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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 83. 1007 10 OLMA DRANGA BflliLIXB AND "POOL AT. THE f.iULTHOr.lAH CLUB IRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIEfiDS to COME WEST 03DEN GETS HIBHESTSCORE fCHHE VHOIE SEASON Remarkable Bowling Results In . ' , Victory for Nonpareils. j Via Interesting Tournaments At- tract Big Crowds to Billiard Rooms and Alleys. ,,' and Monarchs., , ; f ov-v-px . . . .. . f. 1-'" ' " jj Th cheering and rooting of four bawling teams, minsied with th -plwn of a large crowd of spectators, mad th Oregon bowling alleys one f th liveliest place la th city . last night Th Nonpareil played th Gopher, who hav been holding the to? plec In th percenta column. and succeeded In UUni two of th three cam plsyed. The last one waa fought to the finish, thera being but alx pin difference., 4v ' .' ' '' ' r Ogdan, tha Nonpareil pilot, want the atrlka route for elcht In hi flrat same and tot tha hlght.sln;l acore of tha season. 67. and averaging 194., lous ing and JDavlflaon played ateady games. .each averaging 184. v - Tba Kama between the Monaxoha and . ,'Webfoote waa a decided victory for the former, their peralatent , plugging at "Lioule" la the last two- f ramea of each came, waa too much for, their hard werktna ocDonenta. 'Rove had hlghsst single van la this match. 112; Capenl secured the beat average of tha evening. 15. - ; ," . Thureday night tha Chinook , play h Parka team, th Columbia team roU 'for team average. ... , -.:.- Hera are the aummariea 'V t . , NONPAREILS. ; , 1 "' . ' .U) -.. t) logden . Ill 174. 16 . 1(4 liinenkam ...... 146 17 174 174 Heed . .......... ..144 174 - li 156 :Troslng ......... .tH 144-184 , 114 Hal ........... ..1T 1. 1 Total V.....; .... . . '.. . .: . . .OOFBERS., ' ; ' . ..' '. (1) t) 1 av Caa 14 167 161 Beyland 174 ISO 17 174 Cloaaet S... ..!" 114 " 161 Lunney 1 ...., ...146 147 4174 Davidson . . . . ..j.171 19 lit Total Ill 1 . HONARCHa :; " . x (i) J) () Raymond 4.:...:.i.ll 144 17- 147 Dolphin.. ......... .144 141., 17? 144 Talbot i. ......... .114 14 147 167 Row 164 7 M17T 114 Capen .4...I1I 111 I,1H Total ' V.'-.tMa - i , . web rovrr s. l () l) ave 14a 'Lamond ....... 17 174 14J LArmltag k.17J 1J 111 -Ieever ......... US . 1H 144 . Meleea .164. 114 .141 Stammer ....... -.147 140 141 ToUl ..717 Mi-trr HOW THE PONIES RAN - . AT NEW ORLEANS rloenal Beectal Horrtee.) ' "' ? New Orleana. March SO. Racing at Nw Orleane reaulted aa followa: ' Four furlonttn Porllan Model won. !tona H. aecond'CropatltcH third; time, f:4l 1-6. ' ' Six - furlong Hertamont won. No Quarter second. Pnchea ot Montebello khlrd; time," fclt't-ftV ' . , - . - On mUeand 70 yard Sincerity Belle won. Auditor aecond. King Ell- torth third;, time. l:46w- ....'v j ... , . One mile Hal betid won, Oargaatua rteond. Fantaatlo third; time, 1:40 4-6. i One mile knd a quarter buoy Cra wford won. Horse Radish aecond. Glen feare third; time, 1:07 -,-; ' . ( Six furlong Southern . Croa won, Xonna Elvira aecond. Gold Proof third; tlm. 1:11.' .. , - f On mil nd It yard Henry ' O. (won. Cull aecond,, Merry Bell third! Ilmev 1:46 l-. IN CHAMPIONSHIP FORWi i 1 Beaton. March 10. Joehim Crane Jr. of Boa ton and Cbarlea H. Sand ot New fTork. former champion who won tbolr match yeaterday, will meet on Thura - May In th final of th National court itennl champlonahlp tournament here. "The winner Thursday will - play Jay Oould. th present title-holder, In a .challenge match on Saturday. , t Teaterday'a matchea were Battled In Straight set. Band defeating Pierre Bortllard of , New York, 4-4, 4-1, while Crane put Foxhall Keen of New Tork out by th cor of 6-4. 0-0, -l. i . . This Yesur Better ' Thb year's tobacco crop in Porto Rico. f is the finest ever grown. . Only the choicest selections are used to make the El Torb. ?. For these reasons the El .Toros now on the market are; particularly recommended. .' El Tor o has always been the finest 6-cent value" Porto Rico produced this ; year ; ." they're better than ever. y ' t ';' '-'J ' The increased cost of genuine Porto ? Rican leaf has brought forward many brands which are made largely from tobac co erbwn in "the United States so you ' canbe too particular to see that you get the genuine ELTOHO - i (Ssnei riM mnd sty)! ' Au mad im ' JTantrU m-4 , KABOH, tllXll : .1 M. A. A. O. Boxar. Who WUl Com pete la Northwest Tournament Today at Spokane. , ; ; PORTLAND DOGS GET . NOTICE AT OAKLAND Uoenwl Btwil hrrk -Oakland. CaL, March to. Th Oak land bench a hew opened thl morning In th Piedmont rink with remark bly large number ofentrt. Bom of tha beat dog In the world hav been ent here, and arlatocrat that hav taken rlbbona In , Innumerable contest are pitted agalikat animals that are making their first bow la a bench show. Portland. Oregon, Is - represented In three claaae. J. Waly Ladd a fin red cocker are attracting much at tention. Frank Watkln" imarkable bull terrier, Edgecot Peer, which ha had a ueceaaton of aotabl triumphs. I 1 expected to be th winner In hi class, and Harry Utt' handsome Bos ton terrier, Presto Boy. has many ad mirer. ' " ''V ' . James Mortimer will Judge all classes and th show will clos tomorrow. PORTLAND ATHLETES' -U-ilN CAPITAL CONDITION 1 . y . mmmmm ,v , ' s (Jeeraal apeelal tervtee.) ' Spokane. Waeh., March 10. Th rep resentatives of ' Portland - Multnomah Athletle club arrived In fin snap, under th management of John A. Hor an. Those In th party aside from Mr. Horaa are boxing Inatructor Fred Rennlch, boxer Olma Prsnga, wrestler Julian Hughes,' and E. D. Smith. Th contests In tha difference classes will be highly Interesting and th local men hav every confldeno tnat tney can weep . th field. . The .Multnomah boy seem to be In cm ahap. .... BOXING TOURNAMENT , , O UNDER GOOD AUSPICES Th boxing tournament . arranged by Prosperity camp, W. O. W4 I attracting muoh attention and promise to furnish considerable interest for those who Ilk to .watch ' th youngsters show what they know about the science of self-da-fens.- There will be IS bouts, and some of th best amateur la tb city, are making' ready for , the. - entertainment which will be 1ven on th evening of Monday, April 1, In th Woodmen f th World temple. l. Four valuable modal ir th award to th sucoeisful con testants. . ; , ,; ' 1. TO CAPTAIN EUGENE University of Oregon. Eugene, March t. Richard Hathaway, '01. of Port land has been elected captain . of tha baaketball team for next year. Hath away, who 1 a well-known Multnomah man, I th . best player in th uni versity, and was without a rival for captaincy of. th team. . Sidney -Smith was also unanimously recommended for M managership . of r the -team. . .Hi home ,1s in Eugene. Cigar S Cents X This is the -one cigar you can be sure is genuine Porto Rican in quality as well I as name. Made in Porto Rico, of Porto'.." Rican tobacco exclusively, in a thoroughly modern factory with facilities far superior to those of any other manufacturer-Et Toro represents the best o-cent agar tnat ; Porto Rico'can produce5. 1 ,1 Afl 1 Toros are nowUmle(L';lx Th.t best 5c, cigar made.. --y r ( ; " Porto RtcAOAmencAn Tobsxco Gxopamjr r, ( . 1 Mmiator, taaV. aav' fll 2 '?'!. k CO, DUtrlbato rs, PerUaas. Or. -I These are busy nights In th billiard rooms and on the bowling alley of the Multnomah Amateur . Athletle club, where tournaments are furnishing much excitement for the knights of the cue and the devotee of tb muscle-making, heavy balls. ' , The handicap pool tournament which began 1 days ago waa continued last night , snd a big crowd waa present when I Buck . nd . R. Wnnerberg crosred cue.. Contrary to th expec tation of some of the club members. Wennerberg met defeat, by a oor of 10 to 24. . i - Th match between Ed Mrrl and A. B. Kerrigan "w not one-sided a tha acore would suggest, but Kerri gan fell before the superior ability of bis opponent. 6core 44 to IS. ' -j . The bowling games are attracting aU tentlon. The teams captained by Moo ton and MoCnbe Indulged In three hard fought batUee. Th cor ' for th three game wer: - : " . Moneon, 121, 145. 14T; Brlgham. 1(3, , 1S31 Lovejoy, 8, 149. 148. McCsbe, 15S. 147, 104; Cummlngs, 1SS, 1S1, 144; Gardner, 171, 183, 143; Ott. 141, 11. 133j Soott, 127. 116, 43. RACING RESULTS ON - ' CALIFORNIA TRACKS . ..,. ,J ,. , . . t. ..... . ... ' (learsal apertsl Imls l Ban Francisco, March !0. Th race at KmeryvlU yestsrday resulted aa fol lowa: ! v Half rotla Wllmore won. Katie Ralna second, Jeremiah third; time, 0:53 3-1. Six furlong Jack Kerchevtlle won. Mala aecond. Dr. bhermaa third; tlm. 1:13H. v ' Mil and 30 yards Lasell won. Con fessor - second, Eduardo .third; time, 1:48 3-. -v '! Mil and on sixteenth Watchful won, Mia May H. Bowdlsh aecond. Black Prince third; tlm. 1:63. ' Flv nd a' half furlong Boloman won. My Pride second, BC Franci third; time. 1:10 1-4. Five and a half furlong Bryan won, Pontotoc aecond, Nonl Lucille third; time, 1:10 -. '; .. . t. ' ' ' : : At Jjot Anel. ' (Jon real Speeltl Bervlce.) ' Los Angeles. March 30. Following I the reeults of race at Ascot: Flv snd ' a half furlong WQ11 Oregg-wen, Mosketo seconds John JL third; time, 1:0. .. Four furlong Swaggerlater won. Connie M. second, Barney Oldfleld third; time, 0:40. .. Mile Oilotn won, Oorg X. M liner second, Croix d'Oi third: time, 1:46 H- Mile Chimney Bweep won. ir to ward second, Ampedo third; time, 1:41. Mil and - sixteenth Vlona won. Kettlng second. Parvo third; time, 1:61. Flv furlongs Katie Craw won. Ba rs to second, Coma third; tlm. 1:03 1-6. MOORE'S TEAM JQQ 1 MUCH FOR BRIGHAM'S k I' V'-l. Moore' ' team ' defeated Brlgham'a bowlers Monday evening at th Mult nomah club alley. Each - team was short two men. Th Moor aggrega tion cam out en top winning the three games. Ths scores: BRIGHAM'S TEAM. ' 1 - .;--rrr , ;v.77M- 3) Routledge. 103 124 137 3J Hudson 140-- 73 00-1 103 Burman ... ....... 38 143 77 317 : Total . . i . 341 843 304 387 ' .. .'4 (1) (2) 8)' ' Moore : '."V,3 .'. lit ; 168 "111- 388 W. Healey,-...., 121 ' 143 137 401 F. Healey . ...... 134 .133 lit 346 Total 874 423 8861,184 QUICK TIME MADE ON ' i HOT SPRINGS CIRCLE Hot Kprlng. ArkVMarch to. Racing resulted as roliows ner yesteraay: Half mile Hollow won. Rustta ond. Waterlook third; -time, 0:48 8-6, .. Half mile Great Pirate won. Hast- second. Aunt. Hala third; time . 0:48 3-6. Five and one-half furlongs Bedrlce won, Dulsnra second, Th Odessla third; time. 1:00 X-l. ' Five -furlong Autumn Flower won. t Ben Strong second, Don Hamilton third; ' time, 1:01 1-6. ; . t ! : Mil and '70 yard Incubator -won. Lola .Whit second, Tb . Bell ; ot Brighton third; tlm, 1:47. a... and. 74 yard Ann Raskin won. King Wild second, . Frank Lubbrotk third; time, 1:46 1-6.". ,, : CHANCE FOR CITY'S ' ' ; YOUNG BALL. TOSSERS Are there ' any : -ambitious " baseball team whose, members ' ere tinder 16 vears of saet If there sre, and they want to meet something' worthy of their steel, they should read this: Qresham. Or., March, 20. To the Bportlng Editor of Th Journal Th Gresham High school boy havs organ ised a baaeball team-and are ready to play 'any teamt In the olty under ;4 years of age. Any teams ' wsntlng games writ to Raleigh Wat ion. man ager, Greaham. or call up. phone No. 2(1.' George Lana, assistant manager. NOTES OF MINOR LEAGUES ' Madison, - Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, La Crosse, Wausau snd Green Bay, In Wisconsin, and Freeport, Illi nois, comple the Wisconsin league this season. . ' ':- . '.. s . .... , . ., ; '- e , . , The Hudson River league ha re organised and will start to do bualneaa at th old atand about , May 16. - . , ; :" ,', e e - . - Manager Danny Long of th Ban Francisco club Jiis signed 36 "Seals" for 147, and will have a. new park for them to play In. . ' ... .... , , e .,- . ;, . ' Qulncy. Illinois, will hav a club In th Iowa . Stat league when . th bell rings this spring. . 1 , r . . , S , S ... ' v Ike Dorrette, who played with the Wllkeabarr team In th Iw York Rtste lea rue laat aeason. ha slgnsd with 'Holyok of th Connecticut lea rue. Ike moves srouno ins country si a is si pace. ' . - ' . ; ' ' - ; ;: ' Tb 'franchise 'of '. th Hat'tlcsburg (Mississippi) club in ths Cotton States league haa been transferred to. Colum bus. Mississippi. , f .-. " .-'.'V- ' ' ' Manager. Feeglss of th Fort Worth club In th Tesa 'league believe that 'th rlr and shovel Sre good training I r&e hall nla vera. . 114 haa elrned four miner. . ' . Th Wrtlirn-Coppr Country league :,,;v'-..-'" . . . i T wo, (fH ..-..... . - ,-, juvenile Apparel how oh display irii handsome spacious V'-v- : JUVENILE DEPARTMENT The most complete" stock' and rnost jcpm 5 fortable shopping place in Portland. x BASE BALLS and BATS FREE with. all Boys' Suits . . : ; i.; . : ; .( LADIES! and MISSES' MAN-TAILORED COATS and :BRBSSES: 1907 MODELS Now ready dEN rm will consist of but four club tht sea son, ' namely , Winnipeg, Duluth.Hough. ton' and Calumet. .Thess -- four el ties form a circuit 747 mile from and to nd.-""'. ' ' ''iv'". ': . Manager who will ' pUot th Trl SUt league clubs this season aret Arthur A. Irwin. Altoona; George W. Heckert. Harrlaburg; Charles - M. K. Atherton, Johnstown; Clsrne Foster, Lancaster; Harry D. Wolverton, wil Ilamsport; Curtle Welgand, ' Torki John D.. Carney. Trenton, .and William M. Connelly, Wilmington. ;-, .. ' . . CENTRAL LEAGUE MEET -i ...... .'.-,, ., ' . 1 . ... v . ; , I ! ' (leernal SpeeUl Servlee.) . 1 j Kvansvllle. Ind March 10. Satisfied that the coming season will be the moat successful In th hlstorr of thslr or ganliatlon, the magnates of the Cen tral league gathered her today for their schedule meeting. With th Evanavlll and Terr Haute team thoroughly re organized, - the . managers ar of th opinion that th race thl summer will be a intereatlng a th contest three year ago,-when all the. clubs were fighting for th pennant. ' Beside adopting a schedule, th meeting will go on record a being. op posed to any kind of a change In the circuit nd may also take step by which th three-year agreement, which expire . with thl season, will b re newed, '-vi;'; y '.. f "t ' i 1 ; ABERDEEN'S FIRST BASE . - ' (Rpeelal Dtapateb te Tse JesrsaL) Aberdeen, Wash March 10. Julius fttrelb. who played With Bean. in-th Coat leagu last year, will play first base for Aberdeen thl see eon: ' he make th seventeenth man signed by th locals. The club will atart with 14 meiu a Manager Brown ha a cap ital short stop coming from th National league. Jack Huston, who Is going to California for a vacation, will try to pick up 'an Inflelder there. , , SOLDIERS! TRACK MEET ; .- . ,; The Indoor track nd field meet at th armory next Monday night will be largely attended, a the ,vent -ar ,of, an unusually , Interesting character. They ar open , to 1 member of. lb Third regiment and of the battery, who munt register for the different elssse by tomorrow night. William L. Orman-j dy la chairman of tb athletlo commit- I to. . . ' . . .1 LEADING CLOTHIER Merchants Investment W- i & Trust (Go. 247 - Washington St.? Capital $150,000 (If thoroughly modern ; '. ititution, and is being appreciated, by a liberal pat .: ronage from the public , ; ' ,vi, X-': ' V It handles trus matters In' their varied forma, buys and sells substantial issues of municipal and '. "k corporation bonds, lends money, doe a general banking business, pays i per cent on time deposits current rates on savings accounts and receives de posits subject to check.'-. "-i"'":; r'.p ' ' ' Xr''r You can consult this Company freely pertaining " to any business concerning your interests. , , J. Frank Watson . . . . ........ ; . . President R. L.1 Durham. Vice-President W; H.- Fear.. .. ,V. .V.. ..... Secretary S..C Catching. ,... .1, .t. . .'Assistant Secretary O. .W..'T. Muellhaup't.'.'. .'. .', .Cashier .1 ' and well equipped trust In- SPECIAL LOW WLOXIST RATES . pTsora MAmox ajto arm . From St PauL Minneapolis. Duiuth, 1 Omaha. St. Joseph. Kansas City snd othsr Missouri river points to , Portland and Ashland, Or., and In termediate polnte .,,..4)35.00 From Bt Louis to Portland, Ash , . land. Or., and Intermediate 1 point . , . . .t30.00 From Chicago to Portland. Ashland, Ot, and intermediate point 6)34.00 '. Similar low rates from other east ern points to th west. Send me -full nsms and address of your relativea or friends In ths east that -sre thinking of coming to ths Pcclflc Northwest, and I will have them furnished with literature and full Informntion, or if you wlnh to pay tha fare nf any one, , th money can bt deposited with any agent of the Northern Paolflo Rail way and ticket will be promptly iumlshed. - For any- "additional"- Information wanted, call on or addreas ) :- A; D; CHARLTON Assistant . General Passenger Agent, . BBS Morrison St., Oor. Third. -. Portland. Or. . RASTER COOKING Make certain demands upon your cull- -nary utensils, especially for preparing v agga for th table. There ar many artlclea devlaed particularly for rooking . ears in the Innumerable 4 way pre scribed by custom" and cnok- books. At -Avery you can get any ot those, from a chafing dish to an egg beater; tmalUu. w hav lot of -other thing Just as Useful. . - - ' '.j '-' .' Avery a Co.! 48 TKXr,9 6JT.-,' v-;.C TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER ; EXTRACTS . JUSTRIGHT CLOSSETGDEVERS PORTUNP. OftE.- J Free Sastl AaoreesDerta. iMitiiiniiini iiniitaiT x The Shine That Ghlnes Quickest I A BEAUTIFUL FACE ' rtA stasis for IHrttealan sn TeetimeaUts er tse miM) that eleara u Cowuieiion. ka- sanvas Bkla laieerreellnm, sfakaa Haw Blaud sad Imoeoras uw Baaltk. If re take BEAUTYSKIN Betiaftclal reealts art gtratee4 er tsaead. , C1TT0RZ4TXI CmZHTOAt CO.. aU4tees riaea, , miaAalpkla, fa. tisis. v;i::slc;7'S ccoTr.:::a syru? bas taej tieed by sTlltlona of Wither foe their rhlklnw while Teethlna for orae Ktftjr Tears, t aootbee the ehild, auftens the rum a. allart II pain. cnra wind eoUe, Sad Is the seat tam-ly rordtarTh.wa. . Twrnti'VITh crux a inn ilu and ether drug habit are positively eured j II A ni Tl rJA. IVtr ftvrwwlnmile ftr Intern-1 nu ' Sample sent 4a any dmr habitue hy .xfcv ! mall. Rnilar price 42.00 per bottle vv , at yonrdnnrelat or by mall in plain wrapper. I vlt Ckslal C tlLmla, iin. iot aaia Mwmgn viu, vf. aaa I UrC LSHnJ e. fawNi viwi