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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1907)
"THE LILY AND THE ROSE 7 IS THE CHARMING SONG TO BE GIVEN A WA Y WITH -THE SUNDA Y JOUlhW : i A T HE JOURNAL has a larscr paid circulation Una any daily Journal Circulation paper fa Portland or ia Oregon 29,126 Yesterday Was The Weather Fair tonight; 8un-; day showers. Winds southerly. VOL. VI. NO. 10. PORTLAND, OREGON,"' SATURDAY EVENING,. MARCH 16, 1907. TWO .SECTIONS TWENTY PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. aiUfMrcEE FEDERATION , AT I. W. f . Trades Council Orders A. F. oM. Members Not to Help Strikers in Any Way , - - - rastic Resolution Introduced by '. Longshoremen's Union Dele gate Is Adopted Industrial Workers of World Roast Local ; Leaders of Federation Unions. ' The Portland " Federated Tradea and Labor! Council, which rep re sen ta 41 of the 41 A. F. of L anions in thla city, wont flatl en reeord laat night aa op posing the Indaatrlai Workers of the World, : the labor body which la con ducting the atrtke of the mill laborers. The central body of the old line trade unions not only failed .to express mym pathy for the striking organisation, but -it declared that to take such - action would be a breach of loyalty, to Its own cause. Extremely ' hoatlle reeolutlons were Indorsed by a unanimous vote end tile delegates were Instructed to Inform their respective locals that any -mem ber known to extend assistance to the I. W. W. must be retarded as a traitor to the principles of the A. F. of U and Indirectly Inimical to the true cause of labor.- : . ,' , . - Calls Heoolwoot Irresponsible, vo A eeparau set of - reeolutlons : waa Adopted indorsing the stand taken ,hy President C. H. Oram ' of the Ore son State Federation ef Labor against the L W. W., denouncing the charges made against -Granr by Organiser Fred W. Heelewood and calling the latter. an lr responalble person. , ? - . ' : The open rupture which has- at last come in Portland la bat a repetition of the confllcta which nave sprung up be tween the two labor bodlea In other places. In presenting one of the two sets of reeolutlons last night the Long shoremen's union aubmltted a bundle of ,newapaper clippings tending to show that the A. F. of U and the L W. W. have clashed In numerous other places. .. , circular Brings Seply.' T .' ' The hostile attitude taken by the Federated Tradea Council waa undoubt edly precipitated by -the' circular d I nouncing Urem. -which , waa published! tr me atrwe committee or the I. W. W. The atrtke organlsere still Insist that there la no fight' between the two or ganlsatlona, but that the fight la be tween the t W. W. and the "grafting" leaders, or labor fakers' of the old line unions. At a big mass meeting held by the strlkere lest night In Arton hall, -Gompere, Mitchell. Oram. . Lea bo. McDonald and A. F. of L. leaders In general were roundly roaated. The form of organisation of the A, F .of L. unlona waa held up to ridicule, but the speakers insisted that the rank and file were v true blue and were" heartily In sympathy with the strike. 'The resolutions denouncing the I. W. W. were, introduced' in the labor (Continued on Page Two.) TAFT TO HI VALL STREET Secretary Will Find , a Way , to Clear. Railroad Situation. Mellen Makes Appointment With the President. Washington, March It. C. 8. Melltn. president of the New Tork. Hartford road. - today made - an appointment to call on the president Tueedsy. , The president received a telegram from Mr. Mellen this morning asking for an in terview. The president sent favor able reply. It is aUted officially that the presi dent will not give out any statement regarding the financial situation, and that he rerarda the eltuatlon as not ' alarming. He received some callers. In cluding Banker . Bpeyer. and reed ex tracts from hie speeches and, messages. . The Inference that theae were from a Ml J statement la wrong. I The announcement that Secretary of S War Taft la to spend Sunday, Monday J , and Tuesday In New Tork aroused con- Salderable Interest In financial circles. Hi announoed that the purpose of his visit Is to attend a meeting at New Haven Monday ef the Tale -corporation and Tuesday a meeting of the board of beautlflcatloa of Niagara Falls park. The Interest ef financiers In the fact that the secretary will visit New Tork le baeed en the fact that Taft is accred ited with the original suggestion ef a conference between the railroad presi dents and President Roosevelt. .- It Is believed that Taft during hla New Tork stay will find a way to clear the rail road men's minds of the Impression that the president Is likely to call them, end they will find soon that they have bueineas calling them te ' Washington - of thir own volition,, , , LORD ROSEBERY'S SON ' ' WILL WED AN ACTRESS 'MISS PHYUS DARE! PEER TO HARRY WOMAN HE LOVES Lord Dalmeny, Son f Former Premier, . - Incurs' t Parental Wrath by Rejecting Pauline Astor for Poor) Actress. " (Joerael Brwctal' Berries.) London, March 14. -For Incurring the paternal wrath by becoming engaged to Miss PhyJIJs Dare, a well-known-English actress. Lord Dalmeny, son of Lord Rosebery, former prime '. minister of England, has been exiled to . Scotland by his nobla fathers The young man's deportation followed immediately upon the Snnounoetnent of his engagement to Miss Dare. - ' : Lord Riwberjr wished his - soa to merry. Pauline Astor, but the youth. being of aa Independent disposition, re fused to bow to the ' wishes of his father. He met Mlae Dare at the pica dllly theatre and" soon fell In love with her. Hla acquaintance with the actress was kept a secret from Lord Roeebery until the engagement wis announced. Though the eon. Lord Dalmeny, Is heir to $11,000,000 in his own right, arid he la Independent even' though hla father should choes to out him out of hla will, the former prime minister sought to prevent what ha considered a mesalliance by exiling the eon to Scotland. Lord Da!menys mother waa a Rothschild.. ,. .. , ..... . nail Palls on Gray's Ilarbor. , peclal Dhnatefc le The JoersaLI Hoqulum, - With,. March 14. There waa a heavy fall -nf hall oiv- O ray's harbor last night, after which tme a heavy frost, something unusual - for this time of the yeer. The - son . la bright today. The theraeemetar la up, with a very el ear sky.. - - ," , , "- ' LOCKJAW KILLS A BOILERMAKER George Calloway Djes In Convul sions at Hospital After Suffer ' ' Ing . From a , Cut 1 Finger , for ; One Week.v :: ; . ' ; Frothing at' the mouth and in throes ef terrible convulsions. George 'Gallo way wsa taken to St.' .Vlncent'a hospital this morning In the patrol wagon from baumann's hotel, Nineteenth - and Vaughn streets, and died . soon after being admitted to the hospital. The case la shrouded In considerable mystery and an Investigation la to be made by the authorities. From the attendant- etrcuraatancee, however. It la believed aalloway eled from lock Jew, An autopsy to be performed this after noon will effectually, determine the exact cause of death. Oelloway, who waa employed as a Boilermaker by the Willamette Iron and Steel worka. has been residing at the Baumann hotel for some time. Last week he sustained an Injury, to one of hla fingers and aa a consequence waa compelled to remain Swey from the factory. It haa been learned that on Saturday and Sunday he was drinking heavily but not ' sufficiently to have eauaed any aerloua complications. Baa Aroniul la Vnderolethea. This morning .Galloway -wss found running through the halls ef the hotel In his underclothes and frothing at the mouth.- He finally fell to the floor In convulsions and hla condition became ao alarming that Mounted Patrolman Walts Keller waa notified. The patrol wagon waa summoned by the policeman end the unconscloua man removed to police headquertere. Dr. W. T. Zlegler, the recently ap- Continued on Fags Two. J, 6Atl IS RAILROADS Intimated That Finan cier Controls Harri man Holdings in the Traffic Systems Bulls In Control and Stocks Climb Upward Standard Oil Said to Have Cooperated With . , Hill In Crushing Harriman President's Pajt In Program. (Jearsal SpeeUI Service. New Tork. March 14. Bulls were In oontrol of the stock market again to day and substantial gains on the whole llat were made early. Many who ware forced to sell out bought back today at a good advance. It la Impossible to oonflrm the report that Harriman waa SQueeaed during, the .last week. It ts still intimated, however, that J. P. Morgan with Standard Oil aid controls what has been known ss the Harriman holdings,-. The market closed strong. , . Xarrlmaa Dlsoarded. Another denial was Issued today at uie uarriman neaa quarters, but denials were expected and taken at a discount. Whatever foundation there may be for the aenaatlonal atory regarding HUTS coup, the fact remains that it la gener ally believed In Wall street that the Standard - Oil Interests have discarded Harriman. who la no longer regarded aa fit to ' execute their plana, on ' ao- count ef the unenviable -notoriety he received through' the recent railroad In vestigation. New that Harrimaa's methods, which are . the methods of the' Standard Oil crowd, are known, his every move will be . watched,' and . the seorecy essential to successful manipulation of (ha mar ket, cannot longer be enjoyed.'. In other word a, Utrrlman, having proved a use-" fui tool, la discarded now that hla use fulness u over.. Xarrlmaa's Off' la addition. Harriman la said to have offended the powere back of him by hla growing Independence and power. He la said to have become almost ss arbitrary, with thoae that made him a power financially aa he waa . with his subordinates. It Is believed that the flurry In the stock market waa the work of H, H. Rogers snd others of the Rockefeller clique cooperating with the Hill-Morgan forces, and brought about solely to crush Harriman, la preparation for the coup, large sums of money have re cently been borrowed throughout the country, which enabled the manipula tion of the market ; There la' another story going the rounds to the effect that the whole result was due to Roosevelt. . V President Decreed. It Is stated that, aome weeka ago Morgan, representing the alarmed rail road beads snd their banking affilia tions. - sent an emissary to the White House to And out whether the president was Implacably hoatlle to the railroads of the country, or if he were disposed to differentiate between good manage ments and bad. Rooaevelt's return message was that he waa not making war on the railroads, but waa fighting the railroads that per sistently and brasenly broke the law, and that he Intended to pursue the law breakers to the last ditch. Understand ing that Roosevelt waa not nnappeas ably In conflict with all railroads, but (Continued on Page Two.) Heard About Put again! in again! Hooliganl ' Maud and 81 st the monkey house T . How Charlie cut out OeorgeT How Alonso 'fixed , the Earl of Sourfacef itb is ram sundat journal. Know About -'Spending seven millions to unveil nature's secrets T Amaaing romance) ,-'of modern prophet T ' ' . , Merry del Tat on persecution of the church In France What would happen to the earth la a aunapott , I Why women seek .the ballot all ever the wo rid T I A city st once the oldest snd the newest T ' Austria's richest cltlsent -; Where horses go to school T ' A woman's town, where men play second flddlet Early steam boa ting on the Wil lamette , . Lord Knollys as a decoy duck? i The moat wonderful of blind menf ..;.. ,-,.',;'', it's in The undayJournal . LIKE SONGS? ' . .' . .A delightful melody, entitled "THE LILT AND THE ROSE." In the music supplement-of the mammoth "Sunday journal. - REAL COLLEGE WIDOW CAUSES STIR AT YALE MRS. EDWIN KENNETH NORTON SONS OF OLD ELI IN HIDING Exodus ot College Students Follows Divorce Suit Brought Against Gay Young Woman" Who Eloped With Millionaire's Son ' f Joaraal peelal Serrlea.) , New Haven,. Conn.. March II. There has been a hasty exodua of Tale stu dents following . the . divorce . proceed Ingo brought - by Edwin Kenneth- Nor ton, the gay young son of the multi millionaire president of ' the American Can truat agalnat the pretty young wow man ha secretly married some months ago after a romantic elopement In s big red alelgh to Bridgeport.- l Mies ' Josephine Cleste Blrney waa far and away the prettteet' young wo man In New Haven, perhape in all New England. She waa and la atlll a favor ite among the aona of old Ell.- She la but II years old. and her husband la two yeare her Junior. ' , - - The marriage created consternation In the Norton family. - Steps were .-t ones taken to Invalidate the 'ceremony by the elder Norton who threatened to disinherit hla eon unless the latter consented to a separation. Toung Mrs, Norton was forced to go to work and her every step was dogged by spies in the employ of the irate father-in-law. The groom waa hustled off to Europe and the bride left in he. humble neme with her mother and alster. She ss eerta thet her hnsband was kidnaped. . According to the evidence so fsr ad mitted, the bride developed a fnndneeq for ginger ale highballs and did not even dlaplae champagne when treated by friends who helped her over her lone eomeness during the period of her de PRINCE OF WALES S CAUGHT FOR MILLIONS IN FINANCIAL CRISIS (7earaal Rpertel Serrlee.) t London. March it. The Prince ot Wales, aocordlng to the stock exchange report, has lost heavily by the collapse ef American and Canadian securities, and -neede hslstsnce. The prince al ways affects dlsspprovsl of his father's friendship with Sir Ernest Cnseel and other financiers and nothing waa known cfhta own speculative ventures until the break, - r s - - - . ; Vfl'-N,;.',, sertion. However eoroe of the wit nesses for the plaintiff have confessed to nerlurr. i ,. t Mrs. Norton prophecies the failure of the ault. Then she will sue her father- in-law for a million for alienating the affect tone of her husband. , . PASSENGER TRAIN RUNS ' INTO AN OPEN SWITCH . - . -(leemsl Jheesjt eVrrlea.) Bancroft, Mlch March IS. The At lantic express limited, a Grand Trunk train. - ran into an open switch here thla morning and hit, a freight, while running is mllea an hour. Engineer Sohram and Fireman Cowan were fa tally Injured. Among the Injured wsUi EL J. Noonan of . Spokane. Washington. CANAL COMMISSIONERS : ARE APPOINTED TODAY Washington, , March . It. Preeident Roosevelt thla morning formally ap pointed Slbert, Galllard and Roueeeea members of the canal commission at a salsry of 114.000 a year each. Includ ing pay aa army officers. It was an nounced that the preeident would ap point W X. Buchanan of Sioux City, Iowa, a delegate to. The Hague peace conference In June. " , It appears that the prince noted on the advice of an aged Canadian multi-mil-llonalre who was himself oerlouelr hurt The difficulties ef the Prtnce ot Wales hare caused much gratification among the king's set, aa he haa been severely criticising the conduct ef the latter In becoming Inv Ived in the Siberian mine flM'. If win tnke the prlnca msnf '" ' f r l e' momy to liquidate hi CUT DOWil WIDTH OF -PAIEBIIS Initiative Hundred's Committee Recom mends Narrow High ways in Districts Hard. Surface Pavement on . Scores of Residence Thor oughfares Would Then De come Possible, and Parking of Crass Would Improve Looks. - By adoption ef a committee report on Improvement of streets In the res idence districts, the Initiative One Hun dred went on reeord last night aa fa voring reduction of roadways of real denoe streets to a width from It te II feet where there are no ear lines. A special committee was appointed to wait upon President F. L MoKenna and urge him to . reconsider his resignation and consent to act ss preeident another ' yar '-- "Improvement ef streets In residence districts" was the special order of the evening. The committee having Inves tigation of thla question in charge, com posed of Geo. P. Lent and XL A. Kerape, made an exhaustive report and dis cussion of Its various features seen- -pled the evening. The keynote of the report was "more paved streets, nar rower roadways.,- - ; -''' On Pavtag Ooets ' 1 the . opinion of the Committee, many, more streets would be paved if It were net -necessary to pave ao-wide-end thus make . the Improvement ao expensive, . . - ., - - - .- "There Is not a man la this- meeting who haa a home la the residence dis trict caa say there Is sny reasonable nee for all the wide roadway In front of hla residence.' declared a speaker. "Why go to the expense of covering thla wide expanse of street with an expen sive and andecorative pavement? Why not have wider Spaos between the side walk and tbs street pavement, and beau tify with green graas and flowers. In this climate where graas Is green the year round and flowers . bloom nine months la the yearf ; ' 1 Bnooeeafal SOaewhere. Ths roedwsya of moat of tho resi dence streets In Portland are It te it feet wide, which la more than neces sary for sny demand of trafflo upon them. It' la declared In the report. Where there are no oar Unas, II feat In many cases Is said to be a sufficient roadway, and f I feet the maximum. In some cities larger than Portland the average popular width of residence streets without ear lines IS 14 feet, and the city engineers of these cities report that the width la satisfactory. The committee suggested ths following rule: . On streets over feet tn width the sidewalk, of concrete, should bo placed four-feet-from tho-lot Una, and the walk ahould bo six feet wide. Tho shade trees should be four feet from the sidewalk, making ths lino for the shade trees 14 feet from the lot line. On streets IS feet wide and tees, the sidewalk should be two feet from tho lot line, and six feet wide, or four feet from lot line If sidewalks are four feet, wide, and shads trees fonr feet from sidewalk, making line of shads tree (Continued on Page Three.) SEIIT TO JAIL - - eaaesasasasBsstsaasaaasaasyaaaMs -';, When William' Kldd Was Found Not Guilty J. A. Miller Was Unable to Pay the Costs of the Suit.'.'; '." ; A ease that had aa wnaxpected tar. mlnatlon was heard la Juotlee field's court this morning when ths defend' ant waa discharged sad ths complain ant eent to JalL, J. A. Miller was ths complainant, charging William Kldd with larcenv by bailee. It was charged that Kldd appropriated fZOt to his tea uses, wbea tho money really belonged to the two men Jointly. They were contract ora and Kldd had gone te Umatilla county to attend to the work. Miller swore to a complaint in thla county alleging that the offense waa committed here and ConetaMe Lnu Wagner made the trip to Pendleton to serve the pepere ef arrest. Kldd we brought to Portland at the expense t t Multnomah county and a prxllniimtrr bearing was held last Monriar. The case wss heard In Justi.-s r ' court this morning and ki ll "i ( not guilty. The c-'a nf i ln, amomi'l!' t) I v . , agalnat M , i ' ' agln-t I ' M r - GBDFUIiliflT IS ) .-