- - .: ' , tifLj? ,SlTNDT : 'JOtntlTAU-rOgTLAWD; SUNDAY MORNINO, MARCH 17r1807 --------------- TODAY. KWTTvT I - 7 . new TODAY. : , 1 . XEWTODAT. 1 . KEW . TODAY. , ,, KEW TOD AT. KTW TOOAT. ft-. 1 I I - - v ap a. ibm-w 17 AIND 40 ACRES, ltf miles from street car line, on food public road, soil rich and liea well, 30 acrei cleared, balance stump pasture, all fenced. well watered, 3 acre good orchard; There !s only one ray to purchase property intelligently. - Post yourself on localities', values ana improvements.. V' , Do not jump headlonar lntoTnvt. merits influenced bv roiv descriotinna. i When you are informed of a thing ma gooa, go ana iook at it, but do not tie up until you look around. An investment of $300 to $600 Is )" iuijii urn w you as one run- II. Lemclte pod Tolu.:.o.t" llocd barn; " hu" "-eyed 30x50, and other outbuildings. Half , ,.' . li niAir LtPilM cash, balance on time. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price 4,000. .stump land, balance timber, all fenced. weu watered by never-tailing stream. 100 fruit trees. 4-room house, good barn in good repair. Price only 92,250. ... - . - . . ,157 ACRES. VA miles from street- 1 car line, u acres cleared, u acres - goo a running water, i good orchards; good 10-room house, hard-finished and on stone foundation: new barn, I .joxdu; second Darn, 3Ux40, and other outbuildings. Price f 85 per acre One of our ht huva. awiimt tn fine luuuun. , ( VA' ACRES, on streetcar line," all -ciesrea Dut ball an acre with nice ' room house. - Price fS.OOO, $1,000 sown, oaiance on easy terms.' r 40 ACRES in Marion county, one . mile from railroad station, all nice level land. 25 acres cleared, balance ;. pasture 6 acres orchard, on good . public , road. Price , BO per. acre. ) Terms easy. , v ... i '. . . COMPANY ORTLAND ROPERTY ANIC ROOF HERE ARE BUYS WASHINGTONSTREET. Lenox Addition at C30O tn S400 Is much better, more substantial, in ' oeiter line and ' district for growth and value, than other properties ad vertised at bigherprices. . , Everything is good about Lenox. The. terms are only flO cash' and f 10 per month.' - LENOX Two car lines. 10-minnte terrier Agents at Anabel Station, on Ore- Qaartilokn Portland's pal business artery for f 36 -ormc tOOO. .. V SIXTH STREET. , A magnificent corner close to the Portland Hotel that produces 6. GLISAN STREET. ? Nice location next to Sixteenth at, with house now paying $40 a month, gon Water Power line. 6cott car. FRONT 8TREST. Corner, with two-story brick, ad- Take Mount i'nine? wharf, for 25,000. A."C.CIIl!RCniLLKO. 110 SECONti ST. V MONTGOMERY STREET. I Nearly a quarter of a block for jxu.wwv. uood location for flats or apartments. EVERY ONE A - 244 ACRES in Clackamas county, B0 acres cleared, 140 acres ' choice stump pasture, balance light timber, on good public road, well watered, one good 7 -room ' house and good 5-room house, 2 good barns. Price If , 1V only SO per acre, one third cash, II - r balance easy .payments. I U - ' U Us if IU1 L Lemclte Comp any Vil . V I j acres cluirt hniinm luid k,l.ii.a " slightly rolling, 400 acres cleared, 20 1 fSl.OOO Waelwuee sit half block acres pasture, oaianee good sawmill w" . umoer wortn 9,UU0, one mile from f 15,000 Quartar blook. wartHoua fTM An VASMZVOTOV. noora nooja. . - sawmill with good stream to float logs, all well fenced, good orchard good 6-roon' house, new barn and other outbuildings. Price only S 50 per acre. One of our best buys. 320 ACRES la Marion county, 2Yi miles, from station, short distance from Salem, 180 acres cleared and in .high state of cultivation, 75 acres open pasture, balance light oak tint- l. per, wen watered and all fenced; good 11-room house, hard-finished and on gooo stone foundation; large barns - ""pother outbuildings. Price -only t per acre 4M ACRES, on car - line,- 3 acres cleared, good spring.,; Price f275 pti acre. ., ,,, r((V;..,,vi,t, ,' I ACRES on Oresron Citv ear tW all lies well, handy to cut up in 50- 4 ACRES, half mile from car One, ait nice nco sou. rnce fovo. IjtO ACRES ot timber land east of Montavllla. only a short distance from where imorovetnenta ire nnw Wn L--uiue. a oargain. site, oo ltth end TZpahur track. f J3.50O 190XTS. corner lith and JU1- f 10,000 Tha bat buy fee a quick turn at a gaoaraflt w knew of. 8 TOOO 4-room modern houae, en tth t; nearly new. If you want a beau tlfui home, aoe ua. flins HERE ARE A FFW S BARGAIN Choice buildine lot. on 35th at. near Hawthorne ave.; best buy in iaai quitici. . Corner lot on Hawthorne ave., 100 ft fronting the ave. This is good. Let ua show you. S400 Lot lays 2 feet above the side walk, ntfar Hawthorne ave. Best f 17,000 Quarter block on ttaloa ara.; praaant-tune Inoomo 0 yaaiiy; aa laaa IS yaara for flllst m month and laaalng party will araot , 6.00 building froe ta ownar. Sao ma eutck. 3,000 rooma, modarai a gem. Kaat f4,50O T rooms, im tM bath, fine I buy along the ave. location, Portland Halvhta 'I f 5.000 rooma, atriotly modarel C2.550 lorouanout and fine looatton to Irr- - . - . . inaton. - . Good 0-room house, at 367 Mar- wSSuHSL :aMf mente are. WiU take vacant lot 4,250 rooma, modarn; HoUaday tlr payment. Addition: flna location. x f 3.QOO Lot-4tol00FortlaBd HalghUtI 4,OOQ ; l.OOO lota and frmotlon, about 1 8-TOOm modern Jtaac itu ana Hinoock. These are Portland. : barealna. ' . I 1,800 T lota; TH -minute ear eary-l S 7,500 iota, siao to siso. A aaeririaa. 2,400 Quarter block. East .Taylor hwk BaigaDoroooa. A Mr(Ua. JacIison&Deering SSOO A atriotly modare dwalUne la erlatoo ratio Irylaatoni eamaet aldwalka wui be laid; aaalas . maaae bayuia Lot ua. ahi ..- j .. you thla. ' : i . 600O I aeree highly impreved en Base Una road; a Utue gam and worthy your eertoua aoa j ' aldoratloa. . . 210O A pretty UtUa bene, large lot, near Midway, one block from , .. oar Una; amaU bare on plaoa; ' Juat the thing for aa axpraaa- house, North Two good flats and one 5-roora cottage. West Side; good future. . . . . i . . . ' i. . tl ' 1 l-e Wa a nflflfl KlVPr llianrr Income property. North Port- iu i vi mj s.a a J a, i , j m t land.. Thla ia Al. $4,500 TZOT-AOXa TBAOTS) of flao apple land, only pso par acre. Laat ohanoe. v,vvv . pw v book; i a . t. . ii:r.v.'- r-'.rr j arae otaaraa; land aurrounding aalia I uulu iuuuciu uuiuc, uivuuiuu umnrf ooiainas. tmu your waste f 1SOO I -room eottage, 10IT Balmont; good buy. . ..' 1600 Ntoe lltua dwalllng and fen . lot. Park View addition. nar i-ear Une. ..... rf .. 15OO40 aoroe good land near HUla- bore Una and only ahort la ..' ' ; tanae out .. 90O X flno belld(ite )oV-at Nttrth ' at, 10 foot from TUlamook. 750 Two lota Is most sightly por tion ef . aat - Portland , - BelaUta: something doing In - thla vtclnlty soon, ao don't " dalay. ... . ... 350 A lot near llth end Praeeott 1 H worth much mora, but : ' eTnuat sell; com pare with oth . ar prices la thla vicinity and 'you will, bay. . v. ISO Lot end a half In Irrlngton Park; a good apeoulaUosv r . Lota en Panlnaula fhmt will rn In your purse. About half orloa at S7S to 1100. not ao rood. A rood bur. I have many other good bays. Including aiy ana sunurhan aoreaare, farm and timber lands. If you want a good in vestment; see me Immediately. Thos. P. Thornton SIS OP raon esel. 91500 lot. walking distance. West Side ; choice location. , $16,000 30 lots in the most active district on the East Side; part cash., a f 11,000 -:;'--Vv Large strictly modern home with 16 lots. Ideal place, choice shrub bery. ? .r ;:. 1 f 24,000 . Fine income property orr 12th st. ; good investment. r $17,500 ' ' Four strictly modern flats; in come $1,608 per year. . $50,000 , , Five acres water front, with rail property with aa. end list year JacKson&Deering Phone Mala S4S. Ut Stark atraet. . 985,000 ' ' The best quarter block In East Port land; modern brick building. , . AAA' ' ' 4000 A flna Income property on theA,,- v.-.-. Z. East Side; S email atoree; under good Sitiarf Twelfth at. Trackage fadlltlaal 21.500 : at City I Vary choice corner. 109x100 feet, en Third at. Oat partloulara personally flTOO SOxlOa faat oa Hawthoree 1 H.----. l?.5,?TflUtr W00k 011 M""" Quarter block Eaat Baventh ft: 100 leaae for two years. 2200 New T-room house JUew Park; lot SOzlOO. avenue. 1250 Ooraar . thorns avenue. 10OO tOxlO. tnorne. . r 600 BeauUfnl let ea East Slta etr lot, Old and Haw lnalde lot, en , Haw- fast from Hawthorne eve. 6000 Quarter block at 14th and Belmont eta. wun gooa nouae, end eaagy barn. - we nave a nne invaetmant en Ruasen 1 et. Central Alblne. The-preepeots- for tnia district sure ezeeedlnriy promlalng. rartiouiara may 0 acres on base line road, S acres cleared, some fruit trees and ber ties, balance all easily cleared: I transportation. thta le a tin nt- a 1a4 " stoaew Ke Wg StMIU eVWK I aaa -aaa - - fruit and chickens; land selUne rVl I lt- all arounrl it tnr 2V twr mi-r . sj- We can give you good terms on thla. -T" T";,. . .. ..rr- H. W. Lemcke Co. ACREAGE $1500 Per Acre V aeree en Wlbere laaa: all alaavad! near Roae aty oar Una. Eaay terms. $900 Per Acre IH acraa on Freemont and Beat S4th at BIghUy. 54000 ISH aeree en Wlbarc lane. gooa our end wlU .money. . Thle la a you soma $900 REAL ESTATE BOUGHT -N AND SOLD. : ROSE CITY- MONEY TO LOAN. nf : a ej -pea . jwe .1 JEZ. rXl Room 20 Raleigh Bldg.3234 vw-ww-f wsmswbmvm i.aeaeP vel m mump I lerms. , ' . , .. 02600 en application v. r '""We have's choice lot of half-acre and acre tracts, on car line, ranging in price from 150 to MOO per acre, iuai we can feu on easy rerm. . KNAPP& MACKEY ' g Chamhae ef Ooaamaeee. GOOD INVESTMENTS rrew f-room modarn eottaee. inriud Ing window shadaa and gas flxtures. Rooma eU pretUly tinted. Baatarn ex posure In rood nelahborhoodi with la. foot alley. Eaat Side. ItSOO: SSOO eaah. 100 at lith and Tillamook eta. I at our office. ' 94200 Modern S-reom realdanoe tn the ehete sat aeotlon of Irvlngtoa. The building oosv more money; 53250 Sevan-room house, Eaat Sid and Stark atreata. . '? 96500 Fine rasldenee corner llth end XL Ank eny sta.; modarn In every respeet Thla la about Ts lees than actual value. usiBwjroa &o fisoa The Shaw balance aeme aa rent 4-room house In good condition, with I full lots; adjoining Parkhurst new addition. Near Montavina oar. 11100; 1600 eaah, balance S yeara 0 per cent . Modern S-room house on EinU lEth at naar Pine. This la one of tho best bar gains on the Eaautde 15000; f 1(00 eaah, balance aame aa rent 245, STARK ST. "Extra Good Buy "Here'sYourChanceM 300 Buys e corner lot 10x100 en O. W. p.' line: flna store location. 300 Buya a corner lot 00x100 ia N. Irvlnaton. 2250 Buys a choice corner lot lOOx 100., with a new, modern anil elaeant '" six-room bungalow. BASTT TEBMS. 2T50 Buys a lot 100x100. N. Irving ton, with four-room cottage, young fruit traee end garden apot Five minute ear aervlee. BASTT mm. 3 lOO Buys a lot 11x100 with a six room modern eottaga. BASTT nun. 5000 Buys a lot on E. Ankany at. looxizo, with a strictly t-room. mod ern residence Walking distance. Flve- mlnute- ear aerrles BAST TBBJCB. V'CAiJi or n at HO-rnia baps wiu oaxr xmmt a raw ATB , Hamilton & Morman Room 104 Ooodnongh bldg' ' Opp. P. a' on Fifth t AOmBAOB. I aeree, Haxalwood. Inatallmenta.TSO k, ntwuim nn, inaiaumente . nuiwurc, vn saae una reaa, Installmanta -5700 T S-10 acraa, em Johnson Creek and car n" y 'i"9t loo v moras, ait oiaar aooe eouso ana eeret" else emeu 1 team heusai all-In fruit and berrlea. situated en Base Una road, at a bar rain. ' t new modern -room' honaaar an m acrea, Powell Valley read...BSeoo l-reom cot tarea 11 a rood condition. I 40 eerae. near Rldseneld, Wash., houae Now rented for 1840 par yeer. Located I nd other Improvements. WUI trade er on the N. a corner of East Stark and OB installmanta. i SBAP B1K na Arrms. 140 aoree, naari railroad, Clarke eounty. Weak.; level, blaok loam aoIL wall watered, easily cleared. . 1100 aeree good erasing land, IS acre.. Here la an absolutely good In vestment. - LAMBERT-WHITER COMPANY.,.. 10T Sherlock Mdg., 404 East Alder at ltth ate. Prloe. $8000; tUOt cash, bal ance yeara et 0 par eent We have S rood buya at City View rare, wnica are weu worth investigat ing .. v, w.;ci Northwestern Guarantee S Trust Company ; lumber Exehaoge Building, , . e. Cor. Second and fltark atreets. CITY PROPERTIES FOR SALE CAFF INVFWMFNTC Aolce half block on East Slda be. le 111 ILjeJ I t'laUll I J . Finest wheat land in America. An Eldorado for mixed farming. We have 345,000 acres in the best part of Al- oerta, at lowest prices. We are own ers, notk agents, i We want speculat ors, investors and homeseekers to write or call. .. -". II. E. BARNUM LAND CO. , J14-215 Chamber of Commerce . PORTLAND, OREGON , Cor. Lot 50x100 Ft inth end MirdlL 115.000 la SO !! a snap. 011.000! wUl be wortk Can ear rly Monday C. C. VAUGHN SWETLAFD U9., X0OK 414, Choice half block on East Bide be tween First and Beoond atreets, with railroad and . switches on-both anda Good solid ground for foundation, end rtrht n the heart of the warehouse dis trict. Only IJS.000. A snap. - .-.. Good t-room, modern house and I tote m sunnysiae. -moe Itoae. . New, up-to-date T-room house, la Bunnyaide. Prloe, IJ000; t00 eaah, bal aace monthly. . Good v-room- house and lot on East Twelfth street and Ankany. Prloe, 11600. A fine any. f - We have a eholoe Jot of ether piwp ertles for eale at barealna and on easy terms. Intending purchasers will find it to their Interest to call on ua before ouying. - - . i. ; THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY ' . 141 H Btark street . 1 . : leat Lands in Canada Come with ui on our gpec.af x- r t t a - ee A Kse-eei Pe Am vui eiwii rv e uwvi aeaa Xes leivj n. SvOaVIIIQg Portland, Oregon,. March, 2Sf 345,000 acres to select trom. we -sell you ! any amount ot una trom 10U to 100.- acres, en long time, easy terms. o on aeierrea . payments. ut us show you. L . ... II. E BARNUM LAND CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce . PORTLAND, OREGON . 500 lOOalOO Twe eholoe and slght-J ly eorner lots in Lioenmvar aeaiuon, adjoining Piedmont where eingle lota are eelllne from $400 le 11000. 1750 eooxioo Pstton'a addition, ea Michigan eve, near ear line. 3250 Ooreet tot and t-room beuae in gooa conamon; on car line, west Bide; houae rents for 110 per month. f 3800148x100 ae Rafael and East 7 BIB. - " :. FARMS We heve farma for Bale tn all parte of the Northwest Homeseekere will And It to their ad van tare to look ever our list before locating. . S1NN0TT & SINNOTT S3S Ohaxabet ef Oeaaaaetee. . Would You Invest $12,000 (o $50,000 In Portland inside Real Estate, if you could get a fair interest and double your money in two years ? rnORNTON 319 Chamber of Commerce. 5 acres, with 5-room .houss and barn, fruit trees; berries "and grapes, one Jersey cow, some chickens, farm implements: 8c car fare. Terms. 5400 We heve 14 aeree which edjoln Rose City Park which we will sell yee for about half what you can buy In that lo cation. This has been platted. Don't wait; come and aee ua early Monday morning. - ... :,: B AS ELI N E ROAD $2500 11 aeree on Baae Line road: running water; 4 acrea cleared; I mllaw eat of Twalve-mlle house; S blocks from Fair view ear Una. . Don't overlook thle Tnere ta something doing eut there. Acre tracts, choice xblack soil close in on O. W. P. car line; all In high state of cultivation. Terma. (--: . Jordan & Garbade i , ... ........ .... .. 232 WASHINGTON STREET. WAaxrjroTOir Phome Bfela Sea, BEST BUY 1VT TJT111 A t I "ouaaayB oa, woee in. IN Car Xllll tCrillinal WOOO tetyeith S houeea, B. I mm9 RarriSMl Vienfl 111 yardS25QfeCL-Qf ai5Q- en Cleveland Ave., ' Washington Street. pos BAxa btt' Louis Salomon & Co. 20,000 Quarter block N. 14th Bt . Income beerlna. , . 15,000 N. 10th St, 10x100, business H VI I fmfft property, pars 0 per eent Easy terma I S S e T V a Lt 1 1 1 W IX W 1 0,000 Corner oe Salman St. fine xor ueie er epenmenia. 10,000 If. Portland, 11x110 with S new noueee. : - ' r- 6250 Large lot ea llth at. tneome bearing. 650O Block ea Prent St. a Port land. A anap. 560O PuU lot en Snd St near Har rison, 0-room house. . 4750 New modem S-reeea house, 10th St 4000 Clay St, lot and T-room houae . ' BPaOXAX 8OO0 Pine building lot en Park Ave 6500 Pan lot Wtnisme Are with In too feet et Russell at, tneome bearing. . I After you have eanvaaa4 th mar. utnoomrtM JS. . "u,. mod,rn k "Khly, come to us; we have .TLw!T' w "". PPO.ition. in inside TTyy. . . . . , . --- ---- i ousiness properties. , Houaoeya AQO-i eioee in. cnirr-T a t . , . . erawnu onnunino in SO.OOO leeaioe. S briok bl'.rn,s ITth et, near Irving. i 1110 per month. Ten, -.a half eaah. 25,000 140x100, Oread ave, a Stark. 13,60040x14. Waehlngtea at, near King.. ' . 90004400x100, S-reem beuae, Wiv. ; Heme ave.. Cash. . T50O Comer lot. ; 0-room i heuaai .11000 eaah, belanoe 1 yeara .' per eent ... T5OO4lxl00. Pour 4-room flate, BusaaQ at . Income 144.40 per month, -50OO SOxlOO, t-room modem hense, v llth St. near Couch. , 250 100x100. a-room modem houae, Uultnomah. near llth et 450010x1)0, T-room house en Bac ramante et, near Rodney. . Half eaah. 4500100x100. T-room bouser' elee trie Ught Union ave. 4250 . looeioor-r-reoitf SoueeF'ii" four-yeer-ola fruit treoa. ; 14th at- . Owner must . . sell.. ,. ..';. ..... . 4200 100x100, T-room modem house, i Beat loth, near , Morrisoei , -1 12604 cash, balance I year ' per eaat t 880011x100, 0-room fceeae. Pane at , Half eaahT 2500-400x100. 4-reom heuee, Fir ' land. Terms, half eaah. 2425 One-half blook. Madleon at user 10th, , Terms eaah. 160O 40x150. S-rooni ' house, laree attloi fruit traee; chlcka , ? "d yard. Terms, - . half eaah. .v'tt-;---T--.- 140O ISOxtSO. t-room houae, email . eellar, Plrlaod. Terma. IIOS - : eaah, til month. 0 per cent 14OO-70xl00, s-room house; 70l , 'a . "h oelanee IIS month. S . . - i per ..eent. , . 600 100x100. corner, one block from , . ear Una, rtrland; JS0 eaah. . balance te suit , . WtJ1T othr Property; call and aee) ua. We sell only first-class property at right prloee. Will save yen money. NATIONAL TRUST & INVESTMENT CO. . Ill Worcester Bunding: 7 mil To Investors and Speculators nth DENCS PROPERTY. trackage as a whole ;ijr;;.Rrw 15.000 McMillan end Reaa, quarter 5ph1nxget or quarter block- $15.0009 one-half cash. See me at once. C. C. Vaughn Swetland fildg. Room 414 block, fine lerge houses. 305 STARK STREET. O. D. Greene. C J. McCracken. MT. TABOR beautiful heme for rtoh man. Ele-1 gant house; beautiful grounds; final stable; everyUiIng that heart oould wish for. Corns and aee na about IV " II. W. LEMCKE CO. Sixth and Washington eta Phone Main 110. " Marguerite Avenue 100x110. OWNER MUST SELL Piedmont lOT 10, BLOCK IS. Columbia Heights ' HALF BLOCK. 300. Healy Investment Co. sio-ais AanroTov, ioH mn ar. BETTER THAN ROSE Wood mere CITY PARK proved land, with big I i I of It left Thia la your chance to IJOO. ACRES of fine lands in the heart of the Willamette valley, the land of red apples, adapted to arrow In "ftwraee seei in aSe-tnei tashea ee.ae-K fruit, dairying and diversified famine: !..rt"Ji?.J".pi??!!f Jn .V" an its branches. I lau.i. in .rin. aiaoe i- we nave these lands for a short I time at prices ranging from 17.501 B. gw BSeOOT, to 35.00 per acre, and ia quantities I Itoont S, Raleigh Bld Oth a Wash. Sta. , Lota tn thla lovely suburb for safe at $175 and Up II down II a month. IU aeree. fc water main In front ef It. On Mental r4 1 1 a m Una. mm -mIIa ,i iiii,. U S L?r tJrATXZ SSStl We Acres $400 -5. Up III down 110 a month. in Rr' la-W? J. H. HECKER Woodmere, Mt ' Beett ear line. Week dayst 110 Allsky building. from 80 to 700 acres. It la only a question ot a few years eq lands, which sell for $125 until these lands will Room 107 Sherlock lual Illinois er acre.. ildg. For Sale H. VV. Lemcke Co. LAMBERT-WIIITMER CO. Ten Acres at Lents $1100 Per Acre $6000 tJlVf. Is Coming to the Fro buy m ' . y .:.. t ... 675 Pine loK on Marguerite eve. 10x11, Improved street. BIOS down, 10 par month. 1250 Fine 14 block 1 block front Hawthorne. Easy terms. 1500 Pins corner 100x81, Improved ' treet both sides. II inch.a above grade, faoea east, 1 block from Hawthorne. 550 Each for I fine lota en Mar guerite eve . 75 Fine lot 00x100 In South Sunny, 'aide. , ... nr Conklin Bros New office Ev llth and Rawthorne Ave. Basis of AH Wealth City Property and Lands The EAST SIDE has the HREATItst population, ta growlns the most RAPID. LY end the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL BE there. In una there ware SSI' residences bum on the BAST SICE to 100 on the Weet Side. 1 Portland Is attractlna more attention than any city on tba Coaat and la under going a MIOHTT TRANSFORMATION, and - In the next ten yeara will likely make more PROORKS8 than It haa la its entire peat. Is the geographical center of the city. mo ia w moai vmiiuuilis realdenee dlstrtr and much of thla wlU become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook theae PACTS when making Investments, and call end Inspect the property; for aaetng le believing. -tub- ; OREGON REAL ESTATE CO. II Vs Third Bt (room I), Portland, Or, WE HAVE A CORNER ON JERSEY ST., St .... 'I ' ' I Mils - . . .... that rents for $1,260 a year without lease. With lease will, rent for $1,500 a year. t sold this week can be had or $10,250. y . , ' D; C. Rogers & Co. ' ST. JOHNS, OR! PHONE SCOTT 31C!. Room 10 ajherleek Snlldiag. 336.000 I On Mt Scott-car line. Suitable for 4T acraa ta the city. Wee Side; beauti ful rolling land. Come and we will show ft te you. A Quarter Block on Fourth street. I Blattlne. Best bur on the market. north ef Washington, revenue bearing. Nothing uae it left on Fourth it. the monsy. aVAMRXRV.WaTZTMXR OOMPASTT, 107 Sherlock Building 404 K. Alder ? E. L Rayburn, Owner H.WaemcI:oCo. '' . i , ' sixth Am waeiv- i r--s. at . . . UITI, OmsoOX, : iPhoae Kata oca. x 0- , . -T ; to rceme) 1 jviir..'iai g. a. v. ' i i