of ' t m . - II, -f T. 1 r 1 . - . 1 V X II,- SECTION FIVE r.i PAGES 53 TO 62 . ' 1' PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. ' MARCH 17. 1907. fJ (GEMTEIS 5000 Skeins 8c & 10c EMBROIDERY- 1 SILKS KINDS Skein Ladles' $1.75 Fin tt cm GLOVES Every fzir TTZti CI Q C sad Gaaranted.pr.vleOtJ The:Buildefs:SayM TH AT'S TTH IP '' PRPDIC A M PNT " Wc're now we are forced to still greater sacrifices and bigger reductions. Losses are '11 if l!'4J 1 1 ivV;-1 V.ff V'-- welcomed now with pleasure gain room,' room, room, at any sacrifice is the order. Dust uiu uut ujruig ouu naua cue vuiuutg-uuniy iuw uav iuoms uugaua u uie giaiM, 1V1 lUiULLUUlg oiuwm luuak KU HI it XiUlt y HOW. " J. OinOIXOW 8 ' j. r At,. u: 1 it.. i i t u i . -m. r . ...... ; ... .,:.' .... vie gi caicsip vxtxy ui uic uiggcai buc uic wui uu ever uiuwn. . oc on uanu. , . iawi s open u o a. m. IVfcSe 11 Lists. SpecUl : sin wjn iisv. r v j , e -".rah"," r AnothtM1 Thoutwnd Cam v AtEJNINEIN'S 25c TAlCir.l POWDER 12 Can jztrmz clock c:i yami-jllfrcm ikj to roP Ptv Thousand Yards Mora MILL, KINDS 8c FIGURED CDALLIES AU FaBcyratiems. Of votice..:..,:........ $1.50 and $2.00 FINE ALL0VER LACES AO full 18 inches wide, dainty and elegant pat terns: nona worth less than $1.50 op to $2.00. Choice SB yard. 35c Box Stationery MI color. 4a fuU sis 25c I n 53c boxes 1UV Now for a quicH, clean sweep of thousands of dozens Hand kerch iefs at Half and Less 100 doses Men's para linen hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, soft finish, all ready to use; every one a 20c Talus. Choice. 3 for 25Yor, each ................... :f.9c 1.;' . 5,000 mora Ladies' , Unen cambric Handker. chiefs, hemstitched, . white1 only; made to sell at 50c dozen. Pick 'em oat at, dozen 25c and 35c SilK Windsor Ties 5,000 of them only Women s and children's all pure silk Windsor Ties, plains, plaids and stripes, au colors, all full size. The prettiest and handsomest of 23c and 33c Windsors, ror one aay, cnoice .. 30c 25c Fancy Lace Hose 15c For Women, black, real 25c ralue 5c Box Toothpicks Enough for -f one day only. I f box. m v 10c Box Shinola 5c Never sold under 10c. Cut to, box Laundry Soap lc Larf. big 5c bars. - Go at, bar.. Ladies' 25c WIIITE LAWN APRONS -n 500 of them " only, full M 1 I size, weU made and LLV V nicely hemmed; every m ' one a 25c value. While they last, 18a each. , , ... : Toilet Paper Ail regular t to, each Thousands ,to be Cleared Our Eiitire Stock to Go at Leas Than the SilK Alone Cost LA08ES$750:TO-$IO,SiLCi-WAiSS;AT$2.98 : Parlor -Matches 3c Regular 5c boxes Parlor Matches life: I ' - T- ...... , ' .- There's no help for H bullden absolutely demand the -room, must have it, and at once; so out goes the Silk Waist stock, and at prices that should close them out in a single day.y .. t J-Miti n ml -mukA Irtts mmf99m aitsvsV W fl asl taj Jtml aXie a! aVK - Ta simI TtIeea -ea41sea ekes .sbbmII tatifMl aaawle t WitIsea 4mmwa14a Im lai tfsa . simI aat' t a L. 1 J" ' llll rail V.A K. aw bjuvj pvtwvj v www es w IHne sums msihwvw wa, tuui Mm viimi esaaaaaa aap wm as msaamuwsv vi mhbmw MWTKiuia y e asaiix euiu f w afl i 11 I Sole, in all colors and plenty of black and white. Fifty styles and more to nick from. Many almost entirely covered with lace, others lace-inserted, finely tucked and medallion-" 4 L' I m. a a a . . l itl t - . a m a a . . ... a a a a . .a - . . . . . Aa 1 I 1 f trimmed. ixng ana snorr siecves, isncy couars. au waists vox are oeauues ana oeyona aouot tne most sensational vaiucs ever oxierea on toe cossv xone worm jess tnan ssu, Y JM'i many $7.50, and plenty of SlOUW values-all bunched to two great lots at, choice....... .............. ... ......... - VOV X - ' it. ra 1 n.i i . .Kaa a a "An ' m m m. w nsV . Pattern ouits - AH erne ef a kbit a just about p Half 1st etna, oele saa vavswa. hast of sUk ttaJaa-, saort alaxaait tilm. sataca. WImsi rm ae mm yea-u kaak us for UUtng yom af tMsa, (o, kay as ke sa0s asamistte nav aity eans a m etty, ana, At J i $5.00 FOR THE FINEST $10 SPRING SKIRTS t I " 4 .1 .'.T. ' WiliiUU- J I 1 The Latest, the Newest. Best and Most Stylish of This Season's Skirts 85.00 Just half price that's how they go tomorrow; An $10.00 values, and not one worth s penny less. Handsome Voiles, Pane mas. Hairlines, Checks and Novelties, in black and all colors and combinations: also plenty of the wanted grays.' Pleated and fancy effects, strap and button-trimmed. Every one this season's styles and all positive $10X0 values. Now Just half price cnoica . . . . $5 and U Silk Waists. f AO odd lots, at l.VO Ladles' $2.00 Embroidery TQa. Trimmed Waists, now.......l W Ladies' $12 and Petticoats, now Our entire stock of New Lawn Kimonos, all fancv stvles. lace and satin trimmed, worth up to $1.50 at.....;... ....... 39f, 69? and 69 s e e- ':$9,9& ySAffJ. $5.98 Ladies' $5 and $8 New nfi Spring Skirts, st. ...... . . .? VO Ladles' $l and $2 Fancy iO Wrappers, 99 and .4yC LADIES $10 AND $12 SILK ETON JACKETS Latest style, all fancy fe HQ braid-trimmed, at ..JD,yQ LADIES' SILK-LINED COVER.T COATS Latest styles, worth up e fC to $10. Choice ..;. 50e"O . LADIES' FINEST ' SILK - RAINCOATS AU colors, our best $20 tfl AO ones. Choice st . ....... .Z"yjQ Tbonsfmds of Belts Sacrificed : Oat aaif ana thtoS to alas tkeas fe iXHatoly sad tkay ace sU ke stylas, toe, TlMtUA aaa eabreldeN affMsa, aa las. ' ulszxs Ttrnm sxd inn ' oft and pUsWe laatbers, Utovt shayas, aU eotors aa4 slaek, aa4 aU sumsi saet vso aa sso a,aUtiM , . JQp laaaoaft to OW ' oamv BirsTxa xmowv bxxts " acaSa of pateat laathav, stasia aaa ea. bla kaakla affaeti Maok, white aa4 ad arav sold umoas SSe. new, 9q A WRECK OF PRICES AND VALUES ALL OVER THE HOUSE No loss too creat to cain the room for it's either crowd stock together or move out while the rebuilding is on. Tomorrow the sacrifice is " :' " ViJtVi Mats rMil tha hmm ....... ; .. . .kx "W6"u Dresser Scarfs '. styles, fringed sn g 64 inches . long ana - -y ui V S w s - '65c AU fancy around, fun regular 65c values 01.5O Napkins 84c Doz. An pure linen and finest satin O i finish Damask, large 18xlS Inch iLC size and $1.50 kind; dozen UTV 20c LoniJ ClotH 11c Yd. 5,000 yards to go, an Al quality, -f . extra fine and a bargain at 20c; w v--"- Lare 36x72 in. Rus 100 of them only, fancy pat-(fa -f A g terns and colors, both sides I made for wear, reg. $2-50 Rugs J JL mJL.S, A 50-PIECE BARGAIN Now read the news: $1.50 Table Covers . Largs 6-4 tapestry Table Covers, AA fringed aU around, elegant pat- Isxig9 terns and worth $1.50, each .....UV, LOT OF TIJE FINEST 20c Mohair Wash Novelties 12c Yd. 12ic The latest thlnr in Wash Goods Mohair lusters, in a beautiful line. of pat terns, high silky luster, all colors, full 28 inches : wide ; goods ' we bought to sell as a special at 20c, and most stores ask 23c. .While ; SO pieces last, yard SIfS r a - 95 Room Size lus - Large 9x9 ft Granite - Art flt J- fA Squares, i fancy designs, all Vl ' v colors; regular $8.00 Rugs . t JLJ S Odd Lace Curtains Finest of Nottingham Lace, 1, 2."f ' ' and 3 ofa kind; worth $1.25 calr; fiyC, . , $1 Shirt Waist Sets Real sterling silver, fancy styles; f all best :75c and $14)0 valuta; n set CLEARINQ OUT THE MILLINERY STOCK ALL TTUT.ir.lED OATS About Half Price Right when Spring Hats are in greatest de mand and all other stores sra making big profits, we cut prices to almost half to make , room for the workmen. The entire stock goes. Tomorrow take your choice of hna . dreds of the most exquisite and most beau-' v tiful creations ef dainty laces, straws snd , chiffons, richly trimmed with flowers, rib bons, etc , Many exact copies of the finest " Paris patterns, snd Hats, worth double and UIVIV U S W w" i f y ' . Worth ).9gWort!i CCSS (oil! 'V I to $15 T7HalsVa$HBats $ and tv98$8 and 0.98 Vfiaa ALL OUR CHILDREN'S LEQHQRNS fiQ And Body Hats trimmed with flowers' snd mull. , Choice yLlv B.t.flfl and rinwil to ...... .'. 9e r LOT AFTER LOT TO I OO CLEARINQ OUT THE SILKS NOW $1 00 TO $2 00 PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS Room must be made st any sacrifice; the bunders are clamoring for room and we must grre It to them, and thousands of ysrds more of the finest silks are to be forced out at prices that JJ give you two, three and four yards for. t the price of, one kill lis ui JUW uuu atiu y tiW" aw aaaaa..v w a aw ' Plain Silks and' Fancy Silks, Taffetas, Loiristnes, Serges, Waisting snd Dress' Novelties, snd other kinds in endless assortments. - Miles- and miles of silks heaped on the counters, aU colors, no blacks. Silks .worth. 75c, $1.00, $1 JO and up to $2.00 a yard. Go through the lot and pick the best. Full pieces, mill ends snd remnants aU are included. Choice, 80 yard. . , . . . , ; 1 .. . -. J DRESS GOODS FAR REDUCED NOW , Most any prlps to dear the shelves and counters here's samples of the reduction: , .8,000 Tarda Wide SS-Xaek- Mill Ends Albatross alaM all M.L' &I1 aalaia se-laek an wool aarga, eolers ealyi wort aa aira aa ium ixr Ouotea, rata ................. "WW 10 plaeaa Maok OUrfon ro4elotk, kick . satia flnlak, fail SO laehaa wtda. rat fra 91M , J 9 aad plasty ef whlta aa4 i wortk Joe I yara 4S-tek aeUaaaaa, la yiala steak aad wkita, aisa raaay arracM, , n. ataae to can a l-ss rare ...Ut SS-laek faaey WevSlty Sraaa S)aoU, all aoloraj worth up to T5o 47C Sacrificing All Spring Wash Goods Vke aatbo stock to aad prUaa eat to mlok to atoar tkam U skort erSec. Bar tk kargaa aawa. SM ami .. sooTABsa yajroir i - Qc r V Poured Lawns 0 an ear SO-caah faaay Weak woaas ta tka latoet aawast effaota, aoegkt to sou r...:;.:.;..-..:.'.8Kc SSa aa SOa TOZZAS, sis' WOO yards keaatlfal atanarlsas Tonas, aJmosi fiae aa aUk, rloh aUkr tauter aad alaolorai wortk Sao aad SOor . 2g Aad tkroafhoa tka Uaa an evorrsata reSaotioma aouaOy aa aroas. SACRIFICING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Men's $L00 and $1.50 Shirts 72c All New Spring: Styles And every one Tsademark Shirts and the same H sgency stores sell at $1.50. Take your choice tomorrow and lay in a summer's supply at the ridiculous price of T9 each." "All Sizes and Colors rae sort oartoaa Skirts, atada of ftaart akaaa. kreys aad Importod BMdiaa, ylala. platted aad kox plaltod koaoata, operate aad- atwnkod ' amTfat alraa4 MtlMa mar law araaa asaat to Men's 50c natural gray ' "JCt Undershirts go at fcOv Men's 75c Work Shirts, A&i light and dark colors ......xOU OiaoM, aad every one kort tUO 70. Skirts, Okotoa ........ .... ,.,. ,yC Men's 20c black snd tan f f seamless Hose; pair...., .... lib Boys' 50c Jersey ribbed 1C Shirts and Drawers ...... V.a3t NOTIONS XArr ror. -Se kalle Olo. SUk, aU aolors .............. 84 So aapov Safety flas ... 30 aos Stat rios, faaey stylos, jowal Mi Olioloo 8c S.00O spools Baattas Tkroadt rS. to cpoola fot ...... 1 Chraat llnoa Tbroadi ray. 10a pool fot 4 Sunutowi Tara, odd eolora, rof. 10a skalas for , 5e Oaa lot of faaey Baek Combo, doaeaa of ntjU, noae wortk 1ms tkaa SOo. Okoloo.... 90s Jowol oH . aad faaoy Side Comfea, aoworl aad boat ef SOe kiada, jart kalf ptlooi oot.254 Reduce Your living Expenses By Trading in Our ; Cut Price Grocery role vapktka Boapi epoolal, S kars.2Sw fcarre doe koz xfaoaroal, rat to-.'. .34 10eoda oraekors, Ik. T SOS Oroaai Okaosa, IK .A, ..154 100 Black riff, Ik. . : Te Boat 10e Bvrre Juicy rrsaas, epoeiaL pomad 4. 6? Te krokea Blco, lk. 44 So Pink Boaaa, la. .3H4 IBe pkf. boot akreddad Oodflsh . . . J04 10a Corn starok, pkf. 54 So yairy Soap, bar . . , 44 XArr 100 kettlo Btaalar ev r ' " Aauaoala ...'....... '....,......S4 All ear sort SOo Coffee for i mo day, lk ....144 'ISa Skraddod Wkoad Blaonlta, pkM04 SSa earn akirardolU'e rraad Ckeeo- lato ..854 Bon ISO Baa Srtod Applas, Ik. ....114 SOo plat Jar rare Xoaoy....' .214 100 pky. BUaeo Moat .....84 So Olaaor or Lmwi saps, pka....44 So eaa Bardtaos 1 .3 lee aaa Sebnoa ...................94 , DOMESTICS 5,000 yard's mill ends Figured ChalHes worth up to 8c yard MCI ends of 'Light snd Fancy-Striped Outing Flannel., good lengths and beat 12tfc grade, yard Ttf4 35-lnch Unbleached Sheeting, Al- qual ity and cheap at 10c yard ........ .7 ft 4 Beet 16 2-3c Pillow SUps......I24 Large sire best 75c Sheets. v.;... 544 12c yard-wide Bleached Muilin, yd. 94 15c Black Twilled Shirting, yard.... 74 Extrk Urge Absorbent Towels, biggest - and beat 20c ones, double-napped and dose-wore. Choice V4 REBUILDING BARGAINS IN THE Crockery and nousefurnisliinfls Ckoloa ef S,0O0 Salt aad roppor kakors, worth vp to ISo, at 54 oaek. AS odds aad aads aad ever SO etylos to plak from, opal glaae, daooiataa. klow Blase, iaaltattoa rat sieeo aad otker strloa, all wltk hoavy p la tod tops. C . mtt aaa worth 10 to lsa. AU tm eaa lot .3 Ue BoUtaf Mae ro M .......u 94 Opel Boat arts .......,....-. 24 S-laok rspoa natoe,. wortk SOe, par loa ...'.294 IM larre 10-taek elaaa rat Cako Baa 94 TU rot Oovore, aay else. ...... 54 ISo lt. tu rnaaal ........... 9e IBe mow siftora .; Pr Se son ootk rtoke 14 Be -, eraaito Saaoo raaa. . -144 large sraalto KUk Vaa. for 194 AO slae Ckalr Soata, wortk p to ISo, oaok 94 T80 XalToa and yorka ....e So T.Uow Caadl.a 14 loo CV IMtMri ' 54 loa ri t 59 All t'n 1 K'tnr Spooaa, sow 54 DRUGS Btoyel avow Palais imo. soe kos for SSO BattanaJlk Boap IM wodloatod Viae Tar Skaaapoo SOe kos laa OU Soap see aotua pay stoat so kot. riovida wi lo ! Trnmr'm Croa BOO ao Ou'aaO ... Bo W ttk kul Cm IH UUao In m Sanaa Jt-n'f Clotks Sto Saaltol f t- . . UO Z,nt1n'( VoOot I9c ...194 I8c 194 144 H 1-