tmii erli. .i rrteekr e..ll, trt.1 ee,- UnTlru,! Mayer Walnut Oil &J mm. i.eMiweMiaadATs., taataa Clly, JU. lf.l,J