The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Wash Goods Tell of Spring Pays
Dimities, Organdies. Olnghams, Lawns,
Swisses, White Mercerised MetertaJa, Silk
and Linen, and e thousand eaqulslte
weaves and dainty a. a nr.
patterns .....IOC 10 Q3C
grown" Taffetas at 83c Yard
Ws havs Just received a ehtpment ef
this celebrated "Crown" Taffeta aold
only at Llpman-Wolfe's the beet oolored
taffeta made snd now so popular for
Jumper suite; equal to II quality any
where. We show ever 100 different ehariaa.
Oood Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Ars Always the Lowest
t . " . - .
On of Many Notable Pictures
State Railway Commission Acts
' ; on Salem, Falls City
and Western.
; In; Second ; Volume of '
Souvenir Books.
1000 Spring Hats
''n . tarts"
Major Loo Moorehoase of Pendleton
t Prepare Another Book of Typical
Indian Picture Contain Indian
.,, , Palnu . and . Legends of Bed Men.
v :. ' (Smetal DteMteh to The Journal.) "
t Pendleton, Or., March 1. Major Lee
' Moorehouee of - this city baa recent
' ly completed the second edition of i
iaonvenir book of .famous Indian plo-
i lures, Anna aaan naan, - me umaima
r . belle, ef whom the above la a BDlendld
... "
.; ' - '
' ' '( x
: . ii
. , W. M gyM ! Ti Tn l'iiH a 3 I
Anna Xaah Kaab.
J repredaetJea, befog- amsng the eolleo-
Lttenr ' .
i The oo ootid ditto tnelndea besides
; J maajr of the most famous pictures be
: has taken, poem and stories bv eastern
OrttM writ era on Indian topics. - The
cover oontalna a picture of the famous
Cavoee twins, which hare been nen-
" ttloned all over ,the country. ;
i The following la a list of the most
I famoee picture in this , book: -"The
J lionely Outpost of a Dylns Baca,'' Turn
j. water Falls, on the Columbia, with an
' Indian- Bentlnel. 1 "Wal-lulah.- TJma-
plne." -Chief . Joseph, of the Mes
Perce, "Paul Bbowaway, Chief 'of ths
4 Ceruses." "Wap-a Ne-ta, The Lone Te-
; pee," "Indian Mother and Babe,1 Feo,
'Chief of the Umatlllas." "Indian Camp
. Scans, on ths .Umatilla .Reservation.'
'f and "Boss Summer Hair and Papoose.'
. Ths sowvsnlr book was printed en ths
press of ths East Orefoalan at Psa-
: dletsn.
fHeeela! MwM to Tke fotraU.)
Medloal -Lake, Wash, March II.
I Small pe has broken out la this city at
ths Insane asylum kospltaL Nine eases
J up to date are reported, alz of them
'4nasas patients, two attendants and ths
; other the supervisor, R. SL Hurlburt.
, There was a rumor that the chief nurse
.- was down with the disease, but this
' Is untrue. Ths smallpox patients have
all been oonflned-to the upper floor of
.ths bulldlnr and that floor Is closely
-suardeL There Is do epldemlo In the
asylum ' proper and It Is not thoucht
: there will be any. .
; Eber Bly, who had been working at
' Spokane, called on Dr. Hendrlckson ts
xfind out what was ths matter with him.
) As soon as the doctor saw him hs said
hs had smallpox and that ho must fo
horns st onoe. The young- man, whose
evhome Is within four miles of this city,
Hiad circulated around . town conslder-
ably before golnc to ses the doctor and
' many people here ars la great terror of
' contagion. . -
i V J . '
t Better City Government.
' The following extract ts from a re
' View of ths writings of Thomas C Dev
f lln, by the Inter Ocean of Chicago:
Ll"Mr. Devlin's work should be read
, -and studied by thoueahds of pafrlotlo
clt liens for the help It offers In solving
i the most difficult questions ef ths day.
' May ws hope that bur cltlsena, upon
Whom lies the responsibility of lnau
' guratlng these - needed reforms will
read and act upon ths sensible sugges
" tlons of Mr. Devlin on this Important
' subject" .-., .
' ' (ReolrDlntt to Tfce fcereel)
" Salem. Or., March II. County School
' Superintendent SL T. Moores will hold
'a teachers' Institute st Sllverton, March
II. The following proa-ram has been
; prepared: Selected subject, H. L. Mo
Capn: "History,'' President E. D. Ress--ller
of. Monmouth; "Ursnimar, Mlsa
Xentner; program by the pupils of the
Sllverton schools; "School-Roonv-Hy
' gtsne," Pr. F. M. Brooks; "Reading."
W. M. Smith. In the evening an ad
drees will be given by President JUss
ler. J
Commissioners Meet at Dallas, Go
Over the Line and Make the Rul
. Jng Oat of Hand- Raise Affects
L' Logs . and jLomber.. ......
: ,
. . . .. .. r
(SpMlal fXapatca to Tbe JoeraaL) '
Dallas, Or., March II. Tbe state
railway commission held . an official
meeting hers' today. The purpose of
the meeting was to examine the appli
cation of . the . Salem, . Falls City A
Weatern railroad for Increasing freight
rates between Falls City and Dallas.
The comolsslon In a body went over
ths Una to the terminal, accompanied by
the officials of the company, talked with
shippers along ths line and Investigated
I Ing testimony and without taking ths
matter under further consideration the
commission granted ths Increase asked
for. It was found that a majority of
the shippers did not object to the in
crease In ratfia,- The raise affects only
lumber and log shipments. -
Ths commission . returned to ' Salem
this evening.
How Erroneous Announcement
Meeting There Bad Its Origin.
- (Sjwetal Dispatch to The fearaaL) ' '
Hood River, Or.. March II. Ths de
layed visit of . ths stats railway com
mission was explained yesterday, whan
Commissioner C. B. ltobisoa of Port
land arrived In this city and said ths
announcement that t the commission
would visit hers In a body, was a mis
take. Mr. . Altchlson stated that no
oomplalnta-had been received by the
commission of sxeesstvs rates at Hood
River, and that his visit was for ths
purpose of familiarising himself with
the situation here and to consult with
shippers. Hs sailed . at ths oflloee Sf
ths Mount Hood Railroad company and
made some Inquiries ss to ths sanitary
condition of the' stations. He after
ward stated that hs found nothing tb
warrant an investigation by ths com
mission at present. Ths oommlsslon
met at Dallas today. , T
Thrown on the Market at Specu
lative Prices by Clohessy V
. , & Smith. " x -
Quits a stir has been created ldNreaJ
estate circles by ths throwing on ths
market of Capitol Hill, one ef ths most
sightly spots on ths west side.
; t Capitol HU1 Is located on two 'ear
tinea, -ths Oregon Eleetrlo Railway, gen
erally- known. aa ths Portland and Sa
lem Intarurban railway, ' which runs
through the tract for nearly ths entire
dlstanoe of ths south and seat and of
It. It ts estimated "that -mors people
win rids en this . 11ns than any other.
from the fact that It runs through
section nesr ths city that will support
a . large population. .
Ths Oregon Eleotrls Railway com-
panr la rushing ' construction with all
posslbls haste and will be In operation
through Capitol H1U by June of this
year. For that reason Clohessy -
Smith, ths agsnta.ln the McKay build
ing, will sell any ox the lots for iioo
on ths start, out alter June i, win aa
vanes ths pries to 1300 for ths cheap
est lot Tbe B. P. R. R., Fourth street
line has been' running through Capitol
Hill for II years. This 11ns will soon
bs turned Into an eleotrls railway
from Beavertoa to Portland, making ex
cellent transportation faculties for ev
ery part of Capitol H11L Ths Oregon
Eleetrlo railway, It la said, will estab
lish stations for ths accommodation of
residents and maintain,- perpetually, a
o oar fare to and from the business
esnter ' sf ths olty. .
In speaking Sf the new. tract this
morning Mr. Clohessy said: "We are
sure that ths Inducements to buy lots
In Caoltol Hill either for homes or
speculation are Such that Investors will
not ds Justloe to themselves without
considering what It offers Capitol
Hill, while being comparatively sheap,
while ths speculative element has not
been sqnessed out ef Its lota. It still
possess ea all ths advantages, that a
horns seeker sould possibly demand.. It
has a grand view, fins supply sf water,
no bridges to eross. splendid sot, and
still has at ths foot of Its Slops Urge
mills end factories where hundreds ef
mechanics ars employed. On ths river
moneyed man are buying up every avail
able spot for Industrial purposes.' Cap-J
ttol Hill will appeal to all tnoss peo
ple, snd they ars numerous, who would
prefer to buy on the west aids when
prloes ars within reach. "
(flpeela! Dispatch to The JotrmL)
Ths Dalles, Or March II. The city
counoll last night appointed ,a oommlt
tes ef three members of ths oouncll and
three eitlsens to draft an amendment
to ths charter authorising the submit
ting to a vote sf ths people of the ques
tion et,ths erection of a olty hall, ths
matter to bs decided at a special eleo
tloa under-ths initiative anoT referen
dum. The mayor will be added to the
committee. A city hall to cost 116.000
la proposed and the amendment will
provide that the olty-may bond Itself
for that amount Ths people are .al
most unanimous In favor of the propo
sition and ths bonds, when Issued, will
be taken by elttsene of The Dalles.
SiraTPAOES 24-2S I
K- . .," Ill
4 v
II ill1 1
1 t -.liiYi
!2W X
i ; J
Hats of a Character UsuallySoldfor$7.50to
) 'X'HE display of really exquisite hats at this popular price is
7markable that no worn
so '-re- iX c ;u ntifl 111
of hat w, m Vt m mp-
to suit -7M WS VC , . SrV '
every T : " '
l&tiFW' y v ;
r i . . .
that her
money can buy can afford to miss it. . No matter what your idea
beauty is, we are Bure to please you. Hats in this collection
every face, every new style of coiffure, every, complexion and
color of dress.
Briefly, these $4.95 hats are of a character that costs $7.50 to $10
ordinarily. Our achievements in producing elegance, originality, beau- T '
ty and style at this price (to say nothing of the mere value represent- " ' .'.-.'
ed by the materials used) have never been equaled in this city, and, we are resolved, never shall be. These 1000 models have just arrived
from New .York. They are chiefly adaptations of Paris models and will be a revelation to women who are accustomed to pay $7.50 to
$10.00 elsewhere. ' v ..: 1 ..-.Viv.. :; '.!-.,-- ;.' :' ' ;V ,-C;- :.y.f..
A Golden
Is An Xvent of
Startling Prices
You will find in this unique sale some of the greatest Lace Values, considering the width, quality and texture,, ever offered. Imported di
rect from St :Gall, Planen, Calais, Lyons, etc, before the recent advance in prices. We share these superb values with our customers.
q 10,000 yards cotton Torchon
- Lace, 1 to 4 inches wide; fine for
underwear trimming. Values to
. ; 12c yard. - ' y
1500 yards ecru
Net Allover for
waists and suits;
18 . inches wide.
to. $1.25 a yard for 75c
q2000 yards Net Top Lace, white
or ecru, 3 and 4 inches wide; fine
- for house sacques or wrappers.
' Value 15c a yard, y
3000 yards Net
to 10 in. wide.
Top Lace, in
white and ecru;
fine patterns, 6
Value to 57c yd.
. 5000 yards Net
' .Top' Lace, white
or ecru, 5 to 9
inches wide, for
Values to 35c a yard.
; 10,000 yards V Point de Paris
' and Platte VaL Lace and Inser
tions, 4 to 5 inches. Values to
; 35c a yard ' " ' : : .-
Net for , waists
and suits; all silk,
45 in. wide; small
and large patterns, Values to $2.
Another Great Xmbroidcry Sale
At the very dawn of the fwason, which. It is predicted, will ee white embroid
eries at the very! pinnacle of popularity, the Lipman-Wolfe store is in a posi
tion to make a really phenomenal offer. . ' x
The Very Embroideries You Are Now Looking for at Less Than
v Half the Prices Other Stores Are Asking
25c Lmbroideiy. T2c Yard ; ;. ;
7,500 yards Nainsdok, Swiss and Cambric Embroidery, 3 to 7 inches -t , ,
wide, for underwear trimming. Values to 25c ............... ...........-V
$1.00 Corscr Cover ETnbroidciyr"37c-Yafd
5,000 yards of 18-inch Corset Cover Embroidery, Nainsook and Swiss, yjn
Values to $1.00 yard, for T.. ..
l $2.50 All o ver Embroidery, 98c Yard
Swiss i a bargain that QQq
22-inch Allover Embroidery In Nainsook
comes but once in a season.
Value to $2.50
50 HandlLmbroideredWaists
$12.50 Valuesr$7.75 :
For Monday only the Lipman-Wolf e School
of Style offers 50 highest-class real hand-embroidered
Lingerie Waists, which have sold
here every day at $12.50. Trimmed with
finest two-thread Valenciennes laces, fine pin
tucking, French knots ; lace yoke, ! newest
-tltwwrsleeves, with tucked and lace-trimmed
cuffs. Sold regularly at $12.50. fry y c
Monday only........ ' J
IMPORTANT No mail or telephone
orders; none C O. D. at this extremely low
price. Not guaranteed to last all day. .
II Eyelet Emtroidery jj
... 0 For shirtwaists has never been 2
...... -I.- u. ; !.
jk season.- ' : ; -
I vi vi. vJur Opecial :
. n " try
-is a
' "a
To advertise our shirtwaist designs.-
We wilL sell shirtwaist
designs like cut, stamped on
three-yard length, extra grade T
India linon and cotton, com
plete for embroidery, , all for
X ' FREE We will commence all patterns free, showing Just 2
t . how to do the work. - - ' z
Tke Nee die craft Stop
V . Tais advantaa-s of ths ,
And . the Pacific Korthwett 'orcf ths Union Pielflc, Oregon Short Line.
Oregon Railroad & Narigttion Co., and Southern Pacific, from all parte of
the Eaet, DAILY during March and April. ,
For ticlreU, If you detine to bring friends, relatives, employee or there from
the East, by depositing the coit with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P.
Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in th East
A Rare Opportunity to fcromot the Ih-
dustrlal Growth of the Northwest
OUess-s .....
St. XrftalS . ..
Kaaeu mj .............
Onuba ........
. raal .
mATas no rrurjroiFJj. raa
-a a
S30.M fJSS.00
flS-M 15.00 ss-oo
sao - u.00
Buffalo 40.00
Sew York 47.50
BoeSoa 47.40
Philadelphia 4748
Waaaiafloa ............. 47.aa
ill main and branch line points, Huntington to Boolean,
tncluaive. B Ratee applr to Portland, Aetorla and Puft Bound polnte: alao
Southern Pacino main, and branch line points north at and Including Aahland,
Oreson. , T
For eotnplets In formation. Inquire ef
. tnt iBsvrrjSLSAT,
AJtatea applr to
c. w.
Ores-es ArAiroaa a wrt-stiea Os,
BUnger, Cltjc Ticket AcV. and Waehlnrton. ' .
ef ths
i i o Jaws"''
. ssaw"
In the New Brick
Building on Jersey
Street,opposite the
Postoffice. ST.
We -are now showing great
many patterns of Rugs on our
racks, Including the Cotton,
Both Stores Located
in Low Rent District
You ar always welcome to
risit our stores. 'We cany,
everything - for furnishing
the most humble home or
the fine residence or office.
Easy terms and low prices
combined give you a big
advantage ty placing your
order with us.
We ttta have a few of these fins
Extension Tables, which ws are
Wool, Tapestry, Body Brus- U' . -t?
sels, Anninsters, Blgelow Ax- t-ii H I'.'.- ' V.'..'
minsters and Wiltons. 1 - C''
Always come to our store for
a firsb-dass Go-Cart You
will find the prices low and
the qualities up to the stand-
ard. ' ' . - v ., . t
Equals any steel range on
the market. Is made of the
best material, lined through
out with asbestos. Guaran
teed for 10 years. The nickel
work is of the best made,r
smooth and easily - kept
Mte of selected Cjjartsr-eawe1
white oak, old-n flnlnh, W g.Ty jU
tohed. Has full awell-front drtwer,
round-cornered bent-f!e rnr"'
nd Is md wtS Fr--