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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1907)
LlTUOLimi LIEN LEAVE TOLIORROVJ Wret.rti and Boxen Ready for the Trip to Northwett Tournament. AFFAIR IS BfelNO HELD BY SPOKANE A. A. CLUB Hughes and Smith Are Entered tot y. Wrestling Contests and Drangn ' Will Go After the Boxing Cbanv plonshlp -Winged M Hopeful. - -Tha' Multnomah ' Amateur Athletic , club's boxing end wrestling aggregation A will leave for Spokane tomorrow m 4n. at 7 o'clock. In order to partlcl pate in the northweet amateur tonr- kiament that win begin' in that city on Wednesday. John A. Horan 01 n. - -a c win have whim of the party and Fred Renniclt,' boxing Instructor at M. A. A. C., will look after the physical condition of the men on the, trip and , Bieo gurnii mi va,aa . , The boxer that -will represent Multno mah la Olma Dranga.'bo will bo at 1 at pound. It waa originally internum to send French to Spokane, but this clerer young fellow waa unable to make - the trip. - Dranga, however, wtll make thlnga mighty Interesting for caraDtn ef Spokane. The Spokane club la count , Jng upon Carabln walking away with : Dranga, but Portlandera think that their ' favorite will bring home the medal " Dranga, and Carabln are the only two - entries in the 115-pound laes. - "Bud" Hughes la entered by Multno mah In the lie-pound wreatllng eventa. " Spokane hae entered Btenaburjr. who waa defeated In the- recent Multnoraah-8po kane interolub meet in this city. Hughes has been doing hard work In preparation for another bout wlttt Stenebury and feels that he can repeat hi former trick. Multnomah'a third man, la Edward D. ' 'Smith,, who will wreatle In the m- Jtound claHa. Aa thla la an open affair t la not known yet what man will go up against Smith. -. Should . Multnomah'a men win their eventa it will be considered a worthy feat, aa they are going up against the . best men in the Pacirio northwest. INTERESTING BOWLING ' . . ON THE OREGON ALLEYS y .,. : Considerable interest waa taken In the . .contest of doublea at the Oregon alleys v on St. Patrick's, where a prise of . two pi Irs of gloves for the beat score for three consecutive gamea waa offered. ' Duffy and Newstead put up a rattling , game, making a score of 1,110 pins, , which waa high aoore until Laraond and Sumption late in the afternoon- hung . up 1.13J aa a bid for the prise. Thla looked good until later, when Dolphin and Withers made a total of 1.135. Thla score was not excelled, Although a num- :ber..o.bowlera tried hard to turn it - down. The acorea: . " . ' ? ' (i) (J) fl) Wlthera , . 1T ISO 161 . . 'Dolphin .. 17 1 - J85 1,S5 diamond t Sumption Totals .puffy . Newstead Totals Raymond a.mbs i . Totala .. . Kolk . t Davidson r Totals" 2611,071 PORTLANDERS DEFEAT . SAILORS AT FOOTBALL aaaBBBaBMBSBBBBaan The Portland ; association - football team defeated a Bailor aggregation on a iftArnAAn hv tha score of i to 1. The" game, while one-aided, waa an interesting arrair. xna uneupi . Sallora.' . Position. Portland Irtrrr .... ....... Goal Clark Fenwlck and. Hunter, Quale.'. .Backs. ....... Dyment Thi Butor and Short. Dickson Roser ........Halves Mackle - Tntiv and Mills and ' Bldman .... .Left wing. : Matthew Alexander and - Kllpatrlck and . wmiam Riaht wlna. . . ... . Burns Lot-ue Center Rylance . RefereeMr. Poppln. v . Amateur Conrt Tennis. ' ' Boston, March 18. Play in the ama , Annri tannla ehamnlnnahln waa be gun today at the Tennis .and Racquet " club unaer most zavoraois auspicna. Jay Gould, Joshua Crane Jr. and other f the foremost amaieure or ina coun try are among the eonteatanta BEWARE OF "DIGtSTIVtS" The Only Way to Core Stomach DU- oHer la by Strengthening the ' . DigMttVe Organ ' ' The ordinary pepsin tablet has ruined more stomachs than all other causes combined. While It gives temporary ra ti. I Uivm tha dla-aativa svatam weaker than ever, and the tablets may be continued with) increased frequency. The only way to permanently oure hunirh troublea 'Is by strenrthanln the dlcestlve organa with a Ml-o-na stomach tablet taken before meals. In this way the remedy prepares the atom . .t. k, vsuvl and azcltas tha aacra tlon of gastric Juices so that, when the food Is eaten, tne siomaon is praparea ' to digest it ' , t uiji.ii, la a tnara ' dlaaatlva. It (would ba taken after eattng, ao as to tilx with the rooa. out men permanent sllef would not be gained, wi . n. atnmaoh tahlata are Bold onlv In a neat metal box, convenient for the parse or vest pocket, and coat but SOo. We absolutely agree that your money wilt be refunded should you buy a too box of Ml-o-na stomach tablets and not be satisfied with the reaulta. Ml-o-na la sold by druggist everywhere, pr will mail on reoelDt of erica. 60a. Write today for a free sample pack age, and also give ua your ajmpioma, nr tha baat known atomach BDe- elallstfl will give your case his rsreful nd personal attention witnoui ensrge. Booth's ui-o-na company, ouiaito, n. i 1 (2) (J , 17s 17J 20J . . 11 204 201 1 a ii a. a-as-ie-aa . x, 7 I7 4101,181 -yr- '.ii ' ' - . 1 (t , V v 170 17. 17 . SSI 141 1711,105 - A- (1) . ) h . . a,... 162 It 1(6 , m , 170- it . , 150 16 884 1,101 1) (2) (S) 180 20S !-,. iaa ia 17t .,. - - ' r.T.T;r I4S ate ROSE CITY ViAS WELL ADVERTISED Portland Bowlers Did Great Boosting for this City V While at Denver. WERE ENTERTAINED" DURING THEIR STAY Tenplnnera Did Not Make Any Rec ords In the Tournament Matches, bnt Made Countlese Friends for ? Portlands-Review of the Trip, ' The second annual tournament of the western bowline eon tress held at Den ver. - Colorado.' came to an end laat Thimd&v nlarht. It wound tin with banquet at the Albany hotel at which were the officers of the congress, mem bers of the Denver association. Includ ing aim a Ihn ltva hlrhaat officlala. prise wlnnsrs of the week's oontest and representatives of the various visiting delegations. - ttntnusiasm ana gooa reel ing nrAvallaA. Tha aucceaa or the tour nament waa naturally the chief toplo of amcuseion. tureaii zor mis success was divided between tboee of Denver's cltl- Mna hA hail unaelflahlv flevotad their time, labor and money to the enterprise ana to visitors ana coniesimnia iron nm near ana rav west -ana ineir ioyai sup- nnrtAN ff hnmfc vanarranhlcal Ola tributlon of the chief laurels waa a tre mendous source or eaueraction. ien- ver herself captured the five-men event mwmlnmi- wMat iwlil Vflfllia Ct won the two-men event and broke the world's record f l.iis), while our sister city, Se attle, furnished the winner of tbs Indi vidual contest. True. Portland was not ons, two, three In the list of winners. out a variety or circumstances sna con ditions which furnish no reproach upon har renreeantatlvaa. militated with if gra'vatlng peralatency agalnat her. The aigniricanoe oi aonormauy slippery ap proaches, freshly shellaced alleys, and dead pina all of which the Portland teama eantenried agalnat. would be loat upon any one but a skilled bo-arler, hence I. I . . I. 1 1 V V. ... VM... ". ' 1 " ...W whll, mrm riM tint win this time w, won at tha start, recognised and feared by outer participanis wno aiwr our iaii- .. M land viva, nl... n A nu. a b .. -Ma luck of tha e-ama break mora evenlv in vur iirvr nea; iiuja. Advertised the Boss) City. slderatlon of thla enterprise and the one wnicn never waa lost sigm oi, vis.: tne aavertising ana exploitation feature, i wish to state most emphatically from personal knowledge and observation that good reaulta must accrue from an evna.llrlnn n thla kind The two team. bore onaplcuoua inscriptions. "Portal land" and "Oregon" respectively. Their wahl a eia.M.aa.1 -. 1 - waaflaavaa .aa..a.a.a- n ...a- aua.a. .a.av Anl hv hlalr tlna Kaal t and tha fatten. ing aoove auotea, were tnentt oi tne meet. Their pictures . were eagerly aought by tha paper and their appear- anaaa aaai tha atihlaaaat rf t.wAHkl. -am- ment " by the thousanus of apectaltors. On the street the team wore huge rib bon badgea labeled simply . "Portland." Tha wearers ware constant reclnienta of the following: "Are you from Port land. Oregon! Yes 7 la it really aa fine out there as my brother or son or -1 - a. A aMa a a it l.fN A ad i.wi va . lauu a . . c a I, a a a a t anu with this Introduction your booster got busy and planted many a seed of thought which will bear fruit. Slatrlbntata Kaa Vannhleta." The thousands of Damihlets singing Oregon s praises were aistriouiea in three days. The spectators at the tour nament were sucolled with tnem ana they were read and carried away as souvenirs. One of Denver's residence mIIah, waa wldalw favored . with our literature through an opportune, or si seen at that time. Inopportune incident. Our car rolled into Denver at I a. m. An exuberant and wide-awake reception committee was waiting for us. The 21 men. from Portland - ana Beat tie were trying to get mucb-needed aleep. The committee rapped loudly and pounded at our windows, but we within turned over lit our warm berths for anotner n.n Then MtttiMf traacheroua miscreant In our midst unlocked the door and the enemy surged In. Then we decided to get up moet of us from the floor. While we were collecting ana sorting out our wearing apparel a switch engine sneaked hip behind and dragged us some two miles out into tne yarns, fioinmi iu do then but seise our luggage and drop off into the -darkness In search of an owl car to town. From 8:30 a. m. till 1:10 a. m. did we wait under a friendly arc 'light for a vehicle of aome descrip tion. But tha time was not lost. A happy thought came. The aaaemblage waa soon divided Into squads and when d.llata k.nWa there fftulri ha found On every porch within a radlua of halt a mile along with tne morning paper lit erature sounding tha praises of our be- . and atate. , TTiua was a dull and depressing Incident turned to profit ana account. Denver Helped Work. W ketiaif of the howlera I desire to extend the- supporters of this Denver expedition, those who helped with their contributions and with their well wishes, an earnest appreciation. Tour donation Has oeen Wisely . expenaea ana your wlahea realised. y-t a-jalaa.a .I ul.i. JaaU. 9 v ii a fia.iiiia.aiit. , .a, . . u-.a v. this city sent the boys a draft for 8260 expenae money in care of the mayor of Denver, ana as a siroae ox genius mat aaawuw. . aemlttanee - wee i noeltlvelv Napoleonic When the news got out tha old Coliseum rang with cheera for Port land, bar real estate ana its nanaiers. Ths results of these Investments " are material and In time will be apparent. This enterprise has been a good ons and I trust that K the meet be at Kan sas City next year, aa promised, - Port land will be there. ' ... . , CHEMAWA BRAVES BEAT MUTES AT BASKETBALL (Special Dtupatek te The losrasL) ' Chemawa, Or., March 18. Tha mute basketball team, were defeated Saturday afternoon in a clean fast game of ball a. .a . Okanaaaaa aa.nnila The stood 81 to 8( In favor of the Indians. Only one loui was csiiea aunng tne en tire game. Te lineup waa as follows: Chemawa. , ' ' ' Mutea. Ooudy ..Center...... Gardener Tallup Forward...,., Emeiick Williams Forward........ Probst Sooksolt . t. Guard. ...... Tlchener Wilson .'. .Qusrd.t Lynch Baaketa were, thrown by the follow ing: Ooudy 6, Wilson 4, Sooksolt I, Lynch 4, Tlchener (, Probst 8, Gardener 1, Emerlck 1. The Chemawa seconds will next Thursday go to Portland and play a return game with 'the Alblna Athletic club on their floor. The Al blnas were defeated last week by the Chemae i a score of 14 to 17, IMIIIOOOTES ABOUT PUGILISM , V aaaaaaaaa, , Ben Selig Say That Battling - Nelson Has Made a , v" Backdown: CANS WILL SOON BOX BcFORE FRISCO CLUB O'Brien Js Not likely to Meet Pal merAlthough Rumors to That Effect llavo Been Made Brltt May" 6oon Hare an Engagement. By W. W. Naughton.. m i u.-oh i when a an glltsfc who is very much In the public eye throws obstacles in tne ith e hated rival It Isn't ths eaaieet thing In the world to fathom his reasons. He may nave no the test or be may simply ba flirting with the public in oraer o a a , .a . naAnaad matflh. . .. term in Battling Nelson hasn't arrived on ttia coast yet but bla alter ego In sverythlng av. a aaatii.a tA vnatcbmaklnc Is bare and la telling his Intimates why a Nel- son-Gane bout In Nevaoa ia a ran.aihiiit v. o one thing, says Nolan, al a.a....1. rllmata In lUmmtf haS very peculiar effect upon tha Dane' constitution, wnereas is emie . .a a AnJt of VftHB AW mm aavw rm ...- Kava lauabad behind his hand when be gave that out for publioa- a iA- TA, mAnlhl DSSK Dm. nmm everybody Including the Bngllah that xj. I wae aa atrona aa a little bull at rioidf laid waa - improving-- In - avery round In fact and that a crooxea aeci- k.d . n K, -eenrted tA savS GanS. a i va. .mi. ,w " . who waa aa weak as dishwater and as limp as a rag. .' But It may be that xne rtevma wuraw Is a very inaldlous proposition and that Nelson Is only Just beginning .to feel the effects of his sojourn In the sage brush lat fall. ; , Bon Bells, who Is ths Pacifla coast agent of Joe Gans claims It la a clear KaaaVdAr1 "Nolan aays Nelaon won't fight la Ne--ada in anmmer. Well, anr ons that would give a purse In Nevada In winter Is an Idiot," say a Ben. -mo aara laa daaaan't M M fr a TUrSa but WSntS a percenuge. Why. he told M in wevaaa that he wouldn't llaten to any propoaal to box on a percentage dmi has had all bo wants of Gans and Is amlaa. tA WaAA lIV frOITl him." t doesn't follow that that's ths way of It because Bellf says so. wnar aome of, us are trouDiing our neaue a. .a-kaB.Aaa la tA Mint? V Bomoof the reasons adduced ao far forhot accepting Tex Rickard'a Ely or- ... a-a f nnlleh and it looks as I ' - ...a, - , , a aathaa tnougn IKOian ana eu string to their bow. . It Is against reason to suppose mat a .aavieaa -nrk-rthhed rooster-like Nel- son would' dodge the Issue with Gans after making affidavita In several dif ferent languages to ths effect that he aa tKhad tn tha other" flaht. What t . aii l-adlne tot - Na.-on-4oubts for a moment that there will be another Gans-Nelson Iigni. wnere is o w held' end who la working on it? Who can offer the belltgerenta better In ducements then this man Rlckarda and and- nraii wa nana tnet wait for develne- menta - There should be a ray of light from somewhere before jseison leaves town. Promoter Jim Coffroth has Seng's promise that Gans will box before Coff roth's club in April, no matter what happens to . the uans-meison maicn. n,m Tatwla baa been mentioned as a nnaaihia otmnnant for Gans but ths chances sre that Jimmy Britt' will be aV.- aathan man" when duskv J OS rlldeS from his corner at ths summons of the starting bell. Brltt la frank enough to state that va wnid rather meet RattllnC Nelaon than Gans. Ever sines that afternoon In Colma Jimmy has hankered and hun gered for another crack at the durable ruana and wnuid nrobablv break a con tract at any time for the privilege of locking giovea wnn m numimii, Nolan, speaking for Nelson, baa made it niaae that tha Dana la not for Brltt until a little difference of 86.000 In connection with the Brttt-Nelson mor i nlnturea la ad lusted. . It may take Britt a day or two to attune hia thoughta to a go with Gans but he will get there all tight If he a..-. taa ran the n.ffTA MOnle WOUld reiMHU aaaaa r. - - - . . . begin , to wonder why, especially aa Jimmy seemed to be hugely disappointed when- Mine wiey icu " Gans go at Tonopah. . . e - e i . r-i.nid eeema to ba landlna on the men Of the ring lately with eaae. It Is only a few wenka-aa-a that Kid Herman took unto himself a wife and now news Is to hand that Abe Atteii naa joineo. ino ranks of the benedicts. According to all .... a ka waa tnnre nervoua when being "Joined together" by a Santa Ana avvuuii'e a " Justice than IIS ever was wnen nmi broken apart by a big burly referee. Rumor has It that other prominent knights of the padded mitt will emerge from single blessedness before the gold en days of Juno. Jimmy Brltt is under suspicion and It la whispered here that Jack O'Brien's recent references to an English girl with burnished bronse hair awaaa dmnlv raremonltorv svmntoma -- . Battling Nelson was reported engaged a few months ago, out notning nas oeen haa-d ef Ttat'a matrimonial Inclinations lately. Perhaps, aa one of his friends suggests, "there were no forfeits Up and the tning xeu mrougn. e e ,,: arhan Ta.W iVTtrlan left for the east bets were made that a Jack Palmer- O'Brien natch would ba announced in due time. For this once, however, the -...aaaaa ware wrnntf. for Palmer ia even now in IAts Angeiea preparing ninweu for an assault at arms with Jack (Twin) BUIIlvan. BUlllVan, OJ me war, uee a-a da a anenlel' renuaat . that tha flrht .aa n Tab IkimIm ratitraln their In-' cllnatlon ito say sarcaauo tnmga wnen the Englishman begins to display his fighting form. . , . , i It appeara that Twin ooxea r aimer iai.M In Tvwidnn and raeetvad Btich .aa,m.nt et the banda of tha VU11I laiM" m.." spectators that he wishes to recipro cate. It aoeen t lunuw me um rew,- lectlon ef bygone kindnesses will Impel Jack to temper" his wallops to the shorn Rrltlahar. i The result of the Palmer-Sullivan fight will be watched for. We have had - English feathers, - bantams and lightweights, but ths memory of man goeth scarcely back to tbe time when an out and out English heavy disported Sn Wl Siial ui a'ii.'i"ii ai . j aai a.w himself on an American fighting plat . . . - . I i 1UI Ula On r.i- aa mii be leeraed Palaaar la a f. la iahI man of the hie men nf the Itrltlsh ring. He lost- to Ounarr Moir on a foul after a hard bout and has both won and lost with Mlks Williams, ORTLAKD BEATS SAIOAS FIRST OF SEASOH Manager McCredie's Men Make a Good Showing Against a , Strong Aggregation. tJeerasl Special lervke.l Salinas. CaL. March ! The Port- l.a, niaata llaad .1 aa aMlnat AallnaB yesterday and played their first match of the season. A falr-ataad crowd turned out to witness tbs contest, mi tha end of the 'game the score stood a I. e In fa.a, . Iwtland C!aJl(T did the pitching for Portland, and Cooper put mam over ror eaiinu, -w u jjiaa,.,.,. scoring five strikeouts. Cal(f allowed two hlte and Coopex seven. While It is too' early to form a Just estimate . of the prowess of uocredie s team, rea terdar's. performance gave, an oppor- .., te a-et a line on the men. and after the struggle McCredle expressed nimaeix aa wtsu piwaawn wi.u " lng. - . " nAI I A5 FIVE BEATS I M. A. A. C. BASKETBALLtRS (Special Dlpateh te The Josrssl.) Dallas, Or- March 1. In tha laat a -f the state lManii aanea. me Dallas college basketball team defeated the Muitnoman Atnietio ciud wim tha Innal floar Saturda"." night by a a ia 11 Tha nni was clean and aggreaalve from start to finish, and oaf.-aa nrannla of Willamette uni versity kept the men moving at aH tlmea Dallas was better on team work than the clubmen, and made 1 baskets from the field, snd one point only from .a. Una Multnomah cot four field baskets -and Ova points from free throws. Bhaw, tne Dig waa the star of the game, getting 18 field baskets ever Bellinger, the Mult nomah center. The college team haa now disbanded xor me year. lineup: . : , ' '..'! raaiiaa . At Position. " M. A. A. V. Leuner rorward.. V01 Craven Forward Rasch Shaw Center..Belllnger-Allen Arnold . uuara 6very ,. Guard.... wvlngBtone Referee, Mr. orannia oi muraw. aaa.. Talla. .h1U BeCOnd tMITI dt A II W 11- aii"r, ' .ad unitnAtnah club aeoond team in a lively preliminary by a score of 18 to is. . . : - . v THREE PLAYERS REMAIN . : N INDOOR TOURNEY w.a nlavera remain unbeaten In 0 aaaa - the tennis tournament begun on tne in door courts at the fair grounds several weeka ago. They are R. R. Benham. Everett Ames and J. K- Turner. The final match will probably be played next Sunday morning. , . n .a , lain Andrewa and Thorne, Turner reached the' final round In the lower naix. ny uiivuun . Maokla, Farrell and Roaenfeld, Ames reached the semi-final round in ths upper half. By reaaon of defaults Ben- ham got Into me semi-nna.B "J. i"J'" only one match. In a hard three-Bet .at nf whlh went to deuce. u, . . he defeated oeorge aacaiuiaa giving thf latter odda of receive 16. Bennam ana ame win uyv" other on the courts - next - Saturday. Benham Is handloaped at scratch and Ames at reoelve le. Ames ia a. luoni .nd ehnnld annex the match and. for thst matter, the tournament, Tur ner will Play tne winner oi -oontest on Sunday morning. He is handleaped at owe !-. CALENDAR . OF SPORTS Ua.'.Tnaaatit Cltv Jockey dub l uuuaj . i.a a.,1 meAtlne- of the Beason Ilia a aa am at Naw Orleans; opening of annual golf tournament at Ormond, Florida, to con tinue, three days; amateur court tennis championship opens at i . Racquet club, Boston; athletlo meet of -aatiant naval battalion at New w - Haven, Connecticut; opening of automo bile and power boat snow ai rretiMniw, BhAde Island. I na. a. tFia twin- aeaaon onena In England with the Lincolnshire handt- cap. ' ' Wednesday ehedule meeting of Cen tral league at Evansvllle, Indiana; Pa cific coast amateur boxing . cnampton- shlps at Spokane, Washington, continu ing three days. t xi...da Raakatball aymnastlc championships under the auspices of ths Evanston tiu. s. - """ Indoor games at Princeton university; baseball game of Lafayette and Uni versity of Virginia at Charlottesville, Virginia. ' , ivu.a Tntercollerlate srymnastic championships at University of Penn-1 sylvania; k. u. a.'u "" - Kansas City. Missouri; Jack Johnson of v .u. "nia Jim" McCormlck. II- rounda. at Omaha. Nebraska, Saturday crescent uiy icmy be run at New Orleans; opening of the ' college baseball aeaaon In tha east and south; cable chess match for the Iaaac a .-anha. hatween Oxford and XA aVle aaa.a.1. . 7 . , . Cambridge and Harvard, Columbia, Tale and Princeton. . . BASEBALL CHATTER n.-al-ad'a navt nma will ba With the strong Santa nam college nine and will be played on Wednesday. Wnrvedle announces tha fol lowing men that have reported to him at SallnaB: ntcnere, jwin-eii, unmim Green. Califf. Shimpff. Betsel; flrat base, Neuman: ' second base, Casey, -haa- atnn M T B mil : inirn UMO. AMI; nntfield. fihlnn. McCredle, Donahue. I Henderson. Carson and McHale have not reported. It Is reported thst tbs Northwest league ha been unable to make things go In Tacoma and that tha chancee for that city having a ball team are not very bright. . Manager McCredle has received an offer from Loa Angeles for Jud Smith. who played tniro oaoe w-ev eww k. ths Giants. Smith Is competent per former, but did not care to play with Portland. ths South Afrloan champion, who went under to Bill Squires In 45 seconds in Melbourne recently. . Unless ths sailing data of the steamer a, . i. a,tmiiuii uitn. Australian niwi. a 1w.r - Champion Bill Squires will leave Syd ney for nan STanoieco will bring Squires in through the Golden Gate somewhere around April 11. - Apropos of Squires, the opinion of Larry Foley,-ax-champlon of Australia and developer of Peter Jaokaon and other antipodean cracks, la surely of Interest. At a snorting gathering In Sydney recently Foley said of Squlrea: i aa a . . . - fighters Id the world. The pity of It 'Ha IS unaoUDteaiy one oi ne dvbi. la I la than Kaaa a-a nA real! vaood men. In Australia to try him on. so we have not seen him at his best. I think he Is the beat natural fighter In ths world. He may not be able to fight as some people claim, but he will best those who can. No Cheaper -Treatment on the Coast MY FEE IS ONLY $10 la Any Uncomplicated Ailment Let Me Guide You on Your Way lo Regain Your Health "and Renew Your Strength ":ta you..foal.that jrnu. arejiftt..1!U man you once were? Do you feel tired in tha morning and easily ex haustedf Ia your back weakT Js your memory falling? Do, you hava difficulty in fixing your thoughts? Are you losing ambition? If you have any or all of the above symp toms, you surely do not desire to re main in your present condition. Let me explain to you my methods of rebuilding the vigor of men. and refer you to the thousands I bavs cured. -, , . The Only-Diseases LTreat gpermatorrfcoea, .boat Vigor, Vari cocele, Kupture, Piles, Hydrocele, Org-aula Weakness, Contagious Blood Dlseeaes, Acnte and Ohroalo ' Ure thral and Frestatlo Isflsmmatloa. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION I Invite every weak or dtaeased man to call for free advloe. and If de sired I will make a free examination and diagnosis, but the visit will not obligate hlra In any way to become my patient. Offioa hours, t a. an. to p. ra. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. . ', . ' ' Patients living out of the city and coming to Portland for treatment will be furnlahed with fine room free of charge. Check your trunks direct to tttH Morrison street. WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS to COME WEST via SPECIAL LOW COLONIST RATES BCTUirw SfAKCK AJTD AW From St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Omaha, gt. Joseph. Kansas City and other Mlesourl river points to Portland and Ashland, Or., and in termediate points eas.00. From St. Louis to Portland, Aah land. Or- and Intermediate points . $30.00 Froth Chicago to Portland, Ashland, Or., and intermediate points $33.00 Similar low ratea from other eaat- em points to the west.. ' ' Bend me full name and addreas of your relatlvea or friends in the -a a a. . . ..a tValntrina. of ffnnln- tO tha Paclda Northwest, and I will have them furnished with literature and full Information, or If you wlah to pay the fare of any one. the money can be deposited with any Brent of the Northern Pacldo Rail way and tickets wlU be promptly furnished. For any additional Information wanted, call on -or-addrees . A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Paaaenger Agent, 55 Morrison BX, Cor. Third, Portland, Or. TEA ISRICES BAKING POWDER r " ;extractsc 7 OUSTRI6HT CLOSSET&DEVESS PORTLAND, ORE.' TEBH Save Money Come at one and have free examina tion. WE EXTRACT TEETH FREE: SIL VER FILLINQ8, 6o UP GOLD FILL. iNOfl, Ibn UP; SET OF TEETH, 14 00: SPLENDID SET. 18 00: OOLD CROWNS 13.00 TO $6.00; WHITE CROWNS, $!. TO. $5.00. All work guaranteed for ten yeara Lady attendant always present. All work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from 11 to to years' ex perience. Boston Dentists . : : . . '. rhons Main' 8030, ' '' 1911,', Korrlaon WC Opp PostoUlos. - r - ., 9m. TA-noa, ,. Tbs Xeadlaf theelallst, I Never (iuess Experiment or take chanoea ef any . aort. I attempt to cure only those dlaeaaea that I have been curing for the past it years, and feel sure J am Justified In saying that I have learned all about them. Were I lacking In knowledge per taining to my specialty I would never have attained my present success, nor would I today be rec ognised as tha leading specialist --treating men's diseases,, If -ef-f 11c ted, you can depend upon It that the service I offer you tn the service you need, and is service such as can be rendered by no other physician. - Pay Us for Cures. A If w ni3:zir a Liie-Long lure TU1T Tata rOXAOWXsTO - srsBAazsi. Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic; Blood Poison, Gonorrhoea, Varico cele, Sexual Weakness, Nervous Decline, Gleet, 8yphllls. Piles. Kid ney, Bladder and aU Urinary and) Private Diseases of Hen. It will not cost you anything te call at our office and consult us, and by so doing. It may save yon much time and money, and if we cannot cure you we will honestly say so, and you will not be under any financial obligation to ua T.OBB OT TIOOB. Tou may be lacking tn vital power. It so. we will restore you tha nun vim end vlaor of per fect manhood in from to to1 days, no matter- what tbe ca of same may be. COVSTBXOTXOV We cure, without the use of knife or instrument. In lfasys. by a treatment that impieteiy aw m. to 5 p. m.1 eveniags, T to SiaWi Sunday s t a. so. ve 1. Xonrsi i SWOUIS "tScS?D colufXat noon Aim tai-jctli. DO IT NO W! Take advantaga of tba '' ' ' '"'y COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And the Pacific Northwest over the Unioo Pacific, Oregon Short Line. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific, from all parts of the Eaat, DAILY during March and April. .;..., ... . ',- you cain prepay For tickets, if you desire to bring friends, relative, employee o others from the East, by depositing the cost with anjr agent of the O. R. & N. or S. T. Co- with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in thsj East. A Rare Opportunity to Protnot the In dustrial Growth of the Northwest BATXB FBOlC WS A Chicago If $30.80 at. i-juis ;j-f Kaneee City,. J-fO Omaha at. vanl 8.MO S33.00 ao.oo a s.oo 8.00 . 85.00 A Rates apply to all main and Inclusive. B Rates apply to Portland. Astoria ana rugei '"""' ." Southern Pmcino main and branch line polnta north of and Inclu-llng Ashlam Oregon. , . , . For complete Information, inquire of "- WH. KcHrrmBAT, Oeaeral Jaseeages Agsnt, Oregon Jt-.tlxoad ITavlgaHoB Co. C W. Stinger, City Ticket Agt., td and Washington. 1 PORTLAriB WIRE Phone 1.1 ai ri No Better V Treatment " in the World PayHeVhen You Are Cured This Is My Fair Offer to 1 Every Patient , . VARICOCELE . An average of one man tn five has varicocele. Most men that have this dLggtngajlrt4nlng weakness are not aware of It until It has wrecked Thelr Llves. Varicocele causes congestion of the blood in some of the most vital blood vessels of man. It causea a dull, heavy, lis Uee feeling which Is often mistaken for - nervous de bility or general decline of power. "wnAxamnw .- My cures of this disorder are per manent and laatlng. Xo tonics that stimulate - temporarily, but thor oughly sclentlfto treatment for the removal of conditions responsible -for the functional . ..dorans;emenC "Weakness" is merely a symptom of Inflammation or congestion in the prostate gland, snd under my own original local treatment thla gland la- promptly' restored to its ' normal state and complete functional 1 activity Is tha lasting result. , . The Dr. Taylor Co. 3tt l-ommxao-r inin. - Corner Beeond, poBraAJTD, om. OUR REE In Special Cases We give you a square deal. .Our services are the best you can get in Portland or elsewhere. We cure the diseases we treat and we do not treat - anything except Diseases of Men Cure with Us Means solves same, 'and permanently, re-' moves every obstruction' from, the ffBnali - - - TABXCOSS TTOTS. , .1 v ' ' We core ' this disease In' one week without aa operation. Every Indication of the disease soon vanishes, and In Its stead come the pride, power and the pleasure of perfect health and restored man hood. ' ooaTTaaxous blood ponoir. It may be n its primary Btage; It may have been hereditary or contracted. -We 'euro all Its com-, plications. We stop Its progreee. eradicate every trace of poison. I - from the system In from to to to Idays, to STAT CURED FOR EVER. - Newly developed, cases cured. AU burning,.' Inflammation : and- ,dle chargea stopped In 14 hours, and CURED In f days.' Write If you cannot call., ... ... DISPENSARY stbubts. oaXAjrx, o-taoo-r. CIAi. BASTSKS CITHa. A 40.00 47.80 , 47 .40 47 as 47--S Bngalo Iff ew Tork ...iktu,!!, Boston .................. rhllaaelpbla Weahlngtoa 943.S9 60.00 1 4.r.o 49.7 4M.ti branch line points, Huntington to "poksn tluntlngton to Spuksne. d. BANK AND OFFICE RAILi::: WIKE AND m FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Teici Poultry Netting. AND !r. ID