THE' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, POKTLAND, SUNDAY MORljlNO, MARCH 17, ". UC7. 13 CANDIDATE FOR AUDITOR FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND F TO I1IL0 .Spring 1P07 Spring 1907 EC Matson Navigation Company BOX ' Figures on Establishing ' Lin Permanently. ': Hats WAITING FOR AVAILABLE 1 . BOAT OF-RIGHT SIZE Merchant of Hawaiian lalanda Am V Amloua to Trado Directly With ' Merchants of Portland and Look " Forward to the Promised Tjerilofc flOLl PORTLAHD DIRECT sBaksaaBaasWHWMBaaasaMWaMaewaaBBaaBBsaBam '' w - ' ' ' ' Silk Dress Hats' $8.00' ' " " ' -'.T-rr , ' ' t-.", ' : . . Private adrleea from Hllo are to th effect that direct steamboat Bervlce ' between Portland and tha Hawaiian '' lalanda will aoon be established by tha Mataon Navigation company. Last : aummer ' thla company operated tbe ,' ateamor HUonian out of Portland la tha . laland trade, bat the vessel bad to be placed on the drydock for repairs, and - there belne: no other aultable craft era liable to take her place the project waa temoorarilr abandoned. A letter received here yeeterday from . Hiln aava that the merchanta In the . lalanda are looking forward to the time when they will be In position to irana ' . act business with Portland directly. Tbe - atataon Navigation eompany, ' which eoneern occupies aa enviable po sition of lmportanoa In the development and upbuilding of. the lalanda, la said to have assured the meronaats mere that In the verr,,ner-future a handy alssiasi ejIirTTs olaced on the run I tween the lalanda and the Oreeon mo- tronolla. The ateamer Btlonlan would have been kept on the 'run but for the fact that aha waa rreatly In need of repaira, for aha wao drawing; a fairly ' good patronage from her flrat voyage. With lneraed railroad tranaporta tlon facilities It la argued that tha problem of securing return cargoes for " the eoaat will easily be eolved. Tbe Matson Navigation company la having .. some large ateamers built la tbo east. and It la expected that one of these --boats will be placed on theaportland run aa soon aa possible. . MORE LUMBER TONNAGE -; Neaf Steam Schooner : Temple E. Dorr Will Receive Cargo. .-'" Hoarsal Bseetat fterrhe.) Hoqulam. March 1. Tbo new ateam , er Temple E. Dorr, which was recently launched at a local shipyard, was towed , to Aberdeen today, where aha wtU t given a cargo of lumber and then towed - to Ban FYanclsco. T-h machinery will - b Installed at the bay city. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The lighthouse tender Weather ar rived up laat night from Aatorla and berthed at the foot of Couch street. The Harrlman liner Columbia left " down last night bound for Ban Fran cisco with a good llat of paaaangera and a full cargo of freight. - - The' Brltlah steameT Woodford will probsMy leave down today for Kenalmo, B. C. Captain Seddon still discredits the -report that the vessel has been sold fc . to the Brltlah Columbia-Mexican Bteem ' ship company. 4 .. . - The German steamer-Tiberius la due to ' arrive : hero tomorrow from Ban - -, Franeleeoj- She comes ondei-charter to E. T. Williams to load lumber for the orient. . "( The steamer 'Chaa, R.' Spencer leaves -tomorrow morning for. The. Dalles from 'the foot of Washington street. Bhe will make dally round tripe. ' - Tha Norwegian steamer Mathilda will probably leave down today for China. , Bhe cleared yesterday afternoon with MST.SS1 feet of lumber, vahied at Ul - ' 01. Tako Bar is tha destination given on the manifest. ... y-.:;- ! A. L. Bat-tar. Mr. A. I Barbur Is a native son of the state, being bora la Polk eoonty. June 4. 11. and was named after Abraham Lincoln. . Ha graduated from the National Bualness "College of Portland In 1171, and has practically resided In Portland since that time. He was credit man for Page aV Bon for IT years. At present he has charge of tha collection department of the Oregon Truet at Savlnga bank. He la a Roosevelt Republican. His family-consists of wife, five beys and three girls. He has always. taken an active Interest In the Republican party, and la also prominent In several fraternal organisations. His platform Is practical business methods enforced la the offloe aad tha peo ple honestly and courteously served. , . JUDGE HANDS BOUQUETS 10 SPEEDY ATTORNEYS Jury Secured In Half-Hour to Try Damage Suit. jnthe Circuit Court. : v MARINE NOTES , " Astoria. Or March If. Condition of the bar at t p.' m., smoothf wind north- wssV four miles, weather clear. Arrived down during night, steamer Washington and bark Agate. Balled at 11:0. steam er Helene end and schooner Mabel Oale for Ban Francisco. Ballad . at 1:4S, ' steamer Alllanoe for ; Ban Francisco. Ballad at t:S0, steamer . Washington for Ban Francisco. Sallnd at I p. tn.. Ger man steamer Numantia for Hong Kong -and way point a. r-J ' Baa Frenatseo, March 11. Arrived. ' ateamer Roanoke from Portland. - ' Ar rived, schooner Busts M. Plummer from Portland. - Arrived last night steamer Johaa Ponlaen from Portland. Arrived t I i. m.,' steamer Case from Colom bia river. -Falmouth, MarOh lfc Ballad yeeter- . day, French bark Oetievleve Mollnoa for Umsrlclc. - , Yokohama, March It. Arrived March t, German . ateamer Nlcomedia from Portland. Coffee la strength and tea Is rset Bchintnga Best. Because St minutes wore all that were required to secure a jury to try tbe 16.00 damage suit of Louis A. Murset against Henry Jennlng- A Bona, Judge Gantenbein congratulated the attorneya for thf plaintiff and defendants upon their speedy work.- As a usual thing three or four houra and sometimes several days are re quired; -to secure a Jury, but the attor neys yesterday dispensed with the preliminaries In a hurry and Attorney Pa rue for the plaintiff commenced his opening remarks a little before 10:10 o'clock. Muraet was employed by Jennlng at Bona as a furniture polisher and as sembler and brings eult to recover SS.000 for aa Injury to hla leg which ho allegea to have been due to the negli gence Of the furniture company. . Mur set allegea that bla leg waa perma nently Injured in the company's ele vator April It, 1908, and aaka in ad dition to tha $5,60 that he bo granted 45S to pay his doctor's bills. During' the afternoon -tnepianrnrr filed a voluntary motion for non-suit. after Introducing some of hlg-wlt-neaaea teatlmony. The action of the nlalntiff came as a surprise to those attending the trial. ,, A motion for a voluntary ,non-eu1t Is an -unusual procedure, ana is omy ik en when one side realises that Ita ease Is not being properly handled. If the motion- la granted It gives the party taking such action aa opportunity to ref lie bla eult Just aa If It . were new one. ' Judge Gantenbein allowed tbe non-suit .yesterday. - PANEL FOR APRIL TERM OF CIRCUIT COURT The following men were chosen for Jury service In tha state circuit court for April yesterday afternoon: W. w, Bretherton, A. Barr, W. Butler. B. M. Cederberg, Henry Dunatan, W. A. Dean, F. O. Extrom. C. M. Cage, C. H. Hlnes, H. D. Jones, F. B. Jones, G. W. Moon, Murdock McDonald, Geo. M. McDowell, Newton M. McDanleL A. U Mills, Mar tin A. PeUrs. Robert B. Phillips. Will iam Pfaff, Allen. C. Peel. George C, Perdue, Charles F. Petaeh. Ira F. Pow ers, Bemuel Pereefull. Walter B. Pros- 1 SEEPAGES 24-25 j NEW ARRIVALS Wonder ; THE LATEST The New Mushroom Sailors NEW YORK'S L'ATEST CRAZE We have them in all colors Black, white, champagne, gray, garnet, brown, burnt and Tus can, at our low popular prices. THE TALK OF PORT LAND LADIES ; Our Grand Display of 1,800 Pattern Hats No Two Alike If you can't find what you -wantelsewhcre, come to us. We hive TE - , - Millinery Co. MORRISON AND FIRST STREETS. largest millinery house in the west. ton, Frank X Pflvger, laaaa A. Fetors, J. Walter Putney, A. O. F'osterman, F. A. King, William W. Roaebraugh, Ja oob A. Raid,' Albert Reiner. Zachary Bwett, Charles Schmidt. John B. Stana berry. Jay Smith, James Stltt, Hiram Terwllllger, Jos. H. Thatcher. Vrank Van Duyn, Fred J. Vermehr. - Fredrick Vort, Paul Van Frldagh, Omar B. Wirt, D. M. Watson. David S. Williams, Chaa. 8. Wright.',. Erasst O. . WllUama, Geo. H.-Walsa. . . SUNDAY SKATING Opoaa at Vine a, aa. tat ' - - the Day. The great Oaka rink Is the scene of much activity on Sunday and thouaands enjoy the Innocent paatlme of skating. The rink opens at In tho meaning and the morning session la mostly do. voted to beginners and those practicing. At 1 p. m. tho afternoon session be gins and with muslo from the big rink band continues until 11 at night. Tho fresh wholesome air of tha park Is very inviting these spring days and the nice car ride la a groat Inducement to Portland people, A speetal car aer vice has been arranged for Sunday and If you don't akate come out and watch the others and bear tha good muslo. N Please Do Not Walt TJntn the laat' few days before Easter to select your Easter hat. Our millin ery department Is crowded with - all that's novel and staple to meet the calls of the season." Our motto: Best material a and lowest prices. Le Palais Royal, 171 Washington street. , irS THL L1LAOING HIGH - GRADL HAT Of THE, .WORLD All Colors $5.00 J1MTLQX All Styles $5.00 J-'r- a a EC Derby $5.00 BOLD ONLY B T urruM JrENDLlLTON "THE, GENTILITY SHOPH 311 Morrison Street, opposite Fostoffice fly The most comfortable shopping place in Portland. SPRING SUITS BOYS REEFERSKNICKER BOCKER SUITS WASHABLE SUITS mi RMd LADIES' and MISSES' MAN-TAILORED. COATS and DRESSES '. : '.. ; ' : -. ' . : : . . ?. -; ; - ' IMS Leading Clolhicr THE EIGHT THATSBRIGH Under the glittering light of the electric lamp everything is seen at its best. iV-'; Tinsel takes on the ; splendor, of pure gold -and glass beads sparkle with the dsazllpg brlI-:: liancy of diamonds of purest quality under the ' ' magic luster of Electric Light. . ' . Electricity benefits and improves everything with which it comes in contact. . : i A poorly furnished house . becomes bright and cheerful in appearance with the introduc tion of Electric, Light: V" ; , .,-'v ' r ,,...; .'. The dark and dingy; store once, avoided by shoppers quickly changes its character and be comes a busy mart of trade under the radiant brilliance of Electric Illumination. T :'.'-:. :";:'V .,.'' -J-y--'-. - In the workshop or the factory Electric " Power secures maximum output, at. ininimum cost. There is no wasj;e when work stops, the expense for power ; stops also. Electric f, power' is reliable, clean," safe, convenient and economicaL ; , ,'V "; J" . Let us send some one to tell you about the many uses, to which Electricity could be put in your home your store -your workshop. CALL TLLLPHOftL MAIN TOR INFORMATION 6688 Railway Light & Power Co. FIRST AND ALDLR STS. .