The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 18, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Toivn Topical
Tonoari Axvimrrs.
haaar ,
Grand ...
"The Tlritnlae"
"fthaBBoe of Vm With"
II kin of Tramp"
77.. VaudaTtDe
.......... JU icutl "iniii
,"DnnU4 at tba Altar"
A free religious dtecuaalon upon the
eubjeot, "WUt la Religion!" will be
the first of an experimental aarlaa of
evening church eervloea to b conducted
by RaT. Hiram Vroomaa In tba Knights
, of Pythlaa ball, corner of Eleventh and
Alder streets, beginning nazt Sunday At
S p. m, Mr. Vrooman will praslda and
will opan and oloaa tha dlaouealon. Ona
hour will ba riven for lt-mlnute ad'
draaaaa from tha floor. Tbaaa meeting
LwjuraLUft-b distinguished from .those of
tha People's Porum primarily In ' that
'' tba subjects undar dlacuaalon will rot
ba secular, but -strictly spiritual or re
llsloua. Persona of all shades of re-
Haloua ballets ara Invited to ba praaant
and to treat tba subject from their re-l
apectlve points- of view. Admission la
free and tba publla la cordially Invited.
Beginning with tonight , the Butta
Boye Consolidated Mining company will
.have Ua of flee. lav East Morrison
street. In tha Weatherly building, open
to 7:10 p. m. Thla la dona In response
to many telephone requests from per
sons who work during- tha day and de
sire to call' In tha evening to Investigate
the com pan ye proposition and lnveat In
Ua shares. Never before In Portland'a
history did mining or any other shares
sell with the freedom with whlob these
stocks are being bought, by not only
our own people, but from one and to the
other - of tha . Paclflo northwest, and
there aeema no valid reason to doubt
but that our homo company of Portland
business men will speedily develop a
. gold mine the complete equal or any or
tba Ooldflald dlatrtct. , - i
1 ' 'The ' Oentleman'a Favorite" la tba
ideal up-to-date aupporter for tha men.
-Being perfeot fitting and aaay wearing.
It . af f orda that degree of comfort and
perfection obtained from no other: two
styles; 7o and I1.1S: ara sold by Al-
bert Bern!, tha druggist, 131 Washlng
to street. . . '
Ed Call,' a well-known gin fiend
about town, choked to death while eat
ing bla dinner In tha county Jail yea
terday. - Call fell down a flight of stairs
laat Friday and Injured himself In such
a way as to leave him apeeohlees. He
, will probably ba burled In tha pottera
, field. . .,
. T, M. C A. entertainment. Watch I
T. M. C A. entertainment "Watch!
T.'M. C A, entertainment. Watch!
T. M. C. A. entertainment. Watch I
- The Dunbar company appear In mati
nee at the T. M. C A. auditorium Tuea
, -day, March II, at I p. m. sharp.
"Cenaorshlp of tha Press In Turkey,"
will ba tha subject of tha addreas to ba
delivered by Dr. Hoaktns at tha Ftrat
Presbyterian church at l:ls, Tuesday
afternoon. ,
. Mtaa Uzste I. Doane, tha east aide
milliner,, will have her opening dlaplay
of spring millinery tomorrow, ill
Grand avenue.
Steamer Jesse Barklna, for - Cam as,
Wasbougal andway landings, dally ex
eept Sunday. , Leaves Washington street
dock I p. m, i '
Woman'a Bschange, IIS Tenth street,
lunch 1J:10 to I: business men'a lunab.
Acme Oil Co. sella tha beat safety coal
II and (In gasoline. Phone East Til.
Why . pay , more Metsger fits your
area for 1. ,111 Sixth etreet.
. Berger Signs 114 Yamhill- Phone.
Fine Used Ones. '
Pon t fall to vialt the "Exchanged De
partment" at EUsrs Piano HOuaa If tha
purchase of a good used piano la tba
Wa ara- selling many pianola planoa
to wealthy mualc-lovors, whose regular
planoa wa accept In part payment for
name. , No matter what make la your
preference, one or mora of such ara
usually to be found here at prices leaa
than real value.
Just now there are four - splendid
Btelawsya. priced 1111, 111. $2!S and
1411 for the grand; a Hallett at Davis
grand, also excellent, 1471; and a choice
mottled mahogany Kimball, 1511; a su
perb Kimball, $171: a magnificent
Knaba, mahogany, 1141; another, plainer
ease, till; fancy largest-slsed mahoc
anv Fischer, 11(1; another Fischer, ex
actly as new. I2SK; still another, 1100; a
massively carved mahogany Ludwlg,
like new, 1161; another. Ill leas; still
another, tha moat massive and most ax
penal re style, $171; a splendid Behnlg,
Ilka new, $181; a fine Voae. HIT; an
other Voee. $111; a .splendid Everett,
till; another Everett, HIT; very mas
sive mahogany Jacob Doll, 111); elegant
largest also Decker, $111; Marahall A
Wendell. $114; another, $117; magntfl
cent Haines, almost Ilka new, $146;
elegant Hallet at Davis, $200; a Kroeger.
oak case, $171; and a lot of less worthy
Instruments as low as $7$ for a Newton
Five per cent off for all cash on nsed
pianos, no matter now fine. Terms by
the month of aay II or $1 ona tenth of
purchase pries to ba paid down In cash.
Ellera Piano House, 151 Washington
' street, the house of highest quality.
Stores everywhere.
There can't be very much
satisfaction in life to . the
young man whose ; week's
wages are spent before he
gets them. ' Money ahead
gives one independence. It
brings contentment now and
lends a sense of security to
the future. Try a savings
account for one year, using
it weekly. :fj ' -
We Pay 4 Interest
Write for our Free ' Booklet, -Bnking
by Mail j
Duy Your Easter Gloves Whilo Stocks Aro Complete Every Good Styb end S1i:h!d AH !:;
Sixth and Washington Streets.
,: Portland, Oregon.
RESOURCES, $1,900,000.00.
W. H. MOORE, President
E. E. LYTLE, Vice-President.
but no nEn
Meanwhile Brooklyn and ' East
Twenty-Eighth Street Still
Without Protection.
Modest Foster Proclaim) - Two
Hundred Thousand People on East
Side," bat Say Nothing as to When
This Condition Will Come True.
' Bfotsger fits your eyes for
Sixth street, near Washington.
Bakery Burned at Central la. ,
(Special Dlanatrb to The JoaraaLt
Centralis, Waeh March II. fire
broke out- In BuehweU's bakery, a tWo-
story frame building, and deetroyed It
Saturday afternoon. The bulldlns; was
on the Northern Paclflo right of way
ntf was to have been moved In a few
day a There waa no Insurant.
I I, t ,,IJI ! ... ! , , S3
MAIN 100
Bast Side Pepartaaemt.
Two enslne-houeee on tba east side,
fully equipped with apparatus, but ao
far useless because of lack of men, have
been Idle for a number of weeks.' One
la engine No. 11. at East Twelfth and
Powell streets, and the other Is angina
No. 11. East Twenty-eighth and Eaat
Davla streets, both of which were only
recently constructed. A week or so ago
an opening; waa held at the Twenty
eighth street house, but stnee then It
hae been closed. "
Tba reason for thla delay la tha
scarcity of men In the Are department.
Horses have been provided and new en
gines were purchased and on hand soma
time before the houses were completed.
It Is thought that they may not ba
manned before April 1, if aa early. They
ara badly needed, aa tba East Ankeny
and Twenty-eighth etreet diatrlct can
only be aerved now tytns sunnyaiae
company, which ia a considerable dis
tance awar and tha atreeta are not In
a condition to warrant prompt service
from that distance.
Brooklyn has lone been crying for,
lire protection and waa much In need
of It The people of the auburb were
gratified whan tha Powell street-house
was erected, but ara chafing again at
the delay in equipping it with a com
pany. Recent developmenta have crip
pled tha Are service so that tha new
houses could not be manned aa was
planned, but tha department is doing Ha
best and will furnish men . for tTSe
houses as soon aa possible. v.'.
aTOr Up Business.
"Two hundred tboueand people on the
eaat side" is tha modsst statement that
tha new posters of tha Eaat Bide Busl
ness Men's club bear. No modifications
nor expl. atlons are carried to specify
Just when . this happens. Tha poater
doas not aay "are." -were- or "will be."
It simply bears tha plain atatament,
"100,001 people on the east aide."
. . These cards asking traders and shop
pars to remember the-eaat aide bualneaa
man when they apend their money have
been distributed all over the dlatrtct
eaat of tha river. Merchants state that
they ara bringing' results and ware what
was needed to remind the people that
that are placea to buy things on that
side of tba rlvar. -
Tha preparation for bard pavement on
Grand avenue la' proceeding. Soma la
convenience hae been experienced be
cause of this preparation, but tha Grand
avenue merchants ara bearing it, with
stoical determination. "We have a con
tinuous performance," said cna man.
Tha Paclflo States Tslephona com
pany took up all the planka on ona side
of Grand avenue not long ago and laid
telephone malna. Aa soon aa tha planks
were put down again and swept off the
gas company's man came along, care
fully took tip tha planka on tha other
aide of tha atreet, extracted from - tha
earth a fragrant gas pipe Una and re
placed it with another and larger one.
Water. -
"As soon as theee planks are fairly
settled." said tha observing business
man. "they tell us that the city will
take them up again and lay a ll-lnch
water main. But I guess it is all for
tha best." , '
Justice Trad t Olson of tha East
Portland diatrlct, is recovering from a
severs attack of Inflammatory rheuma
tism. He has been very low, but is
gaining slowly. During his illness the
east aids court at the east and of the
Burnalde bridge has been moved a few
feet toward' h -river. A four-etory
brick will be erected on tha old site.
Mrs. Sonhronla Glbaon. a Polk- county
pioneer of IKl, dfed at the home of her
daughter. Mra. Thomas H. Starbuck, on
Mount Tabor, yesterday. Mrs. Olbson,
whose maiden name waa Ingalls, wss
born near Bangor, Maine, March 1, MS.
At the age of I years her family moved
to Ohio, settling ' near Dayton. Ten
years later the family moved asaln to
Illinois, where Mlaa Ingalls met and
married fa via Oibeon in 183. In A
aha made tha Journey scrota the plains
with her husband to Polk county. Ore
gon, Mr. Olbson being the captain of
the wagon train. "
i Mrs. Gibson leaves six Children, her
hueband and two oblldrea having al-
S ;.; Us Meier-? Prank Store's Spring OpsEimg ; ;
Millinery, Cloaks, Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, Gloves, Etc.
$8.50-$9 Vals. $5.45
Portland's Leading Cloak Store's Annual
Easter -offering of high-grade silk Petti
coat 500 of them All new up-to-date
styles and colorings at a price about one'
half what you aye aaked to pay at other
stores for Petticoats of equal quality Made
of superior heavy taffeta silk with deep
Wfl IV V.ry
- JM, . Mr
flounce and six rows of bias bands-
attractive and serviceable style-
Full width and a grand assortment of.
shades to select from White, pink.
light blue, navy, royal and
medium blue lavender, pur
ple, tans, browns, light and
dark greens, red, rose, gray,
black and a great variety of
changeable silks Silk Un
derskirts that find ready sale
at $8.50 and $9.00. Your
choice while they
last at this ex
tremely low price
Mail arid Phone Orders Will Be Filled
- t
See the Grand Displays of
Millinery, Cloaks
Spring "Opening Days" In the Millinery Sa
lons today and tomorrow Magnificent show- ,
ing of New Headgear for Women, Misses and
Children Beautiful creations Paris, , New .
York, London models The best efforts of the .
most famous artists Never before' have we
shown such an immense array of high-class,
attractive millinery A treat is in store for
women who want the handsomest hats Port
land will see this season Every new shape
and trimming in every new style, shade and
combination Exclusive models in wonderful -array
Tailored Hats in great assortment
Misses', Children's Hats in beautiful styles
Don't miss seeing them. '
Suits, Dresses, Costumes, Waists. Etc., Etc.
Portland's Leading Cloak Store invites inspection of the grandest and most ex
tensive showing of Ready-to-Wear Apparel for Women, Misses and Children
ever displayed in the west 1907 fashions in fascinating styles and attractive
materials Ready-to-Wear Apparel for occasions A wonderfully complete
stock to select from Particular attention is directed' to the exquisite new
Waists Dreams of daintiness in Lace, Silk and Sheer Wash Materials Visit
the Cloak Store during "Opening .
Lace and Embroidery Bargains
French Cambric Embroidery for Women's and Children's Wear, 6 to 12 inches
wide, beat designs. Values up to 60c a yard on sals at this low price, yrd.20
French Cambric and Eyehct Embroidery, 3 to S inches wide, beautiful designs In
large variety. Values up to 30c a yard on sale at this very low price, yard.lSe
Special lot of Swiss Bands, designs in Anglais and blind work, for women s wear.
6 to 10 inches wide. Values to 75c per yard on sale at this low prfce, ysrd.25
Special lot of Swiss Corset-Covering, in Lace and Baby Irish effects, very prettr
styles. Values up to $2.00 a yard on sale at the very low price of, yard. f 1.20
French Corset-Covering in Swiss and Nainsook, $1.25 values, on sale at, yd..8Ts
French and Round-Thread Val. Lace and Insertion, to iVi inches wide, hsnd-
some styles. Values to $1.25 dozen yards on sale at this very low price. .59a
Great Sale of New Lace Curtains
.Special lot of Madras-Wesve Lace Curtains, Arabian color, floral patterns, very
best styles, 52 inches wide, 3 yards long. Reg. $2.50 vals. on. sale at, pair f 1.65
Eight patterns of White Nottingham Lace Curtains, 50 to 60 inches wide, 3 and
3 Mi yards long, detached floral and Point d'Esprit centers, with heavy floral
borders. Reg. $2.00 values on sale at the remarkably low price of, pair. f 1.30
Special lot of Irish Point Lace Curtains, whits or ecru, plain centers, with floral
scroll borders. Reg. $375 values offered at the very low price of, pair, .f 2.85
Ruffled . Net Curtains, white or ecru, lace edge and inserting, 3 yards long, 36
inches wide. Reg. $2.50 values on sale at the very low price of, per pair, f .1.65
Special low price on all our Rope Portieres. Best styles, all patterns and color
ings, great values. - $2.00 to $6.50 values at these low prices.. f 1.85 to 55.20
Wbmes SiiSts $30.00'
Easter Sale Extraordinary of Women's
Tailored Suits 200 new, handsome gar
ments in the very latest fashions and ma
terials to be sold at the popular price of
$30 each These suits manufactured . by
four of New York's leading cloak houses
are positively the best value ever offered
for the money Fancy black and white
checks, stripes, mannish mixtures and
plain colorings Navy, black, red; prettily
trimmed in silk, lace and fancy braid
-Eton, blouse, -semi-fittingtight-fitting
- and - three-buttonlcutaway styles The
materials are Panama Cloths, Serges and
Fancy Tweeds Perfect-fitting, well made
vand finished We place these handsome
Spring Suits on sale while they last at $30
each They would find ready . 1A
ftL j . ..l
'- mmk
sale at $35 to $40 each r,-.Trr
We want you to see them Second floor.
New Tailored Suits ranging in price from
$15 to $150. ;
Ira mm
Our Linen Section (Lower Floor) offers an extraordinary
special in Mill Ends Table Linens. .
Regular $1.75 Irish Damask Linen Table Covers, 68x72
special. ......05
Superior Austrian Linen Table Covers, with 10-inch bor-
der, 85x72, regular $1.50 value special price
Not more than two to a customer.'
Eastern OutOffing Co.
Cor. Washington and Tenth
The Store where
Tooz Orealt la Ooea
Ladies Skated Free
Society Night
very esaet araais skaSea U
eaplea. ' I
jrOTTOB Amy person aae tha
are of IS skatiar th
SUak a alarht atost be aooom
paale4 y a shaperoae.
ready preeecled her. The surviving chil
dren are: Oeorae D. Oibeon of Pom-
eror. Wanhlnrton: x. B. Oibeon of Polk
county; Mrs. T. H. Btarfcuca, roruana:
Case Oibeon. Rlckreall; U D. Oibeon,
Polk county, and Mrs. William Patrick.
Tillamook county.
Mrs. Oibeon bed Ions been an ardent
member of the Chrletlan churon. - Tha
remains will be taken to Balera tomor
row and later meet mads la the Spring
100 Salespeople
luinmt, uuiuoni, re
wen's suite, hate, shoea, farmleh
Inra, groeexlea, eaeensware, glaae
ware, toye, ladles'" suite, ooata,
Iran goods, general dry good.,
Millinery, ehoee, aotlome. Alee
handle wrappers, easbieva, poev
ere, eaah hoys and rlvle,' mes
eage boye. Ooed wages. OaU
WUUama Ave aad Kaoti at,'
The Shaf er-Whittles OOn Asatguaes
Valley eemetery near her old home and
bestds the body of her hueband.
Conn tlpat ton causes headaches, nausea,
dlailneea, languor, heart palpitation.
Draeuo gripe, elcken. weeken
the bowele and don't sure. Dean's R.g
uleta aet gently and euro eonsUpaUoa,
21 cents. Ask your druggist,
Has this label - i
Aftna Of . Vuk IILAthena has a
bonded Indebtedness of $9,000 and a to
tal lndebtedneaa of 130.710.' The value ef
Its property is estimated at rs.OOO; the
waterworks system Is put st tao.OOO. In
the eourme of hts meaaage to the council
Mayor J. D. Plamondon advocatee that
ealoon licenses be raised from t60t to
ta par year.
htaia 1.
'Tateday Klsfct.
Ua Weeaeeoay.
The Xiree La 8bUe CraMey yieeaate
THa1 numu.1' .
Ivnihis FrtM-Jt.i. l.oo, TV. SOe. Matt
in, Tea, SOe. SSe, Sac.
Pboe. Mil. X.
Qm. L. Baker. Vsr.
i ef the yaablmable Baker Theatre Stock
' CooayMny.
Tale Week. Bmtmta. :1S; Matteee
(sarardar), l is.
The f)rat Anrlo-Init Mllltarv DraeM,,
Stan tTrxtar IMraetloe Mr. Arthar afK-kWr.
rira Tin. la Portland. ImeMoae Eaet.
wa Siirraaa. Sacura Stat a ka AdTaera.
Cveatee PtIpm. SSr. SSe, Ve. Mai.. If, SSe.
Jlast Waab "AS A MAW SOWS." - .
ntk H CUDIDC 'THCtTDC fee Hal
ktfltea W. Baaaua. Maaaser.
Onlr Eaatera Itaad Attractloee.
Tealfbt Ad Thla Waak tba SeavU aad
eatioB.1 Coatee Draasa.
THg xoro of TaAJrrs."
Matteaae Wadweday and Sararoay.
alaa RaiBlM tonlar ai kaa.
Vest Aitiaottaa "A OOWBOT'S SUU."
' . . rr ua r A f
II ItS 43 A ri Male SaeS.
- The AUea Stack Oaaapaay Preaaate
By Mr. Pleaee Klaeajey.
Mattnaa Taaaday, Tkuraday. SatorSay aa4
nnday at S SO a. a. Prtcaa lOr. aad S".
BTary avaatns at S IV Prlr-a lOe, ana an4 r.
lUa.rae aaata by fbeee. Mala Save, aU ear-toraaaacaa.
Partlaad'e Paealer Stack Ba
X ry araar.
..A Tkla Waak. Lrrlo Stook Com
aay la tba raaaaaa Dram af Baaaiaa Ll'a,
"KIcbaxl sTmosory."
TJaaai lafl aaata ea. aew aa aantrad fea anVaaa
rreaa IS e. as. t10 p. aiDally ewtlaaaa at
mal Uroa. B alas aarfnrmaa'w. al l.
Saturday aad Saeeay raalua; . rmt perfarai
ance at T:l.
The Grand
Vaak Itanh 1A
Taaearllla ea laaa.
Kt) aad Mra. Walter
B. Seevee A Oa. la
Saaaial Aaiad Attn.,
tios laaita A'BrUa.
Bark Waawa, Mr. eaa
Mra.- faka M. Oaaau.
Daaey, Obaae aed Aaalr,
Tba Oman. Matt aa-