The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1907, SECTION FIVE, Page 58, Image 54

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' IT " ' " ' ' ' I Ton row. readlnv from left to t f 1 I Ml Tl I 1 II 0 Tf fl ;
Home-Site Lots In Recently-
Opened - Districts ; Are X 1 .
Selling Rapidly.'-
Traoafera of Inside Healt -Well Up
I to Arnrkge Deaplto Strike A. C.
. - Ihuuneler'a Parche tb Lr(et
f the Week. ...
,1 , ...... ' 1 '- f .!( . it . '
, '! Th principal featnrM of th past
week's resit jr transactions wars - the
;, kesry -movement la sabarbsa lots, eipe
'' ' clsjlr tbst . class of property . sold on
. , snonthlr or quarterly Instsllments. It
Is no xsrcersttoa to say that hun
dreds of thess lots were sold during
the week Jolt dosed. ' . ' . ":
. 8Tsrat sddltlona bare been p'tit on
the market since tbs first of the year
, where the cash payment- Is reasonable
j and tbs monthly Installment la within
reach, of the common laborer.- And the
' '. It day man is apparently not nflect-
' ins; tbs opportunity to acquire . a de
' alrablo and cheap homo alts. . -j ' ,j
la all parts of tbs west side, except
.In South Portland. In the vicinity of
' Pulton, rsMdenca property baa gone en
tirely out of reach sf the ordinary
ware earner, who baa 'stood by and
- aratchsd the values Increase, when as
: a matter of fact thla same ware-earner
could bar secured a lot in .almost any
' residence district' In the city av few
- years aero for the same amount ha aow
" lias to pay for a suburban lot thres or
, four miles from tbs center. But from
' tbs reports of tbs psat few days he is
' new making up for lost time.
, . ea City Park toss suing.
fn the Itoee City Park addition, aorta
east of Jrvlngton, . the Hartman - A
Thompson sgency hss sold nearly 10
lots slnre putting that property on the
market less than 19 days airo. These
' lots are selling at from 40 to f 100.
with It per cent cash and I psr eonf
' a month, .;
At East St. Johns, M. X Relbrook has
, recently put a to-aor addition on sale.
' oat of which he has sold about ItK.eOs
worth sf lota -Ths Holbrook addition
la known aa Eset Bt Johna, . .
Warerlelsh. tha H. W. lmeVa tan
pany's reaurrey of Wsrerly, has at
tracted a good deal of attention from
home kuyera, with tha result that srer
half the addition has alreadrbeon sold.
Capitol Hill, the tract adjoining Ful
ton Park in South Portland, baa just
been platted and put on the market by
M. J. . Clobessy. Cspltot Hill Is a
sightly tract overlooking the Willam
ette river and . will aoon have three
electric railways connecting It ; with the
can Mr of tha city. -r. ' !
laveral Big Zaslds Sales.
While tha strike of tha sawmill work
era promlaed In the early, part of tha
week Just passed seriously to Interfere
with the activity in tha Inside realty
market tha tranaactlona of ths last
three daya brought tha total well up to
tha average of weekly salsa ainoa tha
opening of the new year. 1
Tha largest single 4eal reported was
that of A. C. Dunrosler. who purchased
tha block near tha terminal grounds,
bounded by Taughn. Wilson. Eighteenth
and . Nineteenth - atreeta. Jrony C. C.
Vaughn for- lit.COO. IS. Vaughn had
purchased tbs block tha same day from
w. A. story for !..; ' .
Another double eala In whleh JJ.Ofle
profit waa made 1n a short time waa
tha purcbasa by D. C Keyt af Dallas
of the quarter-block at tha northweet
corner of Fourth and Bverett' streets
for' l.900. Tha holding Is known as
tbs Jjarkness property and had
.... .n. ears ss a eoal yard. Tha
aata waa made by Bollam. Orussl
Hlgley, who sold -ii . iw .
to a Seattle investor for $40,009. ,
, Froflt Thted Straa. -,
Tha auarter block at tha norwaet
corner of Third and Jsffersoo streets
was taken over by Joseph Closset for
MS.000. Tha property was sold try Msr
tln Kosenbaum. . wha cnnjrsd it less
than one year aga for $.000. A two
hrirk anil some small frame build
ings occupy the property. Thlselte la
diagonally across uw ' "
auarter block bought some months ago
. t k. tip 1 1 7 KAS and for
which s substantial advance has bean
Tha Metropolitan Inveatment eompany
added te its boldlnga In ths vicinity of
tha proposed. passenger and transfer
station of ins roruuio i." 7 -pany,
by buying from tha Falling ae
tata tha three-story brick- on First
street near Pins. , Forty thousand dol
lsrs was paid for thla piece. Tha sale
was negotiated by Brooke A Kiernan.
Since the announcement of tha Inten
tion of the Portland Railway eompany
to build tha paasenger etatlon on Sec
ond and Pine property valuea In that
district have largely Increased. "
r " 'OHsan Street Froparty Sam. . '
' Frlta Strobel and Charles Barcn
stetcher now own the entire half block
on the north .side of Ollsan street be
tween Nlrth and Tenth, having Just pur
chased the quaitftr block at tha north
west eorner of Gitssn and Ninth from
U H. Lewis for.f 10,000. Tha remainder
of tha half block waa acquired a few
weka ego at a cost of 132.(00.
- This property Is In a district that Is
rapidly growing in favor as a business
section. Tha electrio line is on Ollsan
and a spur track from tha 8 on them Pa
cific runs along Ninth to Bverett. - A
wholesale firm la negotiating wita-the
Twenty-Five Thousand-Dollar
Purchase Made by Ernest Ziel
esch In Polk County. . . .
JPoIk county farm lands are attracting
tha attention of newcomera from the
middle western states, several of whom
have recently purchased farms la that
and other Willamette valley -eountlea
One of - tha finest and beat imprevad
farma In Polk county waa purchased a
few daya ago by Ernest Zlelesoh from
William Fuqua." The place la on ths
owners for a long time Isasa on ths
property .attar . a . business block . Js
erected on It. 1
Property on tha Stark street extension
IS selling for nearly as high a price as
that In the same vicinity on Washington
street - George Merrill sold a 20 by 100
lot on the south side of the extension,
between Twelfth and ' Thirteenth, for
110,000. or $500 a front foot It waa
purchased I by . a loesl , Investor, whose
name la withheld for the present) XI
J. Daly made the sale. - . . - . . (
Bertram's Quick Profit
Charles Bertram, who purchased the
Alblna v gardens a few weeks ago for
$10,000, sold ths same property laat
week to J. J. Halm for $15,000, clear
ing II par cent In about six weeks.
Both Sales were negotiated by Bollam.
Orusal A Hlgley.
. Ths Redemptorlst fathers have taken
title te the elcht-aere tract In Upper
Alblna. on Portland boulevard, for which
they .contracted some weeks ago. Ths
property belonged to the Marshall sis
ters and was sold for $18,600. Ths Re
demptorlst fathers, have headquarters
at St. Johns and are engaged In the
education of the Cat hollo youth through
out the country. . . . ....
'The lot at tha southeast eorner of
East Sixth and East Burnslde hss been
purchased by C B.. Cooper for $1B.000.
The property belonged to C D. Plvlne
and was sold by Mall A Von Borstal.
Mrs. Maud O. Hudson has purchased
from Mrs. A. Larry tha quarter block
at the southeast eorner cf Enst Third
and Eaat Couch streets for $11,000. The
deal was made by E. H. Virgil. , -
j Sanderson Reed has purchssed the
quarter block at tha southeast comer of
East Ninth and East Grant streets for
$(,000. , Six small cottages occupy the
site. . . 1 J .t ..
. Bassett A . Field have purchased 10
acres on the right of way of the pro
posed Mount Hood railway for $4,000.
E. K. Merges, has purchased four lots
In Goldsmith ad.lltlon for $7,0001 The
lots- are artrtnted on Sevier street, be
tween Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth
streets, a district that la fast filling up
with handsome bomse. . . , ,
- - e
' - Top row, reading front left to q
right Residence . of Thomas q
Cralna, Baaa Line road, near
Forty-first street; Couch build- 4
Ing, Fourth, near Washington; 4
Acheson building. Fifth, near 4
Morrison. N .-. q
Bottom row Excavation for q
sits of " . new building, comer q
Eleventh and Washington; mod-, 4
em flats. Twenty-second and '
Kearney. . ; 4
Lacklamute river, near Parka, nd oon
slsts of 140 acres.' all of which la In a
high atate of cultivation except 70 acres
of wood land. ' Soma timber la en the
place, much, of which will make good
lumber. . The Consideration waa $2S,000
or about $40 aa acre. '
Land deals of thla else are 'of rare
occurrence In thla section now, aa most
of tha big donation claims are , being
cut up Into smaller farms.
Mr. Zlelesoh earns to- Oregon from
South Dakota last fall and has been
quietly looking around to find some
thing that Just suited him, and after ne
gotiations that , lasted over . several
weeks clossd the dsal with. Mr. Itaqua,
Over $100,000 of eastern money has
been Invested in farm lands In different
parts of Polk county la the past few
months. , ' y . ' v -,
... - , ..,. t .:...
Plans ; for Reenforced Concrete
and Brick Structure Being
Drawn by Architect.
The Oregon City Masons are prepar
ing to erect a $36,000 Maaonio temple.
The buUdlng will be TO by f teat three
stories In height and will be eonatruoted
of reenforced concrete and brick. C C
Robblns, the architect, , baa been com
missioned to draw 'the pVuie, The tem
ple will be . erected by Multnomah
Lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. M.
Ths first floor hss already been leased
to a mercantile firmfor a period of 10
years. The second' floor will be ar
ranged In office sultea Ths third floor
will be devoted entirely to lodge pur
poses, and will be divided Into a lodge
hall $4 by It feet a banquet hall It by
10 feet, two reception parlors, kitchen,
ante-rooms, sto. ... - . . ,
Residents of Cnburg, Marlon county,
are talking of estsbllshing a glaae fac
tory. Ths promoters are A. . Av Stone
burg "of Coburg, Gus Msthtsonan east
ern settler, and John Headaurg, slse
of Coburg. A fine bed of silica sand has
been located and .the promoters say
tbey have ample capital to eetsbllsff the
' There ere many standards; Schilling's
Best la the standard for tea and coffee
?.f tTaltaS aulw
.. 4 .. k. ' wBsassassassasjasjsxa-11 11 asi v
Half-Million Dollars to Be Spent
on Pennoyer and Pit- ; .
tock Sites. 1 :
Portland Bowtns; Club la Oatherlnf
' Fund to Replace) ' It Boathooae
Deatroxed to tbe Reoenl tTaoaual
Rise In the WUUunetU lver. -
: Notwlthatandlhg the ' atrika of (he
sawmill-workers . and tha consequent
threatened tleup of the building trades,
a large amount Of new construction
was projected during the past week
and a number of extensive building
projects that were merely la tbs em
bryotlo Stage have been advanced to
the point where work may be expected
to begin In a short time. '
. It la announced that plans for tha
now $600,000 buildings to be erected on
the Pennoyer and Plttock properties by
ths. Western Trustee company are being
prepared by Charles R. Aldrloh of Se
attle, tbs official architect of tha
trustee company. J. Whyte Evans, who
financed the deal whereby tha leasss
ware secured on these sites, waa anx
ious to have a Portland architect do
thla work, bu the official architect of
the company was designated instead.
A 10-story building erected by this com
pany In Los 'Angeles has juat bean
Contract for Apartments,
W. L, Morgan, who drew the plans
for Dr. F. L Ball's three-story apart
ment house to be erected at Twenty
first and Flanders streets, has award
ed tha contract for the building. The
structure will cost about $20,000, will
cover a full 60-foot lot, and will be
completed In about four 'months.
The Portland Rowing elub Is prepar
ing to replace its club and boat house
that was carried away by . the high
water of . two months r.go. A portion
of the required building fund haa al
ready been raised, and a committee Is
actively engaged In soliciting subscrip
tions to ' complete the fund. -
A second columbarium Is to be erect
ed at the crematorium of the Portland
Cremation association,' near Sell wood.
The Improvement will be J by ! feet
In two sections, each it by II feet The
main walls of the struciurs will be of
reenforced concrete. The interior walls,
niches, etc, srs to be of white tile set
In cement md the windows -will be of
art glass. Something like four months
will be required la ita aomDletlon,
Practically all of the niches la the old
columbarium are In use. which makes
necessary the building of a second one.
About $$.000 will be expended la the
Improvement i . j.
Veer Esgiae-Xeasea. 1
Two . new engine-bouses are , ta be
erected by the city during the next few
months, one at Grand avenue and Mult
nomah etreet and the other an Portland
Heights. Ths plans have been prepared
and . are to be eeea at the eity halL
There la soma reiuotanoe on the part of
contractors to bid on this olaaa of work
on account of tha delay that too often
occurs in their getting paid for the
work. The annoying amount of red
tape that haa to be gone through with
before the warranto are drawn ta pay
for city improvements makaa thla olaje
of work Very unpopular with the better
class of contractors.
Fire Chief Campbell, however, la con
fident that the buildings will be ready
for the fire equipment by July 1.
Arohitect Erneet Kroner has secured
a quarter block on Front s erect In South
Portland, on which ho la preparing to
put up four modem two-storjt, dirslllngs
to cost about $$.000 each. - ,
. . . Aoheaoa, Building mistaff.
The -Acheaon building, going up on
Fifth street Juat south of and adjoin
ing the new six-story Falling building,
hss reached the fifth floor. The front
la af yellow brick and presenta a very
attractive appearance.
E. -A. Baldwin,, tha owner of the Bar
geant hotel at Grand and Hawthorne
avenues, , has under consideration the
plan to duplicate the Sargent hotel
building on the adjoining lot faring
Grand avenue. , Tha proposed atmc
.will scat about. $100,000. - The
ground floor will bs used for business
purposes, snd ths flvs upper stories
wilt bs occupied ss an annex to ths
hotel. Mr. Baldwin la extensively In
t.e..A in enst side central property
and Is planning other large building
Improvements tners aunng m. cumins
summer. . . '
wsr o Completion.
. Joseph M. Heaiys new four-story
business block st Grand avenue and
East Morrison street Is nearly ready
for occupancy. Tbs ground floor Is to
bs occupied by a branch establishment
of a St Paul department store. It Is
reported that ths owners of ths north
west northesst snd southeast comers
of Grand avenue and East Morrison
street are considering Improving these
properties with substantial three or
four-story business houses. If this
plan Is carried out 1. will sdd rtreatly
both to ths appearance n4 value of the
east side business center.
A handsome pattern of tiling has
Just been laid on ths e.ghth floor of
the Chamber of Commerce. The tiling
Is o the kind known ss eeratnlo mosaic,
with a brad Oreclan black snd white
border. : Ive oth floors of this bui.d
ing srs' to be laid with this tiling, st a
total Cost of about $10,000.
Wettger-flts yoor eyes for $1.00." Ill
Sixth street near Washington,
Portland Capitalists Interested1
In Half-MIIIion-Doliar
' . . Concern. , . A "V.""
A Force of Five Hundred Men WI3
Be Employed In tha Bafldlnf
; Much-Needed Carriers of Freight,
a First. -
Negotiations are la progrees for the
establishment of a oar-building plant
In Portland. Tha alta of the proposed
plant haa not been fully determined, but
It Is probable that It win be located on
the lower peninsula. ' Tha projectors ri4
three tracts et land varying la are
from tl to 100 acres. "
The Lewis and Clark fair grounds
was 'or a while considered as an avail,
abls place to Install tbs plant but the
price of land in that vicinity rendered
the plan not feasible, and recourse was
had to the peninsula, which la aow
thought aa even batter location. . ,
- ' formerly With PuUmaa.
Walter H. Judaon, formerly connected
with the Pullman Car company and
now Portland agent for tbs Evana Rail
way Equipment eompany, la at the head
of the proposed corporation. A number
of Portland capitalists are Interacted
with Mr. Judaon, and a $600,000 fund
haa been raiasd to affect the arganlsa-
(Contlnusd on Psge Sixty.)
A 1 1 For complete Plans. Specifications
and DetaUs of this 7 room Cottage t J
Ui jot Is Slim .
fof my new tjyf
k oaulalne
Ia4 suas lr r $) ikcick yratMsldea.
V. 1Y. Vccrhccs, Architect