The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1907, SECTION THREE, Image 35

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I I r II . Z .... I i : . , 1 II I
t-THERB.Mc ltvd van who' said
I " that when hs cam to choose
. ' X 0 rwlfs hs would uk tbe favored
. maid tbra questions, and upon
' tbees would depend . bfn further attain
, tlons, . Ths flnt ' u, Do you always
. . wear your hair the' same wayt tb eeo
end, la that way becoming T and the
v third. Is it fashionable T ; 1 ' y"
Now tt may. or may not bo possible, M
bo thought tt Waa, to judge of character
' by the coiffure, but tt la eartain that
woman quito ftehegpoge themselves to
ridicule and disdain by their overdevo-
tlon to fashion, to tha exclusion of bean
ty. raw seem to realls bow. much tha
disposal of th hair raally. baa. to do,
with tha profile, or In bow treat meas
ure the countenance may bo affected by
th coiffure. '; . -
A few yean ago tba "Jaaloo Merodltb"
curl ' waa the prevailing mode, and, to
the ilsgust of .the sane-usually maoolf
lino critic. oTery - woman, no matter '
what the color of bar hair or the char
ter of her face, woro that ubiquitous
"curl dangling err bar left ahoulder. To
some few It waa. of course, becoming.
but the great majority presented any
thing but & .beautiful or elaaele appear-
ance. Xy "
All this waa simply an 111 uatra tlon of
the fact that every- woman needs net
own particular sty leot hair dressing to
bring out the food point,, and to con
ceal the bad onea. of bar eouotenanca..
The arrangement f the colffur should
bo an art. not an accident There re
not even any bard and fast rule to
laid down In the matter, for each wom
an must otudy bar own typo until aba
baa achieved tbe desired effect y y;
Since,' however, it la the pronto that
''. la moat affected ,by bad; arrangement.
-' and alnco. too. a , beautiful ; proftlo
often createe a! beautiful face, and
r vice versa. It la well to gtvs a few
general direction! for tbe dressing ot
the hair in euch - - manner aa to tot
off the profile to the beat advantage.
Must of these rules ahould. It seems,
. be obvloue; bat, Judging by the truw
lorttV ef women, ther are utterly un
peg Known. yy ,-..- "'.":.- ri '-.y '-."vv
In the first place, there are three
feature to be directly considered
the - forheeuL- the -no and
the - ebJn.
Y Tne eiaeaio proais, .ot course tne
Tnoaei or an later oeatnies. repreaant
"d. fc'genBe curve whose apex waa the
- tip of the nose. Anything that dla-
- turba thle curve militates agalnat
claaalclam. Thus, a protruding chin or,
' a too small nose are alike unclaaalcaU
and, therefore. Imperfect These are
Irremediable defects ot nature, but other' )
Imperfectloaa there are easily trace-,
able' to a fa'ulty coiffure. A pompa
dour too largo for the face, for in-- '
ataneo. or a straight part on a nigh
forehead, does not by any means add
to the charm el Its wearer, tor It do-
itracta from the curve I : ;.
- . There 1 the whole matter In a nut- .
. shall, but lUuatrations of it are legion.
'Tba Untidy arrangement of too hair la
: the Illustration, for instance, ahow the
.' afreet of tbls stylo of coiffure en a face '
. that was never Intended for It aa wit- f
eeao the Improvement worked by the -'
'-stylo Immodlately preceding It Boo,
too, the girl with the severely pulled
i baob : hair. and ' notice ' that the
' ' bad effect , Is caused . by the com- ;
blnaUon of tbe style with the high -'
forehead. r. Instances might go on for
ever each of the : must rations : anovo
abowm tbrrWfTrt Wmctrntrd lnju
dleloua balrdreoalng on tba profile; but
v the 111 proof la found In Wn ex am in a-
tlon c. tbe atylea that no woman can
, or fbould wear. Chief among tbem I
tbe "bolster, pompadour, tightly-fast--
oned at the forehead. 1 with Invisible
kaUrpina, The reason for this is plain:
tt. destroys the .ourvo ot classicism, no
f"' ht,.ti f f!fr VJZZ
. turoa. .Another JJ1 n
smooth expanse canoed by the painful
. pulling back from the' forehead, and
. tb. reason is the same. Tbe third, the
- happily extinct bang, completely bides
the forehead and annihilate the curve
-" completely. ,': .'.' -..
Mors completely, exprasaed. the rulea
Vould bet .The. round, blgb ' forehead -'requires
a loose part .felling over tt
and. biding ltd promlnenoe; the nr
, row, blgb forehead -a bad combination
by the wayneeds hair : . parted and .
puffed oi both aides; the low, narrow -
tnurinav cut them short ' as ' fro-
quei.t cutunav will make .them- grow. .
Above all. do not work at them too
much, leave them aione, and have pa-
tlenc. ' When they have reoovored
Irom the sever treatment you have
given them they will grow well enough.
A long Illness needs a long cure
' v To Reduce Flesh "T '
The innlosed Is a eooundrum t ma. - Will
ou kindly nrpialn Ue treatment in regard
to reducing Bt-ahf . f .
"P. X. at. Thle treatment Is a amst sue '
sceeful way to. reduce -ih. and It Is most
unusual to sal" as you pave done. It la not
unheard ot. however, as 1 have Known It to
happen at Bret t several othor pennns.
a.vvutueliy howover. they, brren to !,
sud lost then very rapidly., Are you taking
title tirsinient under ine'.lvloe jf your
thyalclan, there sre smne ron'tlfuuea to
htih It Is absolutely batmruir'
Mra J. t. W.- .
Tlis Incln-rd f!!Mlne; N n I lred to
I". M, In r' i jv tn a i.r uttor.
and con! J in i i 1 i j I e oii.or
.'" ' -t v ' ' -. . v '', 1 , '.. ' .' !- ' !". ' ' - ' ' -'. "" ' ' '"'.- v ' ; , ... -'',.. . ,,.., . , j,. -i ... V'iT -' ' i i V S'.T .. - ,--- - - . Heat eilre oil. Sllee ,up the oneemoera,
To Strengthen FihgerN4$U.:.: V r" ' TXSr-&"3HZ'tfi frr-"-' and i. tb. only thing tor th.t ' "tfl? ,7o,,ifoSVuS.c M
WtVL, yoS kindlr advise roe what to de u you wrri follow the directions given ' tr Kx-k. Ii you would send soma ad- J . : .v .vX -1, ; ' v.-.i ' .- purpoe tbat 1 know of. -' Discolored , Put Into pots and cover with parchment.
.fjS, s? ftnssr naiiet 1 Save, bsw WU below falthMly tor Period of i'TSl'TiJA f-X?". ' ' - V ?' ': " tooth may be made white again by the . . - . , ' .
Ah J hltel?MofaWt tw '.'. 1 "" ? wff find suffloleot y SmS leUS.a.5Sn. iaindva'aS f. f r Hardemnr the Teeth . J;' i ' application of pumices but 1 wouli not ! I f)llv Ikiti and ! MackhtaAl
yh ,!?.!?oMn .'rMr " .J m. ' encouragement in loaa of fleeh to athnu- ' lemon and sttlchur fl..ui?y I have a oaa J. . ue"4 " advise this tn veur oaea. r alnea r tha i ! VlT OKIH Ono tJluCKnCOuS
win ao stow. -v. late a desire to cootlnue the treatment -cream, that my noetor gave me; j have alee jk.T,BTPr f""1? muca Mtmrea aso eare- . iB1Bj ' an Vaur teeth la ak- thi, 1 he . ' 1 am troubled very inoeh' with oily skla
Naturally, when you bavo bitten your even at th. cost Of a good deal. of self- yJ-J-d s-vml dlff.rjnt erexne.'f have had Un? by dm u,i t, p- JHJ' B0ff7!!;l . I..ii2J . biaehuie My fece la -r( ith
. ' ", aa ions they wUl b. Very denial. ... , A hre pelra of rubeer glovee, but I cannot PJaunent my deatiat Informed, m XkrnA acMlty of the Stomaon may have caused xttrm l have tried everything, but without
finger nails SO ' , . AV 1 2 wi-v , . Bord1 thaas. They will not -wear or lest , there was hardly any enamel or! the back this condition. - You should - see va, - pucoeea. 1 have equeesed some of them out.
soft and brittle. A good way 10 harden Hulte, for tb. Bedactlon 01 lflSsn. any time with good oar. They are very M a.y aeeth, Ue said ha never saw rwb , physician about thkv as It may base bit they seem to be ooa.lns la faet.r. Win
them is to soak the nails several times Ar3l4 M ,-.MtMMd food, an . y M Cotton .nurt on the teeth o a roans pareoa. . ve serious effects. Enou.h blcartrffr., V rou plel'e five me a recl to car. then,,
a da in warm oUva . oil. Is man- . eet ,'riTuiaT or - nd fwn-.w- - My IMA era even, and aae ainr. K-a V Z,7I:'.at f"-OU.f" ?.?: ''"''? " "T."""'. A.?.V..f'"
X II fl v X , III. .. i .
I :i-lJ.iV.'.V...VIn i I'i ii mil. ...i h...mI I '..:--....-.-" f I ! ' r,i.
'. ."
s forehead, a rather largo pompadour, a
" JIttle lower la fronKthan at the aldea.
and .the low, broad forehead (the per-
tct type) alon caa'weaitbe atralght
iUghUy waved at tbe aldeevv
I all these atylee.'' lt U trueXtha
- forehead la. tbe nfir feature eonaldei
, ea; but. usually, the nose and ehla
- follow Ite general character, and In a
aenae belong with." It ' -Where there la
: any marked dlacrepancy. however, the
coiffure must be modified to oult.1t
Thua a small nose requires that the
' pompadour above It, If pompadour .
there be. ahall tint k. rf tha Kif
- r!fVV & .,i...i1.
V seemlnglv threefold Increased by aa
, absolately undevlatlng and unoomprO
, mlalng part,-. la other worda, don't ei'
, pose your nose If It'le too largo,' and -don't
annihilate It If It la too smalL'
One must bo careful, too, 'as to the
t chin, if It to notloaably receding or
protruding, more attention than over ;
, muat bo paid to the hair. Here, again,
, moderation muat be, the watchword. iV
; j. Xven those wbo.dopay soma atten- '
tlon to tbe affect of the oolffure on the
profile seldom seem to realise that the '
.'arrangement of the back ., balr baa -anything
to do with the matter. As -'
far as possible, the general snap of I
the bead should be retained, and this
Is .tbe reason that the 'pompadour In-.-'
the back" style - la so anbeoomtng. - V
Much more explicit rules may be given v.
.bore.' however, generally speaking, , '
those who wear their hair "a la pom- - -
' pa dour" should . coll It -;o top . .of
the bead: tboee wad' 'effect the part ' ,.
ahould wear It low. , Loosely waved ,
balr reaulres the largo bun, rather far . .
up on tbe bead, securely taatened with
over, goes .tao reai urean coil, ana
oven, on. o'ccaslon, tbOt fllleVs. , Often,.
when the almple ooU lo not aeoomlng.
the plait, loosely woven n cover
ing the entire top 'fit the bead; is sur- .
piialngly so. ' j. : . ,
A good method for those wbo cannot "
afford the time to practice until the ,
,d-faablonodTslihouett. or oven a
.paper doll figure, of on.'. ..if. and
- Jl.-... ,.-,
draw different . coiffures ' on It , until
satisfaction Is. obtained an the to
" use that as a model. ..
Finally, 'never follow a prevailing
modb almply beeauso It is the stylo,
; Remember always tbat; fashions
: change, but faces do not This does
not mean -tbat one Is always U wear
the hair la exactly the same manner:
It la only aeoeesery to preserve the
same general character . at oolffure.
Above all, remember the claaale ourva.
; and rouow its Uses.
starch, such as ueas. beans, corn, potato.
eto. Have your bread toasted! sprinkle It vlta
salt Instead of ueinc butter. Milk. I regret
to say. If I ve piue and goo, 1 rattening.
Skimmed mils snay be drunk. Hot. aster ia
aa excellent substitute for ether liquids.
Add a little Of the Juice ot limes or lemons
- to It, If you choose. Umlt your sleeping
hour t seven at th wulald. Me naps.
You must take exercise.
If yu cannot walk at least Ave mtlea
day, and do not wheel, go to one of the ta- t
st I tut ions where mechanical msaeace is
given. Several of my correspoadente report
excellent results from this method of set- . .
' tins the vigorous east-rise they require. The
syetem M thorouerhly atholeeume and not ex
pensive. In reiuolng fleeh the one faot to
, remllet-t Is that fat le ' arbtjo oxrr-Q de
stroys or bams out carbon. Yoa must onn- .
sume the carbon by the 4nrvsea you take , .
through your lunge. Ttve mere exercise the .
more oxvgen and rneo,uent deetructltMt ef
. fnt by th one healthful method of curing v
obMity. ' '
. The more starch and sugar fen eat the
Cracked Hand
. r
My trnuhe me very. vry morh.
Vy n-.ii ie ir end la cold weather eraeaa .
v- -t - . - - - x :y . "aw k. ar Ki mw saw- 0." : .hib.ii P ,
.. . ; .,- i '? ,v- --v-- I ' ' -"i . - '
L V t .. -'5 . f 4
P . r K t fr 'J ' -
ij... ...' - -7 , T'"" '.., J 1 II i YV'V 7'Jcrc-rar( f . III--.'
A : J . . v--.v w - - -e , , . Ae a1 t kvew slIMl taw bah , ' w. w- we. aa-vaiam ow onv waa Ml - HV V o taiuiw fill Oil' aUKl IIUTU Waa.ll . MVaaLMsw
Btnce your hando are so dry. voa need
something to supply -the place of th
natural oils. Have you tried this cream f '
V r Croaaa for. Chapped Hands. ' ; 'f
I - , Si1!, Patrnlatum . tH Oubc'..
.'Parattla waa , 1 ounoe
' ikf"0" "...V-v. -... . I ojn.a
- Jester .a....,.,,.,......., 1W trninee .
- 9',1 J - d"
, Alouhat .....I.... dram '
Melt the paraffla wax. add the patrols-'
, turn and lanolin. Stir ennntantly, Vetlns
.'-the wstef In during the proce-s, --Add the-
oil gnd alcohol when nearly cold,
a -Never wash your bands In cold water, :
. careful to use tbe Cream just,
before going out In the air. If you wish,
you might try. tanking cosmetic gloves
.' by the following formula: , ,
Xs Make Cosmetic Oloros, - . '
J Te rrtft. large lesthrr glows, three or
, tour sli-e ti Mrs, nip thorn ftp-n and
spread the Inside w-UH one of th following
l-reiieral iiieS, then Bw the rlppeil seam up.
The elmjil t snd. the least truu.
blesorse, paste to Maks I this l , , , T
'.i Cosmetic OIots PastaN,
' 'Orsond barley, the white of aa axg. il tea-
C -
wnltand m-eitv. LaMelv laey
.losing their bltaoea. t have eft beea 'i
. trewuied with astdity ef the stomach and ;
. veumaca trouaie. and, altuougu no bmoi-
cine cvuka nave- taaea ia enaatet u, I I
, tiiougtit perbapa the aold might aneut tueio.
; The dentist eald ta twice a week , .
B-.cuUi with . milk ot magneels, bet h .
doeen't suggest anything to help me. -
yoa hero met I once h.ard that a lady lm- ,
- proved ber tth by drinking milk a-vtilme
MUr. Uo you think it would bI to hard
en miner J am ireatly dlatreaeed. as it ,
i means not mm kit all of my teeth, and !
L they have alwaye beea one ef my beet Ia
tiires. If 1 could harden them and keep
theinatnel lert. I should be grateful u
iou. They seem to he softening. Also, can ..
1 InT tell me If jt Is poyslhle toreduc th
large Joint of the footf My feet re nat-
rally very narrow, but by once getting a '
shoe with s-em across the Joint I have
somewhst enlarged my Joints. - They are ' . sine. Can )Tiu give me an asercise or ,(
' snvthlng to rwfiioe themt Also, will that
exercise ef rlelng on the tee twenty times
' a dayto enlarge the calf siske the Juinta .
I'hav faithfully need the Jaherandl ere- '
. laah grower, and can see no effect. I used ,
i It onre st for twe or three months.
TN'hy doem't it help me? . j j LUCILU. ,
- Umewster ' I bxcellent for hardening
' III! ' i" 1. 1 II
knife, takes dlesolved tn, water, may re- ,
Have, It somewhat, . v . , '
If you mean that tha "enlarged
Joint" is a bunion, you might try the
' treatment given below. If not 1 do not
know now you may eorfwet it, tnougn
tb exercise named will nut enlarge It
further, the Jaborandl balr tonlo should :
prove satisfactory if carefully preparea. ,
If It doea not, try rubbing tbe least lit- -tie
bit of vaseline Into the eyebrows,
being careful not to get it . into : th
eyee. " , .
Treatment foriBunlonsi , -. ,
Oet a bunion plaster and nick with the .'
artsmors aieuod tne l aside circle ur oi-ul.,. .'
Moisten the plaster, and put It over the
tunion. Put a small weilge of felt between '
' the g -eat toe and the eerood toe, which wl.l ,
- tl.row the ft asor into shai. It wilt
. greatly relieve th pressure on the rulnt.
erraw tne stocking oa caretutiy. - vt nen
?oo tut your shoe on, you will rtlscoA-er that
he enlarged Joint eViee not begin to show as
much wiui the plater oa ae without. And
all pala and Irritetlei ar prevented l-y
Weartng the plaster, which makes It Imp. -,
HMe f.rr the leather to tome In contact ana
the sure Joint er irritate u.
Massaging Crovs-Feet
kindly tell me how to massage .
crow's-fMt aad wrtnklas that come uiuw ..
tit eresr I oo not uov linw jam mo
. thm In the direction ther ran or eroes-'
wise. How Ions should ther be maMaced at
' a time aad bow of teat I am M rn old.
. se tber are not deep. . IMJR18.
Ton are beginning at lust the right
time, ae the longer wrinkles remain
'the harder they are to eradicate. Mas
sage wrinkle alwaye acrose and
-using the two hands In different di
rections, causing - almost a pushing
movement Massage every night and
s morning for ten or fifteen minutes at
' a time. The wrinkles under the eyee
are probably the hardeat ct all to
- - - 111 . Am
time.-Perhaps noma almple skin food.
given onen on tnie pagev win neip mai
tara. You must bo very careful in work-
lug with these wrtnklee not to let any
of whatever skin food you use get Into
'. tb eyes. . ,.,'...
. - ' ' Advice Entirely Free
A Blncer Friend Use the following ,
- Chinese ey.laah stain, which la excellent .
tor the purpose and long-lasting in its
results: .
Calnsss Eyolaah Btaln.
: Crura arable t dram .
' India Ink H dram :
' Rosewater 4 oanees
fewder th Ink and gum and triturate :
srnll quantities of the powder with tha
' ''roerwator antll you set a uniform black
- liquid In a powder, and then add the re-
mainder ef the roeewater te tt. It rheuld
be applied with a tiny eamel's-bair brueh.
Tour money Is awaiting yon at this
. office, and will be sent on receipt, of
your name and address. My advice is
, sntlrely free. '.. ,f , , ,,,
. Removing Small Hairs
I shall be very thankful If you will ten :
me Bow toremove small halra that havs
. : appeared DO my forehead. They never seem
to (row, aa they have been the sam
length for ever a year. Also, how can I r
- move hair from the baek ef the aenkf
........ .; . .... BKIXA. ;-
The only sure way to remot so- '
. perfluous nalrs Is by electricity or X
. ray treatment The pumice stone
treatment 1 am giving you la good for a ,
time, but Is not permanent As soon
, as the hair reappears the treatment
must bo r-newed. Be careful not to
rub too bard. ' i -i'-.
. - .efuinles Trsatinsnt,
i Oet en ordinary g-cent sake ef ptrmlee
stone. This la pot pumlo eoap, but th
regular old-fash loaed pumlea stone, Te re
move tna hair, rub the skin afflicted with
th superfluous growth, - and the pumice
. atone will wear the hair off. Be careful
pot to be to berate, and Irritate the skin,
la ease the arm are made red by this treat- .
.. meat, use a little sold ereaia.
Light Hair and Fseckles -
" '1 hope yen will help me a llttla Tha ende '
- ef ray balr are a soiden brown, but the net
le dark brown, will you tell me something
. . to make It all light brown T .
I am rathes lair and am blessed wtth
, reey oheeks, but freckles spoil It all. Aa
ay skin Is rather lender, I am amid to una
,' many prepartitlona . Can you tell pe r-ome-,
thing tba will help met . PATSY.
I am afraid that nothing' can turn
. dark hair light but a bleach, and that
- 1 never advise except aa an absolute
- necessity. It Is a common thing for
, hair to be golden at tha ends, and a
' beauty rather than a disfigurement
The . freckle cure I am giving you '
- - will not harm the most tender akin;
it may even be too mild. .
'. ,' . . - 8now of Cucumber. ' '
' rFor Sunbura and Ftacklss.t '
Small eiMumbara.. I
1 think that the - green-soap treat
ment le what, you want. It Is very
good, and certainly ought to cur the -blackheads.
Orssa Soap Treatment for Blackheads
Tincture of green Soap... t eunoee '
' tietilled wlfh hasel 1 euuree '
1 Let this mixture remain on only a few .
minutes, then wash on with hot wat-r.
If the green soap irriuttee the ekln, as
' It sometime will, use it svery other day.
" Apply a cold oream.
Urren eoep may be eurchaeed t any 1
gmid drug stijr. It Is aot s riu ar "cake
simp, but is about th consistency ejf cus-
. tarn.
For the short oily balr try the fol.
lowfg lotion: .
; . Lotion for Oilj Hair.1
Ali-nhol fftiinrs
llrh hssel 2 .... ,
ltem-lrv li,iii.
Hub well Into the si-alp rleii.
Aft-r the ollinr-ss dl-eprr-ere iin l.-r
. this ' ' '. i)t f -ii lo w the e - . -
''to ' r . v. I - ,
s n 1 i ' r i r .
Mass' of Premature IFrinkte
11 you piess Mno aie rellabU raloe
ior UMftT Althoush only
M. my
forehead is a iiu if wrfnkia in
every dlreetlua and I have a decided droop.
a fb eonwr e( the aoee and mouth.
. will yeu also give the name ot a good
ream (or formula), one whlh you are eure
will not nake a bad arowtn of superfltioue
-pair anr wuraet Alee eometiima to nrotaoa- -
aijr lace from the drying effect of an aver
' heated aeuse and from the cold winds.
..... r. m.
' I give you below an astringent lotion -for
premature wrlnklee, regarding
which many of - my correspondon to
apeak enthusiastically. Do you not find
that the droop of the mouth la rather
a matter of temperament than a met- .
ter of physical defect T Cultivate cheef
fulness, which glvee the upward opll
mletlo ourvo to the mouth. -Lotion
for Prematura Wrinkles.
Alum T sralne
ImoBd milk (thick) ouncM
oMwater gum
Ulsaolre the alum In the rosewater, then '
pour gently mta tae almuod aula with aun
atant ssitatloo.
Apply with a piece ef eld Imee or a piece
ef ahenrhent eottea every MtM before re-
tiring. ,
. - Uaaaage the flesh In a series of rotary
y motlona. placing the nnger Upa firmiyi
on the face and forehead.
Tou wul find In the following a lo
tion for dry ekln which ahould coun-
' teract the atmoaphero of the house and
the weather. - .
v I have no complaints from corre
spondents that It promoted growth ot
hair, but If you have a tendency to a
superfluous growth, use the flesh brusia
. with moderately hot water and a pure
byglenlo soap every" night, which will
counteract any tendency In thle dlreo-
. tlon which the" ktloa might otherwise)
Lotion for Dry Skin.
-. Almond ell 1
Simple tincture of bensoln-..." Vi
, Mix tha three Ingredients together and
rub into the skin. -i r ,---r ,
Oily Hair Thin at Temples
1 am a stenographer, and about twe ye re
aso I had a heavy bead ef hair, but It haa
beea gradually coming out and has aroma
very thin rlaht above the temple. My hair
Is Inclined to be oily sad baa dandruff In It.
If 1 do not wash It every two weeks, tt be
come a ally that I eaa acareely da any
thing with it. Caa yoa recommend eoma- -thing
that will possibly thicken It ap oa
th templee and atop it from dropping outf
I also suffer a great deal recently from In
dlgestroo.. Caa yoa reeommend something?
, .- . J. B.
The following lotion Is excellent for
l!v hair. If nsed dallv It tends to"
produce a crisp condition: -.
Lotion toy Oily Kaix. . ,
werdsred bicarbonate of i .
, - soda, borate of soda (also .
.powdered), each ........... oomv '
' Caa de cologne 1 fluid eanre A
' Alcohol . fluid ouacaa .
, letllled water 14 eunoee
c Mix and agitate uaUl solution Is eomplate.
Apply to the roots with - sponge or .
-soft brush.
For the thinning of the hair at tern-
flee, the half-hour nightly, massage
reatmenta will be . beat," and ahould
. be' extended to the entire eurface.
- Preea the finger tips firmly into th
.scalp and go over th entire head In a
aerlaa of little rotary motlona, loosen
ing the scalp from the bead until it ,
- rolls freely under the nngere, and un
' til the soalp glows from the aUmuial
Ing Influence. -I
would recommend tbat you see
: physician reaardlng the ladlgeatlon.
- could give you a diet and generel In
structions for keeping, the system It
good order, but if the case is one of
long standing you should, perhaps,
have some medicine to establish a
good condition. I do not believe any
one who le willing to deny themselves
, certain unwholesome- viands need be
a sufferer from Indigestion,
Massage of the Scalp
. I see yo describe pi a ge ad little)
wheel-like enovemenu. Do you pries hard
- enouait to move tn seaip or not r I
you woaia exptait
: trial I eould und
explain the operation so plainly
A brwtaeaiaiiit whl.h V
nave been u
tton I have
have been usable to da from any deaoiip-
seen, wul not this continue ,
rotary naoUo wear out thin halrt U. B.
: I am very sorry that you have not
. been able to understand my dlreo
tlona. I will try now to make them
as plain as poeelblo. Beginning at
the base of the skull, la back, tha
massage should work steadily for
ward. Instead, however, ..of simply)
rubbing In a straight line, move al
ways in little circles, round and round
aa well aa inward. The maaaag
should bo hard enough to move th
scalp, stopping short only of real
pain. Never masaage : with the knuc
kles,' but always with the tips of the
fingers, holding the head between th
thumb. I hope that the motion la now
clear to you, and that you wUl meet
wits. uwvwwa,
- V
',': Enlarred Pores
Please publish In your column the pro
portion of borla arid and witch hasel
?ou reesmmend for enlarged pores ef
he skin. , k t U 1
Below find the proportions of ta
formula for enlarged poree rvqueeted. .
Lotion for Enlarged Pores, ,
Borlo add...... -1 dram '
Lletilled witch basal.., 4 ouao-e
i Apply with a pieo of old line a er a bit
of absorbent eottoa, .
Preventing a Scar
can yon pieeke tell me what wilt pre
me Ml
.ve a c
of a
'. a soarr I have a carbuncle shout the sis
. ot a eaarter of a dollar on mv ee-k. L
rT I have a carbuncle shout In
. think It will begin to heel in a few say.
I would regret exceedingly to have a soar.
If It be poetible, will yov please tell ate .
what Is beet to prevent a scar?
'" Even if It wero not now unavoidably
too late, 1 could not tell you any way
of preventing a mar. Bears result sl
-ways from some wound or sore, and to
put anything on them would keep then,
from healing and make them worse.
They may. however, be cured by fullow
lowlng lotion:
. 1. 1 Salve for Soars, ;'
lanolin ., 1 drama -
Ointment of binltellde of mercury I dram
Hub la well eite a dev. .
i Hair Very Dry
Will vo Pleas tafo-ni me what Is good
fnr very dry heirt Ther eerena It be a
, ell about my hair. M. M.
Yeu tell me verv Utile shout your
bnlr on which to ban rny rreei-rlpl l..n,
but i think that th foiloaunt la wiiut
. you need i ,",..
Lotion for pry Itnlr. r
Oivirine I
I .tu rle er-l.iene.. '4i . .. .
I.i'liil-l aitiiiii i. I ' ' i
i.r ..... ..un
(i-l nf n Hi"! V