The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1907, SECTION FIVE, Page 60, Image 56

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tmm nut or m aoxarxra
aanaa uoiov. aoutrxxuo.
Embracing 1 acre, which at present
stage of development hss every indi
cation of producing golden harvest,
the equal of anr of the wonderful mines
of thaf wonderful regtoa In truth,
without a counterpart beneath tha can
opy of heaven, ao far aa known. For
eoraa peculiar reason, the peopl
Oregon have heard little of Ooldfleld.
because the newspapere hare not yet
turned their attention to that gold-'
lined, aold-beleweled, gold-garmented ,
wonderland of- wealth, at thla time the
pivotal point
throughout the
Capital Stock $1,000,000
Incorporated Under the Laws ot. Oregon, Owns lOO Aoros Without Incumbrance
mu jniTzm vm
AVOTTO located la Ooldfleld, by two brother, arranged atoek waa put upon tha mar- are now kept busy, both day and night.
Callahan by name. They had tramped ket, and to tha extreme aatlsfaotloa of There . win be no lagging any mora,
and dieted In all directions. They had the company anticipations of Its mam-' There will ba no stoppages for lack of
been for years see robins for tha noun- bars ware quickly realised, friends at funds. ' Stock la selling so rapidly that
tain's treasures. They at last had been once buying shares to the extent of , the wherewith will always ba on band
minl. bo thev haiuraL hn it void their ability. These sales were not oon- to "keep the wheels la motion." and wa
There Is lone- in tons had been sleeplna beneath tha fined to Portland, but orders cam from firmly beller that before e'yeer baa
wealth, niinia u That baa aone Into tha treasuries of ln la France for Ooldfleld sold. There surface of tha earth, what could It bene- all sections where tha several senile, elapsed
d!-"?t mtr ba thaC-th worI(1 The history of gold mining la a yearning la Britain for Ooldfleld at tha man or men without, otherjready., men, whose names, appear. atJhe t9Km u
' ' ' Ira tniii every wnere iciii ui iui vt nere ib treasure, uvrmuif hum uftnaaiwi nor (Ma wiu waica m procure uie dnh
raus tjb iom wxntwsMM, xu nrm
to xmi axon, uroai r oourau mot uoxt mu
CKUraZJ, W rim MAT MM- .". The world Is discovering that thla la
. FABA KM noBVOED on true. ' Nations are aendlna their repre-
. X.IOK Oirn smroauro AJTO JglWa- aentatlves to Ooldfleld. They are eom-
ii-ol aiuigi pomi.s . Inv from all countries.
of this i ' advertisement, were - known.
becauae Nevada haa proauoea lie oun4 eyen tn .malleat quantity of financiers and their emissaries are die- eary atenstls required to penetrate Ita Telegraphlo and mall orders eame la
uoon tons Of ths precious menu. u .,M (h.M mnr. ,nirfi If I. nnlv a naichaul tn rtoJi1fl"t Th fiit-u.lnr rank eovarlnar. or food ta maintain tha thick and fast, tha volume belns euffl-
discovery of the' B?M1J?,-, question of finding It But where fab- treasure seekers of tha continent caught bodywhlle tha work ' waa being doneT cient to warrant tha company In ordeN
amazing or capable or P1!?0"" ,J. uloua amounts of gold and stiver have the Ooldfleld fever, and If you visit Tha Under wera poor but plucky, lng Its manager, Mr. Bever, to proceed
nation. It has been wail saia oy ui nnt i. fk. ni..hM i. nnMnaU .nn win m (h ikm rt nrr nn nffmr waa mmAm ih tnm m. . at onca to Ooldfleld ta Br ran a for mora
Ooldfleld News. " "treaaxuof reasonably expected other fabuloua la tha busiest city la tha world today, llnqulshment of their rights, but they vlgoroue prosecution of tha work of
peawg or in. " ' . " . h treasure vaults may ba discovered, and
Nevada, thst Jone It was thla knowledge that ledihToft.a
ated more wealth than gr'l weary but n.T.r diour,. pmaptor
history 'nTundmmio: to find Tonopah. and then tha
history. ; w . --inna mat- of all the mining camps on the face of
1?J .! rranontlnental rallroada, the globe, the amaalngly . wonderful
great steamehlp llnea and telegraphlo ea- Ooldfleld.
bias across tha ocean: It financed noma gVDaa J. w. ZULaJTBal OFXanCOV.
It la the richest city of Its aga aver were as obdurate as the rock upon .which development. Departing from Portland
they stooa. ana xrora wnicar tnay reii on marco e, jnr. eevar amvea a u
would aome day ba extracted that which mines on tha fifth, and within 41 hours
should place them- far above " all had let tha contract for aandlng tha
thoughts of avarice or tha pale ef want, shaft down another 100 feet. ' Thla work
In other words, tha offer of thousands was awarded ta tha Callahan brothers.'
had no meaning for. thorn unless those for one good reason, becauae they wera
thousands should bo of such number aa stockholders to tha extent ef 176.000,
bullded by the hand of man. It la
growing In wealth aa ao dty before It
aver haa grown. ,
rAjrmi oxAxmt
endowed universities and colleges -and
galleries of art; It built P ,n-Jt'11T
. Investors In our stocks, and these eoa- to -appoar -unreasonable -to - any pros- betnr ownera,--wre not subject to the
From the Ooldfleld News. ' " templatlng Investments In our shares, poctlva buyer that might seriously eon-
"My experience In-camps for almost 'will be interested in a reply to tbliu template investment In an undeveloped
. -- . hlua Medl- niny years gives me no oasis oi com- inierrogauoa. i na sum nn nunini ciain, uwwr, m ar. . a.
ana r ct tnwns parlson. There Is nothing like Ooldfleld. properties consist or nva claims or ni Ross or rortiana, now or the great o-
( terranean: it built muiutuo w w Tner. ever ha bMn TMm tn. .,m. acr, mcn. xhu 100 acres is owned by hawk Extension mine, becoming ao-
; and cities, and laid ma "' plMt minng proposition In the world, the company, and absolutely free from qualnted with tha two prospectors, sug
end built the resplendent J111 via., regardless of everything upon the debt The claima were among the first gested the organisation ef a atock cora-
throughout the world In finance and pol
itics: it made United States senators,
railroad and bank prealdenta; It fixed in
" history the names of Mackay. Fair,
Flood. O'Brien. Sharon. Jones, Ralston.
Stewart, Hayward and Sutro. In this
mining camp waa framed the present
United States mining law, passed by
congress In 1871 the best mining laws
of any country In the world. Thla camp
has made famous American mining en
gineers, who are now solving the world'!
-mining and metallurgical problems on
ore reductions. - - -v-r
-But sside from the great Comstock,
Which produced W80.000.000, Nevada had
. other early camps of great achievement
that alone entitled her to high rank
among the gold producing districts of
the mining world. Austin was discovered
In 1860, her output totals 161,000,000:
Pioche was discovered tn 1865, her out
put was $80,000,000: Eureka was discov
ered In ltM, her output waa (44,000,000;
Jefferson Canon In 1870. output $22,009,
00; Mountain City In 1870, output $2,
ono.OOO; Tuscarora In 1871, output $48.
00,000; Ely tn - UTS, - - output $18,000,-
000: Candelarla In 1880, output $65.
00,000; VI Mar to ISM.-output $
and Innumerable-other amps-of -less
Importance- produced In the aggregate
not less than $100,000,000 more."
TIOaT. .
labor troubles now agitating Ooldfleld,'
and would not be harassed or hampered
by outside Influences. From the desul
tory , development of the discoverers,
before the company secured the claims.
new life waa lnfuaed Into the venture,
xnraro oomvabt inu mm am.
"And that those who have had the
courage to associate themselves with
us will rejoloe selfishly, perhaps la
the faej that , .
mat hxstbb wm pnoomn,
tu ovm oomtajtt ot rMxxnu
was omcrAjrms,
and are now reaping where they had
sows, even moat sparingly, a richer
harvest than ef which they ever had
dreamed. '" ;-
- But what of the mineral value of
Butte . Boys oreT It la a legitimate
the Nancy Donaldson, the close corpor
ation eonoern that decllnee to name Ita
output or permit an Investigation of It
books. Not a share of the latter mine's ".
knocks can be had . at any price, and
armed guards are constantly watching ,
:fttn? 'rf,OB y, Peeping- Tom
that might happen, to be around. Armed
men likewise accompany ail ore ship- '
menu te the smelters, but that one of
the Mohawk, the . check for which is
herewith shown, could not be kept so-
eret. and te allay all curiosity and con
jecture the Ooldfleld Jewe waa per.
SUlt1 J?phTpn slniUe of '
will afford a feast to our people'!
and the picks and shovels and drills question. Judge Deaae says of this
$1000 Reward
, Thla Is a fae-slralle of a check paid by
the Selby Smelting Company' for. 4T tons of
ore from the Mohawk gold mine, Ooldfleld, Ne-'
vada, shipped by the Hayee-Motinette Company,
' lessees of ths Mohawk, and as a guarantee of
Its genuineness, we will pay. the above, reward .
to any person successfully demonstrating to the
. contrary., ' The ore was received at the smelt- '
. er on January 21. and ea February the Hayea
' Monnette Company was handed the Selby Smelt- '
lng Company's check ea the Bank of 'Callfor-.
nla for the amount stated.-, The ore of the -Butte
Boye mine, at Its present stage of de
velopment, la Identical with that of the Mo
hawk, and the Indications are. that our mine'
'will prove equally aa rich as the 'other.. Of
course ao one expects our . ere will average 1
$12,280 te the ton, as this shipment did, but
"our free, milling- rock at $10 would -make oura
a most profitable proposition. We expect It
however. to go at least $21 to. $60. THB
i- i'...
Do you know what It means to in-
oUar and get back one thou
sand dollars f The Mohawk ewnera
nve hd this experlenoe, and still the
current of gold la flowing aa freely ,
aa when -the nood gates first were
opened. ' ' - :
Speaking with - ear manager, at the
mouth of THE BUTTE BOTS shaft ea
February t. one-of the Operators ot
the Mohawk said: ,
TAOB OF BITlurnge,
-Tour ore U of the same character,
but aaaays more. The deeper you go
the better you will find It, Thla la
the hlatory of thla eamp. and If you
find 110.00s or $11,000 rook, de not
be surprised, as for ourselves, we will '
not be astonished at anything thai anay
be 1 found here. Doubtless thla won
derful valley wa at one time a molten
maaa ef mineral aad rook, and gold may
be expected to be found, la plaoea. la.
almost its refined pwrlty, aad la eth
ers liberally mingled with the reek, but
the deeper the greater U quantity, be
eaaM being heaviest ec all ef the aMU
tea lake, It naturallv would sink ta
the greatest depth, . If year eompany
ahouid at aay tint desire ta let go,
eommoaleate) with ma Bat yon are
parting . with year stock for tee Uttla
aioeey. t la worth more thaa ywo are
asking for It. Wheel year shaft la
dewa te the depth ef your eeetraot, I
shall be greatly Olaappelated If your
shares are net at more thaa $1 each,
1 shall not be surprised tf they are 1,
nor will gasp la aatoolahment tf they '
ear te 10. - ; . '
owiamsr n a a
' WMMTK MM Ik BUHOrBSaV - -Portland
people are Invited te ellp
froea this paper the foregoing axaerpt
aad preserve It for future reference.
Those who ewa stook will aharUh Ita
trcdlotloM aad those wbe de not wilt
o that tremeodou ami at "Might
Have) Beeaar,, , J ' t -
ax as ura A sxxAxc
WaabbJKlea, Marrk 0 Assacistrd Preas
Dtspatrh te the Johnstown, Pa., Tribeae,
"UoldfleM, Mev Is a city with oat a r
ernmeoi." said J. t. Lnftaa, eae ef the
rk-h mining sa ef Ooldflslds. laat nlrht.
''Inac'n a eoounantty af 18.000 person!
with absolutely ae siaalpipal eaatral. And
we as me aeed any. It the atost ereerly
plsea t re Urea la. Ot eoana CTerytblaf
is wMe enrn. I'hare ta ae Bight, end Saa
eay hi tua same as any ether day, bat the
people ar set qaarrelaonie; we do aot bave
any risbts. Everybody is making stoncy.
Laborers there are paid 04 .SO a nay, clerks
raw 7 to $10 a day, siasons $, sad ear
pentera aboet toe aaoie. Anybody eaa ret
work. It is the ant marvelona condition,
I think, ta the world today, and tba wealth
ef tha country la ebeotately beyond belief.
"It la miIw for ae te tell the people
sf the east af tee eaomeaa rtebas there.
Tbey wonld not belleye oar story. Indeed,1
we can hardly beller It oarer Ires; pat- It
Is a (act that last year OoM field prodeced
In gold and Blleer 040.000.01 10. There are
soom aloes producing aa much aa 8.10.000
s day. sod yat wa kave not began to dig,
t believe that within a year the papulation
ef tea dty will ba 60.000. Whea I left
there I saw a trala ef half saaea enarhee
pulling tn. and tbey were ae crowded that
the passengers wera staadkig m the ebles.
Wkst to do with then Is a problem. There
aet ae hotels te speak of, snd I so not
know where the esweumeie will find plaeaa
ta elaep. t went Into Ooldfleld when there
waa Bathing there bat a few tents and a
ample ef shanties, snd I hare aaea It
oeveloB. In aU ay experience end I ha -a
Heed la the weat for many yeera I kaee
sever seen anything to equal 1L I de not
believe that la tbe felstory ef the vpe-ld
thera kaa been anything like the deaVop.
meat ef that eoantry. People will aot
believe me, eat it Is ao."
Mr. Lortas went ta Coldftelds from Oo la
me a comparatively poor sua. lie had
penchant for mining, and never waa happy
aieept when amaageka ''Goeeetnr hieon
telna," and at laat fonnd the Mecca far
wkh-k be long bad been In anarch. Arrhing
la Ooldfleld he leased proe porta from pres
pertara wbe had aot the means to develop
them, the aatcome being that both parties
are becoming wealthy. . ,
surface, sink your shaft and then cross
cut,.; j., ;':;'. ' " . ""
"Properties of no rating last year are
the wonders of this year,' and the old
mines grow Just aa they are developed,
ever better with depth. , Tour aasaya
of $5.00 of today, may be $800, IS.000.
$50,000 tomorrow. . You can' see the rock
4s mineralised, but only fire will tell te
what extent. Ooldfleld has not been
built upon the ruin of other places.' i All
about are splendid camps. "To over
praise Ooldfleld would be . impossible.
Our problem Is to temper (ruth so It
shall be believable'" Ooldfleld' position
la that of a matchless diamond sur
rounded by sapphires, emeralds,' rubles,
precious 'jewels, such s Wonder, Taring-ton.
Round Mountain. Silver Peak,
Manhattan, Falrviaw, Tonopah,. Cuprite,
Gold Mountain, Bullfrog, Oreenwater
and a score of places, each with peculiar
merit, and each capable of arousing Ita
own champion. Read Fits-Mao on Yer
tngton, greet the boys from Wonder."
listen to a Rhyollte man, or let a Sliver
Peak miner tell you what la doing over
there in way. of preparation for the
' Shares tn the Mohawk mine et Ooldfleld.
beranse Ita proapecta seamed te be poor,
wers pat epos tbe market at H cents each.
These stocks are now selling at 817 per
share, and a working girl wbe Invested
MT.60 ea the start eonUI now sell at $2ft.0O0.
bet she won't let sv abe shows good senae-
A miner Invested 8100 tn stock ef tbe
LeRot mine-in British totambta end later
Bold . It Cot 82&0.OM -
The O ran He Moontabi eold Ita - first
aharas st 10 cents, and a blacksmlfb took
$100 worth. The paper soared to fTO per
share, end be Bold oat at 87SO.0OO and Is
now oecapytng aa e let ant soma hi Detroit.
The rents of his buildings amount to $7,000,
and ha "meweaee" ret along on that.
Ba on as ponaded Iroa at 88 per day.
A servant girl pot 830 m Com atock at
$ cent a, and It made ber mdepeadent.
A bfickUyer wss paid 800,000 for 8M
worth ef stork be booght tu tha eame property
A poor crippled boy Is now living tn sal
ary from a few shares of Tonopah stock,
gives him by a sympathising friend
A woman who eondnrted a lodg Ing-aeese
apent $.10 for I-eRoi shares, and that SCO
earned ber a. 000 per cent ea her investment,
oha Is taking It easy. - -,
Instances almllar te theae might be re
peated over and ever araln. We believe
the Butte Boys Consolidated will eqnal
these records.
pany a a means of acquiring fund to
develop the properties. This, In fact,
was the one aad only avenue open te the
. gentlemen. : They . had no revenues of
their own, ao after careful consideration
It waa resolved to acquiesce In Mr. Rosa
, suggestion. The . letter's "Portland
friends were thea communicated with, '
and, to make a long story brief, .THA
. INO COMPANY wa Organised, Its name
being derived from the home place of
the Callahan, the five claima were con
solidated Into the one company hold
ings, and . . ' e
'ATX ' An sfxx:
But the organiser -of the eompany,
while well known as substantial busi
ness men, were not rich, and as the de
velopment of a quart mine mean more
than the expenditure of a few thousand
dollars, it was decided to give - their
Trvaeda and the publlo a chance at se
curing an Interest In these mineral lo
cations situated In tha richest mlnsral
basin sver trodden beneath the foot of
man. So soon aa the details could be
s person ntvastsd $1M la ths
shame at the Butte Boys Oeeiaolldaaad Min
ing eompany, am
taveatmeat weald exceed mora thaa $1
day ef the year. There er
la Portland living amfortably aa
each aa saeome. Bat tf theae shams o-reae-nally
pay 60 par eest,ths aemar at this
$100 block ef aeeek weald be mailing 88
aad mora per day far spending mossy, snd
la TO daye weald have his eeigtnal taveat
meat la his pocket, and thereafter bis divi
dends would be velvet' Bat if the stack
la the Bntte Boye OaasolMatad Mmtaf aoee
pany abail soar aa aome ethsr shares have
soared, te 0,000 par cent, thaa the hues tor
la $160 worth of Its sella tare! Baser mlsht
ewa the aaataet beote la Oregon aad lead
a comfortable ailsteaee ea the mere thaa 81
rr hoar, day and night, Sundays aad boll,
ye iBclndsd. thst woald be hie doe. The
man er wemaa who has 1 er more be er
she caa spare for thla atoek now, while tt
selling at 10 caata per share, win do well
te read the eeanpany'e advartiaamast la
another part ef that paper. Aa aaaay ef
free milling ere from the mine, made by
tbe Garvin Cyanide Extraction eaanpaay, at
the foot ef Morrleoa street, ea laarsday,
shewed vafcaee ef ever M00 to the tea.
That la aaore thaa 0,000 par cent reck. ,
The Butte Boys Consolidated
:.' . r
CUT 1 Thla would mesa that geld
everywhere la Ooldfleld reeka. Doubb
lass this to true, but ROCK FROM THB
whaa It would par te work It 0t,$l
per tea bat '-7-" f -Tt 7-r ;
Caa the reader Tudarstaad vrhet tkU
means T Tbe Drum Dummoa koine it -Marya-viUe,
00 mllea from Hal ana, Moa
tana. average tees thaa HI a the tea,
aad It sharee aaanet be had at HMO
eeuhl It means mere thaa this ta THB
BUTTB BOYS mlnaav because ear la
free mining rock- coating lace thaa a
tenth te treat that It eeet to reduce to
bullion the Drum Dumraon produot. Net
an assay ha yet been made ef ere from
the Butte Boy claim that haa aot
shown gold la paying guaatltleal. This
I a moat remarkable a hewing. Net eaoe'
la a thousand time that this eooura. It
waa net so with the Mohawk, nor with
xo oxxra tmm niu
And aoaltlvelr ever
will be aeed for the development ef tha
eTjknxxunta aruxv aim axus vifjjcav. au m
are aatlaflad ta wait tear tha .- ..mrZ
and glad that that amportunlty
wheat tbey snavy stand apoa
the fcrlnk of tad
happy witnesses ef aot
but of their frtaoda
procpexityv t
and be the
Capital SljOOOiOOOIncorporated Under the Laws of Oregon
" Weatherly Building:. 360 East -Morrison Strtet. Ntar Union Avenue: ' Uif-
-r r--'- ' .Telephone Eait 773 ' I v J.' . iiui:.::. -
. DR. IS. a MoCORKXB. xealdent... .ForCand. Oregon
GKOROB5 W. BEVER. Vlee-Free. and Mgr.Fortlaad, Or.
F, W. McKXCHNIB, Seeret trjr.nM .a Fortlaad, Oregon
"A. W. XiAHBERT, Tree aurer.y.. Fortlaad. Oregon
O. W. WBATHERLT. . . ... .i.usm ..Fortlsnd;, Oregon
XX "W. FAXBCTiOUOH...... .......FortUnd, Oregon
CHARLES sCAUTZ. J. .FotUnd, Oregon
A oosBFonao BaxxFUn. ;
(IVaai the Balitftehl Mews.1
As area, with hi which Ootdrveld Bes, b
tweaty eeree eaeh, aa, see ef wale sear
field's aMtehleaa Mohawk.
eaase ate saia el the leanslanla rata af
tea relBoars to the year. N weals tons
te set tbe aroaad iavalusat aeU
a a
eaa Id
Bat there la net a alaia to ke taksa ta
the OoMfieia suefHet. AB are maiilit.
aao, iuibii as raaava, snaas anve sens 11
aanaeatbi. Never we this kiwwa listens.
et the ernnaO
U bat 1.000 sal
trrsna tbe OeMfhud Mi
fa tMdflaM dtatrtet was slaiuisaeO by
free test sil-fold aaaiB ta the world. Be. I
aeebu ea H b to6ay7$U0.O00 everv tweatf. I
oar been, or at the rata ef OtO.OoO.000 I
er aaaaan. Oe Id field haa ber Mohawk 1
mmm, nuuBSBiiiaaaniy tae isaias ataaactnf
mine ef all history, bavtaa s ba eradtt
aa enroot, ef $0,000,000 rnlOO days, aaoer
the Mastn a re tarn. OaldrieU has fear
Xo-nt. thaa which SMay beUev that Bet
I tne aioaswB nj sieaaav. She bee fear
i haa L-i
Bad Too. OembrsatloiL Phasaan. fleaahtaa.
tloa PracHoa, Daley. Oreat Bead aad aaaay
ettera, nr eeaef Which weald shake.
Sixteen" Thousand Acres Are
Bought Apparently for West
. ern Cooperage Co.
Ilalf-Alillloo Dollar Believed to Be
the Price Paid Messrs. Bradford
FlDler, Who Boncht It From
' . Chicago Men.
Tha largest deal recently reported Is
ths sals of about 18,000 acre of choice
timber on .. Youngs ' river In Clatsop
county, Oregon, te Fred J. Coster and
Watson Eaatman. trustees. This tract
was bought from the Charles a. Street
Lumber company of Chicago In October
last by W. H. Bradford and Oeorge Fin.
ley,, Ainsworth building, this city, snd
the present sale waa consummated for
them through trie agency ef Jackson A
Iwerlng, aided by D. Ellery, associated
with ths latter firm. While the con
slderstlon I aot mad public. It la
supposed ts be in the neighborhood of
Several cruises' have bean made ef
the property and a conservative estl
' mats shows the amount of good, mer
rhsntabl timber to be about TJS.000,
C00, largely yellow fir. The purchasers
era with the Western Cooperage eom
rany. which conoera has offices in the
r-teame building la this city, snd plants
at Iloulton, ' Grays Harbor and Saa
rrranclaeo. They arO - reticent aa te
diepoettioa te be anade ef the purcheee,
but a reasonable presumption Is that
It la for the Western Cooperage com
pany and that the purchase means much
to Portland in the way of raanufactur
lng and a consequent payroll of magni
tude to be distributed In the city.
Several rumors have been afloat aa
to the consummation of the proposition,
but tbe deal waa eloeed only this date.
being financed through the Banker A
Lumbermen bank.
fSneeUl Dlsnatcb to The JoaraaM
' Seattle, Wash., March 1$. From to
day's sailing of the steamship Buverte
to June the shipping firm of Frank
Waterhouse and company - will have
handled more than 100.000 " ton of
flour, lumber and general merchandise
for 'Shanghai and Siberian and north
luna ports. This covers ths sailing
of It vassels. Including the liners
Bhawmut and Tremont running to
cnlne, Japan and the Philippines.
Owing to ths railroad blockade a
large number of flour mills ef Wash
ington and Oregon were forced to close.
They are again running and the filling
ef back orders haa resulted la a great
aeroand for tonnage.
In order to take care of the business
Frank Waterhouse announced this
morning had chartered four aT&i-
tlonal steamships. . The principal ship
ments on theae vessels will be flour.
Carrying T.ZS0 tone the "steamship
ouverie cieareu today ror Kobe, Taku
and New Cbwang. Sailing on March
tl the Shawmut will have 14,800 tons
for regular porta of calL The Aymerlo,
scheduled to clear from Portland March
10, will have 1800 tona for Vladivos
tok. Taku and New Chwang, and the
Quite, Bailing March It from Portland,
will have 8,400 ton for Che Foo, Taku
and New Chwang,
' The - steamship Olsnes, t.tOO tone.
Just chartered. Is booked te leave Puget
sound about April 1 for Vladivostok,
Nil ante and New Chwang. ,
It Is understood that Oeorge B. Cro
kner, whose term aa representative from
the elghUi district of Indiana aaa Juat
expired, will ""receive aa appointment
from President Roosevelt as postmaster
ef hi koca dty af Monole.
Two Factions Seek Locations In
Different Parts of the
City., ;
Prominent Second street Chines mer
chant are in a quandary a to. the
wisest plaa to pursue In establishing a
new - Chinese quarter. Several of the
leading and wealthiest oriental In the
city are la favoivof remaining In - the
district north of 'Washington or Morri
son streets, alleging that the north end
of the city will always remain- tha best
business district, while Beid Back, ths
best-known Chinaman In Oregon, and
Moy Back Hln, tbe Imperial consul for
the northwest, have purchased property
on Salmon street and will erect a large
building which they hope to flu with
Chinese merchaata and roomers.
Those favoring ths northern and baVe
been quietly seeking a large site north
of Washington street, upon which they
propose to erect a huge building that
will become a center ef Chinese activity
and ultimately beopma the nucleus of
an exclusively Chinese quarter. The
exact location thst Is being sought could
not be learned, but It waa uggestsd that
somewhere on Fifth - street north of
Burnslde, or in the vicinity ef the Fed
eral building on Park er Seventh streets
would be tbe final choice.
The Chinese realise that they must
give up their old district on Second
street, between Pine and Salmon, that
ha been known aa Chinatown for the
past to years. Property In that quarter
ha become toe valuable for Chin ess oc
cupancy. Their business will not stand
the rent, that that property will very
soon command. With the completion of
the new passenger station by the Port
land 1 Railway company. It Is expected
that Second street from Burnslde south,
for a dosen or more blocks, will dsvslop
into a flrst-elasa retail thoroughfare.
J . SKK PAGES 24-2B ,
Suggestion Mad That One Here
' Would Be Profitable,
' "I see that afosea Ounat ef Saa Fran
cisco baa begun work on his asw 10-
story office building la that city to be
devoted exclusively te the uses of den
tists, and will be arranged and fitted up
with that end la view." remarked a well
known Portland dentist. - "Why don't
soms ef our cnpltallsts whe are piercing
the sky with office structures adopt the
Idea of the Baa Francisco millionaire
and provide the Portland dentists with
offices especially adapted to their
"I have no doubt such a venture wonld
pay. There are vary few office that
are In every way aulted to the require
ment of our profession; especially Is
this true with regard to light and in
terior arrangement. Probably a large
eight er ten-story building In Portland
could not be filled up with dentist
alone at thla time, but It could be ar
ransad to meet the rexitilrementa of phy.
l i l -aa
tolas as wall.
There are not lesa than 100 physlrnane
and dsntlsts tn Portland, and X should
think that at leaat half ef them would
be glad to offloe la a building la which
their comfort and convenience had been
arranged for la the design. Some time
ago I noticed where aa enterprising
Portland builder waa preparing td put
up an office building specially designed
and arranged to meet the requirements
of the member of the legal profession.
Such a building for ths medical and
dental profession would without a
doubt be a paying Investment," - ,
'. v r' " , - . .
, (Continued from Page Fifty-eight)
a posxtxt ne-sssrrr. ,. v .
Raving to lay upon my bad for 11
daye from a severely bruised leg, I
only found relief when I uaed a bot
tle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can
cheerfully recommend It as the beat
medicine for brulaes sver sent to the
afflicted. It has now beoomo a posi
tive necessity upon myself. D. R.
Byrnes, Merchant, Doveraville, Teres,
880800 and 11.00. Sold by aU drug
Hon, purchase land and put up the
main buildings, i For the present tbe
company will devote it energies toward
turning out freight ear equipment
Later, a the plant expand, street and
Interurbaa alectrio oar and passenger
coach will be turned out
taiga Force of kfea.
" Wherr' operating up' to full capacity
the plant will give employment to 100
men, most of whom will be blgh-elass
skilled mechanics. A large amount ef
steel and Iron will be used In tbe con
struction ef ths cars, which, it la said,
eun be laid down in Portland from
Pltta'jurg and other eastern steel can
tor aa cheaply as at Chicago. Row
ever. It Is not thought that It will be
necessary to bring In steel parte for
a great length of time, as Iron or de
posits of great 'promise have recently
been opened up along tha line of the
O. R. A N. la eastsrn Oregon. . , ,
: On aooount of the abundance ef lum
ber, the promoter of the car plant say
that thsy eaa turn out a wooden freight
car cheaper in Portland thaa tt eaa be
done la Chloage and . other eastern
point, where heavy lumber freight bill
have te be taken Into aooount .
Mot tot Pullman.
Mr. Judaon poaltivaly denies that he
I working In the Intereat of ths Pull
man Car company In engineering ths
project Rs declines to givs ths names
of tooe Interested with him In the
project, but tt Is thought that the
Oeorge W. Bvan Car Equipment eom
pany may be largely interested la tbe
Use and
- -
( )J J Lcnbago, Sclttlci, Gout, niuralgli
' for my patent
iwivb o L QATXS. Haneoek. Hlnn., writes: A little rrl ber had lack a weak bank
esusea Df umnasna and Kidney Trouble tba sbe eoa Id ao a land oa bar feet. Tbe moment
knee Taut hae Anea eel aha Hner aha vnnU eyipamea with mIm I - v i v
boo aooay see rans aroaaa as weu an aappy eaa 00. 1 prescribe 0-DBOPS"
and nea It In bit braoloa"
. DR. 8. D. BLAND, rewton. Oe. Wrltea: T bad been BsnfferaTforan-rmbsr of years with
Lansero sod Rbeamatlam la my arms and start and Wled all the remedies tha I could rattier .
from medical works, and also consul led with saasober of the best phraloiana bat found nothloa
that gave tha i relief obtained frota -DBOPS.,r I shall preeerlbe H U my praetloe for rbsuuuZ '
tlsm and kindred diseases."
..Tooee vbo are suffering ths terribletortatesandag
relief by tbe aaa ef "Drape.' it Is tbe one remedy tba will almost Instantly relieve thoes
eaoraelMlii pains caused by this moat dreaded ot all dlaeaaea. Apply "w-Onp" exteraaliV.
Bub ithorouably oa the afflicted arhln parts sod It wlU stop aba pala Is a very short time.
Take H0-Orees IntsraeUy. To eflsot a euro It Is aeoescary to sleens tbe blood of aria
Mid aad ether poisonous matter aad pot the system In a perfectly healthy eoodltloa. When .
this baa been done too will be free from all rheumatle pains, RhaanaaatlaSi 1 a bleed fllariaoa
aod this traatmeol U the rational one tor auch en alenl uaeaae
If you mrm ufferlna with Rhotimatlam, Neuratgla, Kidney Trouble.
-- La Orlppoe Cold a, Ooughoe Lumbago, solattoa, Oout, Asthma.
Catarrh, Neuralglo Headaoho or other kindred dlaeaoee.
" 7 "B-OROra" I sMf w(y tf mt mmlmmt,
i-" Imtmtmnmm ausef mthf mlmmllmm mt
foPriT PFlPPI4 trial bottl wU1 b mailed free of chargo to every
- ' HI-'H reader of this paper upon requeot. Write today.
Lanre tlze ottte (SOO Done) SI.OO. ror tale by Prugfrlet.
" ask ea OrvvvMs tor the "8W8N80 FlU," Care tor CenaUaalles. MICE 2S CTt.
JnAISCa F.:::ATI3 C'E CO., (Ctpt. 43), ISO Uki St., Chleip
proposed new enterprise. . , - s '
An Interesting feature of the pro
posed ear building plant Is ths fact that
It wiU largely aid la giving relief for
the ear shortage that has existed ta
Oregon and adjacent state for ths past
two years. ,
Who I Metagerf He fit your eye
for 11.00. ill SUtk treat, ,