THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY. l.IORNINO. MARCH.7ir, 1B07." 9- More-fedtsrSbld:: V - ' Nonnan H. Bean .'J. Friedenthal J. A. NeweH ' - C. E."Byard Cora Osmond Stella Osmond .'. T. W. Curtis Everett F. Allshaw George Ripley ' Lewis L Thompson" ' Herbert A. Stewart U. S. Ackles Harvey Newell x Horton N. Graham Chaa. J. Grimm' . ; Allan B. Slayson i ' y-' Myra Todd ... . R. Kennedy . P. L Goller ' , ' ' ' 6umner Newel " - John Stewart Karl Vr Lively -'"-'-Anna Mann ; & Robinson r. Howard ? Thos. H. Corbett' ' E. O. Fisher -Capt. R. S. Greenleaf ' W. F. Stewart" L C Sanford : - Ever Sold in Portland Before in the Same Length of Time Hartman & Thompson Establish the '7 NEW RECORD v p 1 Or- fomi'.i rjuHua Adler Joy C Datson H. F. Palmer B. S. .Cook ' ' H. H. Wright ' Wesley R. Stearns f;W. E. Wright v . E. Nr Wheeler C W. Tyson rnillip Grossmayer scott Keiioee A.! Waddell McNaurhten L. Ferris' Over a thousand people were taken to Rose City Park by our automobile service during the week. Hundreds of others drove out and we saw a large number of people walking from the end of the car line to this beautiful spot. Over 200 lots were sold; at the time this paper went, to press, we were still at' -work on our books; there may be 280; we do know, however, that 200 were sold. There never has been' a time in the history of Portland when the popular opinion seemed to be so unanimously in favor of any particular residence location, as it is now in favor of Rose City Park. ; V . .. The price, the terms, he Improvements, the ideal situation, the magnificent scenery, the rapid in crease of Portland valuations, all, everything, appears to be just what the great mass of the people want. It has faxed every nerve, muscle and brain cell at our command to keep pace with the marvelous de mand fas-lots in this newest Portland suburb. '. -';' ' 1 . ', And. all .ot this has been accomplished in just. six days; the weather has been against us; we have . J ' E.,a J ? O. L. t ... . J. P. Lipscombe iT ' L. F. ParVor n t Ira P. E. Reynolds ;? , -a , .C"K. Fuller.-: ' '- . - -i ' a E.'T. Ames L. R. Traver W. H. Ross L. R. WUey A. Robertson ' ' . . '- Allan B. Slauson J': ; Mrs. Irvine -.a:. "; . E. Stevens ' E. L. Dekeater , .'L. Burns ' x Parks .LMonlen had difficulty in obtaining sufficient automobiles and everything seemed to block our intentions except , the overwhelming sentiment that has been created by Rose City Park itself. V- - -.:.-:tw This week we shall continue the same plan. Everybody Is invited to visit Rose. City Park with us. If we cannot get the automobiles, we will hire every horse and vehicle in the city to take you out in com- , fort and bring you back happy. During the coming week we have every reason to believe that the past week's record will be smashed. We know that such men as Theo. B. Wilcox, Walter F. Burrell, F. I. Fuller, S. G. Reed and over a dozen of our best citisens would not have interested themselves in this property if it had not every indication of being all that we claim for it. r ' "? Buildings are going up right away; the street car company is building its tracks; the electric lights are being installed; tele phone connections will be In very soon; in fact, whatever is necessary to make Rose City Park the best residence neighbor hood in the northwest, will be done with open hand. Nothing' will be lacking. '.V-''' - ' "'' "i" ; : ' '"" '"...;."' A -o 'fiYVH''-.9pu-ii frf-TS.jrw'JN ' - ' " 1 s son io oeueve xaa ' v y ii5 r'vr.i4!AjnvuAJi vi "-w. ii -rzr ' ' v .'vr " f -' '-"--r ""'i j,y ' - .'''.,.'..'.'' ,'" J. " ''';' '' '..'"'"''. ; -J .. 'A V '. . A -' ' .A'-"-. ''A' :':' ''....'- "' ...-.-' Dr. W. L Northrup Rev. D. B. Gray Edw. Martin W. H. Ney A A M. Grtlley A Gladstone Stevens 'Clara Clark 'Albert Baxter " Mrs. H. R. Hughson P. W. Todd r Miss E. Chioman . Miss' Grace Metzger ' Mrs. A Curtis "... C. R. Dodds ; George M. Steadman James I. Robinson H. E. Allen Alvin S. Hawk George C. Schoentag Chas. B. Merrick Dr. V. T. Cooke AL Richau ' Elinor E Wheldon , Margaret L,' Dollai A Dr. N. J. Fulton v Nancy Martin : OS. Fulton , F. J. Mulheron i A J. M. Taylor A .... Geo. L. Davis O. R. Dinwiddle Bertha H. Grife . v 1 . .' George Waldschuelf " , C E. Fuller H. F.ATorrey We Have every rea- . son to believe that :y this . list, although ' .Incomplete, breaks all previous records. Until tt has been proven otherwise, we shall continue to claim the -honor. . The people whose names appear here have purchased from one to twenty lots each. Moat of them have bought more than one. The total represented here is over 200 lots sold. By the end of this week we shall expect to have sold at least 500 Rose City Park lota and will hope to , count you in as . one of the number. Our automobiles will run every day, aa usual.' Seats will be reserved by tele phone,' if you will call us at Private Exchange 20. , rv , CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDS.