The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 19, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Loomls Testifies That While He
; ' Was Hermann's Agent He
' J ' Accepted a Bonus. ; '
v fWeshlaftea Bvma ef The toenail.)
Washington. D. C. Marc A -C K.
,loomla, who was a special agent In
Oregon under Hermann, related an aa
.toundlng story In connection with the
femoua "7-1 1" elalma at Hermann's trial
. this morning. - Loomls testified that
- Puter wanted' some patanta hurried
through, and promised to pay the extra
axnenaee Incident to the work or. nae
teniae th preliminaries. Puter handed
Loom la a draft, which Loomls thought
when ha toe it waa for ISO, hut the
" next rooming when he looked at It and
found It waa for 1(00 be waa rnghi
ned, ' - Oa considering the situation ha rV
"elded that Puter had lota of money and
could afford to pay It so Loomla kept
the draft Later on. when the patanta
. ' had been Issued, Loomla went to Pater
and demanded - another $500, wbloh
Loomls claimed Puter , had promised
, under an agreement, and Puter paid the
second 1500.
. .. The government Introduced a aaf
vldenoe relating o altered fraudulent
'transactions In 1199, when Loomla. ac
cording to his own statements, and let
ters Introduced whloh were written by
him and Hermann, wanted to return
certain money to get cut of trouble.
; Beren cbiefa of divisions of the gen
eral land effloo who- had served under
'Hermann Identified original official
latter to the land office which had
been an aire red personally by Hermann,
They said they had bean unable to find
In any of the office records copies of
,ths replies to any of these letters. This
evidence waa introduced to' establish
.the character of ths press copybooks
that Hermann la Charged with destroy-Inf.'-
. )- , , ., ,, .
Republican Candidate Must - Be
I Strained of Corporation In-
nuance, paj tooor man. .
... .... . ...... ,.- . ..
TTnlon labor cohorts of John H.
' tJoffey, one of the . Bepiibllcaa candi
dates for the nomination . for mayor,'
. are dissolving before ths presence of
W. E. Burke, aocordlng to the tales
told'by some labor 'men not la sympa
Mr. Coffey has been a candidate for
the nomination on the Republican ticket
for soma time and at the last masting
of ths Federated Tradea council - was
Indorsed by the council. In company
with .several other candidates. Now the
labor element la split wide i open, ac
cording to' the story,-' aa far- aa , Mr.
Coffey's candidacy la concerned. - '
, The trouble seems to be over ths be
.lief of the .labor men that Coffey la un-
fler' tne innuenc ana practical man
agement of Burke; C. H. Oram- federa
tion leader, ' Is swayed by Coffey, the
argument Is ' mads,' from which basis
,mo ooncJasion Is reached that Oram
is Influenced by Burke. Burks is a
corporation k-an, wherefore the labor
men Jure ahying at any one who has
macerations "with MM business, polit
ical w otherwise. '
Aocordlng to tha story being told by
labor men. Mr. Coffey will not be the
choice of the new labor party when
the voto 1 taken, Inatead some other
rm n A rln t will k. w,1W4 m . a
' fore of tha labor support
! ' , " '
Mill Hand at Wendling Charged
v. - With Knife Attack at
.. cBpeeial Dispatch ts The JeareaLl .'
t Eugene, Or, March II. Robert Lane,
a aawmlU hand. Is under arrest 'at
. Wendling,. tha Booth-Kelly ; mill town
to mllea northeast of Eugene, charged
with assault with a dangerous weapon
upon Frank Gordon, organiser for ths
," Lincoln Annuity union. .During a
nance at weiraung paiuruay mgnt iene
and a number of other mill hands and
loggers entered the hall and proceeded
to raise a disturbance. ' Gordon, who
had ths management of ths dance, or
dered them to desist whereupon Lane
became enraged and attacked Gordon
,wlth a large pocket knife. He suc
ceeded In Inflicting two bad - scalp
wounds before the bystanders disarmed
Mm,' but the Injuries are' not danger
ous, ;
arrest His preliminary examination
will be held, before Juatlce of ths Peace
Freeman at Wendling.
. - Seven other men, aa follows, wars
arrested for disturbing the eeaca and
wars fined 110 each: H. Cronlsa, Harry
' Armstrong. Roy McCready, Paul Bob
ley, Charles Tyler, Harry Shear and
B. 3, Lana. '
(Joerasl Special Berries.)
' Helller, Ky.. March 1 In an old vil
lage In southern Virginia, Frank Dut
ton courted Allena Ross, and the eoupls
eloped to this town., Barn-Ross;-the
girl's brother, followed them, killed
Imtton and put an and to tha marriage
ceremony. Ellas Dutton. Frank's
brother, killed Sain Rose and fled to
the mountains. A posse Is pursuing
Ihittoa. , : '
- -Own-Mi Bnaclst BMvtee.t "
Olympls. Wash., March 1 W. 8.
Dole of Portland waa granted a fran
chise last night ty ths city council
for the purpose of Installing a torn-
r.lote- gas system - In this city. Ths
ife sf the franchise Is II years and
tne plant must be In operation before
May 1, I0, ' " ' - "
mt . a '' .
Beveateera Rilled la Wreck.
Harbin, March ll-Seveataen were
killed and It hart la a wreck on a
trena-SiberiM railroad thla- morning.
. v. v v
E. C. Cottrell Taken Out of ait,
Whipped, tuid'Put Back .
Again. ". v ' .
''''' v .. .
(SpeHal r(.p(rk to Tbe Joore.l
Wlnlock. Wash.. March 1 E. -C
Cottrell. proprietor of ths Wlnlooai dairy
lunch, was arrested laaf night for" beat
ing his wife. Yesterday afternoon
neighbors Interfered and aaved her from
a severs drubbing oa Main street and
Cottrell was arrested In, the evening on
a second attempt.
After a preliminary hearing ha was
put under bonds to keep ths peace and
under care pf Marshal Round tree went
to his wife, whom ha had beaten, to
beg her ta go on his bond.
Upon her refusal ha hit her square In
the face, knocking her down, and then
attempted to jump on her, but was
stopped by the marshal. Ha was then
takea to the jalL . I
At 1:10 this morning a mob of de
termined men broke open ths jail, took!
Cottrell out .turned him over a barrel
and whipped him unmercifully with a
tug from a heavy buggy harness. He,
oeggea piteousiy zor -mercy, Dut tne:
men meant iromnea. Arter tne misere
ant had promised to behave himself he
was taken back and locked up.
Thla morning he waa taken to Che
hall a by the aherlff. '
Cottrell, whose real name Is supposed
to be Carroll, cam a to Wlnlock about a
year and a half ago and married Mrs.
Mattie Borensonwho waa then running
ths Commercial hotel. , X short time
later ha was arrested and convicted on
tha charge of attacking a butcher with
a bowie-knife. ' Mrs. Cottrell paid tbe
fines and costs to get him out and haa
put up wltn hla abuss for a year.
Tha entire community la aroused and
Indignant and It la probable that If
Cottrell somes back to Wlnlock ha will
stretch hemp.
Appointed Federal District At
torney Until Adjournment of
Next Session of Senate.
tmtted States District Attorney Bris
tol received his commission from ths
president thin morning and la now once
mors serving under reoeas appointment
until the end of ths next session of
congress, which will be approximately
one year from June, next -
The story printed some time ago
to tha affect that a compromise had
been entered into between Senatora
Bourns and Fulton and tha president
by which Mr. Bristol waa to hold of
fice only until ths laat of the year and.
that he must clear away tha land fraud
trials by that. time la apparently flls
proven by the text of the commission,
which gives ths office until after tha
adjournment of the next aenata, ..
Tha appointing section of tha com
mission is as follows:
"Theodore Roosevelt' president of ths
United Statea of America, to all who
shall . see , these presents, - greeting:
Know ye, that reposing special truai
and ' confidence in ths integrity and
learning of William C. Bristol of Ore
goo, I do appoint him to bo attorney of
ths United States for ths district of
Oregon, and do authorise and empower
him to execute and fulfil tha dutlea
of that office aocordlng to law; and
to have and to hold tha said office with
all ths powers, privileges snd emolu
ments thereunto legally appertaining,
unto him, tha said William C Bristol,
until the end of the next aesslon of ths
senate of the United States, and no
longer: aubjeot to tha conditions pre
scribed by law."'
Heavy Rains Loosen Earth
Which Slides Onto Track,
, Blocking All Trains.
'.:. ;
"" (Jeereal ftnecisl n-rlr.)
Sallnaa. Cal., March 1. Part of a
hill nearly a mils long at Logan's quar
ry, Ik mllea north of Salinas, which was
loosened by trains, slid down this morn
ing, covering ths Southern Paclflo
tracks to a depth of JO feet It will
be 4 hours before trains can get
through. , '
Bridges 8wpt Away.
(Special Dbpatek to Tee Josrsil.)
Sacramento, -aL, .March U. Tha
American river rose five feet last
night carrying out two county bridges.
Bottom landa around Sacramento are
flooded to the tops of tha levees. No
Immediate danger to tha city la threat
ened, s
Shortage of Food Feared.
(Jenrast Bperlsl Service.) -
Orovllle, March It. Up to the time
the river began to fall two -thirds of
the city was under .water. "Tna . city Js
completely marooned and tha water sup
ply Is completely shut oft. The loss
will be mors than a million. Ths sa
loons are closed and ths city trustees
are feeding tha homeless, many of
whom havs lost everything. There is
seme danger of a shortage of food, Ths
loes of life ts problematical, but It Is
thought - a number of Chinese were
caught in their attics and drowned.
City Completely Isolated-'
- (Jaerasl Special ftervlee.) ----Santa
Rosa, Cel., March II. The
flood situation hare Is the worst in the
history of the city. The vounty bridges
are out The city haa no trains, and
telegraph and telephone wires ara down.
. Worst Flood Ever Known. '
-Reno, Nev., March It. The flood has
passed, the critical point here, although
the Tmckee river Is still a, raging tor
rant Fields snd many farm houses are
flooded. ' The Reno and Sparka yards
srs filled with trains, which may not
be moved for 24 hours. . . ...
Donell la Acquitted. . .
C. C. Doneil, an ex-fireman, arrested
for assault snd battery, alleged to have
been committed on J. Conboy, a sa
loon man, was tried In ths police court
today and acquitted. - Doneil pleaded
self -defense. '''.,' i -
. '.-?-. ':
Supreme " Court Also Affirms
Judgment In Morrison Street
' .T" Bridge Case. '
8pcUt rjlspatrh to The Journal.)
Salem, Or., March It. Chief Justice
Bean today sustained' the Judgment of
Judge William Galloway In the caae of
ths Pacific States Telephone Tele
graph company agalnat the city of
Salem, and .. Charles E. Sumner. - The
Paclflo Statea company endeavored to
prevent tha city of Salem from grant
ing a franchise to a competing company
to enter the city and do bualneas. The
plaintiffs franchise ia for (0 years, and
defendant's for IS years. . .
kforrlsoa Street Bridge Case. '
Chief Justice Beaa affirmed ths Judg
ment of Judge T. A. McBrlde in tha
case of ths county of Multnomah, appel
lant agalnat the Willamette at Colum
bia River Towing : company, reapond
enta. It la an action to recover dam
ages oaused by, tha steamship Almond
Branch fouling ths Morrison street
bridge at Portland. February IS, 101
Ths English ship, of S.461 tons register,
was at Portland under charter to the
i paclfld "Export Lumber company and had
taken part of a cargo of lumber at
dock aouth of the '- Morrlaon street
bridge. When passing through the Mor
rlaon draw, , ths steamer fouled the
bridge and the county had to pay out
tS.t82.8t for ths necessary repair a. Tha
court says: ....
"AH the essential features of tha re
quested and refused instructions were
embodied In tha general charge and tha
case waa fairly and fully submitted to
tha Jury- Tha Instructions as gTven
cover every essential feature of . tha
cass with commendable clearness, Ws
ara satisfied that there was no. error,
and the Judgment Is affirmed."
Other oaaea adjudicated were tha
following: ,. ,
Baker county, respondent, against A.
B. Huntington . and Harry A. Duffy, de
fendants, and A. L Brown, Jamea Fleet
wood et al., appellants: appeal from
Umatilla county, W. R. Kllla, Judge; af
firmed December IS, 190(, by Judge
Moore on petition for rehearing: coats
and disbursements allowed defendanta.
Eva Gallgher, respondent agalnat John
O. .Oallgher, appellant from Douglaa
county, J. W. Hamilton, Judge: affirmed
In opinion by Juatlce Eakln. It Is a
suit for a divorce with cross-bill by
defendant for Ilka relief.'
. Alfred Wollenberg, appellant against
8. K. Skyes, respondent appeal from
Douglas county,J, W. Hamilton,' Judge; 1
Judgment of lower court reversed In
opinion by Commissioner King. It Is
an action by Wollenberg against 6kyea
on an undertaking executed by J. W.
Knapp as l rlnclpal and Skyes aa surety.
. . Sugene Street Case.
J. W. Chriatlan, executor of tha es
tate of Etha Christian, deceased, appel
lant against tha city of Eugene and
J. P. Turner, street commissioner, ap
peal from the ' circuit court of Lane
county, J.'W. Hamilton, Judge: Judg
ment of lower court affirmed by Justice
Eakln. . Thla la a ault to enjoin defend
anta from opening a street aa part of
what la claimed to be a part of Twelfth
street -in tha. Christian, addition in the
oiiy v jLugene. . , , .
Mokstt Will Case
Katie White et al., appellants, against
Agnes Joyce et al., respondents, appeal
from Lane county, James W. Hamilton.
Judge; Judgment of lower court affirmed
by Commissioner Slater. This is a con
test over th will of George W. Pickett
who died in Lane county November 23,
1902. admitted to probata, and under
which 8. B. Eakln was made executor.
Contestants filed a petition to annul
the probate of the testament and that It
be not declared the will of George W.
Pickett After testimony was taken ths
court affirmed ths order jif probata. Ap
peal waa made to thr'clrcuit court
which concurred In the original findings,
and tha supreme court now afflrma tha
Judgment of the (lower court
William Renahaw and Alf Walker, 'ap
pellanta, against O. B. Chrlsmaa, county
Judge, et aL; appeal from the circuit
court of Lans county, Lawrence T. Har
ris, Judge; affirmed by Judge Moors.
This U a suit by William Renahaw and
his partner to restrain ths county court
from making an order prohibiting the
sals of Intoxicating liquors in the city
of Eugena and to have an election to
determine whether or not such sales
could be- prohibited' therein. .
(Special npitc ta The loernal.)
Roseburg, - Or,- March It. The Win
cheeter bridge has been temporarily re
paired so that traffic has been resumed.
The first train passej over It this fore
noon. Ths water has receded but tha
steady downpour of rain which con
tinues today will make It unsafe-for
Sunday and Sunday night 1H Inches
of rain fell. A snowfall then caused a
recession of the river, but the half Inch
of rain of the previoua 24 hours, with
ths steady downpour today, will cause
considerable delay again tonight -All
tralna from the aouth have arrived here
only a few hours late.
(Special blsnatcb te Tbe JnerasLI
Seattle. Wash.. 'March 19. Keren aa
bla wife and two sons caught trout out
or .season, Robert Moran, a retired capi
talist and shipbuilder, haled them be
forer a - Justles'of the peace, and had
them prosecuted for violating the law.
Moran was willing to eat the flah when
they were brought home, but ha In
formed his family that they had vio
lated the law, of which action he did
not approve, and told them to go to a
Justice of the peace and plead guilty.
They refused to do, thla, snd he wert
himself and had the warrants issued.
Thfl Justice fined the culprits r each,
but Moran imitated that this was not an
adequate punishment for the offense
and demanded that the fine ba fixed at
2S each. This wss done, and Moran
had to pay T6 for his trout
Charles Barney, a 17-year-old mes
senger, .formerly employed by ths A.
D. T. company, was arrested yesterday
afternoon by Detective Hellyer at Third
and Stark streets on a charge of lar
ceny preferred by Dorothy Darlington,
keeper of a notorious North : Seventh
street resort
It Is alleged that Januay 11 Barney
Went to the Darlington establishment
lit response to call to the meeaengef
office. . Ths lad was given 1121 to take
to a local banking Institution,, but In
steal he boarded a train for Seattle.
Tha youth has confessed,
First Deliveries for Nearly Two
Weeks Made to the Con
tractors Today.
For the first time la nearly two weeks
ths Portland mills , began . delivering
lumber today. . The '.demand for the
commodity was very large and building
operations which have been tied up for
several daya were resumed. The mill
owners say they -will continue to de
liver as long as they have tha goods.
Therefore, unices the strike laata . for
many weeks longer, the building In
dustry will not sgaia bs sf footed.
While none of the mills originally tied
up have resumed operations to any con
siderable extent tha feeling la general
that tha atrlke Is about over. One big
mill owner declared today that he knew
positively that many of the strikers
were ready to desert and that ha be
lieved that the, majority of tha mills
would be running within a week.
One Third of Crew Working.
Ths loggsrs wilt meet tomorrow to da
elde when to start their camps again.
President Farrell said today that ths
concensus of opinion among the loggers j.
Is. that they should not start up for two
weeks or mors. This opinion Is held, not
because they think the strike will be of
long duration, but because there ta a
surplus of logs oa hand which they want
sawed before they go to turning out any
Two of ths smaller mill begaa oper
atlona oa a email scale today. Tha Ore
gon aad Washington mill la running its
planing and rasaw department but .no
attempt haa been mads to start tha saw
mill. About K men, or nearly one-third
of tne regular crew, ara at work. Man
ager Dempeey atated this morning that
a fsw of those had come from tha ranks
of ths strikers.
Bos PUat moaning.
Ths box-making department of tha
Union Box A Lumber company, also
wrrea up. i tTora to to a men are
working, 160 being tha regular auota.
Tha manager of thla concern stated that
he expected to havs all departments'
running by tha end of tha week. Ths
strikers reported this morning that an
unsuccessful attempt waa mads to start
tha mill of tha Standard Box A Lumber
company, but tha report was denied at
the office of tha company.
Ths strikers held a meeting this
morning at lot Davis street B. H.
Williams a recently arrived organiser
from California, was ths speaker.
Thirty-seven employes of tha Bchmltt
sash and door factory, located at East
Eighth and East Taylor etreete, walked
out at noon today and Joined the In
dustrial Workers of th,a World. Yes
terday noon they made a demand for a
nine-hour day and a minimum wage of
12.60 a day. Ths plant la completely
tied up.
Alienists Called by Delmas to
Offset Jerome's Doctors Say
' Thaw Was Insane.
Drs. Hamlin," lelllffe. Pilgrim, Greg
ory, White; Wagner and Evans were
called together for further expert tes
timony. Dr. Hamlin was cross-axam-Ined
by Jerome who tried to force hltn
to aome admission . that 'would be
against Thaw. This continued, though
Delmas frequently objected.
. Dr. Jelllffe waa recalled and Jerome
continued his relentless .probing. Jel
litre remained cool and elusivs In an
swer. "He sparred with Jerome skill
fully. Jerome Insisted that Jelllffe de
scribe ths form of Insanity from which
Thaw suffered, i but Jelllffe shrewdly
avoided this, finally saying that from
tha facta given In Jerome's hypothetical
question he could only aay that Thaw
was tnsans without attempting to aay
what form of Insanity he bad.
The nearest Jerome got Jelllffe to a
definite statement was that Thaw
might havs been suffering from elreu
lar insanity. , ' .
(ftnerlsl Dtrpateh to Tbe Jnarnil.)
The Dallea, Qr., March 19. Joe Fox
was exsmlned before Recorder Fllloon
yesterday afternoon, charged with lar
ceny from a dwelling house. He wss
held In tSOO ball to answer In circuit
court It Is charged 'that he stols
1140. a gold watch and a suit of
clothes from a guest sleeping st the
Umatilla houss the night before. He
made no defense. Hs claimed tha opium
habit -waa tha cause of his act
(Joe rani gseelal garvlee.)
. Washington, March II. The confer
ence of President , Mellen of the New
Haven road with President Roosevelt
began at o'clock this afternoon. He
remained with the prealdent 40 min
utes. Hs refused to say what they dis
(Joe rail gptelal Rerrlee.l
Pittsburg. l"a., March 19. The local
weather forecaster this afternoon warns
the city that tha river will be at flood
stage again by morning. On account of
later rains the headwaters of all streams
ara rising rapidly.
(Joorast Special Service.) ' 4
Washington, March II. Pre- 4
llmlnary examination Into the 4
doings of tha Hill system of 4
railroads has . convinced the
Interstate commerce commission 4
that the light of day upon them , e)
' will be beneficial to the bualneas ' 4
interests of the country. It is ' 4
stated officially at ths offices of 4
the commission today that it 4
will thoroughly examine the Hill 4
-lines. Ths Inquiry will te slmt- 4
Isr to ths one into the Harrlman 4
lines now progressing snd will 4
bs made before nest winter. Spe- e
dal attorneys are now gathering 4
data. ; '
Entire System to Be Tied Up If
Chicago A Alton Does
Not Yield.
' . (Joarasl Baedal servke.1 '
Cleveland, March It. At a masting
of tha executive board of tha Interna
tional Brotherhood of Boilermakers and
Iron Shipbuilders thla morning an ulti
matum waa Issued to Hani man that a
general strike on all his lines would
be declared within 41 hours unless the
officials of ths Chicago Alton come to
terms with tha bollermakers oa that
Una, . ,
E. X. Grant of Soarks. Nevada, waa
among tha conferees who Issusd ths
Harrlmaa ultimatum. O. F. Dunn of
Kansas City Is president of the execu
tive board. Ths reads directly affected
ara tha ' Southern Paclflo, Burlington,
Illinois Central, Rock Island. Reading,
Oregon Short Lino and tha 'Frlaoo' sys
Officials of tha Southern Paclflo and
O. R. A N. shops In Portland express
the opinion that tha threatened trouble
in the east will not affect the coast
points on ths Harrlman road a, and that
ths man In tha Portland shops will not
be amenable to a strlks on ths Chicago
Alton. A shos official said:
"1 do not believe ths men here would
go out on such a proposition. They
are doing well and are satlaflsd with
wages and oondlttona. - They are not
striking for the benefit of tha Chi
cago a; Alton people.
Ha said he had heard no talk regard
ing tha Chicago Alton trouble, aad
that , today's dispatch to The Journal
was tha first news that haa ooma on
mat subject. ,
Water Board Decidoa on Pipe) Lino
and Frontago Tag to Raise the)
Needed Funds (or Extensions.
At ths' Joint masting of ths -water
board laat night tha delegates from tha
city Improvement clubs and Council
man Vaughn, It waa decided that bonda
ba Issued for ths construction of the
proposed 13,000,000 pipe Una to -Bull
Run A bill to thla effect will b sub
mitted to tha people at tha June eleo
ttcn. i
The Joint committee - also recom
mended that a frontage tax be levied
vpon all property for the extension of
new mains. Ths tax will yield about
$300,000 a year.
Tha meter system waa agreed ttron
by the committee and under Its ruling
ths city will have to pay for Its water
Just ss a private consumer. ITndur the
rule ths city will have to pay about
1150,000 a year for Ita water. At
present tt pays -nothing. T----r -
Thomas O. Halley, ex-aasoclata Justice
of the supreme court will leave thla aft
ernoon for Pendleton, bis former home,
where he goes to take the place held by
WIU R, King -as ona- of the attomeya
for the plaintiff In the celebrated Pea
cock Milling company case. This cass
Is one brought by ths mill company
against ths city of Milton, several Irri
gation companies and all of the settlers,
who uss Irrigating water from the Little
Walla Walla river.
In all there ara some 400 defendants to
ths suit which has been brought to ad
judicate tha water rights In ths Milton
f district which Is one of the most highly
cultivated Irrigated sectlqns of Eastern
Oregon. . ... . .
' (Joeraal Special Sen lee.)
New Tork, March II. Drst- Pilgrim,
Wagner and Gregory testified thla after
noon, Jerome taking them over practl
eally the same erosa-examlnatlon. As
hs talked Jerome frequently picked up
Thaw'e revolver, which lay on tha table
and Illustrated ths manner In which
Thaw "broke" hla weapon. Ha snapped
the gun a number of times.
Pending some action on the part of
Alfred Wlckham, proprietor of ths cigar
store at to Washington street, from
whose establishment Chief Grltxmacher
and Mayor Lane eonflacated eight slot
machines last Saturday night, the head
of ths police department has decided
not to file a complaint against the cigar
dealer at tha present time.
Deputy City Attorney has. given
It as hla opinion that Wickham could
not bo prosecuted under tbe city or
dinance. The state law, however, pro
vides that the prosecution la only re
quired to make out a prima facia caae.
Under the statute slot machines ex
posed for play In a public place eon
trolled by the defendant ts the only evi
dence necessary to be, adduced on ths
part of the people, ' , ""
(Special Dispatch le Tne Jnernal 1
Salem, March II. Ambrose Clark was
killed yesterday at Marlon, II miles
from Salem, while at work loading a
car of piling. He was struck on the
head by a piling timber let down by a
derrick. He never regained conscious
ness snd died two hours later. He
leavea a widow and two small children.
Arguo Mansanlta Case.
In ths federal court today the caae
of tha United States agalnat the Port
of Portland la . being argued before
Jndga-Wolverton. The caae is brought
by the government to secure a Judg
ment of lll.ooa for -damages caused to
the lighthouse tender Mansanlta, whlcti
collided with the Port of Portland
dredge some time ago.
' Investigating Banker Walsh.
w (Jonraal gpeeltl serrlee.l
Chicago, March II. Further Investi
gation of the banking method of John
It. Walsh was ordered by Judge Ander
son this morning upon the Impaneling
of a new federal grand Jury, which waa
Inatructed to investigate alleged viola
tlona of 'banking laws prior to the di
vision in HOf of tbs Judicial circuit
' .... i '
COURSE 0(1 ra
Past, Present and Future Re
. publican Office Seekers Will
Dine at Commercial Club.
Politics will be served with ths soup
aad through to the coffee At a dinner to
be given Wednesday night at the Com
msrclai club by . a number of tha promt
nent Republicans of ths city. Those
who have the dinner under their man
agement say it ia Just a little gather
ing at which tha whole political altua
tlon as affecting the city may ba gone
over in aetau lor tha general Informa
tion of thoaa who may ba fortunate
enough ta receive an Invitation. - '
Rumor, however, says that tha dinner
will be attended by a sucleua of men
who would like to see aome organisa
tion Infused Into the battle Una. Tbe
direct primary has sadly dlaarranged
any possibility of predlgeeted effort
is said, and for that reason it U neces
sary for ths friends of any man who Is
about to become a candidate to aea to
It that hla supporter stand behind him
in good order.
Auditor Devlin has been Invited to
ths banquet and tt la vary probable that
a good many of hla friends will bs
there., It may be that bla campaign
win be outlined and plana for hla com
ing contest will ba mapped out and de
termined upon. Mr. Devlin will not be
tha only ona to ba discussed, however,
for It Is the Intention to look at the
ticket aa a whole aad to dlaouas the
good points of different candidates for
all tha positions - on tha ' municipal
la making np tha list of those to at
tend the dinner no thought has been
taken of past political affiliations or of
future combination a, and tha Simon,
tha Mitchell, the Matthews, aad every
other kind of Republican will sit aids
by slds and drink ths soup of peace
together. About a score of guests will
rang around the board.
Subsidence of Streams and Re
sumption of Traffic Reported
-One Life Lost.
(Special Dtsyateh Is The JasraaL) '
Ashland, Or., , March II.-The rain
storm, which conunued through last
night seemed to have dissipated thla
morning. The rainfall during tb past
two days has been very heavy. The
damage to roads is considerable, but
bridges suffered little, notwithstanding
Emigrant oreek and other atreama up
tha valley are at tha highest stage In
10 years. They ara now falling.
yesterday Rogue river waa within 14
Inchea of the floor of tha power-house
at-the Ray -dent, ' i. . .
The weather Is warm, and peach
trees ara riowenng. v
All trains hav been four to six hours
late. . . , .
ITorso Returns Riderless From Ford
of CreekBodjr Not Fonnd
(Rnerlal Dlsoatea te The leerssLI '
Ashland, Or., March II. Tha body of
Hermann Henry, the young man sup
posed to have been drowned in ml
grant oreek last night has not been
found, but it now seems certain hs lost
his Ufa at the bead of Indian creek
while trying to ford tha swollen stream.
returning ta. the Owen ranch, near
town. Tha tracks of a horse were found
at tha crossing. . His horse returned
home, riderless. A searching . party .. Is
still out looking for the body.
Made Umpqaa Bridge Shaky.
(Journal tnectal Serrlea.)
Roseburg. Or., March II. A -six-foot
rise In the North Umpqua river weak,
ened the bents under ths Southern Pa
cific brldgs st Winchester so that for a
time It was considered unsafe to run
tralna over tt Service haa been resumed,
though th temporary tie-up her haa
naturally resulted In a certain derange
ment of schedules. ,
r - Four Inches Rain at Medford.
(Journal Bpeelat arrlce.l
Medford, Or., March II. Four Inches ef
rain fell here la the severe rain storm
that swept tha country, beginning Sat
urday night. All streams rose rapidly,
carrying out bridge and Culvert and
delaying traffic on th Bout hern Paclflo.
(Special Dispatch te The JeeraaL)
Astoria, Or., March II. At a meet
ing of th city council last evening
Mayor Wise delivered a sharp message
on the evil of dance-halls, after -which
he called Chief Oammel from the rear
of the hall and ordered him to close up
the hall at one. Th chief called for
a written order of the mayor and will
confer with the police commission. Up
to noon th chief ha not ordered them
to close, but will probably do so,
- Sunday Closing Law Enforced.
Walla Walla, Wash,, March II.--touts
Schmidt proprietor of a saloon, haa
been fined 155 by Justice Huffman for
violating tbe Sunday closing law. Both
Schmidt and his bartender, W. I Tuck,
were arrested.. Schmidt pleaded guilty
and Tuck was released.
- Plea at Advanced Age. .
Mrs. Siphon I a Gibson passed away at
her home at Mount Tabor yesterday.
She was 13 year and 1 daya old and
wa a native of Maine.
On instructions from ths head office
at New York, John Annand, manager of
th Postal Telegraph Cabl company.
haa refused to pay th county tax on
the company' franchla "and, as a rs-
sult. ths county will sue the compsny to
effect a collection. .
Th franchise of the telegraph com
pany I assessed at 115,000 and th tax
la 1240. Th company refuses to pay
this ta and no other reason haa 'been
Ill flECEIlE ; . ;
-. v
. ' -
Large Class Will Be Initiated at
Meeting of Grange To- '
Pomona grans of Multnomah eountv.'
Patrona of Husbandry, will meet to
morrow for th nrat, time within th
city of Portland. '-Th meeting. whluH
will begin with the opening aesslon at
JO o'clock In Odd Fallow' hall, Monta
vtlla. Villa avenue and Hlbbard street
promises to be the largest and moat Im
portant session th county organisation
haa ever held. ,.,
Baalde th consideration of Several
Important initiative and referendum
measure thla will be th laat meeting
preceding tha state grange, which meets
soon at Hood River. Mayor Laa haa
been asked to attend and Stat Maa
ter Austin Buxton will probably be
picaent A resolution urging the state
grange to initiate the Imperative man
data and th atngl district system for
th election of stat legislators will
com up before ths grange aa wall as
tb advisability ' of referring soma of
tha laws passed by tba ' laat legisla
ture. ' , , v....
A resolution waa Introduced at th
laat meeting of tha county grange re
garding the practicability of establish
ing a produce exchange ia Portland for
tha benefit of both producers, and con
sumers. Th committee which haa had
thla question under advisement will re
port tomorrow. Th commute In
clude J. N. Rtckert, father of th res
olution: A. P. MllUr, J. D. Lea. H. W.
Snaahall and R- W. Hill. ,
A class of TS will tak tha fifth or
fleers to aerv for th anaulnc two
yearaNnil b Installed Master, J. J.
Johnson; overseer, H. W. Snaahall;
lecturer, Mrs. Ida M. Thorp: ateward.
H. W. Byere; asalstsnt steward; E. C.
Huffman ; chaplain. Mr. Mary Shat-
tuck; treasurer, J. W. Shattuck; . sec
retary, Mrs. S. ' A. Iflblln; gatekeeper.
J.. Qsrnettr Pomona, Anna.Craawsll;
Cerea, Belle 8. Beard; Flora, Ada C.
Kiietllsh: asststsnt lady steward. Anna
Anderson. ' . -
Nanoleon Davla retiree from tha mis,
torshlp with a good record. Tha Rue
(ellvlll grange, whoa guest th
lomona grange will be tomorrow, hve
mad great preparation for th meet
ing. At 7:10 O'clock the degrees will
be conferred and at 1:10 aa opea pro
gram will be presented. .
There ws a romantlo wedding at
Vanaouver March ( in which a prom
inent couple of Medford, Oregon, were
the principals. They were John D, Ol
well and Mlas Ina K. Ray, both of
Medford, Mr. Olwell is prominent
business man of that city and is quit
well known In Portland. . Ha le presi
dent of th Rogu River Land A De
velopment company.
Mrs. . Olwell 1 -th daughtar of Dr.
Ray, a prominent physician of Medford. -She
la prominently connected and is a
leader of society In, southern Oregon.
March Mr. Olwell and Mlas Ray.
giving Portland as thsir residence, ap
peared at the county clerk ome"af
Vancouver and' seen red a license to
wed. Frank B. Harrington Jr, also giv
ing hla residence as Portland, appeared
i a witness.
From that official' Office they went
to th residence of Rev. W. C. 3hep.
card and war married. Tha father
and mother of the bride also aDl.eatvd
a witnesses to tha oeremony. Imme
diately after tha ceremony the cjupl
returned to Portland.
Great doing will b had at th Com.
m era! al club oa Saturday nlgbt whan a
houee warming will be given. Th fea
ture of th evening wtll be a match game
of pool between ax-Mayor George H.
Williams and John MoCraken. with Pro
fessor I. W. Pratt In the capaolty of
referee and Colonel Jama Jackson as
official scorer.
Ths causs of all tha merriment will ba
celebration over the opening of th
new bllllard-room of tha club, which haa
recently been extended to inolad th
spec formerly used by Professor Ring
lers physical training school, 'fifteen
new tables have been Out in ths new
space, thus practically doubling th old
facllltlea. x r
. .
An evening of surprises will bs band
ed out to 175 people st th banquet to
be given by the Ad Men' league at th
Portland Commercial club tonight Lin
coln Stef fen . will be a guest at ths
banquet and some original features
will ba Introduced during the evening.
It will be patterned something sfter
tha plan of tha famous gridiron dinners
of Washington and will be a , most
unlqu affair. .. . 1
An Information- will be filed In th
tat circuit court this afternoon, charg
ing Peter Garrets with -the murder ef
Anton Groha, whom Garrets shot, Inst
week while In a drunken frensy. This
decision was arrived at by Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Adams after th ooroner'
Inquest yesterday afternoon, .. .
1 1 i m in . '
' Revolutionist Winning.
Washington, March II. -Th atat
department haa a dispatch from Hon-,
duras today which says Trujlllo Is held
by th revolutionists. Ths northern
coast of 'Honduras Is exposed to at
tacks by revolutionists, with whom th
Nlcaraguans are working In conjunc
tion. - I ........ , ;
given th tax collector other thaa that
tba local repreaentatlvea ar acting
upon advice from th head offlc In
New Tork.
So far aa known thla Is th first In
stance of a corporation operating In
Portland refusing to pay a tax on Us
franchise. What ths compsny bases its
claim to exemption upon la unknown to
the authorities. Tha telegraph com
pany's total tax la ItK, of which 15
has been paid. . - ' ..... .