THE . OREGON SUNDAY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 117,, 190?. WAXTED MISCELLANEOUS. FOn RENT IIOCHES. RL'SINESS CHANCES. BUSINFSS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCES.. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL IS TAT: WANTED Farulture end household good et ... ever dseerlptlue bought cold tutiufti The (. fc2 Pint it Msla 4.14. t BIUHEMT rash prle paid (of sll klsds aseoed : to goad. Pboeo Msla 8UL 63 M. ihird. Wl heal dead boree lad 'esttls free. Onto rartlliaar Works, or entity Carney' VrtsrW - nary, Fsorlh and tiluss sts. Mala !". WANTED 11 til to run by the thousand r Uk . ehsrgs of star tor sbsr of prof Its for turn OX yssrl. C lis. car Journal. CAN Baa (S.ouO worth furniture this waki , highest prices paid la dir. Westorn bat rsgs C. Phon TM. WANTED On tsr toed Meend-hand tag - Sing trocka: sis oa mU esbls. block ana mis nsctsssry. la logging) give puw . - Ura. K 15B, Journal. . . WANTED Good bora, rb.ap; part caah. bsl . a oca trad ruga, curtain, portieres. Address t ;,. U O: bos fail. Arlala. P. O. , wanted uas of piano for tb kspingt , Btuat b la good condition. 158, Journal. WANT t bar 10 hesd horses. Esst Bid Musary ca., nasi Asa ana bixis. - FTJRNlSHED ROOMS FOR RENT. If SWT. T fnrnlshsd taaal la fnrlTSt horn. I demon twa ear llaa. walk! a distance; will gres ooar ta om gantlemaa; sot nam. (as, ' ' taitpBoe; lovely bem tor ngs.1 paopis, 61 Borthwtch. Phone Eaat BOX), . NICELY tarnish! octal rooms; electric Ujrbt J , and pboaa: 6136 pee week ssd ap. Call V r Fsclfis ma. v THE RICHELIEU.. 884 Berth Sixth et Ele. gsstlr furnished; ataaai boat ssd baths. - NICELY furnished raaoa (ot gentleman ta prt- veie I hi 1 1 7 . lewpaone, aaa. aiKirn UfDi . bath! rsfsrsnoss. Tetepaoas Pacific lift. 471 Jefferson St. THE GRAND. 4(14 North Third st. gestlsmen, 11,36 oaah a4 as. , THE YAMHILL, Ml Waat Part Room by dar or ck; suaia boat, bats, phos; trsa- aianx. i . . . . F.LF.OANTLY furnisbsd apartments at Ta Woodless. Mo Sixth at. THE ARCADE. 146 IVA Pint at., soar Morrtaoaji tot ta 111 traaabtat. rarauwed room SINOLB ream, naar Ratal Portia od aaia ar. aiaia bs. 148H tlXTH BT I bar sara low-arles mnroa f - .la aoaaksplB( aad lploc for . trarkUif oopi. B 1MB. H WASHINGTON aTLarg, wall fn nils bad sad Ubl board. Pboaa btaJa sUSL. ' CONTENIENT resai, ralrl plc raaaaaal . rant. U IMtita Journal. " XICKLT fnrrilahM traaalsnt at 16 rooma, clar .' lag (100: I bkvk lo depot; aril) ll cbraa . on aotannt ( IraTtog tb elty. 1X64 North aiHs at. v tnCLT farolihad' roomal K Plndara st. jaaals U daslnd. partly ftunlsbad light kooakvlng iu. ai jLaal uai. . K1CBLT faralahad a am aafnrnlabad rooms; raa aaaabla. Kamai bldg.. Pint aad Pin at. ICICELT . iaralahad, tor oo ar- ! artrat ' ftaillrr raaaoaabla. SS4 Ittk M. - . . PINELT fnralabad for koaakptBg. t rooma. ' II Mala St. TUB K1XBW0BT11 Nlcl faratakwd rooaaa h) aaw brlrk balldlng. aiodrra thronchoat: hat. -7 rold wat.r, ataam bsat. alaetrl llgbta, batka. " 1M Loaraadala, aoar high arboai. POR BENT Ob farnlahad at. Pboaa East 660. . nasi. ST4 Margla POR RENT HrTaral Trr larga light airy ' ' walking dtataoea. lhaa Psetri zssal bed, wrt 1d. INUI.I roam aaltabla for reaag suai boms enoung. suo rars sr. KPATLT faralahad room, bath, phaaa. ta.. iwr Mk. 610 Hot! at. ..TWO ale sooaaa- with, goad ttl board.- t2S. . IC! Wt Park at LA ROB front , with goad hoard, la prl. rata raaidrnr: aultablr lor twa gantlasMai - Weis -tvsaoaabl.' 674 SUaaa, cor. 18th. , NBATLT faralahad room) gmthraiaa arafamdi rraaoaablai baa I. balk aad (ra phoa. Tl .t rri i-ra. fOR RENT HOCSEKEEPLa FCBNISHED or afarntshd hoasakssplag and ahwplng rooms, , $1.2& wk; aba 4 and " 6-room aottagrs, faralahad or aaforatahad. " on wrat side M North tdth. W eat ta V Mtk, tara Wft half block. I.M WBEK CP, larra. cwaa, rornlsbad hoaaa, kMplag rooma. laaadrj aad bath, 1(4 Bhar V man aoatn, Portland. TWO s . rooma. t!J6 WEKK DP. (Iaa. fsratahad haahaa. - i . b( aoma, . parlor, hath. . laasdrr, faraa i 1 bt yard. ' i03H BUatoa. 0 car. THE MITCIlBLf, BoSakaaiac and traaalaat , numa.. raaaaaabla. Sana tb aad Plaadara. IOrRKKKPINO meats: Vow rat rataa. alMtrla light sad phoa lacludad. (OIH Water at. NK'ELT furnish ad ransna for kotisrkptng, la salt of two, I per rutte. 661 Hoed at, . Pheaa Pacific 1423: (10 EACH for S (renal furnished fist, cleat . la, fin rlaw... Phone Mala lwVT. 3S arr , ath at. ' POR RENT Two furnmbed booaakaaplDg-roomr, with air yard, (a toUega at. - ' LAROB l.rht beaakptng4oom. wall foralahed. sis 14th st. rnon Mam etiza. WANTED AT ONCB Pear Toong Udles ta share hoaarkaaplnf-rooraa. tM roortk at. FURNISHED boaoakaaplng-rooma. Plftk at. PlfRNISREO Hrht korjakarplaf and slngl rooms. 22 H First St., coraer Salmoa. Phon ' Pactfle 1004. SI'ITES of b ng teems; gas. hath, free y - pbona: also rooma by tb week for mm ealy. EM Cohimbia tt.. Pboaa Mala dial. .TWO rooma for Itgbt heakplng: gas and ' hath. 480 East W taking ton tt., cor. 6Hh; (10. FURNISHED or nnfarotaUed beasekeeplao raosas. cbp. tOtM Stark St. Call nreaooa. ESS KEARNEY Two plrasaat enaaertlnt ' - noma, partially or tlrly fornlahsd.. Mala ' 17d r 12M. UNFUlUnSlTED ROOMS. . 1(1 H PI RET ST.. rornrr Tamblll Nicely far- lbd rroat anil, ian augi rooms able; transJaat aoUcltad. TO LET 1 , . I or i large anfnrntahad resm. . Inqalr at Portland Oaa Bicycle Oo., 161 First tt. .. .. .. , POUR fin an fern ta bed rooms la a twsll kelgb. , . aarheed, watt alda. L US. ears Joarnal. WANTED A yeaag lady ta share foar-reeai rarnrabrd Hat. atr tiaa, aorta) '"y reejolrad. Addrra bos SO. City. ROOMS AND BOARD. THE MORRISON, formerly the Heerrte Larr enmfortabl rooma, tlnsle tnd m an Its. aewly faralabcd; beat, tabl board: arleet ' raoderale. 6U Merrtaod at comer lTtb. Nlf'B mute front room, with flrt-iass i board. anltabW tor t or young ma; all roaTanlcnree; ale yard tnd porch. . Aster ' : Hones, Bmath ssd Madlsoa at. ROSED ALB (the Barrell estat), 404 reran -.. 10th and liadlaoa. Just opaaad; ererythlag flrst-cbMB). Newly famlbd throsgheat. If INNEQUA INN. 7 Tamblll St. N Ire rooma, . strain boat, splendid maala. day, week. .. month; sew maaagemmti resaoaabl rataa. . . BOARD aad room, prlrat Imae. 403 0 llaa a at. lf " BOARD tad teem for two yoang ladles. (S8 Jobaeoa at corner iota. WICELX farniahed clraa room, snluhl for twei taodara tDnranlrncr, bnm cook lag 1 prlrite fsmlly. W North16Ust. ' " FOR RENT HOUSES. ' t BlOKrRN (-room rotttge. Sonsy aide (sewer dlelri-t)i (100 down, Mlaace Ilk teat. A. P. ' Brnttk. wnr, (1( Commercial blk. . TOR RBNT Hoaa la good rapelr, S rooma. ., fla location. Cll or ddraa T61 Bast Ceack at. I beee Eait 66o, , FOR KENT. ' - Swen eolenlal 10-ronm reeldaace; besotlfnl grounds; room all f urn lab ad. Including plan: Tla Hrnnklja St. THE DLNN-I.A WRENCH COMPANT, ' l4WSt rirst st. 0-ROOM hotal, centrally wetted, fnraltnre couiparttlraly new; alwara crowded: clieapaet rent la city, long laaaa. rent only $176: price (4.0001 Ii.500 caah. nalauce eaay psyusnU. P. I.. A 1" BT IS CO., - ' 12S AMngtoa bltlg. PURNIRREII honae T mm bntb, two tntleta, one npatalrs and oa dmra; brand aw boua. double floors full bsmrnt, cooibl nation and ctic fiitnr; $2b per month for alt moat Its only. Hawthorn Realty C., t6 Uargusrlt are. Pbou Tabor (16. ' (-BOOM hoes for rent and fttrnltnre for sal; S bargala. Sod Harrlsoa St. OS ROOM eomtnarolal hotel, elrrsntljTiiralshcd. splendid locetloa, good lobby; lurbs psopls away a eery eight; long let ae, rant (ttM: good place for bar; prle 4U.000: caay terms. P. L. AUSTIN CO., . -' 128 Ablngtoa bldg. ' ' GUARANTEED tt tdearttssd. We can real or sell your bo aaa. rooms,' fists, office, atoree, fa rail, acreage, lot; Mat new for eastern adrartttlog. (04 Mohawk bldg. OTfB teodera room home, cleen. Beat, 19 one medsra (-room hoaae, gaa, bath, electric, -etc., IX); Snnoyalds. Inquire lricCregor, 130 Tsmhlll tt.. or 231 East Sth tt. 4 AND i room eotug, at) watt tide, fnTalshed hh. i.hul 1 Uu W.k M(I, eft eoraar Sarler; W car, ("nralshad boos keep !..... tt m " k . s (-ROOM heasa. (4 per aranthl load Oble at., , Dear Hamilton are., Soath Port la od. Apply Sluoa Stelaer, Bamlltea ta. aad West at. POR RBNT 0-room modern., homs la flrst elsss condition, SOB Eaar (1st tt.. KsnlW werU. Ear at 80 lid s(. Phaaa East T8. WB rest aad sail piano. , Shsrmaa, Clay ' m vo. MODERN d-mnat boat, WT McMlllaa st. rat (26 per moath. POR BBNT d-room cottar. (It Caloa Arm., (laPhoa Wood Is ws 60S. FOR RENT Paralsh) (room cottage. 476 IX fmst Dsrls it, . FOR RENT d-room honae, S blocks from car llo. cheap, Phoa Wood law (64. (-ROOM 'eottaga to 1st. aaly (IS. East. S4U aad Dlrtsloa sts. a. L. Ptlmar. FOR RBNT S room boose, good eondldoa. Pheae Paclfl (04. CaU U Ban at. FOR RENT (14r ( room bease en Bast See eatk aad Conch sts. Apply 4S East Baeeath at., aerth. MODERN T-rooa booes, aoreer 94tb and Aah. (2. Inquire st the corner stors. Kaat SSST. FOl( RENT FLATS. (H BACH far (-room furnished fists, clot to. fin rlaw. Pboaa East 166T. S3S Ber . eatb at. POR RBNT Tlst, Id brick. 14SH rroat at.. aafarahrhsd. r Merrlseav POR RENT Store and (-room flat, cheap. 41 ( Vsaeotrrar ar. -ROOM fist faraaea, ga, flraplsea, benk-J caaes; vrsry modern eoorenisncei a ibsios l(tb sad Hall; (. FURNISHED HOUSES. FCRNIBHED eottaga, teems, ( er for rent for l!ht beasekeeptag; gas aad wand stors, porcelain bath, etatwaary taba, basement modern; aalet plare; phess aad water. (66 Llncola st. NICELY . famished eottage, - 4 is, pastry sad bath. (16. Call at SOU aad Powell ate. Tak Woodstock POR RBNT 6-room modern fwawbed boose. Phoa Woedlawa did. (-ROOM cottage, furnished er nsfurnlsbad. east side, else In. . HATFIELD SMITH. . ldtltt Foartb St. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNTTURH FOR SALE. , will tall at bartsta U takes Ualsa are., aortk. PCRNITCRB af aU rooma sad bttchsn. aaa. plat, sirallent aondltloa; rant (20) yonr awa Siir: will, accept any rsseoaable offer. 164 read sea., north. PVRNITTBB af 6-aoom bo If takes at once; mat Mala 1611. ' I.tnnw hoaaa. rent (21.601 4 pay (BO; faraltBrs for tal cheep. ; 406 Btepoeaa St. - . WB Bead faraltara at aay price Pertlaad Aae III First at. a Mats 644. , FOR SALB Fnrnltnr at 10-room h heasa for rent. 20S UaU tt. cheap FOR SAl.B ( rooma, 4 furnlahad. (SO eatb. or ROOMS, well farnlthrd. chmt la on Park at.. reseoasble rent; good moaey-aiaaer; soou Ukes tbls. UAOEUANN BLANCBARD, , 1 Fifth St. FOR SALB Furniture af IS-room Twldeac: .. ererrtblng In first -class order; eaa b bad for beardTag-beuae. CaU aad tea. 48S Oold- mtth at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. MtUOMS OBrnmI hdroonis aad" sam ple-rooma far rent, tteedaaugh bids. Apply anrrttsr. IF YOU sre Interested ta aa ep-to-date ground floor office or desk room, call at (4 Third it., opposite tb Cbtmbar af Cnmmare. PLATS-FRONT, ataam-haated atora, tow rant; fin lore Mem; mag mass. Apply ea premlsea, fxlS WasbtagtaB St., Dxt a Wera jswalry store. OOOD light offices aad sleeping Tb oura. 808 H washing toe at. LA ROE light room editable for ttndlo er taflnr. oa upper Whthlngtoa; rant (10. Paooa Pacific sae. 0FF1CR room with freat window space. Room - (S, 26S Stark tt. DErtft rears for typewriter, ttenograpbvr or . other legitimate bssloeaa. Address J 100, Joarnsl. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. ' A beat 40 acree, SS acre la hop, meadow, orchard; buildings, dryer, bopbonesa, at. rental wneld be (3S0 per year. Ta CM wb andentaada hop ralslnr. tboroagbly compe tent and able, would take part of hep crop s rental; within 10 mile of Portland. ' J. W. OOILKEB. " e Room 11. 14SVa First st - F1TB seres sear Meatartlla. suitable far chick en, gardening, email dairy; hea, bars; frnlt, well; near ecbonl, id nontha, McCoy, (64 North Nth It.; W cars. . FOR RENT ISO teres, bone, barn, all fenced 1 10 arret raltlrtted, balance pasture; S mile from trolley Una; cbssp If rented soon. Owner, ' SSI Eaat Eighth tt. N. . Pbon Eaat MIS. MII.EB from Portland. SO teres under plow, larr pssturee. good buildings. For further Informstroa phoa East (IS. FOR RENT 10 teres, m mass from Lents, ea Meant Scott) ( acres la berries; good bease, wnodahed. hern, large cblckenhonae. laqnlre Chtuncey't stors, Lents, W. J. Bua ' tar, Lents, Ongon. FARM wtth SO Jersey cowa, near Portland. Parttculsr Karron, lfltb and Halaey sts. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. POULTRY ranch for real. 1 mil aeet Alberta car Una; for further particular call phoa F.ttt 678. between d and 8 p. as. BUSINESS CHANCES. SMALL greeery In S barbs; good mcatJoa. Phoa Ptclfle (1.4XO SO-ROOM reornlng-booae. all rested. elects rresn poatorrice; rieera suai moath, .f HiMIMd (8-kl, 21 4 WAMHINOTON. PIVB boose tnd lot ne Bsst Anbsny St. at 8 bergs In; 88.400; terms. 808 McKay bld(. ' BATB s few hsrgslas la rnomlng hoaaea Mist ought to attract la conserrsirr larestor. ' SO rooma m hesrt of th city, cheap eeee (or S yesra, pstmulssd by atesdy mom ers and trsnslenls: newly (arnlabad tbrousb. on I. Yos gat bouse snd good will praclleallr at coat of furniture: beat bar la dtr: all caah: arte for qalck sal only; harrl as irilJVT. . SO rooau. earr central: sieestlontlly (tear' I ania lea a tor g years. Let me teu yea atoui uis. r - SI. IS roams pa first oesiraDie. . S1S.600 DBTOOODB RUSINBSa. Elegant eld established drrseode basluass la large growing town: fin new atora, at M per eaat cr larulre, eld established heals! sslas STsmglng (40.000 snnuslly; rental lew; a aargam seldom offered If taken at aaee. This Is s snap, a big moaey-maker aad will imiiri aonui eio.trw. ss. una n arm iTnil Drag store m asm towst s fine pises sad s any inai ww appeal to tna most coaserra tie client. (36,000 GENERAL MEXCBANDISB S BUSINESS. - General merrhtadlse buatnssc with elegtnt as-to-dsts stock. Tblt Is a money-maker 1 ewnera desiring to retire from business. 12.000 Li VERY PROPOSITION. One . of the finest ltrsry proposltloa seer . etisrea tor ids money. , (3,(00 MEAT MARKET. Meet market la lira country tews which It too mach for present ewaert to handle, beeans of st. PARTNER GENERAL STORI AND ' , LOGGING BC81NE8S. Mora than o maa eaa da. Chaac Ax hard worker to msks big money. R. L. CATS. its i Pboaa Eiebangs TO. EM Stark st ROOMINO-BOUSB BARGAIN! ' Ptmalar heus la heart of city, furnish lag the best: laaaa; a greet moaey-maksri argent reason for selling: worth (8.600. I will StU for (2 400 cash. X 148. care Journal. AGENTS NEED NOT INVESTIGATE. Bfe Grocery Snap Oiweery atora to eeanecttoa wltk meat msr kst. Al loeatloa, east elde: S goad horse, 1 new doable wagon, s Bsw set af bare - I single; goad single wages sad harness; all cleaa stock; must be cold st cocci big dls eaat; owner going to Euros. Address P 148, are jeeraal. ' GOOD INYBSTMBNTSI LARGE AND SMALL, . . Partner wanted la sawmill tad general merchandise atora, ea good barber, em to large body ef timber; large retara for capital af (16.000 or saer. .- Farms and timber land for sal. ' Timber cltilroa for location. For Information send stamped OBTolono to bos 148. Waldport Oregea. Look Here v If yos wish to sell er rachang year rnemlng-boaae for real estat. ae Dement A King. Thsy bsre buysrs and property for icnaoge. Call Xtl Mtdlaoa it Mala 8202. Chance of a Life-Time Aay rteponatble person who commands first -class refereecs snd baa not less thss (t.OOO Is ' cssh lmmsdlatsly . arsllable wUl TIDd It to hla or her sdrantaga to Ball ea N. Caarpbell. rooms (14 21S Commercial blk., Pertlaad. Oresson. at ence.. Tbls I s business proposition sad esea to n pereosi esuy. FOR SALB A choice rooming aad boardings hoaaa, hi fine neighborhood ea Bast 12th ett rent of bouse aaly (87.60 par month i flrt ciaat rural ture; owner siex sss mast q. Per - tarmsi price. - cte.r see . BUCHTEL A KERNS. ' (62 East MorrlsoB at '- ALERTA. CANADA If yea are thlnklns ef gotng to Arberta aad iBTtetlng la land, call snd aa J. A. Postsr about It. Ha eta put yes east to something good. Call STenlnga. 808 Bast aixta sr., senia.. rwiam, FOR BALE Confection sry, bom bakery, sta tionery, cigars, tobacco, net loo, ets.. Includ ing atora aad dwelling; ae opposition; spleedld v chance for awa ssd wife. Leek Bog 144, Cor, Or, t " AN Interest ts s (rawing rssl satst bnstnses ess be bad for a email amount i sspwienc not accessary, bat refer ace will be required. Call tomorrow.' 408 Lamber Exchange. A FEED stora, wall Iocs ted, low rent, for sale! the m eo Ice price will handle It: the owner I old aad wants to retire; a broker. Mala .ioa. MONOPOLY ef picture framing snd art busi ness, city of 4.000: no other business ef kind In city; rearm city ta aiieno a erner nasi takes (MO. w 148, ear Journal. BARGAINS Two etrgsr store, sad (8,(08 sad oo at (000. 200 McKay bldg. OLD sstabllshsd grerery tor sal; best meettoe .... .1 M A, At, ttOfl A W "klork st In role and good fliturea cheep: Ineolc sbout (1.800; beet ef reasons far sell lag; stents ased not apply. P 148. Journal. RESTAURANT for tola ar rent; steeliest easi ness; act monthly profit (400. P. 0. beg oil Vaaeoaeer. Washington. HOTBLS OUR SPECIALTY. If year betel la for ail, la cr set of fh city, bring It to as And ws will peeeur a purchaser without publicity. Reference, Ho tel Men's sssorttttos. P. L, AUSTEN CO.. Origins! Hotel Brokers. Suite 122 to 128, Ablngtoa. bldg. - Phon Mils 8488.Q HATE th beat opening ea th eoeet la wsll estsbllshsd enternrwe: small esnltal re quired; writ for particular. . P. U Scbctt, 404 H Esst Morrhma at. BAFB MONEY Anything Is prtnthsf sec Ms. doe. Add r el lews' Temple. Pint sad A lose eta. ssst air. FOR SALE OR TRADE Hotl Bskwy. 100 mile from Portlssd ea Soerhera Peelflei a modern up-to-date house, newly furnished: btt good cnmreerrltl trtde. Address Botsl 1 Hslsey, Ilalssy, Or. FOR RALE Rmtll stock of groceries snd fix tures, cempatlrrg scales, show esse. Ics chest, coffee mill snd other fixture h lonrlng to th grocery business; reason for selling, going east by th first f April; rhap; price (200 0 148. Journal. PROFITS from (10 to (100 par erasing; fla chaac for maa with small s mount ef moesy. Fwpwtlclasrs csll t 14AVs Blath st, mora S. PROSPECTING A prospector hsrmg t claims and cannot hsadle more, will locate yoa , eery cheep, tnd win guarantee yoa (10 rock per ton or dioney returned. Call. to te sam ple. A4drese J 148. car Jommal. CASH paid for mining' ssd rftdns trtsl stocks f merit: eoosurt. me for profltsble Inrestments; f ortnses sr freaaently made Is stock aern latlun; Urge sr small Inrestments accepted; orders taken ta buy or tell etorka aad hoods aa the Portland stock escheats; prompt at tenttoa glrsa oot-of-town business. W. 1. Curtis, 816 Commercial blk. FOR BALB Botsl consisting ef S4 rooms, fur. . alsbed throughout: good location; term cssh, , er will etchsngs for property In western Ore go. Addreee 1L Ar Collin. Osklssd. Or. (NAP Confectionery, dgar sad tobtcos ihn, . No. 1 location, fla -trade; rent (18, faclnd. tng 8 llelng ronmni owner leering city, must all; (000. If yoa mesa- business csll st sacs, bmmond Reelty Co., (3d Alder at. CORNER. 100 feet sn Kelly tt.. 1 block ear. twa T room bouses. 100. ear Joarnal. A FINE grocery bnelser st s bargain. Address - . ST 10 ClIkKa line,, a. , mm " j til se sac fhrnr) full aad mania , seer wltb rnereere; es ene ef beet brwlnee streets: It's a btrgata. Address W 100, cere joarsal, - ssora f . smBBBammB, ' t sssy t ron; ttf n i wrnTCBan, y M Allsky bldg. ' Rcca and Bearding House , ' (l.orsj. SI rooms, alcely furnished, fin dining room: Al location: always full of stsedy roomers sad boarders; leass, cheap rest, (OftO. - 1 room, alctly furnisbsd. downtswa; rent reasonable, aaa gat lesss; place clearing (100 par moath. 1 Brest If sts. ' , (3. 750." ' This Is bbw putce, new fnrnltnr ssd good mrartoe ss Alder st; always full ef stesdy roomers tad boarders; 4 rear laase at rary cbssp real; lease Increesing hi rain rry day; place clearing (WO per moath; Other hoalnese and III keeltk eeasone for sell- Xing. Could not replace the furniture for Isss was price sated. , THB VETERAN LAND 00.. ' ' 166 Third it.. Room A. ' ed.OOO FINB liquor iter la heart ef city. (1,600 Orecery. good earner, west tide tor (Siso. ( llrlng room bor Star; will Inmlce; net (4S per month. I! 600 Oo of best corner grorcrle Williams sr. tnlsndld pstronsfs; wUl la ; Wee. (1,600 Bakery, rsstasrstt. tlos is; a bar Sim. (two Nice corner rrocerr with Milns rasms 60 Nice 'little eroeers ea Pint St.. with Ting-rooms. " OTTO. CROCKETT HABKSON 7 REALTY CO., . MSm Flrat atreat. ... A OOOD buslaeae chance la sac st tbs best Uttl towns Is Willamette rellsy, H block ef ground, stors bids, aad dwelling, stock at gsnersl gsrchadls thst will Ineolc , about (2,(00. Prlc U.800 It sold before Am-U 1. A snap; com . tmlck. Call a cr WILLAMETTB ALLEY BBAL ESTATE ... EXCHANGE, Weedbura, Or. X. W. W. BTBJKB. . (i Waalda't Work.) That's the way- wa rigor It. Ths reason far' this statmnent la. wa hies eetsbUsbed , grocery stors to sx chan re for boats snd lot or w caa sail for part cssh snd (lea yos terms: cheep rest; Hrlng-reome la rear. Call as as Monday. Ws sr sssltlrsly going to Mil ar trad. ALEXANDER LAND CO., ' 63 Slits St.. near Pin. Al GROCERY. Beet grocery es ef (160 per dsyi Al Iocs t loo: will a cet aide, doing Mitaass it: sew balldtnxs: long lease: will tak between (4.000 ssd (SjOOO to kaadla; mrolce. , .. W bar imaller grocerl. , THE VETERAN LAND CO., J, 168 Third st. WTBH to mset party wbe caa tsrblab capltsl for messunsot that will pay big. N 180, . cars Journal. . A FINB iBTastsssst la Swath Porta nd; U block wltb ( flat bouas. est lias; price (4,000. D 160, care JourasL BBST residence taTSstmeat ca. west side; pays . 10 per cent set; mast be sold thai week. B 1O0, car Journal. (280 BUYS m reetaaraat with good caah trad! cheep rent: a snap for maa aad wife: clear 86 aad (d par day. Address B 160, Journal. A RESTAURANT for urn. la ths sentsr ef the business district; sickness compels Immediate eala; this plac la doing s good business; It Is wltbta a block at the sits ef the proposed aww ceatrsl atrcctear depot, with practically an eempsUtma; t S-yssr Isss. , Call st 88 First st - 11.600 8-ACRB ehlcksa ranch ltrtag bases snd cblckaa-hoaea.. all Isaosd; sser : Lssts, 808 McKay bldg. A BARGAIN Militancy store la . of 600. Address R.. U. Asdcrses, Kslse, Wssh, Its, FOR 8 ALB Shoe shop, isth snd Wsshlngma sts.; geed trade sad good price. FOUR good stssds st bee for eala. Call er sddreet IB Asdsnoa t, MontSTllLs, Or. (40 PER MONTH, besides prefH ca goods, will ing te In to Ice; quick, no Chamber st Cess- IP YOU ar looking for a bouas st bargala see i " of Commerce. geed paying reemlng- sow, ?as Chambcr WANT to bay a lerte botsl la good location. doing a good business: slse small roasalng honss which eaa ha haadlcd ea term. 720 Cham bee st Commerce. FOB, I ALB Nicely furnisbsd d-room dtrk grees houseboat at a bargain. ' Fast t Clay at, watt side. Slga "ror Sals' v aver doer. FOB SALB rixtars f a msU laaing aad Brassing plant cbeap. Address A 160, ear Joarnal. PARTY wests (20,000: will glee first mort ((, 8 par test, ea mill earning (90 dally . set profits; might glr tmsll tstsrest la mill . ss bonus. This M worthy f toeostlg stlon. The. P. Therntca, (18 Chamber af Cam- OOOD Oregea newspspse plant. (1,000; paying 8 reposition. Northwest fiewspapsr Brokcrsg. oodnoagh bldg. A FEW DOLLARS will start a pros parens atari order baslneeat we furnish est a locoes aad , ererrtblng necessary ; by cur sssy method rsllur impossiDl, bars St., Chlcags. Mllburs Hicks, 8(8 Dssr- SEB W. 0. Pstsrhsus, til Oommsrclsl blk., far 10.000 per cent IsreetBwnt Is s steanfsn taring compaay'a stock ; mechinlcs ha particu lar Inrlted to pertldpste; smsll tsrestmests sccepted. (1 UNFURNISHED rooms, ceatrsl location; rent rsssoaabls. Inquire IB HUM as. 88M MORTGAGE Bow das ea stesm mrry-e- roaad, team and wagoa; cheep. yu ar aa- A4S, TDU HlCBlgSB STS. Ing -house. IS boarders; rtttjai ttb rn1cT: ta Madison ttT toissllgsts HOTEL to trsds, klffb-clam trade, central, deare 1250 per month: new and elegantly furnished; 40 room; will sxchsngs for smaller pltcs cr one er mur lot close la ea esst eld. P. U Aestla A Co., 12& Ablngteo bldg. IP YOU bar rooming nous or any kind ef business ti cell list with H. Blldehrand, ear t go.. Boca 10. S68H Wssblngtoa at OOOD REBTAURANT. 44 teats sad counter, reomtng-houee district near large theatre, for sal at halt actual eat Inqulr 80S Chamber ef Comacea. SALOON On of the ery best corner ts tbls dry for rest Address with refers nee, L 168, Jonrssl. DRUG STORE LOCATION Oa af the beat corner la tb city for net far drug Stors. Address C m.dJfonraaL WELL Mtsbltshed real estat bus mess; (200.000 worth property lilted; good location; cbesp rent; (126 buy ane third interact. CaU 860 Alder St., llouday. I. w. Becker. MANUFACTURING PLANT. 100x150 corner In Sellwood. with water power, building and 20 horsepower boiler; ' won Id be fine for la us dry; wool outfit eaa bs bought for (1. 800.- - H. P. PALMER, 222 Falling bldg. 12-ROOM honss. wsll furnished, Terr central, (06 Income, cheep rent 6660. Hatfield . Smith, 166H Foartb st FOR SALE A stork cf groceries, hers, wscea ssd harness sad stor fixture, will Ineolc boat (l.SOOl oa Rasesll st., fins locations good trsds. Inqulrs st B. G. Stlte A Co., 620 Union it., north, nesr Russll,st. RRAL ESTATE offlc for sal. Owing to sfl ment beyond my control, I win cell the beet located real eaule office la this city. J. B., 800 Waablngton St.. V. scourer. Wash. AN In corns fur ths fsmlly: dlrldends thst will please yea. lUestrated report with 40 photo frse. Ad'lres International Lumber , Dread bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. - FOB BALE Phyelctin'8 (2,000 yesrly prac tice and reside nr is sunnros, i.onu innsm tout la county. Room 2, 845H Wssh. st (460 CASH boys restsnrsnt doing a good bne. neon IK wi-ti -1 " " " miai Addreee F 100. cere JourneL A GOOD eisb psrlng business la a good Iocs 1 Ity. en west side; tbls Is s money msker. Jth U Mehrath A Co., room IT, 827V. Wsshlngtoa st. I'bon Padfle 833. (l.Oori-MOOO TO INVEST IN AN BSTAR. AORNTS; ANSWER BY MAIL ONLY, GIV ING FI LL PARTICULARS, E. PEARSON, SMS B. SECOND ST.. N. WB NEED ihont 81,6m mors lo plac our miring property oa snipping nssis: 4 rot Tela iTersglng xoor than (too ton a rock should men sell from (2 In (A per ahsrer It take Imsiedlslelv wll sacrifice s, m st lo rents. An aheulnlelr safe Investment tnd stock fully ld end forever noa-eaeeseable. Tbls Is a ehanr of making at lea at 10 to X thai rr. T 168, csr Journsl. A Sacrifice I Ice cream, candy tnd cigar store on Wish Ingtua st.: wr beslih bss failed: If heslth wss g'il plaie could not b bought fr ny price; Mace d es a bualness af M to tUQ iu winter snd (10 to (mo In summer; guods will IsTotc ss mui-h ss price ssked; 1 resr lease; cbssp rent; price (1.100; InTrs tlgsl. THE VETKRAX LAND CO.., Third t. MADAM ANNA I.I ( KEY, msrnellc. menial nd electric elbratory treatment, rbeamatlam and sll perrons diseases treaie.1 successfally. far snd arsln Iresl men t. Prearli paste for rumoring wrinkles, manicuring; siipiosltorla , for msrried lad Irs. hm fourth si., sear Salmoa. Main 211. CANDY and -clgsr stor. Al meats; roods win , nutrw inin price seseii; en cap rent; prbw (225. Call lost, Third II. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. These Are Nice Ones (1,500 New (-room house, modern, lot 6O1I04, ss Mount Scott rer line; reuts for (16 per ainiiU; (mmi b-Wrw market. - (8,eft. Nrrc r)-rrrm--TiiiiraTr.W. I blBcka'T'r. line. In Upper Alblna; we will sell on small payments.- ' . (2.20) Two-story T root bonis . 'Sot quit empleted, oa Mount Scott car tin, modern la every respect; cement besement and wash, tuba, cement walk . around boua, furnace, te.; lot 80x100; good lawn, fruit treat, etc.; terms. " (2.660 lOOsJOO n Hallos it; good T-reom bouss, hara, trult trses. law, to, tc. : term. (8.830 Nlr corser ea East Mth it., (-room hones, cement be ae ment. all modi m Improve ment, fine laws sad roece, tc; oa car line; trma. (S.750 Twe-stary 6-room bouse, new, oa . East S4th at, air reslilenc district, lot 46x100; tmprered; renU (30. (3.000 Modern 1-story 8-reoa resldenca, aa - Esst First t., corner; a lovely boms and dirt cheap; high location, fins slew; tbls Is s bs if sin i terms, If tbsss don't suit, ws bs ethers. THK YBTKKAN LAND CO., 1H Third St.. tloea A. Bargains In St Mns , 601178, Jertey at., buslneas. (3,(00, Quarter block, cwee In. (6.100. buxioo, best Iboobm property,. Jsrssy st, (12OU0. - Tws seres ca Willie boulerard, ready for platting. 82.800. lntnioo, flaa factory sits, es railroad. 88.600. Ten lots 1n Point Ylsw, esch (160. Lots la Pint Addition to Llaaloa, (40 to , $100, essy payments. Puslness Iocs t Ions for -rent 100x100, Point View; eesy Batmen tt, (2TB. Xbxioo ea Philadelphia tt., 2-story build ing, (3.100. 60x100. South St Jobmv sw 4xl( hone, -r 8676. - New brick block, double stores, flat lo cation, rented; (20.000. . 8 Iota la Grimes' sdd., elos la snd ar to cars; essy payment; (400 to (000. H.G.0g-len Rerlew Office. St Johns. Or. lit Scctt Bargains (1,800 Modern, 6 rooms, hill, bath aad pantry; tinted wills; finest finished bouss oa to Mount Scott llaa; near car; ssa It If yoa waat a laap. . . . (H60 One aera, with small ' bease. , (TOO S rooms, good lot; (100 caah. (SAO 8 rooma. good lot: pert cub. I have about 20 modern bouse from (1,800 to (a,000? eaab or Installments. . , Acre tracjew Improved or unimproved. - Lou la nVTenel; 86 down, (6 per month. Here Is a Bargain 814 acres, will asks Id good art! aril sail cheap: snsas snd see rt B. A.:CtorcMll LAFRRLWOOD. Mt Scott csr, First Bad Alder; 8 fsr. NEWS FOR : HOMKHKEKKRBt Tobssc addition, clos ta Hawthorn its.. (2.200. . a-room aradera, eery sttractlvs, WUlaa etts Heights; a big imp at (6.000. ' 8-room good honee, with 8 k, nesr Pied mont. (4.600. 7 -room moders new beast, Monro, at 88.600. 6-room saw enttsg. with lot 60x180, 8ae- jidiiw si., es-ouii. (-room aotuge, elo to steel bridge, (S.S30. ' 11-reom good bouse, rents (48 per month, seer ttecl bridge, (3,(00. T-reom new modern elegiat sslonlal style. Bast Stark tt., (3.000. A fin suburban bom of T room, new bouss. with 8 sere, ill Is fins eultl ratios snd 800 besrut fruit tress, 6c set far. , (8.000. LIND A CO.. Room (28 Lamber Eschiage, BecoBd and Stsrk. DO TOO WANT TO BrY A NICE BOMB CHEAP! (3,000 Ontrtsr block, with handsome strictly modern ( room boss, t blocks from tare, Ftrlaad. .'. (3.600 Corner lot. Montana sts. ""sad Church tt, en block cars; a aw a II Queen Anne, sew aad complete 6-room: cottage; (2.FK down, balance city paymeati. Mutt sell this week, er the price will be 83,000. ' 12.600 Swell place, 4 rooma, corner lot Michigan are. and Mison st. I1.T00 Nice lot. wtth bessttfnl new ssttsgs, Esst 2Ulb St.. near Stark. THB DUNN LAWRENCE CO., 14BH first tt. -West-SKe-flcnie- Modern T-rooa t-story resldenc, class fa. . flaa walking dlstsnce; beet residence dis trict! lot sbout 3 fast shore street level: property Increasing la value rapidly;, tbla Is a bargain. Price (6.000. 1 THE VETERAN LAND CO., 166 Third St., Reea A. SPECIAL BARGAINS. . (2.800 Modern 4-room, cement bass meat erner lot 03x70, as Union avs. (1,600 Moders 6-room cottars, larrs lot. near Moaat Beott ear llaa; (dud cssh, bal ance (3k per month. (1,(00 Modern 3-room cottage, brick base. ment, trait; (1.000 cssh, btliaes (10 per Bonis. (1.400 B-room cottars, partly fsmlsbed, lot 60x100. en Grand ae.; part casta. (I.i0 Modern 6-room eottsgs, lot 50x100, Cor use (aoii rsah. be Is ace (16 per Boats. , DIAMOND REALTY CO., . , 233 Aider. Room 10. (10.000. 60x100. Ortad are., nesr Askeny; good . bay for future. (13,000. Rnslness properly, 8 stnrl. lees thss 8 years sld. close In; good lee as for (113 month. , . P.O. NORTH RIP CO, .... jjj Commsrclsl blk. POR SALB 40 acres, unimproved. Clackamas county, ( mllee from C. sailers, on O. W. P. By., In farming district. How much of fered cash I Quirk. T 132. csre Journsl. OOOD comer Int. 100 feet fmntige oa Dawson st right where thin as sre mortng, sr s bergsln. by owser, 30 Sixth si. SOMETHING UP TO DATE. 6 room home, modern In every wsy, la flss lortllty, near steel bridge; owner lesTlng, will lacrlflce for 64.300. HAGEM ANN tlLANCHARD, 01 Fifth it. (lft.ono 1 block, sew 8-rnom honae. ttrictlT mooem. inn nesement. rnmece; pew barn with cement floor; this Is s tine home, es east tide, near In.' Ry ewser, room 80 Wash ington bldg. K BLOCK with two good bouse, wslklnr dis tance: Improved street tnd sewers re , (6,300. Hatfield A Smith. 113H Fourth if. . SMALL bona, west tide, good rondltlns ssd wslklag ilistanrs. IJ imo; terms te suit. Mils 8120. 617 Commsrclsl blk. (1.000 Lot 83x100, boss of ( rooms, abed, hara. ebb-ken boose; frnlt; near I'rettyman atattoa. Address V 159, rare Journal. 1-Acre Tracts (208 as to (400. on (end terms; clos to Car Use. Get en before they sre all goes. . THOMPSON A BAHKKTTK, ' 4T Ilswthern srs. A MODERN room boose: good hi vestment; will ten! for (. a eionth: irrsnrerl for tw ' fsmllts If desh-sd. 108 Esst YtmbAl tt M.W;LeiicfcCOo Acreage 14 rrr. rlth Improrementi which coat Mtre than we sak for Mace; ,ercbrd; all under cultivation: tbla h s fin boy snd cheaper Ibss cnytblng In th nelghburhord other property being euld (er (l.Otst per acre; H mile north ef Orsy's cross Uig; easy jsrms. - $10,000- ( seres, good house cost (3.000, 4 seres Is lsrgs snd smsll frnlt.- nesr csr Ubs es See. tlos Line road;' Monet Hood line will pes -hl properly i sssf mum ' $12,500- t irre a West ar.. wltk tin targe house; sums tad tee about this; terms. ( arret, with good Improvements. Is Ss-. lea; good barn, plenty fruit. This ts s fins boms. - E Ws'Lemcke Co. Phess Mils (60. Slstb ssd Wiihlngtoa its. Money to Be Made BARGAIN ON BAST SIDE. - Splendid opportunity a ear Mne; being built on Sandy road. We bare eereral lets la a hunch that wa caa sell as ye eaa malts good money ss tha. Car lis wae laid out sine w asenrad contract oa lota. The lots srs situated at tola cad ef the car line, not away out In tbs auburn. Gilt edged loeatloa. Remember, the apeculallve value baa not been tqneeasd eat cf thee lots. Tbey are now (ISO cheaper per lot thsa anything around, aad will rise ciasld rsbly t soon ss tbs new Uns Is done. The Portland rsilwsy clalma cart will bs running by Jans 1. 1007. WLNSCH COMPANY, . 801 Lsmhcr Exrhsngs Bldg.. " .Second and Stark Sts. A Few Bargains ooxioo. Hort it. aesr 32d. (3.600 Corner. block, modern T-room bouse and plenty ef fine frnlt IStb and East Madlsoa sts. (3.000 Lot Mv.50, 8 cotUgee, SOS 8 and sn d rooms rent (27. ' ' . (8304 lsrg lots, I block from ear Una, la Center add. (4.260 Coraer. 60x100, flss 8-rosm hooss, 18th and Esst Main. . . (4,23-Lot 30x100, T room beas. en Bsc end st , near In,' west elde. , (3.600 Lot 80s 100, 8-reoa eottsgs. es Esst Mais, nesr 8th s WILLIAMS si PARMER. ' '- ' Room SO .Wssblngtoa bldg.. .. . ' FINB quarter block la Alblna with ene ( room and ene 6-romn house aad two 3-room cot tares, wltb all modem Improvements, cement sldewilki, etc: mcome. (70 per- moath I ' (8,600; half cash, balance to suit. A wsll quipped chicks ranch with about 330 . graded chickens; Incubators, brooder, tc; Including furniture of B-room cottsge; rent en place, wtth 300 bearing fruit trees, psld nntll next spring; IV mile from elec tric rer; price (1.000. 4 seres, sll under cultivation, 4 room rood koaae. pump; good propesltloa tor- (1.700; liberal terms. c w . w a v m a . . v. rj. nninr.n., sol jinw msia vee, nc sin . otus sTsnisgs. FOR SALB 10 seres es ths O. W. P. csr tin, news Loose; first -rises lead, T sr-rs la ealtl vstlon, wsll fenced; prle (3.TS0: wart cash. Call 806H Baraslda st room 10, Phone Psclflc .1211. ...... - , A SNAP 6 lots an the csr Una, near Mt j Tabor, only (800. Via Dnyn A Waltos. 616 vosmner-et commerce. FOR (ALB By owner, modem T St. Johns H sight. Addrass Bex 138. St J onus. IP TOUtWANT THB BEST SNAP IN PORT. LAND," BUY THIS: (1.600 ( CHOICE AND HIGHTLT LOTS, EACH 60x100. IN CHBI, SEA AK0ITION, I BLOCK TO WOODSTOCK CAB: HALF DOWN. NALANCB MONTHLY, 6 PER CENT. 'LOTS ADJOINING - ARB SELLING FOR (330 BACH. OREGON PA CIFIC INVESTMENT COMPANY, 804 DB- r. L .it BLJJU. CHOICB hems sn Portland Bclgbtsi besattfal grounds, fins view st city, rivers sad BMns- Ulns. Com Is snd ask ibent thst I per scat bay on First st Best huildfnt sit s Portlsnd Balgbts; tall borlsoa view. ivttsts on fraction xl lot, clots to, 'bringing ' good rental. Choice corner ta Hswtberaa tddltloa, glens a; terms. . 606 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. ' MAIN 186S. FIVE-ROOM bouse and lot South Portlssd; pries (1.230; (308 cash, bslancs tsrsas. C 100. JourasL OA N ssd yon lOnxlOO cleered ssst front lots nesr ststioa for (too toss thss sdetslns 10tB eetuonn St. Johns car. LOTS -IN IBVINOTON AND BOLLADAY. 88 Vk feet es East 11th st. between Hsl sey snd Wsldls eta,, at 81,860. which Is '80 ser cent lose thss nearby property. Northwest qnsrter ef East 12th and Han cock ate. at (2.330; taxee paid, but not Han cock St. Improvements; (1.0SO will sand I tt balance at 8 par rent rn teres t. (Vk lots, corner ef East 17th ssd Weld ler sts., with shade trees; will dlvlds prop erty to suit enstomer. C. L. Boss. Pbon East 82. 82S Esst Morrison st NEW sdrltUos; ssst sots la Lents, 80x100, only (113; near ear; term. O. R. Addlten, Lents, or. Tike Mount Soott car. MODERN S-raoa plastered hoass to Alblnn, near Wllllsms it.; 60x100 lot wltb illev; good rsluc, snd In good mratlea: only (8,100; terms. Home Land Co., 143 Flrat at A FINE lot ea East Ash at, cms ta. 60x100, sultshle for sir res Me nee, only (1,800 terms. J. Bay & Co. lBVs Foartb at. IP YOU want a lot wltb new ef the world, rill up WoodliWB 82. . '' Small Investor Inyestlg-ate (8.000 Nice lot with 1 cottager, en Bel moti t. nesr Grand are.; let aa tsll yen nbout " whst Is going oa over there sud yon will acknowledge that you can double your money la a ehort time; (2.000 rash will handle It F. FL'CUS. 321 Morrison St. . ... , TAK B look over Msdrona Hit! today from car rule; sn excellent view; St. Johns car, Ureeler - St stlon. MANUFACTURING 81TB, (TOO. 3 lots, corner of county road tad Ettaeeri car tine; future business property; tb ground "caa be leased mw for a wendyird for 13 per cent per snnnm. BkXLWOOD TOWNSITB CO., ' , . H. P. Palmer, Mr. ' Phon Ms In 3TJ41. iia'FllUng bldg. WARKHOUKB CORNER. "10B feet on 14th st., close tu Gllsaa; ear present contract hi for (10,000. That It for s short time. F. O. NORTHRUP A CO., 211 Commercial bit. . CHOICE COBXKrV ' Tat "BrrelOji. cement walka, ill laprere aenr. bollsdsy Pirk, 1 W. . J. t. OK.UKtt. C-. Grind are. ssd F.sst Anbeny it, - ROBB CITT PARK. Look Drmlile Tonr money ; rbotcs tract f 20 acres In heart of tb Park. Inqulr budsy. 11 . B. t 1 p. a. 843 Stark t (O0 IHIWN. (18 month, rotttge ef 8 room, barb, vsntry full lot, bslf blort csr line; ' irnat be sold st ence. Ay Is worth A Eptua. Phon Th-w 870. FOR SALE Famished or unfurnished, modern 7 -ror, in honse, Isnre lot, trait. X blocks te csr; term. 302 Kaat IHtk st. (2nn EACH 4 lota, slicbtle raw, on Wsverly. Woodstock car line; 110 feet fmrn track; tnvestigatlos sollcltvd; Tsl. Eaat 434T. Improved K'NNr.DY A IIICKOK. t 2 lumber 1 Phlldlng vunerlal la Jv.,., j. It Is cheaper lo buy s some iitsn t en U, li we hers tbeu. " (1.000 Moders Snwin S.ia slliiste.1 sr uih sld Ererell st , ind 241 h sis, belirces V 1 (I. (no .. 8 toam exrts with bath, on t;r. v tt. I bs Urge .wnod.lied. 4 eherrv trees st other tree; sll fenced; 100 teet from csr Uur; Woulsvills. - (lO.OOn It-pnoa bona sn weet side, er. ' see lot, Muil'W. g.s piped for rnsee; re Blent iiesement aad Wilis; a beauty. (3.(00 A lo SOtlOn, wltb .ro,,m b with a tnaehln shed on heck snd ef l-i. ' 34x38, si Iustr4 ss Second St.. smib Portland. (8.000 A modern T-rooa boa.-' beam., situated ea Msdlsoa St., Bear itih; this la a swell little home ssd eery smdrru. (I 880 New 6-rocra cottsge on Corbet t sesr Flower St.. South Piwtland. knt SSsOA. J1.T50 Oood 6-room cetuge. ' East (4th tl., Suanyald. , ' . col lag, " r nwt tnn, Alblna. (1,800 A swen. 8-reoa boaae. all Bedera sad en lot atlsloO; Knot S4tb st ' (10,000 Torino feet, west side. ( new cot Ugee; Income (1,000 per yeer; splendid hc tlos ssd hound to Increeec la ralu. tVOOO Lot 80x108. with S hsases; Ineem (816 per nnum. KENNEDY HICX0K, 328 Lambs Ezchsnge. ' (1.T0O FOR s sic new 4 room boas Is Sell. wood, sn oss of tb bast street, goad eetfcu- bornond and close to etreeteers. . $2.000 Very Blce s-rosm eotlagn ed Esit . Gllsaa car 11ns; bath, cessment; rtn cor- ( Br let. 6-VSoo As pretty a little noma aa rhere M la the city; ( good roams, ssts, beeemeui, gaa: wsst slds. not fir out, 17.000 for a good 6-room bouss aad (renod enough 4a be I Id 6 r T mora Sonets. s 11 ,t cidtm tt. sod Hsmlltnn ae. JOS. L. MKLRATH CO,' ' Rosa IT. STii Wsshlnrton it Phone Pnclf le o3. , -'' THB BEST OFFERED YET. , (4.300 Kxceltoot corner, with fine modern S-reem bouss, en wsst ild. south t Mmrl-. ' a0" st. W.S00 Exhrs flaa new etrletly swdern T-rooa realdese in. swell part cf HoUsusy Parhf a aaip. (4.300 Lovely modern , T.-rooa residence. Esst Askssy st; s bsrgals. (4 100 Splendid modern, very' sttrectlrs strssit rssldeaea, Bswtaorss svs.r bergs us. 33.800 Very stylish, ssost art 1st te. sew BMoers 8-rennt caatsg ea sast aids; mast Ix aeea to ss spprerlsled. STAI.'B A SAWTMX,' T 22TH Waablngton St.. Room IT.. , Ala af flee Bunny aide-. - corner East 834 aad Belmont Pactfle 063. GREAT BARGAIN Oa the north aide of Handy Tend.. ' Since we obtained contract en tbls frse. tiossl block tii Port rand Railway Os. hss seemed fraschlss In front ' ef property s nd will begin construction st eoc. see us Monday, ss option Usle only a few dsvs mere, when the price will he raleed by the owaef. . The block it bounded by Beet Irrvnir. Hoyt SAd snd S4tb sts. This It s great ber gs In. necsuse morn development will tak - piece tble spring In tbi section ssd for two miles beyond tt thsn In sny other section of Portlssd. Bsrtmas A Thompson, (roam! floor. Chamber ot Commerce. -4- look Here Nice aesr T-rosa bouse, beasmest: .berrlea, frnlt tree snd ens rail acre ot lend, finest ef sell; st resteers pese right by It. only 1.1 minutes' ride from Third and Morrison srs.; ealy (3.330; belt ceeb; It's a satp. - M 10, -srs JoarnaL1 - - ' . . . 1 . . .., NEAB STEEL BRIDGE. Large nous, ehotca corner; mast bs sold T Apru i. i .. (800 DOWN and (IS a month burs t bom ta Bunnyald. Phone Beet 840 er Esst 2838. WANTED Smsll ier ' tract near city sud ' bunas and lota la slty; hsvs customer for geed hoaa. ssst side. H. Blldrbrand, room 10, 233 m Wtshlngten st (3,O0O MODERN 4-room t-story bouse, tnelnd Ing farnltun, 80-foot lot, hlgb ssd slghtlrl ga and sewer connection r walking duttanc ot new high achoal. 44 Baet (lat St. near Plac.' Eaay- term. - - 1 100x100 AND 4-room heeae la Fulton. nly (1,600; n snsp. T 180. cars Jearnal. TWO good lots sn WUlsBMrtt bonhrrard, will ssll cbssp for cash. Address P 168, Jommal. (1,800 B-ROOM modern homes se Monroe st. 89.600 Tws ssd two 6-room aioflma Bp-(e-dt honsss. paying 10 per cent. (1.600 8 room honse ea Osa tonka fa art., Beit to Bneeell at-: re tug (18 per aeatb. (2,100 8-reoa modern honss en Ooob set. Wa ahm hss seme tins Tseast lots. It yen srs thh Ing, see ss. srs tb hi king st resting, buy las sr ssll- F LANDER SNIDER, Mttt BARGAINS M block. FeurW sddltton, (TOO, 4 ts, Pentnealsr addition. (300. f lets. Excelsior sddltton. (TOO. d btt, Taborslde addition. (400. ' , 1 lot Booth Sunsystde, (ono. ' : , HAWI.EY A HAKIHT, .' 318 Ooodsongb bldg. LOOK AT THB8B OOOD BUYS.' ' 1 8800 Nice fall mt. wltb frnlt tress ssd act tars, ss Bsst 4Mb St.; very easy terms. (1.300 Full lot wltb 8-room cottage, la Bnnnrslda. 8;im tir bbsLk. nils ssideril T-eiKri bonce, sn Bsst DstIs st. wtlklng dlstsnc (1.600 cash. ( .vie msrtor block, wtth (tos Bd era t room hones, en East Bsrsmds t sssy 4 P. FTJCHS,' 331 tt Morytssa 8t A SNAP Tws nice tars. fence, fin sofl: 1 block from Mt Bcott csr . line; price (300; terms If wanted. . Inquire tl 389 Grand are., tenth. BEAUTIFUL S-raaB sense sn Bswtbarns are., TS foot frontage. 84.000. .Yoang A Cook In vestment Co., 404 CoaswreUl blk. TWO SUBURBAN ACRES. Whs pay (300 for subsrbss lot when tw ran get 3 acre bandy to car, cms to. fee (1,0001 Improved: wstcnt good selgbborhood. K 1"8. csr Journal. , (-ROOM eottcg. modern, cement beeement, Vt 60x100: Esst Grant, near (4th St. Winks, 406 Lamber Exchange. , , . T-ROOM honse. modem. Aran St., between (4th st, snd Msrgnsrit sts.; snap. Wlaka, 4o3 Lamber Etcbang. f . . ; .. LOOK I Fine Is-room bnnse; rod. Brly sen? fur. nltnre: one of the beet Iocs t Ions Is the dtr: nesr Oregon hotel: wilt (a for highest f(er Monday only: rent (SO. 843 Madison. S ACRES cleared, sightly pteee, aesr Pert. land bo'ilevard: he great fntnr. SH.Srm. J, - J. Order, ror. Grand are. and East Ankeny. ((.tinn -NICE rotttse borne en Serenth, nesr College; don't fall te ask sbout tbls Sne. ' (4.ta Quarter block, celt aide, clone tn . a good buy. ' (2.Z turner tat. East Aider: com sm, (2.WO-.3 tan, Kami 24th. sear Tllisaook; esse terms, . (.1.830 New 6-room hmtss. Ess 13t(, aear Salmon; innet eaa soon to get this. , (2 xfiO 78x160, Beet besse, ' frnlt sad shrsbbery. Carry are.; tine locetloa. 1. O. DAVHXSON. . ' . - ' 408 Chamber of twa meres. CITY VIEW PARK, One ef ths enolcest iweera. InnxloOi sit Street improvement msde: (I.Jniv SELLWIM1D TOW.N81TR CO., H. P. Pslfficr, Mrr -Ms Is 5881. 33 Ftlllttg (e.OnA M"lERN EOM HOUSE ON nr;i- l.rN bt. : lritiin: t r 1 1. n nnstni't MUST BE BOLD RY TMCRMIAY. -4 OWNER. 804 DKKUM BLDil. (3.3in riTB ACRES. ' SI.MHTI.Y IM. PHOVr.ll I.Al'. is 1111 i.i.iii,. ,,rr , 11 PY NON RTSIPFNT AN'O Ml XT UK So' THIS WKKK: AlUOININO LAM IIMII AT (!.': TF R MS, lltl.P CAII. Sl. ance T prn cbM. tim is ths m i . er acreaiie IN Portland iim.i. psCIFir INVEKTMUNT COMPANY. Ml,. Kl'M BLDO. ss -T ROOM HOI SB IN ( ' I It I r H n Al" I- Tli N 3 m.o' ; To c N 1 1,1. 1 i r 1 , MOKrRN lUPROVMtrxT. "i 1 1 ' HIV OREOON PktiyH' lit. COHPANl. mt DEK1 M HLIHI. FOR 84 E Bsrtala: 4 ms, M ton Path- H"" rnss ef .e .1 I p 183. rare Jeemek