niE- OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, - MARCR 17, .1507. to 1 BTEXOORAPHERS. tirilT eleBoaTepher ane t l peailllee. Mala 1IT. I4 ltim bldg. TRANSFER Alt DACMWO. -jrne BiiAs omnibi'B transfer co- or. Stttk aa Oak ate i V'T. rroa fcoM x- iMldMCf Slre-J e-lnertoei ,mpn tberetore aaaM m ' eae at eepota. . rrieate Esrhaaae SS. serkea I Mfe mA i aktnntu aad eklneed: en nntm, lav eforeae. OfSe. M Ort A Oewe Roe, Hm, Mala XT. n a aktre . JM Ftiat at. aaJ Oak eta...- eee BBS: rm aad rarelrere aia txl aeeke for aklwH ! UW krlrk wereheaea with erperat tree roaaaa. rroat Clay eta. NATIONAL TRANSFER Firm AS) CO- OA Oak at TlBhone Mala eeae, TreaaferrtM ea4 atorlas. OR SOON TRANSFER CO.. 1M Warts Milk. fkoM Mala SB. Hoary Waotlee eteraee. mmtprNDrT Manaso trbfie ca Btonte. AS4 Stark at. Mala eOT. POST RPFClAt, PFMVR-V Re. WV IM'aa at. IIM Mm 19 wia ; TOWEL itrPPLT.. ... v,,a, a natf v wk II aar aeestk. tonIaTw! Laaedry Towal ' twaelv Oa.. Whrtk aaj QaaHi. p" ' WHOLESALE JOBRgRg M a. ocnrt a co.. DiBTEiBrrroRS, or nmt rtOAM. PORTLABD, OREGON. HR at GRAHAM X. (In) BMrrheata. lobbrre of fintta, prodoaa, eaaailgBaaeats aoiteltee. US rroat at. . BvianiHe fiilu tMiw es - eslaaloe merrtiaaw. 14 Tnat at, Portia. Or. Pbaae Mala IT. . ORBOON FTTR-ITCRB BfA-lTFACTCRIl'O CO. Maaafaetarere W faraltara tat the trees. ' Portlaa. Oil. WAPRAMB CO.. waoleeale sitae roartk CeetBrere aaa aaA Oak eta. rURNJTURR ajaaataftartDa a4 spwtal oreara. U RereoaAy'e traitor, factory. SOT rraat at. A1XRH I EWIR. cnoiailaatna a4 seedeee aaee. kaata. rraat sad Deals ats Portia a a. Or. WHOLKBALB aad via Bacala Oa, Foruea. O. W. RIMP80N (01 Waatilnrtaa aL. waala aala aWr la trala a4 kaj. OFFICK DIRECTORY RRlHfrh Bolldlnir. W. W. 00 R. BIXTX AWB WAbTOTOTOW. XtaVHT PINSON Talkirlaj tor partlralar aanpla. taoa M, Ralalch. rtk aa Witt. DR. . LB CARTER rvnMrt. . Waatalactaai at auraar Blxta. alta I. C. CH AErfB O0 aua raa Tuor rww A,f amataal UaAWl laatUata. lt, la. M. tl. SR. R wattiac-rwHB. V RAf.L ram aa4 cttr proaartj rant a la Baaai la. DR. . ADIPLANa DCimBT. Ooo6noiirh Bolldlng. - COR. FIFTH ARD TAtnmX. ORROOM HWORAVfNO CO. Offl ca aa Mala HU Work araaipuy TBR IWTRRIt ATI ON AL FOUTCARD CO Paa . Uabara. toaortara aatl Jobbara. Rooaa Ma. FliORBNCB TTJtOLBT klof. tn. CEO. LAnTHNBCHr.ABOIR TalW. latta, lf aa: tiuaaara. tM aa. Baaai SUV. - Commonwealth Bnlldin. . com. iTTTH awd airmsarra. - W-t. HOWARD Chiaala -Olaaaaaat trlrtty aa4 alaetrla Uckt traafwat. Baa CHAPMAN ADTERTISINO , - Swetlnnd Bntldlnc . . X. 00R. FIFTH AND WASimroTOW. WRTLAND Pl.rxi, Flftk aa1 Waahtlnilaa Daatrabla afftraa. A law Mft. Mobawk Bnlldin. EX. COB. THIRD AJfD MORRTROaT. B. Woliartaa. taaaataaaata. Paa. Ml. Rooaa Ada. Stearna BaflalnK. ' . S. OOR. STXTK A I'D MORRISO. afltR. B. JACKSON Art llllaarf alrnlac. Raaai a0 Rtaaraa kld, aar. Ttk aa4 Muulaaa ; IafTtt0 BaildlnK. X. OOR. BIXTH A WD WA8HTB0T0R. VAFAVGTTa RBALTT CO, . acmat WW 'J a aaarlaltr. mriri.BT A WEAVER RXl aatata. Unrmtrn 11 aa4 It T1 Mala AMI TRANSPORTATION. AUaVir un ochaw tbaksxtf. N.w ataaairra TICT0R1AJI and VIROINIAN, trlnlamir tar bin anrlara, and TUHISIAi, CORUOAJr anA IOHlAaf, twla-aerawa. a.' ark It aalllnca Uraraaal. Okaafow, . Loaooa. Barra (PTaaea). . Raawaibar, aar aatUnra ara from MONTRIAL. aaaaUaj Aawa tha ah-taiaaqaa Rt. Lawraara rirar kr aarllfbt. - Anwaiandatlaaa aoaar naaaaA. Rataat Rakm A0 aaA apvaroa; aaa atoaoxra, MO and arwarda. AXXAJf 00M tAMT, 171 aakiaa BaaL, Oaiama-a. North Pacific S. t. Co. S. S. Geo. W. Elder Sail for Buraka, Bab rraaclaeo and Tccsday, March 19lh ' , t "' at I p. m. V ',: Tlekat offlca ill THIKD BT, NEAR ' ALDES. Pbosa K. 1114. -K , 1 ' . H. TOUKO. Aran. ONE SAFEBLOWER HAS - TOLD ON HIS PARTNERS . rKaaala) Wapatck ta Tka taraal) Momeow, Idaho, March !(. Onaof tha men held bar In Jail for tha aafeblow , ing at Kandrlck a k tgo hag eon- fraaad ta Sheriff Kaana. Ha tails all . ' About tha robbery. H llarlarea his companions ara tha worst men la tha northwaat and ara wanted in aar era I coaart oltloa. Tha sheriff rcfusoa to say wnicn aaaa naa eonressaa. Blot at gteel fihopa. (PaMlabanr PTaa ay flpartal Uaard Wire.) ' Chtcaco, March 1. In a riot ara on r forolim workmen at tha plant of the Republlo Iron Steel company, at East Chlcaro. this afternoon one man was fatallr wounded whan tha police opened fire. - Tha town Is In a state of wild excitement, aa tha rioting continues. Tha police hare threatened to cloae the saloons In which most of tha trouble centers. j SKkPACES t-25 ' SIX LIVED III i - SINGLE ROOM Mr.!Atkinso'n end Flv Children V.Thut Find Shelter .In Shack Near SL Johns. ' , COUNTY COURT LENDS . : AID TO NEEDY FAMILY Widow la Provided for tj Athorf. tie, juid Oeneroua Xelghbors Will BnUd Addition to Her Dcstltato Borne. ': . , ' Ona of the moat aneeassful aa wall aa enthusiastic meetinrs of. tha Juren- 11a Imoroyement association was held last night tn tha circuit court room -of tha courthouse, where mora than iO members and friends gathered to attsnd tha reaular monthly meeting. Judge Fraser reported Aha Work, that had been done furthering the develop ment of tha boys who are under the guidance of tha Juvenile court and also reported the - caae or - aare. winnnrea Atkinson, a widow, residing near St. Johns In a one-room shack, with her five minor rhildren.. Judge Ftaxer aaid that tha ease of Mrs. Atklnaon had been reported to the county court a week ago and that the court, together with tha county commissioners had voted tit a month to the support of the widow and her children. He aald that ha considered It advisable for the association to aid the stricken woman In that war rather than to take her. children away from bar. as l would save In contributing to their delinquency. Judge Fraser also reported that Ma rlon R. Johnson, chief probation offl--car of the Juvenile court, had gone to St. Johns yesterday and with tha aid of Chief of Police . Charles Brederaon of that city raised IJi.lA In aa hour toward building an addition to the little oabln la which the Atkinsons live. Aa expressman at St. Johna offered to. haul the lumber necessary for the construction of tha addition free of charge, and aeveral men volunteered to donate the labor necessary for tha con struction of tha new addition. A lively debate waa precipitated at last -nlght'a-tneetlBg - by -motion -Introduced by Millie K. Trumbull, regis trar of the associated board of chari ties, to the effect 'that all contributions to the Atkinson family be made through the board, rather than by Individuals. Dr. William Deveny and f. T. Jorgenaon did not take tha aama view of the situ ation as Mra. Trumbull and expressed their sentiments energetically. On a vote taken on the resolution introduced by the representative by tha board of charities It waa found that a majority waa opposed to tha motion, and Indi vidual subscriptions for tha needy fam ily will be gratefully received. other business hy uia asaociaiion last night waa a talk by Superintendent of Manual Training ' Stanley, who haa charge -ef that -branoh of work- In .the Portland public achoola. Hla address was listened to with great Interest. His principal theme waa that boys derived much benefit from tha manual training wor : In the local achoola. - CHEHALIS GEM THIEF CAPTURED 13 CHICAGO Member of Gang Who Robbed Jewelry Stores In Washing ' ton Caught After Fight. , (ribNaners Praia by Special Leased Wire.) Chicago, March 1. Detective Latd- yard of Tacoma, .Washington. ' and a quad of police surrounded a house at 4141 Ashland venus tonight and after a revolver battle with the ooeupanta captured Jan Qulkus, allaa Schotowskt Oulkua la aald to have had tn hla pos- slon aeveral thousand dollars' worth of watches and Jewelry, which waa recov ered and Identified. . : . According to tha police Ouikus and other members of a gang of Buropean burglars robbed Ave Jewelry stores in the state of Washlorton last November of 110,009 la watches and pewelry. Day at Co. of Tacoma and firms at Chehalla, Rosalind and two other Washington towns sustained tha loss. William KotskL a Jeweler, waa arrested in a small town near Rosalind. Oulkua waa caught near tha aama town a. short while later, but escaped. Tha detectives aay both men ara ment' bers of a gang of International burglars who have been In this country since No vember. They declare tha gang has robbed many Jewelry firms and the members now at large are tn Chicago for the nursoee of executing a big rob bery preparatory to their return to Eu rope. i.. -...:.: GOVERNMENT HOTEL BAR . PAYS NO LIQUOR DUTY . (Hearst Hews by Leacset Laaed Wire.) Washington, March 1- The govern ment hotel at Panama, tha Trivola, la to sell whiskey; cigars and tobacco "At reasonable rates' because of the fact that the government can Import these things to the Isthmus free of duty. Rhe other hotels ara kicking and It la up to Secretary Taft to straighten oat tha little tangle which, however, will not be done until he visits tha isthmus this spring. ' t --, Th hotel-keepers who ara not under the wing of the government have to sell their stuff plua duty, and therefore cannot compete with tha government aided Institutions. The kick hss coma here formally and must be met In aoma way by Secretary Taft. WANTONLY SLAUGHTERED BY FRISCO HIGHWAYMEN (Hearat Hews ky Lesfeet Leased Wire.) ' San Frsnalsoo,' March K. Refuaal to deliver to two masked and armed thugs the email sum of. If will cost Charles Kelley, a longshoreman, his life. Kelley wss walking along Townsend street In the ' vicinity of the Southern Pacific depot with two companions when they were confronted by the highwaymen. With the order to throw up their hands, all complied. Tha thugs searched Kel ley'a companions, who did not resist When they csme to Kelley he started bick, declaring that they were not go ing to (ft what little money he had. "Keep still or I will kill you!" ahouted one of the thuga "Oh, give It ta the. fool," any-, bow," aald the oer highwayman. Two hota pans out and Kelley fell with ona bullet In his abdomen. V Tha other grssed his cheek, Kelley'a companions fled, shouting for help, aa soon aa the shots were fired. Despite the shouting, the thugs coolly bent over their prostrate victim - i.d took his money. They escaped, before policemen arrived. Kelley Is fatally Injured. SELF-GOVERNMENT F0r PORTO RICO DEMANDED (Haa rat Hews by lanreat Leeaad Wire.) San Juan. Porto Rico. March 1. The house of delegates unanimously adopted today a resolution Introduced by Louis Monos Rivera, leader of the Unionist party, demanding self-government for Porto Rica , The resolution, which Ts to bs forwarded to President Roosevelt, Is to be printed In several, languages and mailed to foreign countries for dis tribution, . I - In presenting tha - resolution, " Mr. Rivera made a long patriotlo address, J voicing the ambition . of the unionist party, and when he read the text of the resolution Itself there wss an enthu alastjo demonstration by the delegates, who embraced its author. The latter waa so stirred by amotion that ha shed teara. The legislature today passed tha bill appropriating 110.000 for tha erection of a capltol building. Architects In the United States will be requested to sub mit plana tn eompetltlon.for a prise, C00K AND DECKHAND' DROWN EACH OTHER (Bpeetal Tttinatch ta Tha Jam-ail.) Tacoma, - Wash., March - IS. George Ross, cook, and Ed Paggett. deckhand, of the tug Fearless, were both killed it midnight tonight la a fierce fight that began on a scow that the tug waa tow ing. Bad blood bad existed between the men for months, and they had frequent fights over a woman. It la reported. Tonight they found themselves alone and Immediately began fighting, each making desperate efforts to throw the other overboard. Back and forth they surged across the scow until they went Into tha water together. Paggett waa picked up. but died In a few minutes. Ross' body haa not been found. Both were alngle. ' ' Two Italian minora, wioae namss cannot be ascertained here, were crush ed tonight In a eave-ln at tha Fairfax coal mines. , GAVE STANDARD OIL SUBSTANTIAL REBATE OrWtahera Freaa by Sperlal Leaaed Wire.) Chicago,- March 1. With tha blate wiped clear of technicalities by Judge Landis decision, attorneys for tne etana ard Oil company face the preaentatlon. begun today by tha government, of evi dence Intended to ahow rthat the com pany obtained a freight rate upon Us shlpmsnts lees than the legal rate. Employes of the Chicago Alton were called to the - stand to Identify huge sheaves of waybills and "correction vouchers," which will form the founda tion of the government's attacK. xns bills purported to show that U cents had been-charged for each -hundred pounds of oil. but ths district attorney believes ha will be able to prove that the railroad aettled with the oil. com pany at cents. ELEVEN MEN KILLED BY FIRE DAMP EXPLOSION (Publlaaars Press by Special teased Wire.) Bristol. Tenn., March !. Eleven men killed, four badly Injured, and three missing Is ths result of a fire damp ex plosion ta the ooal mine owned and op erated by Bond Bruce at Tacoma, five miles aaat - of Canton, In Wlae county, Virginia, today. The dead: Cad and Alonso Ritchie, white, both married. ' . " Jamea and Robert Bnow (Drotnersj. -Bolivar ' and Cleveland Concheste, white, brothers. Adolphus Qlbba,.ooloreo, ' Four man. whose bodies ara burled under a heap of alata which tha explo sion brought down.v Three ara missing. ASHLAND ELKS OBSERVE SECOND ANNIVERSARY -i-w1 ntrti tm Thm Imrul. A .h ion A. Or.. Mroh It. Mwnbtrl of th ordr of EIk fftthr4 In Ashland ( a a . .IW.. Av tka -aarterdav and today to celebrate the aeaond anniversary of the Institution of the local lodge. Visitors were present from southern Oregon and northern Cal ifornia pointa, many coming from Duns mulr, Red Bluff . an' Sacramento. A pall at the - opera houae opened the ooeaalon and a aupper waa served all through the evening. Social vtnltlng and carriage drives occupied moat of today and the lodge meeting and Inltla tlona concluded the celebration. WALLA WALLA MAN "r ' SIMPLY VANISHES fRpeetal Wapateb He The Joaraitr -- Walla Walla, Wash., March JA Ed ward Peterson, an employs of ths Elite laundry, left his home and disappeared suddenly twa weeka ago. leaving a sick wife and R-year-old child. No trace of the missing man has been discovered nor any motive for hla departure. His accounts at ths laundry are straight and his wife can Imagine no reason for his abrupt departure, as ha told no one about It. Mrs. Peterson Is being cared for by her father, 8. W. Kinney. ALLEGED DOG-POISONER IS HELD AT ARLINGTON (Rpeetal Dtepatffk ta The Jnernal.) Arlington, Or, March 1. The pre liminary hearing of Frank Babbe, ac cused of wholesale dog poisoning, was held here today before Justice Collins. District Attorney Wilson of The Dalles prosecuted the ease, which resulted In binding tha accused to appear before the grand Jury at Condon at the April term of court Babbe waa released oa furnishing a $300 bond for hla appear ance. New Railway Commissioner. i.lneelal Dtaeeteti te Ths Joe mil.) ' Olrmpla, Wash.. March It. J. 8. Jones, the newly appointed member of the atate railway commission, assumed ills duties today. ; ' - Jfo Growing Pains. ' . ' ' From' Health, An eminent specialist claims that there Is no such thing, aa -growing pains." We have been taught that when a child has stinging pains In the limbs, shoulders or other parts of the body, it ts an Indication that tha body la growing, and therefore most par enta welcome the news pf such suffer ing la children. V . 1 The physician referred to above claims that growing pains ara musculit rheumatism, and should have Imme diate attention. Something Is Wrong and steps should be taken at once to Mesrn why the child's blood la not la par fact eondltloo , - SANITARY PLUNGER ' . Pneoinatle ' ' Device for ' Cleaning Tolleta, Etc ; ' ' A handy contrivance ' for removing dirt'' and sediment from the bowla of closets, lavatories, hoppers, etc,' haa been- patented by a . Philadelphia In ventor. Besides being ess to operate. s , if t ..... . tm DISLODGES OBSTRUCTIONS IN - j - CLOSETS. It Is thoroughly sanitary, doing away with brushes and mops, with thslr ob jectionable orfor. as shown In tha Illus tration. It consists of a plunger, which Is attached to a long handle. This plunger. Is made from a special rubbed composition, and Is formed of a number of corrugations Ths corrugations re move the dirt and aediment which tha bristles of a brush would pasa over, and the plunger, being of rubber, haa a nat ural affinity for glased surfaces. In ad dition to. assuring Immaculate cleanli ness to closets and lavatories, it la Im pervious to dirt and microbes, and will outwear 60 brushes. It la also equally effective In forcing and dislodging ob structions from closets. . , - : SCIENCE NOTES - Glaaaiees Goggles. Olaesless goggles for automobtlata la tha very latest In the novelty line, a French aye specialist having hit upon the Idea of eye protection which. It la claimed, will eliminate the disadvan tages of tha present type. Instead of glass the lenses arW made of thin sheets of steel. In each of which ara three narrow slits, one being cut horiaontally, Intersected near tha nose by a perpen dicular slit, the Junotlon-of - the - two silts forming a alight angle. Below the horizontal slit is another slit which Is cut a slant toward tha outside of the lens, ," . ' Ripening Bananas by Electricity. An English electrical expert has dis covered a meana of ripening bananas ta order. . 1 The bunches are bung In aa airtight glasa case. In which ara a number of electrio lights. The artificial light and beat haatsn the ripening pro cess In proportion to the number of Ilghrs0rfiedrn7Rer4sawel)aeB made which enable the operators - to make delivery of any dealred quantities at any agreed date. ' , ; Glass Bricks. " Tha demand for hollow ' bricks and building blocks for house construction hss Induced glass manufacturers to put hollow glsss bricks on ths market, and they promise to be used1 extensively for novel and artlstlo effects. The first glasa bricks, being solid, proved a fail ure on account of their cost, but' ths hollow glaas bricks can be made at much less expense. They are lighter and stronger than clay bricks and are such excellent nonconductors that walla built of them are proof against damp ness, sound, oeat and cold. The bricks are sealed hermetically when hot and ara placed In walla with a colorless mor tar made of special glass.: The bonding strength of the glass mortar ta almost aa great aa tha brlcka themselves. Kremlte, New Material. The latest building material Is called kremlte and la being made In St Peters- bunt ws ax. It is a compound of powdered clay, ' aand and flourspar melted - to gether at a high temperature. The molten maaa can be moiaea use iron Into any desired shape. v Use of Peat In BHckmaklng. . , In Germany they ara mixing col and peat making a compressed mixture, which haa been used as fuel In a brick yard with a result so favorable that It will, no doubt open a new field for the use of peat fuel In brick manufacture. In the neighborhood of Jevera, Olden burg, an exoellent heavy blue clay la found, which waa considered suitable for the manufacture of hard clay brlcka All efforts to manufacture such bricks from this clay proved unsuccessful un til a mixture of one part of peat and ten parts of coal was tried aa fuel. The result waa a bard, brown brick. Instead of the light red brick which waa produced formerly. The experiments were repeated. - until, at last-' a first class brick was produced. ' '"Lion at a Disadvantage, 7 ' From the Owelo Tlmea. It la aeldom that tha king ef beasts Is discovered at such a disadvantage as happened the other day near tha Theta mine. J ' A gentleman from the mine waa tak ing a stroll around with hla rifle when he saw soma kind of animal lying strstched out in the open. On approach ing within 20 paeea ha waa greatly as tonished to see that it waa a full grown male lion lying on lta aide. Thinking that there waa little doubt that the animal waa dead, ha went with in 10 yards,, but becoming Impressed with the danger of his position should the animal be alive, he gave a shout when he waa astonished to sea the anl ,mal raise Its head, look round at him and give vent to an angry roar of de lta noe. Quickly raising hla rifle he had Just time to take a ateady aim. and by a lucky ahot killed tha animal as It wss In the act of rising. Tha beast proved to be a magnificent African male lion. Tha moral la that lions should not take a siesta In the open and that It might be as well for the hunter to shoot on. the next oaoaslon before shouting. American Women'i Versatility, Tha World's Work obtains from tha last census the surprising fact that among the working . women of the United States there must be Included nearly I,000 atocHralaers and drovers, almost bs many fishermen and oyster men, and more than 1,800 miners quarrymen. Also there are 17 mason, lit plumbers and fitters, 171 watchmen and policemen. It blacksmiths, lit woodchoppera, 154 boatmen and Bailors, 100 lumbermen. 41 carriage and hack drivers, tl switchmen and yardmen, tl brakemen, t ahip osrpentera, tl stave dores, II longshoremen. It civil sa sineers and surveyora . lie LlailM taiai FTTI There is no ailment peculiar, to men that I cannot cure. For sixteen years I have, devoted my entire time and energy to the treatment of men's diseases. - .- My. methods have been perfected by actual experience, . with "a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis.' I am the only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and , my success' in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its Every afflloted men ts Invited to Write ma a description of his caae. Such ta my knowledge of men a diseases and eo perfect are my methode In treating them t that I am able to elTect cures in all ordinary eases without seeing the patient In person. All correspondence strictly oonMentlaL Those visiting Portland may feel free to call at my office for personal conaultatlon, - - - . . - YOU PAY WHEN CURED WBAKNBIS So-called "Weakness' tn men ' ta curable fully curable. It haa not been cured by thoee measurea com monly employed, for they are meth ods based upon supposition and not upon fact Prematureneas and loss of power In men la due to a cbronlo atate of inflammation to the pros tate gland, and not to a disordered nervous condition, as has been sup 1 osed. I treat tha Inflammation by local process that does not fall to accomplieh Its purpose, and with thle condttlon corrected, full and complete strength and vigor re turns. ,...- STRICTURE My treatment la ab solutely pslnless. and perfect results csn be depended upon In every In stance. I do no cutting or dilating whatever. .1 THE DR. TAYLOR CO. Hours 9 A- jgwwwrtgTT--g!!rwra"" sad la that sutdy dlaceverad and Is slvtBR ta the world hla woadrrfnl raBMdlaa. 0 nzseTTRT, rorsows or srvoi irsrsw XX CURES WITHOUT OPERATION. OX , WITHOUT THS AID Of A JUIirZ. Be guarantees to rare Catarrh. Astkata, Loag, Throat, itaeamaruna .Nervooen i aa, Nervaaa Debility, ntnmark, Dver, Kidney Treablea) else Lost Maahoad, reasals Weak aeaa and All Private Dlaeaeee. TTSUREXANCERtUREl fast SaoBtvad rraa ykln. 43lilss safe. Bam ejul aVeliaUs, IT TwU AR AFfXICTEDr DOWT DBLAT. DKLATB ABB DAMOEROCB. If yoa eaaaot call, write far symptom blank and etrcolar. Inctoae 4 eeats Is sumps. CONSULTATION FREE teb o. en wo oKivxu wrDionn oo. Tint Bt., Oar. Kerriaes, . ,"""" -r FartlaaA, Oragea. Fleeee Meatloa Tals taser. Fook Sang & Co. KRVl-a-B . sun nwuu JAT TO CHONO, Mgr. 231 Alder SL, Portland Pure, Beautiful - Jade Jewelry, ' Gold Bracelets and Signet Rinse of all descriptions made to or der. Amerioan namea engraved In,. Chinese characters on pure gold t- ' .jd-luck rings engraved with tne- three cardinal Chinese characters, via l Glory. Prosperity and Longevity. Charges reeeonable snd orders of any design promptly executed end sent pre paid to any part ef tha United Btatee. MAYOR'S WALNUT OIL fUertors Color to Gray Hair or Boar ill ifcain tVamt tlffctoa Wmwm t IMfaM aMI WlwiB M Mm, A Blfl ! 31 mmm mmrm raaaar. a-tr-sUvs!- -- MMe. toM4a-thi U-aaktaa. aa Mall... Tb. II Ma alUaaaaenim aalrWar. aoaa kaaUkf. I ,1,1,0, i,aial. fr laam aa aarltaa wtii a-l n4 vlllaMaSaataatw.. 8at tm taaataja. atolaewBaassaS a4 aaaaia a-rj Ik Aek year araatwlf,ll a,rt rVtea kr adlaa.wia.Wilah.eaia L. A hi .!. rtakal.te. aaanaa. T5T Mayer Walnut Oil Co. dn. LIUIWasllsalAvaa Kasaat City, Me. 0.1, A, A BEAUTIFUL lACE Bead ata i stamp for Parfleslars sod Teatlmenlale remedy that clean the Complexion. Be Bkla Inroarfeetlona. ktakaa New Blood ef tke ssd Istsroves the Haa 1th. If yoa take - . BEAUTYSKIN BeeefMal resalta ara goaraateed or ryBdee. CHTCHESTE CWTlfTCAI, 00 Hadiaae Plaaa. rhllaAalphla. Pa. Hay's lair-IIcalth Restores Gray Hair to Youthful Colors 50c. ALL DRUGGISTS. Til I 4 III II III III II Illl POSTAL OPERATORS IN NEW ORLEANS STRIKE ' , . , . M-M (Hearat Raws by txmraat leased Wire.) New Orleana, March 1. Every ope rator employed by the Postal Telegraph company went out on a strike at l:t o'clock and aa a result Postal buslnesa In New Orleana la paralysed. Tha men, who ara members of tha local union, claimed that the promised II per cent wage Increase March 1 waa given only to tha regular operators, and the extra men were asksd to con tinue on the old ecale. Not a key waa touched today and tonight J neon vent-awe and delay waa experienced at the . lira' I The WeU-liewa , WyV KsllaMe $j CHINESE ISWd DOCTOR Baa siade s Ufa atndy ef nets SB kerbs. P-aaa an a i ,ai a.' -: -m ,.,aw e .. . , ( ,. . e i nrrm i IIHIII IX iTFlTv kind in the West. , ContractsRcl Dlaiorclesrai Every caae of contracted disease 1 treat is thoroughly cured; - my pa tlents'have no relapses. When I pronounce a case cured there le not a particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining.) and there la not the slightest, dsnger thai the dlseass will return in Its original form or work Its way Into the general sys tem. No contracted disorder Is so trivial aa to warrant uncertain methods of treatment and I espe cially solicit those cases that otfler doctors have been unable to cure. ' - I have tha largest eraotloe ' aa eaase I Invariably fulfill xay prom isee. My Colored Chart ahowtag the male anatomy and affording aa la ta resting study la man's diseases free at effloe. , , t V M. to 9 P. If, Bondays, tl A. M Pay Us for Cures. A Cure with Us Means - a Life-Long Cure ; TMAT Tata ; FOXOrOWZaTa SOIAIIII ' ' Rheumatism. Acute and Chronia; Blood Poison, Oonorrhoaa, Varleo oele. Sexual Waakneea, Nervous Decline. Gleet Syphilis. Piles, Kid ney, Bladder and all Urinary and i Private Dtaeaaea of Men. It will not cost you anything to call at our offlca and consult us, and by so doing. It may aava you much time and money, and If wa cannot cure - you we will honestly say bo, and you will not be under any financial obligation ta ua. - .... - LOH OF TTOOm. Ton may be lacking la vital power. It so, wa will restore yeu to tha snap, vim and vigor of per fect manhood in from II to 10 days, no matter what tha cause Of aama may be. , . ' ' OORTarrBZCmOaT Wa ours, without the use of knife or tnatrument in IS days, by a" treatment . that completely dis Soars i a. at. to p. sa. evenlags, T to SiSOi Suadaya, a. at. te la. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL oomiTCT nooire urn tamjoxii Dr. tf ANTI gtay ' OTSaUM A0- rVTVMM, VB I yl cotton exchange where It waa necessary for tha Postal to effect an arrangement to usa Western Union wires. LUMBER EMBARGO IS , BROKEN, IT IS SAID ' fHaertal rt-rte te Tbe 9eeraaL) Olympla, wash., March ll.aVum. bermsn of Olympla and-vicinity have been assured that the freight embargo on their product, 'will be raised Mon day. ' Most of tbe lumber and shingle mills ara la operation aaJ .InT.len's I Diseases -f N M XtBV VAT&OS. raa Trsadlng atpeoiallaia Uj Fee In Any Ua- (t A AA .amputated Case -4) 1 UUU 7 VARICOCELE . Without using knife, ligature or ' caustic, without pain and without ' detention from bualnsse,, I euro . Varicocele la one week. If you have Bought a euro elsewhere and ' been disappointed, or If you fear (he harsh meiuods that most physl clans employ in treating this die ease, come to ma and I will curs ' you aoundly and permanently by a gentle and painless method. Don't .. delsy. ' Varicocele hae Its dangers . and brings its disastrous results. If you will call I will be pleased to explain my method of curing. " SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON L. No dangerous mineral a to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless blood-cleansing remedies that re move the last poiaonoua taint Cor. Second anil Morrison Sis. Private Entrance 234 Morrison SL Portland, Ore to 1 P. U,- - . M - OUR-FEE In Special Case. We girt you a square ielr--Out services are the best you can get in Portland or elsewhere. We 'cure the , diseases we treat and we do not treat anything except Diseases! of Men solves aama, and permanently re moves every obstruction from tha TAJtzoon TfaOTra,'.'. ., We cure thle disease In ona week without aa operation. Every Indication of the dlaeaaa soon ' vanishes, and tn Its stead come the pride, power and tha pleaaura of perfect health and ' restored man hood. . - - . COaTTAaiOtni BXeOOS FOZSOS. - It may be In ita primary etage; 4t may have been hereditary or contracted. Wa cure all Ita oom pllcatlona. Wa atop lta progreaa. eradicate every trace of poison from the system tn from 10 to 10 dsys. " to STAT ' CURED FOR EVER. ' ..'' FaUTATS aMT.miaHS. ' Newly developed cases cured. All burning, Inflammation and dis chargee stopped In 14 hours, and CURED In 7 days. WrHs tf you cannot call.. v DISPENSARY vtm: MTU, FOBTZJUTS, OBBOOsT. 0 fi -ST 1 .. I . 1 Morrow'sAnti Lean ES mm MAKES 1VBAW FBOriva FA ' Throagk tka aarvons system, it la a H parely vegetable oompoaaeV, Contains no oils or fata or any drug that is Injurious " or liable to produce a habltN IT IS THK CHEATX8T TOMC IN THJt WORXD Each bottls contains ' a . month's treatment and costs : 11.60 at any first-class drug i store. Prepared by the - LEAN 1IEDICINE CO. Oxegealaa Bldg- Fortland. Oa, SALEM SUPERINTENDENT i OF SCHOOLS- REELECTED - 1 , , (Special Plapa teb te Tea Joaraal.) BaJem, Or March. II. J. M. Powers was reelected superintendent of ina Salem olty achoola tonight a position ha haa held for tha peat two yeara, Tha year previous ha was principal of tne Salem high aohool. . Professor Pow. s haa given thorough satisfaction and la among the leaders in the northwest in educational matters. He Is a graduate e the University el WlSCOnsl