THE OREGON SUNDAY JOintrTAIPORTLAND, SUNPAY MORinNO. MARCH 17. K07. g , ; ' ' . ' .,-' ' , ' . ' . , . ' . . t 3 tj. lit mm co. TT TT TT? r,TTDTT?(QiTr1 TT'TIMT A W 1 -r' lECiti! mw Tij)Ti? New m5"rn room house, en corner 76x100 on Felling iimt Both Itmll Improved. North aide Thurram at,' 1ft . 10. A beautiful bulldlne "It , The eheapeet buy In the entire Thunnao a-, faolnf south, it Thuroian at, eorner lMlj east of 13d at. Too can t And It equal on thin 'lira" etreet r ftw 1 1 A Call I early a thia will not Jaat lon at thia low price. 1Mb el norm, a. wrw "'7- w.." vallll lia. ,- ll.OOt cash will handle tbla. lita at., vicinny vi i puii tw7 houeea ana 10x100 lot. fee- tl " tSft kt- ' Hail,' -lnf . ll,40(J iuL Two fine houeea. ' ' UUM Imhmib IBS ' . rv Fnrtln Heia-hta. oa a ehotoa omer, 10x100, on oar Una. - An elea-ant bun-low re . eenUv oomplatad; Interior nn I ah and oonetruoUon the - very beat Union tTL. near Palllne-, 100s 10, Inside Imp re red wllh an Income of lie mommy. Russell at, haw llato paylnf better man par esro. y"j know valuee aao tbla place and - buy It - - . " eiCflft at Madison at., near 1 4th at, VfdW modern -roo houee, lot iOx Kaat 11th at- Weat Irrlnrton) A atrlotlT modern 1-room honaa, wall built, beaauroi in terior. lot 10x100. nWi Addition. Bontb Port land, two new houeea, larn-a comer lot. oa ear line; baa rental value of lit, Thle la away below what they are worth. Cell early. Eaay waiklna oiatance, eioee In to ateel bridge; modern roam houaa. lot 10x100: a Ken " ulna anap. - n - $25C0 I $7000 $2250 $6850 $4000 $00 .$6000 $9300 $5500 $7500 $4650 $2750' $4250 $5000 l?ir At lid and DWalon axa one bloc, from car Una; fine mod ern t-roora houee. Inoludlna; furniture; lot eOxlOO, full baae i ment, bath: without furniture, mil Walklne' dlatanoa, cloae In to ateel bridge; a well-built T-tfopin houee, etiiotir moaern, iw v v u; eJao a S-room "oottage In . s rear Included. 'c Modern i-room houee, TIk10. . - TSJ. Tld eta.; a beautiful noma . 4 ik ffiHM la rlcht. - tl fWnl Elejan residence of 10 I,WJroome on corner 100x100. on - :? Broadway ear Una; beautiful attiotly the very finest. 125x115, beautifully situated at Mt. abory fruit treea half eaab. buya It On Corbett at atrtotlf modern home of T rooms, lot 00x111; fine construction la tbla houee; furnace and all conveniences; terma can be arrancedi beauti ful aaat trlaw. New modern l-room house, near Union are; cement basement, porcelain plumblna, ran tlx turea, etc.; dark oak finish. Modern 7-room bouse, oament baeement 11x41; larm rooms: I lota, corner, nloe lawn ana flowers, beautiful rtew. Two 00x100 lota. Improved with " modern houeea, (a . Nob HLtl dletrlot Kln-a H1H. lot1 10x100; rary desirably located. Modern a-room houee and re ception ball, furnace, all mod ern oonTenlenoea, near lltb at school. Portland Hslxhta, modern rtx room houee, oa two oboloe lota: aewer. concrete ldawalk) rary fine iiew. In Veet Irrlngton. a rplendld -room modern houee, en a nice level lot 50x100: neighborhood very desirable. ( Tbla la a ro0d buy.v . - $1600 $7738 $2900 $3000 $7000 $7500 $4200 $5000 $4200 6th and Washington Sts. Main 550 ! vf.v: E1NTIRE "SECOND FLOOR MID), COOS BAY ;rt. ExtrAct Froni Th Oregonlan of March 14th ' PLANS BIG LUMBER-MILL EASTERN HEN iTILL BEGIN LARGE PLANT ON COOS BAY Mr Marahflald. Or, March !. (Bpaclal) A. nmlth. the wealthy lumberman of Mlnneapolla, Minn., baa arrived on Coos Bay and In. an interview aald that work will Immediately commence on the erection of the huve lumber mill which when completed will give employ ment to over 1.600. While : retloent reaardlnat apecino plana, Mr. Smith admitted that a ateam schooner waa being- built that would ply from. the lumber mill to Portland and Ban Francisco. . The schooner will have a capacity of 1,000,000 feet of lum ber and It la aald wUb be the largeat entering Coos Bay. ' . ' abots Mzub Humn zxmm rant obtx or outs finna ' TSZS, WIT OTM OrOTsTTKIXS BxUjtCI XtOOATZO XM tOWIUM O TWM BAT. lITTn BTTx TOva Z.OT aTOw .MM roMM tmb nxca n abtajcid. ' bmxm or tOT voir vonra cm mr rxa rouowna aomtti AMERICAN BANK & TRUST CO. GAGE-HEMPHILL CO. . M Beweatk at. MT herfoo W. LAM0NT & HARRIS TOWER & SON , aXM-T gwetlaad Bldf. Kamhflald. Oregon. . JUST A WEEK AGO WE ANNOUNCED THE OPENING OF East Creston and many of oar friendi have acred upon enr ncKtion tnd se lected their Iota. A number hart already commenced building their borne, and It la only a matter of a ahort tima until all of the lota in that choicd tract will b aold. . ' , East Greston ( S U N ED A V ) i s '1. It makes no difference whether it rains of not, we afe prepared to take care of you ".We want you to seeTfclleijttrW 1 they can't last long, that's certain, for there were only three hundred lots to begin with. Belle Crest is higher than the surrounding country and the platting of. the tract takes in all : this high land. There was only room for three hundred lots, but they are beautiful, every one of them and all of them are as, level as the floor, and what a view unsurpassed anywhere. , Phone ushis morning early, we will call for"you if you will give us a, couple of hours no tice or come direct to either office Automobiles will be running all day ; The SPAM0RI C0MPARIY TEE JAWS-ST1RIE CO. CommonweiUIi Eldflvoa Slxlb St. .- Phone Utla 2823 ' The SweOand FH& SL - - Uxia .53 IIW1 i) i ) 1 I ' Walnut Park is not so far removed' from Pori ' land, that it requires speedy autos to show the . goods. 'Walnut Park is only fifteen minutes from - Portland's business center; that- center- each day , growing closer to Walnut Park. Walnut Park resi- t dents have the best and most excellent car service; can use any one. of the five car lines St. John's, ' Upper Albina; Woodlawn, Vernoh or Vancouver. . It costs money to own and operate aatos, and, reader, you ought to remember that fact, as well as you ought to carefully investigate Walnut Park. You will find cement sidewalks and curbs already', down; fine homes, none nicer, and a number under construction ; parked streets ; walnut trees are being planted. It is .a restricted, number one resident district; no stores can be built ; good homes, or none Walnut Park has fifteen-foot alleys, afford- : tfig great cuiiveiiiencc witrrbackentrance tc home. Visit today Walnut Park. You will be most agree- ably surprised to notice the marks of progress, and become enchanted with the beauties of this lovely Park, which will surely become the most valuable resident property in Portland. Now selling for : only $20 a front foot. Prices will be advanced soon to $30. We give warranty deed and abstract, show ing perfect title to each purchaser. , Your opportun ity is now, to secure a home site the best in the city ; for'a very small amount of money. Call at once, or you will be. too late, on ; v Take the free Aatomrttle rldee and see the country - aurroundlnf Portland. There are Mm. beautiful spots tot oamplnv thia rummer. A good war t0 aee the elty at ne eeat but your time, r BUY A LOT FOR A HOME Bomethtnf srery one should da. piix BS CARETULi AND BSLXCT THJC RIGHT PLACB. .. After Seeing the Suburbs Look Around Inside the City Sec Everything for ; sale Compare points at Tan tare, deelrebnitr, elevation, view, xranaporraiion wciii tlee, school fkoUltles, Impror amenta, dlatanoa from eenter of eltx. . IF YOU'LL DO SO Your Home Will Be In W.M. KILLINGSWORTH 323 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ,! SEND FOR WALNUT PARK MAP FREE. " . . .. .. .. .. . 11 ' ia locaftd at the junction ol tba Erodia and foweii vaney roaas, v . .1 rl..,... U. 1... ... t,,U . nrl 1 mrtA m trrsat num. at . . U .m kA K 1 tV. w mA fnll-ff.nMT 11 i f An thm This alone adda $100 to actual ralue of the loU. . . ; ' 1 nrr.- . East Creston will be improved aimllar to Creston, water maina and aldewalka laid without expense to purchasers, and suitable' rettrictiona imposed, sufficient to insure a nice class of homes ' throughout the tract. Trices are without doubt the most reasonable of any tract ao fa vorably located, and easy terms will be given. .Take Mount Scott; car at First and 'Alder streets, get off at Creston. ' WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY 291 STARK STREET, t Branch Office) t Creator A. Cowperthwalt, Agent, 33 PROfIT We have an excellent opportunity for any one to make email investment on a corner cloaa In. The Drooertr now para over 6. and It la sure to have an advance of 33 In 60 daya or sooner. Thia -- ia a rare chance to get in on a good money-maker. Let ua tell you about our system. Don't overlook 1 thia one opportunity. Call on ua Monday morning. y H. W. Lemcke Company 'V, Main 550 -v . Sixth and Washington y , L-:0 0 The etrtetly realdenee addition of Port land. Contracts let for water and eaa mala. Streeta graded to established eltr gradea, BouleTarded and lm proTedT All Trork under aupenrlslon of eity. engineer. . , . Lots $600 and Up VntrjMt wO Xl11pafOTanefawwanU $100 Cash Terms $25 Per Month Intereat on deferred payments I per eeat Prices Be Will Advanced April first Two elffht-mrnnte aervloe ear lines to Overlook, Russell and Shaver and Mississippi avenue. - A. F. Swensson & Co. Sreelem War, Co. Third and Waah. ' vaoao mourn aoea. The Slim That WU1 aToa Warepreaeat. $125,000 Half block in the btsi business district: only on or two half blocks left In heart of city. $150,000 Well Improred business block on one of the best business streets. $85,000. Improved, good income business property. ; ' $75,000 arter - block two blocks- from ashtagton street. $55,000 Quarter block on Seventh street, $35,000 Well Improved good brick block; pays 8 per cent on investment. $25,000 Good quarter block warehouse property; ' cheapest buy in the district. V Irvington M.OOO Lot 50x100, new'r-rooni bouse, modern, on East Eleventh near Thompson at , 95,000--oom- house on Eighth between Broadway and Schuyler at, thoroughly modern. ' ' "V . 17.500V 100x100 on the corner of Twenty-first and Hiflcock sta., with nine-room modern bouse. IS.BOOwWxlOn en the earner ol E. Ninth , and Broadway, with new i modem eight-room house. fS.TBO 50x100 on Schayler at, be- tween deventeentn ana Kineteeptn, with eight-room house. . ' . . tS,BOO 50x200 os Multnomah" at. oetween ' XMineneaia ana iwenry first. with s even -room house. v ' S.SBO JOxlOO . cm the corner'' of ., Twenty-fourth and Multnomah ets., new aix-room house. 9,f)OOwl00xl0O on the corner of Mineteentn and Tnompaon sta. fl.BOO 100x100 ta the corner of Thirty-first at and Broadway. , f 1,50 50x100 on the ' corner' of Thirteenth and Thompson sta. - lOO50xl00 on Nineteenth be tween Tiuamook and, Thompson ata. i i. $20,000 Income business block on ; East Side; income 12 per cent; see us aoout tnia. , -. $15,000 Residence in best locality of Nob Hill district for . $10,000 Full lot, 14-room modern house, with furniture ; reason for sell ing, owner leaving city. A. F. Swensson & Co. Breeden Bldg Cor. Third and Washington. Phone Main 3055 rzsxxzzxzzzvuzzidxzmxxz Hiiiimiiiimninui n Wit. ins We have aeveral aoot bartains to' offer for a few daya. Delay will cost you money. Here are a few apeolaia: 1 1 He t-room modern, corner lot, riant ea oar Una; 110 cash and III per month. v "' lllio -rooms modern, one lot, near station; 40t eaah and fls par month. I $1100 .-room modern cottaee and 1 swell lota, eorner; 11000 eaah. 11000 Small house and acre, near ear; tlO eaah and 110 per month, I1SI0 Swell I-acre tract near earl forced aale for eaah; a anap. . ' We have other rood baraaJne in houses; also lota and acre tracts on easy terma. "... " THE ARROW REALTY CO. rou wius, scAirAoxma. , ' Office at Btewarfa Button oa lit Boott Una. Take ear at Tlrst and Alder. Open every day. - . , -s , : . , - L 1 I -li Bgi'BBgg!". ,,'i.J JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY DEST 99 THIRD 8T. CHAUBER OP COMMERCE. , 945,000 Corner 100x100,, ..with' ..8tory- building, bringing 11 per cent net on the price. 75x100 on 14th street, t blocks from Washington street; 10-room house. . i I .. 1510,000 Corner on 12th street with two houses, bringing fair income. - ,.- f 6,500 . ; (- ). 100x100 on Williams 'ayenue, :lose in ; fine building site for stores. : v '. s . : . 1(1,300 . One-half block, with small house, good ' chicken house, fruit and berries, on good car line. , VL,A7D m ' l t T 1 o-room nouac, iuu 101, in Aioina, half block from car line. ; " V MOORE REALTY CO, ; " 288 SUrk Street. ' ROSE CITY PARK 17 acres, cleared ; sightly. The cream of tne Addition. Very high." Almost level. Streets on all sides. Double your money. ' Last chance 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. today. ; ; --f ' - 243 Stark Street The Dunn Lawrence Co ea- tA eavltte, m ...!.. aa btwwfi Union and Onrifl Hoi e..t a) A at A k - lean nmart . '