The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1907, SECTION FIVE, Page 54, Image 50

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riTH Rosenthal concert was the
chief event of importance last
wutsa. tuora " am m, iuuiuu"
' able assemblage, and the Port-
a land grill was the scene of a
i number of supper parties after the
- concert. There is eager expectation
' ln regard to the second taste of
t grand opera we rare to hare this
; year. Much good has been said of
.'"the San Carlo aggregation, and that.
coupled with the Inference drawn
: ( from the crowded v houses that
("Madam Butterfly" drew, leaves no
; room for doubt that the demand for
: . seats for the two evenings will at
t least equal If not overlap the supply.
;Thls will Immediately follow Lent,
! and will be made a dressy occasion,
' though .It can. hardly, surpass. last
. week's audiences In that respect.
a Only an occasional luncheon or
' dinner broke the monotony of last
week's calendar In the social world.
vjThe bridge clubs met with their
j usual regularity. But there Is al
. ready talk about the post-Lenten af
; fairs, and there promises to be some
gaiety Immediately after Easter.
' '' .., , ' t w .' --.
' Mrs. J. ' it. Berry has recently re
j turned from Jefferson City, Missouri,
: ah spent tha past. ten. months.
With her little son she la now making
'. liar home with her slater, Mrs. A. D.
.Chariton, . until- arrangements hare
. ) baea made for permanent home. Mr.
V1 Berry will loin ber this week. Mrs.
.; Charlton has sent out Invitations for
dinner In Mrs. Berry's honor net
j Tuesday. ; .'..L...: ... . .'-'-.
1 l, Mr a. Berry' was a prominent mem
! ber of the New England Conservatory
' ; rlub and was elected secretary Just be
T fore her departure. , On her arrival at
Jefferson City she waa straightway
i elected a member of the musical club
, there of which Mrs. . Folk, the gover
. nor" a wife. Is president. Mrs. Berry
"' waa rriuch entertained, both In Jeffer
' son City and 8L Loula Besides being
- a Tlollnlst cf pleasing accomplishment
ab . la a charming woman - who has
many friends la Portland.
Mra 7. Wesley Ladd entertained with
beaatlful . luncheon Wedneeday la
honor of Mrs. Jean Guerln and Mlas
Helen . Ouerln, who are spending the
winter here and have apartments, at the
Portland. It was a Butterfly luncheon
and the Japansse plan waa beautifully
sustained. 1 An exquisite Oriental cloth
pf pale blue linen embroidered with
cherry bloasoms covered the ta
ble and a, huge Japanese' bowl filled
with forced cherry blooms formed an
attractive centerpiece. The table eerv
loe was -Japanese and the screens and
tapestry lent to the Oriental effect of
the dining-room.
The attests "besides Mra Ouerln
lit ' (..t " ' t;, ,
I k 'n'M i i ' ') . ,
III , i - - " ' - ,
III - . t ' : ' ' i A " I - 3
rv 111
Kiss Mary Sutherland of CorTallla.
and Miss Ouerln, were Mra Helen Ladd
Corbet t. Mrs, Robert W. , Lewis, Mrs.
Arthur C Mlnotf, Mrs. Warren F.
Houghton. Mrs. John A. Shepard. Mrs.
John K. Kollock, Miss Carolyn Burns,
Mise Flanders and Miss Lisa Wood. -
. : - W '
' Mrs. J. K Bennett entertained at a
lnncheon of IS Wedneaday In honor of
Mrs. H. A. Kelneth. who is leavlnv to
spend tha spring snd summer in New
York. The table decorations were daft
fodlla. The guests besides Mrs. Kelneth
were: Mrs. A. L. Little, Mrs. J. P. Fin
ley, Mra Burkhsrdt, Mrs. A. W. Ood
dard. Mra 8. Farrell, Mrs. M. M.
J- Esf.5-.'.
Mrs. J. M. Berry. Quest of Her
Grant, Mra. Bearle and Mra. Irene Mo
Kenny. ... ..
Mra Henry "W. Ooddard also enter
tained for Mra Kelneth. Covers at her
luncheon Thursday were laid for eight
and her guests were Mrs. George Cooper,
Mrs. J. P. Flnley, Mrs. Burkhsrdt, Mrs.
A. W. Ooddard, Mra a Farrell. Mra J.
E. Bennett and Mrs. Kelneth. Daffodils
were need on the table .
; ' w ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Fleisehner and
their daughter, Mlse Flora, returned
home Thursday evening after .a five
months' visit In New York. Mra
Fleisehner Is very active and prominent
In her social set and ber welcome home
was cordial. , A great many flowers
greeted her at her heme and aha win be
much entertained this week. Miss Flora
studied with. Arena, one of Nsw fork's
great voice masters, while she was gone.
Her soprano I sweet and pleasing and
she is a favorite among the younger
singers.:'' - ., , '-... . .. , ;
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox en
tertained with a' dinner cf eight covers
Wednesday ' evening. Lovely - yellow
tulips were used on the table. The
guests were Dr. and Mrs. Holt C Wil
son, Mlas Martha Hhyt Mrs, Arthur
C. Mlnott. Rodney Ollsan and W, V.
Wheelwright. ,. " , . i i
. w
H. EUers returned home from Ban
Francisco In time for the Rosenthal
recital and gave a dinner la bis honor
after the concert last Tuesday evening.
- t,
e4r iewi..W.-
-Sister, Mrs. JL D. Charlton.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Ellera, the Misses EUers, Mr. and Mra.
Charles Dterke, Mr. , and Mra A. A.
Bohell of Seattle, J. A. C. Coffin and
H. B. Tremalne - of New York, I P.
Brass and M. B. Walls. Rosenthal de
parted the sam evening for Seattle ,
ww. . '
The Ctneo CI en to club was very pleas
antly entertained by Mr. and Mra H. O.
Bahlstrom. The Invited guests were Mr.
nnd Mrs. R. Duniway, Mr. and Mra J.
D. Sutherland, Mr. and Mra. X Houghton
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Travis. Dr. Lind
say. EL H. Miller and Mrs. Bahlstrom
were the bifhly appreciated musicians
of the evening. . ,
Miss Harriett Kinney returned . the
first of the week from Beaumont, Taxes,
where she has been visiting Mlas Mabel
Markham for several weeks. Miss
Markhaa was here before the hottaays
as the guest of Mlse Genevieve Thomp
son and was extensively entertained.
She formerly lived In Portland,
The Alpha dob ef Trinity church hi
busily preparing for its post-Lenten
entertainment at the perish house. April
1L Mlna Gleason of the Baker theat
rical eompany Is drilling the girls of
the elub In a program which Is to be
unique and interesting: .
w w -
. Mrs. Annie Lord Hynson, who recent
ly arrived to make her home here with
her eons, a Lee Hyson and Edward
Lord Hyson, has taken a house at (4
Cornell street, where she is now at
home. " '-, i" ? '"'',''
, r ' ' , '
Mrs. Ralph Walker and her mother,
Mrs. F. Richet, have returned from a
fortnight at Hotel Moore at Seaslda
Mr. Rlohet and Dr. Walker spent Bun
day with them at the beach. ' Mra Wal
ker la preparing for a trip to the sound
in the spring.
Mra Louis Oerttnger snd Mrs. George
Gerllnger of Dallas have cards out for
a bride party nest Wednesday after
noon at the home ef Mra, L. Oerllnger,
Br., at Holladay Para.
ww -
Mr. and Mra 'Samuel Blastnger of Ban
Francisco have been guests at the Port
land the past week. They have enter,
talned and been entertained a great deaL
Yeaterdsy Mrs. Blsslnger gavs a lunch
eon for several of ber friends.
Benjamin F. Dorr Is of Eugene has
sent out announcements of the marriage
of his dsughter Benetta to W. Gilford
Nash, Saturday, March . Mr. and Mra
Naah are to be at home aftsr April to
at 7I( Irving street
. ' . '
Miss Winnie Evans of Oakland, Cali
fornia, is the guast of hsr sister, Mrs.
George Ouppy on Kearney street She
will remain here Several months and Is
being entertained Informally by a num
ber of her Bister's friends. . .
' ww
Mra Irene Kelneth. president of the
Mondsy History ,club, left Friday for
New Mexico to spend the spring and
summer, , ; , - .
ww'- ; ' V--'
Mlas Mabel Devere will lesve next
Friday for Fresno, California, to visit
her cousin.' Mra O. R. Roedlng. at the
large Roedlng ranch. She will be gone
several weeks. ,
Dr. and Mra WUllam House, who
for the past four years have resided at
Mount Tabor, will remove this week to
161 North Twenty-second street, where
they will be at home after April I. :
', ' w w
Miss Florence Williams, who came
down from The Dalle to hear "Madam
Butterfly," and to visit her sister, Mra
George A. Marshall, returned , home
' '
Miss Olivia Lahl. the Norwegian
singer, was the guest of honor at a
dinner given on Thursdsy evening last
by Consul end Mrs. B. M. Cederbergb
at their residence en Sixth street.
Mra W. C Puffer left, yestsrday for
New Tork enroute to Norwsy to spend
half a year with friends. She will visit
Mussi ana uvrownr utvar wiuymu,
" Miss Frieda Roesch of Pendleton was
a popular guest here last week who was
much entertained by friends. Bhe re
turned home Wednesday night.
Mrs. Clarence L. Nichols entertained
the Wednesdsy Bridge club end Mrs.
Whitney L Boise the Thursday club.
Mrs. Charles Kohn ef the Portland
entertained a few frlende at bridge last
week. . -'.. -..-' ' .
Mlse Mary Sutherland, head ef the
dreaa-maklng department at the Oregon
Aa-rlcultural collea-e. and ana of Cor-
I vallls' moat charming girls, , entertained
I Tuesday evening In honor of Miss Grace
GUI of Sclo. The guests were ait
friends of Miss G1U and the affair was
delightfully Informal. . Those : present
were Misses Mabelle , Keady. Edythe
Keady, Ross Chlpman. Helen Tackey,
Audio Shelton, Ines Munkers, Grace
Huft Lillian Ranney, Imogene GUI.
Juantta Rosendorf, Margaret and Mary
Sutherland and Agnes Wilson, and John
Wlthyeombe, Charles Cropp, Chsrlee
Barber, Clay Brock. Otheo Crawford,
John Sutherland, Sam Hartaock, Charles
Porter,' Chester Coffer, Mr. Tompkins,
Mr. Calvert and Drr GUI of Sclo. -
Miss Sutherland leaves this " elty
about March- IS for New Terk city,
where she will study at the Pratt In
stitute for some time. She will also
take special work in Boston, in her
Una, before . returning to resume her
position at the Oregon Agricultural
college next autumn.
ww, ' "
Last Wednesday evening a delightful
birthday party waa given In Honor of
Miss Grace Toting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mra Jonas Young. Til
Savler street The home was beauti
fully decorated with garlands ef smllax
and lvyL gracefully festooned from the
celling and entwined about the chande
llera A number of popular parlor
games were -enjoyed and muslo fol
lowed. Miss Blsnehe Young gave piano
numbers and Ovid Boon comet, and
Miss Mae Rankin gave eome clever reci
tations, A birthday supper was served
In the dining-room.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Jonss Young. Mra T. Warner, Mrs. E.
Maher, Mra E. Young. Mlaa ; Grace
Young, Mlse Blanche Young, Miss Merle
Young, Miss Merle Parmster. Miss
Rthel - Parmenter, Mlas Jessie Squire.
Mlaa Margaret Squire, Miss Mamie Par
ker. Miss Vsrdle Parker. Miss Mas
Rankla, Mlas Pauline- Ksneger, Frank
Buelmln, Leland Werner, Arthur Hand,
Ray MeNamara, Ovid Boon, Earl Percy
and WUllam J. McGinn.
....... . . . .
A general reception was given Thurs-
day evening in honor of William Koch
of - Dee Moines, lows, by the Brother
hood of American Yeomen in the W. O.
W. halL About 400 members and friends
were present The oommlttee In charge
included Dr. Ambrose Johnson, J. W.
lle Perkins was the soloist. An Inter
esting program was rendered aa fol
lows: Overture, Do Caprlo'a orchestra;
lodge address. Dr. Ambrose Johnson;
address of welcome. Mayor Harry Lena;
vocal solo, "The Return" (Millard), Mra
Millie Perkins, with violin obligate by
Mlaa Barkers address. Grand Foreman
WUllam Koch of Des MolneS; reading.
"How Two Boys Initiated Pa," Mrs.
O. M, Hall; violin solo. "The Snere,"
Miss Cornelia . Barker; reading. The
Fourth ef July at Joneavtlle" (Samantha
Allen), .Mra. Millie Perkina Dancing
closed ths pre it am at a lute hour. Mlse
Maud Smith was the accompanist '
- ' ww
Mra R. K Warren's " Bible class
gave an 'Informal supper" Tuesday
evening, March I, at the Preebyterlan
church, to which their men friends
were invited. About II guests were
present and all were carried along by
the enthusiasm - of the members, who
Interspersed the eoorsee with raDy
yells. The class Is the largest wo
men's Bible class In the world and Its
Influence Is felt all over the elty. The
members are now engaged In a fivefold
membership contest, .and the winning
team la to be banqueted In April. Fol
lowing the supper Tuesday there was
a program and games. Miss May E.
Dellenbaugh spoke on ."Our. Guests";
Miss Margaret M. ' Foraeroy on The
Leagues"; Mise Winifred Hills on The
Crown") Miss Frances Wilson on "Vic
tory," and Mlsa Sutherland on "Cham
ptona".. ., . , ... .v.t .
The leetnre snd musicals under the
auspices of the Young- Men's elub of St
Patrick's church, given Thursday even
ing, was a marked success. The pro
gram ' was ushered In by a few' weU
choaen remarks by - the chairman. A.
Dayton. The Misses Elisabeth Harwas
and Nancy Beala surpassed themselves
In their respective solos. . "Kathleen
Mavourneen" and "Last Rose of Bum
mer." Honorable J. Hsnnessy Murphy,
the speaker of the evening, delivered. In
hie usual eloquent style, an oration
which made the Irish heart thrill with
lovs of faith and country.
"KUlsrney,' sung by Miss Mas Bree
lin, and "Asthore." by Andrew Cain,
were rendered with a great deal of feel
ing and received with hearty applsuse,
as was the violin solo ef Mlas Julia
Burke... -
' . w-.w ,- ..'. .
Mr. and Mra F. W. Graves enter
tained ' the Wednesday Evening Five
Hundred club at their home at Golf
Llnka Station, - Wedneeday . evenlifg,
March 4. The room a were very beauti
fully decorated with carnations and
palme. A dainty supper was served In
the dining-room at a late hour. A spe
cial car was arranged for to bring the
guests back to the city. The invited
guests were Mra David Campbell and
Mra P. W. Graves. Prises were won
by Mrs. T. J, Cleeton, Miss Elisabeth
Johnson, T. J. Cleeton and George F.
SUknltter. The next meeting wilt be
held at the residence of Mra . L. B.
Smith, 14 Fourth etreet, Wednesdsy,
March JO. .
w w
The recently organised social elub ef
Nashville, met Thureday- evening In the
hall at that place and aftsr dancing a
bualnees . meeting was held - to
complete - organisation. - The HOT
club" was adopted as the name
and It was decided - to meet
J every Thursdsy evening. Following are
JthO officers: President Dr. E. A., My
j era; vice-president Mra Dunbar; secre
tary-treasurer, Russell Hulburt; social
committee, Mrs. McCarthy, Mrs. Doran,
Mr. Dunbar; exeoutlva committee, Mra
LaForge, Mra lkes, Mra Doran and
Mra Naab. Mualo for tha evening was
furnished by Mr. and Mrs,. Martin.
.... w
-The Portnomah Study club met on
March It - and the following exceUent
program was given: Paper, Tha Art
of Elocution," Mra. Florence Bulllvan;
piano solos. Trovatore," Ponpel Tetan
ia (Poldlnl) Mlas SuUlvan; recitation,
"First Settler's Story." "A Quiet Even
ing at Cards,", and "Woman's Rights."
Mra Florence . Sullivan, Miss Hasel
Hardle and Miss Eleanor Kurth sang
two duets, "Oh, That Ws Were May
ing" and "Land of Swallowa." - Mlaa
Kurth's solos, 'Spring Haa Come" and
"I've Something Sweet to TeU You."
closed the program. The elub will
meet again March 17. '
Ons of the delightful social event of
the week In CorvaUls was a five hun
dred party at the home of Senator and
Mra. A, J. Johnson, Wedneedsy even
ing. ths guests of honor being Mrs. C
A. Warner and Miss Grace Gill, both
of Sclo, the former a sister of Mra
Johnson, The evsnlng was pleasantly
spent and a dainty luncheon waa served.
Ths guests were Mr. and Mra J. O.
WUaon. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Bryson,
Prof, and Mra G. A. Covelt Prof, and
Mra A. L. Knlsely, Mra G. A. War
ner, i Mlsa Grace Gill, 'Mlas Eda Ja
cobs ; e. E. WUaon and Robert John
son. - ..
. f w. w. . 'j w v
A dainty J violet luncheon was glvea
last Wednesday by Mrs. J. C Hare to
11 of her friends In honor of Mra W. C
Puffer, who left yesterday for en ex
tended trip abroad. .The table decora
tions were artistio and beautiful, the
color echems of violet being carried
out The gueets, besides Mra Puffer,
were: Mrs. . Harriet Rleman, Miss
Sophia Rleman. Mlas Susie Rleman,
Mra J. C. La Barr, Mra L. B. Smith,
Mra. Z. M, Parvln, Mra.- Elmer Smith,
Mrs.; Fred W. Gravea. Mlas" Elisabeth
Johnson and Dr. AlUe Smith of Eu
gene. - , .
The Vesper Stellas gave . the fifth
dance of their aerlee Thursday evening,
at Murlark halt About 100 oouplee
were la attendance and all spent a very
enjoyable evening. One of the pleasing
features was the delightful muslo fur
nished -by 'Parson's orchestra. The
patronesses were Mrs. J. F. Silver, Mra
A. M. Todd. Mra A Hennlg. Mrs. O.
Cohture, Mra O. H. Herschlsr. The
olub members arc Ernest Oetsen. Edna
Todd. Sidney MJUs, Alma Todd. Mrs. E.
Oetsen, Nettle Couture, G. D. Wltmer,
Calllne Sliver and Thomas allien.
Mrs. Harry H. Austin entertained the
Theodora Five . Hundred elub at - her
home, 414 East Twelfth street Thurs
day afternoon. 'Mra Will Slevera mad
tha highest score. Refreshments were
served in the dining-room. Th hostess
was assisted by her ' daughter,' Miss
Erma. Mra John Povoy will entertain
next Thursday; 5
. . . : w ;
Mre. Harry Day entertained at dinner
in honor of Mre. I O. Coatee ef Albany
Tuesday at her horns, 1071 Division
street. The table presented a . vary
pretty appearance with 'decorations of
prtmrosee. Those present were: Mrs.
L. O. Coatee. Mrs. West fa 11. Mrs. Lucy
Hayes, Mra J. E. Knox, Mra Day and
Maeter Carrol Day. .. .
The currant topics department of the
Woman's club was entertained Monday
by Mre. L B. Rbeenorans. At the re
quest of the department Mrs. Rosen-
erans read her paper on The Central
isation of Power." Monday Mrs. B. S.
Pa rue of ft Overton otreot will be the
hOSteSS.: . . .
.;' f
One of the pleasant social events of
the week la Conrallis was a missionary
tea at the borne of Mrs. M. H. Bauer.
Wednesday afternoon. An Interesting
program of musical and literary num
bers was given and light refreshmsnts
were served. About 40 women attended.
W .W ' - - , i
Mlse Katie Knoll celebrated ber 14 th
birthday last Sunday evening at-- her
home. 1440 East Fourteenth street. An
elaborat supper waa served to the
guests. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knoll re
ceived with their daughter. A very
pleasant Informal evening was enjoyed.
The marriage of Mlsa Lura M. Robb
to Radner R. Pratsch took plaoe at
1 :S0 - Saturday afternoon at the - resi
dence 01 the Rev. Henry A. Barden.
After a wedding trip to Aberdeen,
Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Pratsch will
make their home In oPrtland.
.-ww '
Miss Ella Wittenberg and Bamual
Lauber were married teat Bunday even
ing it us nome of the bride, situ
First street About 1(0' gueets wsre
p recent and Dr. Jonah Wise performed
tha ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Lauber are
to make their home la Portland. '
v ? w
Miss Agnes Wolfer of Maeksburg,
Oregon, wse married to Will Ortmm
Wednesday afternoon, March (. at the
M. E. parsonage, 4T North Twenty-
mini street.-: Rev. K.' h. - Bryant of
ficiated. Mr. and Mrs. Grimm will re
side at 140 Vaughn street.
. . - w "
The marriage of Miss Hssel XL Ten
nan t-Brown and 3. Verne Roberta was
quietly celebrated Thursday evening at
the home of the brtde'e mother. Four
teenth and Morrison streets. Mr. and
Mrs. Roberta will Uve at their new
home on Cornell jro- a r :
Mra A. R. Bnlder of this elty and
3. O. Moor of Tacoma were quietly mar
ried Monday evening. ' A
The sliver anniversary of the found
ing of Calvary Preebyterlan church Is
to be celebrated on April IB. with ser
vices and revnlone suitable to the po
sitions whlob that church baa hald la
ths religious and civil life of Portland
during the IB yeara of He existence.
Those years have eeen Portland -pane
In rapid etagea from vlllare to a flour
ishing town snd on to great city acUv.
Ity, and In many cases the men and
women helpful In the development of
Portland have been the lovers of and
workers for Calvary ehoroh. City and
ehurch are closely Identified and there
are many In ths elty whose religious
J BhHPAQTS C4-25 j.
If You Want to see the NEWEST in WEARING
Of Ladies' Tailored Suits, Waists and Millinery. In this
collection, all the surprises the spring season promises
will be unfolded." New glimpses of style have beent
springing fortn dally in our buit
and Cloak Parlors until tha show
ihg has reached its present perfec
tion. , Novelties of exclusive in
dividuality, which are displayed
all over the store, silently demon
strate the charming beauty of ar
tistic designing and forcefully ap-
5eal to the fashionable world. -It
s this kind of apparel that has
earned for-our establishment its
reputation as the style store. And
yet they , are : modestly , priced.
- ' ' wiawe "A e
Mass HJk -
IA V & - ar-e es .
Eastern Outfitting Co.
The Store Where
Tew Credit is Creed
eonneotiots are not with this church
but .whose heart's Interests will be
given In a large degree to the mem
bers as thsy celebrate !( years of their
religious activity. ,
Of the men end women strong -In
faith and seal who began the mission
services under a separate roof from
the mother . ehurch thet the re
llaieue life of Portland should thus
be helped and etimulated. only a few
are still living to witness ths results
of the yeara But the benediction of
their love and devotion bee been and
la upon the sons and daughters whose
memory is pereenai and . rests ncniy
upon those who In the course of the
years have helped to carry on the work
of the foundera
r . ' ' jfl
Yne anniversary i j""' a
s uu f l Bit wiztr ,
L 7 e Mil?
rv sv x x , .?
sT . - ..
to those whose connection in the oaeieco, are the guests ef Mr. and Mra
mum it am iee dki wins r .
of the church end the city and the pas
tor and members ef Calvary ehurch
take the greatest pleasure in inviting
all such to Join them in its oeieorauoa
- : w w '
" The Officers and members of tne First
batury feld artillery, Oregon National
Guard, have sent out Invitations for
their annual ball, Easter Monday,
April 1. at the armory. Everest's or
chestra will play. The patronesses will
be Mrs. John Hall, Mre. Frank I, Ran
dall, Mrs. Lee M. Clark and Mrs. John
P. Krupka The oommlttee on errenge
menta consists of Lieutenant John P.
Krupke, Ft rat Sergeant George B. Hall,
Quartermaster-Sergeant Vlbert 3. How.
atson, Raymond E. Daniel, Jossph
Doupe, Joseph MonUg. Olenn T. Mer
rill, Frederick W. Fink and' Thomas K.
Sexton. , ' '' - "
" .. . w Vv.;:';
The regular semi-monthly meeting of
the Oeorge Wright Relief eorps sswlng
circle will be held at the home of Mra
Mettle Jaques, 110 East Thirty-fifth
street, Tussdsy, from It to 4 o'clock,
Tsks Mount Soott or Mount Tsbor oar.
Visitors alwsys welcome. -
Mr. and Mrs. Meleon P. l,Ind an
nounce the engagement of their daogh.
ter Lesnle Electra to Charles Austin
Shea. -The marriage will . take place
shortly after Easter.
Mra Ella Morrison, for two years
guard ef .Oeorge Wright Belief Corps,
waa given a warm reception Friday
evening on her return from southern
Ce-ifornia, where ehe went Jn search of
health eaveral montha ago. She re
turned much Improved. !
Mra 3. Woriok Is visiting at Salem,
- ut
Is shown in immense varie
ties, almost in profusion, in
our Clothing Section. All
the newest models, the new
' est fancies in fabrics and col
e on from the most conaerva
tive to the 1 extreme fads.
The tailoring, the trimming!
and the finishings are abso
lutely faultless ' and , conse-
?uently assuring entire satis-
action.' Prices from $18 to
; $35. Our Credit System priv
ileges you to pay for your
' Easter outfit at the easy rate
of $1.00 a week.
Cor: Washinflton and Tenth
W. G. SMITH & Co.
Washlaztoa Building
Mra Charlott York Is visiting
parents In Canada.
Mr. and Mra Bloch and their daut h
urs, Helen and Florence, of San
Leo Selling of 447 West Park street.
Henry Gray has recovered from his
recent Illness and Is again able to be
Mr. and Mrs. 3. C Long and sen ef
Seattle are the guests of Mra M. tang,
III ..est Park street' .
Mr. and Mra A. X Bohell of Seattle
were guests in town last week. They
attended the Rosenthal eonoert and the
reopening of fillers' piano house, with
whloh Mr. Sen ell has for . some time
been Identified. ,
Ousts v Simon ef the Portland left
last week on a business trip to CalLeje!
-. en I I 1 ,.
' la the whole history ef congress, eov
erlng a period of lis yeara. there are
only two of its members who have a
record ef mere than 40 yeara of service
Justin S. Morrill of Vermont and Wil
liam B. Allison of Iowa. John Sher
man's house and senate career combined
weg six years Isss than Mr. Morrill's'
and four short of Mr. Allison's as It
stands today. In aggrsgate continuous
service In both houaea Morrill stands
ahead ef all othera Re was elected
to the house In November, 1854, serv
ing it years from March 4. 186J, and
stepping from the house directly into
the senate. He died December II, lilt,
aged II, vt til a senator, with an un
broken eongrssslonal career of 44 years
lacking 14 days.
and remember the next time yon en Iter
w ...... a k.. ....ttf kiiMi. . 1
wava ww. ,- ij ., a . i u ii, neu-
rajsle try Ballard'S Snow Liniment.
It will curs you. A prominent buslnees
men of Hempeteed, Texas, writes! "I
have used your UnlmesL Previous to
using tt I was a great sufferer from
nnvum.ii.iu ,nu ..u,is' i am
pleeeed to eay that now I am free from
ed to ssy that now I am free front
i complaints, I am sure I owe this
our liniment" - Sold by all drug-
to your