The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 20, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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Secretary of Ceorge Shima, Potato King of
California, Pays Visit to Portland to Look
Up Seed Situation In the Pacific Northwest
George Shima, Potato King o
California, Sends Repre
, tentative to Oregon.
Competing Hide Firms Consolidate
' Bisslnger Jk Co. to Continue
In Old Location- Hop Trado Is
,' Mystified, v
Principal msrket features today:
Competing hide firm oonaolldate,
Smelt advanoed with scarcity.
Razor clama ara showing decline.
Kg--, are atlff; light receipt a.
Kxi-ellent aale for dressed meats.
Poultry tone ia duller. -
Mixed tone in bop market
Weather stops mohair clip. '
: Interest In Botato Market.
80 Interesting has the Oregon potato
Situation become to the trade of the
Pacific coaat that all the Urge buyera
are now Bend In their representatives
' to mie city who a view ok uikiqi ou
. some supplies. While hia visit was
' somewhat of a secret tip to this time,
' it la now known that the secretary of
George Hhlma, the Japanese potato king
' of California, baa been In this city for
severs! daya of late and that from here
no went to Tacoraa ana is again cue in
this city. It Is stated that the Jap
was In this city for the purpose of
taking on supplies of Oregon seed, for It
Is realised that this state produces the
"""best Burbanks to be found anywhere
- In the -country. Ths visit of the per
sonal ' representative of King Shima
to this olty Is very Interesting at this
' time. Inasmuch ss the potato market
la again on its feet, the bears have
been routed and the prices are now
where tbey properly belong,- consider
ing supply and demand. While it Is
not known whether Mr. Bhlma's sec
. rotary took on any Oregon seed during
his first visit here, It Is stated that
this waa his entire object In coming
.' here from the south. --. ,,
rota to Market Solos Wen. - i
'' Again has the potato market followed
. ' out the lines predicted for It by The
. Journal--.. At-this--time the market la
In very good condition and the bear
operators have disappeared. It Is now
agreed by all that the market la In very
good shape and will uiceiy noia wen
unt- every .sack of Oregon stock Is
disposed of. In this regard the home
dealers are laaulng warnings to the
. .' local growers not to get excited and
bold their stocks for too high a price
and thus allow further Importations
from the eaat. California has learned
a coatly lesson regarding the Importa
tion of eastern potatoea to fill a de
mand that calls for fancy Oregons. On
the other hand, the eastern shippers
have learned a lesson - by -rejections
" and wll) not In the future be so anx
ious to send auppllea to the south.
' Competlag rtrms Consolidate.
Announcement Is made that the big
- hide firms of Bisslnger Co. and Hell
' bom e CO.' have consolidated and that
further1 operations will be carried on
at the home of Bisslnger A Co. This
morning Mr. Bisslnger - refused to
: make a- statement regarding the consoli
dation, saying that all plans were not
yet ready for the publto ear, but In-
umaiea inn ioinnninrj Dig- waa on
foot regarding tbe new Arm. - For
- number of years there hae been great
competition among Biaslnger St Co. and
Hellborn aY Co. for the control of the
- hide trade or the PaclOo northwest, and
this competition was carried over. Into
the wool and mohair markets. The
firm of Bisslnger A Co. is a very old
one, most of the firms now dealing In
wool and hides being conducted ny men
. wno graduated irom uie concern.
, - -poultry Tone Is Softer.
There Is a softer tone In the poultry
market. Receipts are not at an neavy,
but It seems thst the trade has broken
. the back of the market by putting pricee
to such a ngure tnst tne large reiau
. era bought roost of their supplies from
handlers of eastern dressed and the
result Is that even with the small ar
rivals dealers are riot fighting for sup
plies of dressed birds, ducks. How
ever, ere still In very good demand
. from the Chinese, with receipts almost
too small to base a quotation. .
Bre larket Bold Well. 1
The egg market Is holding well at
Ito, with supplies not equal to the de
mand at this figure. Outside demand Is
keeping thla market well cleaned and
according to the trade present pros
pects are zor an advance in vaiuea. ,
. Creamery Batter Scarcer.
Creamery butter - Is- so scarce - that
the city creameries were again buying
what little supplies they could find
along Front street. Orders are out
- down so much that the retail trade
claims that It Is not able to supply the
demand of regulsr customers.
The cheese market la holding well,
the first Tillamook arrivals of yester
day being eagerly picked .up at the
printed values.
. Xlxsd Ton In Hop Starke.
here is very badly mixed Informa
tion floating sround in tne nop mar
ket. Almost every dealer In this olty
' states that there la only a low range
of prices offered, while some outside
dealers those who sre long claim me
market la ruling higher. Every -sale
recently reported at a higher price has
' been denied by the growers who were
supposed to sen wnue tnere are con
firmations of mles around 10a and lCVie.
Kastern and European markets are now
Reported quiet and dull, with values
knehanged. . .
rka inili navs ths followlne? nrleea
to Front street. Prices paid shippers
are less regular commiaaions.
rata, fleas aaS ree
1U!! aos Cslcstts. SHe taring, price:
eelllne SPKS'-
WHfAT-Clah, T0ITlei nd Rosrlsa. TQ
aset blnseteej. 73: valley, TOe.
CON Whole. MMOl creeked. lAOO per
By Shark & Graham Company.
The prloe .of eggs has been
slowly climbing upward during
tbe paat week and today atocka
are In limited supply and selling
readily to local dealers. The low'
prloes prevailing during the past
two or three weeks have been
tbe cause of greatly Increaaed
consumption and a consequently
stimulated trade. The supplies
have not kept In line with the
' demand and the price was bound
to stiffen. We do not look for
the present figures to advance to
any extent. . ..
. Fancy veal and bogs are still
ia very limited supply with
prloea holding stesdy and Arm.
The scarcity would warrant an
advance but many dealers prefer
to pasa them up rather than pay
more than the preaent prices.
Poultry Is arriving a little
d more freely and the market Is
d not quite as strong ss It has ,
been for some time past
Country butter Is In strong de
mand with very little arriving.
fJOfillllU STOCK
Continued Light Arrivals In Lo
cal Livestock ' Market Adds
; Strength to the Tone.
Local Trade Very Much Surprised at
the Absence of 8 applies Price
Very Firm bat Unchanged Oth.
-era Steadier. . - ':-
WOOL lOOS lia Vally, tOaZUi
MOHAIK new iiarr xse m.
SHBKr-SKINll 8bear1n, laOJO- eaeai atM
wool, Utteoe; mediaa wool. MOTSe each:
km. 'wool. 1&fO1.00 wk. '
TAU.OW rrune. pec id, SMjei He. a aa
tree. staztte.
CH1TTIM BAHK H7e tar ear fctaf swag
en. "qw.
Hints Dry, no. I. is me u4 id. liui.
IHf per lbi dry kip. No. 1. to 15 lbs. I
try calf. No. I, aeler lb, tee. suited aides,
leers, soaad. SO ttw and ever, loan.-
iWVvi wm9 mna muum, moo, Q7et kit,
l te SO Iks, So; ealf. euaad. aader It lha. lli;
areea. enaalted. le tern eelle. ie w Ik I,
ton kxlee, wlted, each, IlitAOl.tB; dry, each.
eacn. nainri um, eaca, ascejll
gralta aad Teaeiaalaa, .
rOTATOES Berlac arm. ' aaatora Mslta
lh aad CUckaaiaa select. Il.M: hU.
1.28 wt sweets, Te lb. -
ONIONS Jobbing price Ife. 1 Oregea, SOrA
fl.5; No. x, sottWe; batag price, uf6Ce Z
S. b. eblpplag point; garlic, jidllo par lb,
al'exKi ttmrt Hand Mirer pllallr m4
ftllow Nawtowaa. S2.2S: faacr WUUnctta nL
f aae aoeiaeia urasoe. St.Miai.3Si anUnui
itock. I1.0uitl.2n.
FBE8H t UI ITS Onngea, aew Bevel. tS..V
s.ia; HngeniMa, si.zet aaaanas, be per lb:
rieoas. S4a4.oo Dot; lime. Mcik-aa. aw
100: aateanplea. S4.OOUS.00 M doaan: alaa-
appiea. aa per aoa: grape ..milt, u.&O3.b0.
vn.EiAiti.rM i-ajreriM. aew. txiutl pvk:
Portlaad rnloa Bterkyarda, Uarch M.tAy.
hc ncvipie: . .
M Hoga. Cattle. Sheep.
. ..................... M ...
Week age SI f
Year ago T ' 975 133
Previous year 100 153 1070
With the continuance of the nominal arrivals
nx ibe livestock market the trade la beglnalng
to opea Its area wider and see tlie market eoa
dltlous In their trae Ugbt. Ike trade had been
led te expect somewhat of a scarcity bt aoca
and aheep at tills time af tbe year bat It was
iuna anpreparea n .Ue extreme abertage la
cattle supplies.
While Ui recelnts of cattle at ttibj tnae e(
tbe rear are nana fir llrht tbe arrivals tbe east
season aave artown a greater scarcity tnaa rn
previous petioda this, too, with tbe drnsad
abowlng a heavier Increase than ever. During
the half week but K.1T cattle arrived In tbe
local yards snd SOT of these cam In Bandar,
leaving but 50 head for tbs rest of tbe sertml.
While so cbanree war shown la cattle pricee
today toe market la very firm. A yearase
esttle were quoted firmer at the advance of
Sac the previous day, with s tendency ta rue.
y ate Shass Arrive Today.-..
Today there were so arrivals la the . shoes
market. During tbe half week s aoenlnal UJ
heed arrived lo tlx yards. Prlrea hardly re
flect the actual condltioa of the market.
Hogs are holding their former blah price with
the top at Te. The tone la slightly weaker,
however, but tbe trade does sot look for say
Immediate efaaaire la vaiuea. A year ago boga
were firmer with tendency to edvaaee. Today
T5 head of horses arrived la the yards,
Official livestock prims: V.
Hogs Best eastern Oregon. fT.TS: atnekers
and feeders, $7.00; China fata, je.75QT.0O.
Cattle llest esstrra Qregoa ateers, f4.T8
earrota, T5cCl 00 per sack; beets, l.TSIiB.ooi best cows snd heifers. Sl.nO: atockera
riaa saahsemlrvai 1 laflmi I t . . t I . . .. " '
peaa, lftcj horaaradlah. Be per lb; artlrbokte. , r '- - -
see lb; aaparagua, loe- rhabsrb, 8e per lb;
cr?b.Mtou M -" onnn lonnxn octm
-S"-" STWve eavJ MVt fw rraw,
12PUH P-T lb Mrka, tiyr Hi Imi prv..
p tf 40, H tfros mm en 1-10 mallaff
1m: fin. 1sb1Im..1 al..a. asadii khx. 1
tt oW'rreori. li-s-Ei p,enty of Rsdn Cves Encouras-
Sroaeriaa. Vats. xte. I ment to Drv-LanH Farrriflr-
nrRitn.Hiv4. - , I .
WJ17141 powdered. 0.KH1 berry, HtStm dry
cranuiated. M.Wki Star. Se.lzUi eonf. A.
-vi,l extra IV M4Ut goMew . -frum D
i.. vrr graaujauo, as.ixta.
WesterDCabe. 4.7Vk; powdered. 15.12H:
rraacis, 4.14l eoafectloiMra A, ti n; extra
: goUeo a W.82H: D, yellow.
M-S- ket graaalsted. bbhs iocs
M bhls, tie: boxes, 60e advance oa sack basis.
lAbove srleaa aie SO San aak soak saotav
Average to Be Increased.
HONFT-tiSJ see crate.
VOrrER .Packa-a hr1. 1 R HAH M
SaLT Cosne Half graoud. 100a. ia00 per
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Bend, Or March SO. Every Indication points
to a bumper wheat crop throughout this aectloa
of the state during the coming season. Tbe
neavy snows sad eamTeH hove sot tbe deaert'
la Buck condltioa that a good crop is assured
without Irrigation. Tbe Irrigated laada sere
wouin, or course, have all tb water needed.
but to the dry farmer, of whom there is aa
increasing number between Bend and Prtnevllle,
Company's StockYS,ald to Be
Sold at.Sixty-NlnbolIars Is
Offered at Twenty-Five.
. V-.
Only 14,018 Shares Sold During the
Day Washongal . Extension
2ao Cascadia Sells at 24,e
Other Salesv : .
1 110.00
loo oo
100.00 10S. 50
S.50 100.00
afaarpnlstloB la chara. k, L-.I
BB ta th. J r. Taa. a..mna.. .
local exchange today Ue records show that
bree shares were sold at ttW .hare, yet tbe
Y?k . t"M 10 openl eftered by eat-sldi-rs
at . .
fislaS dllrllUV VKa ..ari.ia Ifu a
Oil at S42.T5, throe 1. U l (a. at . f.000
Potlde allnlitr at 111 a a ihwi w..imi v..
te'" at S6V4c S.(J WaabougU laXtasalus
J,,'. Cascadia at 4S4c . .
utlidal pricee: ,' i ,
ir": "s. ,nf- "Mil 00 "
Msrehaata N.oi"" "
Oregoa Trust Savings.. 120.00
Portland Troat Co... .7? .1' .....
Dalted Male National I. 200 00 '
A.?:ras.,!.l.,. m ou .
Colombia Sou there Irrigatioa'sa '.
Ewaim aricnooue SS. ........... .....
J. O. Lee fV sa
O. R. A N. By. ds SB "00
. . r. as ay. os ...,,.,.
Pacific Coaat Biscuit Ss
Portland Railway oa
MiscELLANEona BTvvrv-a
Aeaodated Oil o.50
Home T.lcpboae 50.00
J. C. Lee Co
Psclfle Ststea Teler-boae
Paget Soaod Telephone .....
Dennv Dulls ; mh
Lske-rlew L......II" t
Lees Creek Cold.. .0214
North Falrvtew ... .
Crows Point
Potlcle Mining ..-.14
Waahoogal Exteasloa .25
J-qnina Bay Telephone.. 0.87H
Blne Stone
British Colombia inlnmal
Cascadia " "
(ioldflrld Trotter
west northers
atoning ............
U,t KM.
Standard Conso'lidatd"!!I!L"
Tacoma Bteel
former King .14
Bullion or
K. OonaoUdstsd iwu
Hsppy Dsy - M m.
Park Coooss .
enowahoe ........... .......... o
I . .. . . . ..... 15
No Cheaper
on the Coast
Ia Any UncompllcAtee! Aflramt
Let Me Guide You on Your
.Way Jo Regain Your Healtfc
tad Renew Your Strength
No Better
in the World
Pay Ue Vhen
You Are Cured
This Is My Fair Offer to
Every Patient
The fceaalnr aTpeotaUs.
I Never Quess
Experiment or take chance of any.
Do yon feel that you are not the'
man you once wereT Do you feel
tired In the morning and easily ex
hausted? . Is your back weakT Is
your memoir falllnsT Do vou have
difficulty In fixing your thoughts! , sort. I attempt to cure only those
Are you losing ambition! If you diseases thst I have bees eurlng
nave any or all or the above symp
toms, you surely do not desire to re
main In your pregent condition. Let
me explain to you my methods of
An average of one man In five has
varicocele. Most men that have thla
dragging, draining weakness are not
aware of It until It has wrecked their
lives. . Varicocele causes congestion
of the blood In some of the moat
vital blood vessels of man. It causes
a dull, heavy, listless feeling which
is often mistaken for nervous de
bility or general decline of power.
for the past IB years, and feel
sure I am Justified in saying that
I have learned all about them.
mm Iiiiia ro jrutl my UiQLUUUS SI -XT. -a, laail.a t V 1-Jta..
..h.,nin. . i),. -1 - wsre I lacking In knowledge per- -1 1. 1 -. ,1 ri . r
."-.'" -..n, , - -.,.. . is r v.. yi umor
-rerer you to me thousands I have " w. manent and lasting.
are per-
Jte tonlas that
stimulate temporarily, but thor
oughly scientific treatment for the
removal of conditions responsible '
for the ' functional derangement.
"Weakness" is merely a symptom
ef Inflammation or congeetlon In
the prostate gland, and under my
own original local treatment thla
gland la promptly restored to Its
a-.-ts-r-t' .Mkiotti TiTiAii . airx ---. s..v a r-.... normal state and complete fuactloaal
rKCC WUH3UL,! AIIUlAHU CAAiTlIfN A I lUIN mvttw la the Lasting result.
I Invite every weak or diseased man to call for free sdvloe, and If de
sired I will make a free examination and diagnosis, but the visit will sot
obligate htm In any way to become my patient., Office hours, 1 a. m. to
p. m. Sundays, 19 to 1 only. .
' Patlsnts living out of tbe city and coming to Portland for treatment
will be furnished with fine room free ef charge. Check your trunks
direct to ISitt Morrison street. . . , . ,
; The Only Diseases I Treat ; .
. Spermatorrhoea, Z-oai Vigor, Tart,
eooele, Bnptare, riles, Xyarooele,
Organie Weakness, Contagiona Blood
Diseases, Aeute and Chronlo TJre
thraj and sVrostatle Inflammatloa.
never have attained my present
success, nor would X today be rec
ognised ss the leading epeoiallst
treating men's diseases. If af
flicted, you can depend upon It
that the service I offer you Is the
service you need, and Is service
such aa can be rendered by no
other physician.. . r. .-
The Dr. Taylor Co.
. Ooraer anfiBit, .
.12 I '
.20 .oft,
' M
.on 14
- 3Slt
B A HI ST I" . eaDad.
12.1 00il24.00i brewing. . l22.00Caa.O0,
YE 51 6 per ewt.
OATNew-PtwlacerV JfHee-lte. I wfclt.
I2 00a 29.60: gray, 2S 0ns2.6o.
FLOUR Kaatera Oregoa psteats. S4.1R;
straights, 3.ij earn t. vsll.f, ii.7!;
arThim, i i0; whole wheat, f-hrtfl
lorn. 5.0t): bal-o, Sl.l.
MILUTTUrrs-Braa. I7.0 Sr few) B.I4V
dllnaa. 25.00 ah'a eratry, 30.0; ett,
510 50" rbne.. I IS.OOaJll.OO.
HA. I Prodacers' prhw Ttsjotby, Srtllamstvs
vslley. taaey. ls.0hOI400s ordieary, gsooa
1000: eaetere Oregon. tlS.OOj mttad,
lO oiftlO Mi cmrer. S-O0i grata, lAPOOlOOi
a .at, 5
Battar, Xgya sad .PeeJtry.
. B0TTE tAT-t. , a k. Partlsad-wweet
cream. Kiviei aoor, II He.
BUTTBK City eram-ey, SRa. outald
fsnrv. Sftci storage. tl stors, 170Js,e.
y.(ine--Extra fancy, easdled, ISo.
CHKK8E New mil L.ereaas. flats, MOltUei Am-rlca. l7J17Ue.
POCI.TKV Mixed chlrk.ns, 4Ue p-r n,,
fancy hens. 15e lb; rooatsra .old, 110)2
Ibt eld slags, !2jl2He lh: fry-rs, u ih
brollsrs, 16e lbi old ducks, 15Vej asriag
sks. ISVte per lbi geese. edHOe per lb, tar., I7e pee lb ! old: drssssd. rsacy, ta,
trr jhi inabe. 2 )0 per Sns: piganns, tl.o
ear doe. Draeasd poultry lOIH par lb klgkcr.
Boss. West as 4 Bldee,
H0P 1'" ernp Choice, lie; -m u
"botr-i. lo tlOUrl m.dlm to prims, g0,
aieaiuax, St( Ooutracu, luvl crop, '
IVbrr ft'JO RA aW . sLr. lw a. mm mj. ion. I ft lftrn ICltirt eMM ts CTS IsB.
iiu io."" e- Everyone who has moved Into tbs Bead com
try -and settled either on Irrigated or dry
tanning isana is well aatisried with thla see
ttoa of th west. Many scree are be Ins lard
of tb sagebrush aad Junipers and put ander
cultivation, ueveionmenr. in ' weetera cmok
county la going steadily forward and 1007
promises to give a eren that will fallr sub-
taatiat an claims mads tor thla part
pros porous uregoa.
110.00. -
tAboee srleaa apply te aales ef leas thaa
en. lots. Car tota at special pricee subject te
RICB Imperial Japaa, Ke, 1. Set Be. ' t,
t Htm tolsaaa, aeaia. Tot AJas. 5c) Creole,
BltAKS Bman wklta. SS r. -Urgw ' whlte,
MJ0I plas. S2.S01 kayea. i.mss. 6ic;
aaexlcaa rede. 4.
KUTg pMoota, Jamba, SHe per tbl Vtrgtala,
IHe per lb; rossted, loe per lbi Japaaeae. 6sl
He roaeted7j7Me per lb; aocoaaau. ssBsXe
Per dmi: walnuts. California. I no amr lb:
ETlS' hlrVory SIC 1. I to ChlCAgO
. M.j-i, i-i pn as saacy paraaa, taajjue; I " " " u
Import, lttalvi la ' I - f
mZZ wLa. -s -' '.. v I . , BBLATITI WHEAT YaIXES,
mitSrl ii BATH IW Ii-ai n. a.
He lbs veal, extra, ae per lb) ordinary; May ...
Ifi"!. " sisttoe. Uacy. Jnlj
TlAsIS, BACOlf. rrc.rertwa Back OscaO I
15 U 20 lbs. lfc lbrh--ift h-Ii-iJ ."Jc-F" ""T" . "? ?ow "Mr
ttZlWe lbi alcaloa. ISe lb: eottsse soil ia. I Z2JZ. - . " . . T"Z
lb; rscnlsr short l.ra. ,SI .ZT I iiiog oa a.n sowar, oeing in. ssosi
amoked." 18c lb. ekri kickaTTaaSok-oT 12? Kw?W4 Ee'nnd'er tt. Sos"!i VLl
smoked, loe Ibt Colon buttsTlO to is iS. Hi A'beT,-f' ,'.a'f! Brtc
em-sod; Sc lb; amoked. Sc lb .mar bellW. I "' "w- oow .
at the close for Jnlr and May respeetlvely.
Oat closed mixed with Slay Vie up snd July
weak. e ktw-r. Pork was mixed. May ad-
v.ociBg sou awing.
fey Over beck, Itarr A
March 90. MsreB IS. tea. lens.
....... I .TBii $ .rr. .00 $ .7s
.701 .774 .00 ,.77Z
-.n .714 .wS .ni
a -a. to. w, wan,. OVIll-O, BSJ-
moked, 12Hc lb; amoked. 1H lb;- aboaldara.
lite lb; pickled kMiguea, aOe each. '
LOCAL LAB D slot tie leaf, 10a. Ils lbi
la. 15e B; 50-U una. u lb: atssm rea
dered. 10a, Ufca B so. 11,1 lb( eomssead.
Official anotattona
I Cooks eomnaar:
. 'f Open. Hlrh,
tALMON Olambla ih. t.n
UIIl 51.W); t-lb tails, 12.75; tsaey. 1-lk flats,
tl.80: U-lb fsae furs. SI.IK; f.-a. 1.1a. 1-
L s7 muT M OS. !5 r7u
riRH Sock cod. 7 per lb; flounder. c per I2
lbi ha I that, V4e per lbi erabs, li.50 per Pt 78 "
doai atrlped base. 12He per lb; estflah. loe b; u.r ' : aaai st
ealawn, freah Oonmbla river ste.lhe.da, lie: fZ letJ II,
Chinook. 12e Ibt f rosea ealmoa. SOI lei her- riiiw
ring, 6c lb; aolea, lb) ehrlmpa, 10c lb; perch, . uti i
5e lbi black end, Te per lb; tomeod. Te nor M; T'Z "' V,S V,J
So us.
lobsters, 16c per lbi fresh marker. 1.
Ibj crawfish, 20 per doeea: atnrgeon, loe per I w.
B bUek asss, too per 11 Columbia river "
. 1
. 7H
July 1687
smelt. 6c Dor lb.
oibtiki snoaiwatse nay. per galloa, 12.50;
per 100-lb sack. 54.50; Olrmpla. per galloa.
2.fS; per 1161b. eark. 54.60O4.-6i Ksgl
sbi-q, mm CD. si oos-sj,
CLAMS nardah.ll. per feox. 21 40:
clama, 2 yr bos, per dossa lie. .
rami; OeaJ Ofl. Xka.
ROPB Pur Maalla. 1541 staadard. is..,
tta.1. lie. . . J.:
lkl r OTT Paa-f a, IsmUAm. .a ,.
galloa! water white, Ire, kbla. i7sr Tailiai VJ?? cVhl.'
ia .
l . T7
5 ; 23
, J' aa -aa, . (
(Sne-lkt pispatrb te Tbe Journal.!
Baker City. Or., Mareb JO. As a rssalt ef
rivalry between the eonpsrstlve ereamery pro.
a roe Baxer vity ana the private creamery
eeetloa two plants will be
tbl cltr within tbe salt few
montha. on plant will be that of tbe so.
operative company, which will cost $5,400 and
be operated winter and summer, while th
einer win nrobeniy ae a small sftalr,
only during tbe Bummer.
Wrien tbe people who owa the er-am-ri-
at Hainee and Hlr-iiand dlaenvsred tbst Aa
drew Wllkle Jr., representing th' Hastings Ia-
duatrlal company of Chicago, waa bar t
sen creamery plant to a cooperative organ
lastlon the war wsa opened snd has waged
le oee a-al: 5-hh.i lot.. a-i 1 ""-""J since. -r. rriisis asaeo ine
l-ebl lots, soc por f,f; groesd cake, ear low. mo,. "pport ' n fltls-na' learn, but ae
IMper teal leas thaa ear asts. gJO par sasT 1 1' nJ ""4,hr h ref.renc-
...... ... ". "." f I w" la progrea the private interest, made
STW Walla Walls Oaaaary, I th. nmnnalllon that If th.
Walla Walla, Waah.. Msrefe 20. etnfrl-l.s I elv th.m Irs snnnort thee wonid in.t.n .
etock haa b-ea eubseribed for tbe eatahll.h-I creamery her themaelvea. That this nlsnt wss
m.nt ef a fruit cannery, m this city which I to be a small one to bp-rated onlv la the
Will employ 2K) men, - A me. tins will ka 1 anmmse waa ahnwa be th. tact that t'ka . .
ha the Commercial club roome Friday, for tem. I endeavored to employ a local butter maker.
0AHOUNB M-deg esses. B4US aa nla.
troa kbla IS pr r allow. T
BSNHINB ds deg. eaaas. 28 p gallosi
UVn in. I , BFeBT lixeaaai q
TCRPRMTINB la caoas. (6 per g.l, we-d,
Ibis. 3e aer ssllea.
WH1T LBA1 Toa lots, T per lb SOO-lk I
a,,., mi yww iv, www mnm. !, par lo.
wilts riAii.eiis.aai basis at sisa
1.1 N H C E D Oil Pars rsVw. ta t-ua k,. sst..
l-bbl lot, SSet eaeee. 5e per gal; geaaloe ka.
"" n, rmwrnrn, suo pw gai; -eoi tote,, sect I
porary orgsniaaiirm. aisn ef Walls I who ts new tn another Use ef bnalness, te
Wslla and tralkgrawer of the valley owa bear, take charge of tbe plant, assuring him la
ty all ef tbe stork. No sits haa beea dnflnitai. I lh. meantime that It would ha n. mi,
selected. Th. cannery will mean much to I tb summer swath and that It eon Id be
tbl section because It will ear. th Immense 1 op-rated without Interfering with hi regalar
aaut.t a A sa. I saw la IaIi ham as lh a a a I .
m uwub, v. vi.iotor gob as I ausinsss,
waate aaaaaUy.
Clearings today ..
Clearing year age
Oaln today t gia tlOM
today 12.1.7fM.M
Ka la ace
BSMuaces year saw
Six KnitHl In Explosion.
Blrmlnghnm, Ala., March 10.-1-Five
negroes snd-one white men were killed
in a boner explosion at an Iron furnaoe
bar this mornlnsT, -
Mr. Wilkte. who Is here to aslt Mis
hut sot to kee? any Interest la th erganlaa.
tloe. stated thla moraine tbst ks had the
anpport of a larg our. See of the leading
hualoeae bona of the rtty and that within
I'li 9lt l 1 wrr.. wi - - - 10. rrquirso nnm.
,..ia. I hr of hustitea nun and farmer Int-rested.
within OO day he la nndrr contract to erect
the new creamery. This he doee at kls owa
lu.,041.41 I b7 J,, p,l, after It la Instslled.
Ia eon-. th nee or tne nitfer.nca bstweea
the enop-atlve pe le snd tbs private Intsrssta
the Cl'laena' leagna ha extended Its ladnree
mnt ta both panic. y
Chlttlm . bsrk hsa tumbled down to
tare cents up th valley.
(Continued from Pag One.)
Thaw was Insane when be killed White,
to offset the six called by Jerome, who
testified that Thaw-was net insane. ,
Xawysrg Are Bitter.
- Dr. Hamilton said be made the" first
examination of Thaw on June IT, 190s.
Delmaa asked the witness to describe
the examination. Jerome was on his
feet at once with aa objection. - .
In the argument between Delmaa an
jerome tnere was much bitter talk,
each showing considerable feel I nr. Jer
ome frequently stated that Hamilton
had been discharged from the employ
of the defense because he maintained
u Doner mat Thaw la still insane.
. This morning Jerome tried to make
Delmaa say that he would examine the
witness on an points on which ha la
prepared to testify. This would have
xorcea ueimas to ask Dr. Hamilton
what he thought of Thaw's condition
BverythlnaT or Vothlnr.
'' T refuse to be bound hr anv wa.
strlrtlon made by the district attor
ney," said Delmaa in bla smoothest
"No," retorted Jerome tv H.r.n..
does not want to go into thla matter
The arcumsnt than turn a a a.e
fort by Jerome to hsve a ruling order
ing Hamilton to tell av.rhi.
nothing... .--. - . , .
The court sustained Jerome's objec
tion to the limited nnestfnnlna, r-M.
Hamilton. Dalmas attempts to get
specific opinions from Ms
met by Jerome's objections repeatedly.
-uu vtiuo unniu succeed in plac
ing the court on record, and reserved
exceptions, thus msklng ths second
basis for an appeal for a new trial.
Delmaa Yields.
At thla point Delmaa asked fop a .
cess to permit him to confer with the
other attorneys for the defense. They
adjourned to the anteroom to decide
wneinor to accept Jerome s proposition
to allow Hamilton to testify aa ta the
opinion he held or now holds ss to the
aamiy or maw. After the ennfaMiuo
Delmas sgreed to have Dr. Hamilton
tell all he observed about Thaw, and
asked him to btste sll the fscts hs
learned at each vlslt to Thaw, taking
kuiiu an vrufjr.
Come at once and have free examina
tion. ,
INGS, 76o UP: SET OF TEETH, 4.0:
I2.00 TO I&.0O; WHITE CROWNS. it.H
TO. $5.00.
- All work guaranteed for ten years.
Lady attendant always presenL All
work dona absolutely without pain by
specialist of from 11 to 10 years' ex
perience. Boston Dentists
Baose atala tosa
MH. Xornsoa at Opy Bowtomee.
-J r - vaaas-a saw mmr
m r .
. r-ar',"
Breaks Out in' Hotel and Rages
Many Hours Before It Can
Be Controlled. ', ' -
mm ;
Our Fee in
No Oasualtles, but Propcrtr : Loss
Fifteen Thousand and Very Little
Insurance Xo Fir)' Department
Urava Battle With Backets.
Constipation causae Vised. K.. .......
dlsslnsss, languor, heart palpitation.
Drasue physics gripe, sicken, weaken
the bowels and don't cure. . Dosn's Reg
ulate sot gently and cure constipation.
IS cents. Ask your druggist .
l (Rperlal Darpatek 'ta The Joernal.) t ;
La Orande, Or.. March IS. It la es
timated that 1,000 sntrymen In the La 1
Grands land district ars affected bv the
order-of the president to expedite pat-1
ems xo settlers on tne puduo domain.
Count Coin to Advertise Harney.
Imperial Dtspatra to The -JonrnaL)
Bunts. . Or., March 10 Tbe ooantv
court of Harney county has msde sn
order expropriating 1760 to the Harney
County Fair association to be used for
premiums and to advertise the resources
of Harney county.
1 i j
' ' USTXaT
and remember the next time you suffer
from pain caused by damn weather
when your head nearly h urate from neu
ralgia try Ballard's Bnow Liniment
It will cure you. A prominent businsaa
man ef Hampatend, Texas, writes: "I
ave used your liniment Previous to
sing It I wss a great sufferer frnm
Rheumatism snd h'eumtgla. t am
pleased to snv thit now I am free from
fttpectsl Dlsaatch ta Tb lamlh ,
Korth Powder, Or., March 30. Fire
broke out last evening at 1:10 in the
North Powder hotel, a high wind spread
the flamee to the livery stable, the opera
house, the Lenox saloon -and three Ice
houses. The total loss la estimated at
116,000. ' Tbe Insurance on the hotel Is
tl.000. No lives were lost The Br
waa enecsea uy rain, out. is sun smoui
The blaae started In the sttle ef the
hotel, presumably from a defective flue.
There is no fire department and the
flames gained great headway and could
not be-checked by the bucket brigade
until midnight The entire town waa
threatened for several hours, but farm
ers Joined the residents In the light and
were victorious.
The hotel, the theatre and the stable
property sustained the heavleet losses.
The ice houses belonged to W. Valke-
nant Dave Beverldge and Tom Burns.
The saloon waa the property of A. Liv
Weber in the Club.
Even the great Weber ptanoa are In
cluded la the Ellers clubs. Join Club
"D" . today select - any - Weber or
Chickerlng you desire pay 11.60 week
ly. The saving effected by Joining
clubs at this time will pay for the mu
sical education' of the entire family.
Quickest action' la necessary, for the
clubs are filling rapidly. The time ts
todsy. Ellers Plana House, 161 Wash
ington street
Weston, Or., March 10. The elty
council has advertised for 'bids for ths
improvement of Main street with
crushed rock for -a distance of about
1,600 feet. The street will be properly
graded and a aurfaoe dreaatng of
crushsd rock six inches deep laid from
eurb to curb. The coat ef the work will
be paid out of the city treasury snd
ssaessed sgalnat adjacent property, the
heae oomplafnta. I am sure I owe thi.l owners of which may pay their re-
to your liniment" Sold by all drua-1 speotlve snsesamenls In cash or In an-
alata. , : y I nual Installments for 10 years with
Is an abnormal ' enlargsmsnt
r knotted conditions of the
veins- caueed by a ' blow, fall,
tiding horseback, or bicycle.
it causes a dull heavy weighty
feeling and results from a
partial paralysis of the, deli
cate nerve fibres which con
trol the circulation of blood,
causing the flow of blood to
become alow aad stagnant
with no nourishing property at
I also affeoie both naiad and body, oaaslng a physios! ama sneatal weak
ness resultlaa; ta melancholia. Insanity, lmpovawcy, and In faot, a de
geaeratlve eoadloon of the whole ayeteen, annttlag yon for work os aay.
thing els, we have devoted years of arody to this special eUMaseTaal
wd have oared varioooale la eae treatment.
stateaaent aaay
It, We know how to
broad, but it Is aa absomte faotTaswl w
do this by the right method, aad Qnx snooees haa spokea for Itself. Oag
aad be convinced that what we say Is trae. Write If yon eaaaot eaU. L
Don't allow yourself to be butchered and experimented with.'' We have
a safe, painless and sura cure, original with us and employed by no one
else. We use no knife, cause no pain, and you need not be detslned from
business a single dsy. Wa especially solicit those caaea in which many
so-called cures hsve failed, or where money has been wasted en electric
belts or other appliances. Don't ex pari ment when our direct . method
offers a certain means of cure. . ' ' -
ours i a. a. to f. xa. s-aasjags, f to tiM; .aadajra, a. xe, to IS.
Takg tdvantagg of th ' ,
And the Pacific Northwest over th Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line,
Oregon Rsilroad & Nsvifition Co., and Southern Pacific, from all parts of
the. East. DAILY during March and AprU. ' -" -
. - YOU CAN PREPAY ' , : .
For tickets, if yon desire to bring friends, felativet, employes or others from
the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P.
Co, with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in the East
A Rare Opportunity to Promote the In
dustrial Growth of the Northwest -
., . BaTBI TOOaf BaXsTCZBaU. Bail1
crbieage ...... ......... 990.SO
lasas Olty ne.M
Omaha ........ SS.ftO
Bt Baal la-oo
AJ B '
933.00 Buffalo , '40.00 949.60
SO.00 Bew TOTk 47.60 60.00
SS.OO Boetoa 47.40 49. H)
6.00 BhUaderphla 47.SJ 4S.7S
i BeMIO Washlarton 47a S ejtves
A Rstes spply to all main and branch line points, Huntington to Spokane,
thclualve. B Rates apply to Portland. Aatorta and Puget Sound polnlai also
Southern Paclllo main and branch line points north ef snd including Ashland,
Oregon. ............
For "complete Information. Inquire of3 ' i ' '
WK aaoltVBBaT. Oeaeral Beeaeage Ageat, '
Oregoa Ja-Oiroad ft Bavtg-etloa Oo.
C W. Stinger. Oty Ticket Art. Id aad Waahlngtea. .
iMMe' I a
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn rencin;.
Poultry Nettin. Etc.
Phone ITa'n
crcoriD '
interest. Tha
and quarrv.
disposal r" '
free pf
April 1.
- a r. V r-
-.r I