THE OREGON SUNDAY y JOURNAL, PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 17, - 1907. 51 PRICES IN, THE pVESTOCK MARKET ARE VERY FIRM. DURING THE PAST WEEK S HE EP MiTHEtPINANCIAL WORLD DRESSED MEATS SHOW BIG ADVANCE IN FRONT STREET MARKET DURING THE WEEK SCARCE 1 i i : i " ' : : ' I i : r - r- ; . ZZZZ7 ' ' . t sis.ooario rot dm. n on- hm,. i ' heat. ). "-VI PROSPECTS IN IVOOL-nOIIAIR Season for. Latter Has Already Opened and Prices Start at Twenty-Eight ' WOOL GROWERS LOOK v v ' FOR GOOD QUOTATIONS Fact That Eastern Maanfactorera ' Are Boring Up All Available Wool " of Last Year's Clip In Boston Mar : ' ket Ca-qaes Them to Look for Rise. Batter. Tf ui Poultry. BUTTFa FAT f. a. a, -rfl ercm. eonr. ilHo. " 1 "- BUTTKR tlly eresmery, BBci netais. fae.-r. s.v; etorsge, W40r: atorYl7oi(uV EGOS Kit fancy, eaodlsd, 18a. . CHKIC8B New -nli (nu, flsle, Itmau.t Tonne America. 1T17H. POULTHlf Mixed, toe -Bar faoc hens. 15lft'4 Ibr roosters. m pTt.1?' lb; old stags. 1615V4e lb! fry.ra. 18i0Uiilbi broil., .nai2o lb) old tuck? ufa1? ft dacha. i8V, per lb; geeee. Value per m" ,u i Beys, no per ra Md DrMMO. -;- eac Ibi moans, W OO per dos; pitKDa Hi Mr doa. Dreed poultry I 1 U lTk 1 Bout wool aad BUdaa, - . HOPS -1S0 eroo Choice. He, choice. lOsjlOHe: Bedlam to prime, aaao! Bedlam, 8e; eoctrsets loot crop; IBs. . " ; WOOL l4ot ells taller. auii2rr pTM. SOS. . , " . , UOH AIR Now 1807-28a IbT " ' . , SHKEKSKINS-Bhearln.:. 16tJ20e each. - WooL it6t40ci mediam woojT 60 alee sTSH lose locetl-OO each, woo each; TALLOW Prime, do ih. luo. m.. - . a BBS I ' LOCAL BIRDS THEY'RE PASSING US BY r ' By Hymaa H. Crass.. . Week's principal naxkot fottaroM Mokalr ood wool prooporto. Cor ohoruso otlU kurtftaL . . On loo pjoa oorrjr Unj didn't toll. ' t Potato aurkot boflaa ltoprorraMnt, ; Door oporotora la kop aurkot. Illcbor prlcoo for drooaod Boot. x rhlckoa funloo ttlll with ao. ( Beta adroiwo wltb ahortaso Buttor oupplloa -r toadoqoato. Ckoaoa klbor wltk ocarcitfc.i aad Wool TkO BMkatr aaaaoa aaa ooonod. bnt it 'Will aaek. iam. oackTajci tv... otaktoo. I mk. 'I. - - . r .7: 7 1 n,?...7bdiB"'v 'v- ONION Johhln Mm . i J1.M, No. a. wtjisi, borloiyrloTS?. I JT. " ' JlT? and .tork. t1.00CI.2S. """ is.?,8?, "xnysm- m-l w pmMPpiro.i.00es.00 por doioa; plso-1 : ' ".. ' : ' - . :-'' r ' . . (a vera . ' Ao s rvwy rs . a - . miiiijm m. u 11 u. i i v,. ,v,,w 1 l . I , r lf .- i . It 1 "ii ill, 1 I , BEST STOCK IS SHOllG A RISE Receipts In All Lines of Local Market Are . Small Dur . Ing Past Week. ' SHEEP QUOTATIONS THEREFORE NOMINAL Bat 500 Head Arrive la Daring the Six Day A Year Ago Tbia Week Not'a Single Head Came Into the Yard Good Balee Are Reported. too DOC II WIU I Bvv! "-l'lJr, o.Wia.UO BAB Am... Mm. ko aotaral work koforo tbo wool eiio la la I (PP." ' PT doo; rnp frntr, t3.23Jllu. . oporotloo. klokolr Broopoeta vera aoror bet-1 L2li" t.'Z.rJWBiM' ' ook: tr la this auikot tlua at tbia ttato. Opooiac ' .p . oacki boot.. II. ri ! arlcoo wora knaad 28e. wltk orory (rapMl. C. K"' .Z,'"'1...t'1;?L..(,Jf- irs thenuolToo. of bmb- I riorida. ao. -ouW'' y"l I aocordlaa la rbo doalars tat a cola that would mil. pat tho too 'ik. n,rn'V!! ?; tVj no ans and hM-d. WhlU tho ohu da. I t... la., i.rr:..' l.T" .l.TV- .'au "T oooi r p - iuip Mr in' lotirlnwto ons dooa aot nallT war-1 too dot down unnk . :! , rnt aacfc totter prteoa thoa. tkooa rullna at I rolorj; California, la.24iat.60 Jo oratoj ori.' thla tlBO. tha trada foola tbat WIU tha oorrloo. .00a 00 por b.rr.1: .prooti aaino groat eompotlrJoa tbo prlcea will t , aoaaldarablr boyood what tha Bark.t 1 a f ooa artea tho oomUw soaaoa. bnt Jaot .JtF? ' what filM wUl bmamiianl la aot kaowa lcTaii-JL -J? ?f .! oooboa. , oma to tko bnrora thamwlToa, for Muoa forBall7 Thara U ' wlda dlf- M M por boar fartS tlioetllao pmIvS! . u vu vi.w. o. v iMm ng n. I . Illioiiaa .aiota. StO . BTowora aa U what tha Barkot raallr ntiriro I l.lHomia A Bawaltaa Oaho. aa fa IJrVa. Aeoardlnf to Braatork bob. akoop I f rpowlrd, f.llH; borry. t4.2U try o oar aoaaoa dorlat tha past M JMrm. I LI.VJ' .W.Hi (oldeo C. f4.H2U o PANIC OF WEEK. IS GREATER . THAN ON BLACK FRIDAY Bow.Tor. tbo arawora ama to kin tha boat '"i;?" soot rraaalatod. M.ttM of tha aranmcat. tor owan d. or I . " ' ru ""O. 7 powdorod. tl roaorta froB tha Bootoa Barkot that tba Bllla fmfl. XoSS'. 'iiJ'' p-. iHT'Vil t. . t -m a I w 1 cwiecnonoro- A. a4.o ara taktnd.ap Booater block, of Orrfoa wool as Back aa tbar caa o t prteoa tbat ara ' soBowbat bottor tbaa nlad bars oarUir ta ta aaaaoa. . ' . , ' .s C, tkUHi rkl Ht. MVkl ra low, lOe; Onloa Haa Sorry Tha Bldat 1 Oaloa bmb as a rals sspaaaa fhoBaeWas la Bo aacortala toaaa that thoy ara aztroBoly ' sorry Uoy did aot follow .tbo adrlea airaa by thla vapor and lot so of tboir onlona thar 7ot. bad a food ebaacs of - oacarins a (aranblo ' prlea conaldortiis tba ala of tba yield. At tbw tlma tbtra la practically ao eeataad for oaloaa except for boat onellty and that vartaty la ao acarca that a rtdlabla aoota- ttaa saa hardly be auida. Ia thta dty f.lrly I finctaatloaaT ,,..5cJ. hoim- adraooa oa aack baala! y' "oa ara so says aot oaak oo COrrKB Packaro breoda. tin man as. LT Ccmm H.lf aroaad. 100. lloon m blU l!JS JS'.fJ?' Imported l.lrpooi BOo, X I alMr-W; I00. tll.OO: 524. aiSA I w ' JV J- 10. 4.BOt5JOi Lmrpool raaip 6o. rock U-W 100-1 New Tork, March 18-Unlen s Facirio was tha conspicuously 4 o atrona; faaturo aad mads a vary o rapid advanca In tha final hour d durlnr tha axclted boar aquae. d o , Ita axtroraa advanca waa ever . d d points, bnt It lost about threa ' 4 d points ot thla at tha oloa. Road- o d Ing- held nearly ail of Ita ax- d o troma rise of oyer six points." United Btataa Steel laauas were o o very firm and only loat a frao- d d tlon of the extreme tralna.of o d . about three points In both com- o d -mon and preferred. Oraat d d , Northern aTslnad oyer six points, . 4 dr while the ore land certificates d o and Northern Pacific - advanced d s about five polnta. while trie o o 'bank stateraent was favoratlr d It was only nominally aa Ths d d gain In surplus reserve amount- d d to I9S1.STS. Tha loss In cash o was tl.ttT.tOO. The decrease In 4) loans was 111.180.100, while de. posits decreased by $11,114,700. oom. X. oa. lOa. i rora, it. t w. ..pvr w aaioa or waa taaa .aaaaaaAAAAaAAAa. : ai SDeaai anaaa aanlaat aBiw'wwwwww'-w--'-''-w load oaloaa are belns sold atona Front atreet : ay the trada aa low aa ao rents a aaek thara at aot Back domand ovaa at tbia flmra. I tU m a i w i.i. ai nMri... um. uvn.f 11 w ill. i. mm . . . . were Bade aa hlcb a. tlJi. J: ffJUj, ,i.k. llPori-a. a l ZZm. iiT: .t,R,c-Iir,1' 'spaa, "ai. 1. I Re. t, Ajas, Set Crsola, ABMlsaaialad . Car A Foundry. ixnoa on MET GAINS. "f"1' :7i per id. reacted. 10a par lb: JanaBeeo. SO I Anaeond 7 jZ.i wooueriui "j'J2'i naata70THs per Iht eocoaaau. ank aaaaoa, prlcea are already heflnalna; to aaow rrB'a 1 per lb: . ptoenaai. 14d15e aoBO tmpraveBoat. Ia tha Baa rraacteee r,"i .,fV'rT ante, loajMO lot cbeotnota Barkat the vahw at the Utter sort of tha JJJSlJf i!f tr Ibj Br. ,8 aata, le por weak went wltbla be per koodred pmuda of IrliSr: J?.P scy paeaaa, MOKei I toaeblat tha extreme kick point made before tho so-called break. Thla ta due to tho fact iSeTtlUo. Keata. tiek and nl.. rarm uv.m m . tbat there bare beea so suay rejoctloaa of kctHa lb- vaaL eitra ailT2-r ikTT,? w aaatora aterk la C.llformla tbat tba eeetera THttic per iaooraJ T Wlhi-d,,M,, Anaconda Woolen .......... Atchison t naitimora at iNiie. l Brooklya 4K caaadiaa l Rt. - Paul S Oas IM Praaaed Stool Oar. S i Readlnc Bepubllc Steel .... IV aoat bora Padrla C. A O. Colorado reel (.. A N Mexleaa Central IS ...... Bit ....... xiKaty ureal nortnorn . Mluoort Pactfls Natloaal Lead .... 41 N. X. CeotraJ...... 1 O. A W Korthem Pacific . . 8 Pennsylvania ...... t Union Pacific ..... ' U. S. Steel t de preferred..... Si they rocolve thdr money, la advance. ,Thle I HAMM. BACOW. BTC Pnrtland part Dorall hss eanaed a sonStderebla deeeeeeo in tha u. I baraa. 10 to It IK. IRUa IK. tA - ..1 .Hvala. bat there are still eoppllee sufficient I o SO lbs. lea lb; breakfast bacon. u I ' ' to tide the P.dflc eaaat ever astU the new iiy,c lht pienka, 12e Ibi roll. 1 ta J IWT. Z I op f raviW tb. UbU. ; iiLai''" Jta -v . bi fl'."' Baktay Banpllaa Basaam Bkart. (Pobllsbera1 Presa by Special Lee led Wire.) II Vnrb U.M. " 1 1t Wall ' ? n- I I atreet haa p.ewd tills week thronsh s trUl la exnaustire ana aavere aa stared for M years. Not since 187 aad tba faawos "Buck Prlday" of history Of earner j - butter sappllss ronula far short aaaoked, so Ibi svoked, Be lb: clear bellies. Be ef the demand and at times dnrtnr the week I anwked. UHe lb; smoked. ISHe tb; abosldars. the mat atrest boons wore wUboat a elnsle I lJ Ibi pickled tonxnea, eOe each. wi. mm. i ie tear.- job to. IStt Ibi fiO-lb tins. IS Ue Mil Jerei loa. U.e lb aa. lb los. site tb. the ImI knlMnutM U fin mmA hleh .the I ..T "y. --..m1'm . '-'O Califorala valoee are svoa blghor tbaa bare at I IMS: Alaska tells, pint, SBOtOei red. tijSi toll to sell. At ss riots sarin tha week wore sapplisa snffleleat to ' sell to the' entire trade aad dealers woobt net try to taks ears of aaora tbaa their roaalar ' SnatoBora. While o tlmea and la ths seat tba peat few weeks . save shown apward aaoveswata la prlcea. florin fa weAkt MM trw. m ..H.M :. wars oa a heavy stole la tbo egg market. striped baas. Kscelpts of tha commission trade were ex-1 ?!moa- ritll Rnek end. ?. nee Iht ena n. . rb belfbat, to por Ibt rraba. tlsli.M nee ss, lt4 per M eatflsa, too lb) utinmnia nver ataelheeda, lie; troBMly Hcbt oa account of the eitenelve nr ebaatng by apecnlators at local prlcea f . o. k. ' shtoptag points. Thla ceased the valso along tho street to strengthes and later advance back to . Me, whore It remains at ths close or vur week. , ' Still a remise ta Local chickens are vary scarce. o aaxiooa, aowevar. were dealera to socore I canned, toe can. XT doaea. Stacks that they eaaarly bid a. tba price and I CLAMa Rirdebcll. par Box, tin, nstr ww vom o. wv ween man .1 loae i eismo. oa-ao per oov. waa being obtained; for fancy bona, wltk Blxed I . Paint. Oaal OH. atts. : eoooo ellgbtly lower. At thla time of the I ROPa Pars Maalla. lttiei standard. 11 e- ; shlakoB sanpiiea. bat bad It aot beea for tba enormous annpliea- of eastera dveaaed stock Being aeM kera prices would kave toscksd a wnriB i.b AO tob lots, Tvis per tb tOS-rt lots, to per Ibt loss lots, tUc aor lb. WIRB NAfLa-Praeont basla at II ta. . OIL Para raw. In s-bbl Iota. tc f-bhl kit. Met assas Me nee ..I- -.i stand, the price of chickens Is slresrly st ths iJl A,?k I'1 N, nTtl. V. n" S4H por gsUon. danger point and U dealera Insist ipsa, ad- BENHINlTldts aaa. oa, ... vaadng the prlcea atlU higher It will csnns lauT BeV'anosT' ' en.rr.n 'zz:r::z? .i.t L-rL in .jy'v" -r-mi , ... .- - . v. m i ew-. . www awm nriHH ano ractiio oonsi maraeia. Dressed Boats touched high prices during i the week owing to the email eappllea, both ' In ths dressed and la livestock narkete. Por ."ixncy veal as Elan at toe a nonad was ra- Cnfved along Front street during the week . ' snd bogs sold aboat sss bait sent bight tbaa a wsek ago.1 .; ,.. ' ' Sear Opera tors ta Kop Ksjfcsi, ' There waa vary heavy baying of bops ta ' this state daring the peat week. 0 rowers wore . very willing sellers end : dealers .were . cage bortrs." At the 'prices paid there ara enonA orders Is tks market at thla time to eleas nplJaoosry . mrr p ie i none renainins anaoid la both Harca ........ ... the hards of . grower and dealer. Thla will- April ......... ... Insane of tks grower to let go wee doe en- May tT ! tirely to the clrcnlatloa given sobs bearish in"? J?2 , statistics written by the boars for feet each '' .1 - JJJ a mrpne. Aorordlng to tbo bosrl.b etrealars, i.5iJ.'' V ' o.T !? sJr?.'?. b,y? it asp. grow, octoS .,.';;:iSSo , " 7 "nii wna i Novemnev iue i-"V eenrina ninrw wwn ni TD.I anOTDOT I DaCOBBor oeinsT prepnrea ana win no given rreoly to every paper that will print It Ths statistics til NkMU. . . . W . ... . . ' Mmmm mw vm mwu . w nl tit niaraOl there and keep aaatrrnert from coning hare - ..and baying. ,..,,,,..,., ... Brief Beviawo tf the Trade. mOked. 136 lh.1 Cleee . mmmmmmmm , a rooked, loc Ik; Cnloa botts, 10 to IS Ins. aa-1 h H1! oeoa ssytblng approaching sack fear- mi nn.t , toe Mratmnn fell of Wednesday and Tharsdsy a pecsllar algnlflcahrs waa the fact that It came apoa a Barkat which for three months bad beea at moat steadily declining. - Tbo set looses eves before thla week kad boss greater snd mors gnlckly accumulated than snythlng aver knows for as short s period la oar whole financial experience. That oa top at this there- ehonld have beea precipitated two days of veritable panic marks ths episode as aomeining entirely distinct iroa ovary etaer stoca exchange eoi lapee of recent yeaia. Moreover, for svary aanle ta reeent years the canae baa lain plainly en the surface, Thla waa the ease wltb the well-known Read ing panic of February, IMS, and la the North- era Padfls earner panto or stay, laxii. The thing that Bads this week's ssarket far snore formidable 'tbaa any of thoae waa the great difficulty vof eorroetly diagnosing what Us trouble really' was. 'V. Bsssaa Is Pokes aa. " i ' tf there ' has beea sobs definite tofta enre upon which ascarity values con Id have beea approximately m .soared. It Is, ImnsaelMe to think tbat the collapse weald hare beea ao eoBilete. Iaveatmeat capital, however, wae paralysed, as It wore, st toe very Bvetery of tha sanation, and It waa set until stocks se ts levels wblrb In any view of the circumstances were absurdly low, tnst the forces of Investment were brought Into play. Apowglata for the pteeent situation may ssy all they p lee so about this week's disaster be lns merely aa affair of spoculatora, brought ob by rer kites financing; the event la Itaelf Is snffleleat proof tbat thla Is not so, for the market kas passed through the greatest strata In Its histery without one break Is ths flnan- rial structure. Loews hare beea ennrmoas. hat ths Unsocial community has beea able to Beet Chinook, lim lb frooes salmon, telle; her ring. 6c lb; soles Or lb; shrimps. 10c lb; perch tc lb; black sod, Te per Ibt tomeod. To nor Ibi "' omelt. I nor (hi lobsters. Its por ai 'rash mackereL Be aec thi rrm-nmm fnm mm. lb; fWomhla rlvee wee It. Be nor Ba. as. ,- I OTSTBRa . Bhoatwater bsv. per gatlea, tt Ml rtlhia l K,-,00-Ib sck. M.B01 Oiyisirla. per gallon.' at this time. I tt.16: per Ufl-tb. sack. 4.oo,S8; BagU COAL OIL Pearl se Ahtrnt-tee lau. talloai water wkMo, Iron bbbx, lee per sailoa: woodea. lie per ra Ileal beadllgbt. 170mW raeea. llUe per gatloa. jTrli4, ! F" tal: St I lota, ssc; lif'-JfL.1? a 'I gfoood esks. ear lets, l pas tost less this car iota. Helper teaT ..i.BXW TOBX COTTOSr XAJLXXT. y Raw Tork. March It. Cot too futures: M.e. xr.e. mrn. lw. lOM, 1024 Open. ..10U ,'.!6ii T5 . T8 t . BA2 1004 1018 . ar ttil SHt on Tl K94' 1004 W.-v 18. 102t .lfttt tot ng - tod ';f. ant Ml 7t ra . trs 71 . .' 7t 878- N1 pan 1 m inoo looti loot , loio 1008 )01t them without a Slnele Instance mt hankmnter" Had there boss s serious over-opecnlstlon kad Indlvldaals or firms or corporations boon com Bitted beyond their means, auch a reeult would aave oeea tuipoaalbla. By Hyaan Oobea. Portland Cnloa Stuck yards, March It. Li ra il tock receipts Boss. Cattle. Sheep. rest weak ................ .zti urn ooa Prevtoas week ....u7S J.o-9 Tl Year sga .J 4X0 24 Provtoua year ....Su au6 t.84 ' There was Ultra- sf Interest Is ths livestock traaasctlons during tba past week. Receipts wars excsodlngly small snd this' kept all prices very firm snd ap to ths top Bark. Is the bog market bat 271 bead arrived ss s fa Inst 87S bead laat week sad 480 bead for this week to 1806. The Barkot was firm at all times snd oa Wvdiieeday the lew point waa cut away, thus putting best stuff at oas price. Cattle Marks Agals Tina. A firmer toas la agals shews la the local cattle Barkat. Tbia week's reeelpta were Bock i mailer tbaa anticipated daring the prevloaa six days snd sraoanted to 841 head aa agalnat 1.088 bead la at week and 884 heed s year ago. From the low point bast cattle shew ss advance ef aa VemUal Sheen Arrivals. . 'H Sbeep receipts were not suf fldenl to sup ply tba wants of area one large peeking cea Bt envoi, to Ba Haw, As far the immediate outlook, It swims pretty I ean- During ths week 600 kead arrived, as clear that tha liquidating Bovament culminated I anlet 11 bead a wsek ago. A year ago dm with ths final collapae of laat Thursday. But I Ul wsek not a slngls head of aboep rooovery for many reaeoaa WIU bo very alow I rams Into tbo yards, aa occurrence boot an Ths ano difficult, leine Aiwmmti .k a i. .. I usu.L While the sheen market ta snotet money altaatlon. The aacretary of tha treaanry (beet at ta today tha q sots tlon la but a baa -done all that be eaa be expected te do la ""ai"! one snd tbsrs ara reports sf atlll the order for ths deposit of euatoma receipts higher values. with the banks and tha offer to redeem at vauk Armstrong afondoa eold a band- ef once $28,800,000 ef tbs gwesanuaeat boada ma- rarug oa us tlrst sf July. . Official Cooks Co. notations by Overbeek, Starr PgaCRIPTIOM. . Amsl. Copper Co. Aa. Oar A Found., cm do nref erred Am. Cotton Oil, com.. Aa. Locomotlvs, eoa. am. nugar, soa. Bmelter. cm Preferred Anaconda Mining Co.... Am. Woolen, eoa...... Atchison, com do . nrefereMt . Baltimore A Ohio. coa7hoift m preieiieu, . . . ,s . .. Brook Irn Rsnld Cansdlan Pacific, com-,. Central Leather, com.... do preferred. v.... w. u. .. mn,,,i, Chi., Mil. A 'St Paul... tot. N. w.. com... Cheaspaaks A Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A Iron, com Cokx, Souttiern. eoa... ao Zd preferred..'., do lat Braferred.... Delaware A Hodaon. . A B. O., soa.... do Braferred Srie, common oo zd preferred ..... do first preferred ... IlllaoU Central ....... Louis. A Nssh Msnhattan Rsllwsy .. Max. Central By ..... U., K. T... eoa do preferred ........ Greet Northern '. Mlaaourl Padfls ..... ntnuui ima ..... n. x. ajentrsj , N. T.. Out A West Norfolk A Wast, eoa. Kiorra A men caa ... . No, Pacific, eoa .. Pac. Mall 8. B. Oo. fesssylvanls Hr ... Poo. a.. U A Coke Oo. IT tea. Bteel Car, cam do preferred Beading, comaoa ... i do Id preferred.... do 1st oreferred ... iBep. Ires A Bteel, cob. oo prererres Bock Island, eoa ..... do preferred St, U A 8. P.. Sd pfd. St L. -A S. eoa.. do preferred South. Pacific eoa ... do preferred Southern By., oom .,. do nreferred ......... Tens. Coal A Iroa ( Texas A Pacific Tol., St. U A W., eoa. . oo prererrea ......... unlos Pad fie,, eoa ... V. a. slubber, eoi do nreferred . . . U. S. Steel, eoa do preferred . . , Webash. comaoa do nreferred ... Weetera Vnloa . Whv Central, cot do nreferred . . . Virginia Chemical I: 4,000 sbeep there the Bait week according to s Condon D. per. tbs sheep te be delivered lone 8 -after ehearliig. Ins price paid waa 18 a bead. AD wore yearling wethers. The asms paper reports the sals of 1,800 bead of sbeep Wednesday by Cass B'Bpson to Smyths A Boa af . Arlington. ' Sheep are to be delivered at Price paid was ihaV a sea a or ir.iso for the band. r- ; Official II restock prices: ZItA 88 M I 147tt an I st 118 11814 mi TOi, zw s3 Bogs Best eaatWB Oregoa. ' 87-T8: stocksrs I and f-eders, 17.00; China fata, 7697.00. Cattle Bast saatera Orecoa stesrs, 84-T5; beet sows and belters, 83.80) stocksrs snd feeders, 88.1; bulls, S2.B0. Sheep Mixed. 8M8He: wetbsrs. 8HI swas. I814ei lambs, 8V4tt0Kc , Arrivals sf the Wash. Following arrivals were shewn ta the yards tbs saet week: Bandar Mr.- Decker came ta from SUvartaa wltb two ears of sheep. i I Mondav W. L. Whlrmnro hrmi.1i. tit n eae lot bcrsss froa Pomeroyi Bay Falrchlld had five carloads st cattle froa lone: J. M. Swift brought In s car of horses froa Bhaaiko, going to Hunters, Waahlngton; J. 0. Tbornton Itrongbt Bp 30 hssd of bogs oa the ataamer Mascot. . . Tnesdayw W. B. Irwin passed thronsh tbs yarns rroa Jerrcrsoa with a car of auk sowa. going w stnoi, laanoi T. at. Howltt aent la I car of cattle froa Falrview; B. I. Irwin came In froa Payette, Idaho, wltb two care sf eat ue; H. . Moma ef Bowls no. brousht la I ear of cattle and boss mixed. ' Wednesday Dan Bllry ahlnned In s ear af Borsee rronj Airjany, eeaslgned to Jobs Welch. 1st Tacoma; I. D. Boas sf Kent Washington, passed through too yards with a car of milk i cows, going to Forest Grove. Friday H. Waechter came in front Arlln.. I ana. srith a m, r he-e ...I iM . . ., J. B.i Reynolds brought Is a car sf sstUs froa Cuados; Mr. Denton shipped In a car of cattle rroon aaearora. enin. , f - , s...i.. v. I Tacoma; P. B. Fercuaoa ef Amity broasht hi Is ear of bogs; 8. L. Over ton brosgbt la a ear or nogs xrorn tcowund. Bator day E. a. Tonne A Oo. as OsklanA sent In s car of hos-s: Mr. Knrtn broaetil l i cat oa oofs area ine xMiiaa. JOURNAL'S SPECIAL REPORT OF THE CROPS d While tho weather condltlona 4 are not Quite warm enough for general sprlsg sowing in the 4 eastern Oregoa wheat country, d conslderabls activity la reported 4 In that line. Pall wheat never 4 looked better according to report 4 and there la no evidence at thla 4 , time that any vermin have ap e pea red In the fields. 4 Hop conditions could not be e bettor than at prssant Tha past week was good for the growing 4 crop and everywhtlo in the vl e ley the vines are making their 4 appearance above ground, tbua 4 dispelling tha deluarton that a. large per oant of It waa froxen. e e e PORTLAND. STOCK MARKET saSBnxsaBsasBBmakB ,"' ' Lees Creek Gold Showa an Advance of Mot) Share for Spot Delivery. Tradlne esi r. I0-.1 . . r. ' u . ' viuust sneefal f ... w .1 01 ior rurare aenvery. Poor thousand Denny Dulln at lOe, a . ,TSL Oold at 4s (buyers 80 ""-w same si vtt (Ouyera ao dsvs), J ?"? " st Site. 8.000 PotlHe st 1814c a, i 1'am- Kxtenslos at 24 He. retznteiim it iHc nn non n... w.i.- l-0 Msmmoth at 25c (bsyen 80 siarsuna si ake touyers 80 4 dayal. 8.000 days). Official prleest . i BANK STOCKS. ex. nin. nsnk or California 1..... tses.oo Merchanta M.tlnn.i " Oreon Tntat A Serines ".XI w"tao iriut 1)0.......,, Cnatad BUtss hatlona .... LISTED ItmilTirs lanim t bT..eV?!fr..?! ::::: 2- : ii-Vf'.:::::::: ,Z Portlaad Hallway 8s ...".::.'. MIBCELLAlfnnra twicr. Aooiated Oil ..; ? ' 102.00 lio'06 . 00 185. OA ISO fS) 130.00 80.00 ...... .... Home Tslenhane j. c Le. cs..:..:::: : Pacific Htatee Telephone Paget Bound Telephone . MINIMO) rnvn - Denny ' DnHn Lskoview .;.. :.::: : i ere doid ::::: .:::.:: Nortk Falnrlaw ...:::..":: Manhattan Crown Point ...-...:" poticio Miatog ...?...:::: : . vi Waabougsl Eitenalen 1 .::"::" ia t'NLISTVn tmcra Tamrlna Bay Telephone 4.K Alaska Petroleum " tju Bin- m "...... l?a British Columbia lm.'.Ym'.'J.l.llm' Va' Caacadla . ...... " "an Ooldfleld Trotta. ,n Great Nartheen ... . . . . ' Mammotb .... 'ranT If.e-nln . ......... voil Mount Pitt 100.00 82.00 85.00 0.00 100.00 1O0.28 108.80 loO.OO 100.00 48.08 sriloo lov.oo , 80.08 .10 .88 .08 -.08 .20 "ia S.S74 .. .04 .. .05 .. .iti l 87 2 RHFFPMFM IDC U1DDV MU I ' " ita-t nii- 1 I -I I I 124V Cannot Find Range, .bnt Get Good Price for Stock. ' (Special D I spate to The JournaL) Joba Day. Or March 18 Htorkm . Jotclng that If they cannot find saatura fur their aheep beea see ef tbs reserves they are wai Kvmpmuwa s. Mcnrice rnvm. The nrlco Is up. end seems to be going higher. A California nrm ec Buyers, represented or Mr. Irvln. haa rDniraerea tor s.miv or T.ouu Bead ef yearling wetbera st tbs . too Botch price ef per nesu. an. eioca a at h aeuvered about the mlddls of May, after ahesring, and st tbs bosia rants, y Tbs stock wtrj bs driven svsr aontharn Oreena and aorthera Califorala and 1 la urk tared for the Haa Franclaeo matton trade. Before alaughter me sneew win no reeuesreo, asd la this process ino yroius w us company are largely made. 01 1141 2SH Z8t4 80 29 Total sales for day, 1,848! 700 eharea,' WILL CROSS FREE -NEVADA MINING STOCKS - : Cash wrala Prlose. (PsMWhera Press by Special Leesed Wire.) taiosgo, MarcB ia. caah grain. . salsa s Wheat Winter. He. red. 7474lc! No. eed . T9inTAe' Ma S Sj.mI VSMTAa- V . a V . . Wheat wat firm, bat alow tba east woe I Miae7et anetn. wheat, k. 1 mm-.. -nmi . . .k. -v i . ! -. . . - - an imsne mm na n aoruera. luoiNaci isa. n tja,.- , T8Se. . rionr maras. siesuy. iB-uaa uncnangeu. ; Cora No. 8, 4tUe! Ne. white. 48t4a! TviAmw . .alW. - ..l in.- . - . U . ........ ' - ' -. mmrm ttti fig, m xwiww. u. -.e : ."to. . suszeiiue. Sal toon . aeaaon closed will net open antll April IB, when the sarins Scssob a tart a. v - . . T Tha - trade peys ' tbs following srices ta Went atreet. ' Prices paid shippers are leas i regular- eommleslone. . Orals, Flosr aad Fsea. ORAIN lAfl Ca Ice tta. SHs baytag price stiller atttras. . WHBAT Clnh, Tn4J71ei rod RnastsB. 870 S8c hlntstem, 7273c: valley. 70a. COBNWbole. f2t-00 eracksd, 828.00 set BA RI.BT New Feed, ttl OO-Jt no, 12.. OOtJ 14 .00; brewing, H'J.OOtJJS.OO. . RYE 81 (8 per- ewt. OATS lew Potdecees' !----Ms. I whits, s 1 39 oof S8.BO: gray, 8 nt2A80. i FIXIC'B Festers Oregon patenta, ' 84. In: Stralfhta, 88i export, 838; valley, 88,78; Cabsm Ms 8.8fl; wbak, wheat 8s.t8( rye, nflo- nel-s. 81.18. MILL8TT1FF8 Ursa. 817.08 per tnai eMil dllnys. 878 OOl shorts ro-ntry, t 40: allr. i w; enow, tl 004721.00. 11 AT rmnorer. rr"-e nr-nrny, Wlllswetta lll.iK'itWi prninnrw. fa On ft Oat a Ns. X 41c; No. 1 white. 42c: Ko a 4u,e; No. t White. 40vr40t,ci No. d white. 8!te40c stssdsrd. 404.ti41. :- . -XXrXBPOOt SRAQf . BLABKZT, valley, a.0n fsncy. eastera Oregoa, i.00 mixed. LivsTpoal, Msrrb 18 Official prices: : WHEAT. March 18. March 18. Loan, March May ., -uly ., Msrck May .. i sua OORM. 4a 814g ........i.i.rae otaa T 8a 4Vd .a 8d 8s M as tt ......v. 4a 4a Slid H4 tato ttos Sslea. The Cnrvallls RepnkUosB aaya.i Clsrones fro. land dlsnnasd of 8..7 bales of bona Wsdnoailar to llarty U flarV of PortlamL The price psld r. nred from T rents' to 12 cents per pound. Mr. Ireland Is one of the most, successful end e resoles nop raisers Kv thla aecttoa. Hereral hop tin rers are In Onrvnllia, aad etber largs aalea are expected aeon, Prlcea Cnrrtsit on the San Franclseo '". Exchange. ' ', Baa1 rraadsco. riarch ,18. Official bid prices: - v' VUL.liriBL.Lia L11010.1LK. . Bed Ton, 84.60 asked: Mohawk. 818.78 asked; Colombia Mt, 74c: Jumbo. 4c i Jumbo Ext, 81.801 VsttuU, 18c; Pteatylvenla. tci Oold- fleld U. Co., 81.40; Kendsa-82c; Booth, tlei Bios Boll, tie; Adams. 18c: Silver Pick, 1 1.124: May Queen, 22c ssked; Nov. Boy, 18c; B. B. Ext.. 10c; Blue Bell, 28c: Dixie, loc: O. Colombia, 80ct Blbernia, loc I Bt lees. 81.401 Coaoneror. 17c: Black Rock. 7c I Lone -Star, 22c; Q. Wonder, 4c; Potlatch, Sc asked: Orn. Met Kendall Ext. Be: Sandst Ext., 8c;' Mayas. lc: Atlanta, 63C! Great Bend. 84c: Hlnaarone. 20c i Empire, 11c: Bed Too Ere., slei riorente. Ill Dual. B. - B. Con.. 88c: O. . Daltv, 81.801 La run a. 11 JW asked; Commonweslth. 80c asked; Comb. Frsct.. tS.BOi Or. Bend Ext.. tt-lO: Or. Bend Annex, IBs asked; MlllttorB, : B. B. Bo- nanas. 7c; Kevsnoa, 81.80 ssked: Esmsrslda, w asked: Portland, Sic ssked; Crseker gsck. 14c; rraacto Mokawk.-!: Bed HIU. tie; Mo hawk Ext., fete asked: Spearhead Gold, loc; Low Pillen, 14c: T. Tiger. g2e Grandma, loo; B. Pick Ext, 12ci T. ttoee, 8c; Col. Mt Ext, 70s! Diamf. Tjlsngla. 41c ,i ' t . COM8TOCK. " - Ophtr, 24c; Mexican, 82c: Oould A Carry, 25c; Cos. Vtrglnls. 84c Savage, 75c; Kale A Norcroaa. 48c; TeUow Jacket 80c; Belcher, Me; Confidence, 0e asked; Sierra Rev., 78c Bxcbeaoer. 86c Uelon, goc. ' BTTIXFROO DIrTTRICT. . Oristaal. 15e: RnllL M. C. re: Mont Rnllf., 7c: Nat Bank. SAci' L. Harris, 8c; Ametkyst. BBs; Gold Bsr, til Stelowav, 18c; Denver Bat., Annex, 24c; Bonnie Clare, 8vc; Msyfl. Cons., 8mc; Monty. Ohm Ext.. 18c; O. Scepter, t.V: Monty. Mt., tV; B. Daisy,. SOe; ttomeetake Cot-.., 81. IO; Yankee Olrl, Be; Nut ret. ec. Tramp Cone., 81 victor, loci Banner. 80c naked: North Star. 8c: Midas. 80s ssked; Sunset, 10c asked. . . . ivnuriua , . - Nevada. 118 Baked: Mont. 18.18: Toe. Bat.. 8n; MscNamara, 48c; Mldwsy. I1.17V4; Bel. Mont, 84-60; North Star, toe; Ohio Ton., 8c Wast a-ad, 1 r-sstaa. ls Ton. A CkUIX. Government Off IceP Sajrs' Road Will Be Open Across Reaerratlon.' (Special Dispatch to The Journal) Pendleton. Or., March 18. Charles I.. Davta. apeclal inspecting officer, who has been here ti I no peat raw weeks Inspecting condltlona 18e asked; Ooldea Anchor, .25c; Jin Butler, ttei Ton. Cash Bnv. 8c: Ton. Roma, loa taked: Boat. Toe., 13c asked: Monarck Pitta. I oa the Cmatllla reeerra t Ion, predicts s chance Sf w a cnrv a BaTeka-i a lufft ji taiwA a g -.l-a . s t. la . . . . . . , . . Ext, 20c: Mont. Mid. Ext.. 8c; Goldea Crows, loc; n. - x. Ton. lone., joe. MANHATTAN DISTRICT, v ; Manh. Cons., SOc; Manh.. M. Co.. 12e O, Wsdae, 13c; Seyler Bump, 8c; Dexter, 24c; L. Joe, 8c; Crescent ci OomhlnstloB, 8c Orsnny, tie; Mustang, tOc: Little Orey, 4V; Cowboy, 8c; Orlg. Manh., Broncho, J2c; Jump. Jack. tOc: Plnennt, 18c Baffale, 6c: S. Dog, too; T. Horse, Sc. TABIOUB DISTRICTS. . Falrv. Bilvar King, 40s askedf Mreads Rills. 111; Pittsburg Silver Peek, tl.68; Essie's r- ... .-.t, d,uj nonuer sue; AST. B. S aor. oncsv isci juice ox wonaer, lac. BOST0r"oOPPER MA REIT. Beaton, Marcb 18-Offleial hid prlcea: Ad vaaturs. 84 asked; Allosea. 80 seked; Arca dian, 88: Atlsntle. 817: Calnmet, tiwi Cen tennial, g37.M: Copper Ranre. 84; Dsly West 618-Mt Rtvar. 8-7,; Franklin. 8'.": Mass- 818: Mouswk. 878.2.1: K..rf. r--"r. 'i.i-t. mini i... 80 78; OacooU. l: Boyal. : 50; Tamarack. 8131 ; 1'tah, 812.60; Victoria la tbs guardianship avatera. a closer enforce ment ef the 840-scre limn sad tbo opening of to luaai iniron xw ine rn re pasaaae T atnek. Cpoa the snbiert nf free mads across the reset-ration, Mr. Davie aald that be believed tnat marred wouici bs so sdfflated that stock men will bs sble to cross thai faU without bsv. ing to pay toil. LIVESTOCK HOLDS WELL !I22: 18.50 75: North Bstte. 85; Old Dominion. inla. HIS: Parent. t?jLtn. - Boyal. 823.60: Santa Fa. Ft; 'ah.-;' Chicago, KansM City and Omaha Stead In All Lines. Chicago, March It Livestock reeelpta: ' Hote. . Cattle. . SJiaen. Chicago ............... B.ono - Son 1.500 nsnaaa viiy .........m .utai . l.etsi ..... Oniaha 8,600 1,800 4,600 Uos-a srs steady with t.nno left over., ka. celpta s year ago. were 12,000, . cattle Hieady. Sheep - Strong. . - sr. w 1 - ' a e l i st , ejnisB. irti w OTf 1 si I .a,M FANCY ORECONS HIGHER Mlnlns. 8-V; Olomet A Arlsona. lt: Black MtJ 88 80 asked; Buperloe A Pitts.. 822.8714; Cana nea. gVltUj; Domlntoa Copper, 86.82U: East Butte, 818; New boose. 820 60. nrrrxi statu ootirkiitcbt bohds. ' Raw Tork, March 18. Ooierament nnnds: Dste. Rid. A. swim, resiexaxwa ....j. j.u loo do coupon iu.10 106 Threes, registered .......... looa . im io coupon loot Km. Fonrs, rexistsrad liiot ino de seanos lsu7 miw. i nt sss, small oasraa. ..,,,,, .... li'W rnnrs, reentered ........... 1026 ljfi! do eonnnei lttH l'iua PNtriet of Cnlsmbla 8-80O. . .... 1 141 Foara. Phiiipsines ......... .... 1001 Twos, Panama ............. .... 104" do sousoa ,-r;. 104 Potato Market Advanced fop Best Stock From Here Eggs tCp. . (Hearst Newa by Longest Leased Wk-. Saa Francisco. March 18. There was s bet. tor tone to ths aarket for choice Botatnes and best Orecoa oakaa wars higher. Ths re- J"lv I celpts of ssparsgns were somewhat larger, snd prices were lower, caolee rnusarn waa re. reived and the deaand waa lass. The atora Interfered wltb the trada ta theee two ar ticles. Rome extra ebeles bay greea peaa said np to 16M per pound. The receipts ef bsttsr, cheese snd stga were smaller all around, but the market was quiet and tba only change Waa aa advanca of kalf a east pet onsen for extra n. It waa etsted thet it carloads of oranges would be Sus Iters oe Monday. Soma were expected yesterday, bnt did sot arrive, la Standard Consolidated ... laooBS steel ;.. C0BUB LVALBNB nitraic; Bullion i .; 7 Copper King .........! 'isu o. it. otmsoiidatsd.. .:...::::: :os5 Happy Day Park Copper .on Snowahoe ......i q Snowatora ..::: t!5 -TO BUfK STATXlCXlfT. , .16 .08 .28 --.17 02H .18 .061 .10 : .12H .18 '.08 17H .08 .07 .60 8.06 WEEK'S I'illlDlIP QUITE BEARISH Craln Markets Continue to Suf fer; and Yesterday's Mar kets'Show Loss. ' DECLINES ARE-MADE, - AT END OF THE DAY Lack of Additional Damage Reports One of the Causes for the Lower Raxige- LlquitlaUon of Long Stuff Sends Off Corn Provisions Trop. . BaTLATTTB WHEAT. TALtTRS. Mae. la. Use. 18. te. lens. Mar A .7S44Bt .75lARt .OUVa t .7M44, July 7714 .77aB .00 i . .78 September .... .7554 .78 , ' .ooij ;, ,11. , (Publishers' Press by Special Leesed Wtrs.) Chlcass. March 18. Another hear say waa the wlnduo of ths week, but It was not nulla of the grtsalineaa of the previous two days. Declines were Bads st the close. Wheat Vat aboat Vac, corn fee, bat although oats Voohed very equally fur the bulla for about half an hour, at the beginning sf the srealna. May in tba end wea only Ms down and July ana September about 1-lec higher. Provialona re covered ssj purchases by shorts, so that the dec Una also ta those waa auch smaller than they were early In the day.' Market for wheat had n weak onanist ans there being Both Ing bnt bear lab tnfluenrna In tbs news that party bad a free band, of which liberty they took Ue ax at possible advantage. There waa a drop of e tba flrxt kalf boar la tbo price for May delivery and July Buffered to aa equal extent the ab sence of any addition to- the prevtene report. of big damage telling agalnat the new crop mouth. Foreign news waa no awre encearraa; Ing to buying tbaa the domestic - The total receipts la tbe west waa Bear It double that of the year before. - Seaboard daarasces fur ths day ware 378.000 bushela. wheat and flour. English visible supply Increased 814,000 bush ela. against 1.161,000 bushela decrease last year. Thara wae covering by abate en the decline sa a liberal acale, which was ths nrln- eipal feature of the trade after the early break. Some buying waa done la tbs pit on advices from Francs. Bug dant.xe - renorta while leas numerous were still coming snd it ' looked ss if that sore might be reopened seat week. . - - . Liquidation ta Corn. Liqoldatloa ef long corn bs s heavy eeala was atUl the governing motive ef ths trading -la that cereal. Thers wsa momentary firm ness at tbs Immediate opening, swing to mod erate leeelpts aad fine weather that would entice farmera to get Into ths fields and leave hauling of grata to market for a Ires un.y time. Belling orders, however, were heavy and tha buying was scattered and apparently in many casee Barely to cover aborts. The large ouaatiflee f offerings was concluded by -pit observers to be tbs liquidation -of tbe Ar- ' our soiatngs. . v Liquids tlon of Ions eate. which haa been ' tbe ruling feature of tbe trade ia tbat cereal throughout the week. . eontiueed until the May price had beea farced down another e. Stop toas -orders froa the smaller holders played " S Bart ra tbs rapid decline snd tha trade an the whole waa heavy. It. dropped off some when oa covering by sorts the price reactrtt- lcbi receipts- were TZl ears, srsinat 142 rliS Hew Tork.. March 18. Beak statement: a. a. . ...... v . oV I! I IPsnaW, TTiL. BM.3TI Loans r-pecie , . ion no I oii.uw ouaneia. The aampls markft waa 001 Aon I eealer and offerlnss kad to ha les-sn at hie .. 18,814.700 I " w to oeciins iroa yesterday s prices. .......... J1..000I IrevlstoBS LeeeAasJm. I wn mii I l"1! receipis- were xxr 18 Sao'soo I e T prerious jut. shipments- were- Legals ... DeposHa . Clrcnlatloa 'laeresss. " Uvaiyaut Cettea htarhet PIE LIFTER - Market for kog p red nets waa f the same reneral character aala tha cereal. ha sptcuous feature belag - heavy .llonldatraa - hr LlTtrnool. March 18 Cotton fntnrea .t 1 A., . " . ly"" receipts for tha t todTgotnt. .pViidSaSr. .pEx,I .,h:j?'l-,r E!-! correapotidlng week the year before. Sklp mentk of cured meats tbia week were 1 Kai nun sounds less, and of lard 478.000 nM. s 1 titan aor una use sreen last tt., si. Novel Device for 7 Bzpedltloasly 171 J,?? I'J? w" eetimsted at 146.000, st which 88000 ware expected Monday. , fianaung not ne mates. Kvery housswifs or sook'tass at aomt II Oook comp"r: tlma denounced tha fates for compelllne nor to lirt hot ple platea from the oven, I r .......... 7si4 r 7i4 1 111141111 ocoaglonally bttrtln.har flngartv-- She Enremiae v!2 I V.$ - !5S- V ---. ..a ..;, .Ok, 48 . 4H 4H . 4AVi s - OATS. aw . anii July as syts 0fflctal qnotstlotis by Overbeek. Starr WHBAT. ' 0rien. Hlh. tow. Close. kB tnen wishes ahs was a man. that aha might more forcibly aaaart har taeiinaa t. 1 ... . : : "i"' au vvniiaiiwn aw LOW Its , PISS LuB I eniy m -11. vuvai, jnuLspnw tue niunntr I "tr'tuinT . Bandied daily In larara hnkerlaa. . T I these establishments the bakers are can. I if,r tlmially burnlnc flngera and hands, and Kpte-mw' Hi 2 uvia u.Tiwa mt pie itiier snown I. , Mr.SS POR " nocaaaiuea. it la I May . isist 15S2 made of wire, bent to form a grip for I July laer louo LARD. Si; 44S4A 4H A 45 VB tt4 , astiA SBtl 8a4A 82, 82HA May ..... IJoly I Septsmksr .... Sl .....' gpg .... 807 Mar I July ........ September ... SA3 10 tit SHORT RIBS. 878 ,' , 878 -8JUI . 8T hso tu7 1888 1670 ; sofl ; SOT 8ns 88 saO 18711 18M B07 18 t 8M8 ORIGIN OF PES MOINES i - The Name Not French, aa Com- - monl Sappoaed, bnt Indian. Aftsr threo years of discussion and rssearch, tho city of Dea Alolnaa, capi tal of Iowa, has formally decided that Its name la not of French extraction. Tha discussion waa brought to a crista three years ago when an srudlte Down East writer In a magsalne demanded that' "the earl French explorers, such aa La Salle, Hennepin, Dubuque and Dee . Molnea should be adequately represented at tha St. Louis exposition." Ths debate seerag to have Battled that . Dea Molnee waa not named after any - early French explorer, that there never was such a proper name, and that thara FOR LIFTING HOT PIS PLATES. I w sooa philological explanation of v t I tha nama, tha hand and two rectangular seotlons I Tha name comes from tha Indians, for engaging the edges of the pla plate, declares a writer in Queries. One of these sections la stationary and It waa originally Molngona. and waa one Is pivoted, so that a pla plate ef first Riven to tbe Pes Molnea river by any also ean ba lifted. Tha method of soma of tbe French. On varloua French ppllcatlon la obvious. . Tha lifters ara I maps which have been looked ap it was placed under tba edges of the- hot pla put down Molnglna. The character plate, tha weight of tha pla and f late t" was used by them at that time ta tending to draw the lifters together and signify the Bound of "on." r" preventing? tha pie from allpping. It Alt reeult. the early Americana who would be difficult to imagine a better, followed the Frenchmen into the valley. method of expeditiously lifting either pie I aot hsvlng time to write and explain or cake plates. - . , 106 14 180 ISO 44 106 106- Sterling Bxchanee. New Tork. March IS-Btarllna inauai I tha eon, In. wsek ths market maulea aa k-. aeemnaa, nwsv aw ana, nets, . iMrBejy saocaaa wiia oranges. Pleas far the' Barmalda. In rsfsrsnce to the bill Introduced In tha house of commons making the tend- ng of bars Illegal for all women ex cept publicans' wires and daughters. It this odd French character, eat the word to Moln. Then, when the next atage of develop ment came, the river, known aa "tha Moln,' wag assumsd to have heeri tiamert by tha French, and the "Ie was sub stituted for the Kngllsh article. Finally la pointed out that there were I7.T0T I m tuMuwum w a u ,, . r r barmalda la England and Wales at the apeiunR maae " vm oinen, whuq.i last census In 1901", of Whom 2,11 ( I ennnging mw pronamiau ..ea i..m.,ria , . I It wss originally s purs Indlsn name. A blBhoo . suggests that no Woman hut a series of Accidental I corruptions andsr II should be smployed. but ths have mads it apparently a rrenrh Wnr l. same census shows that 11.021 barmaids I It" meaning In tbe Indian tongue h 4 returned their ages aa between 18 and n u'tsriy ioj-i. . 15. and 1.121 aa between II and II. I It was supposed for many r", Tha lender of tha nsrllamsntsrv nnf.lder tha theory that ' e frsgettesr declares that It ta a scsndal- I French, tl'st It m 011a attempt to rob women nf their am. I Investigation vit! nloyment snd urt s what many ethers I Tbs Frem-tt h. eunoort. thnt t-arrcnl -is hivt fewer I wss adi-' i temptations to - e r-.-n ti in e nrt- I most (Iris, do:i.- : t.'.J t a 1"Ta