THE" bRECONSUNDAYJOURNACT PORTL ATmr SUNDAY "MORNING." MARCH 17. "1S37. Duy Your Easter Cloves Here A Completejtoc and Grades m the Leading Shades Mail Orders Carefully Filled Oar New Spring and Sommer Catalogue Now Ready-Mailed Free Large Assortment T ranks uni Travel ng Bags on the 1 bird Floor The Meier B Frank Store 500NewS$lklPetticcas $&5Q-$9 Vals: 5.45 "Q.fnnoor" Patsat Elaitic Felt Mttreiet Sold at Factory Prica ArtUtlc Pictura Framing to Your Order at the Very LoWti Price The Meier M Frank Store We Are Portland Agent for Battarlck Pattarns and Publications Cuitorn Shade an 1 Drapery Work Our Specialty On Third Floor The Meier M Frank Store -r- 200 NewTailoredSuifcs lOOOPairs Silk Hosiery Unusual Malues 1 "'"'"" '. "' at $30 Easter Sale Extraordinary of women'a .Tailored Suits 200 new, handsome gar ments in the very latest fashions and materials to be -sold at the popular price of $30 each These' Suits manufactured by four of New York's leading Cloak houses are positively the best value ever offered for the money Fancy black and 5 white checks, stripes, mannish mixtures and plain colorings Navy, black and red, prettily trimmed in silk, lace and fancy braid-Eton, blouse, semi-fitting, -tight-fitting and 3-button cutaway styles The : materials are Panama cloths, serges and fancy Tweeds Perfect fitting, well made . and finished We place these handsome . spring Suits on sale, while they last, at $30.00 each They : would , find ready sale at $33.00, . to $40.00 each the suit. . We want you to see them Second Floor ; Tailored Suits $15.00 to $150.00 H w Values to S3at9QcPair - Y ry i Is J IK 1 J II ! Our Annual Easter Sale of women's Silk Hosiery' is announced for t morrow and we promise the great est bargain ever known in women's full silk Hosiery Pure silk thread. All the newest Spring shades, also black Grand styles, grand quali tiesAll sizes This unusual op portunity was presented to our Hosiery buyer on a recent frip to dr the market Every well dressed woman in town should take advan tage of ' this .' remarkable offering. Colors are white, black, light blue, royal blue, maise, cream, gray, Nile, reseda, biscuit, v tan, lavender, plain styles and embroidered instep Beautiful designs and contrasting shades Sizes &lA, 9,- 9lA. 10.' Values up to $3 a pair, on sale while they last, pair New fancy Hosiery,-new-white" Hosicry,ncw tan Hosiery for women and, children All prices. , OAs Portland's Leading Cloak - Store's Annual Jaster 'offering ' of high-grade silk Petti-. 11 ACVttxi coats 500 of them -All new up-to-date styles and colorings at a Trice about one half what you are asked to pay at other stores for Petticoats of equal quality Made of superior heavy taffeta silk with deep flounce 'and six rows of bias banda Very attractive and serviceable style Full width and a grand assortment of shades to select from White, pink. : light blue, navy, royal and : medium blue lavender, pur ! pie, tana, browns, light and dark greens, red, rose, gray, black and a great variety of ' changeable silks Silk Un derskirts that find ready sale I at $8.50 and $9.00. Your choice while they last a this ex tremely low price $5.45 Mafl and Phone Orders Will Be Filled Bbys? Easter Apparel 2d Floor Boys' All-Wdol .Norfolk . ' . . f . : i mucea woncai ana cncviocs . . (- -1 j n rl 3uitt, with Knickerbpckeri trooer,'.'T and brown Best atyies., special av "..;'?' to f' , iv.L o..!.. fu.v....... ' ...(... .-,4 Boys oaiior saia kuuiid diquh ivuh quid, in vuuidi;i vin: uu - tea,' neatly made and trimmed- Great assortment, auk, fronrSQ to f Boy' High-Grade Wash Suits in fancy crash, duck and percale 2.00 to fS.OO Boys' Washable Blouses in 100 styles, all agesat low price from 25 to f 2.00 Boys' Topcoats in Tan Covert, black and whhechck, gray cheviots, blue chev iots and serges, all 1907 styles, at reasonable prices. Don't miss this opportunity. With all purchases of Boys' Suits or Overcoats to the amount of $5.00 or over at regular price we give one year's subscription to th ."American Boy," the big gest, brightest and best paper for boys published. Take advantage of this. - Great Sale of New Lace Curtains , ., - Special lot of Madras-Weave Lace Curtains, Arabian color, floral patterns, very best styles, 52 inches wide, 3 yards long. Reg. $2.50 vala. on sale at, pair f 1.68 Eight patterns of .White Nottingham Lace .Curtains; 50 to 60 inches wide, 3 and Syi yards long, detached floral, and Point d'Esprit centers, ;with heavy floral . '' borders. - Reg. $2.00 values on sale at the remarkably low price of, pair. 1.30 .Special lot of Irish Point Lace Curtains, white or ecru, plain centers, with floral scroll borders. Reg. $375 values offered at the very low price of. pair. .82.85 : Ruffled Net Curtains, white or ecru, lace edge and inserting, 3 yards long, 36 ; inches wide. Reg. $2.50 values on sale at the very low price of, per pair. 8 1.65 Special low price on all our Rope Portieres. : Best styles, all patterns and color ings, great values. $2.00 to $6.50 values at these low prices.. 8 1.88 to 88.20 Lace and Embroidery Bargains French Cambric Embroidery for Women's and Children' Wear, 6 to 12 inches, wide, best designs. Values up to 60c a yard on sale at this low price, yard.SOf . French Cambric and Eyelet Embroidery, 3 to S. inches wide, beautiful designs in large variety. Values up to 30c a yard on sale at this very low price, yard.lSa "Special lot .of Swiss Banda, designs' in Anglais and blind work, for women wear. f6 to 10 inches wide. Values to 75c per yard on sale at-this low price, yard. 25 Special lot of Swiss Corset-Covering, in Lace and Baby Irish effects,. very prettv styles. Values op o $2.00 a yard on sale at the very low price of, yard.f 128 French Corset-Covering in Swiss and Nainsook, $1.25 values, on al at, yd. .8Tf French and Round-Thread Val. Lace and Insertion, Hto 14 incher wide, baod- some styles. Values to $1.25 doscn yards on aale at this very low price. . o9f eiiing MHiSinery, ;C srTr ' complete i iwirg of tlaj htnt Spring jshlon$ for womtnl men, ndsies and children --'The antlir XW&r'Vi JVv4 K?! : establishment in Holiday attire The newest and prettiest the word p-odacei is here for the.telectton xjVyf - W$3r ; ? The' first complete showing of the latest Spring Fashions for womtn, men, misses tand children- The entire establishment in Holiday attire The newest and prettiest the word p-odaces is here for the selection of the critical buyer. We're prepared to supply every need in Easter, Spring end Summer apparel. A cordial Invitation is extended to all to v.sit the store daring Sprint "Opeaing Days Tomorrow and Tntsday, March 18th and 19th, edl "Show Days' for the bsaniifal nevr merchandise wa have gather from all pants of the compass: Paris, Berlin, London, Jiew York, and all the fashion centers of the civilized world have contributed to this International Expo jition New Costumes, Wraps, SoUs, Waists; Etc.. Opening J)aysv Sprnig Portland Grandest Display of Headgear Picturesque Hats portraying true Millinery Art Magnificent creations, large picture Hats with lace drapes, the new bell or ,. lampshape Hats ThcvMaric Antoinette Hat, the Coolie Hat, the Mushroom Hat, the "Dolly Varden" HatEvery new, shape and trimming in every new style, shade and combination the famous designers in Paris and New York have producedExclusive mod- ' els in wonderful array Tailored Hats in great assortment ,v EMysV New Silks, Dress c ..Goods, Itmbroidcries, Laces, .Wash; Goods," Curtains. Materials . ; Every department In this store joins in the grand opening display ' pinned for Tomgrrow and Tuesday New, attractive wearing j apparel and household effects of every - description on display: NewSilkg and-Press Oooda ' New Laces and Embroderjea New Wash Materials . -, New Ribbons and Neckwear ,'. New Gloves t and Hosiery New Muslin Underwear ; New Corsets, Infants' Wear, New Curtains and Carpets New Curtain Materials - ' - New F lew Footwear for Every lew Furnishings for Men One 'New Furnishings for Men New Clothing, Men's and Boys' New Waists and Petticoats , : New. Magnificent Costumea HORRID YOUNG RAIDERS GET BEER INSTEAD OF THE. GUESTS DU you ever think what : waa th mt provoklnr thins Oiatartr hp pensd Jn your whola UfT What ma you inirltr than ywt hara ovor bwn lfor or loco nrr than you Ihnuaht It potbU to bT ltcratT thafwio Incident and ramom r how thorooahly provolred you wra, Uin rMd thia and Iraaalna how anary I'ortUnd Ilolehta coupla bacama-taa other nlf h aa tha roault of a prank of a ttmrh-of amull boya. . Tha coupla lira a Tory ehoit Kalf Mm lt from tha Ainawortta achaoL ' Oa tha aratilnc In quaatlon they : had planned to entertain a number of their Intimate f rlenda .with bear, chaaaa, plea and anecdotes. V)f eonraa thara ware to bare been other thin fa in tha way of entertainment, but thoaa mentioned were tha chief featarea, Tha plea, eheaea, bear aknd Inetdentala were placed on tha back porch to keep tha beer eool and to eurpiiee tba fueatg later. - Tha anacdntea were of oourae kept Inalde tha house and dlepenaed proper1y thereby ancaping tha fata cf tha bear, aheeee and plea. It waa an old trick, aa old aa tha deviltry that eifste ia tba breast of every small boy, but It worked Just aa Innumerable anea have worked before. While tha fueata ware enjoying them selves and the hosts were happy In an ticipation of the eurprlae they ware to spring, small boya crept stealthily to the back porch, and made , away with the plea, eheeae and beer. . . '1 would like to tell you bow mad I wa," said the woman of tha bouse, "when I want after the refreshments and found tham gone, but I simply can't . aay It not while anybody's mtitiil " Milwaukle Country Club. ' Eastern and California racea, , Take ellwood and Oregon City oara at First and Aidar.. JOURNAL ONLY PORTLAND PAPER ON BARKALOW NEWS STANDS ! ; . D. V. Barkalow of Barkalow Broa Denver, who oonducta one of the largest news agendas, in -the west, la at the Portland hotel to establish his branches in thla city and to look after the gen eral business of the firm. B. F. Bishop, a large holder of real eetate In Den ver, la with Mr. Barkalow for a abort vacation and vlalt In Portland. "The marvelous growth of your otfy in tha two years since 1 have baan bere is a revelation," - aald Mr. Barka low In speaking of the rapid growth of Portland. "These tall buildings that have sprang op all ' around and the buay air of tta people at moat mske It seem a different city than that I left behind -two years ago." ... . Mr. Barkalow aaw great ' Improve ments la Portland and be 11 eves that be haa aeen no such changes wrought In any city that ha haa visited tn the west during the same period. He and Mr. Bishop arrived In Portland Friday and will spend at least a month In the City. v . Tbe Barkalow news agancy controls all lights la Denver, Omaha,', on tha Union Paciflo and on twe othsr llnea running out of Colorado. Mr. Bartta low aald that the Oregon Dally Journal" la 4he only Oregon dally , carried by his news stands, aa there la demand for no other Portland paper. . - ( : ; HELP WANTED . Ssada ef Departaeats aa4 iaJaapeople. Man and woman, eiperlaneed In all departmenta, dress goods, cloaks, men's clothing, furnishings, lacea. crockery, glass wars, toys, groceries, shoes, milli nery, hats, silks, Good salary and fine pneltlone. Coma ready to go to work. Emporium DepL'Btore. Apply Monday, between t and 11 a. tnm at room 427, Lumbar Exchange building, Beeond and Stark streets, city. - .. THB SHAFER-WHITTIKB CO. MORPHINE 4 ether ares babtta am potltinlf mmi Vr HAMITIMA. tor kyyedermie et tawraat aae. ear-sjweeew P ,V WWT aOXll et rear anwriat er by auQ la ylala vrapixr. , DELIA CHEMICAL CO., 9X, LOUIS, HO, BBBiLa. Wat M Taaaea 1 al aWf... - y ajraaaej, rvf we S1 arac araaniMtig vr ..-