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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1907)
.DAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1007. BRID17ELL GOES ' - 10 CORVALLIS Reopening Proves Immense Success MAGNIFICENT NEW QUAR TERS OF EILERS PIANO HOUSE VIEWED BY , THOUSANDS, Pacific's Biological Man ' Has v Mads an Enviable Scl- ..' V entiflo Record 1 Elegant New Warerooms Prob ably Finest In the Country Establishment Elaborately and . Artistically Decorated for the " Occasion Recital Friday Even ing the Crowning Feature--, The Most Successful Occasion in the History of the City. (pedal DUpairn la Th J a nut.) Padfla' .University, Forest Grove. Or.. March it. Professor 3. C. BiidwelL bud ' of the biological department of Paolflo university, will leave in a tew days for Ills new field of work ' at the Oregon Agricultural " collage. Corvellle. Profee- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, rORTLAIIi:, ... i xj - . Profe ssor J. 0.' BrldwelL orBrldwell la a rraduata of Baldwin riege, . Kansas, and waa a atudent fl- ow In tha University of Ohio. Ba baa dona quits axtenalva research work for tha government In Texaa and did work ' for. a rear at the National museum at .Weshlngton, D. C . ,, - v . - Previous to hla coming- hero last fall ha worked In entomology ta New Hamp shire. . .. ) . , . VN .. ..- . nDTurna tun ntnn PACIFIC TO. RUN ROUND BAD-HICL Milwaukee Creates Excitement ". " In the Palouse. With . Big ; V Option , Transactions. I ' (I eMel Wepetes te Tie Jooraal) ' Rltsville. Wash., March 18. Thera la great deal of railroad talk now In ' thla dletrtct and the farm ere and buel - aeaa men are elated. ' One rumor la that the Northern Pactflo will build a line from Paha, ulna miles from thla city, through tha rich farming country of Michigan flat to Connell In order to do , away with tha hard climb up Frorldence hill and the running through the wind ing;. -coulee from the.hlU to ConnelU both ; f which propoaitlona bar, been the '.cause oC many delaya the past winter. --There-1a also much apeculatlon M to the significance of optlona being taken n a large tract of land eight mllea eoath of thla .city by a prominent land company. . the land company being In reattty, it la said, tha Milwaukee. Op tlona have been taken on 1.000 acraa and It -Is supposed the tract la to ba need for shop and a roundhouae. " Don't let the baby Buffer from eosema, ores or any Itching of the akin. Doan'e Ointment - gives Inatant relief, eurea lJ quickly. Perfectly safe for children. All druggists, aell It - . DElMAS TO ADDRESS ;V , ; YALE LAW STUDENTS ' fjoereal Ruectel Sorrica.) V ' New Ha Ten. Conn., March It.- Dol phin M. Del ma aent word to the Kent club of Yale law eohool today that ' ha would coma here and deliver an ed dreaa on "Criminal Jurtaprudanea" about April 20. He did not - fir tha exact date. Ha waa Invited three waaka ago to apeak before the club. Delmaa' addreaa will, it la understood, ' deal not only with hie preeent expe rience In criminal caaea of national Im- .. portance, but will embrace auggeatlona for ehangea In tha preeent criminal code. The change allowing: an appeal by the . government waa auggeated by Secretary of War Taft at Tale law school laat June. Delmaa la a Tale graduate of tue claaa of 'If. and hla elaaamatea are planning: a roualng re ception for him. , ' Schilling's Beat' ia elected by popular Tote. ,, .. . ; EVACUATION DAY IS CELEBRATED AT BOSTON . (Joe rail gpacla! service.) 'Boston, March IS. The usual notable , ceremonies were held today commemo . rating the evacuation of Boston by the British'.' The bey section of tha city '. was well decorated with flags and bunt. - ln(r when tne booming: of the guns on the warahlpa outside the navy yard and from the forta In tha harbor and the' ' ringing of belle in the city Inaugurated the day'a eserclsea. In tha military pa ; rade, which was tha spectacular feature - of tha day, were tha available men from tha marine barracks and a considerable " force of "Jacklee" from tha navy yard. . Tha procession 1 waa , reviewed by tha 'governor, .the mayor 'and other dlgnl- tarlea. . . UNCLE SAM REQUIRES v SIMPLE JEST OF BEER i (Journal apertal KM-rlce.) .Washington, March II. In-order to ',' test purs beer,-tha agricultural depart ., ment haa Issued a circular, the require ments of which appear to make It neo esaary that every saloon shall ba a flrat-clasa apothecary shop. The only C ASTOR I A lor Infants said Children. ThiUnlYca Kara Alwajs EcugM Soar tne Signature of : 7 ' On Thursday and Friday .afternoons of last week occurred the formal re opening of Ellers piano House, the lara-eat dealers in hlsheat grade pianos and organa In me Weet. Thla event . not only marked the re-entranos of the House of Ellers into the active retail field, but also signalised the opening of the largest, most modern and elegantly equipped piano aalesroora In tha United sua tee. Elaborate preparations were made the new quartera being" artistically and profusely decorated with cut flowera, plants, a h rubbery, paima, etc, lendlna a most pleasing effeot to the lmmenee and coatly array of auperb Pianos, Pia nola Pianos, Organs and kindred inatru menta. Thousands - flocked te the re opening. On entering the Dig estab lishment an entrancing eight of superb pianos intermingled with beautiful flow era and pa. me met the eye, while a flood of enchanting tnuelo greeted the ear. in fact, throughout the new quar tera an air of harmony prevailed that was exhilarating. The vleltora were first oondueted through the extensive Victor and Co lumbia Talking Machine rooms, where operatto and popalar eelectlona were rendered contlnuoualy. Next, the down stairs display rooms wsre ' vlelted, where an exhibition af .the moat eostl grands and uprights in special art du al trie were on exhibition. - A superb I1.K50 Weber Grand in the latest French finish 'j Circassian ' walnut, attracted much 'attention. Other reclplenta of much praise were the dainty C flicker ing Baby Oranda In the , Red and Oreen room a too especially hand-made art atylo Haseltons and beautiful, Ho bart M. Cables, Story Clarke, Had dorffa, Schumanna, and other high olasa pianos oreir forth much favorable eommenL Several auperb masterpieces of Kimball make received much praise. Such an immense, coetly and' elegant exhibition of world-famoua planoa haa never been aeen in this city before, and it reflects much credit on the up-to-dateneas and prorassiveness of the Kllers concern. , ' The eleotrlo elevator was then taken to the Third floor. Here la located the Aeolian Department, splendidly equipped and elegant quartera for the dlaplay of tha marveloua Metroetyie pianola ana Themodiat Pianola. Pianos. The won derful and artlatle possibilities of these instruments arousea Keenest interest. In addition there was large dlaplay of Orcheetrellea (the home orchestra), not ably a $3, SO atvle, poesesslng extreme ly beautiful tonal qualltlea. The Central or Main Salesrooms were next visited, where a large dlaplay of well-known pianoa in vanoue styies sna woods were shown. A lsrge Welte or chestrion, sn imported Instrument, ren dered popular selections to tha delight of the throne. , Pipe-Organ Recitals. In the arjeelous Recital Rail Immedi ately adjoining the Main Salesrooms, the visitors were treated to rendltlone on the Kimball Pipe Organ, the famoua duplex Pneumatlo type, by Prof eaaor Frederick W- Goodrich. Nuaabere on (another Imported Inetrument), were alao given. Thla Instrument is truly the marvel of the age. It reproduces the Dlavlna- of the greatest artlata with abaolute fidelity, aa to'poetle expreealon, I technique, and temperament, seiecuons b ' Psdorewski, Hambourg. Bauer, De Pachmann and others caused great aa tonlatment, and drew forth muoh ap- 'oneavlng the" Recital Hall, tha vle ltora were preeented with beautiful Nordics aouvenlre of tha oocssion. Tha laat place to -lalt was tha Pianola Li brary, which ' contains approximately 17,000 rolle embracing practically ev ery aelectlon in the field of muelc, which la conducted for tha benefit of Pianola owners, . Grand Concert the Feature. The lmmenss crowds which thronged to Ellers Plsno Houee on the first aft ernoon and evening Induced tha manage ment to make etlll greater preparations for the seoond day. But the extenalve preparations and plana failed to accommodate the vaat throngs of muslo-lovlng people who came to tha reopening. In fact, early Friday evening It became neceesary to cloae the doore, and fully five thousand people were turned away. Nevertheless, the, ycrownlnf . feature m the concert clven In the Recital Hall,, at which the leading local artists ' participated. The hall waa filled to overflowing, the people etsnding In i the doorways, halls, salesrooms, studios in fact, any plaoe where thera was a possibility to hear a particle. Concert Repeated. It wag originally Intended to give only one concert, but through the oour teay of the singers and tha deelre of Ellers Piano House to do their beet under the existing strenuous circum stances, a second concert was riven at the eonclualon of the first. Lights wsre turned out, tha hull wss cleared and another throng permitted to enter. Aa In tha previous Instance, ' ha hall waa again taxed to Its utmost. 'i ..e excellent program rendered was greatly enjoyed by ail who attended. The Immense thronga who attended the reopening of thla well-known heuee and the artlatio succees of tha occasion must have been a source of much . gratifica tion to tne management, who have done more In the Interest and advancement of muaio than-any other concern In the Weet In the Tory near future Ellers Piano House Intends to give two more cO eerts for the benefit of those who were unable to hesr ths recital Friday night If all the good-natured mualo-lovlng people who attended the reopening but did not hear the concert will hand In their namea and addresses at tSI Ween ing ton street Invltatlona will bo leeued to them as soon as arrangements are completed, i - - - l ' things necessary In making tha simple little test recommended by tha depart ment as being ths beet are a round bottomed dlatlllatlon flask, a gram and precipitated calcium carbonate, a con denser, an accurately graduated stop pered flask, a two-holed rubber stopper, an adaptor, a email funnel, a pound of glasa beads, a copy of Squlbb'a alcohol table, a copy of Baumhauer'a tables, one Zelea Immersion rsfraotomster, a, tarred platinum dlah, one water oven, one copy beer wort tablea, one package neutral Itmua paper, a small quantity of phe nolpbthalln, a. bottle , of hydrochloric acid, one polarlscope, a breaker, a solu tion of. sodium acetate, one burette, one centrlfiguer, one platinum crucible, a glass plate, a cake of carnabuba wax, a pointed piece of Ivory and a sheet of pure rubber. .. .-' Bank Official on TrlaL Chicago, March- II. The ease of the officers of ths defunct Bank of America, who are oharged with having aooepted depoetts when tha bank was Insolvent, wee called for trial before Judge Ptnck- pey today.' The defendants sre Judge Abnr Smith, Onstav F. Sorrow. Jerom B. Pierce and Frank K. Creelmatv veir r? noon Pate: Vayerleiffh if is in the heart of the city. Two electric lines fully equipped with new and modern carsru . j The Waverly-Woodstock conveys you to the South Entrance and the Waverly-Richmond to - the North, Entrance, giving transportation facil ities to. every part of , Waver leigh. Waverleigh is without exception the finest close- m, suD-aivision on tne marKet. aii we asK, an we desire is tor the prospective purchaser to inspect 7 i other locations and then decide. The decision will be favorable to us, that we know. t vOur sales have been phenomenal but our office force )t is large and experienced and thus occasioned abso lutely no delay to our clients. The crowd was handled with ease and perfect accuracy because we know how, we are used to making record sales, and we have i in use but one system "The Lemcke I System" Besides, Waverleigh speaks for itself. Mowk mi - :,Y main office 1 ,. ; y ; Sixth and Washington Sts. Main 550 ' : BRANCH OFFICE Twenty-Sixtla and Franldin : Sellwood 44 A'- , ill . ' , v.-