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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
STEFFEHS GUEST OF THE Annual Dinner of ' the - League Enlivened by a Number of ' Original Stunts. - v , BOY IN AN APPLE ' : 8INCS FROM THE TABLE , Avmado Telephone on Table la ' Commercial Club Rooms Permit Banpneters to Call Up One An - "- otber Froto Their Mtte """T . J. Again the Portland Admen'e league, . at It annual dinner last evening at the Commercial club, demonstrated that It .la tha moat original end unique organ- aatloa In Portland. ' About 170 members and rueata - eat at tables beautifully decorated with flowers and eolorad lights, and aqulpped with automatic telephones inatallad by the Homa Tele phone companyr" A" German - band, -a goose, a mlnatrai ahow, a trance mar tn-oragon apple, a aauad of do- , uoemen and a apot light played lm ,,. portant parta In tha subsequent pro- , ceeoinga. . w. J. Hofmann, . president of tha . league, presided, with Governor Cham- berlaln and Lincoln ' Steffena at bla right, and President C H. Hod son of , ths Commercial dub at hla left hand. 1 The dinner "wee elaborate and eerved "under Steward Clark'a direction with en ; tire success, which waa something of a rest la view of tha oonttnuat stunts and .'. Interruptions,' and the . pandemonium that prevailed a largo part af tha time. , Tha guests aat down at :! o'clock, and ..). so swiftly did erenla transpire .that tha , Diggeat program sver given at a Port , , land banquet waa concluded at It r I o'clock. ... . ,. v - "W for SLosg tpeeuhaa. .- - '; -' Orators who attempted long speeches .: were summarily squelched by tha beat ing of s, Chlneaa gong and tha flashing of a ateraopttoon "it." Varloua heads of loeal aewspaper departments ware ' made to quote alleged views an tha atereoptloon canvass . regarding - the superiority of said newspapers. Other aaytngg wera give from advertising roan on tha science of advert lalng, and mixed subjects. - ,. . Lincoln Steffena of tha : American - Magaain waa permlttad to have' bla aay. Ha aaldt : "My reception la Portland hae been ' aa unusual, and ao cordial, that It par j hapa has spoiled my atory. ' When I t came here and began my work I asked -the usual questions that I have asked elsewhere. I have been surprised to -f-nnd that tha governor of your etate ia " ; tha real governor, Ton may think that 1 la atrange. - Bat there - are only live " states In tha anion where tha governor Is the , chief executive. I also found that tha mayor of Portland la really the ' mayor. --1 dont know what la tha matter with Oregon." . hMal Kea peak, :'''.'', C C.-Chapman's effective Introduo-' -tlon of Mr. Steffena ranked with the . beat Jawbone ef forte of tha . evening. There were .brief . remarks from time -That Tired r Feeling ' That comer to yon every spring la sign that yowr blood la wanting in YltaHtyyJufit aa pimples and other erup '. ' tions are, aifna that your blood ia im- P. : t'7y--' !" - " .. One of tha great facta of experience . and observation ia that Hood's Sarsa- parilla always removes That Tired Feel- ; ' T lng, . girea new ; life, new courage, strength and animation ; . cleanses the : blood, clean tha complexion, builds up the whole system. - M ' " v This la one of the reasons why Hood's EanaparUla ia tha Beat Spring Medicine. ', Accept no raBstitut for ; Hood'o Sarcaparilla Insist on having Hood'a. : Get it today. In liquid or tablet form. ; 100 Doses $1. $60 MACHINE for $25 Sp ring SS; . AwMa-MV- Sewing: .: . 4 i' " 1 ' it on. one of cmr ma chines and save dressmakers' ' bllla ' You save the cost of ., the machine' in a short time. . A lady demonstrator give all instruction free.' rif tne maenme ooes give you perfect satisfaction v . mi a,- .r.. i . : your money win uc iciunucu. 1731 First Street - , , ' - . . .. . w, iunnii w, 7U. ... - 3 IMPORTED CABINETMAKERS USE OREGON OAK FOR PHONE BOARDS "Oregon oak has demonstrated with us Its superior qualities, not only on account of its taking a Oner finish, but because of the cheapness of its manu facture Into commercial products." said W. J. Brownell. manager , of the Home Telephone company, this morning. "Heretofore our company has made a practice of sending to Rochester, New York, for Its office desks and switch boards, where the1 latter are manufac tured out of Maine oak. When wa lo cated In Portland I made a couple ef samples of Oregon .oak. These were compared with the Maine product and the Oregon wood was so vastly superior In every quality that we Immediately to time by B. I. Dasent, Governor Cham berlain. C. W.' Hodson. Robert Tucker of tna Howe Telephone company, B. M, Hall, Tom Richardson. C. V. White of Beatue, 1 M. Head of Spokane, H. M Cake and Oscar Vanderbllt, tha Hood River apple king. The latter, In the course of his remarks, presented Presi dent Hofmann with a diamond pin that turned out to be a Vliae and pin" and a nairpln at that. At one Interesting atage a squad of policemen took tha toastmaster and started with him to the police station, on a charge of running an amusement resort without a license.' The commit tea. that arranged-tha Joke had careful ly omitted to tell the narxeantthat-U waa all a Joke, and Mr. Hofmann was unable to explain. The matter was ad' Justed by telephone with the police sta tion. A minstrel performance under direc tion, of Lincoln Hart brought down the house with Its questions and answers concerning various prominent guests. Tha Commercial club waiters struck in tha mldat of the banquet because tha German band was nonunion. In the confusion that followed somebody pro duced a large live goose, of the breed used on Ira F. Powers' furniture adver tising, and handed tha bird to Mr. Pow. era. who Inadvertently dropped It on tha table. Noting the Indications of a hot time, tha goose started north, wad ing through tha glassware, but Mr. Powers daxterlously caught it and saved tha glass.- . , '. " i Steffena Honored. ' la an election conducted by Oeorse Eatea, Lincoln Steffena waa elected to the degree of maater of tha masuma la tha Portland Admen'a league and en dowed with medtnmlstle powers. Soma one waa cleverly substituted and went Into a tranea, and with the aid of a spotlight manipulated by Paul Custer penetrated tba past, present and fu ture and told why Qeorge Baker, Coun cilman Sharkey. Qeorge ' Lemoke and other local citizens advertise.-- A mon ster Oregon apple waa carried in and opened, a la Seeley dinner, and in It waa found Maater Nordstrom, who sang for tba gatnemur. At tha conclusion they all aang "A Mid Lanr Byne." led by Cornatlst Campbell on a - brand-new Holton trampet-eornet, and the mnt successful banquet aver given by the league came to aa end. The gueats were: ::,; i. a McDonald. O. M. McDowell. H. McKensle, William McMurry. C. B. Mer rick. A. L. Mitchell. H. A. Moore, W. H. Moore, W. Cooper Morris, David N. Moseesohn, M. Mosessohn. George Mun roe, Edward Newbegtn. Harvey O' Bryan, W. P. - Olds, J. A. Osburn. Grant Pheg ley. C R. Pierce, C B. Porter, Mae Donald Potts. H. E. PowelL Ira F. Pow. era, George Putnam, 8. G. Reed. G. L. Reea, Tom Richardson. C. Ben Rlesland, Roy Robinson,, Lewis Rotha. W. ,E. Rothery; R. R. Routlega, A. O. Rush light. X H. Sailor. W. C Saundera. Charles Schram, J. M. Scott, Cord Seag. stake, John P. Sharkey, W. X. Sharkey, Dr. L. & Bhaw. Max Shillock. A. K. Hlocum, L. 8. Smeltser, D. H. Smith. W, A. Bpanton, Lincoln Steffens, 8. W. Bteffner. A. L. Stone, B. A. Stone, Dr. 8. W. Stryker. P. E. Sullivan, T. . O. Sykea, J. Thompson. A. P. Tlfft. J. L. Travis, George Trowbridge. B. H. Trumbull.- Robert Tucker, W 3. Tucker. O. Vanderbllt, W. J. Van Schuyver. Larry . Walsh, Dr. George Wardner, C A. Warren, R. a Warren, B. T. Wentiy, Dr. J. R. Wetherbee, C. V. White, A. W.' Whitmer. H. C WhltUer, L. J. Wilde, Elwood Wiles, A. H. WUlett, Harry Wood. M. E. Worrell. ' A. L. Wright. Dr. B. E. Wright. Charles Tork v J. W. Adams, J. C Alnswerth. Ben Albera, A. P. Armstrong. A. H. Averlll, A. M. Baber, George Baker, t. H. Bar bour, W. ft Pebarrel! Jr., M. M, Bin ford. C. .lfr'BUck, PeUx Bloch, Sol Blumauer, J. L. Bowman, Scott Bosorth, H. C Browne. . W. J. Brownell. P. A. Burgard. Hiram Buck, H. M. Cake. EL R. , Carey. Governor George K. Chamber- j lain. C C. Chapman, W. . H. Chatten, will not V . C l f I VU-EsmnUm aw V"-VrV , Pi , WW II 1 1 II I I - V 1 . l ; "- J . I"! THE OREGON DAILY vTOUINAL. POUTT.AMn WPnNrsnAV ' ffVTTMTMn Hitfr m nnm ... t ; made arrangement) to establish an in dustry of our own right here In Fort land. . "The result was that we sent east for cabinet makers and now all of our desks and switchboards are mnrte bere . from the oak which we buy from the local mills. The Home company Is making over 100 switchboards for use in the Port land exchanges. Ordinarily these cost from tiJO to 1500 each, but by using Oregon oak and maintaining Ita own manufacturing Industry, the company is saving from ISO to 7 on each, board turned out. ' besides securing a more serviceable and finer appearing article.. Captain R. Chilcott, George Cornwall, J. Ar Currey.-Paol Wr-Custer,Bury I. Dasent, E. J. Daly, J. F. Daly. David Davis, H. Doxey, T. H. Edwards, George Estes, Charles R. Forbes, Dr. W. O. Flack. R. W. Forbes, F. H. Fowler, V. C Freeman, F. I. Fuller. W. B. Glafke, G. R. Gregg, Philip Groasmeyer; George Hall, Rlnaldo M. Hall. W. 8. Halmer. Lincoln Hart, Leo Hartsteln, L. ' M. Head. Ca.vln HeUlg. Ed R. Helllg. L. J. bless, E. Hoch, Hon. C W. Hodson. William 3. Hofmann. G. Leo Hynson. C. M. Hyskell, A. C. Jackaon-C B. Jackson, E. J. Jaeger, J. P. Jaeger. Guy Jarrelt, G."T." Johnson, Wynn Johnson, W. H. Johnson. Fred Johnson. F. A. Jones, William Kapus. Dr. Homer L Keeney. D. J. Kelllher, Guy T. Ketche- eon, T. A. Kindrell. H. D. Klrkland, George W. Klelser. M. L. Kline. J. B. Labor, Mayor Harry Lane, O. C. Letter, George C. Lemcke, H. W. Lemcke, C. F. Levlna, H. W. LItUe, B. M. Lombard, D. P. Leach, F C. Little, Gus Lowet, 8. M. Ludere, William E. Mahonay. J. M. Mann. Harry Marcus, R. A. Mar shall. Dan Marx, Sidney Mayer. L. A. McCarger. J. McConaughy. C P. Mo- Cullough. BIG GROCERY CONCERN Baptdly BaQt TTy Proa a Small Segla- aans to a large Waoliaali and Betall A business house on First street that has done) much to give that thorough fare ita preaen reputation of being one of tha busiest arteries of trade, is the wholesale and retail grocery house of Townsend Van aohoonhoven. Like many of Portland's largest and most prominent mercantile -establishments. this big grocery bad a modest begin ning. By securing soma of tha bast agencies for creamery goods and of the staple lines of canned roods, as wall as of Imported novelties, and by giving considerate care to the trade, tha bouse of Townsend eV-Van -Sohoonhoven has grown steadily month by month and year ny year, in speaking ct tba de velopment of their business yesterday Mr. Townsend said: "The secret of the favor shown this store by the publlo lies In the fact that wa buy our goods right, hence wa can aell at figures that will appeal to the shopping public Study our prices, then you will see why our trade has Increased. ' Our goods are of the highest quality and we challenge I a comparison with the flneat that can be found In any store. While tha atock of tha Townsend a Van Bchoonhoven concern la compre hensive, embracing almost everything In the eatable Una, the firm makes a spe cialty of butter, cheese and eggs. la these lines It Is said- they have the largest restaurant and hotel trad In tha city. . a;, Prizes to Woodcraft Clrclea. (Sp.H.1 Dlsfxtrs t Tse Josra'aLi - Walla Walla. Wash, March 20. Day. ton lodge. Women of Woodcraft, won the prise of 1 10 given by Wood Glen circle of Walla Walla for the vlaltlng lodge' attending- the district convention held here Saturday that sent the largest delegation. The prise for the greatest advance In membership went to a Pen dleton (Oregon) lodge. , Fine tea brings-out con versation if anything: will; it compels to a little leisure. . ;. ' ' : ? v' . ' ' -' '; " , -f ' V A Schilling & Company Saa Frandsoa . W -bbbbb" , , , '-em. as. 1. mm m m : - mi II l - - - - SEND TRAIIILOAD OF GLAD HANDS Portland Business Men Plan Big Excursion to Eastern Ore- gon and Boise. APPLICATION ROLL '. WILL SOON BE OPENED Leaving PortUnd May Sixth, the Train Will Reach Boise Five Days Titter, After Visit to Eastern Ore gon on the Way. V At a meeting of tha committee yester day It wss determined to start tha Port land business men's excursion to eastern Oregon on Monday. May t. at, 1:10 v i-iuck , m. i n) irain will carry full complement of equipment. The ex pense to each excursionist for fare. berth, meals and expense fund for tha aaure-trlB-wtft- fee S. The acursia-wlUnialr- arrrtf stops on the outbound trip and Include all me important Towns on the O. R. N. main line. It will extend to and In clude Boise. Idaho. On the return trip me train wm be run straight through. The use of excursionists will be llnv I ted to 75. that being the number that can be aocommodated comfortably. . In View of the similar excursions run by the Portland Commercial club and tha 4larrlman railroad . officials, the eastern Oregon-trip is certain to be a big success, and to bring good re sults to all concerned by enlarging and cementing the business relstlons and tha personal frlendehlpa existing be tween Portland and tha communities east of ths mountains. The excurelon will require seven or eight days. Fol lowing Is the Itinerary: Monday. May Leave Portland, a. m.; arrive Falrvlew, t a. in.; leave Falrvlew, :15 a. m.; arrive Troutdale, :Z9 a, m.; leave Troutdale. :60 a. m.; arrive Bridal Veil, 10:46 a. m.; arrive Cascade Locks, 11:10 a. m.; leave Cas cade Locks, 11:60 a. m.; arrive Houd River, 11:10 p. m.; leave Hood River. :io p. m. ; arrive The Dalles. 4:16 p. m. Tuesday, May 7 Leave The Dalles. 1 in.; arrive Shanlko, I a. m. : leave Bhanlko, a. m.; arrive Grass Valley. 10:16 a. ra.; leave Grass Valley. 10:46 a. ra.i arrive Mora, 11:16 a.-m.h leave Moro, ll m.; arrive Wasco, 11:46 p. m.; leave wasco, z:is p. m.; arrive Rufus. 1:60 p. m.; leave Rufus, 4:0 p. m.; arrive Arlington, 6:10 p. m.; leave Ar lington, S p. m.t arrive Condon, It p. m. Wednesday, May I. Leave Condon, 1:16 a. m.; arrive Arlington, 11:60 p. m.; leave Arlington. . 11:40 p. m. ami re Heppner Junction, 1 p. m.; leave Hepp- ner Junction. 1:10 p. to.: arrive lone. 1 p. m.; leave lone, 4 p. m.; arrive Lex ington, 4:10 p. m.; leave Lexington. 6 p. m.; arrive Heppner, 6:16 p. m. leave ueppner, n:o p. m. Thursday. May Arrive Pendleton, 6:10 a. m.: leave Pendleton, 10:10 a. m.: arrive-La Grande, 1:16 p. m.; leave La Grande, i-ZO p. m.; arrive Hot Lake, 1:10 p. m.; leave Hot Lake, 0:10 p. m.; arrive La Grande, 6:40 p. m.; leave La Grande, 11:10 p. m. Friday. May 10 Arrive Baker City, 1:10 a. m.; leave Baker City, 0 a. m.; arrive' Sumpter, 10.10 a. m.; leave Bumpter, 1:10 p. m.; arrive Baker City, s p. m. Saturday, May : 11 Leaver Bakef City. i a. m.; arrive Huntington, s a. m.; leave Huntington, 1:16 a. m.; arrive Welser. 1:30 a. m.; leave Welser, t:16 a. m-: arrive Payette. 0:16 a, m.; leave Payette, 11 a. m.; arrive Ontario, 11:16 a. m.s leave Ontario, 11:10 p. m. : arrive Caldwell, 1:10 p. m.; leave Caldwell. 1 p. m.: arrive Nam pa, 1:16 p. m.; leave Nam pa, 6:16 p. m.; arrive Boise City, P. m. Sunday, May 11 Leave Boise City. 4 p. m. Monday, May IS Arrive la Portland. 6:10 a. m. i Must Join This Week. - 1 Get a choice Lester piano at almost half price thla week. Two carloads bow to select from In Club "B." second floor. Ellers Piano House. Pay 11.60 a week and tha piano la yours. Who la Me tiger? He fits your eyas for 11.00. Ill Sixth street. m-K U-1A. IS EFFICIENT 3H52SHSE5ZSHS2SgSgf"iJJi-..Ji-.,Jt,,Ji.l.Jt..Ji iljljljl jl j. i, ; IN RELIEVING HOSPITALS ALL OTEB THE C03TL5E3T FIXD PE-KU-ITA TALUABLE W "ATARRH ef tha respiratory organs ' Is a common ailment In Canada for at least two thirds of tha year. Thla condition la no doubt cauaed by the long, aevere winters experienced In this part of tha continent. Therefore, when Peruna waa discov ered by Canadian people to be a reliable remedy for these catarrhal diseases. It at once became a popular medicine, not only among Individuals "and la families, but In the great hospitals, where It waa uaed aa a preventive and 'relief In hundreds of easea, - These institutions do not hesitate to give their Indorsement of the remedy which has been so helpful In the treat ment of their poor and sick. ' Among these Institutions la that of tha Bisters of Good Phepherd. who gave the following Indorsement; ' Company, , ' J Oetaabns, Ohio, ' ' XavlneT ased Verona for the past few oaths, for ear alok and peer, we are happy e say that tt has ftrem as grist satlsf aeUoa. ' Tha Blswws ef ths Shxd Shepherd, Anfuat SO, 1003. -- After a continued nee ef the remedy. thla Institution has found no reason to change Ita good1 opinion of tha remedy and expresses Its satisfaction In tha fol lowing; terms: ; ' '' ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH OF PRESIDENT ELIOT (Jooraal Special Sendee.) Boston. Mass., March 10. President Charles W. Eliot of Harvard university observed quietly his 73d birthday -at hla. homo In - Cambridge - today. ' He passed the greater part of the day as usual among hla books, busy with his duties as head of tha great university, although interrupted now and then by friends who came te congratulate him. During the day numerous mesaages of congratulations wars received by President Eliot. They came from ether ooUeges, from diplomats, from public men. educational associations, end from Harvard clubs scattered from New Tork te the Rocky mountains. President Eliot was only 16 when he assumed the duties of his high office. No other man was over president of Harvard for ao long a period aa that Buys Anti All we ask is a dollar down and the machine will be delivered to your home. If it gives perfect s at i s f a ction , then pay us 50 cents a week till the total amount of $25 is paid MM WE FURNISH YOUR HOME FOR LESS PROniNENT HOSPITALS SAY ; 1 ---,. rir"ir'vif"if'v"?c?'r'l7 ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES. J 1 -MM". svaa . Him iiiiiiiiiisaiiiaariiiiiiiiii ninrmin eiaTcwa or the coop aHsPmwp. mouth ": Montreal, Vow. T, ltOS. We fonmd Peran a reUaf la We earn say n Is good to ale and we ee very thankful. Slstsra ef the Ooed Sliepaara. When catarrh once fastens Itself upon the system It becomes sn obstinate dis ease to eradicate. . - A systemle remedy one that reaches every Internal organ of the body Is an absolute necessity. ,- - -Peruna Is Just such a remedy. . It searches out tha cause ef the disease, healing and strengthening the mucous membranes, and thua giving Nature an opportunity to perform her part of the restorative process. ' '. . One of the many hospitals which have found Peruna of value In treating old and obstinate eases ef catarrh la the Hospital St. John, who writes aa fol lows: - !.- . ' ' . :' . "Wa are -happy to tell yon that your Peruna-baa given us satisfaction. Three' patients have tried It. one (I veers old. Renout trapals, afflicted with catarrh. Is much relieved, more than he has been for a number of years. ' ... -"A yoong gin, la years, eld, had aa obstinate eongh, which half a bottle of Peruna caused so cttaappear. "As to myself, two bottles have con vinced ' me that Peruna la magnflcent as a tonic ...,.;.' "Before the treatment I - could not walk for a quarter of an boar without whlch'dlatingulshes Mr. Eliot's life. When he entered Harvard In 1140 he waa one of 614 studenta; now there are about 4,500. Hla salary as tutor for the first year after bla graduation 14(4.44. Now . be receives tio.OOO year. . - v,-- Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. saasssBBaMevsasiBBaMeamaasBBaMaBisBaBBSMBBBasBBM BLOCK FFF0RTS TO V DESTROY COMPETITION (Journal Special Service.) Baltimore. Md, March 10. At to day's annual meeting of the Merchants' A Miners Transportation company the necessary steps will be taken to con summate the community of Interest agreement with the New Tork. - New Haven A Hartford railroad, with a view te blocking the plana ef Charles W. Morse for control of all coastwise lines from Now England to the Gulf. The one of these Trust -- i umi kau L TKEATI5Q ALL CATAEBHAL DISEASES experiencing much fjtlgne. Now I can aalk a. mile easily. ,. "Through these three cases we desire te make known to the public the ef ficiency ef your remedy.'" . ... -jiogpla Ft. John, of St.' Johns, , ' Province of Quebec. A later letter received from the same Institution reads as follows: , ' "Three weeks ago Z wrote to ten raw hew , satisfactory ' wa - found pesmaa. We reoommead It highly for eolda, eougha, eatarrh and neuralgia. , "1 have used it myself as. a tonla with the best results,'taken as directed, half a teaspoon ful every half hour." Mrs. Etta Booker, Dundurn, - Saskv N. W. T.; Canada," wTtteer": " T suffered with pelvto eatsrrh until I wrote to Dr. Hartmaa, and after tak ing treatment aa he advised. I can say I am now cured of this most trying affliction, for which I am truly thank- fut I think Peruna the beat medicine for catarrh. I never felt better la my life than I do at present." ' Peruna not only promptly relieves coughs and colds in their first stages. but la equally prompt and efficient for catarrhal diseases In the chronlo Stage. Of course, It Is only reasonable to suppose that a great deal less medicine. will be necessary to cure a alight attack of catarrh , than would be required . te relieve the ailment after It had been al lowed to become chronic. Merchants el Miners Is to make an ex change of securities with the railroad. In order to do this the annual meeting will probably decide to Increase the Issue of capital stock. - As soon as ths plans are worked out the combined forces will make a strong bid for new Florida and Gulf business In competition with the Morse lines. A new steamship line from Baltimore to Jacksonville may be the first move, and the extension will probably be continued until several Oulf ports are made ter minals of trade from Baltimore and Philadelphia. . auci Boonvnri wszxnr waa something to be recorded In the annals of history. Herblne has been acknowledged the greatest of liver res ulatore. A positive cure for Bilious headaches. Constipation, Chills and Fe ver, and all liver complaints. J. C Smith. Little Rock. Ark., writes: "Herblne Is the greatest liver medicine known. Have used it for years. It does ' the work." t Id by all druggists. 1 Machines