The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1907, SECTION THREE, Image 39

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    Tin ciircor; suhday journal, pomxAim sunday morning, march
, ,. ,j ;i ji ,
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fi " 1
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I (J
Boss Was Watching Ellet;
Advises liim to Get Married.
By C. E.
Ha stmosphere to the office of IN Bant
company wa heavy senaatioo.
Th aw had leaked out that th bril
liant fang!, the highest ealsrled mai
lo th effloe, who for tea flaye had been
absent from tha offloa, ostensibly because h
, u sick, U reality had decamped whh some
of h -corporation' money. Further, tt waa
aid that a detective seeney had kept tba '
other man to the offled under surveillance for
; a week, and that tha operatives had reported ,
'1 concerning tha peraonal hablta and expendi
, ( turaa of tha remaining aina elarka aottiprta
. ing tha office fore a. It waa known that tha
old man bad kaaa Brood of bla offloa corps;
be traattd tha roan wall, and In return tbevi
- ' seemed loral to tb corporate Irteresto, a
typified by tb old ma. . . 1
Tba old man waa old, in years, and he re
, talned a few of tb antiquated business idea
of a former day, seemingly with no detriment
i ' to tb welfare of the arm. Tb offlo man .',
. felt uncomfortable; perhaps not a aingls on .
! of tbam waa sntlrely at aas at tb thought
( that detective bad dorsad his steps and had
V pried Into his outsjd life. Before quitting
1 time tb eld man went bit the office, and the -v
atn man tbar. jhll apparantty bnayi at
, their task, real lead that -the psyoholoctoal
i tAOfnant had com. , , .
'1.-,'.,; : - J
. OldHaa. MaKaa Inaarh
With d oouh tor attaatioa, la old man "
aaldi " Tan may not know that Mr. Panel
baa embessled from tha aompany and la'
how a criminal a fulUT km juaUa. ;
when w are 'trylna; to arraat aataraa
n tea (od fallow aaai an aaao-
wlth a borsr erowd aoeouat for
hi downfall. Whan ww tears ad at r'ancl' ,
dafaioatios, 1 took the advtoa f the other
trecten t bar yon all soaded. Tb ran
I matter made m urlooa t know how
yon aaen apaat yr tlnta outside f huslneea ;
hows, and cross - repntab; aetaottr
aaay I hare had reports aorta the tat ,
weak. Tha taasnaatioa that I received i
mot naatufaotory and it la held onaaaaUal,
of oanree. That la all out the boas walked.
t Ellef deck and anoke to aim where- '
pea ho foUowad the old van to thwnrtvat
fflo. ' Tb other ataa plainly wot away
that there waa t ho a mnaaia, far M
diet was aonoamad. w .--'
Tb other elarka weald hay almost swora
that Ellet waa - atrals-ht, even tbongb they
knew that h waa myatertona la his habttai
ha was Hnaral with his aieney without betiva;
a "ayeader.- a (not that aoadonad U tha
ectimatioa at tba athtr atorfca Biiet'a aa-
rrasstyatrnprls ta e-oltrUn aid tlaaa
f aradjt. ... .--V-, .-.;;-'-.S.
. Kaaa lag Tak Clltt't Jf avtmtaU.
KUet waa aeJ hy U tlnv h was faalaf
" the ha ta th lltu oQee, aad h aare
strained attaatioa to tf word f tha aid
, man, who sal 44 . Ellet, f ) keen
eaaaala worker, and I bay no arttlotamia
sCa as that sooro, wet X wast soma Uaki aa
. nala atatoata that werej ta tha report,
taaaraJaa; yon. that I iietred from tha a
: toattra," and th aid man apread sheet ef
paper befer EUet, who aeaa t read a brief,
Ineiatra aooaont af bla doUf durtaf hU
J hours fa a week past - ... .
. "Tneoy alawt,'' aald) th aaaa, ya
. fhal yo h4 M pnvytnc pool with a frtend,
! Ton tka west ta a burleoqo show with htm.
and afterward to a ebon auey ataaa. Xaa
tpeat aar IS thai rreolaav Oa Tnuroday
:i-bi ywa war ta claw atom, taok tw
ohaaaaa aa a rama, and bewgot ataava ta? tha
Does Boss liave Favorites?
Why Not Be One of Thein?
By Joseph Cox.
m1 as
I a tut
tit the maa who has round out sev
eral year ta a mediocre poaftioa why
never haa advaaoed ta a - more
tuoratlv place, aad he la ail preba
blllty will teU you It to due to un luet
discrlmtaatloa by the aeea Jl wit potnt
to aome one who has auooeedvd, and ear
tha la alt fairasaa the place thle man Is
eceupytng shsuld be hla, but that this man
had a 'pull, and that he haa found that when
aa appcrtaaity tor promotion era corn the
bosa alwaya had aome favorite aa hand' ta
fill th phM..' . Xrhapa thia la true; but
wv was h aet the favorite at the boea on
soma ecoasloa If h haa tha requisite abUlty
to fill a better placet. Thia question usually
brings him to the point and he will state to
you . that ha never haa nor . never shall
' toady " la any mas ta gala his good) wilt,
: tad that If th boas canaot promote him aa
hla abiutw alone be never shall go aAer hint
with blandishments. The treabe with km
' la eaa that affects a great many- employes;
he haa mistaken good redfng for crco-
pheney f be Utoka thai the Worker who ;
saews a respectful attitude toward th boea
; is bidding for hla favor, when he ta But dm
ply exercising the rule at good manners. V
" '.-
TJtalett ta Stand aa Dltfnlty. r
, The habit of getting oa one's dignity with
the boea. Just because h la th aosa, la one
' that la aemcnealr met with among working
, people, and oertalnly does them more harm
' than good. We have seen capable men oecur
' pylng lowly posltiena because they made no
attempt to treat the boss aa a gentleman.
They seemed to think that It showed bravery
on their part ta mam rest a iitua hostility
toward hint od every possible occasion.
la '.
faot we hare often heard the remark: " I
am aot afraid af htm, if he la the boas, aa if
It waa a case ef fight with tba employer .
Instead et keeping an good terms with him,
and treating him as one gentleman should
treat another. It hardly la aeoaeaary ta add
that such a manner does not rales the poe-,
sesser In the estimation of the bos.
' But this attltud of hostility is ltd worst
In its effect than is that of a stubborn dls
' position. Some employes cannot take orders
(rqm the boss without feeling that be is ques-
1 tlobtng their ability, and they atralghtway
' proofed to show by their actios that they re
gaxd htetostructlofMasaaaffront They will
go so far aa to oompel bin) to go over In
detail what he bas told them to do, pretend-
Ing that they do not understand how his
Ideas can be applied to the Job In question..
A worker of this elasa. never will add a
single stroke ta a Job af hla ewa accord
while the stubbora spell la upea him, e
crowd there, Friday night 70a took
young worn a to tb theater and enjoyed 1
' supper with (ham afterward, certainly
expensive evening. Saturday night, accord
Ing to the report, you wandered aimlessly, vke.
ited several 0 seat theaters, as stood on
atreet corner for awhile, evidently waltlnff
for aome 000 who did not appear. Finally
yon. tok a car for year home, much farther "
out n th weat 1V. Ellet, you know your'
alary bar I IW a month," and the old man
paused, . :, . ,,
; Whara ta Mona Caana From.
' At first Ellet'a voile trembled a bit. but
he soon steadied It. " Mr. Bant, th deteo
tlre'a report Is fair and truthful. However,
last month I mad $130. My salary hare waa
(00; 1 took tw of the boys In tb office to aa
oculist friend of mine who fitted them with
;lseej yon know th electrlo Ufht la bard
on th eyes. Altogether, I bavc sent fir
of th boys t him, and several weeks aa he'
sent me SO for my courtesy, as b put It." ,
. - It peya to ba noilta," aald the aid aaaa.
evenly. , . ' . ,.- ,
"Two months ago,"1 pnrsued Eliot, t "
staked - Ferdinand with 60 and became a
atlent partner In his lunchroom down the -street;
lest week I received tlS aa my share
of the first profits. X aoid tba foreign atampo
that V removed from th firm's aorreapond
ance to a atamp dealer for 8; there are a rood
many hff h denomination stanvpa on tb small
machinery part sent to us. by oustomars In
different parts of tb world, particularly '
South Africa) auoh stamps arc la demand by
collectors." 1 'v ";.-.., . ;
Tba hoc showed aa InaSnatioa to tnterrnpt ,
EUet. who continued: J I cant a little Ghetto
eketeh, touehlnc upon a eoclolocical phase,
ta tBa Tide and Tide (naerasbi It waa ac
cepted, and hare, yea ee,. said EUet, are
duolna- a Utter,- -th snaraalaa sent fU ,
ta naymetU. Last Betarda nlarbl I went
Inta aa aatnual acltltborhood, with th idea
at atadytna: tha people and obtalalflf matartal
for aaotber kth.,
i S i,- aald the old man. dryly. - ' tv
'Iry Mm Sal xlarry. ?
" One of th retina" womca ta whaae aoo-,
aany 1 was ryiday nj ht," said Ellt "lea
? dear. X mean, r, a do friend, that la, I
hooow and KUet stammered and waa at a -.)
for wrda. This tha ld maa apoksi
' ."Tha.athcr petty tofraetioaa, whll dls
, approving- af them, think I anderetaad. It "
, seems ta ma that yea da net easier year
, whole thought duties ta th offleei
you should concentrate all your faculties and :
rty aa year work for ai iw want yaur
whol tlma and effort. I bavetbeea thinking
af glrlna yoa.Pangi' Place, aut yea must
have na tn liruli umiiwinlaH wttk flim f
. m . . 1.
mw u( Rwnuflf yvif luive. enema
prefer a married man for the position, which
pay 14.800 a : ?a knew, X believe la
aearriag for a man,"' .'-.:,
EUet did aet atop ta think that It waa add
la view af these sentiment that tha aid maa -
never bad married, Ellet aald, eagerly, " X
am net married, but at X am engaged to be by ;
temorrrw mornUg. la that aU right f.. ?
j. Wall, yea," aald th aaaa.
" I shall be waltlnff for fee when yea gat
la tha msrntng," retsiaed EUet
" How a best th socials gy ad theaaaaaal
aclghborboodsr' ; ' . .; ,
- O. I think that t (ball sonoeatrate an my
general tale rest la tha bamaa family en eaa
eb)ect end a eaay fiat, raid Ellet, ecn-
''-t;--:-"T'''. "
though ha may ace where the boas has aver. ;
looked aome essential point 1 . .
' , Salt Lisa SaaUed CkUdrea.
v W hate met with many persons of this
alass ta our associations with working peo
ple, and have aeea them sulk like spoiled
; children for daya aimply because the bosa
-did not take time to ask their opinion beore
giving Instructions a to how the work should
be done. If, wkea a thing of thia kind occurs,
the employe Would go to the boss and ask
' that ha llstea to his plaa for doing this par-
tloular piece at Work, there la not ana boa
In a doaea wbd would not lie tea and who
wouja not eaopt au ex nia weaa was were y
practical. Thia certainly more
creditable to tha employe than te enow his
pi breeding by pouting. ' '
' There ie yet another el aaa af workers who
are la the habit of doing themselne const d
erable Injury by aot controlling thelr tem
pera . ' They are agreeable so- long as things
go smoothly, but the moment something
happen ta make them madthey do and aay
things that are harmful ta then welfare.
They may repent aa soon aa th spell leavee
them, but that will aot remove the effect
that haa aeea produoed. It ta ao unusual
sight to see a maa who la the victim afa.
uncontrolled temper "get . mad over soma
trivial dffatr and quit hla position. His fam
ily may be depending en his wsges for their
daily bread, but h does not think of that
Ifa likely doe hot kaow wher h can se
cure another place, bat that la aot consid
ered, either, He n mad, and. being at th
merer of a habit he does not attempt ta con
trol. -tie aaa dd nothing for the time being
but jsbey Its dictates, deferring thinking ua
tu reeaoa again oen ascend her -throne. A
worker of this elass soon gets a reputatloa
' aa being one hard to get 'on with, and cm
, ploy era are slow ta place him in a position.
where, his leaving would be ef aay sonse- .
.N a-1 a )-,:;; - '
AfreeaMe Haa Get Preatotloa. :
. ' It hardly) can be expected af a boea that he
' Will feel as kindly disposed toward an em--ptoyd
who manifests any of the shore men
" Honed traits ef character at he will inward
' one who alwar kseps his beat qualities la
. front W cannot Justly sonde ran him If
when he has a good poaitloa epea he gtres
prsference to thst emplojd who always hss
put forth hi best sffort In ths Intereet of
Ms employer, and don willingly whatever '
h was asked to dew
' A cheerful, kindly disposition le an asset
which is aura to be ef great value at aome
time. ..,'.'!..' ,- .
.1. v Lw'i '' i ". V. -
M 1'la.riTTl21.
Nj"'" ufi "i
I a I lo. IF 41. 71 1. I
1 v-to-v-:fr2!'Al?
Retail Merchants Fail;
Wholesalers' Point of View.
: . By Georrjo Brett :
'lUTICISK la valuable from the'euV
f aldc beoaus tt I well known that the
I k outsider aeea most of tb game. Muoh
arttlclsm Is . captloua. trivial, and
. .worth lee) but such cannot be said
af the etteraeeee of th large wholesaler.
The flrma are Interested In the welfare ef
the small retailer) they want to help him. If
he be heaest thoy do help him. . A gala and
egaia whaa a worthy storekeeper la a small
town ht straining ale credit, more often than
not he .geta the benefit ef th doubt as ta
whether it I advisable to give him more
time, ar 1st bla have aaotber bill of goodo
aa thirty or etrty days when he hasn't paid
tor hla last aaa. .',
. But aoaa the lee hla faults are atudied
by the whales! era, who fta drop many
thousands ef dollars la a few months because
af thean. One af the largest wbolesalsrs ta
Chicago tabulated for the writer the reaaona
why retailers fall. They ar glren as fol
lowsi .. , , .-, j
v " " ' -
" War ItataU Starts rJL :
InauAclaat knowledge at tha real vain af
11 )"! lllfllTaa ' ' ' -
Kd Inaora traAa laattaot, ' 1
: Extravagance, I t, at nataral gift af
aoonomy. s ""' . ..,.':.,';';...''..''
: Reckleas price oatttngt,
Poo? edvertlalng.- .' ' '-;''
' tck af neatnesa. arda, and attractive dis
play. . :,'.. ;,. , ;
Inattentive, incompetent help.
w mmam
. 1 . .n M E . yayag
- - -
T tt reM mentioned above must be
aa g failure af many retailers to tern
rr their stock aulckly. -,r
Nearly ell th big wholesalers la Chicago
admitted that modern condition demand a
turnover af a took. One sales manager
nls view as foUowst .-
" t sunds ta common aaaa that U a
f aa goes into a country store and sees aemaTw waBal to drira the machin ctbual.
goods which have Just arrived, neat, trash,
faahleaeble, and tempting, aha will be an.
able ta resist burtaa them tt she haa the
aeoeasarx money ta make a yurehaae. It1
pays a awreaceper 1 aay nequeauy BCW
goods la small quantities ths eftoaar tta
Maw Ceecli Teatst Ctutataert.'; ; :
"The clerks get tired of looking at shop,
worn goods, which have boea ta pbe erts.e
Usbment many montbe, not to mecatioa trie
feelings of the customer.. It doesn't pay to
buy rtoojes af goods which) canaot be sold
readily. It's far bettor to make a ameJl
profit three times la six monrhs thea one
large profit ta that time. But at course if a
man ties up all his money la a big purchase
of goods whloh go slowly at a large profit
n t not in a position ta do tise." , ., x
The small retailer can take a loot out cfoh
big State street stores to advantage. Ever
lastingly the big stores tempt the appetite
of the people with goods of the latest styles.
Whea good get a little shopworn or a trifle
out of date tbar I aotbmg surer toad that
the knife la unsparingly uaed ta cut pricec
to a point wMon wU force she andeslraol
stock out af tha store. People who doubt
the genuineness of the big sales don't realise
ths faot that there are reaaona for making
bargain prloce ex floti throe trumpery rea
sons, but heaest logical reaeniia . ...
y ..
V rtxlag tae Marxla af Profit-
, Wnolaealers are ef opinion that the mav
- Jorlty ef small atoraksepera da aot know
' how ta M merehendl.' By merctMeidlo
". Ing, of course, la meant tbe; fixing of prices
. at a level whioh will cover all expenses aad
charges aad leave a fair margin of profit for
..the mere bant . '' ' : - ' '
The sales manager for a btg Jobbing houss
stated that forty out at a hundred retailera.
. forget t figure la the celling price ef aa
artlda a percentage whioh will cover ttia
loss they make when they sell the portion
' of the goods whioh becomee out of date or
heawora. '7 . .' - ' r. -
The advertlatag of moat retaflers, tt Is ad
mitted, la at least 100 per oent better limn it
waa a few years sgo. The main fault wtth
the country advertiser la that bis publicity la
apt to b unsystematlo. .. .
On f th best known wholesale clothing
firms in tb country, wtio maintain a special
advertising servlee for the astailer, expreascd
their views aa fo!)ow
A I- v . . ', . w ' 1 '
' ' -' AdvertUln; Wart Be Systematic
" rrom th standpoint af publicity the rea
son why se many retail clothiers do act da
mors business is because they her no pre
arranged plan for putting out their adver
tising. It is too Often a head to mouth gam.
" It atand to Oommoa sense that If a re
tailer outllnee a campaign his efforts win be
much more likely to bear fruit because they
have been matured by careful study, and
elos thought aatto the beet, course of action.
It I foolish to ruah Into print on a deoleloa
baaed on the Impulse of a moment
,, " When business la good In eaaaen, a greet
many ratal Isrs figure thay do not nsed to ad
vtrtlse, Whea trade la duU they say, ' No
body will buy, aayway, so what's the use ef
advertlslngr 'A great many of them have'
en or tw btg, flaring announcementa dur
ing th season and then forget all about
"Weat et steady, Jadiotoaa advertitingr
t -
, vr,
. ..
aften sausea retailers a have a much large
stock af -goods oa hand than la necessary.
Frequently they make a Urge loss through
telling 'let season ' stock at a forocd sale."
' ' From tt to 6 per cent la the usual percent
age of money expended by country retail
store for publicity. Generally, however, tt
range from 9 to 8 per oent with the major
ity. - :..!. . v..-. r;
.., v 0 , . . ,r, " ;-
I Hataawi af State Street Stare.
The amount of aelcnoe and system infused
tat the publloity at a Urge BUt street
tor may be gauged from the following
statement made by the feead of their advcr
Using department:
We aim to reduce adrertlalng to aa exact
eclenoe. Every morning I have laid on my
desk a report of the sales of sack depart
ment for the preceding day. This Indicates
Juat what results have accrued from the
advertlsine put out.. The report id questlsn. -also
gives the aalaa for three years back ef
corresponding daya for the same month.
: "I know exactly what amount af money -it
costs to sell certain lines. . A man la em. .
ployed to do nothing else ut figure up the
space It costs to advertise diatlnctlr lines.
And when goods are -Costing more than a '
certain percentage te ell there's a row
about it- It's evident there's something "
wrong. Ws never reckon to spend more than
d per cent to sell any staple goods through
. " I am advised wnca goods navs oeen nur
ana tneir ooex.
t t t t MBort. on the amount aoout toOTEB TKH BCBINKSS OF TKTg CON-
-JL 4wAeaAhete-renW etc- i know
. ,w . .,v. n xrr.r.nt rnMimhiM vkith,
er or not Uey ere geiung oua eiunei aia. - . r . , w . m . --y . ; uvsumno aeeeniuiie im we neaauve
raporU oa what C. O. D.'s areawturned are BatladH a Matter af GreWta. ' mM large affaire, the negation be-
f urnlshed me. All tbla Is don so that X may T2da point which X wtsh Tta emphaaise I ' m rtou abore the ordinary no. Cam
work with the clearest light possible." . tht mir suocesrful liiialiicea et any magn1 ' inia9 ' comeUmes is aeceseary and a
tude la a thing of growth, it aw be a bust- mD'a ,B w mt "nr P-
A4 fa Metlre rawer af Baalaasa. - nee wwt la fifty year oM er it may be a - T fwot to and
It will be assa prom ths forsgoing that ad-v bustneo ef thirty daya giwwtfc. But In ' Wm ' Ptnag which
.fi.i 1. e&fftaneJ aa a kind Bl motive : whatever rtsenrna nerlod aeesesarr to tta ' exacts a milllo dollar bond for the execu-
assa. but aa anneecseary amount ef steam te
aet turned ea. Ne large up te date Chicag aal coin neon aenee ad Judgment aad th fur
retailer dreams af doing without advertising, . the reaseuraaoe that comes wtth experience
it h ateg It la a syatsmetl way. He bar-,
aesses it to practical srobiema, He docs not
exDeot It ta do ear "Aladdin Uxe " Zeata,
whloh la aet tru af many email retailera.
la th final analysis as to why most retail--'era
fait tha universal opinion of the big
. wholesaler af Chicago is that aba retailer
doe aot know how to buy. -
This opinion was sonflrmed by a maa wba
ha had twenty year ef experleaoe in study
ing the' causes of failure among retailers.
- Bequest waa mad that th aim of hi firm
be withheld. If It were gfrsn tt would be
recognised aa a concern known In the utter
most parts of ths earth aa aa authority ea
firms rating aad cause of failure. 'The
statement mad waet
"In twenty years ef experience with my
firm X have had occasion to study th differ
ent routes to tejlur which the unfortunate
retailer often travels. ' Frequently hard
pressed by competition la hie own district
hla perplexities are not lessened by the se
ductive wlice practiced by th aatuts mail
ardor merchant to get busineen .
: - .a . a . '. - ' ' '
Lack SIUI la BajinrA
t knew thr are many book en selling.
X have wondered why there are aot more ea
buying. In my experience I have noticed
that among retailera more falluree have been
caused through want of skill to buying than
' : through any other reason. 1
Generally the dealer overstocks nitnactt.
Again he frequently pay good price for'
good of Inferior quality.. Thia l due to the
lack of moral courage an th part of tb re-,
taller to withstand the onslaught of th trav-
sling man and be able to cay Ne " more
often. ;. ' ; -, - ,
: " When the retailer cngagae la convsrsa
' tloo wtth tba salesman he wants to have an
' hla .wiu about him. The retailer should re
member that often hla own interests da not
correspond with those of the saleaman, and
he should be chary about being ruined Inta
placing an order Without dus consideration
' aa ta how long It will take him to dispose of
the goods, whether they are well worth the ,
, . money, and what profit he will get out of the
. transaction. v , ." . : ' , '
: . ' " ' ''.' :" " " ' i'. v '
''. ' Crecert Boy Larger BlUs.'
ia. the grocery Rue . especially I have
' known for a fact that many falluree have .
been duet the retailer buying a lot of canned '
goods which were ' alow sellers though
.bought at a low figure. At a forced sale
; theee good realised next to nothing. '
" The retailer should fight the mail ardor
( man by stealing hla thunder aad else offer ;
lead era. Ha ahould us clever advertising,
even If It costs a little to buy ths use ef good
advertising bsalne. There Is one vital truth
the storekeeper always should remember a
store is mad attractive te th general public
by tb number of bargain to be found in K.
Especially I this true ef the feminine ele
ment. No up to data merchant expect te
make a good profit oa, everything h sells. -Occasionally
selling below cost la tha price
he peya for retting new trade and making
firm frlentto." , . ;
Th following pom will bear enrphaaUt
" You can't sell goods unices you get people
. Into your store. How. is th retailer going
t get a Crowd Into hi store unless he make
effcTa wbioa wiUaelntereatlngr, - ,
Everybody Tallls Busine
Fe vUnderstand Its Meaning.
By ol Busincca Mon.
ErxaxwHEJta m
ttmos we hear the
die egad, tha eld. I
and even tha kited
th yoonc, tha and-
the lam, the baM.
hUktoeT aaoat tbM
Hoe ta start at
wtjed aaatacca ta eater Into, how ta
a euoecaw-kf beatnas aa of M w aa
tmfaiUo topt at ktterest, Whyf I know
. at aa ether answer the thai It la eeeaea ee
many people know nttle aaoat It. re
pi like t hear aaoat tbiag ef wbtoa thay
' know aoCMng. aimoat aa well aa they love to
talk about tha abtnge at w4ea ahoy know
evam least - v ,, -, ,. '
-, X am a fwaor partner ta a racbar add Ma
- at huetaesa. There are saty a few firma ef .
Uc kind la the United State, and oar branek
house kt Ausut la almost she aoly repr
seatetlv of the boainasa a th eonUnewt at
'1 Europe. While wa ar la eaastnietloa work. .
w have aa plana. BtaJawwrkta taamaal
' amm and aoerettng force and aqulpsnand at
the aalrtis stand tor a a ad for aur Nov
' aotltora, A call tor a eon tract h aa likely ta
com LE00 miles aa It I to asm frenc our
horn olty. - AJ aoarapby took alike ta
, aa, A tla.000 eeatraot a worth- while) w sit
. op and take ea aetlc If It be for flOO.OOQ
or ever. In ear work ska la a matter af tea
af tha greatest possible Import te ear pe
tree. a. To complete a Jo ta aaa month may
meaaj $80,000. Ta complete si shree ar five
daya aooaar may assaa a si aaa at 11,000 a
day. Tw fail at aba taartraay fintsk may
soot aa $L80 a day.
. TbJ la buatness, Is M nott , "
,; ,K:- ' ,
Coatracta talaf; Taraa4 Aarar.
Oraxtlng that It im eur bustneea Is on a
fixed, firm basis. We have been turning;
away coo traote rutting them eff etavlng
away the tlmw at whloh. wa aaa make the
first Initial effort la completing a Job that
w can't see eur way to tackling. Our bank
account la worth aomeUitnw te one or the01 aeedle. One 0 the
largest bank la the country. Our credit is
unquestioned anywhere. Our worlrine?or- ;
ganisaUoa aaa't ba beat. We arvmaklfl
money, and ae time goesoa we are going taj
make more aid more money, for the field in
whdoh we operate has not been open at all
longer than tea year, grille tt aronuees t '
remain opea for 10,060 yeare. .
Making these statement broadly accurate
and expecting them to be aootpwd aa such, .
X have- eoxna la a shellac King statement
which has tremendous baa ring upon this unl
ersel iopdo of business: - 4 -
in M BuaxnaBO run BiJtxx UAI1!
truittoa aa a buslneen. It muat have bed at
least one maas farth, tettlal eftort. tadlvid.
' tnaa l proving itself from day to day. '
, Tea years sgo not a maa ta America would
nave scoepieu one enxnua wnion ng aga
became ta ue the routine of business.. Any
month km th year whea we have aot freta
$800,000 to 13,000,000 bonded surety for eh
1 eerryine; out af our contrasts la aa. sxeep-
Wholesale House Paid Graft
Printer's Buyer Gbt
; -By Lester B. Colby.
1OO often the bouse la bled by those ;
within its trust To often th maa for
whoso eervtoee adequate payment la
made, aad wbe la supposed at every
. ' turn ta be watchful et his employer's
good, la reaping 111 gotten gain by receiving
what he term hla legitimate ? eommlaeaoe "
en tbe side, , . -
A, man versed la all tha arte aad require,
menta af printing bought aut a house which
had enjoyed a large bn etnas for years, but ;
' which had netted small pronto, indeed.
From all outward appearances the business
waa a paying on,. Auditors who examined
the books spoke highly af Its promised fa
. turn, - Yst there seemed to be a leak some
where. Tb aw proprietor, by elose eont
partson, found that suppliaa la sertala -
partmenta were aottlng far too muoh. Ht -went
to the sea- of th matter, aad ta his
own aatlsfacttoa determlied that the trusted ,
buyer waa receiving rebates from a firm sell
ing thousands ef dollars worth of suppllee
to th ouera annually.
- - He Immediately relieved the barer et hie
Job and put a maa la bla place la whom he
had Implicit confidence. The new man wa
Instructed to aaoertaih th truth of th head's
suspicions If potelble. .. , '
. . a,
By Robert Carlton Brown.
afAN ta Judged as much by how he
says a thing aa by what ke eayA Ths
proper nee ef the language will give .
yea a certain distinction aa well aa a
. ,, certain aslf-eatisfaetien, A man, ta
be fully equipped, must be able to expree
himself easily and aocarataly la both speak--Ing
and writing. ' . . '
Th habit Of swearing ha had aomethtng
te do with lessening ths majority of men'
vocabularies. Xld you aver notice thst a
great many mea cannot tell a funny story
without repeating Certain oaths continually f .
These men .nee these oaths txOm habit
formed by a lack et vocabulary, a lack of
descrtptlv edjeetlvee, , v -
A vocabulary Is a necessity and tt ta ac
quired easily. Tbe first requisite step Is lo
carry a veet pocket dictionary.
When you read a newe Item On the train
and come epos an unfamiliar wot.i tnfce out
four d!o Hosiery and look It u?. It i 1 r-
Moa. Maa aarrytnc eat the detail work t
ear arm never sleep. Twwty-foa boors
a daw tor eevea day at the week are aov-.
ared ta ear pay rolls, year after year. A '
aretes gaac at Work men might cost u
PCX), 00Q ta a atgba, Bat oa tb other heM
w4 argmnlaed gamut working to the beet ra-
tereeta of tha firm are making aa lUXX) ta
JUjO to J,
ILtOO a day hi bonusee. We haw rtoha
. ar
wa tak taemi hat wo have Of port unity
ir so
Saallag Maaa After Kara Woaty. "
' OooetdertneT my aropoattloa) at turning ever
the buMoeae aa a gift ta the; ordinary maa
sad finding him without tha narva to tak
IV I am aoaatdaring human aalureaa I know
tt, Tb liardiet propoaluoa whloh an aada
today la tha search for the men who eaa he
aaewa a onto austneee venture recutring
aioeee for Ra advaaoemeaa whoa the first
levurna afosnlaad are longer away tliaa a
Cgurailre eoeaotrww, aendlng kvge (tuns ef
meawy out attar snore asoaey la aomethtng
Whlah erdtnartlr daea not eater Iota the
rdlaaiT buslneesideeA - I the greater veo
ruree where' this la aiaasnry a corporation
fioatd tha veature threuga th sale of stock
Tbue la a posatble auiura the
trlbutod - .
' Today ear napira la
tortunea lata tha ah aaaa at bus
ta eeaanataa nine are required ef a More
than tfata, la tha aatara ef car work wa may
sue cut a place at work ta euehj a aasaer as
te hmw us Babl sor dnanagea ta tbtrd par
tie. Elgh aalarlea are tharula aa eur pay
roaa, - Tb sluaisa studoraad one seveiaat
strata at aoneeatratlonyare expected ef every
aw 1st emolaJ eapettltyv A sunerintcadiant
over knows whether he may go to bed)
Bight, or wtieOMr getting ta bod) ha
sleep untlViaoroiDa- As for beada
house, tclearama af any hour of the
. froi
nyany seetloa of
the country may
the next train to mxtr direction
aoMl these head ef the concern, te a
RlM " aeoesalUee of
Journey, ana at the horn and the other
ttlmii : ' f'i ' ,,.l'.v
;fZ; , . " . ' " ' ' '
Doing! Tains; Tlat Are Imvoulnl. ;
Thus tar. too, I hare dealt only with those
contracts that already have been take by
the compear. Not all tbese contracts hare
come knocking at the office door. Times
hare been when, the maa or men most eon. --ecmed
la the work which we would .under1'
take for them to their beat Interests bare
balked at tb proposition. -4
"It aaa't ba done" frequently has been
. the answer ta the agent seeking the oppur-
' win it is eonetOkrca mat men maklne
"tioa ef the wont ir he can get tn co--t -at
nU-euggseta aomething ef risk tn itself. ;
, For aometlmea ke doesn't get It: .
Thousands of wealthy men wh have con
ducted loans and speculations for themselves
half their Uvea are lacking to nerve to plant
half their wealth la a solid bank, and, with
a place ea the board of dtreotora, tak the .
risk af th banking euetneea,
Caa you find me a buyer for ear boatneta
at 80 sects ea ths dollar T t
An agent of the manufacturing firm short
ly cams around and ths nsw buyer wa given
a proposition similar ta th on the former
maa had been working wader. Ho turned the,
offer down aad acquainted hie employer with'
Kffhisemplorer with' jf
imunieatad with the 1 1
he refuted te deal "' II
a methods. Hstold gh
the entire facta
The employer then eommunieated 1
aeua te the effect that
wtth a firm exercising such 1
them tersely that he was paying the men who
worked under htm what wa agreed between
them as maa and maa as sufDoleat selanse
for their servleee, and aa they could rebate .
the buyer, he was plainly paying toe much
for what ha waa getting from them.
He closed wtth the statement that It there
were any rebate It should go 1 the house
and not personally to an employ ef the
- house. ,: Bu aa he could aot trust them te
treat him with honesty after his experience
, he canceled all seders and absolutely would 4
1 refrain from ever giving them another, .
His word ha conscientiously been kept. '
' Ths wholesalers have loot thousands of dol-, .
lara la trade, and he hea est a percedent
which. If followed by ether firm throughout
th country, will go far toward tb stamping
aut af commercial graft so prevalent in all -
, lines of trade at the present time..
prlss you how easily you win gather bl ax- -prsssiv
word In this manner.
When you look up the word check It aft
wtth your pencil, think of It a moment fix
it la your mmd. Th check mark la to show .
yeu that the word has been looked up ence; "
if yen look It up aln the check will stand
there accusingly and will prove a stimulus
to ths memory.' You will be surprised at
the number of check mar ke your little book
will contain at the and of the month If you
systematically look up each word that you
do not know. . -
.Whea you ar at home, reading, do tl.e
am. When you hear a man nee a w
word, look It, up, and to a al.ort time yoi wi
dens will have cccaelon to cm ymifil ! -
Whenever you write a lf'r t .
yo:tr new word a. The en: ' J rf li 1 fuse !!'
to n . e a e -rt f ' ' '
1 .
sod at Rl'lfi
may JXlltj
ee the IVU i
L'.1 naf1
" '11