The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 18, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Only Living ex-President Hunt
ing in the South on Hi
Seventieth Birthday.
Cleveland Wu Fir-Elected Presi
dent Twenty-Two Years AgoIs
' in Robust Health at the Age ' of
Three-Score and Tea.
- tfaara.f gseeial
Prlnoeton. N. J.. March II. It would
require e bushel bsaket to hold the let
ters, telegrams and other raesssgea of
congratulation received today at the
home of Mr. and Mr, drover Cleveland
en the occasion of . the - TOth birth-
day of the-os-preeldent. A. number of
7 the felicjtoua greetings were forwarded
C to Mr. Cleveland, who Is now enjoy In
r his annual spring pleasure trip In the
south, visiting his old friend. General
H P. Alexander, at Georgetown. South
'" Carolina.. It la to these regular hunt
' Ing and fishing trips that Mr. Cleveland
.attributes In no small measure ms ro
. bust health at the ago of three score
- and ten, , ,
, It la InUreaUng to not that of the
i it men who have served as president
of the United State, eight of the first
11 who filled the office lived to be to
i- years of ags or older, while of the II
- who .followed In the office of chief ex
' ecutlve of the nation there were but
' four who lived to the as Of 79 Presl
! dents Fillmore, Buohanan, ' Hayes and
Cleveland. Of the first It presidents,
: John Adams lived to the age of to,
'James Madison died at II, Thomas Jef
, ; fern on at It, John Qulncy Adams at 10.
V and Martin Van Buren and Andrew
r Jackson at the age of Tl and H. re-
opectively. ; - '
Of the last II presidents, none baa
attained the ags ot so. James traenanan,
: the oldest, died at the age of 77. Mtl
" lard mimore was 74 at the time of bis
death,- and Rutherford B. Hayes passed
awav soon after he had reached his
70th blrthdar. -
; It Is now II years elnoe Mr. Clave
' lsnd first assumed the burdens of the
White House. Only five other prest-
dents lived so long after their Inaugu
; ration, and these were the two Adamses,
Jefferson.' Madison Tan 'Bursa and
mimore. No president Inaugurated In
i the neat half eenturr. except Mr. Clave-
land, has sonrlved his inauguration for
; more than If years, which was we recoro
- of. General Grant.
Carltdn Lumber Company Boasts
One of Western Oregon's
. Largest Plants.'
- tSnrlti. ItkMie
to Te taul )
Carlton, T)r, March 1A Under tne
management of W. M. Brown John, for
merly of Snohomish. - Washington, ths
hew electric light and power plant of
the. Carlton Lumber -company la fa at
neaiing completion. This is ons of ths
largest as well as -ths most modern
plants of Its knd on the west side.
The power win be furnished from the
three batteries of. boilers used for ths
power for the large mill. Ths snglns
that runs the dynamo is a tfO-horsepower
high speed automatic The generator is
a national revolving field alternator of
1,100 volts. Ths motor equipment con
sists of ons 65, two 40, ons 10 and two
8-horsr power motors. . These will fur
nish too lights, both aro. and Incandes
cent, for ths mill property and about
the same number for the city. ' Jt largo
part of the machinery In the mill wlU
" also be run by electrle power.
The mill will be In running order In
a short time, as a greater portion of the
machinery has arrived within the past
fsw days. This will be put In position
as fast aa competent ml lge fights can
be had to est it up. ' There Is a large
demand for this class of labor and all
capable men are finding employment
The strlks of ths mlllworkers at
Portland does not seem to have extend
ed to this locality, as all work Is going
forward without hindrance. ,
"Dr. Thomas Bclectrlo Oil Is ths best
remedy for that often fatal disease
croup. Has been used with success In
our family for eight yeara" Mrs. I
Wblteecre, Buffalo. N. T.
, - e pa Grande Gets It.
(gvealel Mspatcs te Tke JesrsaLi
La Grande, Or, March II. The an
nual track and field meet of eastern
Oregon will be held In La Grande this
year. Ths principals have arranged ths
general details so that from Friday aft
ernoon of May ft, until Saturday even
tng of the ltth. La Grande will be the
Mecca of all athletes and amatsur ora
' tors In eastern Oregon. On Friday even
ing the declamatory oonteat will be held
st ths opera-house. Ths track meet
will be held on Saturday, -
And Ire BeaDy xiots f ran.
' Aa Indiana woman solved the food
'- queatlon with ' good sound reasoning.
She saya: . . ..'.
Tor almost 10 years I suffered from
poor health, which waa plainly the re-
suit of Improper food.' - - , :
T was always drowsy, had headache,
- stomach trouble, waa getting a sallow
i complexion In short waa almply miser-
able. '
Tet I did not realise the real cause
' erf my trouble until recently. , I have
' riven Grape-Nuts and the exercises in
the little book, "The Road to Well
; vllls" (Which I found in the package) a
J thorough trial, and they have worked
wonders for me. ' f ,
' '"l noticed a change from the begin
. nlng. My headache disappeared and at
' the end of the first week my stomach
- did not trouble me so much.
"Now, la less than a month,'' my
. Serves ars strong and I begin to have
, some ambition to do things. I have
- gained six pounds and feel full of life.
"Grape-Nuts food, with cream, makes
' a delicious dish and I never grow tired
'of It I consider The Road to Well
'. vtye" one of the most valuable books
ever printed, for I owe my present good
health to It and Grape-Nuts." , Name
given by IVatum Co., Battle. Creek.
'fi-h. Oat the hook from your pkg.
"1 bere's a reason." ' ,
60 ;
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mayer Re
ceive Many Beautiful Gifts
and Welcome Friends. ;
Cablegrams Cpma Prom Klnfolk la
German, and Valuable Presents
' ' From People in Eastern States
Big Famfly Dinner Wm Featured
Seldom Is such an elaborate and brll
llant celebration of a wedding anniver
sary seen as was tnst or Mr. and M
Jacob Mayers diamond wedding yes
terday at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch. Ths Mayers, who
are among the foremost pioneers now
remaining. In Portland, number. a large
circle of friends In all parts of the
state, , as well aa In California, N
York, Louisiana and Germany, where
they nave lived -at-various times . In
compliment to . the hsppy occasion of
their diamond wedding, flowers and
gifts poured in from all parts of the
eountry ana the telegrams and cams-
grams from more dletant points num
bered into the hundreds. . '
Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch throw open her
handsome home on Fifth and Jefferson
streets yesterday for ths celebration. At
1:10 an elaborate dinner waa served to
the family party of IS and whils they
were yet at dinner the guests began
gathering in the Crawtng room for the
Informal reception that was to follow.
All the living children and grandchll
drsn of Mr. end Mrs. Mayer wero pres
ent at the dinner and some had trav
eled across ths entire continent to be
present v
- Lilies of the valley formed ths cen
terpiece ea the long table and Brids
and Golden Gate erases were placed in
bouquet holders about the table. Strewn
ever ths cloth were violets, end orchids
formed the Individual favors. A hand
some bride's cake with IS candles stood
on the buffst It waa aent by H. C
Bowers and waa surmounted with
handsome buckle of brilliants securing
a bow of pink tulle. Ths gussta at
dtnnsr were: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob i:aysr.
Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, Mr. snd Mrs.
M. Blum. Mr. and Mrs. H. Zadlg. Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Mayer, Mark Mayer,
Sandford HI -sen. Miss Hlrsch. Misses
Mai and Clementine Hlrsch, James
Blum, Alfred Zadlg. Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Ip Selling. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Selling,
Mr. snd Mrs. Mose Slchel, Mrs. Adeline
Meyer, Dr. Jonah Wise. Bam Bllli.jr,
Solomon Garde. Miss S. Llpplt, and
Miss Rose Selling.
The reception wes a scene of Inspira
tion with many of ths pioneers gathered
together In reminiscences. A fsw of
thoss present -vere Mrs. Abigail Scot
Dunlway, Judgo George H. Williams,
Mrs. Henry Jones, Miss Williams. Ma
dame Von Bolton. Miss Von Bor in.
Miss Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Dr.
and Mrs. A. , O. Qlesy, - Mrs. D. P.
Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Burkhardt
Mrs. Fhillp Wssserman. Mrs. Hsusa-
man. Mr. and Mrs. E. C Bowers, 8e-v
ator and Mrs. Slgmund Slchel, Mr. snd
Mrs, Moss B ten el, Mrs. Ella Benders.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C Judge. Herman
Btehel. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Slchel,
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Flelschner. Mr. snd
Mrs. Mjtous rileschner. Miss Flora
Flelschner. - Mr. and Mrs. L N. Lip-
man, Mrs. Hexter. tne Misses Hexter,
Mrs. R. Jacobs, ths Misses Jacobs, Mr.
and Mrs. - Levlnaon. Mr. and Mm. 4.
B. Simons. Mrs. Neumann. Julius Louis
son, Mr. and Mrs. Cramsr, Otto Cra
mer, J. N. Tealr Mrs. Lowenburg. Mrs.
U Altman, Mrs. Harriet Meyer. 'Jtr. and
Mrs. Obertuffer. Adolph Jacobs, Hen
ry Metsger, Sam Hlrsch, Miss Florence
Kohn. Mr.- and Mrs. Charles Kohn, Mr.
snd Mrs. Nunstadter, Mr and Mrs. Sol
Blumausr, Mr. and Mrs.' Phil Metsohan,
Miss Florence Wolf. Mr. and Mrs. Fel
denhotmer, Mr. and Mrs. L Lang, Miss
Lauer. and many others.
Mrs. Uayer wore a handsome black
velvet gown with garnitures of white
point laoe and wore a number of her
diamond gifts, sS did also Mr. Mayer.
The drawing room and reception hall.
where an orchestra played su evening.
were ftlled In every nook with the beau
tiful flowers sent by their hosts of
city friends. - The gifts numbered many
remembrances from charitable institu
tions to which the Mayer name has be
come dear through their liberality. The
Sisters of St Vincent's hospital sent a
crystal punch bowl and the Sisters of
St. . Mary's convsnt loving cups with
monograms. Various lodges sent hand'
some floral pieces.
Ths gifts from the family were moat
aln bo rate and suitable to the occasion.
Among them were from Mrs. Hlrsch
snd her family a diamond-studded
watch and chatelaine gold knife with
emerald shamrock and diamonds: pock
et book with monogram in diamonds and
diamond lace pin. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Mayer trave a diamond and pearl vest
button set snd a Iscs pin with Hebrew
lettering: "God Be With Too." Mr.
and Mrs. ' M. Blum, diamond-studded
slesvs buttons'and eyeglass pin set with
dlsmonds. ' James Blum, diamond shirt
studs, dlsmond set chain for eyeglasses
and diamond-studded Shrine pin. Mr.
and Mrs. H. Zadlg. diamond set etgar
cutter and diamond set gold thimble,
A. J. Zadlg. Ons of the handsomest
presents wss to Mr, Mayer from her
son Mark Maysr, a miniature of ths
father set with, a brilliant frame.. Mr.
Maysr gave his father a watch fob
smblasoned with a handsome diamond
monogram. A bride book for the signa
ture of all dtnnsr guests was one hand
some gift
Among the gifts from out of town
friends was a golden wedding bell with
diamond monogram from Mayor John
P. Hopkins of Chics go and two gold
diamond-monogram spoons from Roger
' (Special fttasatrk H Tee Joamt.
Pendleton,' Or., March II. Alexander
Waugh, one of the earl - and most re
spected pioneers of Umatilla oonnty.
died Saturday night near Pilot Rock. He
waa born In Swltserland county. In
dlana. In III. In lilt ns crossed the
plains with ' muls teem, five end a
half months being consumed in mak
ing the trip. He first settled on Esst
Birch creek In 1114, snd one year later
he moved to West Birch Creek, where
he hsd sines resided. He leaves a wife
and four children. v '
New Realty Company Organised.
Free water, Or., Maroh II. A new
firm to be known as ths Intsrurbsn
Realty company has been Incorporated
with .a capital stock of 15.000, fully
paid np. The incorporators srs Robert
R. Allen, senersl mansser of the In-
temrban railway. E. S. Vases of Wsllal
Walla snd A. S. Pearson of this cltv.
The bd office of the company will
be In Frtewatar, . ..
1 ID
' First, thatalmoataverroperation
In our hospitals, performed upon
women, becomes necessary because
of neglect of such symptoms as
Backache, Irregularities. Displace
ments, Pain in the Side, Dragging
Sensations, Dizziness and Sleepless
ness. Second, that Lydln S. Plnkham'a
Vegetable Compound, made from
native roots and herbs, baa eured
more cases of female ilia than any
nth ana medicine known. It res-
nlatea, strengthens and restores
preparing women tor child-birth
of T.lfe. ...
Third, the great vol u mo of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on I
HI at toe mnknasn Moonwrr at
time to time being published by apeeiarpermission, give arsoiute evi
dence of the value of Lydia K. Plnkbam Vegetable Compound and Mrs.
Pinkbam a aavlee.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
For more than 10 years has been en ring Female Complaint, such a
Dragging Sensations, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, In
flammation and Ulceration, and Organlo Diseases, and It dissolves
and expels Tumors at an early stage.
Mrs. PlnkhamVs Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering front any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mas, for advice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham who
ha been d vising sick women free of charge for more than twenty
Tears, and bsfor that ah assisted her mother-in-law, Lydia B. Pink
bam la advising. Thus she Is especially weu quannea to guia sick
woman back to health. Writ today, aoni wan untu too tate.
Land Leased on Klamath Lake
for This Purpose Packing
Plant a Possibility.
8peHel rHesatrfe te The JeareaL) '
Klamath Falls. Or- March it. An ag
ricultural experiment station Is to be
eatabliahsd here. Abel Ady having leased
Si acres of his marsh lane lor ue pur
pose to the United States for five years.
The land is bounded on the east by ths
rnadtM of the nsw railroad, on the
north by ths Little Klamath channel and
on the west and south by the mainland
and Wild Horse butte. A pumping sta
tion will be the tailed to drain it ana
all kinds of crops adapted to marsh soils
will be grown to demonstrate its value.
A nacklnc nlant Is a possibility for
this city in ths near future, and certalo
lv would srove a profitable undertaking.
aa with ths superior alfalfa grown here
and the increase In grain crops au red
by the large acreage under the first
unit of the huge canal, wnicn wiu sup
ply about II, too acres with water this
year, more stock will be fattsnea. Es
pecially Inviting la the pork Industry,
ss those who have tried it say pork can
be produced on alfalfa at about S1.7S
par hundred ana sens at xrom e to i
cents a pound.' live weight. Level
headed ranchers can have their choice
of producing pork, beef or butter and
find a most profitable industry the first
season . here, and this Is the clsss of
settlers In demand now. '
Vaiiulal THeMtA te The leernaLl
Hood River. Or.. March U. Something
that Is considered most remarkable by
rrnltcrowers here is ths dlaoovery that
apples which have been allowed to Ue
on the ground all winter nave noi oeen
Injured by the cold weather during the
past months and ars practically
good ss ths day they dropped from the
trees. The apples are seconds, ana.
owing to ths fact that they were slight
ly bruised by contact with ths ground,
they were not considered fit for ship
ment. . They were left to lis until the
snow earns, which covered them up snd
acted in the capacity of natural cold
storage. In the middle valley the snow
Is Just commencing to' disappear and
the fruit during the past few days has
become exposed tto view. Visitors from
ths city snd also abroad have brought
many of tham to town, where they are
being exhibited as curiosities. Growers
account for ths phenomenon by the faot
that there was no frost In the ground.
Mew Double Tracks of tssl
All the way from Chicago to Pitts
burg, Philadelphia and New York on
the Pennsylvania Short Line. ' It Is the
route of the world-famed "Pennsylva
nia Limited" the pioneer Of real lim
ited peasenger trains.
psasenirer snd ticket s gen is or eon'
lines w
rill cheerfully give ln
qulrers the fullest Information regard
ing the excellently equipped through
eervlce of the Pennsylvsnis System
from Chlcsgo. - Address F, N. Kollock,
Dlst, Agent, Portland, ore., m stark at.
Second Accident to Same Member.
''(Special Dlepatrk M The JeareaL) '
Monmouth. Or.. March' It Mrs. M. J.
Wolverton, while alone, started to rise
from her chair and fainted snd fell to
ths floor, again spraining her hip, which
was badly Injured by a fall a year ago
and which had naver fully recovered.
She being so old, and crippled besides.
the shock has affected the nerves of the
tplne and hip, causing much pain. Sbs
Is Improving.
to orma oar or two bats.
LAX.ATIV BROMO Qetatne removes the
eaaee. Te get the geaahie, eall fnr rail sasM,
as took fat signature ef B. W. Grove. X&e.
Klamath rails. March ' It. Ralph
Jackson, ths young Indian who is under
bond for appearance In the federal
court on s charge Of stealing cattle, .la
again In the tolls of ths law and la In
the "skookum house" st rusmstn agen
cy, swatting developments In the case
of George smith, anotner inaian ooy,
who lies In s critical condition near
Talnlx as a result of wounds inflloted
by Jackaon with s knife.
Tooth Powder
there are combined the elements
of safety and pleasyre in kissing
your . wife or swtfettTeart--let
licious after taste. Just ask her
about it. r
la handy metal eaas or bottles. BSa, -
Cr. Cr-YCw1 Tc:!h Pc r;-:r Co.
women's health and Is Invaluable la
and during the period of Chang
Xjnn. maw., many i wmua e uva
Vegetable Compound
Posses Seek Man Who Lives
None Knows Where and
; Lives by Thievery. .
(Special Swpateb to Tbe leeraaL)
' Eugene. Or., March IS. The people la
the. vicinity of Lorane. In the Slualaw
valley, southwest of Eugene, are much
worked up over the depredations of s
mysterious - character -who has been
prowling around in that vicinity since
last December, snd efforts are now be
ing made by the citlsens ot the valley
to capture him. ' ?. . ."" ;
About three months ago a maa Of forJ
sign extraction and Saving the appear
ance of a tramp wandered into the Slu
alaw country, which is remote from the
railroad and comparatively thinly set
tled, snd proceeded to make Jilmsslf st
home in various uninhabited cabins
Several different times he hss broken
Into private residences, spproprlstlng
bedding, provisions, guns snd ' ammuni
tion. -.' .
His operations have continued up te
the pact few days, only s night or two
sgo Mr. Addison's houss waa broken Into
and quite a quantity of provisions taken.
A few nights before that he broke Into
Richard Crow's house and while the
family was ssleep took s rifle, a dirk
snd some provisions'
- Fosees have been organised st differ
ent times to try to catch this thief.
The people are greatly Incensed snd are
determined" to run the fellow out of
the eountry or capture him. He
been seen only two or three times
Where he keeps hlmsslf Is a mystery.
as the posses have searched every por
tion of the valley for him day snd night.
Ons day recently s posse followed
tracks to ths Gibson cabin, on the Lit
tle Bluslaw. They surrounded it but
when they broke ths door open they
found no one Inside.
Many think the man la an escaped
criminal, possibly the murderer wanted
st Chehalis. Washington, as he gnawers
the cescnption.
When he broke Into Richard Crow's
house he showed the skill of a most
adept burglar. - Mr. Crow keeps a good
watchdog, but ths burglar got Into ths
house without attracting the dog's st
tention yr s wakening any member ef the
Hood River People, So Badly
Scared No Danger of Any
1 Getting Hurt.
' ' (HseHal Dkmateh to The JesrsaLI
Hood River, Or., March IS. Hood
River citlsens got off the streets in a
hurry when a bull that was being
driven through the streets suddenly be
came enraged and started on the ram
page. The animal first rusued Into I
livery stable, driving some of ths oc
cupants out of doors snd others to ths
hayloft. After careening around the
stable snd bellowing he rushed out into
the street, taking ths sidewalk. Pedes
trians did not dlsputs ths right of way,
but gavo s.wlds berth or jumped ln
sids store doors After galloping for s
block snd s half his bullshtp suddenly
turned and darted into an alley between
two buildings that was scarcely wide
enough for him to squeese through.
Jumping several, backyard fences hs
msde for the show windows of McDon
ald's store. By terrific shouting snd
pelting with 'rocks, ths store force per
suaded the mad animal to steer his
course in another direction and hs turned
ths corner well Under way for, the cen
ter of town again. To do so be hsd to
pass Walte's, feed tore, the doors ef
which were wlds open. The scent of
the feed evidently reached his nostrils
for hs suddenly veered In his wild run.
and, making for ths open door, which
Is two and s half feet from the ground,
tesped Inside, There was no ons In the
piece at the tims snd hs soon found s
bag of bran, which hs was rapidly con
suming, watched by s rabble of small
boys snd several men, when his owner
came up and with the help of s eouple
of farmers roped tile brute and led
htm swsy.
(Jeamal gpectal Service.)
, New .York, Maroh II. It Is sllsged In
l formal complaint filed with Mrs.
Emms S. Landrlne, principal of school
No. . located at Ninety-first street
snd Amsterdam avenue, that Sudors
Robinson, 11 years old. one ef the pu
pils who died on March ; wss kicked
to death by s mob of her schoolmates,
who claimed ths little girl snd her sla
ter were toe "stuck up to plsy with
them." The police srs Inveetlgating the
report and have s Hat of the names
ot ths children accused of participation
In the attack. ;
r-c .. ., .- , . . jr- .- ssswasr ,. , - ,, t, .. , , -
The most comfortable shopping place in Portland.
BASEBALLS AND, BATS free with all boys' suits
and DRESSES " :
Three Racing Yachts Entered
by Alfonso, Who Will Ac
company Them.
(Joe rati Special Sarvtee.)
Berlin. March II. Kiel Is to be
STseed this veer br that keen sports
man, King Alfonso of Spain, who will,
of course, take advantage of the event
to have various conferenees with the
His Sosnlsh mslesty win go to ths
German port on board a warship, which
during the regatta will remain st Kiel,
side by side with the German squadron.
The royal Spanish racing yachts Oirsl
dills, Mourlscot snd Queen X, will be
entered for some of ths rseee.
The Queen X is ths yscht which Al
fonso XIII himself named In s spirit
of fun some II montfcs sgo when sit of
his courtiers snd sll ths newspapers in
Europe were talking sbout his majesty's
"I will give you the name ef my fu
ture bride," said the young monarch.
snd X will name the new yacht sxter
Is to be launched in s few dsya sfter
Expectations ran high and numerous
snd wild were the guesses ss to ths per-
aonelltr of ths new queen or opsin.
until the 1 ocular young sovsrelgn dls-'i
concerted sll the wiseacres oy aecisring
the queen X.
Have Deen Spent Perfecting Llquozone.
Kven when Llauosone was nsw the
reaulta were astounding. It seemed si-
most Incredible thst scything could
do.UI aifflcult eeseey what this product
But five years of experience, with
millions ef users, have done s great deal
to perfect It. The product hss been
studied by many physicians and chew
lits. Including some ef ths worlds
htchsst authorities. Aa s result, better
standards ' have been evolved snd
adopted. Millions know from sxperl-
snce what ths old product did. Will
you learn now ths power of ths new?
What Liquozone Is.
Uquosone is s tonlo-germlclde, 4 the
virtues of which sre derived solely
from extde gases No sleohol, no nar
cotic, nothing but gas enters into It
The process of making requires large
apparatus snd consumes 14 days' tims
The object la te so combine the gsses
with s liquid as to carry thslr virtues
Into the aystsm. '
The result Is a germicide so certain
that we publish with every bottle aa
effer ef $1,000 for a disease germ thst
Uquosone cannot kill. ' It destroys
them because germs are of vegetable
origin. But to the body Llquoaone Is
exhilarating, -vitalising, purifying.
That is its main distinction. Com
mon germicides are poisons whsn takes
internally. They sre Impossible, for
"will you WALK into;
Duchess of Manchester In Role
of Fly, but She Was Such
a Very Wise One.
(Joaraal Special Service.)
London. March II. Ths Duchess ef
Manchester, who was at Calcutta with
Mr. snd Mrs O. Smith during the stste
festivities for ths smeer of Afghanis
tan, attracted the very special snd
rather embarrassing admiration of this
potentate, who was -unfelgnedly dis
gusted whsn hs learned that the cus
tom of wife selling hsd fallen, nto dis
repute In western countries.
The duchess who hss msde a study
of Buddhist lore, first interested then
fascinated the smeer. who gave her
presents ns valuable ss te the vicereine,
a fact which excited Jeslousy In thst
Whenever the ameer aspired to the
duchess he, with the manners of the
true sutoosmt. Ignored everybody else.
He pressed the duke snd duchess with
suspicious warmth to pay him s visit st
his capital st CsbuL but ths duks was
advised by Indian officials accustomed
to Afghsnlstsn Idiosyncrasies that If it
cams to spending some millions sterling
te rescue the party from the ameers
hospitality an economical government
might ask whether ths gams was worth
the candle; besides there would be a 10
to 1 chsncs thst ths duks's throat would
they destroy the tissues ss
the germs. Thst Is Why
well ; ss
proves so helpless la dealing with germ
diseases. Llquosone, on ths contrary.
sets as s remarkable TonrdT. . ,
We Paid $100,000.
For the rights to Llquocose, sfter
thousands of tssts hsd been msde with
It, after its power had been demon
strated for more thsa two years la ths
most difficult germ dlsesses Conditions
which hsd resisted medicine for years
yielded at once to it, and dlsesses con
sidered Incurable were cured.
Thst was five yeara ago. Since then
millions of people In every part of the
world have shared in the benefits ef this
Invention. Nearly every hamlet, every
neighborhood, hss living sxsmples ' ef
its power. . Now we ssk you te let It do
for you what It did for them.
Germ Diseases.
Most of , our slcknsss has, ts late
years, been traced - to germ attacks
Some germs ss In skin tmubl.s- di
rectly sttack ths tissues Some create
toxins, causing such troubles ss Rbss
mstlsrn, . Blood Poison, Kidney Dlseaa.
snd nerve weakness Boms destroy
vital organs ss In Consumption, 80ms
like the germs of Catarrh create In
flammation; some reuse Indigestion. In
one of these way a, t.-irly every serlom
sllment is a g-- 1 r- -
yitM.n.i wj
gfotSfT Collars
f Hsre-LIU OOORP" eyelet ess snwesselei
e. e. mm a cmk, si i tsjov.b). v.
be cut before a relief expedition were
under wsy.
As sn earnest of his largess should
she visit hta court, the smeer gave'
the duchess a large gold Ingot, aa ex
quisitely embroidered robe of the finest
kabul work, s strtsg ef uncut gems
snd s wonderful amber box set with
cornelian snd studded with turquoises.
1.000 western SToeers retnrn dlasatisx
fled customsrs' money for coffee snd tea
Schilling's Beat.
Quarterly Conference at Athena. '
(Speelal mssstea ts Tse JosraeL) -
Athens, Or., Maroh Is. The third
quarterly conference of the Walla
Walls . district of the Columbia livjr
conference was held in this city yes
terday . st - ths Methodist - Episcopal
church. . Rsv. Gabriel Sykes presiding
elder of the district, conducted the ser
Will You Try It Free?
I Such conditions call for s germicide,
I not for common drugs Llquosone does
what other means csnnot accomplish.
And It is wrong to cling te old ways
when-millions, of. people know a wsy
that las better. ;
. 50c Dottle Free.
If you wish to know what Llquosone
does pleas, send us this coupon. Wo
will then mall you sn order ea s local
druggist for s full-stse bottle, snd will
pay ths druggist ourselves for It. This
Is our free gift, mads to eoavinoe yon:
to 1st the product itself show you what
It csa do. In Justice to yourself, please
accept It today, for It places you un
der no obligations whatever.
- Llquosone costs tOe snd 11.--'-
rill tt est eas nail H to Tea l.tiwew
Ooaiseay. 051 S4 Wasaab Ate, Hi !.
My otoees fel
t feave sever rrted H sew tlU 'MM. Sat
If rea will sappl M a Me tun. !.- I
will tak. It.
W. are a-w. r"ti
arte., K-A f
el-l ium1.
l-,rn h.w n-'t i i
I I'l'M:-. L g