3 ' : : . ':V"..' THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL. PORTLANDSUNDAY MORNINO, MARCH 17. 1807. ;,.....'' "ZllZZZr " er:ra,f' toon tit IT A K.MS- I . FOIt SALE FARMS. I FOR SALE FARMS. TOXi SALE IlKAL jCSTATS. Macklntosli & BldwcJI 420 Commercial Bid. : Pbcne Pacific 2514 HEAL ESTATE. ' f v ' . ' . ' ii .ioo. ' W block ea 84th and East "?.:' arorrmenrs mid.-building so this aelgbsorhosd. ; . ' , ' U sore ta rultew'Tark, wttkta eaa Mock rfVw aw Una: all leeced; ef 5 : ' . ' -' ' ' ' :' ' -1 13.000. ' ' S flae fata wit two nlee ho si n J e bra Hh IwlWt Tkim toe cheep soy. ' m Mark, bmoo'cottage; Church aa4 Mob- taea. east sode. . groom modern Ttsge. Just completed. Ast u4 luc waahiugtoa ite. .t terms. '; ' $8,300. ,; '... V Mt Bait A War, sts. ! H bonne, ear., tot; terms. - ' New J?ilwt . w 2,0J- hetweea ftttb snd 7ib: this M V H reUdcaca properly to ths city; terms. ' ' ' '' $8,600. "' Burl two 8-room bow, strictly -moderB, ml $40; bee locality aa ass side; terms. Hawthorne Realty Co. ' - The bant i4 cheapest corner oa Hawthorna ra.. right 1 bunlneea center, 242 feet an cross street l4 M ,,-w!5? "V three booae aa tali; must be sold tor. essh. -A complete hem. rooms and den; Bad ant la every way. electric lights. . rnrnsea; aa Una arranged boms ss any tbs rttv; tot 60x100. tort feet " ST'1 price $.i.T50; 91.600 cash, bilsnes $800 Bar ;ur at T er coat. ' IjJb VaM rlrbt aa Hataarna ".. kirk lot ldoiiao, aoa tnot; am ka auda a aaananu aiaii aa.v. ' A BMBttfnl haw aoruca. aaat frnnt; M faf odara la WT PVtrtiUr: caa ka tlatd ta,aalt Barrbaacr; 2,S7; l.koO email, aalaaea aaaj. t W eant. kaaariral kick lata, BOilOO: rtitaem a Baka good BMray ta abort Uma; 1 100 caab, kalaaaa M Bar aaatb. - Oaa af tka flaaat caartar kbwM for koata a Bawtbarna aaa.i i at mm aaar laat Mb at.; artea right; kalf eaab, balmaoa aaaj, ar aaot. .. - - t-, 130,0001 aar aaat lavarnaaat let 10x K chaBfa far another balldtac nd alar Idcobm; bait cashv balaaea 2.u0 raar at c ' Hiaan, Ista. amagB. baalaaai rrrnm, rhuaar Uada; anrthlac yaa ara laaklnc tor, all ataaa (ad Brlaaa. Wttck Havtberaa ara. (raw- - Hawtncrne Realty Co. MB MartaMita arc., car af Hawtboraa. Pbana Tabor all 5-Acre Home irirblr lapmed. aaar ear II m Bad rity limit.: U cnltlr.trd; good ftoom boa p. and a rmiry aatDaucinca. iron imb. Minn, 1 Ki arna aarlr souioea. atrawtMrr1, ate., fine well, wlr Biped ta each acrej water tower f 000 galloa tank and engtae; water pleat will py MO per BMBth; alee for boa ar aaMlrldlu; 14.200. T v . w. 1. DAT 00.. , 106 FoarU at. 900 BABGAIN U realdane lot TUzM. near 1-rneta bolldlag la rear. Owaer aaeda the . BMaey. Fbeae Kaat eW. IA3TS aad 4-fona bouae Ihta aide hi. Tabor' at a bargalB for a few daya only; (1,100. Tandaya A Waltna, 6 It Chamber ef Oona- WHITB SALMON and Hood Rtrer fralt land: any alse tracts; bey while land Is still cheap; . Advenes aar te follvw boob. Tandaya Walton, 618 Chamber of Commerce. . : ... iNVWTroATB ; , THIS . , INVESTMENT. - j : Tea Can Make $6,000 la I Months.'' 100x100 oa (Jllaan at. and right down tewk; will sell for A25,ooo aew. $2,660. A beautiful earner, eloss ta aa Hawthorne, SOxloOichaaput bay oa the areaae; Boat ' ' ACBEAOB. ' ' - d Sn acre trseta. it miles eat ea east aide, of them Improved wltb 6 sad T-room booaaa; prices eery reasonable, FRKl C. KINO. $08 OoBBsrrlsl blk. Second aad Waab. st. PINK stock farm 65T seres, S00 ef fins bet torn. Bu crop, 80 ctover. fins srebsrd, good , bones, S bsrns, rnnnlng watar la erery field ( TO bead of cattle. 6 bnrsss. 100 angora rata, 26 boga, cblckena. geeaa sad torkeya: fields la gardens) good Bllknonae: ea good road, T mliea from tlberldaa, 11 from Me MlnnrUlet mower, reaper, wagon, boggy, kar neaa and ererythlng that la needed te ran place; fine Itcallty for bona; a real bargain; : enlr $11,600; good terete. Pine qnarter; bnnaa coat $10,000; Secaad '. Bear College; $12,600; terms. rine corner tot; Plrat; wall lmnnreed; ream Uo par Baoatk; only $l$,S0u; food , . terms, Pins quarter . Bast 12th near Morrison; rents bio par mnntn gy.uuii; w rash, In Hurt long time a per sent. fins new T-room aoose. aMdera la way: bat 67 1 100, East SOtk; aaly $6,000; , $4,600 caak. balaaea Inatallmenta. Ptna T-mom bouae, 2 good tots, wast Bids; $1,600, $260 cash; Inatallmrata. CHABLESON at CO, 411 Oomamrclal Udg. Pneas Psdat 1184. POB SALB BT OWNEB Just coenpleted mod em 4-raom boaaa, electric lights, concrete basement, wash traya, fsmace, polished . floors, linoleum ea kltcbea, paetry and batb , ' mem: will flat to aalt; beaatlfol local ton, - TOO Bast Salmon, between Xd and SStb eta. Cell afternoons. Terms, pries eery riaaas ble. A 168, cars Journal. BABOAINS. I uses a number of finely Improved farms . fa tbe Taller; price from $20 to xsO per acre. rl I bees a fins solleetloa af acreage 1 to 10 - acres sa ear line. I bars T-room beans sa fat 86x100 ana block . off ear line; small payment down, balance . per Btostbi up-to-date, complete. I bare 4 -room boons, lot 60x108 aa Unroa ' see., for $2,000. Tares 4-roatn hoos-s oa lets 40x100. one block 1 ta car Has, price $b3u; $16 down, $1S per Ooe' lot 80x100. fins fralt. twa S-room , konaea; price 11.000. ' - I kara lota 80 and 40x100. fine ones, price $300 ba $400; $3 dm and $6 per month. I kaee a beauty T-room booae, lot 60x100, Mortk AIMns. Joet finished, up-to-date, sad fine; , prlca $2B,000. , B. P. DBVINNET, 63 TJnloa srs. . A PEW modern 8-room boom), two bldr-ka from - car Has, Sooth Bt. Johns. 1222 Jersey st. PORTLAND REIOHTS. 800 fast fraatage oa Pattoa read, fine bnlMlns altee; altuated high a bore grade: largs shade treee; owner mast mil; ass tbta aad aatt sa offer. O. C. 8HAT. - ' Vila 1042. B04 Abtngtoa bMg. roe BALE Br owner, eaa of ths mast bean tlfnl new. modern home, ba Portland; 8 large , rooma. fireplace, plate-glaee windows, double rieore, Stsinea, we Ken nno imneo iw rose; largs furnace, full cement baaement; haml annu, bnllt ra aldeboard: wood lift, Isaadry. Is feet erery thing ene would expect te find la ' first rlaaa bouae; full lot ar mere If eealreeV Any ene wanting eurb n borne call snd owner ' will enow yoa through banal. 88 B. 18tb St., - earner Waahhagtoa st. eg goo usif rash, 80x100, new Btodera S-f bonaa.. bad Kaat Madlaoa at., owner. a emu IN BI-NNT ALBEBTA. CANADA Come wltb as to Alberts. Cansda, wbers the sdeence la prwa ef land will make yoa . rich, with t ya ceo own s fins farm. I Etrnrmoaa every twa weeki. Pree fan la rbose purd.aalng land. Writs oa today er eaU M "hVe! BABNfTM LANP 00... peak a, 14 21. i t kiaiher of Commerce, Portland. Oregon. . - m . . v . lillla.e 2 Inte. fOOxlOO. . k hem. rklrken-boeesa. brooder. : i .aA. walL leme fruit trees, alee ,t' lc tear the IMrtlardl snd M.iem oar line; flaa torn Mow. V Sewn, $J eaentb. L. A. Iger. Hlllau-le. ur. Biuitrt rM. 84tn at, near Ltncntni awtrss EYin lIKU.HVAIi UlAlEo I V M DnHilV IMIM -J bJ. AVaW, I - w-w - 1 - - -i n g- - - - - ii ie. li.loo roK a tract of Ian 1'!aCcm at., betwaea 17ib d lb t, "' mt lui hiiias wltb a-TOOBB aaaaa Braare at.. Bear t'nloa are. b.1,600 f. tot eoiiso wlfk heuaea ana a .or.; will reat for AS per Bwatk, aa VaUM aear Hellwoo at. .nn.inn' M.4W for "-mow boaaa. lot '"' ral are. I etna. bath. tol) iud waabbiwl an ip-r and bwer tkn. H.J.10 for lot BOiWO with T-room beoaa, piier part not flnlahed; Bear lli art. Jl.oio for lot OOHOti with two booaaa and a barn; will reat for ) ,,' KuJ" !Ti a lot BOirBt wlthni 100 fart of t'nloa era., wltb atrt oh both efdfk ' $4,000 for a eoraer OHiOO wltb ' "" booae with taraaea U baaMnant, Mar WlUlaaia ara. Tola la a Bp-bdata booea aad baaotlfal koBje. ao.ino aa 42.100 "dor -rooa. boaaa, lot BOxlOO aa . Grand aa. Thb) la rheap. 1nn 11.000 for a rooai booae. let BOilOOj V ralk! balasea $16 par reeatbi so EBt lOtb " w." barraloa too Batnaroa to B Plaaee iIt. ua a rail and we will aooriBoe atttloa te raatlag aeoaaa and aollertlng reata. . U. U. UTITBJI CO.. . U0 Csbio ara, aorta. Bear Baaaell Bt. a Bargain We bare Vta and bbw k00 Bear Bow City park Thla prnprt y ta aura for aa laereaaa ahortly. Let aa tall JOB why. Price W.ao: ran fir eoaia tortna. THK VBTtRAN LAND CO.. 1U6V4 Third St., hUm A. tOOO-OH ACBIW. b.. tr- ""gTTBO-OO-arra fartnT M rxraa eUar. aaw bouae and barn. I ml lee te "JmAl lO.Oon M-acra farm, all dfr. maamwm InproToaiente. T Bllea from Portland. . 3.0ia arrea at Mllwaokla. . 11.100 so-apre farm, IS eerea riaar. - mile railroad atalloa. , a ooo-Coroer bit. Portland Ilfllht. I.i2.oon u bta. bOtlOO each, hortk Port- bid: 4 larra balldlngfc v " ... ,. rt(0 Heaalde lot aad boaaa. fnrnhwed, 4 ii-r'S w'tlOO, nwd, IVt ktjZ-:u4 M 64X81 ... Job-V 1 block ear Una. . , . $11,0001 boaaea and lot 86x125; IneenM $46: weat aide, cloae In. 2.0O0 6oom bona.. 60x100, Kaat Jad at., u bbvk to ear line. - $S.0(I0 Tlmlwr claim, 100 aeraa, 4.000.000 feet of red fir. cedar and V 7. ifT 1 rlTlr tloa J8. townablp.I. range I: Kalame rlrar rwutlnit tbronib tkta; Wgaln; perty ITBObJBBRO CO., ') ' IZTVk WeablngtoB. t ; ; Sellwood Homes tl.BOO 0 room banae, cloae In. $ Too S-room bonaa, cloae in. 860 room boaaa, two lota. $1.160 -ronm boaaa. iilOO 4 room boaaa, t ales Wrta, frail see. etc. en iBproraa rtrm. . . .. $1,800 4 room boaaa ea Improred atrast. 11.800 a room cottage, wu. tl.40 4 -room bonaa, 1 lota. ,81.000 4 Iota, rlew ef rrrer. 8X4O0 aam Bodcra boose. ' 8 BOO 4 pretty lota. I one) lno feet square, tornar. $ 666100 feet aqnare. Sellwood Townslte Co.. R. B. PAJLMBB, Mgr. 121 rilling bMg. f ! J'1' fiellwaod office. 1005 Bait 18th at, FbeM BeUwood 181. FOB BAU 8 ream cottar, fralt treai, hugs bara. 6SS Blataxrs at, hobxbtiiuu - LOOK HEBB. We hare some f Ins propnattloas n lese-ta Taeaat propertr. rnr reaidenree or nam . THB TBTKRAN LAND CO., 163H Intra at wii rivn niirTANCB. $4.JS0 Modern 4-ronm bonse. oeastlfnTly rlnt.hl tare, eloaate and bath: thai k cloee la oa Bait Hlxth at., la a choke residence district; 60x100 lot, fine roan and ahle treaa; good barn; twe blorka from S-mlnsta car scrrlrs; kalf caak. balance per cent. . n r.. tHiT Alsla 1841. 804 Aktngtsa kMg. TWfl r L car Una to sxrhanrs for acreage. Address owner, L 158, Totrniatr-i 8-BOOM oottare. lot 60x100, ana block from c una. in m Inn tea' rid. to bostnese center, $1,000. Batfleld Smith. 186 fourth at, 8-BOOM new modem cottage, corner lot MOx joo. on ear Una, $2,200. Hatfield Smith, 18SH Fourth at. ' NBABLT now modern 4-room booae, west side, high snd sightly; don't fall te ses this: $3.000.. BIT Commercial blk. Mini 8120. NEARLY new modem 8-room bouae, eaat Bide. groand looxiqo sna s nnu w n vir. U n bsrgilB st tbe pries snd 1750 down will handle It; $S.2S0. Phone owner, Bala 8120, or call st BIT Commercial blk. I MODEBN T-room bonaa, 25 minutes walk from Third snd Morrlaoa sis, east eras. 471 Kaat 12th at. ' TWO new mom not tag ra, 8 nan ml da: $294 sash, $10 Bonn. . ' lil 00, with 1 story building, en Pront st, $18,600; terms. .' COAST BEALTT CO, ' Room 22. 3U8 Stark St. ' 8-ROOM with 4 fats, Kara Park, $890) Lota m Beerrrolr Park, $180 te $lTf) ft " """""oOAST BEALTT CO, Boom 82. 248 SUrk Bt. WILIe- pay your car tare sa Sunday If yoa will ace those elgbtly lota at Ivenboe Heights and de not pronounce them, among the cheap est, naudaomert home spots about the entire city: magnificent jrlew, rich soil, streets graded, water te each fat; only $200 snd up, sasy terms.- Owiiii. bgaMj Waatilngton aU , At a Sacrifice' ' I wm sell my fat la Boss City Park at a toes ef $M: tbe lot Is S blocks from the esr I toe. 1 block from the boulevard: a $400 lot for $360 If taken tiMay: I am going aaat. Cell 801 Bwetlaad bldg, fifth aad Waab. TAKB a W-W ear Sunday, get off at Ivsnbos, aa4 take a mos ni xnosu coo rev ene ax ins bea'Belgbts. Owaer ea the groand, ANOTHER BABOAIN 11 seres, meetly cleared. rood bones ana oarm una ami, pv rheap. The Title Abstract Co., mom d Malkey bldg. Second and Morrhma sts. IBTINOTON fats, ws ham them: also Portland -Heights, tao cnamosx ox wommoroe. $0x100 CHOICEST comer ta Webb's uddltlen. ftneat residence aeciioo ia Lamuj, an. ck-o.i Una. wltb new 4-mom bonaa and Imprevs menta: rhespeet offer tor cask. P. WslaboM, Webb's sdUlttoa, Lenti. POB BALB BT OWNRR 4-room bouae with bath, corner tot dwiiwf. ua vtesa am., a Tabor; MonUvllln ear. - 4 noon fate oa Mt. Scott car II ns, ebsss. T28 fLfaimner el commerce. . HAVB two houses, will sell ooe cheap sa sasy terms. BBS . toeroieu, xeoo rem el.. Wood laws. rnn BALE One 7 room nooss. ooe o-room boose, erase to rreei dtiuxc, wui s ' By owner, 821 Roes St. . . POB BALB 4-room bouse, ISth and Montgom. err its.; lot eOifiO. O waer, TOO Eaat St. Pboas East 1668. $26 WILL bandls a full tot la Ssllwoed. T20 vaamner ox u POB SALB BT OWNEB Lsrge fats, $100 snd ap. 110 Orand svs, near iiioer o. P1NB bouae and lot en East Ankeny at. at k bar g i In : gi.ouo; terme. sum ..... 4-KOOM oottare. Bellwaod; bau, roll kk, i'w feet bs ear. si.oov; r'Z"v. . 1 . . aar part payment. Owner. 6T0 Una, BeU wood, er M 100, Journal. GOOD fat to Tremont Plaea; terms easy, Chamber of Commerce. . T20 TWO T-room honaes, modern, ea fat 60x100, aa ear line. $3,100. 804 Mobswk bldg. CBKSTON. . . $1,V esab B-tosm modern boose, 1 block eaat of Clark St., Mount Scott car Una; I week only. M. Peterson, owner. FOB SALE flood Broom cottage wltk fas aad bath, walking dietetic. East Sslmoa. bet. 14tb and 171b els.. 1.4fl4: terms If da aired Addresa awaer, 881 East Morrison St. 14 riNB tots sa St. Johns ear can bs bongbt st bedrock If lakes quick; dua l miss tills. 720 Chamber of ("wnmercs. - AS ono PUTS a tew T-room booae snd fat lOOg on emeeaie heaenent. enod ham snd chicken It hoe'ea. a blorka from 1 car Haas. Isqulrs st bis Bodney sen. B30 A UfT. 84 mlnates from city kail, on car Uas sslUag fast, 129 Chamber st fcaaa anorak. BABUA1NB IN HOC8RS. $(.(00araar lot bOxloO, Kaat Md at., . near Belmont, wltb T-rooaa BMdara boaaal fruit tree., rural, ate.; aa aaagaat baaia; ebnlra luoatlaa. $a,S0uwN.w 4-room - BMdara kaaaa. Vaat STth at., iv. blerka te Kaat Aakeay aar line. $3.m0 New rooca aaodara boaaa. Karge - Bt.. near IdM ara. (3,?no T-room modern beaaa wltb t nrta, Kaat SM. pear BuraeMe;' trait treaa, gardoa. $2,000 T-room modern boaaa oa Praacett at.. Bear TTaloa Are. $$.600 Ona or tw lore, the beat batlt boaaa la the city I tbta will stand laTaattga tloa. . . ' ACBBAOB. $0 aad 40 arr. tracta, aaltabhi ba bvy off la f arra tracts, abort dletanre (rem Boat City Park, at ealy $160 par arras geod aoll aad ami. Here hi a chance for aamaeaa te make money. $0 aeraa wltb new boaaa, partly alearad, rloee te Bandy near, oa the aropoaed Mt. Hood railroad; fins flab log aad bantings only $1,100. TIMBKBV 100 scree of fine timber. U Bfls from Bandy poatafflra, ea proposed Ml. Road rail road; Cedar crack running tareagk ,fne Blaeei ao tiro bet ever cat a thla plaea. and scat soli; the timber skme will wall pay for the groand. Tble Is s bartaln. I " - V. BCHalin. " - 108 Orand are. Bast Bids. WB bare for sale rba aeatbeait corner of Obtoa . ara. aad Kaat Mala at. at a Br lea below aar roandlng property; all aelld ground street a, all solid ground; rem ant sidewalk aa Uabm aee.i la only one block from the toeattea for tbe eaat fide theatre and camera wltb twe lots three ef tbe beat posted Ml ea real estate la tbe city lately perchaeed tar doable what ws eaa sell these lota fort aaitahle for any kind ef a boalBcea ar factory. We ' coneldar tbla tbe bast, bay oa the aaat side today. Itteioo-aa- Kaat- WaabtncbnA.at-.fcr tlO.OOOj bnlldlngs will rent for $100 per aseath. If job want nmaertT of tbta kind BBS as. , BI'CHtEL 4) KEU.NS, $41 Kaat Morrhna at POB SALE A neat 8-mom nonss near Weat are. snd Montarllia car line; m xuvxiw, price $1,000. , Elegant 7 room bonse ea Bast Salmon st, cloee In; well worth considering; price $6,000. A beautiful borne on Eaat Mala it., Haw thorne Park: 8 rooms, big baaement. fornace, Sic.; price $8,000. . A choice lot on East ISth aad Wsabugtoa Its, 84x100. baDdaomely situated: ar will dlrlde te suit buyer; terms, etc.; pries $8,660. . A nlcs tot la Logu's addlMoa, near East S8tb st. ear Una; faosa Booth, kt a good toca- Uoa aad s good buy for $B0. Yob enght to aee that elegant aew hoses, not quite completed, en East Washington, at, Bnnnystde; 4 roome and full lot; prion $$,$00. . BrCITTBL KEENS. $41 Beat Morrison at, nilwanlde on the Willamette THB PLACE TO OCT A CHEAP BOU $1,000 bays 1 acre, right la sown. $1,800 bays t-rasm ssttagk. Boat the freer; BOtV , $1,800 bays 1H seres wlfk 6 ream boaaa, d blocks from ear line. We bare r boles lots sa easy tarma, (100 ' and BP. wltb city water, iba acras la large and email tracts. Barlow DewUag. Mllwenhle. Oregon. WB bars some bargains for those arna saaan boalnaes. 710 Chamber af Oommdroa. . R1CELT furnbihed T-room boose, bnllt for -nomc-snd tot 60x100. orer look log rlrer and harbor; $ blocks from school; eoraer moat - sell; price $2,800; terms. Apply ta 0. H. Henderson. Bt. Johns. I STRIKB ON $43.60 each for 84 lotsi Urge fall block near Mt. Scott Una; yon eaa make fins suburban boms or sell eepanrVt good profit; mast be sold at ones: $L.htt Homo Land Co, 146H Pint St. $.1.oo EXCEPTIONALLY well-built bone, cf rooms, wltb beautiful grounds 100x180, eaat aide, excellent neighborhood: bnaement fur nace, fireplace, large, airy,' well-erranged roome; bonaa could not be built for the Boms Land Cow, 146tt first St. TWO 8-room cottages for ssls la Sellwood, . 81.800 solace. Iaoutrs of swaar, 480 MU - ler are, " nnnTT-yw noa 1st aa BL Johns car tins st a bar rain; terms easy. T20 Chamber of Com- merce. ON B T-room plasteaad ksase. . flntebed. 8-room Bouas, dose la. cheap: 1 bus I nee. snd other property; all In St. Johns, Or.i buy direct from owner; real estate awn need not apply. For further part leu lam address beg 7 ho, Bt, Jebna, or. FINEST apartment sits ta city, ejosa la. lOOxOOt prtcs. resaosanis. aaaiusa u tea. Journal, . A aiSAlIN Half Mock wltb taree en mital. anir Ba.uuu. ijoraar wane ana Oarrr. Alse timber bad.. Owaer, 184 Curry St. FINE sabdtvlafaa proposition on O. W. r. cloae In. 21 acres; level, as gravel; bargain for auick sale, raaaaya ex waima, oio Chamber Commerce. . . STOP ATIN(i RENT. wivinA on Be car tine, smsll ssent basement, garden, $878. 104 Mohawk bldg. f LOTS. 60x0. near Be ear Una, $860) assd y. go monawa oiog. WHY net ba landlord? Ws arm a as let yoa Com marcs. ss that sad. 720 Oksmbsr of t TmWTWO Bond T-eoem weat side. 1 days. We bive tfls bsrgala for only Beglater at Co, 107 Thlra St. $2.000 NEW atodera S-rona cottage, small lot, spiencnn soraoon, aesx eme, waiaing dlstiace; $500 dowa. M ISO. Journal. rOK SALB Improved and unimproved toad la 1iws n"miitV hub nliiss to good schooln. stores, sts.t 88 Biles from Pert land: rellr& nd steam bos t rraaeporranoa. rauerroa. Warren, Or, a. Am . , - IK l aaba t .IMS' Lenu; sum 10 seres mite ami ex mi, Scott ear. By Mrs. Hesld, Cray's Or earing, at wster tower. WHY pay rent when pea eaa boy yourself a fat for $30? T20 Chamber ef uommarca. MODEBN $ room cottage, unnyalds (sewjr district): $100 down, be la ace Ilka rant. A. P. Smith, owner, 818 Commercial blk. East Morrison 100x100, lost across bridge, aaat ssTJ at 8 B0OM 10$ COMMERCIAL BLK. DON'T full to Invite year wife er sweetheart te a ear ride Sunday. Oet eff st Ivanboe ..A etew tbe entire eitr and mountains from those splendid dirt-cheap tote at Ivanboe Heights. Buy terms, uwnsr will bs ground. rsnnu nieareced cottars, concrete fennditfan, full tot, $1,100: $160 cub. balaaea $18 per month. East 147, cars journal. WB sen tboas beauflfnl sightly fats at Ivsnbos Heights OB practically your own leme. owner, room T. 823 Washington at. IP YOU want to ssvs money get a tot from us st $10 and build yoa a boms. T20 Cbgi bar of Commerce. $1,000, BALANCE te eult-r-Niw room modem .wtrle Mxruree. 61.T60: airs revere 1 vacant lota. Chie. M. Boas, second hones aorta af Tremont; Mt. Scott car. One of Many Testimonials from Out-of-Town Patrons of Journal Want Ads : Willamcttc Valley Real Lstate Exchange " HEADQtrARTETlS AT WOOOBTJRN,"' ri"l OREGON. rAmiix70 Jin) ajto Aomnavas rmAor. Woodburn, Or., March 16. Sunday Journal. Gentle men. We are in a position to thank you for the excellent results we hare obtained through our ad in your paper. It is our aim to furnish you an ad for eaeh Sundays issue. Kindly accept our best wishes for vour success.' Respectfully yours, Willamette Valley Real . Estate Exchange, Wood burn, Oregon, v, t Arbor Loare Snaps Choice booses snd .raeant lots, alee large ' eoraere Bear boolerard aad ear, BMantala view,, ettr water, alectHe, atao lot BOxloO wltb good tent; boaaa Tory cheap: aaea rent; terms. Bee W. B. Boat, 28$ Portlsnd boale rsrd. Arbor Lodga. 1'uooe Woodiawa 134. Bt. Job a. car. (3,000 NF.W 4 room boaaa. stattnasry waab tuba, pined for fnrnaca; 11 mlnatee te dry; ' ,t 61x100, Bortbwest eoraer: .worth 88,100, bat owner must ssll; $400 dowa sad $16 per . PA0B BAKK18, 800 Belmont at, earner Bast Serb. BATB some fine aereags ea aew Salem Mae which will auks yoa amaey. TW Chamber . at Com mores. . . m aar.a ir awm eoraer lot) fins bmstloB eaat side; geed ear errlcei a bargain. . f boas Kaat 4003, earner. P 134, care Journal. K . NEW 4-room koaes. lots, fralt trees sad flow , ara, good garden) H Sows, kalsaes sea farms. Bel 162, Lenta, Or. llftT THINK Lots $80 each at $1 per awatb. aaar aalem car nna. Apply to a wear. . Heldt. room 16, Washing tua bUg. ACRRAOH ot ill etnas Be lam lias. W. Baldt. easy terms. B Washington bldg. I BATB 18 lots ta Mtlwsnkm and aaat Belli I'll sell yoa one bow for 826 cash, next month another, ens every month; aa many as yoa want sad all adjotalng. Bea Irwin, Mil winkle. Or. - - $100 AND $280 will kandls twe geod homes; resides earing rani win aui yoa mviw. T30 Chamber of Commerce. QCABTEB block st 17th sad Kaat Cllatna an., ene e-room ana woe w ,ww full baaement: three are modern; nothing nicer In East Port land. Price $8,000; can grrs tirma. Sea 0 W. Barer, warL 800 Eaat Morrlaoa St.. City.' Bt'lLDINO LOTS OCR SPECIALTY. J LOTS PROM $260 snd onward. Corns snd pes ua. Ws will givs yoa Informitlon snout any part of ths city er state. Tarma aa our property If you want It. , . BOOM 4. 108 SECOND ST., V Big Snap in Houses House, 6 looms, fat 100x108 feet. ' far $1,100; boaaa. 4 rooms. $1.2u0; bouse. 4 rooms, $860. Call oa owaer. Ira KUbora, Lenta, Or. POB SALB PUU lot, MaUory and Beech, $700; for few aaye. Asar.se t hi, cars jenraai. WB hare fsw good bargains fa sloss-la east Ids hemes; they will go qnics. term a. Boom a. 108 Second at. Phone Paetfls 117. A8TOBIA .Hew Pndfl. seast saapart. Bortbem Psetfte raUws. Fa bargains la - aereags address hex 641, Act oris. Or. I area tors aaly. COTTAGE, S s rooms. SnaayaMs er Meant Tabor, about gi.eoo; will pap saw B 140, cars Journal. , POB BALE Lets aa Sorb aad Bast Stark eta.. treaa $600 apt terms, uwnsr, tub bssx Stark St. Pkaas Bast 1688. . GOOD noma, aew, oa west side, sua Bt cheap. 720 Chamber ar uommsres. Mt200 PEET. 18 bearrna anola trees. aooas and sattmiHiings: m weu reaceu) tear ing, moat sell; pries $87$. Apply 828 Jersey st, St. Jobss. $2.200 1 -BOOM house, Mt. Tebor, near nasi ma urn wv. idxiuv; iimvao u, very sightly; $600 or $700 cask, fcalsacs leo, oaxo aewmai. IT AN HOB HEIGHTS hi tbe plies ta pat yoor money for pent reeuita; tarma ey. $28 H WsabUgtoa ate. rnv V kAn. bareatn: tavma: Blgbt Melklejoha. cedar ram bishop, ot. .mm. aa nrm tw T-mom modern nunai I tiled bathroom snd kitchen, gas snd slec trle fixtures, wood fiber plaster, weathered oak finish. 60x100 fat; bungalow glade, ens block from Hawthorne svs. Buy now snd hnvs booae tinted to suit; $1,600 easa. nai- ance 820 month. lBeladlnc Interest, o Tabor 161. - sum rnr Hat at..'-near Hawthorne avs.t V . . . . . . -M. imimtmjt SlA. tnet; au -'-.-. .. , . Mala 1842. ' 804 Ablngton ' bldg. vnn.ere am ta double roue- utoney e fata st Ivsnbos HeigDta. amau payment down, pay balance when yoa want te. Owner. room T, X28H wsaaiagtoa bt. AM hi need of eome money and will eaertfleo 18 tots worta gs.ouv ror sn.nuv) euriuu, in tend, and in one of tbe beet locations be tween the rivers; most be caab sad taken at once. Boom 4, 108 Second st. FOR SALEFARMS. FOR SALE st a bsrgala, 11T acres rich bop lend; 68 acres under cultivation, iair im provements; alse lod acres adjoining. 80 seres nndet cultivation, good bones snd bam. new fences, on county read; will sail both tracts, cooelatlng of 228 acres, for $8,800. or will sell separate. Per further particulars call on or address J. D. Winn, Bueaa Tlata. Oregon. X riTLiPRl tracts. miles south st lend, nns Boll, water pi pea so saua a-eera tract; thla land Is ooe mile west ef Qarka aaa station snd railroad aad aa the Port land and Oregon City wsgoa rssd. ' Pries from $100 to $2O0 par acre; oa eery terms. For farther particulars aes O. w. Borer, 840 Bast Morrlaoa at. City. x FARM FOB SALB. ' 180 seres, 60 la cultlvtalou. 100 acres Meal fruit sad farm bind, family orchard and berries, good bnlldlngs, dally Bill. Bear railroad and town; n too ' country home, la ths moat healthful and delightful cllmsts on PaHfie anaet Address T. H. B-. beg IT. I ' WooOvrtie. OMgss . jr-rr PABMSVOR BALI. I We always bsvs tbs largest Hit and best bargains from $ seres to 100.000 seres, oa ' good teraae: everything Is guaraateed as ad eertlsed. Call er writs. v WASHINGTON OREGON REALTY CO., 108 Second et., Portland, Or, snd $00 Mala at., Vsneouver, Waah. Phone Msla 2404, FOR SALE Para. 40 seres, good Buildings, small orchard. M seres cleared, good blsck soli; near school, near Bldgefleld: a inapt $600 cash bandies this, ba ranee fang tlms st tow rati of Interest. Oil 61 f Marouaa bldg. J. 8. Taylor. SO ACRES, withla 11 miles ef Portlsnd, fine rich soil, ill under ealtlvitfen, no roc ha; new boaaa, barn, cblrkea-houae and ether build ings; extra fine piece forhlrkens snd ducks: running wster thmnyb TbVcs; prim tJ.lrOO; . terms. Address L. 0. Vsostta, Mllwiukls, Or. Roots 2, box 64. 82.600 BOYS SS acres Itt miles from Orsgna City, oa good road and R. F. D. route; pert In cultivation, pert timber: hones, bara -and fmlt; garden snd boose fenced wltb woven wire; fins well and running water; crop, - team snd tools sll gi - Address J. N. Mills, B. r. D. 1, bog br, oregoa city, or. CHOICE no acree an Clackamas ridgs. Spring' watar, 8' miles from Estacoda on 0. W. P. line: rnnnlng water and waa cleared; good bargila for someone tbit wsnts to farm; Sl.fro. Call or writs blacksmltbbop, 124 Nortb Ninth St. BABOAINS la sereage, firms and elty ptspirty. r.rnera' Land Co, ITS Madlaea St. H.TO0 4 ACRtS. 1H mllea from WishongaL Clarke aouoty. Waebington, 14 acrea cleared, balance pasture, all fenced, S good springs, guud S-aoow rustic kouee, nlcs bam lot 64 Irustls and painted). atber outbuildings, family "erebard; tine tocatlou; good well at door, new mower and rake, 1 pluwa, bar row, other small -toola; IV miles Is boat landing and railroad i good noil; terms, half nab. balance 8 years ewl per cent. This Is s la a p. ,, . aw ITS acree. IS mllea from Balem. 1 mile from a small town ea railroad. popnliUoa 1.000; ea the Salem road, B. P. D, telephone ta boaee, 80 aeres In cultivation. TB acrea la pasture, balaaea timber (fir oak aad art), all fenced, fine 1 -story 8 ream konaa atone foundation, 1 8-room bouae. 8 good bams, large lawa oet ant with araameatel trees, choice ehruho end roan, fine orchard, ebotoe variety applaa, pea re, prases, plums, eh err lee, r koine crapes st seevrsl kinds, all klada af berries. If yoa are tooklng tor aa Ideal .kerne thla la what yea am tooklng fort fine location, sae mile from klgh eehoolt best ef Soil. Pries $40 per acre; good terms. This pleoe Is guaraateed as advertised. $8,000 188 aeraa. S mites. from WaabeugaL tn Clarke county, Waehlngtoa, $0 miles from Portland. 08 seres cleared, 10 acres - green timber, balance very easily cleared, all fenced, nil level. $ good eprlnge. one ' near house; tVg aeres bearing erebard, 2-story 8 -room ruatlo boose, fair bara; on main county road, mils to school, best of black soil, d boraeo. 80 hesd of cattle. 86 milch sows, IS head ef hogs, sons chicken., sraam separator, pew mower and rake, all farm Implements that am needed oa - a farm. Tbla la one ef tbe beat buys oa ths market Investigate thla sefors buying. $1,20088 aens. IS Bliss ssst ot Tin. roarer, ttt Biles from bout landing. 1 Bile from the aortb bank railroad, 10 acres cleared, balance easily cleared, all fenced. 8-room konaa, good welt at door, 1 springs, fsmlly orchard; oa Bala county road; R. P. - D-;-- i mll frean school; tins tocatlou, beet of soil; give terms. $8,800188 acres, d Biles from Wasboagal, 40 seres cleared, eome green timber, balance easily cleared, all fenced, nil level: fine spring; 4-roora nones, fair bars; family Be rnard; team, wsgoa, bsroeaa, 8 cows, cream Separator, some bogs and chickens, 200 sacks ef anode; best of Mack soil; near school. B. r. D. 12. TOO 19 acrea, $ altos from WaahouraVi 80 acres cleared, all fenced, some green tim ber, 100 sere, level aad vary easily rlesreek 1 asm bearing arehard: poor buildings: near school, B. P. D.j the very best sf blsck bimL $8 8r30 TxTscres. 11 H miles from Perils ad, ta Washington county. 4U miles from Rssd vlDe; 40 seres clearod. 10 aeres fine green timber, balance ssslly clearod, sll level, fine spring) oa main Bounty read, sear school. B. P. . aad telepnaas: beet ef son, soma bearer. dam swale; give good terms take part la lttt mrlaa from Porflnnd. ta Washing hm Bounty, $U altos fna Bssver too: 80 acres s lea red, free from stumps, an level, 6 acres green timber: oa msln county road, B. p. D. and talepbena, seer scbeol; glvs good terms. Price $6,000. - IT, 800 118 scree. 8 mtlea nortb ef Yan soavor. IB miles from Portland: TO Beras c lee red. to acree Hood timber, balance easily cleared. S acrea bearing orchard; good frame J tow, o moms, goou rmrno pant., amen -' barn,1 other outbuildings; 1 good wells; sll fenced with win snd boards, sll ravel: ea axata scanty road. B. P. D, neer, school: good team worth $860, t cows: sll firm Imple ments; fins location, best sf soil; give terms. gl.nOO BO aaena ta Clarke euuorr, tngton. B altos from railroad atatloa and boat landlnat 18 acrea deamd. 40 acree good green timber, balance easily cleared j 1 arm Bearing ercnara, variety: mta nowwe,- bamy B. P. D, aaar school: flaa son; give POO seme la Clirke county. Washington. S ' aw lea from boatlandlng and . railroad; 100 acres ta fine etate of cultivation, eome green timber, bale am paa rum. all feuced-wltk post snd wtra, 8 acres besting orchard, $ eeraa applaa aad ehsrrlss and pears, balance prunes: - New T-roou. noose, cost $1.faX; ene Urge bam 60x100. fralt dryer, intlkhnnse with fins spring water tn It other outbuildings, blick- ' smith-shop and tools; personal property goes with place: good team. . S w axon a, 1 new; I back, new; 1 top boggy, aew: aew Osborne - binder, - all klnda of fnrm Implements: 14 milch cows, 1 fine bull, 4 bead young bora. 126 chickens, asw cream separator wltb tread power; 60 tone of hay, BOO bushels sf oata, some wheat and spuds: near school, B. P. D. Thla to a beautiful place, beat ef black sstL Price snip $48 per asm, mending personal property; glvs tarma. , y 248 acres a Clsrks county. Wisblngtna; 160 scree In meadow free from stumps. 4 seres to bearing orchard, en me green timber, balance paetnre: 1 targe bsrns. 6-room bouae: small creek snd 1 snod springe; nil fenced wltb aew f and wtree and one board, bog. ttgbt; H. P. D, school on place; f miles from railroad aad boatlandlng; beet nf black soil; good teem. 1 driving bores, severs! heed of cattle, sll kinds of form Implements: 60 tons nf bsy. some hoge, 24 aheap, some chickens. This Is one- of tbe best boys on Ths msrket; If you srs looking for s fine plsce snd a snip Investigate thla before buy tog: thla hi guaranteed as ad vert toed; as reck ar gravsl; only $43 per acre; glvs terms. Wasliin&: Oregon . Realty Co. 4 10S Second at, Portland. Oregon, aad 808 Main st, Taaeouver. Wash. Phono Mala 3404. LOOK BHRE! I bam farms te aril. 20 to 180 acres esc, sll In rarddlr developing district, seas with Leer Tittle Improvement! and" some well I THtls Improvement proved, st prices wniei In $ he 6 yssrs. Also a few of the best resi dence properties in Ore hem, as well aa s nomber of business bulldlngi psylsg in In come of II TO 14 per cent, sun varum m Oreeham hi 18 miles seat sf Portlsnd, with ' one car line flnlahed snd another la course of eon. traction. .Write, explaining just wbst yoa want, snd sss whit I will do for yen, or. what is better, call snd ses bm. D. S. JOHNSON, , ' . ' Oreabaat, Or. Geod Farm Buy 944 asSe ot land, n fenced. 60 aeres CUItlmteW 80 scree good grass paetnre, 6 acms orchard, balaaea tn timber estimated 8,000 eords fir wood. 8.000 cords oak snd 800 cords sx-bsndls timber; watered by it ream . snd springs; 8 room nonssf well bnllt, and sll flnlahed la nice order: also another house of T moms, all rustic, but ant painted; good - frame ham snd outbuildings; 8 good msres, 1 bone, 8 Durham cows, 1 cslres. 4 boga. 00 ehlcksns, 1 wagon, I bleb, 1 buggy, 2 acts of hirness. 1 set irngle bsrneaa. 1 plow, all small tools: fronts on good roed, 1 mils to arbool, S months In yeir, 1 mllm te a very nroeiieroag railroad town, wltb largs Bills, and only 6 mllea te county ssst town ta WlUsmstts.. valley; g berssla st pries sow sskedl sU goes for $6 2.10. Henkle & Harrison . . 11T Ablngton JUdg. Alterta, Canada FTNKST WHEAT LAND IN AMERICA, AN ELDORADO FOR MIXED FARMING. WB BATB $43,000 ACRES lit TUB BEST PART OP ALBERT A, AT LOWEST PRICES. WB ABB 0WNEBS, NOT AGENTS. Wl WANT SPEOCLATORa, IKVEST0RS AND HOMESEBRERS TO WB4TB OR CALL H. E Barnnm Land Co. K4-18 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PORTLAND. OREGON. ' . 21T ACRES of tbe finest land In tbs WlUsm stts vslley, lew h"J1i1 ,m"-,"TT. V"l land on the Portland-Salem electric rood now 'ander construction, 186 sores cultivated. 14 acres la bops, bl lines ts sxtrs fine pis turn snd 1,000.000 feet food sew timber; ii. i.. w.t.r enod btilldlnaa. fine orchard. II klndi smill fralt, tots sf grapes, hnn drcdi of eedir posts, ens binder. 1 sseder, plows, fanning mill, scales, wagon, eome grain. I drill, bop baskets, bop sacks, . 1 boraee 4 bull, 1 cow, eultlvitor. disc ksr. row, bop barrow sna gooa oouoie oupuvue I lee 81 Tab nee mfT-m WILIjAMEITK VALLEY REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Woodburn, Or. mt mt.r a em. nssr nt line. 4-roots house, remeut basement, windmill, tsnk, kara, wood- V BOt MOUAWS RUrO. -W. W. .Espey ROOM 818 COMMRRCTAL BI.IK1, lor. Becood snd Washington Its. 940 Acres-- . 8H miles ssst of Rnashorg, Douglas eounty, Oregon, oa beat road In thla part of the state, ao bills. R. P. D. mall. Mi mils to school. IVt mllea to good atom; place, sll fenced ; good 8-room Sou as. fair bam sad ether buildings; small family orchard, ' ever 100 seme creek bottom, sreek throuek tbe flics; principally g rasing land; worlds af Imbar, eome good saw timber, but mostly black sak, which la wortk good money nt Boseburg, beat wood market ra the etate for oak wood; several barns oa tbe place: them to quits s tot of stock tbst goes with the place, Including over 100 gosta. mostly nan blaa; chickens: wagon, saw plow, barrow. Bora aheller and many other email tools; new wood -saw machine worth $300, about ar aver $100 worth ot small, tools; some wood already eat for ths market; this Includes quits s fat af good furniture. The owner agree, te pay expenses of going and coming aad for your time while them If not aa represented, claiming that It wMl, If rightly run. par over 10 per cent ea tbe investment. Pries $7,000, 160 Acres AO grass land, ftnest bottom land, fins Im provements snd worlds of good rsngs; now running 80 sows; pries $4,000, for erery thing Included. . - ; S5r-Acre Ranch ' ISO acrea timber, balance pa at u re, Bioetly seeded te tsas grass, sll fenced sod noes fenced; ovary field bas wster, creek thronch plica: 8-room house. 3 new- haraa. S good I granaries, 2 rfttrkrn-bousea.-tlkheassr' hay press: 8 vegetable gardens; 80 acres In crop, but want pay for eatue, reasonable prim; ,0 head cattle. 13 dairy cows, 23 bogs and tla, 100 Angora goats. Bennies mostly: 4 sow wltb pig reglatered boar; 6 bead bones, chickens, turkeys, reeee : T 60-pound eapsclty cream ee para tor. wagons, buggies, binder, mower, seeder, harvester, rakss, all sorts of tools ton numerous to mention: land. $16 per aero; everything, $1000; terms IX wanted. EO Acres SO ra cultivation, a good orchard: good kard-flnlshsd 4-roora boose, stone baaement; ea a good omiaty road, 1 alls to arhonl, 4 mllea to good atom; good rreeroer? ; largs creek bottom sa ths place, fine stream ftows through It; ene good boras, wsgoa sad kar bobsi all the firming Implements; $ cows, S year I Intra and 8 largo hogs. 60 chickens) prise $2,800; $1,800 dowa and balance whoa yea got reedy at 4 per cant. 160 Acres Ftrst-elsas level land; 80 seres la carrrratfaa, naif Is crop, balaaea being seeded: balaaea of lead timber and pasture) good 8-room bouse, S largo suras, wood booae, roothooao, chicken bouse, hog pen; family erebard. good varieties, plenty of bsrrtee; S good horses. 4 cows, S Self em. 8 brood eowe, 4 uaosts, 100 Plymouth Bock chickens; good binder, mower, rake, key preea, pair of platform era lee. sulkey snd several walking plows; all kinds of asxall tools, aork as shovels, a ice, etc.: 12H seres m whest, IB seres ta fill cats and ebeat: some clover snd timothy; sn.ouo lor Sll. or Sw on sere rw inw nu , -or" wm ssU 40 sens" for $3,000;- terms; . miles from railroad and town, only IS miles ' from Portland. 44 Acres - Waif fcl " eulttvatton; fair booes and good bora ; good orchard, smsll bop yard, good hophouse; finest lend: pries $2,400; terms; 13 miles from Portland. 22 1-2 Acres IS acres la cultivation; fair 4 room beams, ' cow bora snd horse ban: small young or. ehard: B eowe: a aortas tooth disk harrow. plow, cultivator, seed cultivator, milk cane and all ths milking paraphernalia, evaporator: , nw ,n4 mall eonte: nhnne In ths boose: 1H miles to ths stors. JH miles to tbs rail road; hslf cuan. balsam on tlms it f per 20 Acres la ' high state - of eiltlvxrtoa, ' mHes - from - ths ear traa en a goad road Into tbe city: good new 4-room bonse, good wood boa nr. new ehlcksn-hours. new bam: . svsr-rnnnlng wster on ths placet prim $2,800; good terms. 40 Acres SB la eultlvstloa. bslsnea ta ask tlmberl fslr bsnss and barn, wagna-abed and other boildlnga) place all under fence: a good bora; orchard; oa a good county road. B. P. D. mall and a pbone: flna eprlng nt the boaaa; place laya lions St. Miry's river, H. of a mile to tbe ra limed nation l S cows snd 1 Clyde colt (year old). 1 heifer. 1 t wrno. 1 ton b3ggy and bsrness, 1 aew ptow. Pries $1.6S0 ferms If wanted. . . - W;WTEsi5ey.. ROOM $18 COMMERCIAL BLDO. . Corner Second snd Washington. A PEW OP THB CHOICE ONES. eTOO-a-sO-eers bmnllfnlly situated farm, first-class soil, weU Improved; IT acres la fins orchsrd; $1,000 eaib. ' ' $3. 2.V AO-sere well-Improved farm, kaady to boat, depot and college: easy terms. $50 per sen 231 seres of fine rlrer bot tom land, right on ths Wlllametto, wltb host lending: new bnlldlngs: 4 dsUy costs, bendy to depot and college: zs mum suia or mn . . . 1.1 .a U A gWbfk saak Raf land; this to a special rasp; 84,000 cash. $600 everV VeST Wltn o per ,reni. hlrb ststs of enltlvstton; fins bnlldlngs. ste. This firm bid a yearly ueoms of $0,000 for the last Mm yearn, as will bs proven by bsnk account!. ... , Remember. I pay pea $10 per day sad sx nenses If yoa do not find ss represented. , au kinds of forms, smsll or largo, ts ksll StU per sere . ar exchange for elty property. ritrnn. 1U klorrlaoB at, M Wheat Lands In Canada ' COMB "WITH US ON OCR SPECIAL BX 0T7RST0N TO ALBERTA. CANADA. LB AT IK. PORTLAND. OR, MARCH SB; 848,000 ACRES TO SELECT FROM. WB SELL YOU ANY "AMOUNT ' OF LARD , FROM 100" TO 100,000 ACRES, ON L0W0 TIkCB, BABY TERMS, PER CENT ON DEPRRRKD PAY. MENTS. LET US SHOW T0U. ' -H. Es Barnnm Land Co. ' 214-16 CHAMBER OF C0MMERCR. PORTLAND, 0REOON. 40 Acres ' mm MILKS PROM PORTLAND. ' All fenced - and eroaa-fsnoad; irst-ehuB land.- no rock er gravel, nearly level, slopes enmigk for good drelnaxe: 2T ssras cultivated, balance paaturs snd woods; good bones, pelnt eri In nlm condition; barn, rootbouss, gran- ary. family orchirif, berrlea, watered by tws aUS Sna spring; one Hum. iw inr,u vni- i.. win elen sell teem. cows. boss, cblckena. ..ra, harrr. farm I m piemen u for much lees than Ibeir valoa to the purchaser of tbe firm. . - Henkle & Harrlscn SIT Ablngtoa bldg. afTKMTinN PA RMBRS ATTBNTI0N. 1 mo sell roo Improved tgrm land ta ths urin.tte seller from 880 ao to 8TB, any lui mm whest land la eastern Oregon from $16 to $. la tracts ef 140 seres 14 B.000 acres or mom. rn right. I mo tell from setaol sipsrisnrs wbst eeo een do on an Oregon farm. Come ta and aee ao. Tamer, But St Washington st. nliRT AND FRUIT FARM - -Tbit will eirn $6,000 a year. A plea eant wen ea a moner-maker: 428 seres. 23 miles- frota Portlsnd; finest fsra in I k,,, eonntv: too scree la cultlvsllon. 80 i. mh.e an in orchsrd. enod booses. e'llne frnlt drrer. water power for sll machinery, well stocked" wltk chob-s snlmsls snd sll kinds of farming Imnle. meeia Prim $28.0O; AO per cnt below value; tarma, half cash. . B, M. Pries Co.. Olympls, Wash. - . too ACKKR. 80 Improved, bora, hones, 10-wtra fence, fruit tmes on county plank roed I S.L, II D)A r, -BU4 MOHAWK BLIHs, 164 A0KK4, $ mllea from the oeeaa so navi gable river In I .a so couaty) 1i3 acres level, ready for the plow; 60 seres genuine bearer .land; good B-room fames. P. K U, arbool at diair; on county road; plenty fish snd gams; $.1,uu0; terms. . , UMe . fT acres, sn fenced snd cross fenced. 14$ s.v.s 1n crop, loo s. rm In cleared naatiim. the balance la In oak grub pasture wile value, bis timber on most of It; them la not 10 ' acrea which cannot be cropped aad harvested wltk a binder If cleared; there hi a com fortubto bouae, borsetam. snck bara, sheep ' snd goet hern, hog barn, smokebeuas snd chlrkenuouae. wltk $300 wsrtb sf new am ber, lutitlrnieute, ' Mock, key ssd grain; all goes iu: $4,000 eaah, balance te salt fur ehsaer. Tbla land to 1 mllea south of Pal las aad 1 mile from Pa lie City end Westers R. H. depot, d mllea tram normal school at htoamouth, - j , 81,000 ' Per SO aeres ef land, aeatly cleared. If acres plowed, two good booaaa, watar piped to bsueo; ealy 8 mllaa from Cottage Oram; Bast go. ' Ws hsvs SO 10-aero trseta ander Iran neer Dsllas; will sell oa assy terms ssd pay taxes for five years. . - 160 scree. S miles from DsTlas: 8 plow, SO acres sak grub, balance good oak. . m Bliss to R. K. depot) enongb timber sn place to pay for It; crop, rake, binder, plows, barrows, with gratrr sod hiy- b Inst till karvsst; $$,000. . . Macklntcsh & Bldwell '' 420 Commercial Bldg. STOP HEBE S THB PABM TOO WART. : B6T scraa. beet dairy and stock fnraf la Yamhill eounty; nlars sll fenced, subetastlel T-room hones, 1 good bsrns: living wster, rich soli, good roads ; pries only $8,600. IM-i ere plsce. sll fenced, neerly an In enltlvatron; good 8-room bonis, 2 bsrns, work shop, bog house; severs I springs, wster frota -ooe piped to buildings: 60 aeraa bow ta crop) pries only $6,000; will take $4,000 la city property, Ws guarantee thla to be tbe bext farm buy la tbe coon try: convenient to eieo, trie car stattoa, 20 mil miles sat. A delightful M-icre country place, only miles out, all fenced la fields, neerly all hi cnlttvatlon: beautiful 8-room enttsge, 3 food . barns; living watar; It's worth double ths $4,700. " A charming 40-sere country plaea, elegant 7-story realilence. fine red barn:- place all fenced, board fencing; cbotoo fralt; wind pump snd tank: 8 miles, graveled road, Van couver; pries $3,600. , A klghly Improved SO-sers plsce, 80 ta enk tlvstlon; goad nooss sad karn: It's a big ansa. $8,000: 8 miles rallwsy atatton. 100 miles set. THB DUNN-LAWHRNCB COMPANY, 148H Fb-at st, . ' 178 A0RES aesr railroad, sooth ef Pertlas'lc ' fme potato land; tn fins eendltton for a big crop tble assaoai 10 acres ander ptow, ino mere easy to pot aader eultlvatloal good 8-room souse, barn 80x110 feet, with m stent floors; separator room 12x12, ce stent floom: wster piped to aenarator-raem aad bars ee , atock eaa bs watered In tbs bern ; poultry, booaaa and ether outbuildings; wagons, plows, potato planter, potato dlrrer, binder, mower, nay rake and smsll tools; 4 norms worth $1,000, 2 cows. bsy. seed potstoas: an for,' $16,300. We are aaanred thla to a great bur. and tta eonventenes to railroad and schools , convrscee as It must be very cheep. 2 aciW. 20 mtleTTrom rurtUnd. IV, miles " from Nswberg; email br use nnd barn; place ; mostly fenced with new. 3 wires and I hnsr-l; 26 acres ba enltlvnttnn. balnnm !n fins ttta . bsrt running wster on each 40 seres except one; team, wsgon snd sll tools go with - place; on firm sdfatntns 1b a prune orebsed thst basm-full- evwry- year: . pries $.0on; . would tako a building and fata euitsble '.vt , Itwlglng-honas In pert payment- .. BrCfTTKL KKRNS, $62 East Morrmoa st. . $8 ACRES, it cleared: f room nouns, bara and other outbulMlnga: sit level, ao walls; fsml y orchard: prim $2.0f0. 0 seres, 40 seres dm red. fins soil, s'l fenced: well Improved place; all level. a . gravel; good orchard; prim 43. WO; terms.' 118 scree, go seres onder cultlratton; fan lly orchard; running water: 40 acres gaa!ns besverdam land; good bones, laree barn and other oatbuiMlnre: nwart nrodncllvs soil tn e onuoty; price gsjwo; terms. 48 acrea, 0 acrea clesred, Tsnos4TIy cleared, running water; 4-room hones atd other ontbalMlnge: rleit nt emsTI town: sll rl Boll: prtcs $8-000: terms, fl.otm down, beet sevttoa et tbs Bounty; will trade fer city property. . 8 acres, sn stsared. clove to Yireearrv: rood smsn bonus, sveellent bam; good for chicken ranch: pries 81.100; terms. ' ' Bowling slier snd pool uhle for ssls cheap : only slley ta Yaacoovsr. -- Address ' PRARCB MERtrS. . - 404 ' Washington st, Ysnooaver, Wash.: ' KN0RM0CS PROFTTS IN. Hood River Apple Land ' This land hi sll la trass and will be scld la 8. 10 and 10- era tracts for $20 snd $""n per acre, on the payment of $60 and oO down snd tbs balance ta 80 monthly pay meats until paid. Ths owner psys all taxes, charges no tate-et snd esree for ths trees at bis expense sntt) tbe land Is paid for. , EPPINO A BARKER. . . ' Kxelnslvs Agents,. 82n Third, St. iUl Aooard'for iUberta, ; , Canada ' ; OUR FIRST SPECIAL CAR : LEAVES PORTLAND. MARCHj IB. tANDSEEKERS AND INTKaTOBS 1NTITED; MAKB TOt'B RE8BRYATI0NS RABLY. SPECIAL PRICES TO THOSE 'AOOOMPANYINO US ON OUR FIRST TRIP. WRlTRnTOAlaU He E Barnnm Land Co. He-IB CHAMBER OP 00MMBBCR. PORTLAND, ' 0RB0ON. BO ACRES, saa -alia frars Cora. Tins railral station, via. I i ,, 26 acme ta bona. 1 18 aeres good farming lead ta bay and Brain. .'... 0-roon fcouss ssd hath. y 1 good barns. 2 bnpbonsss. Wlndmin with water flpei k aooas and Pries $10,000; satisfactory I. B. PA1RBROOK.110 ftoeoadj at. CIIIOKEN ranch for sale Tea acres, S ta raw tlvstlon, be is nee pasrure; pssrtng orcnara; of $600 6-room dwelling, good bora, chlsksokoosa, good school, rural mall; free faesl phono ssrvlcs; soms vslnsbls Umber; $180 esib. bal ance fang Urns. Writs for toll particulars. W. E. Alton, Canny. Or. . A FARM IN SUNNY ALBERTA, CANADA. T Cora a with as to Alberta, Canada, wberae ths advincs In prim sf land will msks vou rich. With $600 yoa cad own a fine farm. Excursion! svary twa weeks. Pros fare to those purchasing land. Writs aa today ar rail at our office, r H. B. BARNUM LAND CO, . Caak 2, 214-216 cbsmnsr si usms rortisna, urogon. Al CHICKEN BAN0H. $ acres near Ysnoouvar: all Improved; good t-room bonaa, bara, ehtokenbouss, sts.) One , msmdsmmed road tn place; will trade fog good elty property; pries 81.400. 80 seres aesr Camas; freest fsra hi that . aee tloa of tbs country) good orchard Al 8-rooB bonaa, fine bara and other outbuild ings; B eows, . hogs, horses, farming ma eh I a. ary, ehlcksns, sts, konaa finished snmplstsi everything ready te mora la sad aammenca work ; pries IT, 600; will trade for food elty tap. THS YITBRAN LAND 00, 146H Tnua et, Look I sn eeees. tt hi sultrrotlout wsrshoore 16x84, bara S4x88,' sklckea-kooef Sx78, other ontbnusss; 100 aesiu ts 8 fmrt trem Just bsgtsnlng Is beer. 8 aeres straw berries; soms blooded cblckena, 8 eowe, team horses, 1 wagons, farming implestente, I new at eel rsngs, heeler; good rannlna water oa plees; located S mllea south of Oswego, sa food road; prim $4,000; $2,000 cask, bal ance $ yeals st 0 per cent. It yea art looking for 8 ales farm, ses this. J0K0AN OARBADB, -, 2X1 Vi Wssblngtea st, . BR8T smsll firm boy ta Oregon 80 acres, mostly cleared snd cultivated, edlotnlng town, sits et live .vslley towsl fins fralt, soring, creek, wood, schools, churches, railroad; f lirss sawmills Bsr; buildings wortk $2,0001 salf 2,600, eaoulia 241 Stalk sts . m eiamour amii i