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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, ' MARCII 80. 1807. LLI 1 r "t -V.- iA'e- . . .VL r m- J-f. r.Z.- -V 1 nnnrTn Arn - ' V LP J. I:. I ,.) I .1 Ml' - KILBURN WILL REnAin on Run New Owners Deny Rumor Stat - Ing That Steamer Would Be" ' Taken Off Coast Route. " IMMENSE TRAFFIC IS W BEING TURNED THIS WAY Steamer Alliance Dne to Art-ire Here Tomorrow Harrlman liner Costa Rica Arrives After rteaaant Voyage From 8aa Francisco. Tha Paclfla Railroad Steamship t eompanjr today wired . A cant WUUam . Baker at tha Oak strast dock that tha taamar-r. A. Kllburn will positively - rMnaln-ob tha run batweaa Portland, ; San Frsnclsoo and way leading. Soma days sco a wild ramor wae started to the effect that the Kllburn would be taken off the route and placed la com mlaalon between San- Francisco and watsonniie. The rumor is etnphatlcal . 1 dented. , The Kllburn I badly needed on tha eoast run, as tha steamer Alliance, now ' Vlylna between this port and Coos bay. . la unable alone to handle the Immense . . traffic Business with Coos Is srowtnr so rapidly, tnat euu another steamer will have to- be placed on - the route , soon er Portland merchants will suf i far the load of a great amount of busi ness that will be forced to San Pran . elsce because of the lack of transporta tion facilities from here. - . The Alliance Is due to arrive hers) to morrow, and already tha Couch street dock Is full of freight for Coos. It Is expected that she will be forced to leave aoma behind, although Cooa la , 'new tha southern terminus of the route. The-San Francisco liner ' Coata Rica, Captain Mason, arrived at Alnsworth dock last nlirht, bringing a full cargo i nt general freight and 45 passengers. The voyage up the coast was delight fine, sunny .weather prevailing all the way. The ateamer was given a - new coat ' of paint while being dts - ' patched at the Bay City, and shs looked unusually' trim this -.morning. Com mending April 1( the Harrltnan 3a n Franalace liners will leave Portland . mornlnga InsteeJ . f evenings, In order to give the passengers an opportunity to view the majeatlo Columbia, In ao 'cordance .with tha advertising matter gotten put for tha benefit of tourists. , A heavy tourist trafflo Is expected this summer, and the Columbia ' river is -being, extensively advertised.' :' The North Pacific Steamship eom ' panys steamer Geo. W. Elder sailed for Port Los Angeles -via Eureka an 1 San' Franclaco last night. She carried , an unusually large quantity of potatoes . for Ban Frnnctsco, there being ,7 SO . sacks on board,-,....- . 4 . MARINE NOTES San Francisco,' 'March SO. Arrived, ateamer F. A. Kllburn from Portland Sure Death to Rats and Mice If rats sad mice infest your home, bam, shop or warehouse, use Stearns' Electric Rat and Roach Paste. It will drive rats and mice out of the house to die and completely rid the premises of these vermin. ; Stearns Electric u Rat and Roach Paste la tba most reliable rat and moots poison knows. . It Is tha only on sold nader a guarantee to refund the money if it does not do all that Is claimed lor it It is also lure death to cockroaches, water bugs and other vermin. I SaanaaM s " " ' M J alone All ness of fti aaayfbtrag; bot - earns Seslftss, gate mam mm tm tb ONipuy'i and war porta. Steamer Santa Anna returned on - account of rough weather. Astoria, March SO. Arrived down at :lf a. in., schooner Polaria. Arrived down at a. m, ship St.. Nicholas. Astoria, March 10. Arrived at IS noon and left up at 1:41 p. steamer osts Rica from Saa Francisco. Astoria, March. SO. Condition of the bar at a m, obscured; wind eaat; weatner, clear..' OLD TIMERS DISAPPEAR Some Are Sold, Others Pile Up oa Roclu or Founder. Aooordlng to advices received from Europe today a number of sailing -ves sels weii anown nero nave recently been transferred under new flags and several have been lost. A peculiar feature In this connection la the fact that no sail. Ing vessels are being built to take their places. The European shipyards are busy constructing steamers of alldl menslons and for all purposes bat there Is not one large selling vessel oa the stocks today, all of which .goeev-to show that the steamers are crowding tha windjammers from the ece&ns. Among recast transfers ef partlouler Interest here are those of the British snip atooitaa ana uarnaca. Tne afooi taa haa fceen rechiistened the Olav and la. now sailing ths seaa under that name... She has been here a number of times and will probably coma here soon under her new colore, having been sold to tha Norwegian - The Larnaea haa been sold to ths Germans and rechrlst ened the Ellsa. She too, la well known here. The Norwaglana are buying up a lot of the , older British vessels and turning them Into money makers, al though under tha British flag they are unable to make profits for their owners. Another .wellknowa vessel transferred to them' Is ths British bark Dumfries shire. They also recently purchased the ship Paul Isenherg from the Germana. The Paul Isenberg has been here . a number of times. - Among the vessels lost lately are ti e four well known- wlndjamera Anosons, Margherlta Mlrabaud, Maelgwtnd and Carnarvon Castle. . .. . BARK MELANOPE SOLD Derelict Towed Into Astoria WOl Go :', to Paget Sound. , . '-.(Speetal Blepereli te Tke Jneraal.) . Astoria, Or March SO. The British bark Melsnops that was towed Into this port a derelict three months sge by the steamer Northlartd has been sold by ths owners to James Griffiths Co.- of Se attle. : She will leave out for the aound Thursday In tow of -the tug Sea Lion. Tha purchase price wss not stated. Sines the vessel fannot come under American registry, tha Melanopa's homs will probably be in one of the British Columbia porta- Although . flying the British flag when abandoned by Captain Wills and his crwv tha vessel , was owned by- J. . J. Moore Co. of San Francisco. . -. . . - LONGSHOREMEN MOVE, Old BaJldlnfrs on Front Street to Be V.. ; Torn Down. Longshoremen's union No. . 2S , has removed Its headquarters from ths old building on Front street, between Burh side and Couch, to a more substantial structure on Flanders, between Second and Third. Union No. 2(4 la still In Its old quarters on Front street, but Bust-: r las. bag 2Sc Ides, seal 1.00. eM ay DrettMl at Met ansa la aa noatst sf arks. Stearns' Dcctrle Pant Cav. gur'ALe,.V,Q.S.a, . ,r a ; Its annual sales are greater than that of any other medicine exclusively Tor women. V-:.V:v'; During its record of more than thirty years, its long list of actual cures of those serious . ills peculiar to women, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence oPevery fair-minded person and every thinking woman. r V .:-::"Z;-rr - V .. : f "; - Merit alone can produce such results. Good advertising serves to call attention for a June, but merur can stand the test of time. 'v sick women should note" these facts7 and placing all possible prejudices aside, should realize the truthful these statements, and least give Lydia E. Pinkham Mrs. da mat ako wfll keep trieO? khontor; ate look key ness'Agent Fltckf is looking for a new meeting nail, elnoe they, have received notice to vacate. The reason for , ths dlaturbanoe la found In the fact : that ths owners of ths corner upon which ths old weodea shacks that have harbored the long shoremen for many years are located have decided te erect a large brick and stone building there In order to se cure more revenue from . the valuable ground. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT - The steam schooner Anrella wlQ leave Rainier tonight for Sasr Fraadooo. The steam schooner Thomas L, Wand is expected to leave Llnnton Thursday night for Baar Frsnclsoo. The British ateamer Ardmouat will come up .from Rainier tomorrow to finish-"her cargo of lumber at the mills of the Standard Box factory.- She goes to Australia for 3. J. Moore ac com pany. Her cargo will measure S.100,000 feeU - - r - The weather bureau wants a messen ger and a civil service examination to find one suitable for the position will be held April S to this elty. Appllc tlon blanks may be obtained at the postoffloa. The Job pays SS(0 a yet A river reading gauge wlu be In stalled by the government si Vancouver and the weather bureau will be entitled te engage a mas te take tba readlna-a. This will add materially to the effi ciency ef the service. .,.. The British steamer Aymerle shifted te the Alblna dock yesterday, the ship St. Nicholas was towed to Astoria and the schooner Polaria left down from Rainier. J. W. Taylor haa bought the steamer Pearl from the Oregon Lumber com pany for ILS00, aooordlng to a bUl of sale nied at the euatom-house. Tha Pearl la of S ton a net register. - Cantaln lfataenthln nf tha VnwUmwtA aV Astatic liner Arabia will remain In the orient, having been appointed In spector at Hongkong for the Ham bur g Araerioan Una, owners of the liners un der charter to the P. aV A. 8. 8. com pany. The Arabia Is due here Friday. Ths steam schooner Santa Ana Is due to arrive here Saturday from San Fran cisco. She left - Ban Frsnclsoo vea- terriay but had to return en aocount of stormy weather off the Golden Gate, People Clubbing Fast. -Every day witnesses the addition of from 10 to IS new members In Ellers Piano House club sale of fine planoa Think of It, Club "A members may secure the elegant $2(0 and $SU pianos for S1?S. $14 and as low as S1S7. Psy weekly or St a . month If you choose. But youH have to hurry. Come today to Filers Piano ' House, ' The House of Highest Quality." ' Washing ton and Park atreeta. , Qniok Serrloe Chicago to sresr York Over the Pennsylvania Short Line, rep resenting "The Standard Railroad of America?" By the Pennsylvania Special In IS houra. By The New York Special In tl hours. By The Pennsylvania Lim ited In 21 houra. By The Manhattan Limited In 24 hours. By The Keystone Express in 2 houra. - By The Atlantic Expresa in 2S houra.' Firet-claaa up - to date equipment. Double tracks of steel sll the way; rock ballasted and free from duet. Write F. N. Kollock, Diet Agent, Portland, isrvaun, ota. street. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE in mm yard Mount Scott Company Loses Five Thousand Dollars by an Early-Morning Blaze. Fire broke out early thla morning In tha lumber yard of the Mount Scott Lumber company at Dlvlaloa road and Eaat Forty-ninth street. The loss will be about tS.000. The alarm was turned In St I. -SO and hose No. S from East Seventh and Esst Harrison and snglns No. 9 from Eaat Thirty-fourth and Belmont responded. Water waa scarce but enough wss avail able to control tha Are. A elatern near by waa exhausted and a small creek or slough TOO or 800 feet away waa almoat drained by the thlraty engine. Like all lumber yard fires ths treacherous char acter of the blase required the atten tion of the Are companies until S o'clock. ' Two or three fireman ware watching the blackened ruins until Ists In the morning. The sheds wefs saved and very little of the lumber burned. The. of flee furni ture and several ears loaded with lum ber were safely moved out of 'reach of the flames, although one oar waa it-ompletely deatroyed. The of dee, In bio& the ore etarted, wag deatrayed. N honest tried and true remedy, of unquestionable curative value, y made from Native Roots and harmful drugs, and complies when assailed with any of the numerous illnesses peculiar to their s Vegetable Compound a fair trial. Pinkham Will Give You Helpful Advice Free ilmgaaml. nitre to lrs. Plnerliaas, a4 afldntial. mm tedloated hy tha sand av t rtmonUl ku erer Wea pblUh4 wtthoa RUHAIVAY CAR JUMPS TRACK Three Persons Injured - Because Brakes Fall Before Curve Is Reached. ELECTRICIAN'S FOOT IS BADLY CRUSHED Passengers Inside No. 12S of Rna. " sell-Shaver Lino "Rattled Around : Like Dice In a Box Until the Car Turns Over on Its Side. ' Through some defect In the mechan ism controlling the brakes, car No. 12S of the Russell-Shaver Una, running at a high rate o speedy left iha ralla oa the curve at Shaver and Commercial atreeta at :S0 o'clock last night, and after plunging along the roadway for aoma distance turned over. Although the coach carried a number of paaaen gers at the tlma only three persona on ths ear sustained Injuries. . ' Ernest McDaniel, assistant electrician at the St. Johns power-house of tha railway company, who was riding on the front end of the car. had his right foot bsdly crushed. Ouy Hatnaker of ST1 Alblna avenue kustained a number of painful bruises, and Motorman Kimball wss shaken up. That no fatalities resulted from the accident la regarded as mlrsoulous. As the car waa oomlng down Commercial street Motorman - Kimball started to apply the brakes preparatory to round ing the curve Into Shaver street, but before the Speed of the ear could be checked one of the brake-chains snapped In twain. Gaining momentum every second, ths car swung on the curve with great force and toppled over on Ita side. - v The psssengers riding on ths Inside of the car were rattled around like dice In a box. but fortunately with ths ex ception of the three men no one was hurt. Only one women waa aboard tha car at tha time, but aha escaped Injury. MoDantel, who waa tha moat seriously: Injured, was sttended by Dr. Tamleale and later removed to the Good Ba mart- tan boapltal for treatment. A strange oetneldenee In -connection with If c Dan lel'a injuries Is the fact that hla father. Dr. McDaniel. was killed by a Williams avsnue oar about a year or two ago. A wrecking crew wss seat to ths scene of the accident, and under direc tion of Division Superintendent Lamb s pice Perfection Sold on Merit kieneiuce ' V SPICES Always the Same 1LFciscpfiCo. Son Frmneitem " mW ' i TV Herbs. It contains, no with all conditions of ; - ;:;:i: - f Iijim Maa. Her srfrlce) baa helped fact tha mrmrj prtTac fee the derailed ear wan rlgnted and taken te tne repair shops. POPULATION OF ST. JOHNS 3,257 ' ,, ; 7-,... Mrs. W. L. Tborndyke Haa Com -Rioted Cennii Which She " Bo- T'.'T (an on Advice of Phvslclaa. - Ths result of the can ana taken by Mrs, Walter Lewla Thorndyke, wife of Recorder Thorndyke of St. Johna, shows the population of that city te be S, 2 ST. This Is considered to be a fair estimate of the number . of people liv ing within the limits of St. Johns, snd waa accomplished by actual count , ob- Mrs, W. L. Thorudvlra, talned by a houss to house canvass Mrs. Thorndyke says that she was unabls to list a family of East Indiana living on the water front and - thi other laborers in the mills who wore awav from their homea all dar. A num ber of people have moved Into the elty and soms have moved away since the count waa completed, so that the fig ures given above can be taken as fairly accurate. It Is Quite certain tnat they are not padded. Five weeks were consumed la ths census work and ths pleasant weather during the entire period mads ths tssk a vary enjoyable one. Mrs. Thorndyke took up ths work aa a result of the advice of her physlolan "to gat out In the open air." The work will be eom piled In the form of a directory and distributed without oost among ths clt- isena of Bt. Johna. the advertialng to pay cor the exponae of publishing It. DELAYED BELLRINGERS PRESENT ENTERTAINMENT An Interesting entertainment waa given yesterday afternoon at the T. M. C A. hall by the Dunbar quartet who were to have appeared, last week In tha Star oourae. Delayed tratna prevented their appearance at the time set. and the engagement in the afternoon was found to be the only posslbls arrange ment. Their skill in bell ringing w very well shown and difficult maalo was represented In admirable eonoert. Individual numbers were well received, Mr. : Harry Dunbar's Impersonstlons were very cleverly dons and ths quartet singing wsa satlsrsctory In ovary way, TRINITY CHIMES TELLS OF PAROCHIAL WORK Trinity Chlmee for' Mnrch' preaenta an Intereatlng number. There are be- aide tha church notlcea and notea on pariah work, an open letter by Rtahop Scaddlng and - editorials of particular Interest. Tha mesaaga of Eaater la given with beauty and force, the reotor of Trinity church explains his views on spiritualism and a lucid and forceful In vestigation Is mads of the principles and errors of the Christian Science doctrine. The Trinity Mlsaton Guild 1a co operating In a. helpful way with tha work of Mlsa Gray of the Juvenile court. Mr. Llnthloum and Mlaa C. Wil son have promised to devote an after noon, each week to teaching aoma of the girl a, proteges of tha Juvenile oourt. to make ahlrt walata. Mlaa llarker has ar ranged te entertain some of them with music at her home earn week, snd other members will help la ether v a. i 4f narcotics or the Pure Food and Drugs Law. - : - - , - r - : - f;,'rr mf w For TOttel f feat ASK BOYCOTT UP0H CDLlPilOY Carmen's Union Will Request Federated Trades Council to Take Up Its Fight. 1 WANTS ELECTRICIANS -i " CALLED FROM WORK Patronaga of - Recreation Park Be longing to Portland Railway, Light e Power Company Would Be Prevented If Order Is Issued. Ths visit of Richard Cornelius, mem ber of the general executive board of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electrical Railway . Employes - of America, to Portland haa resulted la the launching of a movement to place a sweeping boyeott upon the Portland Railway, Light and Power company's entire holdings. The striking earmen have asked the Portland Federated Trades and Labor council to place the whole concern upon tne unrair list and the petition will be aoted upon at the central body's next meeting, which falls on Friday night Heretofore the Carmen's union hss aaked the council for nothing more then moral and financial support. This sup port It haa been given. It now, for the first time, hss saked that tha coun cil take up the fight and make It Its Whether or not the central body win swing squarely behind the Carmen'a union la a question, if It does. It means that practically every electrical worker In the olty will be required to leave his Job snd that there will be neither light nor power, union macninists, carpen ters snd patntsrs will walk out of the repair shops ef the company and un ionists ef all trades will be prohibited from riding oa cars, patronising tha company's recreation grounds or la any other way entering Into business re latione with the corporation. It is considered very doubtful. how- I The Perfect The kind of Cocoa Beans that we use contstn six times as much food value cs beef. We buy only the hlghcst-prlccd. Ot:r Cocca Is nothing but it !t! :2 V.'-' tt':!;c??" ? T i i at r - - I sex, should at all this the win Bi rears, wait. ever, whether the council win accede to the request of ths striking carmen. Sfetager flta your eyes tor ill Sixth street, near Washington, UNIVERSITY LOST . HEAVILY BY DISASTER Earthquake Materially Reduced Income of State Institution of California. Victor Henderson, secretary ef the University of California, has published his report to the regents ef the nnl verslty for the year ending June SO, 10. It Is Interesting aa showing the losses of the institution through the earthquake and fire disaster of last April. The losses of the state university seem far leas to ths casual observer then those of Stsnford, because in one place only a few tumbled chimney tops showed the damage aa compared with wholesale destruction In the other. But the loss wss Just as great to the In stitution. One hundred and fifty mil lions of taxable valuation were swept away from the aassssmant roll of Saa Francisco alone, reducing the customary Income S30.000.' Another SSS.400 waa wiped out by stock depreciation, ' Impairment ' of . oapltal resulted through the burning of buildings In Sen Francisco, to which the university wss heir from Charles Franklin Doe. In come from the Johnson and Sacramento buildings shrunk to the amount ef S0,- StS.lS, In addition te the decreased val ue of the land. The reduction ef In come may be roughly estimated for the next two years at 1100,000 a year; the Impairment of Income-producing re sources at 1750.000. 8undry losses In campus buildings amounted te Sts,t. The gross receipts for the year In cluding gifts end fees and endowments were ll.04. S7.I4. The. year's outlay was S1.1M.M4.S7. There were 1.S1S un dergraduates, SSI graduate students, 7S medical. 19S In ths Msrk Hopkins In stitute of art, 71 In law, Tt In dental denartment, tl In pharmacy, making a total of S.Sia.- Those registered In abort eoursee brought the number te S.S1S without counting those who at tended lecturea The lands and build Inga of the University are valued at SS.S0S.S. 10. Food Beverage Cocci r C