The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1907, SECTION THREE, Image 34

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    " I ''-' . I 1 t V f VU I I I 1 V .aT I I I I IV ' U m I J M II V"N 1 IV 1 . - v : I .- . il" - IX- ,
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FARI3 dictate what w shall WW
ob our heads, and Just now weU-
dressed women ta Pari ar
..wearing very larg or vary amall
bat IniuaM - Gainsborough.
- picture hat and "baby" . hata adorn ad
with quantities of. floating feathers,
craat and plumea, - which aomatlmea
droop dowa upoa tb. ahoulder, ara
feature la Parisian millinery. U cob
' traat ta little hata of muahroom, toque,
fancy and modified trlcorner ahapea, aa
wall aa little helmet hata; which few
can becomingly wear. v . -
la America wa have the bla hat for
' dreea aocaalona already with aa; but.
aJthongh riny hata are much worn, ee
. peclally with atreet and theatre com
tumea, nudlana-elaad hata prevail. They
might be called amall. In differentia
tion from the big picture hata, but me-
Alum-alsed beat daaorlbaa them.
AU aorta of vartatione opon the moaO
reom ahapa are faahlonable. There la a
general tendency en the part of new
beta to let the brim droop orer the face.
and - praeUoall all eraart hata ara
trimmed on top Instead of underneath
The faahto la carried to eueh an ax-
. tram that in moat caaea ayea the be-
- coming bunch aa of mallna which for-
merry filled tn tha Interral betweaa the
. vnderbiim and the hair ara now omitted
and maim la uaed more to face the
brim a and trim the back than for any
" thing -alee, axoept that mallna la popu
: lar trimming for tha tope of hata.
Feathera and long pheasant, oatrlch
and fancy plumea ara aa much in arl
. denoa upon modela In aprlng hata aa
ara flower alwaya popular In aprlng.
Bo faahlonable are long, drooping
rlunta of yarloua aorta that aa entlre
." IT new kind haa been Invented," Thla la
a broad, long plume made of email
btmohaa of curled leathers fastened In
. rowa. Tha result la beautiful, and such
' a plume aosta from 111 5 up. Paroquet
'"and blrd-of -paradise reatherf of great
length, drooping to tha ahoulder, ara as
. smart aa peculiarly . tnada. .. soft
eaacadaa - -. of oatiicli '- plumes 1 and
: elngla uncurled ' oatrlch - . feathera.
, The . fancy .. la for feathera, that
droop and. url ' under at tha ends
and that reach from an arrangement of
win re, breasts and abort feathers dowa
Tipon tha neck and ahoulder. .
As to flowers, .which are 'Immensely
faahlonable, tha latest fad In theaa Is
for vleuz apricot, a shade, which mln
gles copper, apricot, tan, brown, pink
"- and red tones In wonderful tints around
a new abler .scheme which la ft, good
. deal Ilka a dead, apricot, a r,.:.i
Nasturtium, orange, lemon, apricot,
. pale canary, malxa and ollra-tlnted yel
lows ara quite tha rage. In many va
rletlea there la enough pink or red -i
tha yellow to . make It becoming to
women who cannot wear that color.
Also tana and brown modify some of
tha yellows, while many har a changa
. able Iffect. showing mauve, green or
'pansy huea in certain llghta.
. . Qllt networks, cobwebs and weaves
mingle with soma of the new flowers
In oharmlag effects, and gilt flowers
and ellver end gold tlaaua form ant lm
portent feature of spring millinery.
Among tha faahlonable flower of tha
I aeaaoa are- large roaea la all - tha old
tapestry tints known as Louis XIV
colore, and which are raper.ted la dreaa
V rnaterlals, paraaola, hnaiery and gloves.
. Panslea, too, ara mora tn vogue than
- they have been la many years, while a
'.fad exists for using drooping tendrils
of sea moss-as hat trimming. This
moss I a feathery, delicate foliage dee--eratloa
ra pais and clear tiata of green
and ta very springlike and effective vs
VSpAfiirr 'V.;,
r: 1
, V.i:' 1 ' r
A new design in light face doth trimmed with
silver braid and ornament on the coat. . Hat of
white soft felt with brown velvet roaett. trimmed
around crown with silver pheasant plumage. ;
trlmmmg. ;. ' Rush
Wave, tea, make I
smart and faahlonable trimming far
bats - and ara generally employed la
aigrette atyle tn conaeotlon with a aln
gle large rose or' cluster of flawera. ' A
choug of chiffon atr aialln' alaa 1
pretty,, wfth ' two or tare locig rush
leave aU.klng out froat tt ta alaaOag
direction.' - 5. f i
- One seldom .sees moralag gloria e
convolvulus among the vary able tnm-
minga for hata, but thls'aeaeoa the ran
vol vuros appears ta rich a.-d beautiful
material, made op la tha flnaat meth
ods known ta artificial flower-makera
and quits outdoing natwre fea tha r
markabt ' coloring produoad. 'v chief
among which t ara cyqvisita tints of
wood, ton snd aprioet. They make a
nanasome irimniina ana hjvw -"
In tnllltMrr. .t
Orchids are enjoying a reign of Popu
larity upon hata, and every tint known
to them Is reproduced so faithfully that
m -r-fe tha real blossom have
sprung Into existence.' Along: this Una
of aolorlnE ara Iris In aatara at
and coldre. and wild flowers which wear
the same hoes, verging Into strawberry.
geranium, prune, win ana respoerT
red.; . . - -v ' ' . . '
Flower trimming seem ta laaa la
ward aprsya, wreatn and mmchea af
mall Mosaom and to larg flower of
exceptional else rather thaa taoee at
medium sties. Extremely pretty ta -dlum-slaed
-foliage trimming ara puff
ball exactly Ilka f ull-atsed dandelion
puff. delicate that they look aa
though the mereat breath would act
them floating off into spaee. - Along
this lhie lovely hue . of thistle are
found, and thaa ara charming upas m
hat. - 1
f Forget-ma-not of prak. . bla and
white with folia mlnaled in the
am wreath or garland trimmlaf are
very 'much tha 'mode. They ara espe
cially effective In a hat buUt In ehedes
of copper-green and bronaa. lending to
It a light and delicate touch which give
the true amine appearance ta a hat. -
Great ouantitiea of tolle or mallna
net they era practically, th same
are employed opon hata in roll; twists,
choux. loons, aullllna, pleatlngs and ta
making up entire hata In which a bit
of ribbon, a newer or a reamer may
appear to lend aolldity to It appear
ance. Many tiny evening ehapeaux. aa
well a aome of medium else, are mad
entirely of mallna and lightly draped
with a covering of loose small flowers
and leaves, or encircled with a wreath
of theaa Sometime ana aids of a hat
Is turned up and faced with flowere.
some of which trim tha top of tha hat.
Theaa hats ara aa charming and a eaay
to make aa they are perishable. Any
body can make one, sine a skill I re
quired to put tulle aa thick, with a few
puff and rachlngs, and ta - sprinkle
flower . lightly ovef ' th whole. It 1
in the arrangement ' of a feather, the
tying and, et of a bow, tha tint and
dsnt of a hat. t that millinery genlua Is
dlsoVoed.v Anybody .can cover a bat
with tulle and flowers where no shap
ing and original touch I ta be given
to It. -The flower hat ta always a aaf
one far the tyro to handle.
Flowers' and feathera nestle snugly
together la the new aprlng hats, entire
ly n harmony with each other, th one
breathing af departing winter, tha other
symbolising ' approaching' summer. A
straw . hat will be all flowers an an
side and a mass of feathers on the
other. The favorite combination of
thla sort ara roaea arith ostrich plumea,
but other flower and other feathers
" Pictur shows
fjeea tatia embroidered la whit silk.
ara combined with ' mial attractiveness
aad aachat.' ; ' '
Par ha pa aai stronger avideno af th
popularity of feather could be had
thaa tha fact that ana milliner ta New
York, haa paid for oatrlch plume alone
this aaaaaa th 'sum f tto.aOO. Os
trich plumea represent scarcely ' twe-thlrd-
af . th many varletlea ef feath
era ta as. .. v
r Expanse la sever considered ta tha
pure&aae at fine feathers for faahlon
able hata, aad plume mad af oeyrey
and hird-of-paredlee feathera ara mar
costly avea thaa eaUich plumea, -
Tha law regarding the killing af
eon (bird a and tha aal af aigrettes, af
course, proven ta tha " eale at these
feather ta .th great - Indignation , af
milliner who especially resent the la
terf eranea -with algrattea. To - show
that they Intend to adorn their fine
customer with fin feathera la spite
ot all laws ta tha contrary tha great
hat artlata at. Europe have combined
Cot how' bout town,. for arly
; yet, finished with fancy braid and
. tona. ,. ,V .x.'.
wrap of black crcpa orer leai-
t make feather extraordinarily faah
lonable during tha early aprlng. Whan
th soaao of flowere la well advanced
It will be Invaded by a' fluttering oloud
of feathera, - which will curl, aad droop
aad float from wreath and duster and
apray ef y fashionable blossoms - aa
though calling attentloa to their own
beauty, and aupremacy, . -
On of tha f anclea for aprlng I a
pacta af large, rolled Bailor which
la aa much unllk tha regulation bailor
hat . aa anything well could be and
which 1 built of fin wire and cov
ered w(th Bruaael net. stretched on U
fit la the las teat fashion. Instead of
being shirred on, Mlllners says "any
body eaa shir: net on -a haV-but-atyla
and kfll are shown, la fitting It on
plala." Theaa hat are trimmed with
large knob of various .kind af atone
rimmed with metal, ar with Jeweled
effect, mounted - oa pin and stuck
with - apparent - careleeanaaa through
th act - Flower and feather, too, ara
i ThU amart eottuma la of dahlia-colored cloth."
The bolero to trimmed with China silk and coarae 1
white silk - embroidery. Tb , skirt ia elaborately
trimmed with stitching. "? , " - " .
print", la
enameled but-
r '' ''.'
$7,000,000 BEING SPENT
(Continued from
First , Pag f Thla
BeCtlon.) ' ...
oomplax aad costly machinery and equip
ment ara neeeea w n iuw.ui,
There was but on thing to do to build
a aaf a. wall-made road BD ' the moun
tain, and thla la now being constructed.
Already iU.00 ha bean expended on
thla road, th construction of which has
presented engineering problem that hare
required tha hlgheet skill to aolve. -
Evsa th watera of taa e the
land under tbem ara receiving careful
attentloa from- tha Carnegie solsntlsta.
Th institution's ship. Galilee, baa been
sailing tha North Pacific from the
American coast to China, and next year
It 1 hoped to give to navigator aa ac
curate, complete aad 'perfect chart ef
the Paeifla ocean. -
Progresslv ' Americana talk a great
deal of extending our commerce to the
orient. . Boon, - tba door ' of Manchuria
will be apea and competition with ether
world factor ia commerce will be sharp
and aggreealre. Tha hlghwaye of lesser
known sea must be Surveyed and
marked. ;
Thla chart will demonstrate tha prac
tical working of th Institution by point
ing out th safest, quickest, sureet way
of reaching those port which will be
tba gateway for American commerce.
When work la the Paeifla ta dona, the
deep-sea scientists will turn their atten
tion to tha Atlantic. If by a magnetic
chart of the mucrmased waterway across
thla ocean It will be posstbl to save
eve a a few minute to th navigator,
tha results in dells rs and cent will be
normou. , .
Other Investigators la other ships ar
working off tha Dry Tortuga. and Pro
fessor W. K. Brooks, of th John Hop
kin university, has explored the Ever
gladee, Florida, la bla atudy at marine
biology. -
But. soms msy contend. I am act espe
cially Interested In daep-aea soundings
nor la astronomical diaoeveriea. What
I being done by thee Scientists that
promise to aid m Individually I
Ar you a raiser of poultry T At any
rata, you consume ass aad aiojraar-,
employed In - decorating - the -hata.
which ara among; tha new eat models
for spring. - .. -
Com vary smart models for after
Baater ara made of two color of straw.
A crown of on color will har another
color In th . brim uaualy - whit or
cream color. A at raw colored, whlta
or cream colored hat . will often have
a border of blue, black., yellow or aome
other atrongly contrasting tint. ' Hata
la cohtraatlng ' colore and shade ara
mad in - all tha fashionable straws
and modish ahapea of tha aeaaoa. Of
course tha trimming in auch hat com
bine tha two color In the, straw. .
- Rosette ar among tha ' most fash
ionable hat trimmings for aprlng, - and
theaa ara mad of every conceivable
material. Feathers of different sort or
color are uaed In rosettes, satin, velvet
silk. Indeed anything -of which aa at
tractive rosette eaa be made, and these
gr usually Immense In else.
Few hats have brim of even elxA
Th brim graduate In alsa from 'front
to back. tha front ' usually being th
narrowest and tha back -the widest part,
although aome aid brim , are quit
.wide and other very narrow. No two
Ida of a hat ara . alike, aad a woman
tag a pfump fowl on your tabl when
yoa fel you can afford It.
' Enormotia. Indeed, is th egg dnd poul
try hualneaa ef th nation. It haa In
creased heavily -alaee th . last census,
which gave tha total egg production
of 1300 as lt9t.t6t.43S dcten. and th num
ber of feathered Inmate of poultry yards
aa S0.ei.lM. . , , . . ,
Asaamlng a price af W eents a doaaa
for th eggs, the money value of that
crop' alone in 1900 was over .1388,000.000,
Then, too, th poultry sale amounted
to a very larg sum, la addition.
Last year, according to th report at
Secretary WUson, ths value of the wheat
crop of tha country was WO. 000, 000, and
that of cotton wa estimated, ta th
plantar, at 1640.000,000. , . . ,
- Bee tha great value of tb American
bent Now, euppoae that inatead . of
laying 150 eggs a year b aould b en
couraged ta lay too or more would ahs
ot greatly Increase th atalonal wealth
At a cost of $21,000 a year, tha Car
negle lnstltntlon's department of expert
mental evolutions at Cold Springs Har
bor, Long Island, I endeavoring to eoax
her henahlp to greater and hearer con
tinuous effort In th egg-laying ' Una
Charles B. avenport Is directing thla
work. . , .'- .: . ' ,
Not only attempt being mad,
with flattering promise of aucceaa t
Increase th egg output, but It Is be
lieved that a pound or half a pound,
at leaat, will b added to the weight af
the capon,: tha broiler.'
Neither physically nor psychologically
I ther a sharp break la th animal
series where It sulmlnatae In man, the
experts say. So they ar studying tb
law of, heredity in tha Chicken.
Muck haa been learned, yet much re
main to be learned, before th discov
eries will be made puajlc. Sixty dis
tinct experiments were mad last year.
From them later will come reports giv
ing rules for th treatment of chickens
that, it Is believed, win increase their
earning capacity greatly. 1
At th Ixmg Island station, Mr. Dav
enport la also conducting experiment
with a view to evolving a more prolific
breed at sheea, XaUTeaUng results have I
seen from tha right side appear quit
a different creatur from the one
on the left. Soma of the large picture
bate of atraw have floppy brlma with
onw or two plumea almost a yard Vang
trailing dowa one side snd over th
bach.-upon ths boulders, while the
other aide will be trimmed with perky
bow and Jaunty rosea. .Whare trailing
plume ar Used, long ribbona that hang
down the back ar also often In evi
dence. Thar Is quit a vogua for
floating ribbona dowa ' tha back, and
these ar quite wide and ar of soft
taffeta, since satin (Unless of a firm
quality) la apt to become atrlngy wba
left to hang. -
- Ta speak of spring milliners and not
mention veils would ba Ilk hanging op
a picture without a frame, for veil
ar vary important thla eeasqn, nd a
womaa usually wear twa at a time.
come from hi attempt ta ' produce - aa
entirely new variety ef eat, to be white.
blue-eyed, deaf, long-haired, tailless and
having more thaa the -usual number of
claws on Its fact. v.-., '
. Thla was a task compared with
which that' by Which Jacob Increased
hi flock at the expenee of . Labaa
seemed simplicity Itself. ; ,
.For the purpose Mr. Davenport "used
tailleaa Msnx cats.. Maltese Polydactyl
cats and eata with, other physical pe
culiarities, that . h dealred to hava
transmitted.. -.. - -
On of th kitten waa black, gray
eyed and 'tailless; hsd. six claw oa
each, forepaw, six toe on an foot and
five on the other ' ; .
Another, tallies and gray-eed,' bad
even olaw on each paw and five toe
on each foot. One kitten waa white,
blue-eyed and deaf, but had -the usual
tall and wis normal toad, while other
bor on or eevrral ot ; tb ' peculiar
characteristics of their parents. -
In time Ir. Davenport think he will
find embodied In on animal 'all tha
characteristics he seeks In th new
breed.' - - .. '
. 8urely there ' could - be no more Im
portant work, nor on appealing with
mora fore to th masse at the people,
thaa that having , in view raising th
standard of national longevity. Of re
search along this line. President tread
ward statea: .-. u .' ,. ; . .
' "Ou chemists ar Investigating th
principle of . the proteins the food
stuffstheir nutritive nroDcrtles and
tha chemicaTeffect'oriatfh a"tns-lni
man body.- -v ' .
"Soon w will hav a laboratory ' for
tba actual measurements of their effect
en man. It will be located near aome
hospital where we can get the subject
atck and wll to work on. . ,
' "Man 1 11k a ateam angina " Work 1
an effort,' and In th' effort ther Id ex
penditure of fore that must bs re
newed. ' This investigation cover , a
vast field." It embraces tha treatment ef
disease, known and soma that ara ob
scure. .-. rJi . ' . tt ...
"iW know It waa tb jiravaleae ef
malarial fevar and yellow fever that led
to th atudy of th mosquito.- It I defi
nitely ascertained that without the mos
quito there would be no such fever.
W ara working out a plan, to extermi
nate th peat,, , ...
. "Only th man who haa bean a suffer
er from malaria, only a section atrlcken
with tb disease, or a community tm th
throe of a yellow-fever epldeml can
meaeura tb value of thla work euccaee
fully accomplished. .
."Both th malaria and yellow fever
mosquito bread In tb eaatern section of
the United. 8 tatia. WHh th mosquito
till abroad, whe oaa tell when next th
disease may become epidemic T -
"The X ray contributed It ehare to
tha amelioration of th affliction ' of
mankind.' Th eufferer from sciatica
found tier relief until he-was-s tret shad
on a tabl and hi hip photographed by
the new discovery. It waa then learned
that the trouble came from the separa
tion of th pelvic bone from th spinal
column. t '. ' ; .. ;f -
, "A band la now .tied about th hip,
holding. th bones tight ta th spinal
column, and - the sufferer 1 relieved.
This, discovery at th X-ray open up
vast possibilities, and Into th Held tb
moat scientifl man of all countrle are
delving.." i ; ,'-. " -' :
"There ha been aome criticism at aor
experimental work on guinea pig, mon
key, canary bird, spiders. Insect ta
general. . But if our critic' would look
at th subject more closely It la possi
ble that they might com to a clearer
understanding of existing condttlona
.- "Phyalcally, ther I no a harp break
In th animal aerie where It culminates
In man. . The step from th guinea pig
to tha ordinary pig, to cattle, to horse,
to man how eaay the gradual aaoratl
"From th guinea pig may be learned
much by experimentation that I of ben
efit to th rearing and breeding of bogs
their heredity, susceptibility ta all
matio condltlooa, food aupplle. eto. ..
'.'Mat we not Improve th breed of
cow to Insurs th greater producttoa Of
milk per bead at lea coat for too; tn
breading and fattening of beef'eatUa
for the greater and more eoonomloml
production of beef; the - breeding of
borse for greater endurance, strength
and speed T . '
"Tha guinea big I el because ex
perimentation I facilitated breeding I
but a matter of, three weak or so, while
with th cow or kora nearly a year
must slapsa - " ' ' m
faaay not ether ana oaraier Dirae ne
taught to sing Ilka the canary, or may
not the canary be crossed with ether
birds to good ffotT
"Th fly carries disease, so ws ataoy
th pest In th heredity of th apldar
w learn much of other insects. Our
study ot -th monkey will bring forth
much of valua ta man In knowledge of
animals and humaa Ufa '
"la soma things we cannot experi
ment with man, o w "ek th animal
kingdom and from It extraot law that
redound to man' advancement, health
and progresa. ' v
"Bo I might continue tnrougn in
many matter now being Investigated,
and ia each and all point out tb vital
human connection. - Subjects are being
presented to as constantly for Investiga
tion, and great car muai o exereisea
to select those line of research that ar
practical, vital.
patriotic eltisen wui soreiy a in-
tereeted In our work of gathsrlng and
collating data for an Index to all arete
document ' VV have take our place
oa af fine face mean with a lace-over
veil, or aaa of lace with a chlff on
over veil. '
1am Ha were nimkf mnr. faahlon
able. and fancy flgurea la the lac x
priwi WT.r um mv in m mKfiwsr wuiuu .
give a ludicrous appearance ta it, male-:
log it appear as though th face ware
pasted on in sections and these not
always joined togsther. uch " relt
ar aa mart aa they ara expensive.
Veils af large lace dots with fancy ,
border ara, perhapa, tha commonest
form of lace relic They com la every
possible color and ara draped effec
tively a po a ar at th back of tha hat..
Thar ara not lee thaa' 1,000 patterns '
In rail meehea for aprlng and summer. -Theaa
Include hairline meehea, new '.
filet and octagon effecta aad an lnfln- .
It variety af fancy meahea ef great
delicacy and la every fashionable color.
aa a world power, and the eye of th
world ar upoa aa W are making bis-
tory more rapidly thaa we perhapa real-..
IS,- ' . -.' . ..-':. -.- , .,
"Future historian can turn t such 4
a work as-we ar compiling and And la
It th oure of American history.
'The document of . th Individual '
ststea are belrg searched, catalogued !
and Indexed. ... Tha state papers of for
eign countrle England, Spain, Franc.
Italy, Holland all that figured tn th
early history of the country, ar being -crutlntsed
for data relatta to tha die
covery and th settlement of our land. "'
"On thla work more thaa 150 skilled ,
mea and women ara engaged, and this '
year 120,00a will be spent in first pub-,
licatioa of the werk that baa been com
pleted. This index wll run into several '
volumes, a soms of th states ara rick
In blatork) paper. :, ,; , . 1 , ," , v;
"I hav satisfaction, tea, tn etatlng
that the publlcatlona, as-all cthsr of
tha Institution, will. be printed to en
dure through time; they ar practically
Indestructible under ordinary us. - -
"W are having our owa paper mad. ,
Sea this printed sheet? It ha been
submerged In water fur an hour and
tbar Is na running of ink, no discolors- '
tlon. no warping or hardening.
" "I eou cast our publication into tha
ocean and, reclaiming them, find them In
a good condition a when they left my
hand. There are no mineral substance'
in tb paper that we use. - .
"Soon our expendlturea! for cubllca-
tiqna wlU grow rry.Jprg,,A the rr-
uiw m our won oegin to o mannesi
they win be set down In enduring form
and given to th nublla, Last yarw
spent H7,27.5 on thla I torn, and .this
year .our appropriation I t'O.Oflo.r,
- AU th reweatch work of th Institu
tion 1 apeclal, aad specially selected In
vestigators direct It alorg the Selected
linea. For each department of investi
gation a special appropriation I mad
from tb l.S00 act sslds for this
year oxpenma. . ?. ' r- V. ' .
- Thus. ' to th department of expert
mental evolution, Charlca B. Dsvon irt,
director, haa been allotted tl,t00; t.
the department of marina biology. A. O.
Mayer, director, lt.09; to th depart-
mnw ox ooianicaj ronearcn, IX T. Mac- I
Dotigal, director. 4)3.000. J
- HortloultUral work la balsa muliiiitJ J
by Luther Burbank at " bla California
ranch with th assistance of n snnro.
propriatlon of 110,000) the department
or economic and oclolfl-y, Carroll I).
Wright, director, ba 130.000;, the de
partment of terrestrial magnetlara. I
A. Bauer, director, $54,000; the depart
ment af.hlatorlcal research, J. F. Jam.-
aon. director, 111.000.: ; . ' ,. t
Tot olar obarvatory tha sura . of
1150.000. ha been oet . aside,' for th
geophysical laboratory, tti.OoO; for th
southsrn laboratory, tlO.000; for geo
physical research, 110,000; for research
In nutrition, tlt.600. I , -
' The minor grant r.-or-grants tn aclcw
tlat working along aom particular
line not Included under the department
heads, aggregate MM30. Moat of these
grant are smsll, ranging from t00 for
a work on bouny to 110,000 for a publi
cation. .J . '. ' ;. ' . ' .('" '"' - .;..
'. If each of th Investigator were paid
equally no on could receive more than
11.(00 from th allotment made. 1 But
different work reeelrea different treat
ment, and aoro work I more valuable
and more eostly than other work. .." ,
As neceaalty arises the appropriation
for aay department Is increaisd, so that
tb work 1 neves hampered. , . '.
IThen the t7.000.000 decade ef acim-l
tlflo reeearch under th auspice of the.
Carnegie Institution 1. ended it la be
livd that very many boon af Incalcu
lable value will have enriched mankind
- Floating Apartment Rons.
Flsnty of ' people know all about
house boa ta. many even owa them, and
what mora, enjoy living in them, but
It haa remained for th Atlantic Trans
port un 19 aaa iflf iiumung pariratTtt;
k ... . I 1 1 A t J
craft beginning with Noah' ark. layJ
th Boston Herald. The. world la now
promised all th corn forts of horn In a)
flat, even to th Janitor aad the not
th delight of tb homesick not to aa
seasick passenger at finding a tamll
WKa a pnonograpn ever ni tieari and d
fsmuy wio a concay eaay on tn noo
below! Th ocean suit will have it
owa electric bells, a letter-box and bath
room, amV -U on insist, a kttchenett
will na doubt be added for a consider!
stion to the rent. ' Civilisation eaa n
farther go. In fact, It Is wished It ha
topped a little sooner in th game. f
antediluvian, who ara tierer In a hurr
till appreciate tn aootnmg ifllene
aboard an old-fashioned ship sailing b
for th wind. Modern enterprise
bound to mix all our Joy and comfort
wllly-nluy. and . not merely ehangln
day Into night and night Into day. bn
th Ocean shall become a dry lar
with It manifold feature directly --
der our band. Charlea Dicken has sAt.
be often wished . to th poatma
coming np the aid of hi ocean stean
ship, a wish tha wireless telegraphy h
fulfilled and may yet supplsmsnt wit
tn morning, . paper printing all tl
world news. ' In fact, ther Is no at
to th extravagance th MlnnetonV
promise to stand for.whsa compute
In central Tennessee sre larre trar
ef cedars, th briie of which aerv i
attract myriad or robins in th wintr
On town send to market annual
nough robin ta ratura I00 at fl
entt a do sea. ' 1
' V