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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND.- FRIDAY EVENINQ. MARCH ' 15, , 1C07. WHITMAN'S MEN WHO DEFEATED PACIFIC'S AND WE CAN mm rri, ' 1 r--T 7T:- - mm MAE ..... ....... .... .-k . , v ... , , THE BEST $3 HAT C The Whitmn Collere debating team which last week defeated Pa- etnc UnlTrslt7 of Forest Grove in the third annual Intercollegiate de bater. The question was, "Resolved, that municipalities should own and operate their street railways." Whitman; supporting the affirmative, se cured a unanimous decision. The men, reading from left to right, are Roy N. Wolfe, -'07 leader Alfred LIvengood. 08r and XJalus- Green--slade, '07. '.:... '. - - - " .- -. . ' QUARTZ LEDGES RICH AS PLACER Old Galice District for Second Tim Is Coming Into Fame ,: for Gold. i CLAIMS SO RICH THEY, " ,4 - DEVELOP THEMSELVES ' ;,."-' ':" - - - ; t Btreunous Teddy as . Uooa as. - v Placer, Its Owner Mortaring Out - Wealth a Will-llnntlng Lost Pay Streak at Sugar Pine. - iSnaclal Mmatrk a Tka loarreaLl Gallce. Or.. March 11. There Is much activity In the old Oallce mining dis trict on Rorae river, due largtlx tcrrths recant fabulous strikes on many of the Quarts claims of the district. More at' tentlon Is being paid to the quarts ledges than ever before and this has resulted In several notable discoveries. The dls trlct ha been famous as a placer sold producer for more than half a century, but not till recently was serious atten tion given Its quarts lodes. More than 10 ledges have been uncovered and de velopment proved them wide and perma nent with stable values. Much ore has been shipped and good cleanups have been made from quarts erusnea. i. T Onoot these properties 1srhe Oriole, owned bv Mattlsoa Mitchell of Port- land and developed and operated by them. Several shipments 'of ere have been ' made- recently.-, One consignment gave returns of $400 a ton. Since this was shipped the ledge hss widened and Its -values have Increased. The owner have another carload of ere ready fo shipment that they . are satisfied will yield 1440s a, ton, . i ,. : ' ' traanoes Teddy Wakes Oood. Bob Jackson, n proapeetor of the dis trict, has taken 18,000 from his Black Jack claim, and has a fortune more In sight All this money was removed dur ing the regular development of, the ledge. One email bunch of quarts shot with .gold contained ever 1300. This strike was made a short time age and Is still yielding handsomely. John Nesbeth. who owns and is devel oping ' the Strenuous Teddy claim, crushed tl.000 a abort time ago from a small pile of quarts by hand mortar. Nesbeth owns three claims, air show ing fine ledges. The Strenuous Teddy, however. Is the best of the group. Nes beth Is working the claim on the old time plan; whenever he needs cash, he goes down to the Strenuous Teddy and crushes out a little pile of quarts. The rock Is deootnpooed stuff, carrying high values In free gold. The Golden Wedge mine, one of the oldest quarts -mines of the district Is now owned and operated by the Golden Road Mining company. ' It la equipped with a live-stamp : mill , end has - pro duced about 170.000. The property has a big body of ore, some of which runs as high as 1100 to $300 a ton. The owners have been giving their, main attention of late to the systematic development of the ore body, with the intention of placing larger equipment when the prop erty Is sufficiently opened up. ' The biggest property of the district, the Almeda Consolidated, which com prises all the claims snd workings on the ' famoua Big Tank lode on both banks of the Rogue river, te under sa tire development by the Almeda Con solids ted Mining company of Portland. Those people have had thle Immense property under development for the past five years, and have dons several thou sand feet of underground work, all pn the lode. The ore body has a width of ICS feet, with eropplnga from sheer bluffs overlooking the Rogue river, mak ing It Ideal for direct . tunnel develop ment The ere la baae In character, ear rylng low-grade though constant values In copper and gold. It is an Immense proposition, snd one which the company will ultimately operate on a gigantic scale. .!-,'...... Bound to rind Old 9y treJu From the old Sugar Pins mine be tween fI5,000 and $10,000 has been re moved. Recently, however, the pay streak was lost snd the owner has been on the search of It. W. I. Do well, the owner, Intends to keep digging till he locates the lost pay streak. He believes he has found It. .or Is close on Its trail, and that It promises even greater eensa tlopa than the Sugar Pine has created In days gone by. 'V Just west of the Sugar Pine Is ths Bull Pine claim, owned Snd under develop ment-by Adam Courtney. - The tunnel has been driven to a depth of IS feet disclosing a seven-foot ledge of 114 ore. The New Tork Mining company has a group or it claims la the district that it is - systematically developing. A splendid system of ledge Is uncovered. UN LOOKED FOR LEDQE iV. The great eOcleaey snd reliability el Danderine as a hair nrewer sad Scalp revnerator have won the eeaddwee and 4yi fS eettenace ol millloae aad sailllona o( people thmghetit the United States. It has attelsed a larger sale aad Is ssoregeaetally , v I r ZUd thn .nr ohcr erticle toilet or mrtlieln.l-tht bat ew hm eold oc kedle4 by the Dr trade h thia eoentry Til 7 rAMDKlilNB makes the scalp healthy sad fertile and keepe it so. It is the greatest scalp fertiliser and therefore the . , X V J ereatMt kalr-artacins remedr the world hae rrfr known. It ! tarml food nt a whole aardtclBe for both the ailr M ( ' IXSi.. I a UtU. . II .111 rl r. (utlM Uh U fU kalf Um t fallal eUul keif iaale I - W erst saide. It eaews reeaUta fresa the very ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' W jj 1. . 1 NOW at all druggists in THREE SIZES. 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. . " " CJ . 5 BBS n BBS pal TertewhewoiekIeeHBseU wewtn ses aUrse eaam,-"' ' 7T I a Iwl I lailai pie lre by tetnra mall to BBToae who seads this sdertlaeaea ' , ' " jl1' III ,X aaea li 1 1 C. IC U the tuwltaa ls,aderlae Oi, Chleaaw, with their aaaae bjbv JaSafS I ' bbjbbJIw " ""sndsddreMsndtenceatttasUvereretampstow r U'r'-l'1 IN THE WORLD 1 HAS THIS ; LABEL ; i. ' -. - :'-r ' ' '' . , . W.000 SOLD. NOT ONE RETURNED 1 BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER, In Tunneling for Placer Ditch Rich Quarts Vein Is Ron Into. fSpsetal Dtrsetra ts Tkr JeerneLt ' - Myrtle ereek. Or March 1 While driving a long tunnet through the Myr tle ereek divide to convey the hydraullo mining ditch for East Umpqua river te ths Lee's ereek placer diggings the I , . ,' J''' r - . I- v v, -' . : A POINTER On hand and ready to t weair all the new Spring Styles for Menzand Iri ,,'(. Boys : :., v:; ? -J:' Special Opening March 20,' v " . to which you are , specially , , : M (f nc ; Is jNorth anything ; 1 y : save It hy shopping here. v : ' . ft -a. J ... r " ' .'.."' -See pur great window dis plays of all the latest things In. Hen's and Boys' Hobby Spring yjearables; ; - : : : OuSlCuhnPr ; We've Everything to Wear for, Men and Boys -IZj AIID 1C3 THIRD ST- moiiawk bldg. 1 ,.- Lee's Creek Mining company struck one ef the largest quarts ledges ever unoovered In this district Ths big vein has a width of 10 feet and, while no further development has been done upon It It has been sufficiently uncovered to prove Itself an ore body of great sise snd- stable- character. The- greet-bulk of the lode Is base and runs about 11.50 a ton, but there Is a four-Inch strip on the hanging wall of high-grade ore that carries st& to -tlOS a ton. When the company gets the present work ef ditch construction well -under way, the big vein will be fully developed. The tun nel Is now- In te a depth of to A feet with shout (00 feet ret to drive. : The ditch from the East Umpqua ts SO miles long; snd will be fully opened within the next 10 deys. The ditch will carry 1,000 minora Inches and will supply three giants in the Lee's ereek placer diggings. . The Myrtle district quarts mlnss are mere active thie season than they have been for several years. The Continental, Hall and Little Chieftain are In opera tion, the two former removing ore for shipment The Little Chieftain has its own mill. The ledges are stable, carry ing gold In conjunction with Iron and copper pyrites. The veins all run par allel with the valley, and are easy of development their location making pos sible the opening up of all by direct tunnel. CONDEMNED TO DEATH FOR AIDING JUSTICE ASHLAND'S RICH MINES One That Is to Rival the Old Ash land The Ashland Peak Group, ,' (Bpseial Dispatch e The learnsL) Ashland, Or., March II. Thomas W. RI1L who Is developing a gold claim in Wagner creek, canyon, four miles west of Ashland, reports the ledge has been struck, 140 feet In, In extending a cross cut tunnel to tap the vela on the hang ing wall aide. The same vein had bees prospected to Boras extent by a shaft on the dip ef the vein on the opposite side ef the hllL The shsft Is 7(0 feet from the end ef the tunnel and a drift Is be ing extended along the vein from the Inner end of the tunnel to Intersect the bottom of the shaft Thia drift will reach a vertical depth of 000 feet and give a depth of 1,100 feet on the Incline dip of the vein. The trend of the vein Is magnetlo north and south and It will average 10 feet In width between well defined walls. A chnts of high grade gold ore. similar to that found In the old Ashland mine. Is known to sxlst between the shaft and. the cross-cut tunnel. This property. Is -a short distance southwest of the Ash land, mine and Is on the, same . vein. The Ashland . mine, which was In operation several years ago. Was worked te depth' of 1.000 feet on the .Incline of the vein, and yielded over $1,000,000 In gold under the most costly haphssard manner of mining. . A quantity - of the ore con tained gold values as high as it. 000 a ton. The Ashland mine has been closed down for a number of years, hut It would yet be a good paying mlns If operated under proper management and with modern machinery. Mr. Hill Is confident that when the pay shoot en his claim la encountered he-and his associates will have a mine that will prove to be fully as rich and. a better mine than ths Ashland. ' Ths Ashland Peak group, of 11 gold quarts claims, situated four miles due south ef Ashland, on 'the - mountain shoulder of Ashland peek, Is being de veloped by a tunnel run on the trend of the vein.. The -vein averages . fully eight feet in width between well-defined walls. It is uncovered by . surface prospect holes and shafts to ths extent of three miles In length along Its apex. Tna quarts is partly -decomposed snd contains the values in free gold and gold sulphides. A 10-lnch strata of the vein on each of the walla contains 1(0 gold to the ton on the average. The balance of the vein is a porphyretic quarts that will average 13.(0 gold per ton and continues to Increase In value ae depth on the vein la attained. The property Can be readily worked by tun nel to a depth of l,0f reet-below, the surface. Mexican Who : Helped tot An- TrieelesSheriff JeT Seized . " 4 : and Condemned. , e (Josraal gpeeltl Berries.) Los Angelas, March 1(. Bsoause hs helped ths sheriff ef Los Angeles county to . capture a - murderer three years ago, Antonio Fells has been con demned te death In Mexico and is lia ble any day : to be stood np against a well and shot desd by a squad ef sol diers. In ths hope ef saving Fella's life, ths aid ef President Roosevelt Secretary of State Root and Governor Qlllet will be Invoked. - Behind .thle plan la n de termination ef American officials that hereafter Mexican violators ef the American law shall not escape punish ment by merely crossing the Interna tional 'boundary line. Fells, a Mexican oltlsen. In la a pe culiar position. The murderer was a Msxloaa, Juan Antonio Puebla, who slew n man in Santa Monica canyon 10 years ago In a quarrel ever a woman. He escaped., over .the .border, but final ly Sheriff - Hammet located htm and Fells went over and got him by a rase. He wan taen-naageav r Auen. ips waaresa niiuaii aurvansei Fells, eharglng him with kidnaping, and he was given the death penalty. Hie guilt of the eharge la not questioned, hut It Is contended that he performed a valuable servioe for the state aad county and gave indispensable aid to furthsr the ends of Justice. BRIEF SPORT ITEMS At Chicago last night Frank Ootoh threw John R coney, the wrestling po liceman. In two straight falls, eatcb-an- eatch-een. ' A report from New Tork states that Battling Nelson has refused Tex Rich ard's offer ef 110,000 for n fight with Jo Oana. Family, Rwtaurant and ", Hotel REFRIGERATORS The best and most reasonable priced oh the American mar ..-t,.-. . , . ket today-is the .-t---- I ICC IjlCf ' yzJOej) ; flNC-llMCO J. T " . . I maa nia J I HERRICK RtrRIGLRATOR t. '' ' f-. ' ' .- ' ' r J.. ..-. ." ' I: ; - That- the - Herrlck - possesses - the best . principle of refrigeration is shown by trio -crrmrln or . ArmtnA ' 4er ' txiem. An ' fl - X. fl examination o our refrigerator will 1.1 ' ; . convince even the1 most skeptical of . m -f ' their merit in workmanship, material,' t finish and high efficiency. A trial -will prove the value of ' the principle economy and highly sanitary features of the f'-, .: . -v 'Hemclf.': , ;u , J. J. KADDE.RLY Largest Retail Hardware Dealer In Oregon. Store 00 feet deep, from 130 First to 120 Front Street . First Street En i trance next to O. W. P. Waiting Room. - - TO FBBVIbTT OBZF. : MtiTff RHlUn ' rtnlnlh. ' to' th. eeaae. le set tUe sesslne. eallfor rail asms aat leek lot slsaatBSS as SV W, Oraea, SAn al . 4 e- a . The White Lnamelcd Oven " , x. of the : "A'M: Biicks Range Means clean, wholesome food.. . This distinctive feature is one of the many that has made famous the great line of Buck's stoves and ranges. A sanitary oven is even a greater necessity than a sanitary refrigerator, for during the process of baking chemical changes render contamination doubly easy. The white enamel used In all Buck's ovens Is not a paint, but a white glass enamel, burned into the pores of the iron, and is pnutically everlasting. ' Our liberal terms of payment . ' ' ' $1.00 IN THIRTY DAYS $1.00 PER WEEK THEREAFTER Offer you the opportunity of selecting from this complete line of ranges and stoves. We will accept your old stove or range in ',v '' A,-. - , part payment.. for ianie,;1. it- -: 5 Special for Tomorrow . AXMINSTER S- -Drugs' Your choice of several patterns from it new lot of these popular rugs size 27 by 64 inches these in well set Oriental and other "designs and harmonious colorings. ' Purchases will be limited to one rug. . No mail, telephone or C. O. D.' orders accepted for this ' special. 1M Basement Dept. Specials ( . Economy items for tomorrow's " ... selling, ".; . Three sizes in mixing bowls, glazed stoneware. Special, each. . ...... . .15a, SO, 30 i Stove Brushes. Special, each. . ......... . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .15 Scrub Brushes. Special, each. . .......... i ....... . .20 Dish Mops. Special, each r. .... . . . , . . a 5 ' No mail, telephone or C. O. D. orders accepted for these specials. Adjustable , Pin" : , ,. '."-'. Curtain"-"' Stretchers 1 ' ,. Broun aiDtrj C0MPLETE'H0U5E-FURm5I1ER5 IIMAKI Ranges :Y0UI1 tl.00 Down .00 Week --4 it