The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 15, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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r c.o
f.raad ..,..
I me
, ."Toe Rrd Kwnnr"
i.. "A Blark Hbwp"
, "Uxt la hew urk"
...... i V.o1.rlll
...i,..'The Parl.k friMt"
"t.aiWr Two Kl.g."
' The announoements of trouble with
- the miners at Goldfleld, Nevada, wlU
in no wise afreet work on tba Butt Boys
Consolidated Mining company' proper
- ties, as the man to whom- tba aontract
lor sinking the shaft is let. and those
working with them, are stockholders of
' the company, therefor not subject to the
.-restrictions of the union. - This is the
easa with all claim being developed by
' the owners, as the union rules do not
Interfere with parsons who ar working
for themielvea Advices from th mine
: state that work la progressing with all
- possible speed, and the three shifts ar
TOnstantydeepnlng-lh. opening -In--the
sarin. The contractor says that ("every
indication points to a treat mine here.
; It does not seam possible that thers can
. ee any miatak about it". ' -v v .
Judge, Webstsr announced this morn
ing that a public hearing wilt be held
, In th county court next Friday morn
s'' Ingest 1 o'clock on the question of
. granting a franchise to th Mk Hood
flectrlo JUUway company. At that
time persona who have any objections
t th granting of th fraachlae will be
. given aa opportunity to express their
views as to why th Una should not b
run according to th preeent plans.
Rev. Johnston McComrao, a ' pioneer
, minister of Oregon, was burled this
, afteraooa at Rlvervlew cemetery. Serv-
; ioes war held at tit. Btephen'a church.
He was born in Ireland II years ago. In
recent years he has bean stationed at
Seamen Bethel, Aetoria, Mrs. W. 8.
Punlway, Dr, 1. T. MoCormao of Marsh
field and i. W. McCormao of Astoria are
,'his children. , . .... , - .
A sealed verdict was returned- In the
state circuit court this morning by the
jury which heard th case of R. A.
Ma re hall of Marshall Bros, against th
: Columbia Realty eompaay, in favor of
the plaintiff for $171.06. The suit was
-, to recover money for laying a concrete
. foundation for t. realty company.
". Susan Murray and Roy Whltehouee
were arraigned in the circuit court this
-'tnoralng on a statutory charge. They
were given -until Monday in which to
plead. Wbltahous and Miss Murray
were arrested with Mrs, Barks; a Is.
' year-old girl, while the three were liv
ing together In on room. .' - , . - ;
. ,. . i a -. " ,'"
The Portland Academy of Medicine
? met met Ust night In th offices of Dr.
A. J. Olasy In th Oregonlan building.
A paper waa read by Dr. A. E. Mackey.
' New member war elected aa follows:
. Dr. EL J. Labbe. Dr. R. C Tenney, Dr.
C. 8, Whltv Dr. ELD. Johnson and Dr.
E. DeWltt Coonell, - y( j
" On of th most efficient eouah arena.
, rations In the market Is the one pre
. pared and sold by Albert Bern!, the
druggist, til Washington street, under
: the name of Kenyon s Cough and Cold
. Cure. Prompt results follow Its use and
the price is only to osnts a bottle. ..... ,
Word das been received her of th
death tt 'Ed Faldmea In Ban Francisco.
; Mr. Faldman was a member ' of th
- woodenware Arm of Feldman ft Co. and
" was for year a 'member of the Mult
nomah club. Several years ago he re-
moved to th Bay City. . 1 .
If yon ar troubled with any nervous
disorder, poor 'circulation, cold feet or
rheumatism, try a pair of Electro pod ea
In your ehoes.' Quaranteed satisfactory
or money rerundeo. Albert Berni, th
druggist. Ill Washington street. ,
The Brotherhood of American Teaman
. held a reception lest night In honor of
William Koch, grand foreman, at Wood
men ball. Among th speakers was
Mayor Harry Lane. About 400 Teomen
. wer present . ..
Tou wlU be better pleased and It will
cost yon less money if yon hare your
eyeglasses made by (Teorge Kubensteln.
reliable optician, in Fourth at, between
Yamhill and Taylor. k . ' 7
Dr. O. Schaafer, & former 'resident
ef Portland, but now located at Los An
geles, is Tlaitlng his parents at Holladay
Park for- fsw days. . ; . ,-;
Rt earner Jesse Hsrklns.- for ' Caaaa,
Washougal and way landings, dally w
eept Sunday. . Lst Washington street
dock a p.. m. . . .. - . .,
Julius SDreatone has resumed ' the
practioe ef law axoluslTely. (01 Oiam
bar of Commerce.. .1 -r
The tickets for the Olivia Dahl eon.
cert will be good, Baturday evening,
March Jlf;.;'''.!"' .--"'-
Womsn's Ksohanga, 111 Tenth street,
lunch llil to S; business men's lunch.
Asm Oil Co. sells the best safety eoat
eit and fin gasoline. Phone East Tl
Foe sals 'A nine room houses T01
Nortbrup. hot IOkIOJ. Main 1711. . r
Why pay moret Mstsger fits yut
yes for 9V - 111 Sixth street
' Dr. E. C Brown., Zt-Ear. Marquem.
Berger Signs U Tamhlll Phons.
(arough rralaa Ohloage is SVenisvlile
(through Infllanapolis, leave Chicago 11
) o'clock midn. ht. 10 a. m. and 1:40 n. vn.
over, Penneylvanla Short Line. Parlor
' oar and llbrary-oafe . car with large
'aklng parlor and a la carte dining
f nece in day train. Bleeping cars In
niirnt trains, ror complete inrormaiion
ddress F, N. Kollock, Diet Agent,
; Portland. Otagon. tit BUrk atreet.
4 r . . . . , m .
; Coyotes are mora numerous and bold
in parts of Morrow county than for
ears. - ' Vs " - 1
f.lAIH 100
iuquiries Fdn
' , '
The rapid increase in our
deposits is proof that people
are saving their money. We
think,- too, that our constant
reminder that we are after
business your business-
has been the means of bring-
ing many depositors to our
bank. . y;
7e Pay 49b Interest
-White for our Free Booklet, ...
... "Banking by MaiL" .
Sixth and Washington! Streets,1
, Portland, Oregon.
V, RESOURCES tlOO.000.00.' V ;
W. H.' MOORE, President." " .
E. E. LYTLE. Vice-President. : -W.
Dr. Hook Ins Neaher Goes to fany
' , Who, Can Never Henr, th v
i . . .. . j
; '. Gospel Preached, v . .-
A figure of unusual Interest In Port
land la the learned editor, llterateur and
archaoioglst, Br. Franklin E. Hoskins,
D. D., who wilt lectare this evening at
the First Presbyterian church. His sub
Jeet Is "Between Egypt and the Prom
ised Land," and eontalna the results of
recent journeying into Moab and Edom.
Th lecture wlU be Illustrated with stere
optlcon views made from his own photographs.'-
-,.;...'. -
Dr.- Hoskins occupies a chair in th
theological .seminary at Beirut, lyria,
' Rer. Franklin EL Bosklns, D. D.
and Is ths editor of ths Arablo press at
that place. Hla weekly paper. "Neshera."
a sheet of II pages, printed In Arabia,
reaches many who would otherwise never
hear the vgoapel message, for publle
preaching of any kind, is prohibited In
Turkey, and until thla press was estab
llehed th Arabia language carried no
religious message except that of Mo
hammed.' . -
Last year the Beirut press turned Sent
over 00.000.000 pages of gospel literature.
Eighty per cent of this Is the Bible, but
the remaining miscellaneous matter
makes a large total, and Is prepared for
publication by Dr. Hosklna
There will be no admission fee charged
for the lecture, but a silver offering will
be taken for mission work. Dr. Hoskins
will preach at Westminster church on
Sunday morning and will occupy the pul
pit of -the First Presbyterian church In
ths evening with .- Rev. William H.
Foulkea - , . . . ; ,. ,
O. W. Koeppen of Pehdleton and H. (X
Koeppen of Boise, Idaho, are visitors
at the Portland for a short stay In th
city. . Both of th gentlemen are drug
gie's.' . ...'.
H. W. Storey f Everett, Wash who
has been the guest of the Imperial for
a few days, left thla morning for Happ
ner for a short business visit In that
city. From there he will go to Mani
toba, where he will make hi permanent
real denoe. Mr. 'Storey was formerly a
well known resident of Heppner.
Philip Metechan. Jr... cashier ef the
Imperial hotel snd eldest son of the
proprietor of the hotel. Is !U at bis home
with a alight attack of heart trouble.
For soma time Mr. Metechan hag been
troubled with occasional trouble with
hla heart and ' night before last was
taken ill at his home. He Is now under
a ; physician's ear. . dis ease la , not
considered to be serloua . . '
Alexander. Bslllle, the resident agent
for Bnlfour, Guthrie Co. at Tacoma,
Is Vt the Portland, accompanied by Mra
Balllle. Mr. Balllle la In the city In the
Interests ef his business bouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adler ef Baker
City are visiting friends In th city,
making their headquarters at th Port
land hotel. -;.. . . -'
H. Abbott, accompanied by hla daugh
ter, Mra Plunkatt of Vancouver, Is at
th Portland. for a short visit In ths
St. Patrick's Eve Party. '
Tomorrow night at the ' Exposition
Rink there will be a two-session cele
bration of mirth and entertainment. The
occasion la in a St. Patrick's eve party,
and Judging from the list ef speolal
events which hsve been arranged. It la
wall assured that all who attend will
enjoy tba affair. ' Among th features
are pursuit races, athletlo stunts and an
exciting rslay race, in which Oena Har
rison, a professional akster. Will meet all
comers. Several Special numbers will be
rendered for the exoluelve skstlng of
couples. Tasteful St Patrick's souve
nirs will be given to all who attend.
Parsons' orrhentr will preside st both
sessions ths first of which will hold
from T:M to In, ths second- for which
no admission will be charged, will run
Stearns Drlck CuIIding to Rise
on Fourth Near Yam-
'. , hill Street. -
C. C. Vanghn Buy North Portland
Block ' From Seattle . Ian . nd
'Then Bells It Immediately at a
JjHce Profit -.i'-i--'
D. B: Bhearns will begin the erection
Msy 1 of a four-story bricks business
house en ths east aids of Fourth street,
100 feet south of the comer of Tam
hlll. Ths building will cover a full 60
by 100-foot lot Ths wajla will be given
aufflclent strength to support four ad
ditional stories in ths event the busi
ness conditions demand the ( Improve
ment - . ".
The Boston Rubber Shoe company has
been negotiating with Mr.- Stearns for
a leas on the building, although no
definite arrangements have been made
to this end. Mr. . Stearns reports that
since it becam known that he Intends
building In that locality bs has been
overwhelmed with applications to leas
storerooms In ths new building.
Ths block bounded by Vaughn, Wil
son, Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets
was sold yesterday to C C Vaughn for
IfS.OOO, The sale was made by W. A.
Storey. " Immediately thereafter Mr.
Vaughn sold the block to A. C Dun
meler for 1(0,000. The -property be
longed to a Seattle tnveator.
Charles Bart ram has resold the Al-
bins, gardens to Jacob J.'Hahn for 111,-
00. This property was purchased by
Bertram some two months ago for 110,
00. Bollan, Grass! tt Hlgley mad th
sal. .
The ' Kedamptlonlst Fathers ' hsv
taken title to the eight-acre tract In
Upper Alblna, on Portland boulevard,
for which they contracted some weeks
ago. ' The property belonged to the Mar
shall sisters and waa sold for I1M00.
The Redemptionlst Fathers have head
quarters at St' Johns and are engaged
In the education of the Catholic youth
throughout the country.
Mary Hanson purchased yesterday
through Mall eV Von Borstal the south
east corner lot at East Second and East
Tamhlll streets, for IT.IOO. Ths lot
belonged to Mrs. O. B. Bellinger. '
Reed. Fields eV Tymen sold today a
10-acre tract of land on the right, of
way of the proposed Mount Hood rail
way for 14.000. Baasett Field were
the purchasers. ' y -
Wakefield, Fries 4 Co. : have sold to a
local Investor a II by. 100-foot lot on
Lovejoy street, between Twenty-first
and 'Twenty-second street, for 11,100. ,
Anderson Arrested and Glen
r skener, His Companion, ,1s'
Being Sought.
Deputy Constabla Sig ' Wcrthslmsr
took Ouetaf Anderson Into custody, at
Troutdale yesterday afternoon on a
chargs of : assault and battery. , A.
Fredrlekson, the complaining wltnesa,
states that the prisonsr, together with
Tom 'Qlenakener,-threatened- him with
Immediate extinction and kept him In
continual fear of hla Ufa Tom Qlen
skener eould not be found by the deputy
The principals li
in th case
ar tlmbermea and , ware
working at
V. jr. Sheparda of St Johns will be
tried In Justloe Reld's court this after
noon for th theft of a key valued at
II esnta Captain B. U Snow, the
veteran attorney of St Johns, will ap
pear for th defendant Robert Gray
of the earn alty Is the oemplainant ,
" Mnton will eleen up Friday.- and
won't be an unlucky Job, either.
" - -' ' '-. .' '" ' 't ..- U .... .. . V . ..."
Know It by This Label
Every hat' guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction or a new
hat free of charge
The Largest Assortnent of Jom1 B, Stetson lists tn the City
Judge Wolverton Promises De-
clslons In Two Suits Seven
and Eight Years.
Corbett tt Mac leaf Company Pro.
tested Pec'tion of Government
' . If . '. ''
Appraiser as to Number of
Threads- mrtJre-Pabric.---
Judge Wolverton on Monday will hand
down decisions in two old esses which
havs been 'pending In the federal court
for a number of yesra The title of on
csss is R. E. Moody vs. L U Patter
son, the other la Corbett Macleay
company agalnat' the board of Halted
States Government Appraiser.
Ths Moody esse was brought by ths
plaintiff some sevsn years sgo In. or
der to escape the payment of duty on
a consignment of sheep dip sent from
Australia to Z. F, Moody at Portland
or Salem. The shipment was held up
and a special appraisement made upon
it by the collector ef customs on the
ground that the material did not oome
under the correct classification and
could be need for other purposes than
that Indicated la the statement made to
the authorities. The ease was tried
before the late Judge Bellinger and was
practically decided by him. Just prior
to his death he stated that he had ar
rived at his decision In the ease snd
Informed some of the court officials
and those Interested what his decision
would be. Before he handed down a
formal declalon from the -bench, how
ever, he was stricken with the fatal
Illness. . on this account it was nec
essary to begin th action over again
before Judge Wolverton and this .was
done. '..
The ease of the Corbett a- Macleay
company has been upon the docket of
the federal court for the past eight
years. It was brought the first place
In complaint agslnsa ths duty levied
upon a shipment of burlsp consigned
to the plslntlffa The whole dlsput
and action aross over the number of
threads In the warp of the eloth. the
plaintiffs maintaining one contention
and. ' th government the other. The
difference of the number ef tnreaes
made a difference In the amount of
duty te be charged. ' :.''
Q. O. Brown ef Troutdala against
whom a complaint of Insanity waa fpd
In ths county court yesterday by or.
W. C Bslt of Troutdale, wss found dead
In bed laat night by Deputy Sheriff
Bulger -and Dr. Belt-when they, went to
place Brown under arrest . - . '
Brown hnd been living at the hotel
In- Troutdale and began acting queerly
several days ago. Finally his ease be-j
came so pronounced that Dr. Belt came
to rvruana ana loagea m caarii m in
sanity against the man. - Excessive
drinking Is said to havs been the cause
of Brown's mental trouble and death is
supposed to have been due to alcohol
ism. Brown was about to years or aga
A ooroner's Inquest will be held.
Who is MtsgrT He fits roar eyes
for 1., . Ill Sixth street. ...
4 Auctioneer
11 W.
OTOW ST, SntaB 10TM.
Regular Sales
Tuesday, Thurs.,
and Friday
WlU bar be .farattarc ef
aWt S4TS. -- -r......... ........... ..
I.LI. SLataJT, Aaetkmam.
$300 HATS
ive-se'ieweTa' vi
Tf yea want to see the aswsv
ia wearUK- apparel visit the
Style Store. ,
Our Drapery Section
(loyyer'floor) offers an
extra special ; in lace
curtains for Saturday
only, 42, 45, 48 and
50 inches wide, cur
tains in white and
Arabian, full length,
values up to $1.75,
pair 85c.
Satnrday Only
85c Pair
' ; See Wlaaewe IT and la.
Th Store Wasre
Teas Creatt to weed
1 fi
: I :
lEastera OiiMMiig Co
Where a number of persons join in the pur-"
chase of property, title should for many rea
sons be lodged in a holder that never dies and ,
is always' available for a re-conveyance. . .
Where for legitimate reasons the identity of '
the purchaser should be withheld, a perpetual
trustee should be employed.!
For these and many other services our Trust
Department is specially equipped and ; has a
large amount of this business in charge. .
Consult us respecting these mattersV
"Strictest confidence always maintained. '
J. . Frank ; Watson . i i
R. L. Durham . ..... .
W. Fear, 7. . .
S. C. Catching.1
O. W. T. Muellhaupt.
for Women and QlrU
A;proprl:te Itoics Appttl! Pricti
TMm little Kand-Tallorea turtang
ana Mushroom Sullor effects; fetehy,
catchy, smart and snsppy. Etr'
ordinary value S3 to SIO.
Exqtilatte Drees and Evening ftata,
both ilea tarn patterns and super
creation of eur head deelgnsr, woe
Is Just from New York. ftO.OO
f 40.00. . ,
rmzcxs aiwats ixsn At
p- . -.... .. i
Easier Apparel
1 For men and young men I
is I now shown in our :
Clothing Section in such
immense Varieties of .
styles, fabrics and colors
as to , make - choosing
very easy even for the
most fastidious. They
are fashioned by the
best designers, tailored
by skillful craftsmen and
trimmed and finished in
a mannero give abso- ;1
lute satisfaction. Yet
they are - moderately
priced. Besides, - our
credit system privileges '
you ' to 1 pay for ' your r
Easter outfit in as small
payments as may be
convenient to you, say
Cor. Wasliinaton Tenth
...-... ' . . . . . President
. . . e i . '.Vice-President
;v. . . . ;Secretary.
.Assistant Secretary.
. ..... . .Cashier
i i .is . .
fl i I :
Cloliiing Co.
Qolhes lhat arc la
are the best tliafs
made in r.Icns Ap
parel. $10.CD for a
TailOMnade Suit at
Makes eertaln demands upon your culi
nary utensils, especially for preparing
ggs for the table. There ar many
J articles devised particularly for cooking
sggs in the innumerable waya - pre
scribed by custom and oook hooka At
Avery's yon can get any ef these, from
chafing dish to aa egg beater; besides,
we have let of other things Just as
useful. , ... ,: , , ......
Avery ca Co.
Wii'a HeUis Theatre
la I
Teswkt, .
K.. Iiainn,
The F.Teclte Srtnr.
Bvealeg Prleae Lower flour. 10 rows II. W;
rewe II. . Balceey 1. TSe, Oe. . Seller?.
S5e. aSe. i ... . . -
lfatisee Prlete SSe e II.
seate Kow bWIds at Tbeatrt. '
less sad - PCII If? TffCITPC
WaaklaeSM MMMU lUeWIIAL, Um.m U
Was, Teea., Wed.. Xtfhta. Harek II. is, SB.
- gMetol-Prlce Matinee SeinMar. l - -.
The Klrke I Shl)e Ompany Presents
- - sugTui raajiVM
,. IN - "v '
Srealas Piliae guilt Ifwar riser. tl.Hl
SaleMf. 1. Tea; r.ntlre Oelleiy, aOa. . .
Matntee meee si to zse.
Pkese Wile g.
Or. ThMtre Oe..!
See. U baker, Mgr.
ei.). a.dina.hlo roeaUr-ri U md Thaa-
tr. ,au Thai 'Hk-Tke Bkr fhxk
Oeapaar ia Hefe A SLACK tail
I A eenaai ec ra oiw ti
beaiaalaa te red. Eerf Hort laree eaeaai
Wuer tkaa tke Use Tke wtae atas kne
tie eaate tar Is adraore at the Baker. Matinee
.tank, tmlnn. JB. Mo. SOs. Matla.a
Ue. Ike. Seat Weea-"seaesas ef ta Ssa,-
, ' MUtne ST. BoaBMe. Manag.
riarlag Only Baatera Sa Attf arfleea.
Tatsbtln liila a'eek MatUMe Wadoeesar
ead seterd.f The bt and atartllag aaale
raise. "LOST W SEW TOggL" "
Tkrlllras stot ead reaUatie erwerr. Tke ka
ef sUr rnrr oee Ilk". R.fular Empire jrta.a.
Jler WeeW-Ta Xia ef Taaamss.
Tke Atlea Swek Oawtaay
Ostda's kUtrTrlor.
KltlBeee Teeadare, Tbondara ' Saharsar
as gosd at :M a BVI Brtee t ad
mmMm. Iwt malM st l-.15i silne IS. M
end SO easte. eaaU by saeaa. Mala
m au
The Grand
TaadevBle as lass
Sally . sad u Seae,
-Tke Men Vita
tke Caaaa.
atrala, Oaatta, TMIy S
Itkol Kkaai. KIon
h leva, rraah ft LeeJae
Beverly. Xamld ateff,
LTXIO THXATKX. PerUaad's Poenla lrk
Baaae. . Iter? Atersaaa and SvMtao Tkie
Weak. Seereaalaod Lnie teeh 8iaiiay la
tke rasMes Psatent Play.
i -m PAKIU PaZKS. '
iaf.i seats ess sew m saceted Is ad
rasr trea It . a. k 1 . a. P.i'r
siatlneee at easel tlae, Efetilnf aiiai
aaeea at 1:11. Sararday aed Suaday ee
bia: yirat eailtsaiaata at T .11.
i i 1 i. -j-i , vm
at in 1 - '
arw roR baLb at th roi.
t nun vi.a(
t. E. HALLXr. 411 Wsehtsgtea, I
Phona ' 1T.
P. J. B v ITU. Featoa Bulldtng. j
Thone. Ma'n II.
in. KELLAi.ra ro, IT Ofsnl
everoi. 1 Dine, Kt 4!t-
r - I i.ry a lii&i:..' . 1.U TMM
. i " i
i. 11. 1 r
1 . . : i
from 10 to U. No advano la admission.