-4 Our One-Prico-to- All System . The one-prlce-to-all system is firmly estab lished hereand that U always the very lowest possible to quote on High-Grade Merchan dise. We welcome com parisons. '. : TIio Givers of tlio Best Values . A GREAT SALE OF Knit vUndep wear The greatest sale of Women's Spring and Summer Vests ever offered here. We have purchased a sample line' of Women's All Silk, Silk and Lisle, and Plain Lisle Thread Vests. On sale tomorrow at exactly halt price. These garments are in all sizes, have low neck, no sleeves', hand crochet yokes, prettily finished with Val lace. Regular price of these garments range from 75c to $4.00 Tomorrow dt HALF-PRICE Hail Orders Carefully Filled Our Delivery Oystcra The promptness of our delivery greatly in creases our daily pat. ronage and is a special point of satisfactory comment , Mall order caretuDy filled same day as re- ceived. J V M M K- . J I 'I Portland's Fastest Growing Store All Purchases Promptly Delivered v " : ' : .'A' SOOB; PAGE OF ; UUESATCIMAEILE YALTEJES . ' - c ;,::;.i:.U:.-.'. r ; PRESENTING A WONDERFUL LIST OF REAL BARGAINS IN THE MOST SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE ( ; ; " ' 7 Temptingly low prices are the.rule in every department of the store. Even a most cursory glance at this page will tell of spirited selling to come.' Just the things the Easter' season demands are here in fullest assortments, in-teliable.quality,, in. desirable styles and "at prices lower than have ever been quoted on like merchandise. The inducements which we offer are beydnd competition and will certainly prove Irresistible to any woman who is interested in POSITIVE MONEY SAVINGS." Nothing has beenleff undone "which 'would make this sale a record breakerr-We presenkthis : V ; ... -"V -v: list of brilliant values for Monday and Tuesday: ; , v:-v-.' ' . ;':,-'.,:-" . eh New Suits COMPLETE DISPLAY OP SPRING STYLES IN WORSTED - r SUITS. SILK SUITS AND JUMPER SUITS Easter Is early ' and that means early preparations on your part. We know that no, greater values were ever offered anywhere.' You cannot help but recognize the price advantages. A truly represen tative showing of the new season's most exquisite styles. The New Pony and Eton Suits, in plain and fancy Wonted and f 1 0 C A .Panamas, guaranteed satin-lined, plaited skirt Priced at........51fcrdv Man-Tailored Suits of Fine English Worsted, in stripes and checks; new, jaunty, tight-fitting models; also stunning new Eton styles. CIC CA These. art creations of surpassing beauty. Priced-at.........t. Pl v.uv New Spring Suits at fl9.BO-.The greatest display of stylish Spring Suits ever placed before you at this popular price Come here and see them. Made of Panama in black and colors, and fin Worsteds in checks and mixtures. Trimmed with newest braids: skirts pleated in dil- CIA CA - ferent fashions. The strongest values ever placed before you at...5luv LARGE STOCK OF THE NEW SPUING SKIRTS Separate Skirts for all women is not an ex aggeration m illustrating the slse of this stock. Not a single good style or fashionable material is tacking. ' - ; , . -.. . ; s. ; New Skirts of fancy worsteds, in stripes, cheeks and plaids; side pleats, cluster and box vf 0 KA pleats. Special at:,......... wX.JV New Skirts of Worsted Panamas, in black and colors, also stripe and check worsteds, olested models and perfectly tailored. Special Hlgh-Orado Tailor-Mads Skirts in Chiffon Pan amas, Worsted Psnsmas and Jamestown Wors ted i, In checks, stripes and plaids; pleated mod els, handsomely finished and perfect-' C Cfi fitting. Special at .................. ....OU JV High-Grade TaOor-Made Skirts in the swellest new spring models, many of them made from Altman Voile, Imported Panama and High-Grade Domestic Worsteds; skirts that can- , f I A AA jot be duplicated -at f 12.80 and...... JllMJU Waists of the Very 'Latest x : Stylo Effects Thousands of the New Spring Waists have arrived and are now on display in the suit-room. Women's New Lawn and Lingerie Waists, made in a variety of handsome styles, trimmed with broidery and Ice. Remarkable values , at f 1.0 f 1.35 fl.BO S)1.80........ Women's Wash-Silk Waists of good grade Jap anese silk, beautifully embroidered ' and hem stitched. Priced st s)a.BO 2.r fC Q A s)3.BO fS.0 4.60 and .............. $d0J NEW SPRING COATS 1 Orand showing of the new spring styles, both in short and full length. Shown in Broadcloth, Cheviots, Coverts, Plaids, Stripes and Mixtures. Full-Length Coats in - covert and 1 19 CA plaids at f 7.BO f 10.00 and jI&.UU Short Coats in fitted, semi-fitted or loose effects at 4.50 f 5.90 fft.BO f7.60 f 1 1 1 19 CA aWl--rr -r i r t i r fTTH vtriTrT inn rrm-viw lawUV- MARCH SHOWING OF PETTICOATS Black and Whits Check and Strip Gingham Pet . ticjoats, having deep . umbrella flounce, . finished wiia ,rume, ana unacrtsy. ppcciu at Rtra Hnn Rnatlinar Taffeta Silk Petticoat in black and i colors,- having . umbrella . flounce. trimmed with ruffle and rows of sbirnni silk underlay ana -worth $6.90. Special and rows of shirring, near dust ruffle, well f C CA VatuS at....: wl.lv Black Moire Percalina Petticoats, extra good quality material, having deep flounce, finished with ruffles and strsps, underlay and f I dust ruffle, good $2 values. -Special at... VJ Black Sateen Petticoats that are exceptionally well made from a fine quality of mercerised sateen and would easily sell at $1-25. Our AQa special price 0U aO ; A Great Remnant Bale of ' ."' Rib bo ns,Laoes, v Braids and ; v ' Embroideries Thousands of lengths of this season's most styl ish trimmings snd ribbons, in short pieces and ends of bolts, from 1 to 5-yard lengths. All the wanted shades, widths snd styles. The assort ment Is complete. Monday these remnants on sals st exactly . -..v W -.. Lace Waistingr Reduced 1 Prices specially reduced on all our Allover Lac Waistings, Point d'Esprit, Brussels Net, Baby Irish and Allover Embroidery; widths from 19 to 72 inches. Prices for Monday: t , ... 75c Brussels Nets, 72 in. wide. ' Sale price. .BO I I. 75 Brussels Nets, 72 in. wide. Ssle price f 123 III. 00 Floral Nets, 46 in. wide. Sale price.,. 9 ! 1.25 Floral Nets, 46 in. wide. Sale price.. ..89 111.50 Floral Nets, 46 in. wide. Sale price. ..8 50c Allovr Lace, 19 in. wide. Sale price.. ..231 75c Allover Lace, 19 in. wide.. Sale price.;, 46 y- Galloons," Festoons and : ' 'C- y Medallions 'K;-'". New Lace Dress Trimmings all specially priced for Monday's selling: ; ? f g , ; Our reg. 35c Medallions.'- Monday Sale price 28d Our reg. 65c Medallions. Monday sale price Our reg. 75c Medallions. Monday sale, price BOe Our regular $1.00 Medallions. Monday ssle price - .T3v R. & G. CORSETS complete line of latest models R. ft O. Cor- WC carry xne largcai siock ana seu more K. a u. worsera man any other stor on the entire Pa cific coast : - Prices are TB, f 1, f l.BO, fa.00 and f2.B0. Extra special values in pop ular price Corset at.... BOf Tape Girdles; In ' oink, bltfe ' an d white. ....BOff and 8B Narareth Knit Waists for children at....2B and IB Ferris Wsists In all the lat est models at........f l.OO Scott's Bustles in blsck snd colors at BOe and 25 Ferris Waists for children and misses at. .TB snd BO New 'Lawn and Swiss Bnut Raffles st.....TB snd B0 sl'ts. ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST IN THE Somestib Section "J. FOR" MONDAY AND TUESDAY. - " Many bargains to pleas the. prudent shop per. Special attractions abound throughout the .entirs section. . '. ..k' DressTercales--Best quality Percale, large va riety pretty light, medium and dark shades; extra fine quality. Per yard ; lBe 52-inch Percales 300 pieces 32-inch Percales, ab solutely fsst colors, all styles and colors. Price, per yard ...10f Apron Ginghams Good' standard quality Apron Ginghams. Per yard T Good CaHco Best Standard Calico,' In red, blue.' . gray, black, etc. Price, per. yard .....6e Hundreds of pieces of Calicos, Lawns snd Chal lies, in light, medium snd dark colors, C- pretty patterns. Sal price, per yard ...OL Huck Toweling 16 inches wide, durable and absorbent, very good quality. Price, per yd.. Honeycomb Toweling 18 inches wide, extra heavy quality, very absorbent Price, per yd. Whit Curtain Material 36-inch White Curtain Swiss snd Scrim, assorted dots, stripes and ftg- , ures. . Price, per yard , M .10 Colored .Curtain Goods 40-inch Colored Cross Stripe Curtain Madras; colors green, red, yellow. ."blue. Price, per yard ...".;.V.',.T..T.:.;..;lBf Leather Handbag1 f3.4S Women's Walrus Grsin Handbags, riveted frame, neat coin-purs fittings. Special, each ....f 2.48 New Itluslin . Our new spring stock is on of the strongest w have ever, shown. Style are th very latest, quality and work manship th best, and prices the very lowest. - Five f Speei'l Values For Ilond'y ' (Sowns at 85o ; ' Five doses good quality Muslin Gowns, yoke of embroidery insertion and" hemstitched, and .hemstitched cambric ruffle at neck and cuffs. yiiite Underskirts $1.25 Ten doxen Cambric Skirts, deep lawn flounce, four rows of fancy lace insertion and wide lace edge. ' . "', Chemise at 81.13 Long' Chemise, made from good quality 'nain sook, yoke front and back of fancy lace with two rows of ribbon beading, sleeves sad flounce edged with lace. r --Drawers at 45o .. Ten . dozen goodCambric Drawers, lawn rnf fle, extra wide, two rows lace insertion snd" lace edge. - : Corsets Covers 35o , .Twenty-five dozen new Corset Coversf made of nainsook, lull front, yoke of panel Swiss em broidery, neck and sleeves trimmed with lace; unusually good values.. ".. u Four Sp'c'l Items in MEN'S WEAR ' ":Tiie:" Robros" Hat Our line of Men's Hats Is now complete in all the latest models. Stiff Hats in black; fine, high-grade Soft and Telescope Hsts in blsck, tan, brown and gray, equal to any S3.00 or $3.50 tO CA Hat Our price rr. ...... 5i..JU Men's 81.00 Shirts 79o Men's White Dress Shirts, with full pleated bosom, fine custom-made shirts, made of excel lent quality muslin, best $1.00 values. Spe- 7Qf dally priced at .- , Men's 81.00 Gowns 8 3o Men's Outing FIsnnel Gowns, msde from th verv best outins flannel, rood full site snd -extra long, with turn-down or military collar, a GOaT bargain at $1.00. Now 001 Men's" 15o Handkerchiefs Oo Men's Whit Superba Handkerchiefs, look like silk and wear better, very soft finish, all ready to use, neatly hemstitched, a snap at 15c , Q Now........... 7U Correct Silk for Easter Gowns It's not the special prices alone that ws call your attention to, though they are very im portant, but it's the unequaled assortment of kinds, patterns and colorings. The biggest and the best silk department in the city holds money-saving opportunities for you that can be found nowhere else. For instance: ; New Black Silks 75o Special Easter showing of Black Taffeta Silks, full 27 inches wide, beautiful Swiss finish, very soft; highly lustred, warranted pure silk. 7 An exceptionally fine value at, per yard....Iul New Black Taffeta 05o 36-inch Black Taffeta, extra fin chamois finish, spot proof; warranted the purest of silk, besu tiful shade of rich black. Wonderful value . QS at, per yard..,...., vA Sterling- Tffeta 81.05 Genuine Sterling Taffeta, 36 Inches wide, cmeS In both Swiss and bnckskln finish; wsranted to be the beet silk on the market; has finest, softest and most elegant finish; these are reg- f 1 C ulsr $2.00 silk.. Special sale price.. .... IlhJ New Crepe de Chines 85o Dainty assortment of Cheney Bros.' Crepe de Chines in all the pretty 'delicate tints of laven der, pink, light ble, etc; full 23 inches , wide, very soft, rich and elegant' Sale price, OCa per yardi.... ......., ..OuW ' Pompadour Crepes '75o New Pompadour Crepe de Chines in Urge va riety of new designs, beautiful dainty colors, ex-, qnisire floral patterns, full width, pur 7C. silk. Special sale price....""................ lot New Foilletta de Sole 85o 'New showing of 20-Inch Poilletta D Soie, one of the new plain weaves, very highly finished, soft and durable; made of finest selected 0C yarns. Special sal price. ................. OJl Now Plain and Fancy Sillra at Attractivo Pzicos New Tap Silks, 23 inches wide, per yard... BOj New Figured Tonees, 30 inches wide, yd. 83 New Shan Tung Pongees, 2 in. wide, yd. 85 New Radium Crepes, plain colors, ysrd...fl.OO New Radium Crepes, Pompadour styles, yd New Jap Silks, polka dots, per yard...... T5 Another Extraordinary SHOE SAILES GREATER IN MAGNITUDE AND VALUE GIVING THAN ANY. SHOE SALE ' .- r v , IN THE HISTORY OP THIS CITY. . , C ifVsfWX' Pairs of This Season's Shoes and Oxfords t " ' QJjQnnn For Less Money Than Such Good Shoes ) A Great Underprioe Sale I ..w Shoes starts here tomorrowthe most extraordinary shoe occasion we ever had to an nounce. It is of Importance to every man and woman who can .reach the stort tomor row or during the week that follows. Entire surplus stocks of some of the world greatest shoe manufacturers were bought at liberal concessions, and we look forward to " ."".f ;..' record-breaking shoe sale. ; . . . Every Style in these SHOES, in quality, style Every Style in 1 AND PRICE, ARE SUCH AS WILL AP-:- . ; Every Size PEAL TO THE PRACTICAL wispOM Every Size v 1 rr- OP ECONOMICAL BUYERS. ' . ' 2 BIG DEPAHTMENTS-MAIN PLOOB and BASEZXEIIT Womeii's .New Spring Style aWALK-OYER,, SHOES and OXFORDS 83.50 AND 84.00 VALUES AT....... Main Floor . .. . Shoe - Department. . . s ' 1 1 TBy Fsr tneXbwe8rPrice EverQuotedtm HigrGrsde,-Up-tc-bstv ; shoes. -.A ;,.,::.;;.:;., The celebrsted $3.B0 'rVValk-Over, Shoes and Oxfords in patent leather and black vici kid, lsce and button, with light and heavy soles, Cuban, concave and military heels, as well " as the' Lady Churchill 83.00 Shoes and Oxfords; Ziegler Bros.' S3.5U Shoes and Ox fords; the Sherwood 83.50 Shoes and Oxfords; Hannah McCarthy (JJ QV 83.50 Shoes snd Oxfords all to go at one price. Your choice, only. . ..erWoO Hundreds and hundreds of pairs of Women's Shoes, Oxfords snd Slippers, in new up-to-dste styles, in all the best lesthers; Vici Kid and Patent Colt Shoes, Vici Kid and. Patent Leather Oxfords, in both blsck and tan colors; also Vici Kid and Patent Leather One and Two-Strap Slippers, me dium, light and heavy soles, regular $2.50 .and . grades. Specially pneed for w:! fill this sale at, only .-...A. iiens jw ew onrms: xune -"SHOES ::and'.:":. OXFORDS Best IS JO snd v $4.00 Grades. Basement Shoe Department. est I3J0 and .$4.00 Grades. ; Basement ' Shoe Department, i At this price you have choice of the following well-known nukes t S penes Shoe Co.'s $4.00 Oxfords. Rice ft Hutchins $5.00 Shoes, the Churchill $3J0 Shoes, Mscey Bros.' $3J0 Shoes. About 20,000 pairs all told, this season's most popular styles, ia all the faahionable leathers, Vici Kid, Box Calf, Patent Colt, etc. in both plain, lacs and Blucber styles; medium, light and heavy soles; not a pair in the lot sold for less than $150; most all are $4.00 and $5.00 val- CO OK ues. All to go at one price your choice VMtOU Infanta' Soft-Soled Shoes, all colors, best 50c grades ...... ..194 Babies' Fine Kid Shoes, sizes 2 to S. best 75c grades ....... v...;;..4TT Babies' White Canvas Oxfords and Black Kid Shoes, $L2S grades. 67e Misses Fine Vlcl Kid Shoes, ia all sizes up to 2, best $1.50 grades, 99 Boys AO Solid Shoes, witk-heavy soles. Sizes 8 to 13& best $1.50 grades, at .............. Women's Gloves GLOVES THAT WILL STAND THE TEST OF DURABILITY. It is of great im portance to ns to sell good gloves. Poor gloves never built a good business. Think now many women depend on thla Glovs Store for right sorts of gloves, and the number who do growt greater each year.' If the gloves were not right were not styl ish, good-fitting, cor rect in shade and fin ish in abort, if the best gloves to be bad st their several prices were not thoaa at Roberts Bros.' our glovs business would not keep on growing. Today's news is of several very special purchases, affording an excellent op portunity to procure your Easter glovs wsnts at exceedingly low prices. Short Two-Clasp Suede Gloves, all color and sizes, now S1.2S Short Three-Clssp Suede Cloves, all sirr aM colors, now fl.75 Short Two-Clasp Clsce Gloves, all sizes arH col ors, now 4 f 1.113 b1 Sale of HOSIERY Tomorrow All 'the newest and most desirable patterns m Lace or Embroidered Hose, at least 50 new styles and patterns to choose from; the styles are exceptionally pretty, . for extra pains have been taken in the selection of our spring stocks and everything that is new, worthy and good will be found here at prices that are always the Cfl, lowest, ranging from $2.00 down to...;, vlw Women's Gauzo Lislo Hcso 50 Cents , ' . l. . 200 dozen Imported Gauze Lisle Hose, pretty em broidered styles, fulj fashioned and very elastic, msde of extra fine lisle. Regular 75c and CA 80c values, tomorrow at, per pair.. .JJi ITotiono and , IdOathor Gocilo SPECIALLY REDUCED. 75c Back 'Combe 49 The nfw5t ifvvt i Fancy Gold-Mounted Back Con.!s f r pretty designs.' Each New Initial Hatpins 25 Tl ret ( 'I . nished Initial Hatpin, three !.i.Vtf r.t jflapfs. Sprcisllv pri-'1, ra. h Leather Belts 6t(" l-r v ' . . ' : new spring style, r. ! 'il' . :