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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
HELP WANTED MALE. . $1.00 A MONTH PnOTECTS TOtT Agalnat aevldsnt, sickness snd dVath. Writs or rill snd Investigate. Wnmweetern Health Accident AwliHon. Room 81, fctark . Agents Wsutsd. MEN ANJ, WOMEN to Inn the ber her treds l",. ' eehe; graduates Mm from tilt ts ' J-" oeklyt expert Inetrortorc; eetalo,se free. Molar eeiem of Cotlegss. M North rwil St.. Psrtlssd. WANTED Mm for Kill snd woods. Apply st antlli ran via CUrtomil linn sr Uraeer-tam- Union Logging Lumber Co. W sua aas several men over SO, of ability, fa rpsre (or- U. 8. customs house service; uoo alar.) lira positions. Writs Pacific Ststes Schools, McKay bldg, lty. WHY work tor salary! Ba yoor ows hoes, aara from f,M) (a $iih) a week: yary llltla money ; required, rot particulars address R. 14a. cere Journal, i ... . WANTED Painters to Join Painters' union; charter closes Wednesdsv. March 30; faa It. v Meetings Draw kail, 163 Second at., svsry Wednesday Bight.. , SALESMEN Biaka big sooner working for aa; , experience annsewsssry. - Pacific Aid Aaeo eletloo. 334 Xanitxc Exchange. bUlg.. Coat. " "Isnd. Oregoa. . . ... REPRESENTATIVES In evsry city and town; V. nnuaual opportunity. Address, encloelnx atamp. for full particulate, H rooks-Hen net t ' Noralty Co.. 880 Sixth at., Portland. Or. WANTED A No, 1 flra aacapa man and halpar. .. Columbia Wire Iron Worka, Kia-870 Esst Washington at. . WANTED Strong boy to learn trade. Onlnm . bia Wlra A Iron Worka, 80870 Kaat Waaa Inaton at. BBWER IIOOKRS. 13.00, kaara. and Tbompano ata. Eaat 13th WANTED Thraa men (married) to work 111 hrtc and aewaf Pl, Tactory; ilao fir. .lot!. , ,lnen; permanent employment. Call at office of Diamond Brick Co., Ankeay at. dock. . ETUDE NTS of the International Oorreepondenca achcola dealrlnf ' practical axperlenca ara ra- Jueatrd to Hat their namaa at our local office, 14 VcKay building. ... .WANTED Grading. carpentering. cement work: giro drntletry, tnewrltar. Call room VaVt Waahlngton. BOLDERERR WANTED Apply to Pacific - Uoaat Blacolt company. Itth and Da Til ate. TEW flret-claae fraternal organlaera. either mala or female, can find racratlre employment oy caning at rooa coo tammerclat bidg. WANTED A brlrht hoy at Cbocannoa'a mar- aat, ziat aaa jonnaoa ata. FOR 60 cants I will deliver or aend a receipt to mate genuine Mexican tamalea. Yoa knuw than what yoa are yettlni when they ara nume-made. V. o. Blch. TM Ronaevalt at. WANTED Beery maa eat of a ooeltloa or die. aatl-flrd with hla praaent yoratlon. to take - .-a night coaree at the Behnke-Walkar Baet. . neaa College, aWeanth and Hlark ata. Wa W1U place yoa la a aoaltloa whaa competeat. WANTED flabontraetora for acre per work. . Apply an rroaada, Mta and Bandy road. Juplla at Mecka. , WANTED A flrat-claia aaleamaa with refer- encea: betweea and 10 a. at. 31o-lT TU. .ford blag. , WANTED Parana to travel and collect la . home terrltnry: weakly aalary of I1.U73 per year and expeneee, Addraaa Joaeph Aleiaa- - dor, Portland. . WANTED Two - rabtnet-raakara. - RoM Parnltora Mfg. Co., Flnrt and Oiboa. City WANTED Delivery hora. : , . , . ROBERTS BROS., Third and aforrtaoa. . BOTH wanted to wrap aoap. 848 Hood at. WAXTED A boy for evening U library. An - ply Public Library, Seventh and Stark ata. WANTED Errand hoy, about 16 years old. Tba James Printing Co., -00 Flrat at. WANTED Painter and Baser hangar: maa - capable of handling aaa. Addresa P 10S Jonrnal,' . . BOYS with wheel. -Wertmaa King. Apply at sacs to Olds, ' PARTNER wanted for traveling abow; profits . st'r pa mo fluiy; mnet have smail capiUL Auareea r ID7, journal. - . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTEP Every jremaa-ee soelHoa -or niaaatianea with Brr present vocation, to . take a sight coeraa at the Behnke-Walkec Hualnees College. Seveatb. and Stark ata. a-wiu-piece yoa-ta a poaitioi when eoni. patent. . HANSEN'S LADIES' A OR NOT. S43H Waeh. inKoaa vi ear. neveota. aperaars. -Mala S3. Female kelp wanted. GIRLS WANTED Opete tore to work oa shirts aaa everaiw. Leaoone gtvea to taeiperttecad, Apply at Standard factory Wo. 3. Craad ava. -aod Eaat Tak sL' ". OIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory Me, a. uraaai are. ana ast raj lor St. . MATTRE woman, refined, of good addreea, to , avve part time for orranltlng work with Aid . societies, call 300 Tllford bldg. WANTED Girls to Work doable-stttch chines.. Inquire Fits-Well factory. 7 FlraC WANTED Girl to work In borne bakery. Apply fe uraaa ava. . WANTED Girls fog chocolate Confectionery Co. Modern WANTED A girl for general beasework. College at. ' WANTED Smart young girls to wrap chewing gusa, American uncle (Jo.. Hi north groat t WANTED Two flrat-claas aaamarreaaea and two sealstaats. Coed wages. (23 Williams ' ' arenas. . GIRL wanted for llcht boaaework: email fan. Ily; good borne and 1B. Call 107 Eaat Mac rieoa er phone Tabor I7X TAILOR ESS WANTED Apply Jons LSI Fourth St. - ' Bros., WANTED Millinery apprentice; erne that caa sew; nay while learning, gzs Third at. GIRL for boaaework, S fa family! IS per week. ' SOS Birth at. COOK In email family. , ttt King st. Mala 3511. f Pboas COMPETENT rlrl for general housework; small family) kond wages. Apply 1S1 North 13th St.. corner irviag. TEST ooerstors and ftnlahera. exnerlanced: . steady work, good pay. 307 OomanoDwealtk Bing. . . GIRL wanted at Dalmonlco's rsstaoraat, M nitaaeii st. . . WANTED Olrl for kitchen s aome I nlghta. Bachelor Hall, ooo couch' at. GIRL wanted for gearrsl boaaework. Slat st. II Esat WAN'TEIVwAa Inerperlenced stenographer who la willing to stsrt st mlalmam salary. IK-IT Tutors oiag. . :- WANTED Olrl for gensrsl henaework. 63 East izia st., aorta. WANTED Girl for general homework; small family. SAl Mellnds are. , GIRLS wanted, with some searing evperlenre, to work In tailor shop. Union Tailoring Co.. S06H ark at. . . . WANTED Toting ladles to stndy telegraphyi . day and evening aeaalona: mala line practice; poeitloos when comnetent.. Apply Oregon - College, 603 Commou wealth bldg. , . WANTED Evperlenced sewing girls, alao ap prentice atria bandy with the needle; pay While learning. 175 17th, cor. Yamhill. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. SETFRAL 'ladles and gentlemca to taks part efuae uremeai giro poooe. aiuareas v .loa. cars Journal. WANTED A few good eellrltnre. male aat feme la beet pronoaltloa ta Pnrtlaad: cood fwwer ta the right part lea. Phone Keltwood 1, Corner Kaat I3th at. and L'ststllla are. . MKI,P wanted and anprHed, male or female. R. Drake. 306 H Waahlngtol at, raelfie 1370. trruATIOX WANTED MALE. : TEAM engineer wants Job; fire years' ax- rerteace. B lfld. Journal. WANTED Position, as "Uamstar. Addraaa Us, aara Jouraai, , SITUATIONS WANT F3 MALE. 81IUR eakwinan. thoroughly experienced, wanta povttloti, country preferred; references fur l.lalicu. II loll, Journal. WANTED A position at night' watchmen la v-u uiBii-n w minnjng. in ins Cliy.OK forlr Isnd. Address U liO, Journal. ' WAK1T.D -Situation ay competent yoang maa a. caie manager or ener ID tiret or eeeood. ciaea car..; f irat-rlaas references from tba eaar. Aunress x 14. Journal. WANTED Office work by young typewriter. A 153, Journal. an awning. SITUATIONS WANTEDFEMALE. EXPERIENCED nana wishes arork by the der . or week: alao airs see aalt batbs and mssssgs io iiiTaiiua, ruooe mam inxs. WANTED Boomlnc-honaa to kmk after for the naa of hoHekeipfnf rooma by married lady. uurra o mo, cant -or. journal. " t . WANTED Poottkm aa bonatkeepar; kava naiiy. o-vi p tier lock ara. EStPLOniENT AGENCIES. s RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO ' Laryinf ramp aad farm help a arwetalty. 10 North Recnad at. Pkoaa Mala UK. Wt pay all telecraph rbanraa. HANSEN'S rwPl.OVMENT OmCE W Karta Sacmd at. - .' Paoaw Mala IBM. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPE1CB fWt Mnrrlaon at Phone Pacific taa IT North Record at Plume Pacific 110 WANTED AGENTS. AOENTS If you are looking for money; LiT nrnif w U.SZ.PvXH?!? ,t ;in?VUD,"1i fcc!2U!? ""PP'T Co.. 811 Coniiaen-lal I maavr 11 will par yoq 10 CaUOB aa. ni jon blk. ONE hnatter in each town or locality to handle anedlrtnee or anap: write nnlckj big roouey. K. M. Plnmmer. flO Third at. RELIABLE aiente for oar dlelnfectlng me chlnee. floor ollere, bar pollen, flra ait'n nlehera. etc. t hlg eommlaalooa; apaclal start ing offer. Jtadger Chemical Mfji, Co., Mil waukee. Wla. . . A FEW tint-class fraternal organlaera, either maie or remain, can run lucrative employment by calling at room duS Commercial bldg. WANTIOWrO RENT, WANTED To RENT Roseea. rotteree, flata, atoraa, efflcee, roammg heaeee. eta. Lead. . lorrte will do well to call on -PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREOON - Phone Ei. tX S. E. Cor. Sd aad Oak. WANTED To rent . fnrnlahad boaae. good location, good yarSl two ehlldraa. Addraaa P 123. care JoaraaL WANTED TO RENT Boaaea, oottarea. flata, atoraa, raomlng-aosaas, office. 04 Mohawk bldg. ' WANTED TO BENT Hooeee, eottagea. flats , and roomtng-hoaaes. 1'hooa Mala 4S3S. S04 Goodnough bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IP roa went to sell quirk, llat with P. Pacha. 221 tt Morrlaoa at. , . WANTED Lota or houaet and lota ea east and weat side. Boom 4, 18TH First ot, : CARII for vacant or Irepreved realdenca prop erty ir price is rignt. winks, os Lamnar Eachange. WANT eeveeal aear In anhnrban lota at ran. euaahla price. ' O VA, Journal. . WAetTRD Lot and email house ta saborbs. Addreea E low. Joarnsl. - - WANTED 1 to S acres near car Una; state terms. Aanress 1 loft, care Jonrnal. WANTED Bnlldlng lot or boaae on Portland iieignta; wiaa to oeai with owner. 84T Ankeny et. - 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. , WANTICDFnmlrnre enhonaehold rwda f every deacrlntloe booght. sold and exebajiged. The . M3 Plmt st. Mata SS74. t . BIG BEST cash price paid for an kinds second nsnd gonos. rnose uam nil. S3 is. Third. WE bent deed hers as snd cattle free. Fertiliser Works, or notify Corner's Veterl. y aary. -soarta aet Ullaan ata. ' ataia ione. CAN nee $.ono worth furniture this week highest prtree sold iaty Wsatera Sal- vegv -pr rimiff lee. ' , - MAIN Sejio.. CAsn and iots or it FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AI'CTION BOOMS, Sll Flrat St. . . MAIN S68S, MAtN $69. WANTED Rooming-boose; brick Grand are.. City. halldlngt CAM for btsjaehold goods. Savage A Pen sell. 40-347 rim ec rnoae rscuie sou. W WILL BI'T. OKI. I, OR TRADB ANY Or.O THINO. t WESTERN SALVAGE CO- 637. . S'O mflluiiii:rnH Dinrin ens - WANTED A ban with not less thaa flra stalls. K 160, Jonrnal. WANTED A little child to care for la my no roe. oi i urove er., voniavuia. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, NEWLY tarnished rooms in private borne, be tween two ear lines, waning distance; will give eoord In one gentleman; hot oath, gaa, telephone; lovely home for right people. om svortuwics,. t-aoae Eaat ourw. TUB RICHKl.irn. S3 14 North Sixth st Else gaatir rurnwhsd; a teem best sad hatha. TOR GRAND. 4H-4 North Third et Bo gentlemen, gi.xs per week aad ap. TUB YAMniLL. SHI West Psrk Rooms by say or week) a tea a heat, bsta, phone) traa. aianc. THB ARCADE. !4H First St.. near Morrlaoa, rurniened rooms aoc ta i: trsnslest. SINGLE roon. nser 'Hotel Portland, , IS See- enth et. Mela 4008. i , 658 WASHINGTON ST. Large, well fnrnlabed rooms snd table Board. Pboas Main S351. NICE, newly fnrntahed room;' suitable for one or two gentlemen: gae. hath, furncssj res- sonsois rem. 00 stsrsnaii st. TWO dealrsblc rooms, single or en ssfte, hath and phons Tint all flrat rieor. 80S 14th st. NICELY- fnrnlabed rooms, single, for 20 V Psrk St. THB - HVLAN'D. 400 Morrison St., opposite high school' modal brleb building: steam beat, bate, newly furnished rooms. 83.60 . sna ap, THB STEWART Honsekeerdnf and forniahed rooma; transient ana single. . zutH wash. TWO eorner connecting rooma. new fnrnltitrs, Tree pnone, wooa or gae erovea. bus Barter. NICELY for Matied T-roora bona for axle; cheap rent; ncsx location; party going east. . u 153, Journal. , . . 18H FOIIRTH ST. Furnished rooms, day. weeg er montni prices reasonable. Pactfs H3r. ' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEITNO. $10 WEEK CP, larre. clesn. fnrnjahed bones- keeping rooma, laamlry aad bath. 184 8bec aian soath, Portland. $138 WEEK CP. clean, rsrnlehed boneeheep- rng rooma, parlor, bsth. laundry, farascs nstn. launor eutnn. V car. seat. yara. via at THE MITCHELL Unneeheeplng and trsnalsat rooma, reaaoa a Die. seventh and Flaadera. . LA RIB 1. liit boneekeeptn g room, wall fnrnlabed. 813 14th at, Phons Mala 0626. Sl'ITES of honarkeeplng rooma; gaa. bath, free panne; a 10 rooma hy the week for mea only. 3.M) Columbia st. ' Phons Msln 6181. OR 8 housekeeping-rooms, basement rooma. honaekeeplng, fnrnlahed or anfnmlshed. . 8 Seventh St., aesr the Oregon hotel. NEATLY fnrnlabed housekeeping rooms. B64 t.ltaen at. WO1 anfnrniahed honsekeeptng rooms, water, Shooe sml bsth: $fl a month. Phone Pacific 7U7 Ct call &7.1 Madlacn. OR RENT Nicely fnrnlahed boueeheeplng I rooms) res, hath, phone gad beat: as cull-I drsa. fK-4 WUlismt srs, SS afa. A i THE OREGON -DA'iLY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING," MARCH 20. FOB RENT nOl'SEKEEriNQ. I'I'RMSIIP.D hooaekeeiilng rooms. Cfl Eaat 77th and Tajcrart ata.. near Junction of Hithmoad auj Woodaux-k ear Una. UNFURN1SHEP ROOMS. TO LET i, er I large anfnrnlahed rooma. Inquire at Portland Oua A Bicycle Co., 161 r irvi ei. NEW 4 room flat, hath, gas, 14; alao single rwuie. tvue aiaraei ai. ROOMS AND BOARD. TUB MORRISON, formerly the Heapertaa l.arra comfortable rooms, slnale aad aa anlte. aewly fnrnlehed; beet table hoard; prices moaerais. ot Morruoa at., corner lTtn. COM PORTA RLE vooma fur two or three gea tlemea. with breakfaat and d o'clock din . aer; private family; home cooking: all venleucea. IS 2 North lta St., Bear Mar- ana lb t'oooa raeifia S4U7. ROKKDAI B (the Barrel! eetatei. 404 corner 10th and Madlann, Juat openedt evarythlng iiratiaaa. newly rumiabed throngnont. 0OOD room for two) private familv and home rooking; gaa, path and phone. 4Z8 stark at. FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN B-room cottage. Sunnyalde (eewer autriciK fiuu oiwn. Mianre like real. A. jr. Bnilth, owner, els Commercial blk. 8-ROOM boaae tor rent and furniture for Bale; a Bargain, wo Mar neon at. GUARANTEED aa advartleed. We can n or sell your bouaea. rooma. flata. offlcaa. atoree. - farma, acreage, lota; Hat now for ea.tera adrertlainev - U Mohawk bldg. - S-MOOM honea. t per monrhf IMS Ohio at. near Hamilton are.. South Portland. Apply Dimoa ataiaer, iiaaiiituo are. sad wast aa, WH rent aad sail Dlaaos. Ibarmaa. Clay Co. i i . -e- FOR RENT Two new 8-nom flats, upper aad lower floor, inquire 4(1 Blita st. fort BENT B-room booae, modern; 434 Hot- gate at,, i aiorg rrom seiiwooa ear una; eiectnc ugnta ana water) gig. , rOR RENTA five-room cottage, vastly for. maned, 10. ! Mara earl Le are., aiuata villa. S-ROOM cottage on St. Johns earltaei cloee to rarllue; city water, rblrkea-nouaa, small tralL Owner. 1'hoaa Pacific 331. f tOH BENT A dcatrable kurer Oat, 8d Wll 11a ma aia.j rent reasonable. FOB RENT Three-room complete, fit a moata. cottage, forniahed Phone Mala 1BS0. - MODERN T -rosea beuea. eorner Mtb and Aah, $10. Inquire at the eorner atore. Eaat BMT7. FOR RENT FLATS. rNPUBKlSHED APARTMENTS. Pear-room aultes. new and aoodera. bath. room with eerh, steam heat, hot and cold water, ste. Apply to . Janitor oo premlaea. Seventh and Jrtferooa apaeta, off telephone Mala t. ... FURNISHED HOUSES. MICBLY fornlabed i room mod era eottags. SA6 . Thurmaa. Phons Pacific -f 34 or call after 10 a. m. and before 6 p. m. FOR RENT 6-room modern furnished booee. Pboas Woodlawa 616. HOUSES FOR RENT KtKNITl'RH FOR SALE. WE need furniture at any price. Portland Aae . two Booms. 311 First St. Mam MM. I HAYB a most dealrabls 3-room flat at Herri eon co art, furnished new last November; will eel reaannable; anap If taken" before April 1. . Addraaa P 155, JoaraaL -ROOM boase for rent snd furattaiw tot ssls; a bargain, Km Harrieoa at, - FOR SALE Mr torn 1 tore ot aa 6-room eoom lng-houae; cheap. $ -0; new Donee with basse meat lor rent; gooa tocstion. o-w rrsui sc. - FOR RENT-TORES-OFFICES. ' OPPICB-ROOMS. enfornlihed rooms am pie-rooms for root . Uoodosugh bldg. elevator. . Apply PLATE-FRONT, steam-heated atore, low rent; fins location) long lesss. Apply en premises, 60S Wssblngtoa st, asxt to Wolfs jswslry ' store. - - GOOD lirht offices sad sleep lng-i Olive. 8O8H Wasblagtoa St. Tba HALT store for rent for fish sad poultry mar ket. Inquire at 188 Fourth at. IF Y0TT want office spses oa groond floor or desk room, call st 84 Third at ... SMALL store with er without moms, 10-room building, for lesss. Between rt aaoingxon st. snd depot 60S wsvis St. FOR RENT FARMS. an ACRES. 1314 miles from Portland, la Wash Instou rounty: to. scree la cauivsiton. ow seres pmsred. aiiqeire Of own sr. iua St., Portlsad. rmrttM ranch for rent aesr Kelso. - Ween Ington; good 8-room souse, par a, 10 acres ciearea, some iruii; roar vw Chsrleson A Co., 411 ' Commsrclsl bldg. Phone Psctflc 1100. --- ' , BUSINESS CHASfCES. HOTEL FOR SALS. ' For sals, a 14-room betel with t bath, nnma ed location with 100 regnlsr board- era; price $1,000 cssb; this Is a bargain If takea at once. Address Worth park Motel, 104-106 North Seventh st CI I1HIVI1 AND DTI WORKS. Establlabed bualnssa, 'clearing $10 te $20 nee davt well advertised! a money-msksri ' owner mnet leave city; price $860; g-yeaf leaae. Call 1654 Third st, SNAP Onfeetlooery, rlgar and tobaoeo. aome grocerlee; fins location; gooa traoe; reo e'o. np na ne a iivina rooms: owner eeavins viiyi r $000 If takea this week, S53 Alder, room 10. 12S BUYS fornltnte. maps, signs, long lease St very low rent, or lino mi eeMtai wiaai saally worth fsoo. stain t&a. FOR S AIJC F1 rat-class mllllnsry Bnalnees; best Wssblngtoa st. sacsnoa; gooo leaee, bnelness la fins shspe and psymg wsllt will aell stock snd fixtures st 60a oa the dollsri stock wtll ma from $30,000 to $30,000; or ' will trade for real eststs la city or country. 8ING8TAKH LIHAn, 80 Fifth St MANCrACTt'RINO and milling company will sell a email lotereet end employ aervicee ot Investor: no experience necesssryi small amount required. 408 Lumber Kxebsnga. AN Intercut la aa active reel sststa aad tlnv ber business tor sale; no experience usees aary; small amount of tnoosy rsttulrsd, du$ Lumber Exchange. ' FEED atom for sale, well located, good lesss. low rent; other gnoos osa bo soaeoi mi cse be hsd st Invoice: owner bss good res sons for selling. 401 tamper gxenaugs. FOR BALE A stock ot groceries, bores, wsgoa snd bsrnees ana stots rixcurse, win invoice shont $1,800; sn Russell St.. fine location; food trade. Inquire of II. G. Rtltes Co., J0 Union eve., north, near Boaae 11 at HAVE beat money-making proposltloa on the coast fr reliable party wnn a raw ann dred dollars sad ssrvlcee. Inquire room 34 Raleigh bldg. FOR next 10 days we offer for $500 cash. balance $20 per month, new ii-rnom awdera boarding and room lot -houaet bath; fnrnlahed complete: pave a net Income of $30, per mouth; fine location. '. . ST, JOHNS INVESTMENT CO., ' ' ' St Johns. Or. ' -- Phone East 6087. Boom 13 Holhraok bldg. P1CTCRB framing snd art store In attbrrrtng town or e.tiuo; clearing wx"a per month; for sale; a anap; owner mnat leave en account of other bnsloeaa. Address B 168. Journal. . GROCERY a tors room for rent $20 per owntli; on eorner, good IncsfTon, long lesee, new building. Be owner. Jos Ksah, at sahvllls addition, aa Mt. Scott car line. UNFURNISHED rooma, Central local too rent reasonable. Inquire 18 L'nloa ava. SALOON, hones and bit, for sals: parties less. mg on account ef elckness. Address C 168, Joumsl. FOR SALE Grocery with clean, freah atork; Inmp or Invoice; resson for selling, going la mihmm ainatneae. 1KA Km-IS, liih st&er koilneas. 164 horth 14U, -J BUSINESS CHANCES. Roomiig-Iorase . Bargain,. ; .' ropnUr boose la heart of slty. furnishings "he beat; laaee; a great monay-makar; urgent reaaoa fx aelltag: worth 41.500. I will aell for 12. 4(0 eaeh. X 14H. care Journal. AGENTS NEED MOT INVESTIGATE. Grocery Snap , Grocery atore to eonaectloa with meat mar ket. Al locattoa, eaat al.lel 3 good horaea. 1 saw double wagon, a aew aat of barneeaea, ! elngle; rood alngls wagoa and barneea; all clean atork; mnat be aold at once; big dla count: owner going to Europe. Addreea P 14S, care Jonrnal. . . , ' CIOAR ANDK'ANDY STOBB. ' Fine locatloo, steering i a) W PJ month; rent only 113.001 other business. I'rlcs $230. Ice crests parlors and cigar stand, oa 'Waahlngton St., clearing 15 to f per day; 3 rear iaaae. cheap sent; Al boy for maa and wife; elekneee reaaoa for selling. Pries U.100. ' , . THB VETERAN LAND CO., ' -166i Third St, BEST AIB ANT. ' ' Fine locattoa on Third at., clearing gB to Sper day; can ba Increased. Price $375. n 165H Third St., room A. ' . : R0OMINQ AND HOARDING .HOLaS. XI rooms, Al location, clearing ever ei" per month: nicely furnished and- leaae at reasonable rent; always full; fine place dovra. stslrs to pot la a grocery or lea cress psrlor. Prlos 1 1,000. ' One ea Alder et., close ln 4 year lesss, cheap rant: finely fnrnlabed: new building; cleartng $200 per month; Investigate this. rncs so. id". , . ; . , . TUB VETERA LAND CO.. ., . lf4 Third St ' riBST-CLASS GREENHOUSB PROPOSITION AT VANCOLVEtt, WAsH. Two large graaabonaea, fully equipped, S lots each 60x100, well located; urge stock oa band; $ room sotugs, bars sad wareroom. Cheap at oo. , Veaetahla araeaboass farm. Clarke esanty, Waahlngton.. located at Fourth Plain, miles from Vancouver. Five ' greeahooaes, folly eq nipped; good stock sa hand; 10 acres rich land; good aew booss, alee bars, all tools, everything need ed for buyer to step la and begin making money 1 will aell chesp, .Inqulr tor price and terms. 1US Beeosva at. rooos ataia toa. FOR 8 A LB A choice rooming and bnardlag- boass. In fine neighborhood oa East lzth at. rent of bouse only $37.60 per month; fn-st-clsss furniture; owner sick and most ssll. For terms, prices, etc., see BrCHTEL A KERNS, ' 33 Eaat Morrlaoa St. BESTACRANT for asm or rent; excellent beat- aessi net monthly pront eeuu. re. v. box sis . Vsoooaver, Wasnlngtaa. WANTED Mas with $600 to $1,000 for good Jegltlmate haslneae;- no eomvetitioBi- aever caa be anyi will net $J" per month; profits one day last week. $58. Address or call Hotel Oregon from to p. m., tonight sr tomorrow 10 to 13 sad 1 to 4. 'HOTELS OCR SPECIALTY. ' ' Tf year botol Is for sale, la or oat of tba city, bring It to as snd we will procure a porch a err without publicity. , Reference. Ho tel Men's esaoelattoo. P. L. ACSTEN CO.. Ortslnsl Hotel Brokers, . Suite 133 to 12A. Ablngtoa bldg., . Phone Msla $488. . . HAVR ths heat opening oa ths sosst ta wen eetabllahed enterprlae: email capital re. qnlred; write for partlcalsra. I. L Scbott. 404H Esst Morrlaoa st SAVE MONEY Anything ta printing see Msd - deOdA Fellowe- -Templaw First aad-AJAse sts. 1 apstslrs. FOB SALE OB TRADB Hotel Hslsey. 100 miles from Portland on Soothers Psrlnet a modern nn-to-ds to . bouse, aewly fnralehed hss good commercial trade. Address Hotel Hslsey, Hslssy, Or. FOB SALE Nicely fnrntsbed , 4-room (dark green kooseboat at a bargain. Foot of Clay at, weat side. ' Sign "For Bale over door. SALOON One ef tba very beet this city for rent Address with refers sea, L lou. Journal. DRFO STORE LOCATION One af the beet comers la ths city for rent for drug store. Aaaress u 10a, journal. $250 BUYS a rastsarant with good cssb trsdet cnesp rent; a snap or man snd wirs: clears $8 aad $8 per dsy. Addresa si ISO, jonrnal, PARTNER with $1,000 to lavast In a live proposition; food chance for a bustler. Ad dress X 168, cars Journal. DAILY milk route aad cows for sale, very low. j. K. Toremaa. inift Morrison st. SEVEN new frrrnJebed rooms, 80S 14 pine St. $Bao; rent 630, csu aa era as wus owner. MT ST SELL CHEAP Book, dear aad confec tionery stove, doing good bnelness, good lo cation ; gl.uou. inqnirs v 101, joursal. - FOB SALE 8-chalr barber abop. doing good nnaineas; owner quitting ousiaess. . Zll Fourth St. - FOR SALE Brick hotel, 8-storr. 42r0t: 43 . rooms; furnished; only flrat-claas hotel la isewnerg. iTlce go.000 ir taken at once. Addrsss N. w alter. Box xoo, isswoerg, Xkr, CLEAN ua-to-dste rests are at end etsod; high est aiaaer tnia wees uses it. S4X Msdlsoa. WANT ta any small stock groceries. Address oiw tirooBiya ax, - FOB BENT Chicken ranch 8-room good hsm, 8 chlrkea-bonaes: 4 blocks from wnoostara ear. aear Re lie's station: $10. nqnirs si neiiy a or call phone Kaat I08S XFOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 6 DOWN TBEM0NT PLACE $8 MONTH. siio. Lots 40x138. 00-foot erreeta. tO-frve altevs. water main, level, high and dry! nothing like for the mosey. Don't mise It; yoa can t i. X. OEDFR. Corner Grand ava. aad Esst Ankeny st $1.000 Lot Jxl 00, bouse of S rooma. eha.1. oem, . vuK-aen-noneej rruir; Bear rretTymaS fu. euui aaa , ide, csrs eoumai. $1.600 a ACRES, with creek running tbreort eame, ana a arm o-room aouae, narn, chick. en-Bowse snd woodhonae. . ill painted ta asaicai ngnr on ronq car una, close in . BE0ISTER CO. , TV . 107H Third at $48 FEB ACRE la the price wa bars en a fine inu or seres, wnn gooa Buildings, fence, etc., and as fine soil as ever Is red out of doors: 138 scree cleared ; situated I mile aertb of Jefferson. Or., ssd wa aein sell a part of thla elegant farm to suit; ball Cseh, rsBxsundee st 6 per cent. eUCOITER m CO 107 M Third st 1, $1,000 NEW aad asst 4-room enttsge. 3 lots. on East and s. streets improved snd side walks! lot set ta fruit 1 poultry-boa ss la the tear. , REGISTER 4V CO. v 107 H Third st. $1.850 GOOD A room hones, lot 88 1-8x100, swsx oisra er., near ziai. BEGISTER CO, ' 107 Uj Third at. WHT pay 6oo for lots 4 miles out whoa yoa caa Hoy a 00x100 pit rioee In oa Kodney eve., all Iraprovsmenta la sad paid, lor the Basis price I s REGISTER CO, 107 Third et FOR SALR BY OWNER d-rnom modem boaee. co-acr tot; fine location eaat aide: good est service; s bsntstn. Phone East 4003, owner. P 134, rare JournsL ACREA0R -Ot Sll alecs, rear teems, a Selena Hss. - W. Beldt. Wssblngtoa bldg. QUARTER block at 37th and Esst Clinton sts., one 8-room snd , one 6-eooca cottage, fnll basementl theaa are modern nothing nicer la Esst Portland. Price $5,000: caa give terms. Ses O. W. Bever, swuer, 800 F.aet Morrlaoa at.. City. ' $3.000 FOR SALE Fire ecrea, H mile from rarllnei partly In frntt. Owner. B. A. PsUbo, 111 klerldJaa st, afeatatlUs. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. KENNEDY 4 HICKOK. .. hi Lumber Exchange. Building material 'le advancing; tt at aew cheaper to buy a home thaa to build; here we have tkeni.. , 11.300 i mam cottage with bath, oa Qroee St. ; baa large woodahed. 4 cherry trees sad ?! T ".?' ,u 'ced; 100 feet from ear Una; . Montavllla. , . . j $10. 000 11 -mom house an weal side. cor. Jer ht l(; gaa. electricity, piped for rurnaes, crueut baaemeot and walka; room fur S double flata on vacant portwa. 3S.006 A BMdera T-roos boase. a beauty, situated aa l-Jaat Madlana at.. Bear 14th thle to a swell little borne sod very saodera. 1'i0OTS..w 'onm cottsgs sa rerbett aear rkrwer at. south Portland, (ot 3.taos. . II.T50 Good -roooi Cottage, Eset S4tb St., HuoByaldc. . 41ij'JJ0 Modem g-room sot tags, lot 80s 100, .. tT: ""T". -room boaae. an awdera $10.000 Toxins feet, weat side. new cot tagrs; liicome $1,000 per year; apW-ndld ansa, ttoo sud buand to Increase ta value. , 5.000 Lot nOilOO. with I boaaea; income fold per una. KENNEDY dt HlCKOfl. -. $38 Lomber Exchange. &.:Bldwdl. J2t)Xcieimcrclal BU?s- Phcae Pacific 2514' ' ; REAL ESTATE. . '1 " , " W .100. ' . H block oa 84th snd East Grant stb.t Ira provements msde, building ap fsst la this asighborbood. txsno. " aalv"?. r"d."rr.. ootugs. test completed, Stb and East Wssblngtoa sta. terms. . " $3,800. ; , iL. " !?T" OB- oa Wsscw si, lot 80x100. " 'b and 37th 1 thle ie beat buy la realdenca property ta the lty; terms. $5 500. . '' LTV . LT' "rom bouaes, strictly modern, '; beat locality on seat side; terms. ". 2 Urm,m seres, 300 of fine bot tom. 80 crop, 80 clover, fine orchard, good tilT a e0' nnnia w - ory field; - , o aorses, IINJ Bngurs foato, 38 bogs, chickens, gesss aad tarkeysi ' gsrasns with paled feaees; good milk- s-"a roau, ? miles irom Bbertdan, boggy, harncas sad everything that 'is aesd, MiMjnao ifi mower. Marer weaon. . . " Pscs! nns locality for bops; a real bargain; only 6U.6O0: good tarraa. Ftae ouartari honaa eoet sin ooo beoond. .aear OoHea-e: IllVaiT .Pm 'ns..rorner jot; First; are 11 Improved; terms, - month; only $15.5X1; good Klne rmsrter, " Eaat IStb aear Morrlaoa; rents $40 par month j Sw.OOO; $3,006 cash balance long time. 6 per cent. . Pine new T-roum boose, seeders far eveiy $1,600 cseh, ba lanes Installments. si !!?. Vr f"ofl west side; $1,600; $360 eseh. Inatallmente. m CHARLEHON CO.. 411 Commercial bldg. Phone Pacific HPS. $1.400 6-ROOM modem cottsgs, lot 80x100. . ei.n a-room mingamw, new and modem. $3,600 6-room buimlow. heanflfnl aieieeie xoodern, $335o 6-rooa house oa ETIswartk St., raod em: 10 caah. . ; . ' 63.4SO S-room boose, furnished; 3230 cash, balance easy. :. $3,TooT.rnom house, sUgant borne, ' aa sat Hawthorne. ... $0.000 6-room boase; hsananme plscs. ' These csa sll be bed oa terms. We hare farms sad 6-eore trade for sale. F. J. Stelnmttz & Co. The Homesellcrs V 193 Morflscn St. ; NEWS FOR HOMESEEKERSI " aew modeul fine hAiaaa. run lee J'bjsoo addition, cloee -to Hawthorns svs.; eew 8-room modsra, very attractive. Wills m-1 etta Heights: a big snan at XA rawi 8-room good hoass, wltk lots, aaar Pled Bwnt $4,600. , T-rosm awdera aew booss, Moaros, at acnv, 8-room new cottage with lot 60x180, San. raannie ex., ee.meji, A fine eubnrben home of T rooms.' new bnuss, with 6 seres, sll In fine cultivation ana zuu Des ring rrnit tress, 0 car fare, eiiwu . ; MND 00., , Boom 92 Lamher Excksngs, . Second and Stark. atiinia mi rixx-snsp ir taken at once; SD00 each, two swell lots, 100 feet from the car. in tne select part; $140 will bssdls this. seam auuo, aiier o. $6,000. . f-room west aids boms am North 16th at. fine residence district: everything aaodern sdoux us siiaoa; roe 01117 piece or w opei ty in tnat locality at Baca a low figure: In. vsetlgsts thla. THB VPTEHArf LAND CO.. itiM Third St. SPECIAL. $1.500 New 6-room modern cottage on Mount Scott ear tins, near Milliard svs, lot uxiot; 6000 be low msrxst $3.100 New 6-room bungalow, lust com pleted, nice loot Ion; full cement oa earnest! . S4x,4; gdoo sown, saiancs use rent.. $3.600 New Istnry 6 -mora booss: Al to. ratios; sll mooera improvementa; anov sows. Balance eaay peymsais. $3.800 Ksw 4 Poors bonse, tost cosrrpleted. On Fargo St.; fins neigh her hood ; lot 6osl0O; evervtblng np to date: fine be ae ment, piped or rursacs; an ai aomet x.uuo osaa. ' $2 850 6 -room eottare en comer, Al con dition; fine location and property Increasing la rains rsmnir: si.iaaj cssn. THB VETERAN LAND CO., 166 Third St THIS IS THB ONE. 8-room 1 -story bones ea asst aide; 18 mta. a res walk to wsaningtoa end Third ste. fine eorner; everything moders: thla won kesp bat a fsw dars; $2,900 handles It TUB VETERAN LAND CO., , 1651, Third St. - - CORNER lot 46HX100. Second aad Arthur eta. I ln-room list rents ror sz per monta, 4-room cottsgs rents for 8T per month: price 88.000; bslf down, balance ess stand. per cent In fer eat. W. W. ESPIT. Room 116 Commercial bldg.. Wash, and 8d, $600 DOWN, $15. monthly, bays nearly new . poues or n large moms, reception sail, pantry, bsth room snd baeement ; fitter pies. tared, eoncrrte ronntiettnn, poeeeiatn bath, . alnk and oatent toilet: good nlomnlnc. hot and cold water? 14 block of cart 60x100 , hit 1 young fruit trees, garden; sot far out. Price 8I.P0O. HOME LAN! D CO., 148U First St BIO BARGAINS $1.600 Modern renin, Isrgs brick base. mrnt. trurti si. 000 cssn. os lance flfl month. 81.600 d-room cottsgs. cement baeement. gaa. fruit ant 60x100, oa Grsnd See; bslf csaa. Balance montaiy. 61.400 6 room cottsgs. partly fnrnlahed, lot 60x100. on Grsnd svs. 1 $750 caah. 11.300 Modern 6-room cottage, lot 60x100; $Soo cash, balance $18 pes month. We bsve many ether good bargstns from $1,000 to $A.oio. Call and examine sur list . D1AM0NT REALTY CO., 303 Alder, Room 10. $1,860 CASH buys a buetneee Int. 80x300 feet tin vnwn are. an ei eiv xnwn svs., aorth.. corner Falling st ' .. , ' Bl Snap In Hccses ' nouae, 6 rooms, bw loovlns feet, $l.)oO bouse, 4 rooms. $1,300; hcuae. rooms, sxoo. van so owner, ira Kli Lents, Or, i FOR SALE roll lot. Msllnry snd Beech. $700- for a row osys. Adorsss T 147, care Journal. ASTORIA New Pacific oos it ses sort Northers Pscirie railway. ror Bargslns In aerease address box 843,- A electa. Or. Investors only. COSY borne, hsrgstni terms: might trade. Melklejohn. Oder Psrk station, et. Johns. NEtR STEEL PHIfwiE Largs hnuae, choice corner; mast be sold by Apt II 1 OWNER $94 BOSS BT. 190T. FOR SALE REAL cCSTATE. "'"-it If YcuUe linking for a good email Investment, cos. sldee these, and If you do not see what yoa want here, coin la and tell ne year wauls, snd we will flsd yo something to suit: $250 lots la Mrtls Psrk. near car. $."0 choice lota In City View Park addltloa. 85i0 choice bte adjoining Walnut Park. $M00 choice kits Hsw thorns' s flrat addltloa. IMPROVED I'ROPKUTlEo. $000 Fiui kit. 8-room boose. E. Flanders st $2,400 Slcs lot 7 room modern booss, lol- esralty Psrk. $2.Bio Full lot. 6-room modsra boaae, Eaat Flanders. $3,600 rtH lot. rooms, awdera. East llth. 44 5O0 Corner lot, 8-room moders hoaae, Halaey. aear Grand ave. We can arrange soluble terms aa say ef these proper ties. , , . Ccmmcawealth Trust Co. Sixth aad Ankeny. ' WB have for eele the southeast eorner of TJntoa , ave. and East Mala at. at a prh-e below sur , rounding property; sll solid ground streets, sll solid ground; cement sidewalk sa I'nloa wve-.-t -is-tmly one block from ths westing ?o - ths eaat aids Ibeatrs snd soraers with twi hits tlirse of the best posted ansa oa rent eststs la the city lately purchased for doabls . what we caa sell these Vara for: ta so It a Me ' for say kind or a business sr factory. Ws . conaider this thai beat buy ea the esst side , today. .... , - . 60x108 en East Waebtnxtoa St. for $20,000: buildings will rant for $100 per aaontb. it, ysa want nropert t of this kind sss as. .. . BrcllTEL A KERNS, 83 Eaat Morrlaoa st - ' FOB BALE A asst B-roem boase near West ave. snd MsatsvlUs ssr lino: lot 100x100: K.iaaai 1 -room nouae nu Eaax naiaaon er., - rtsas lot welt worth eonsliertng; price $8 000. A beantlful borne oa Esst Msla st, Haw thorne Psrk: 6 rooms, big basement furnace, stc.i pries $5,000. A choice lot 00 Beat IStb aad Wasblagtoa ste.. Shi 100. handsomely eltusted; or will . divlds to soil buyer; terms, etc.) price $3,050. A alee lot la Logsa's addltloa. aear Erst BStb st. oar Una; faese south, la a good loca tion and a good boy for $050. Yoa ought to ess that slegant new booss, sot quits completed, oa East Washington at., 8 us nr aids; 6 rooms sad full lot: pries $3,600. BfCHTBL a KERNS, 863 Esst Morrlaoa St. LOTS and 4-rsnm kooso this aids Mt Tabor st s bargain for a few deya only; Sl.ion. Venders 4 WsHna. 618 Chsmber of Com aierce. WHITE SALMON snd Rood River fruit bud: any sise tracts! bay whlls land Is still cheap: Advsnee sore to follow soon. Vsnduya, A Wsltoa, 618 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN T-reoos hoaae. 98 minutes wslk from - Tnlrd and Mesrwea ata.( -oast- stdec Inquire en seat lzth st ANOTHER BARGAIN II scree, awstly cleared, good bonse end hem, fine poll, most go cheep. The Title 4k Abatreet Co, room 4 Moike bldg, Sscood aad Morrlaoa sts. $8.000 BOYS a aew T-rssaa boose and lot lOOx 100, concrete bssement good barn aad chicken bouse, 8 blocks from S car Unas. Inquire st riNERT snsrtment sits hi city. loosOO: prlca rsaasasbla. Address Journal. 0 "141, A BARGAIN Half block with three booses, sll rented, only $6,000. Corner Water ssd Carry. Alas , tlubsr - land. Owner, 184 . - Carry - St. : riNB subdlvmloa pronoaltloa on O. W. P. close in. 31 acres; level, no gravelt bargain for quick sale. Vsnduya A Walton, 61$ Chsmber Com me res. ' ' STOP F ATI NO BENT. ' 70x100, on ie car tins, small bouse, ee ment basement garden, $376. S04 Mohawk bldg. . , . . ' 6 LOTS. $0x80, near lie eer line, $360: the money. 304 Mobswk fcldg. FOR SALE Improved and unimproved land la . large er email tracts, close to good schools, stores, ete.t 38 miles from Portland : rallmta l and - eteambost trsaMsortetfcaa. -- Fuller tea, Warrea, Or. MODERN '8-rnom eottage, Smtnyalds (sswer district): 8100 down, belsuee like rent A. P. Smith, owner, 616 Commercial blk. East ncrriscn 100x100, Just across bridge, mast aell at -a rm price. - - i ' ' . BOOM 206 COMMERCIAL BLK. " $no DOWN and $18 a month burs a boms la Buunysiao." fsooe kssi oav or bssx snoav $600 FULL lot ta Mnltnomsb addition. $725 Nles lot Wssce st. near 34th. $1,000 Choice lot, Kaat flllasa near 23d. LINDSAY CO.. 80 Raleigh Bldg. 333 Wssblngtoa St. CHOICB corner. IOOxM. hn proved street both sides, only $1,600; cheapest property la , this flurnct. Apply to owner, w. st. conk. lln. Esst 85tk st. and Bswtnsrna ava. A NICB 6-room bouse, SOT Esst 10th St.. Berth $1,0001 terms. Booo 00 ws, sis per moots, per cent; .trade with owner la booae. 88.800 HALF cash, 80x100, new modsra 6-room hones. 88S Esst Msdlsoa st, owner. MODERN 6-roors Ooeeu Anne cottage at a bar I gain. Bee this. Owner, KIT Vancouver svs. - 300 FARMS, smstl tracts snd lots: bargains oa O. W. P. electric line. 0. at. Additoa, Leata, Ore goo. Take Mt Beott ear, sc. FIN! 6-room bouae with full lot. Esst Sixth st. north; easy walking disuses;, price ' 84.000; eaay terms: a anap. 80x100 lot fnlly Improved, fine T-reoul booee; price $3,250: essy terms. 60x100, new - 6-room eottare; Bath, gas . and sll eenvenlencss; a vers desirable place ; - - ee o. - ... . 1 SPHINX AGENCY, S08H STARK ST. BUILDING Iota and smarten In Hollsdsy add. and Irvlngtoa st prices waica ara attrncf I vs. eitaer ror a oome or ror investment, - Several choice and very desirable burses la Hnlladsy add. snd Irringtoni also Borne ftae pieces on Esst Bnrnslde st. SPHINX AGENCY. 8061 STARK ST. FOR SALB Cheep, 63.600: large moders a-rsom noass, tot auciuu. sis assx seven is at., aorth. FINS HOME FOR YOUNG OR OLD COUPLE 30 seres ftnslv Improved gardes land, not far from . car line: nne roea ro ine city; all nicely fenced, good new buildings, honee, bsrn. wood booae, cblrken-bonss. roothouse, running water, a good well at bouae; a snsp boy; $3,800; $1,450 dew a. balance agreed time per eenx. Room tit Cosnmerctai bldg.. cor. Wsahlngtos sad Bscona. A PENINSULA BAB0AIN Nssrly new T-room modern boase. neev gratwn oa nt. joons tins; flhsr plsstered. electric wired; large lot: fruit trees, flowers sad ah robbery; nice nelghbsrbeod: cbssp for dietrlcn. $3,000. Home Lend CO.. 140H First st A NEW modern T-room bungalow, parlor fin. taped la mahogany, dining-room In oak; con- rrets ha anneal sudtuhsi-pcloe- IJ.BiMh-- Cslt sol awsusnu oiug., ex. v uio aaw n aaa- NEW 6 roam bonse, modern, finished throughout In herd wood, concrete he ae ment and walha; price $3000. Call 801 Swetlaad bldg, cor. Fifth and Wsahlngtos. A eeuva eno, va.u. vmm mini, una Buenos sna snrunoery; wx ovxnai; price gi.nria only I bslf cssb, balance to suit. 801 Swst- land Slog., cor. sina son nssningtea. ST. JOHNS SNAPS. $1.000 Two lots snd O-room henee; alse nor lota and S-room bouse, $l,8O0. Ws must sell these boo ess this week. They are bar galas tor some ens wanting homes, V . HATHAWAY A BROWN. Boom le, Wssblngtoa bldg. . . - FOR SALE Lota aa SOtb aad Bast Stark sts. rrom 9W up; terms. uwaer, 708 Eaat targ ac rnooe aaai inov. FOR SALB Three senses and kits: a bsrweln. Inquire st BO 1 re moat St., corner Mlnnesots. EIGHT ACRES. , - Close In. near Portland boulevard: cleared, sightly place, worth twice the asking pries 8X600. J. J. Osder, comer Orsnd ave. and Eaat Ankeny. OOOD 6-reoaa bones, lot 40x80; walking dts- tasesi a bsrgain. 61.700. J. J, Order, corner Grand ave. and Eaat Ankeny. I am THIS Inelndee a dwlrable home-on wiiiieme ave. iwnere property is eonilnuslly sdvanclngl, snd $16 s month la 00 me; as asente. 11 1.4, cars Joumsl. FOR 6 A LE F A RS IS. BEST small farm bnv In n,r-n -' i a X T , Bi'ietlv rl--red aid en i 1a 1.-1 a eMe of h-e f. r t..n f I Cre-ll. e ' . f FOR SALE FARMS. '"- AIHEH. 114 mi Ire from '.,.' Clarke county. WaMilnsnw. Is acree vi-. balance pa.iare; all riioU. 3 good a. good S-riMiui matie bouae. awe l'e . frnatlc and painted). other ontliull.t ' -family orchard; fine local kml go-nl wait i -ooor. aew mower and rake, 3 piowa, . 1row.,ber email toole: 1 alU to l....t Uodrtg and railroad; god eolt; terms, h.f cash, balance 8 years st 6 per sent, line m a aaa p. ... . .178 acres, IS miles from Salem. 1 mi's , rrom a small tows on railroad, popalatl.. J.uuo; ea the Salem road. H. P. D.. telephone la booea, 6 acrca la cultivation, T9 arr.-e in psatiirs, balance timber (fir esk and su feared, fins t-sfnry toin heiee stone rnundatloa, 1 6-room henae. 8 rl bni. large lawn aet mi with .....i . sun-, eurnne aad d n , ,1.. vsrlsty smiles, mm i., Jv , choice granee of eeevral kinds, sll klude ef J"1 l yoa are look lug foe sn Ideal home this Is wlvat yoa ere look lag for; fine hcsUos, oos mile from high school; beat of soil. Pries 80 per acre: goad terms. This puce is guaranteed as advsrUsseV ..... $3 000 lag acres, 8 miles from Wsebnusal. tn Clarke county. Waahlngton. SO mllea from Portland, Bit acrae cleared, let acrca m". ,nlb. balance very eealiy cleared, sll fenced, sll level. 8 good springs, ons ; nesr house: 8 scree beer lug orchard. 3-atory s-room rustic hcuae. fair barn; on msln county road. mile t school, best ef .VS horses. SO besd of cattle, ! milch cows. 13 heed f hogs, some chickens, cream separator, new mower snd rake,, all farm Implements that srs needed on s Th'" Is one ef the beet bore ea the msrkst; Investigate thin before buying. . $I.20O29 seres II entlM e..e eC .- UVsr.-2'i Inll.a fr."K,... T.-Ji-J 4 ' i from ths oorth bank railroad. 10 seres t cleared, ha la Doe eealiy cleared, sll "fenced. 6-room bouae. good well st door, 3 springe, femur orchsrd; oa msln county road; R. F. e' T, trnm oobiiol; fine locatloo. beet of tori; givg terms. . . $3.800 I5S acres, 4 miles from Wsnbongsl. en acres cleared, some green tlmbere aslsncs esslly cleared, all tsnced, ail level: fine spring; 4-room house, fair, barn J family . or. cnard: teem, wagon, bameea. 8 cowa. crcarn cpsrstor, some bogs snd chickens. 300 sscks B V. d' mM ' ri'1- $.t,700 100 scrss. 8 miles from Washongsl; Sn!! sll fenced, some green tlm- . ber, 100 seres level snd very esally cleered. ' bearing orchard: poor bnlldlnra: aeer scbool, R. r. D,; the very beet of black sou. $3.500 T9 ,eree.""l3limnes from Portland. "J, Wsshlngfon county. 4H miles from Red vine: 40 acres cleared, 10. acree fine green- timber. baUnce esslly eleersd, sll level, fins ' 2In,: ",,n county road, near ecbooL R. F. D. and telephone: beet of anil, aome beaver dam awale; give good terms; tske port 00 scree, U14 miles from Portland. ,tsj Waahlngton county. 6 '4 miles from B caver -ton: 60 seres cleared, free from stumps, sll level, 8 acres green tlmbee: on msln rounty sosd, R. F. D. gnd telephone, near school ; - Se good terms, prhta $5,000. . .. $7,600118 acres. S mllea north of Vsn conver. 18 miles from Portland: TO acres . cleared, 30 acres good timber, balance eealiy cleared. 8 seres bearing orchsrd: good frsms . bouse, 8 rooms, good frame- hern, smalt hocee hsrn. other outbuildings; 3 good wells: sll fenced with wire snd boards, sll level; on msln county road. R. p. D.. near acliool: good team worth 8350. 3 cowa; all farm Imple ments; fine locatloo, beat of soil; give terms. $1.200 86 scree la Clerks county. Wssh. Ington, B miles from rallrosd ststloa end boot lending; IS scree cleered. 40 seres good green tlnfher. bslsnce easily cleared: 1 acee bearlnr orchard, variety 1 old bouae. fetr barn; R. F. O, near school; fine soil; give teruHV ' . ' 300 seres In Clarke county. WseMnrtnu. B miles from -hoetmndmr snd rsllrosd; 100 scree In fine stste of cultivation, some green timber, bslsnce psstnr. sll fenced with poet and wtre, 6 seres bearing orchard. 8 acres snples snd eherrtee asd pears, bslsnce prune? New T-mou bone, cost 81.800: one la nr. bsrn 60x100, fruit drver. ml'khouso with floe spring water In It. other outbulldlnvn. blsek- wlth place: good teani3 wagona. I newt 1 back, new; 1 top barer, new: new Osborne binder, sll kinds of fsrm Implements: 14 milch cows. 1 fins hull. 4 besd yonng bosa. 125 chickens, new cream senarator with tread eowert 60 tone of bey. BOO bushels of osn, aome wheat and enoda; near school. R. F. D. This b s beautiful place, beat of black soil. Price only 848 per' sere. Including personal property give terms. ' 148 acres la' Clarke county. Wsahlngtonf 150 acree In meadow fres from stomps. 6 acres la bearing orchard, aome green timber, balance psstnre: 3 large barns. 6-room booee: . email creek and t good snrmrs; nil fenced . with aew 8 and 6 wires and one board, ho? . tight; H. P. D.. scbool on piece; 8 miles from railroad and bostisndlng: beet nf black ' soil; good team. 1 driving Borne, revere 1 head of est fie. sll kinds .of fsrm Implements; RO tons of bsy. some bops, 24 sheep, some chickens. This Is ons of ths best boys on the market; if yon are looking for a fine Iilaee end a snsp Inveatlgata this before bor nr: thle hi guerenteed es sdveettsod; no rock or gravel ; only $48 per acre: give terms, : Washington . & . Oregon JOS Second" at, Portland. Or son. and 100 ' . stein et-r Vaan Miliar.- Wash. . . , . Phons Msln 3404. . ' " n. . ....... . Vancouver, Washington ; 40 seres, best ef Isnd. 22 scree under cul tivation. 10 seres elaahed snd esally cleared; good 8-room 3-story bouse, new ham 33x30, 24-foot- ovate, spnle-booae. 8- ehlrsen-boosea. hoshonss. ste. NO fruit trees.. 3U, scrss In raspberries and strawberries ea public road. K. W . AI. Basil, a eiMe - ssd 11 miles from Vsncouver, on good' level mad. Price $3500, se with personal prop artv, stock, -mscblnsry, ets., for $.1,000, . SO seres good Isnd. S3 acres e leered, s'l fesoed: room bones, bsrn 30x60, good eel- ' lsr. wood snd chicken-bouaea, blacksmltli shop and tools, 100 bearing frnlt trees as, sorted fruits. 3 good wells, wster piped In bonse: M mile from school. 3 miles from country towa snd IS miles from Vsncouver. Includes the following: About 80 tons cf bav. mower, rske, T bead of mllcb cows, rsif 60 chickens, 3 H Inch wagon. 2 plows, -axes, saws, wedges, etc. Price $3,000. so' acres best of soil, sll revel, 88 acres cleared. 40 acres fine pasture, place sll fenced; S -cooes etorv bouae barn 4dxdO, 33-foot posts, bog. ehlohsn snd srwexeboueea 8 vrelbo 13 acres bearer dam land; la good neighborhood, t mllea from jountrv town sr.1 13 mllea front VsBceuver. . Price $4,500; bslf ""oo, scrsa beet of sofl. 85 seres rlesr-d. about 50 seres creek bottom lend, bsisneo good farming Isad when cleared. Isnd hss t 1 rf and seeded to paature; 3 living streams snd several sice springs. Oh sf which is la tne en ics en-re roe, -room bouse, fine bsy window, Isrgs snd airy rooms t Isrgs rtlcksu-bouses, Isr.j woodshed, dairy snd fmlthoeao, ham sSxinJ feett public road by bulldlnga; s sores In bearipi orchard, aiawrted frulta. ?'' strawberry bed. fenced snd cross feacsdi the best dslry and stock ranch la ths e.nfrji If sold sooa only 83.MO: bslf cm . SO seres. 30 seres cleared, 30 seres slsahed Snd seeded, balance pasture tandf t-etorr A room bouae, isrge new barn snd outbuild. Inss. familv ev.hard: 40 seres fenced snd cross fenced; well ssd t springe: sols from church snd school, tn good B I all hor. hood: 6 miles from good towa; a bsrgala st $3,000; .f-WSSVuxo, SWAN. ' . - Cltlsens' Bank bldg, Vsncouver. Wsab. . 16 ACRES, 6 miles from ths ores n oa navl. gsbie river in i.sne cmin, . . reariv foe the Sloe ; BO seres ger,aine --c land: good 8-roam bonse, F. II. p.. schcol at . ' ' .A- nUntff flab snd limit $.1,000 terms. S2T seres, sll fenced snd evoaS fenced 11 Seres U croo. l'l seres In cleared nsahire. ths balance le Is osk grnh psafore wUh v.1..--hie on most nf If. there " 'J seres nhli b bo cropped and harv-e. i with a binder if cleared; there is a en.. fortsbls hotiae, borael are. Stock barn. ah. -0 snd g ot barn, hog hire. e.n..k. hmi.e a.. I ehlckenhon. with $"' norlli ot new ! ke tiHit,menra. st''k. n.v am . Sll goes In: lionO caah, hUncs to e" t I ' ehaeer. Thla laod ie 3 e H a ...'h f ' ki and 1 mile f'"Oi T t ' "e a 1 - 1 R. It. d oot. i niS'-t i"f 1 lloemoutil. f 'i