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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1907)
HIE "OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY "EVENINGr'MAIJCII "13," 1CC7.' BIG FLEET OF CEMEflT SHIPS Importers Are Beginning to Charter Vessels to Arrive This Summer.' t . Unless present Indications ar mis leading, another large flt of cement carrier wjll be heading for this port - from Europe early thla spring. ' Import- I era of the popular building; material - foresee an unprecedented demand 'and ' to meet It are placing aa large orders aa possible with tba European factories. . . According to atateinenta from the Im- portera several cargoes" will arrive here ; chartering of reasela on the other aide . la beginning In earneat and they are being plaoed on the bertha at the lead . Ing (hipping porta aa quickly aa they ar , rive out and are discharged. Thla morn x ing the Trench bark' Martha, Boux waa . oli art red by Mover, Wilson 4k Ca to load oemeht and general-cargo at Ham- burg for Portland, and two or three car J rlera are being figured on by other Im porting - flrtne. Saturday th . Srnch bark Genevieve Uollnoa waa reported - having been chartered to load ce ment and general freight for Portland after dtacharglng a cargo of wheat from thla port at Limerick. The Martha Roux - has juat arrived at Hamburg from Beat , tie with a cargo of wheat. She made - the voyage in better time than the aver : age. -' , - T. 8. MoGrath, W. P. Puller 4k Co. and . Balfour, Outhrla 4k Co. are preparing to ' handle larger quantttlea of cement thla " year than ever and they are all aald to be placing heavy ordera with the Euro ' ran manufacturers. But - the demand . for cement la very heavy throughout the world; the United Statea not furnlahlng v the only active market, and for that reaeon It may be doubtful If the lm menae ordera eaa be filled.' ' The next ahlp to arrive here with ce ment la the French bark Armen which left London about five montha ago consigned to Balfour, Guthrte 4k Ca The , British bark Maebona, which arrived at ' Astoria laat week from Antwerp, brlnga a cargo of cement consigned to W. P. , Fuller 4k Co. She will be towed up the river In a day r two. RETIRED SKIPPER DEAD Captain James Wllaon Expiree In ' Home on the East Side. Captain'' James - Wilson - died at hla borne, T East Third street, north, yes terday afternoon after a lingering ill ness. Be waa one of the pioneer river boat eaptalns here, ' having been em ployed on-the ateamor Columbia, one of . the first stern wheelera to ply these 'waters. Be gave up ateamboatlng sev eral years age and took up farming but moved Into the city about seven months ago. Captain Wilson was born la Cher bourg, France. Auguat IB, 1127. - At the age ef t he shipped on a French mer chantman and went to Martinique. After many and varied experiences he finally landed In Portland and . engaged in ateamboatlng. He was a Democrat in polltlca and a member of the Christian church. He leaves a wife and the following- children: August Wllaon. living Bear Portland; Mrs. Cella Peters, liv ing near Portland; Erwln Wilson, Claoh amaa county; Walter Wllaon, Gobul. Oregon; Mrs. A. E. liolcomb, Portland; Mrs. Perry Baugher, Portland; Mr, r'annle Gall, Portland. LOADS AT TONGUE POINT Mlllworkera Strike Diverts German Steamer From Local Mills. The German eteamer Tiberius stopped at the mills at Tongue Point yesterday morning and will load lumber there Hi stead of coming here, owing to the strike of the mill worker a E. T. Wil liams will furnish the cargo. The Tl berlua arrived at Astoria , yesterday tnornlng from San Francisco, to load for the orient. The Norwegian steamer Mathilda left down yesterday morning and la now at the bar waiting for a favorable oppor tunity to croas out She goes to Taku bar with one of the largest lumber car goes set afloat here during recent months, there being close to 4,000.000 f oet on board. With the departure of the Mathilda and a number of lumber laden jailing vessels there remain few lumber drogh era at the mills and today quite a num ber of longshoremen were waiting for something to turn up. Several cargo ahlps are due In' the harbor soon, how ever,, so. the lull will be of short dura tion, i .- ' ' J- ' OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION Colonel Rocssler Receives Notice of Appropriations for River Work. Colonel & WV'Roeaaler, United Statee engineer, received formal notice thla morning from Major I. T. Hod gea, chief of engineers, of the passage of . the river- and harbor bill by congress, and he la requested to submit projects for expenditures of the amount appropri ated. - - , - ... ' Several million dollars . were appro priated for the Improvement of the Columbia river and its tributaries and Colonel Roessler and his corps of en gineers will Immediately furnish the in formation desired by ths chief of the department. With plenty of money available. It la expected that the channel to the sea' will soon be placed ' la condition to handje the largest veasels that might be headed this way. - " GRAYS HARBOR SHIPPING Four Steam Schooners Sair and , , v , One Arrives. - ' ' (Jberaal ftoeelal DerrleeJ ' JTooulam. March !. -Shipping waa heavy on Grays Harbor yesterday when four steamers aalled' --for . caiirornia pdlnta Those departing were: Steam schooners Chas. Nelson, Norwood,-Che-halls and Jim Butler. The steamer HoqUtam arrived to load a cargo of lumber from Grays Harbor Lumber company's mill for Ban Francisco. ALONG THE WATERFRONT j Th. itMm uknanur Aural La. went to Vancouver laat night to load lumber for San Francisco, - . The German ahlp Arthur Fltger- and M RrlHah atnamar Woodford aalled thla morning, the former in tow for Port Blakeley and the latter for Nanalmo, B. C. Ths oriental liner Arabia Is due to arrive here Thuraday from Hongkong via Tokohama. Bn nnnge a targe shipment of firecrackers for the east. Ths lighthouse tender Heath is still at Couch atreet dock, where ''she A STOKE Ell AT IS PACKED TO SUGTOCATQON EKORCflODS-CROWiS MG THE AISLES MB CMOTERS In all Portland there never waa a sale like tHia Never iuch bargains and never aticn crowds GIVE THE BUILDERS ROOM OR MOVE OUT that's the predicament we're in THAT'S WHY the sacrifice ia so sensational as to crowd the store every minute of the day Builders are at work and crowding 'us out room room room must be made Tomorrow, prices are cut still deeper to hurry the selling alone. Reed on Doors Open at 8 Tomorrow IfBtn TnrSTRl I Be Here I llj Wth.the it i ENTIRE BLOCK ON YAMHILUrfiOM 2ND TO SRC All the bargains advertised in Sunday's full page ad and hundreds of new and stiirgreater ones to make tomorrow, THE BIGGEST DAY OF THE BIG SALE 11 5? 4 (C AQ for Ladies' A yard for fine OA 'yard for ends O for 5c box best IS AJtlti $8 to $7.50 Hi sheer White ."iHP &in' ! V. Prl' Matches, VVU Fancy SUk AAV .t Qoth WyPiney , SQks n are , large Waists. ' . worth 20c " : worth $1 to $2 yard, boxes. ', .-" ,r- . for Women's 4 Al yard for 20c ft yard for odd ft, . 4 yard for mill I JlP 25c well made I Asl Mohair Lus- AO lou of Fancy All ends Figured W V White Lawn 4-2 V ter Wash UK Figured Lawns "2 Challies w'th Aprons. "Novelties, fancy pat. worth 8c up to 8c : - , Of for our finest QA each for odd ft-f yard for 40c 9ske(n for all TtilPllO and $2 .iHPLace Cur- 1 P Fine Mercer- i P kinds of' . Em- UU handsome all- U V V tains worth JXV'ixed VoUes, broidery Silk over Laces. ; ' up to $L25 a pair. high silk finish. ,v worth 8c and 10c A0for Mens 20c , Our Entire Stock of the iOol0 ,Mc?i'i rATwom. Women's Trimmed Dais H 1 1 ra t 50 At bout half . price. $8 and $7 " values 11) an and black VeMWjr ?2.08, Wh toP$10 at ?3.08, tfi QO; lit mles. Spring Dress Skirts. to $12 aow Hose worth 20c CROWDS AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS If you want to see the newest in Wearing Apparel : " - ; -visit the Style Store.- EASTM ATTIRE r For men is now ready , and widely displayed r in our clothing sec tion. All the newest styles, fabrics and de- - signs are shown in im- mense varieties. Each garment carries with ' it an assurance of sat isfaction relative to fit, style and wear. Now . while ' the stocks are complete is your time to select your Easter ' outfit and to satisfy your ' own fancy re- . gaf ding the kind, the pattern and the price. We are satisfied we . give you the best-fitting and best-looking clothing shown in Portland at moderate prices, and in addition to all this our credit , system privileges you ' to select and. wear . your outfit and pay for : same in small weekly or monthly payments. SAY $1.00 A WEEK No extra charges for credit accommodation. Our Hat and Furnishings Section reminds one of the aooroachincr Easter. All the new and pretty things in Men's Toggeryare broadly displayed and are worthy of the interest and admiration of the most particular dressers. Our Shoe' Division hasj; many pleasant surprises for you. Call and see them. ' 1 ,-; .- 1 . ; ' ' : Eastern Ouifflting Co. , Cor, Washington and Tenth ' ! ' Only Once In e Lifetime a Snlm Like This and You Went to Profit By It. Doors Open at o a. tn. arrived Saturday evening. She'- will take some - refilled - gas - buoys . to the mouth of the river. The steamer Costa Itlca la due to ar rive here tomorrow night . from Saa Francisco. The British bark, Muskoka has com merced taking ballast preparatory to being: towed to Puget sound, where she Is to load lumber ror Valparaiso.. ..The steamer George W. Elder -will be hers tonight from Port Los Angeles via Ban Francisco and Eureka. MARINE NOTES Astoria. March Is. Arrived at f a m. and left up at noon, steamer George I W. Elder from Ban Pedro and way ports Arrived down at I a. I schooner Zampa. . Astoria, March 17. Arrived at :4B and left up at 1 a. in., steamer Thomas L. Wand from Ban Pedro. Arrived at 7 a. m., German steamer Tiberius from San Francisco. Arrived down it T i m.. and sailed at I p. m.. steamer Col umbla for San Francisco. Arrived at ?:4t and left up at 11 a. nv, steamer Aurella from Redondo. - Arrived down at t a. m and sailed at 1:10 p. m.. Ger man ahlp Arthur Fltger for Port Blake- ly. Sailed at I p. m., schooner Golden Bhors for Baa Franolaoo, and Nor wegian steamer Thyra for Talngtau. Arrived down at t:S6 and sailed at 1:11 p. uu, Britlah steamer Woodford for Puset BounO. - i- ' Ban Franolaco, March IT. Arrived, steamer W. S. Porter from Portland. Balled at ll:e a. steamer Coeta ' Rtra for Portland. bar at a. m., rough! wma soutneast; weather, light raid. , 1 . EMBEZZLER LEBERMAN ' 4 MAKES CONFESSION -a (Riwelal Dlsvatrk te The JoeraeL Aatorla, March II. Arthur Leberntan, the confessed embesxler of H.00O from the Fisher Bros, company, was brought before Justice Goodman thla . morning and waived examination and waa bound over In the sum of IS.OTO to appear tn the circuit court. Leberman mads a written eonfeaalon this morning tn which he said hs was "ready to take his medicine.". PHOTO OF AFFIDAVIT . (Continued from Page One.) si vae Store Where "Wont Credit Is OooA known aa the Schloss Kataenateln. half way up an Isolated mountain. He had servants there, and a room waa asalgned to me for personal use. The first night I was very tired and went to bed right after dinner. In the morning I waa awakened by ThaWs knocking at the door and asking me If I wanted break fast. He said that ths coffee was get ting cold. ' I haatlly donned a bath robe and allppers and went down with .Thaw. After breakfast Thaw called me Into a room and without provocation grasped me by ths throat ' He tore the robs, leaving' me nude except for my sllp nera. I saw by his face that be was In a terribly excited condition." . . Vsea Saw aTJde Upon Kes, TllM eyes were glaring and tn his hands hs grasped a rawhide whip. Hs selced hold of me and threw me on the bed. When I attempted to scream Thaw placed his fingers In my mouth and tried to choke me. He then Inflicted sever blows with the whip, cutting and bruising me. X begged him to de slat, but h refuaed. shouted, erted. He stopped for a minute to rest and re newed the attack. 'No one heard my screams for help. Ths servants were at the other end of the castle. Ts following morning Thaw administered another similar caatlgatlon. "I swooned and It waa a long time be fore I recovered. Thaw left me In a The Enthusiasm for Belle &esrLofsfc Sunday Fiffy-Oiree Were Selected and Up Unlil Noon Today Eleven More Were Sold Beautiful Location at Prices Below the Market Make Short Work ot Belle Crest Lots. - - ' Our -office force is unanimously agreed thatBelle Crest lots are being sold for too little money. We have several salesmen until recently connected with other real estate offices here, and they tell us. Belle Crest is, the lowest-priced high-grade proposition everoffered in this city. You can verify this statement easily if you Want to. Go to the different tracts in thediffcrent parts of the city and see what they have to offer. We aren't out to "knock" anybody or anybody's proposition it's all Portland, and you're safe in any part of the. town- the. thing is, though, while; you arepaying you might as well pay for the best, and while you are making money you might as well make enough to count. ' , : Prices in Belle Crest. Belle Crest is our first subdivision in Portland and we want to get off right, as the saying goes. Friends and outside enthusiasm .is a big asset. We purposely planned to put on the market the very finest tract of land purchasable in Portland,' and at a price admittedly below the mar-: ket. Belle Crest is the most beautiful tract of land In Portland, and four hundred dollars for a lot is just two hundred below the market. ' . - v .-.V'S''" -,1'- Tomorrow, see us either office or phone us and we will call for you - any hour. you say. f -" ,j . . ' v::. - - : , . , The Commonwealth Building, on Sixth Street ' , PHONE MAIN 2828. , The JacoSjs-Sline Co. The Swetland Building, on Fifth Street. PHONE MAIN 359. frightful condition and It was three weeks before I left my bed. 'When I re covered. Thaw took ma to a place on the boundary between Italy and Aus tria, and then to Uanta a-arla, Switzer land.. Ths next morning ror some remara. Thaw took me Into a room and beat me over the hips with a rattan until I screamed, when Thaw stuck hla fingers Into ray mouth. . '"Thaw never attempted to make the slightest excuse or say what waa the provocation." , SPECULATE ON THAW, Insurance of (100 on Thaw's Ufa Cost $30. - .' i (Joanu! Iperisl fcwrles.l f . k 1 Th. mrM.ltMl uinavni - i . . Kw Ha Thaw mtiMlfir jiiiwi wv J - -- ------- trial Is reflected In many "deals" tn London Insurance circles en the Issue of lire or aeain. Inaurances on the life of Harry Thaw have been accepted at Lloyds during ths last few daya at a premium of from ISO to 40 per $100, according to the varying chances-ef the trial. There were no aeaunga u bis insur ance at the opening of ths trial, but as the defense waa gradually outlined there were offers at 14 premium. Then, as Mrs. Thaw gave her telling evidence, th premium fell point by point until It reached bedrock at f 10. where It has re mained. ' "The taking of these rlaks on a mur der trial when a man Is caught red handed la without precedent." said - a member of Lloyd's yesterday. . "The comparatively low figures quoted show that Harry Thaw's chances of escaping capital punlehment are regarded by many as very good Indeed. ' "Tou- would find It Impossible, I think, to insure the life of any other man now charged with murder exoept at a premium of almost oent per sent. I do not remember quotations ever being given for a murderer's life before." VVHOLeTvATION is bad French- Paper Says Americana Are Near toJBelna; Barbarians. Ijoernsl Rperlal garrtee.) Paris, March It. OH Bias, the news paper, whose chief claim to distinction during th last tw years has beea Hs persistant attaaka upon America and Americana, has found ample material In the Thaw ease.' In an editorial the other day It ears: - "What Is'ons to think of th moral ity of th United States t At the pres ent time there is befor the courts of, America a case that la aa bizarre as It Is sensational.- A man named Thaw Is sentenced for his life because he murdered a man named White, for per alatlng tn annoying hla wife. . The eaae does not Interest Americana for thla reason, bat simply because Thaw hap pens to be a millionaire. "It la unnecessary to add - that the United States is a country not far from being barbaric - Mrs. Thaw was la a way the victim of White, who found her pretty and attractive, thirinj the course ef the trial ahe made a con fession befor th court which only an American woman could make openly. Rhe confessed that ahe knew and et..l knows things t.iat It Is not necessary for any woman to bav any knowledge of. . ' Jerome, To, Is Bad. '' "But In this affair, th most remark able and the moat American per eon la the publlo prtaeoutor, Mr. Jerome. This man has only one aim that of obtain ing 'th conviction of Thaw. He has howa photographs . of Mrs. Thaw, whom he ha don his -utmost to dis grace In the opinion of the Jury, which ere. to say th least, very decollete. He has declared that be has In hie pos session others which are still more so. and hs has evidently all through lalt Immensely satisfied with himself. "All thla doee not prove that the murdered man, Whit, waa not a bad character, if nothing worse. But an American lawyer has only on aim. to dlacredlt the Innocent living, to spar the culpable dead. - "Th United Statue Is really a most superior eeuntry and ene finds there a conception ef morals wh'eb Is moat dullest." MOTION TO DISMISS MOYER CASE ARGUED (ftrwH.l fUner tn Tk J "-mm! I Caldwell. Idaho, March It. V pending motion to dlamle In th Mojrr Heywood-rettlbone rne is bing guea here today. The prlsonis brought from Kolse, 10 mlle awer. morning to eppaar In court. " g ref ertea Caaee (i'i. Allan Lewie beat f.r.i. !.