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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
IS EAST U'UTILLA LAKDS I.UY BE OPEKED MAY 1 Prospective Settlers Are Already Looking Over the Project '. to Select Their Claims.' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 20, Pendleton. Or- Mrch tfc Anticipat ing that tbs land Included la the East Umatilla reclamation project will man be opened to ntrr. parsons whs oealre to secure tracts on this project nave commenced, looking over tha land with a, vlaw to selecting taelr claims. It baa iM-aa rspor,ed . that tha land may ba thrown open for antry as j John T. Whlatler. who la In har of tha reclamation work, aaya It was recommended that tha lnff ba paned nTaoon after May aa tha work could be completed.' ' - " ',''! Tha opening of Und for BetHersant real a entirely with tha Interior depart ment, however, th reclamation depart ment hsvlrif nothing Xp do. with It. En tries are made through tha local land office. It la believed that a special agent may ba atatloned at Hermiston. by the go rem no en t to receive fUlnga In order ta save tha settlers tha Incon venlence of going to La Oranda. Because tha law provldea that a set tler on reclaimed land does not have to commence residence m-hU claim until water for irrigating has been turned on It. persons filing on tha Bast Umatilla project, should It ba opened thla spring, would not have to begin their residence there until a year later. The reclamation people say that water will ba turned on the Und a year from this spring. It haa not yet been de cided when the flret Of the t annual Installments on tha land shall be paid. yiafeirad Stock Oaaaad floods. Allen Lwls Best Brand. ' ' Death of Elsie Olcott. : fpetal PUpetca te The Joern.l.l Pendleton. Or, March 20. Elal Ol cott. aged ia.tdaugh.ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olcott. died at tha family home on Ann street yesterday after a short Illness.1 Her family Is one of tho oldest In ths county.. NATIONAL TRUST eanaaeHBBg- a - am tuns 2V, ACRES on Willamtt riw, well located, only M mile from streetcar line. Known as one of the finest piece, on the river. ; Price ST50 per acte. 3 ACRES on the Willamette river, with good deep-water frontage' on one end and county road from Portland to Oregon City on th other. Soil good and lieSTwellr Partly timbered. Price T50 - per acre. -V" ; . ',.. ' '' 2 ACRES, on block from streetcar line, on good public road, all cleared, oil rich and lies well. Price ; . 4 ACRES, one block from Oregon City car line, soil rich and lies -." welL . Price only 1,20. . , ' , ' 5 ACRES. H' mile from car line, one acre cleared, balance good tim ;' ber. Price ST60. ' . ; ' -: .;' : I SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 3-48 STARK STREET S Tfl INVESTMEOT CO. WORCESTER BUILDING Bargains REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENTS SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY As You Take Your Auto Ride LOOK FOR . It is located pn the Sandy Boulevard. Close in. On the "street car line and in restricted residence -; district. The same high grade improvements . ; r will be made as in Holladay Park. .'- ' ' " ' ' 'A ' Our Autos Are Waiting For you to go and see To) PHONE US "PRIVATE EXCHANGE SO The Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 240-244 WASHINGTON STREET :',vi:-::; Corner of Second ;-""yV: NEW TODAY. -AND- Offere in Something: Good!, 1900 For .one or tna best ouys on me lot (0x100; strt graded, sawer and watar in iiraij car lfna; terms, 460 cash, balanoa flooo For flns lot B0xl0 and small Duuaing on hmiimij 9400 and gooo saeh for soma flns rest- . n inr. I. i-.nirai. Ainina. Lu.ifu near tha laompson school; near two e&r lines, stores, eta; terms. $100 down. $14 per month. Abstract show ing good tula. Moo For lot 60x100 on East llth st. norm, nwm r ed, walk laid, water In atreet; terms. t6 cash, balance 110 per month. A M a... gaboO For new' (-room house on Oan- tenoein www -w.toit modern; terms, J1.25S cash; lot EOx 100. street graded, sewer and water in eirewi. . $1400 6-room plastered house, electric ehicken-house': lot (0x100 (lot alone worth ;100); terms. 1400 eaan, tal vi eaar navmenta. HDWf HI" win.. - . ' 1 . 1- tT.MMAo. V. nn b TXT.n . ll&Hl KVV., Willi l-.WMM I1UU... ,v Ma. J . lAnlr t. tin ' $SOw (Oxioa lot near Piedmont nam. , ' $ieoo Best buy on Union are, store ano uvins i w.u ! . ' ' THOMPSON &OQDBN rbone Wssdlawm soa. ta msslsslppl Av. NEW TODAY. H.W.LEMCKECO. Profitable Investments 1907. ' WHKS AWAY FROM DOME. Copfee of Tti. Jaeraal .'"'. Ik. Jauru.I would tb. 'r,,Pt. "! rcparu of fllur. to oiil.ta oJe ef IM PP t nr of th-. rlr: COLKAX. W AHUI Ml 'I . King. WALI.A WALL A, W ASHI NlTON- iWlJU Hol.l D.T N.iT 8tn4: lluloe Clgr Blinds 11 H Sontll Fonrlll rrt. i TACOSIA, WASIIISdTON Hctol TaOOB Stand; C.ntr.l N-wa Compaar. . . SEATTLE. WAKIIINGTON H.lnlor 0rn4 Nrwa BtaoiV. iotiroaiUHiai nw " SfcVADA Loal !. KrwV9 NpwanatM-r W: Holal Soattla W OOI.DKIKLO, AN Woo OAUmRMl A -Anvoa Haws Oeav REAL INSTATE TnAXSEEUS. Corner on Northrup St., at the new terminals. Now has an in come of $44 a month. ; : $0,650 r '.-v.-'-- Quarter block on Thurman street east ot Twenty-tmra. , , ; 810.000 : Seventy feet on Twenty-third' St., close to AVasnington. .iias u frontages. rornr on East Water and Wash- ington. Cheapest corner in that section. ' v. . S4.Z50 On the East Side, easy walking distance, modern o-room nousc This is a snap. H.V.LEMCKECO. MAIN 550. . Sixth' and Washington. wm SATS TOM A Choice Home in ; Irvington ; ' , Im averv WIV on a vary desirable corner; will sell .J.. Vi. ........ or SO feet. r " ? Vn Tcannot io auu pureiii. ------ be built today for pries of tha hhuae ana lot. v N j mriuMx ioiiot, sosh itui m. Will Sell 750 Acre Tract f Land ', Tha Twla Iore and NneT M. ixnre Donation Land Claims Blda will be received by the undersigned for said Und to March Is, 1907. Tha right to reject any and all mae reaervea. inw greater part of thla land la within tha city limits of Portland and Is aspecl ally valuable for platting purposes. Call anlilHeiai VJk atHs-l1 SltaH VftA MAltl atreet, city. T. T. STRUBLH and PHILO HOLBROOK. Truateee of the EUte of Lawn Love, aeceaeea. BargainsinWestSide . a? . jiMki. a tintel ixta ana qui - ----- and tenement-houae sites; Income prop erties unexcelled. 11.600 for 3tt lots on ths o. r. . in rinn,ro.iaJ Bids.. Cor. 2d A Wash. WANTED Wan with 1500 to 11.000 for rd. legitimate business. V mp.,tii,0ni never can be any. Will. "Jt 9IS Addreaa or call Hotel Oregon from to p. m. tonight,-or tomorrow i o - and l w . ' W. Ortkaa I. Osva- ll'OKANB. WASHINGTON Job Co. - - . Sfti.R frtARO JNnh fnlflne. MINNKAPOLIS. UlNSrSOTA M. eank. 60 Thira mr ei. aaam. T. UUIS. MISHOUKI S. T. Jatt. got OHve T atrMt; Uwrn I. Aciarows. K A N H At CIT1T. MISSOURI Voeie 0oa. pan. Ke.ippr Wifoe. CHK AOO. lLUNOIS P. a Hews Cosipeay. 17. Prarborn atrt- . . . DBNVKB. COLOBAlK Ualoa Dapet "ewe Stand. ' to ANOBT.Fg. CALirOBNia Aaioe Coeipan. Nwm panr Waoa. - . . 0ARLANO. CAMKORW1A AmM s" panr Ncvapaprr waoni n. v inu., ----- f-nmm.MV N . Wllftt. BAN rUANCIMO. f ALIKOIINI A It. W aJ Nrwa rompanr. Nawapaper wart. J'" -Orear, V-rry belMInc: iobuaoa Nawa CoMpaa-, 8 ALT LAKE CITT. I'T A H Mrs. teJn. Ma t. .rm Rroa.. S Waet B and alraet. aootli. OODKN. (TAO Oraj Hawa Cpmpaa tiepot OMAHA. M EBB ASK A Millard Bote! Hew NEW I0BK aTTArthor BoUBog.' ew- paper wacona. Alfr-4 N.lan to m A. Hultbarg. M 13. bVHk 4. B.u.olr Mfxrt luvtiuauL ctwupaor to Oiiat Johe ann, lota 14, l!, ll. IX VarnoB.... ChrtHifan and Amlrlanna vae HMk te ttuttllrb Mbniltk. tola 1.'.. III. block Xl. O.ltimWn H-lptbl. B. M. I'llrrjr to Harab tJruaa. lot 0. block 14. Ilratnard Clara K. Bw to IliMirr A. and Aaxua- ta Amlrewa. lota T. t, , block S. Uartarh I'ark addition d it f v .1 ... ir.rf.Ml ha in'. V.t T. block' TO, city ,O0 Daalel V. and Harab A. Hart to Bortoa , a.. an4l aarnn n . tLDinirri , iui. . 3. Tirft'a aobdltloo t Mock 4, Baoltb- , n n v' . iiHrfllliM. . Amorfraa Manufactorlng aipenr of mxriiana, iimiwMi, io UJuw. pmn, lb!l3o4 tool commaIn at slnt oa aa.t line of i. R. ' Wltta donatloa Und claim. 1.419 trrt auatb of aortk eaat corner of aald claim H. 11. and lrr J. Stalntorth te Panltl Hart, luta 1. a. S. Tirrt e iuoai vlaloa o( block 4, Bmltuaoe) Lead eota- Jatnoe and Hannah Hoes te D. T. Hart, Inta S. S. block 124. Unlreraltr Park.. g. B. Cottrall to Portland I'olna Ne. 0. : Brotherhood or carpenter ana jni-ace, lnt io block 86V,.'a addltloa.. Thfltnn IX. and Minnie Berhtll to J. A. and iiatne L.icoin, 101 19. im- f Irat addltloa e Holladay Park addl- tioa ; " WEATHER REPORT. . Mi-t , 1. Mnt.,1 ever a ifTn. ami im ur.i- 1 - . fornla. Llbt to modcratalT hcary rata Bare rallca fcnwallr en ne racnio . dlatnrbaoce catrday orrr the upper lake ca rina baa advances to tha New England eoaat. . . . lak. M.lna 11 naa cauaea inm, in iu. ' ' , and New England atatea and rata In vanta aaa tn yiriaia. ... r 1 V.. nreaaara area paa mo. -1 " , - ; .h mm. 11. in tho middle Kill BUU I.I. - -'- . .. t.r-rr. tur. haa fallen froia lw to degree la the anpor Mtnlaalppt aad the apper lake rerton. It Is reaerallr cooler la Callfbrnla. and allsbUr warmer la centers Oregon, eaatera Waahlngtoo and Idab. The temperaturea alao haea rlaen ta MoaUna, . . . n . ..J . r . 1 fc.r.f'. Jfritaa imiumma in h v - . r . . The Indications are (or aowera la tbls dis trict Thnraday. ' . .. 1 -. ..v. Max. Mln. Precis. Baker Clt, Oregoa....... M , ; , Huh. Idaho " North Head. Waahlngtos. . JJ;'' Portland. Oreawa . ,....,. . .l,ur. fir. run 44 40 .m Bpnhane. Weahlngtoa 41 ,,. Tacoma. Waahlngtoa 44 - SS .10 MARRIAGE LICEXSES. 1 loo ISO soo .too 1.IZ8 60 1,100 . 30 29 . .hi. I,, ii. mm Mnrtn mm loana, call oa Pacific Title Traat eoaiDaar, zut-n-o-i rauina pauuioa- . Bet roar Inaoranee sad abatraeta real ! t, itiiia fluHiiM at Treat ana . aaoy, 840 waahinstoa etreei. NOTICES. IH TUB niSTBICT COI1BT OK TUB .CNITE1 Btate for the dletrlet of Oregoa. la tb matter of tha aetata of the Betaead Wood Manufacturing couioane, bSBkrupta. The aiideralgned will recelee aealed blda is te IS o'clock norm of March 18. 1SUT. fi -all of the following deacrlbed real aatate. together with tb liaprowmeBt UiereoB. be- .. longing te aald aatat. to-lt: Uta t, S, 4. B. . t. 8. t. 10, 11 and IS of block 5. Eatacada. Clackamaa eooaty. Oregoa, and alao all ImpleaieDU aad tool a tea in and a boot aald plant according te taeestory thereof now oa (tie. A check for 10 per cent muat aecoapaay , each offer and tb Ml is anbject te cos- , flrmatloa by the eonrt. . . - laeehtofT "jay be aeea at" mr efflce ss, pronerty mar be Inspected at E.laaiU. . "Dated at Portland. Oreroa. March S. HOT. . R. I.. SABIN. Troate. ' I. No. T rirat Bt., roosa f. , Btackrjole. C. L. Baker. S7. r. c. 13TB East Yamhm. W; , I, naaer, mi. Phllln LuccheaL BBS Cnloa Ten Be, 21; Katie Yank Laftos. BM Taylof atreet, M; Blaacbe De Oond. SI. ' ' A. Klumpn. an can xniru nnw, , JiaeTS. Herder. 104 tleTeotb atreet, SB; Birdie Jonea, 20. . - N - n THE DISTRICT COCRT r THB UNIIKD Btatea, for the dUtrlct of Oreaon. - ' -1. tho matter of H. B. Una, bankrupt. Notice at hrby alronjhat on .the 14 day of March. A'. 5. 1907 H. ". Kin. of Ptrtland. Oregoa. . waa duly adladlcatcd baakrupt; and that the flr meeting of ale creditor will be held at room i4- reetoii building. Portland, Oregon, ea the ttb day of March. HT. :30 a. m.. at which time the aald creditor mmf attend. rc.e their elalma, appoint a troate, enmlae the beokrnpt d tranmact anch other bnalnea a may properly come before such meeting. The achednl filed dlcJoaea aata gmount tag to v -i . Mt'RPHY, ,i Refer In Baakrunlcy. . . mm m, W.A. VWins linn. " tagtno bldg.. cor fourth end Waahlngtoa ata.-- TONSBTB CO., ri.ORIWTS. FOR PI-OWBRS OP ALL KINDS. 1ZS lino Clarke floral eeeige. Plorbjta Pkoe SSB Morrleoa at. e.n mmitm 9nm mmmt. all ataaa. Tailoring Co.. sw aiara aa. TJslqBO UNDERTAKERS. Daaamg. MrBntee at Ollbaagb. aadertaker lad embalmere; modern ta eery ot:i. aarraaia aad Pine. Main 430. Lady aaatataat. Brick a Alder at. I TJadwtaktng Co., and mhlmmg. 40S none Maia eiaa. May ameiaai. propertle now betag advertised ad Baosrm jou by sAtoxaobOea are not La li la ur pturUoular wltti ., ' , LENOX On, wol- dlHl. 300 per Jot nuovi wr w . yz. z Z LENOX Stta two ear lines. 10-mlante arvloa. We axe mat botrmlaa; St aver aro ws asking boom prloea. Out sales are continuous aad Uglti- xol?h.lyoVlerp M wMoU give buy wttn-raP if I v-aus r tt. aTfort to . T- by aAvwr. Used Mwaaoa. A". C. CHURCHILL EL CO., 1 10 2nd St. J. P. tinier aV Boaa. Third aad Madlaoa sts. ornc or coaary coroner, a-mme - IN TUB PISTR1CT COCBT OK TUB f NITBD. State, for tne oiainc wrpi In th Blatter of Richard C. Rabenow. NaMce'ls hereby gleea tbt th eTenth day rtUr A Ta 6. 1"T. RU-b"l f now of Mllwaukl. Oregoa. waa duly ad- indicated bankrupt; ? f .flrV lng of hi creditor win be held at noma PcatoB building. Portland. Oregoa, oa the Sma day of March. HXHT. at in a. si., at which time the aald creditor may attend, prove their elalma. appoint a truetee, ea amine tb bankrept aad trnct nch other . hualneae aa may properly conea before ocb "tAn . Wrpht. Refar la Bankruptcy. THB annual meeting of th tockholder of the Oreroa Pnrnltur M.nafactnrlna company will b held at th office of tli company. 12U--. 1344 Macadam road. Portland, Oregon, oa rJlrt7. Ware. 27. 1B07. at p. m.. f. tb purpoae of electing tb board of dlrectora for tb waalog year and tranoactlng anch t other bnalnea. as may properly come orore " the atockholder meeting. - rLBTClIER JNW. realdeit a, a. riBMmvi n eiui.i.i omtcw.. and Umatilla. Phone fkllwood 71. lady aas't. Bdward Botmaa. sadertaker. SSO Third) ea. BBMOVAU NOTICK-J. Reltjele. tailor, la . . aa. . tlfl num. Ida et.. remoren irom , erraa atreet to SSI Bnrart'l. MrrnNG NOTICES. 5 CEMETERIES.' eur ainl. mrmwmm. Slot faeatlv Iota. 1.0O0: Tb only cemetery la Port- bites view 8 miw m ei.vuw . . ' . bnd which pernetnally maintain d wrea lor wom, r iini ,..'. m. . . i' k- -- U. Mackenite. Worceater block, city. W. M Ladd, proaldest. BOSB CITT Blngl graTea. glOi family lot, 23 to $75. 'i- SaperlBteadeat at metry. eonie of rremoat at. and CaTly road. Pbom - Tabor-fnS.-Tor rail-InformatloB applf te Prank fVblegal. BOS Coanwrclal blk. Pbea Mala BS21. '' attentioiOeighbor Sometolnir Dclns: TO-NIGHT!-- BETTER COME REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' I ' ' - - I I . . ' ... . ' . ... ..!.. , - ,y. TT TT TH m (CIS. A New Yorker Buys in Belle Crest CL M. Via, : fog . tats snarnl . maiaadrer - ths aTew Tort, irsw Haven k Hartford railroad, and a gwntia. mam well aco.nainted with ths posadblUtlsa of ortland. writes a to i as sits Ave Bveiie Croat lots fog Mm, as tt ts bis brbsnv tioa to build two bom ee thereon. Ons for himself and another f os a xtaambaaT of big family. There Is No Belter Place for Home or Investment Than - Its home advantages cannot be overestimated and as an Investment Belle Crest property wfll double In value before the year Is out Belle Crest prices today, J400 installments $10 a month. Ring us up and arrange to go with us tomorrow to see a ;."T' AnSn. should'be accessible-it should be free from dust and smoke and grime-it should be identified with , he beautifuth, home should be amongst ebors Belle Crest; P" jxtv'oMOO HAS BEEN DONE AND everhiSgha! S irllf a splendid resi- DENCE SECTION HAS BEEN OR IS BEING DONE. ... fa now building (Sandy Road is lined with men and teams First of H, Belle Crest is accessible- splenid stteet carsemceis now j"ulS d d and modern sidewalk,, and materials-60 days will see rapid transu Mite). JSntotoemSS Kts the biU, for them. . THE PUR- CHAS OfTlOTP PAYsTu "VorTmOTErVK in view, conveniently located and thoroughly protected against undesirable neighbors, merits of Belle Crest , . Tt!i- rwet nv time: , Ring us up this evening or tomorrow, lorenoon -wc wu iSvu - : , - th li cp a NlTftN COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BLDG. ON SIXTH ST, MAIN 2828 THE JAC0BS-5TINE CO. SWETLAND BLDG., ON FIFTH ST., MAIN 359 .. - ' v, . . - . ... hi Loel and Hannah Onldamltb to William Ballls t ai.. ouziw reet nnuinuR ai .. b point In oath lla f block lfi Oold- smith ildltlna f P. H. and Myra Tyaaa te Tbomaa Thompaon, lot 1. B, block 8, . Meat' It Highland Jnlln and Blka Kraemer to William B. Nelann. tot A, bloek 1. lot 1. 2. K 4. . 0. 10. 11. blork S, lot S, 4, 6, bkxrk 4. Henry' Klflb addltknt Arleta Ind company te O. M. Hofata- tor, lot u, PKK'B a. riia ri ber B 0. L. and Mrl Stonetmrg te t. . W. terene, ann mia e, a. i, oioca n g'lmmmmm A.Mfl ......... Annie Gllmere te 0. l. Stooebars. kit . S, - 10, kHCK s. - wail VJonnue Jam nd'Aaiile Vaydoa te CsH . Sehlteaeir, ior ma. pwc , aal Town Sit ef Alblaa............ A. J. and Mabll I.llmirs to Man T. Hearty, lot I, z. 11, 12. nwa a, t.hieola Park Anne Portland Trnat en nip nr ef Oregon to M. V. Bnfl Tins, " 7 " lot IS and Bortb 10 feet of east tt ef . . .1 W , , rmm,lvm Alhlna Estelle and Hrr N. Smltk Clml J. Teeerakl. aw rw .a i at aontheaat eorner of lot . bkwk HI. i umiim. " 'i'i ' ' ........ - -- -- Cor : and H. rord to Vorg Knight Clark, block e in anoaiTieioa oi uw.w . - - . . ..W.J ............. Hlenn Bd'johB I". Mlltr to John Pent- aeln, lots su, Bi, aioea . "i- . Mo. Prank . Hasting to J .Bents IB. lot SS. bloek 7. arieia no. P. B. aad Clara A. Potter to Jona Beni- aeln. lot 2H, blorg e, ijanreiwoon. . . . .. B. U Stevena. aherlff. to. Nott ngnam aad eomnany, n aerea in !- townahlp S Bortb. range, 3 west...... Ale -Aadereon to A Ml oa iiorotny Haaeaa. lot 1, Bioca a, nan.. Charles H. William, to H. M. WI11Ibi- OB. lot 11. Bioee io,vo" " loal M. Freeman to P. O. vreeni sn ex . a .. PM or ri . -- Portlind, being eootk 40 ft ef -Id William H. nd Will MorrmaB m , Thome a Hoffmen, m a, w . bine 1 1 mtti 1.1WU - i Jam Marshall Steel te CP. nd Carrie rraaee. lot e. o. oi-. . Wary and PblllB. I J i,.1'' part of lot 1, M. m- , . end addition to Woodlaars .......... J. ft. and Jnlta MrBrwe to ,n r. Prey, lot B, nioca o.- V i J. H. ad Julia MrBrMe to Msy P. Prey, lot 7. Dior e. "r " !TW J George and Maty "hlel to P. rf. Ba Hlett. lot. 11. IX block 2. Myrtle ...... g. C. end Hattle B. to Mr. D. I Kekmaa. lot , block it. Poicba. ddltloe ' H'ViV Inma I'otjloni lumber eomnaoy to EH- alia I. Jackson, wad commencing at rolnt m at hoondary ef tot S. Mock Portland komeataad, 1H0 feet Berth of aoothrnet corner ......... , Prance J. Imnbaf to Mr. K. P. aTraae, lota 27. J". block SO. Tremont ;.. w" A. Storey, aharlff. to rn W. 'joJipB. lot , . block U, dtoseos psrk " n tna Marr Caaterbee te Tbomes Taomr-oa. tote 16, IT. It, block 1, rioaelawB i'"; ; ". 'ii "SJi Kettle I,. Plmr to 0. . tlndtoff, lot Ml. block HI, Sellwond .............. Prfnklla T.ytor t In ftto, tot. I. 2. . 4. S, block 11. Iilngtoa Height , . v. t. N. and Marcn rielK-liaer, eTecntor, I), B. Kelly, tot 1, 2. block so, arter" addltloa i . .. m t lunM me a. arfe block t. fllty ef Portland TS.O00 J 11 T TT tit 1 1, c ' " . - mm I k addltlM ...... SUV It LAM 2,500 100 640 1.278 TOO 0,000 2.000 2SS 1. 000 BOO 100 100 too , I2B 2.000 1.42S 100 1M . 2M U. W. A. Oregoa Orape Cams. We. STS. U LOST AND FOUND. ronitll A place to Save' Salr SMttraaaea reoa. M"74'r Ported CpTl--iilf 'SetorV.' E M.ugec. BTOprastor. - - LOST Oe 23d asd W.ablngtos. gold wetck and roej inmai oa !,"''"" or Bbooe to A. Swanaoe. TlroU Oarden. 23d aad Waahlngtoa.' Kwrd. - r - - 260 too too 1.000 21 tn 1.T80 T.BO0 -107 QOTLtHO 1 i Canr ci .W.O.V.-: WASHINGTON I.OIK!H .NO. 4, A. P. A. M. Stated commnnlca tloa thl" (Wadnclay, reeulng, ' IM o'clock. Bnrkhard blda. Work E. A. d.-grw. , Visitor wetoome. By onl-r W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Hee'y. a BTfkoilKN Cams. B.4M. veeta iog.. Wdiiday ewalaa. Allaky Morrtsoa sts. Hin-d aa4 LOST LedyS gold wtrk, laeer. Hamilen raoTemeni ; name oa lock.. Finder aotlfy 24. Broad t.. Moata- Tllla. Liberal reward. . r.n nor sal office. b, gna sietal case. iitt Toe. at id Ik aorth or leave at Jear. LOST Oral charm.i ah aped aa a bBnebbacb; a preeeoi vaioaoie w 1 w . . m , reward. 404 Chamber ef Oomawrce bldg. . LOST Collect toa book, bet. Joaraal office and BlZtn na ,uuean m., who ti." nv ea Inilde. Betnra te Journal and ubllga. BUCKSKIN sack on taming three J geld pieces; lioerai rewarr.. rww .... l HELP WANTED-MALB. WANTO) AT 0ICJ ataea-hort cettera, wage Bl.ou par iwsi . ..... wv. .rrif . ' Comperage Oe--tears bldg, Portia, t Booltoa, Of. . , WANTBO rTrBi-akari good Bechaalet mail wwmw " . . . ... - date town; ateady Job at 21 per week oe piece work to competent man bl to uak good custom work; alao food repair maa it im per week: only good men wanted. Ad dreaa O. M. Watford. LewlatewB. Montana. . ' WANTKD Saleeaieai many enak tioo to tlM grows ee rsMrratloa. far fro, eld eretiarea) esah dTnced rkly choice ef territory. Addraas Waahlngtoa orrery eeaipaay. Top. penlah, WauilagtoB. MSN and boys waated to Mara p tombing, plae. taring, brlcklarlng. electrical tr.K. fre eataioa-aei pny'"" T. i ichoola. Nest terk aad Baa Praaeleae. WANTKD-kWeraak to ejllat 1 to., aw i im w.t - i . lb. $) w Ilk poaj poa know wha aad why to kick. - get work for est asmhri special aiem. a. a. as. v. I I ' M. I . MONBTI MONBTI AdTBSced jeary week tei ear sr.nrs : a run una, ioGinainf epedeltlee. Write for free caaras-tng outfit. Capital City Nursery Co., BaWaa, O. WANTED Hlgh-1 lmaa for atMrle tec rltorl! klgheat eommlnloa paid! everything . e.n.i.hli rash advanced for Tpen. A rare opportnntty, Addreaa, qnick Norury. Salam, Or. PACiriO STATIONCB1 PBINTINfl CO. 20S-9O7 Second at. Phoe mala Otl r. Ammlmn mm I net. 11 th. atost modera .ad Improved efflce eytail eemplet lla 1ms leaf filing device. ( lOl'Nfl Brien deetrtng to berter their medltt.-K. 1 ae emptoysMBl ee par tea eat, X. M. 0. A.