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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 3, 1SS7. 13 FROLlSOUTIiLAOD '. .- . - Portland Commercial . Bodies Would Help City and Oregon by Doing So. Mushroom Crown Just Received ties . Regular price $5.00, for , one day only . THURSDAY RETURN BY NORTHWEST COSTS LITTLE MORE ring TOURISTS Imported Swell Suit Horsehair Flat Bovs Clot 1-9 This Hat Is a Beauty Rich In Itself Come in pink, light blue, old tost, black, cream, gray, white champagne. A swell hat for small price--?S.10 only, J'A.-v "' '. : at the :''.'.'.;' -. 170NDER MILLINERY CO. MORRISON AND FIRST STS. . .'.'. '..'.. Largest Millinery House in the West Notice to Empl All salesmen,' salesladies, cashiers, bundle wrappers, floor walkers, inspectors, etc. engaged for , the , KAMSRU1PT S ALE r of the EMPORIUM STOCK To bepin next SATURDAY, MARCH 23, at 9 a. m. PLEASE CALL at vthe store FRIDAY. MARCH 22, at 4 p. m: sharp. t"-: :': ;iy- i OBJECT A meeting to instruct all employes as to duties and methods, of conducting, the bankrupt sale of the Emporium stock. Thb Shafer-Whittier Co. At 554 to 584 Williams Avenue, The Emporium Bldg. . i ' 1. V- V1 The Bank of California Founded 164 Capital paid ; up. : .7.. . '.';iV."..'.:. . .... ;...$ 4.000,000 i: Surplvisvand' UndiViaei Profits. $10,153,87 Portland Branch, Chamber of. Commerce Bldg " In' view of the enhanced. demand for money, will' pay 4 per cent per annum on deposits for a year fixed and on deposits' in its Savings , Department until "further notice. ' '..'...:':. ' 'Vv:. - w v; r"H ;-.,:: -- ...; . j ... . ,.,. , Lot Angeles Claim It Hm Gained SeYettty?0wiini J In "TUnilattoa During the Past YewWeather Cold, Rainy and Disagreeable. F. D. Gibbs- tit the Tull as Olbbe company has returned from a month a trip through southern California. On the trip ha visited San Francisco, Los Anirelea, Ban Diego and other cities. The areatest activity and improve ment la of coura aeea in Ixs Angeles," te.aald. "That city now claims to have a population 6rsoM0 and to v. gained 70,000 Inhabitants during ' the oaat year. It is certainly a wwwwmi r ... A . . . 1 nltv and a area! DUSineae center. oi can not compare with ' Portland tn the way of natural advantages. Trolleys Briar Bnelnees. ' "A -feature of Ixs Angeles' improve ment whlcb aids It greatly In a busi ness way Is the ettenent -Interurban service whlcb the various electric lines nnvM Thers are fine transportation connections between Los Angeles and all the cities within a radius 01 rrom ew w (0 miles. They bring a great deal of business Into the city and the same re aulta will be accomplished when similar lines are built Into this city." Portland climate at this season Is In rablv muDCrtor to tbst of southern California, according to Mr. Glbba It rains there almost continuously, ne says, and It la cold. "One reason why we from Oregon no tice it so much Is that we go there be lieving that the weather la always fine." he said. "But Instead of fine weather there Is almost Incessant rain and a cold, disagreeable temperature. But so well Is California advertised that the public believes as we do when we go there.1 The world believes that there la Ideal weather tn southern California at aU times." V i 4 Vomrist Ooold Corns Berth. Mr. Qlbbs Is convinced that Portland commercial bodies -could . aid. Portland greatly by diverting portion of the tourist travel from the south - to the northwest. The southern part of Cali fornia profits Immensely from tourists, but this' season Is an exception, be de clares. ' "I was Informed that It would cost tourists little, If any, more to return east by way of the northwest, and It struck me that Portland la overlooking a. areat chance in that way. A great part of this tourist travel could be brought to the northwest and Portland and other cities would profit Immeasur ably." ' . "- " SHERWOOD GIVES PIANO RECITAL His r Own Composition - "Exhilara tion' Well Received by Audience Assembled tn Mnrlark Hall. At Modest Prices. No need of paying the high prices of up-town stores when you can secure such a large selection from us at reasonable prices. Boys' 2-Piece Suits, $1.95 to $5.00 Ages 7 to Boys' Knickerbocker Suits $2.95 to $5.00 BASEBALLS AND BATS FREE with all Boys' Suits Would You Save 'Money ? n Come to Us WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO THIRD AND OAK : William H. Sherwood gave an Inter esting recital last night at Murlark hall before a falr-slsed audience composed mostly of teachers and pupils. .His program was long - and ' varied since varied Is a more complimentary term than mixed. ' . Mr. Sherwood la no doubt an excel lent Instructor and thus be has won the wide-spread reputation that he en Joys In this country. - As a concert player he . would have shone to better advantage had he not had the misfor tune to follow so closely upon Rosen thal, king of pianists. While Mr. Sher wood understands and baa mastered his art well, be still remains an artist of the smaller class and be did by far his best work In the smaller thing he played.1-' The Sonata Impasslonata bad. unfor tunately, been heard played wit sucn maatery only a week ago py Rosenthal. The 'Traumerel,M played on a program of that kind, savored slightly of play ing to the popular ear. "Kn Route," the "Witches' Danes" (Mao- Dowell). a Llsst Soiree and several oth ers of a showy, brilliant character, gav his best work. The roust waits was given with strength and brilliancy that was almost a surprise after, the rest of the program. The entire program was well known and the numbers were so familiar that the study of his work was of value to teachers and pupils. His own composition, "Exhilaration." was a pleasing bit of glowing life and was well played and well received. Mr. Bberwood Is to give a return concert at the Unitarian chapel Friday night In which he will be assisted by bis former pupil. Mrs. Alice Brown Mar shall of Shedd, . Oregon. . ...... ." " Milwaukl. Country Club. " Bsstern and California raoea. Take Sellwood and Oregon City oars at First and Alder. ' ' ' FRANK SMITH MEAT GO 226-228 Alder Bet. lt and Stcond "FIGHTING THE. BEEF TRUST" ' These are Smith's retail prices every day in the week: , BEEF 3c TO 15c Soup Meat . . . .". ...... . . 3c ! Beef Kidneys .. ...... V.7.5c : . Beef Stew -. ... ....... . . 5c Brisket Beef J . i . 5c . i ! Liver .. ..5C: .. Oxtails, per pound . . . ... 5c CnrneA "Reef . ftr snouiaer steaK ....oc . Shoulder Roast i ...... . ,8c J Pot Roast Beef. ...8c Rump.Roast Beef 8c Pips' Heads ..'..........5c , Pigs' Feet . . . .V. ... ... .5c Pork Sausaire . . ... . . . . 10c Hamburger Steak ..... .8c Tripe '.. ...... I........ 8c Prime Rib Roast......: 10c Best Round Steak....'. .10c Brains ...... . . .'.'.10c Sirloin Steak 12c Small Porterhouse . . . 12J4c Rolled Rib Roast. .. ..12c Beef Rib Steak... ..f12c Beef Loin Steak. . .. . . 12c Fancy Porterhouse . . . . 15c Fancy "T'-Bone ....... 15c Beef Tongues, each. . . 45c LAMB 5c TO 15c Lamb Liver ... . . . . . . .'. . 5c Lamb Stew . . . . . V. . . . 6c Frontquarters Lamb . . . 10c Shoulders of Lamb,. . . .10c Lamb Sh'lder Roast. . 10c Lamb Shoulder Chops 12c Legs of Lamb. . . ... . .'. .15c Lamb Loin Roast i. . . . . 15c Lamb Rib Roast .......15c Lamb Loin Chops . . . . .15c Lamb Rib Chops , ... . . 15c Lamb Tongues, dozen . . 30c PORK 5c TO 15c Our Own Pure Lard . .V. 12c Legs of Pork . .... . . . 12c Side Pork 7.T.V...-.T.125c Our Own Hams.....17c Pork Shoulder. Roast. 12c Leaf Lard ....... ..12c Pickled Pork ........ 1214c Our Own Bacon ...... 17Jc VEAL 6c TO 15c Veal for Broth ....... 6c Veal for Stewing. .V. . . 8c Breast of Veal... . .... 10c Shoulder Roast Veal. . ,10c Leg Roast of Veal . . 122c Veal Rump Roast . . . . ,15c Loin Roast Veal. . . . . ,15c Rib Roast Veal . . . . . . . . .15c Loin Veal Cutlets...... 15c Rib Veal Cutlets. . ..... 15c Calves' , Liver ... 1 ...... 15c Pork Chops ,15c Pork Loin Roast ..15c Pork Steak ........... 15c ' . Here are a few things that we have seen going into the Beef Trust markets that claim to have Government in spection of meats. We will testify likewise at any Government investigation: -, , i First -Meats from small East Side butchers. (We have no reason to believe the meat was not good, but never theless it was not Government inspected.) . ' ' , Second Hogs from the feeders of Hogtown. (They were not Government inspected.) ' Third Meat that was shipped to Seattle and caught in the flood. After lying in closed cars for several days and getting sticky and slimy it was sent out to the different Beef Trust markets. (It had been Government inspected about ten days previously.) . . - : i' ..i. : '''....". , '.'.. ';',' ''' Fourth Meats that were Government inspected in Chicago and sent out to Portland to be sold to the public - And all this time we don't say one word against Government inspection (nor the officials in charge of the bureau in this city, whom we consider honest, trustworthy men), but we do say a whole lot againsX those concerns and markets who advertise Government inspection merely for a cloak to carry out a monopoly; They seem to think t1 it Government inspection means XJovernment protection: They do more in a day to discredit Government inspec - M'-n the nation can do in ten years to build it up,- .v ' - ;-'. WHAT WAVMLMGH A PUBLIC SCHOOL that is situate"bn the Waverleigh tract. V. TWO . CAR LINES that ran direct to the property. . , ' BULL RUN WATER with mains laid right in the streets of the property we are now selling. -. ; ' . . x- .. ... : ' '. ; , ELECTRIC ARC LIGHTS that burn every night. TELEPHONE SERVICE that can be used today and every day thi OUSES NOW BUILDING which assure Waverleigh as r the ;ideal residence section of the city. . ; v . v IMPROVED STREETS throughout the entire property. ' FINEST VIEW in the entire city, not even excepting any of the - suburban property.'.. .:'-;. : ':." r. C V'"' ''.''" THE SAFE, SANE AND SURE investment of the entire city J as we will guarantee all investors 25 per cent increase on this property yf--, in '12 months." X '. : y Xx.yf- : . THE HIGHEST VALUES ever offered to a long-suffering. public THE LOWEST PRICED inside residence lots ever offered in this or '; any other city. . .. - m : ' .'-V- Lots NOW $250 and TERMS $25 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. THE EASIEST TERMS of any subdivision on the market today! H, W. Lemcke Company SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. Branch Office, East Twenty-Sixth and Franklin Streets. Take W.-W-car. Our agent on the ground all d,ay. ' Call at our office and get FREE car tickets direct to property. -V