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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
THIS -OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH : 13. 1907. TGiiousAPjp5j)ir new ane) mikmz imgaons all ove.toe cikiduse MAILORDERS "Filled Send Us Yours OPEN UNTIL 10 o'CIock Saturday Night Mers Are Crowding Us O S fMrlncr AfVurrt nntar In fiilf KTaa U i: ' .1 . ' . . .' - ' ''.'.:.'-".'-.' 7 ' Th t3rnir dnnm nm. in fi.11 kf .4 .J it.. . i? ' ' . ' . " . .' ' ' ' . .- 1 w . Prices already too low are slashed in n reArA ui " i ' i, . Prices alreadv too low are ahA l.MitZIwi,r ri I K " V"c Ior 8 otner 8eu goods or have them ruined by the dust and dirt. "rZic: iv, merest nothings, to almost any price. Cost or loss is not consideredfOTJOQmXMmrDxamjnust and w TT . - " . . uccu a saic wiuioui an equal. ,t n -J 'Xgtti "wl CO Lcdie 15c O 10c Spring Vests ' Richelieu ribbed, low neck and sleeveless; all ribbon trim-I med j best - 15c - and -18c U O Vests.. ................... O V PORMIDl IIE17 DEPMniGlT 5T0IIE 10c Embroidery 4 Silk 1C All kinds, all colors; large big 8c and 10c skeins cat to lev '. . .'..'" - , - Ladies9 25c (D 50c c;i?r ,f-4w. Plain and ruffled, all colors ; f none worth less than 25c and up to 50c Choice. . ..V J 15efa25cTo$Ui Brushes 5c All the best bristles; thous ands to go.' 75c and $1 SfcJrt Waist Sets Oenaine sterling silver; all fancy styles; choice 894; 50c and McFtacyOCA UatPins Every kind end strls: iewel and fancy settinra: eholeo 25. - 01.33 for Finest $1.75 Kid Gloves 25c and 35c SCk 0A Windsors . JMC Ties that tell all over at 25c and 35c: Olald. atrfoee and plains. All Car 50c Cir Wash Belts -5C New 1 styles, -white and all colors, to match any cos tume; choice, 25. Mh r kU aa ear vrMr knuS Wiult at l.fsi an lapi Maek. Ut aa ooloisi VaHa yotet waarniawj. Bvwy MUr.nttoa aaa . fl IC raanataadi pais ......,....lOu Laundry Larre. bic 5c ban co at, bar ... VAc An regular 5c rolls cut to. each . . . Toilet paper : 2'Ac Parlor Matches 3c Recular 5c boxes ' Parlor Matches ..... Now We Sacrifice the Hosiery Stock LADIES' FINEST 25c HOSE AT 15c A PM An A mwmt m nmt tm mi Wm . . J ... v v . . . ... - r. . .7 . : noa, ana uuri wnai tney sell for the - pm i 7, T r -r - vw, mm uu win wecia; ui ciCEant oeairns. full I Isahioaed and seamless. Remember they are guaranteed 25c trade or your money fcack; pair .. 1 Mennen's Talcum 12c Powder, sells all over at .. 25c can HALF PRICE FOR LADIES' J Fancy Neckwear n Seluna; It oat. Room must be made,- The finest and fanciest of Ladles' 50c 8Drlnr Neckwear now cut to ..' wasnabie novelties of every Und m colors and fancy effects. Remember, all 50c kinds, choice ; white. 25c 7C. an sue SO Back w Ooatbsi iuwl h4 zasey na, ; 'Ifl. Tt an am I7W tam f smi va. laSm7Tl, TolUtJMi. , ok. for aaa aai aaim- ' ls irapktaai waartk u ta fv0 Awnp.' , 'j, 4c; lyOsla Oaatfaitai auda U eaU a sasb. .. i Cr Tat - fo wida S1-S0 ' 17W aovaat j'i aorav jua 'kTCidartast i alagaat yaS. Q. Taa (a aUn aaAa ISa 7b Zadlam Saaa, fall sa , laeaaa wiaa. . ; f tf " fos auaa'a w aa TS Sklrte 9narsi Jaoat ail sisaa. S9c Taa- foe sun aais tl mUM Talvatoi 22c Bae (e 40a aa soa aa man Bam. Tawslai an . lacgaS V1C ka flurt wuk aoaai aa aa SOa.klada. 5,O0O.Yards Finest-50c FANCY RIBBONS yaw mm In Dresden. Roman stripes and .ombre effects, beauti ful New Ribbons in the newest spring shadings, 3. 4 and S inches wide ribbons made to sell at 40c and 50c" All in one lot choice, yard ..........;;..n;.".,,2 (Clearing Ladies 5c Box Toothpicks lc Enouch for one day only. Box 13c for 25c and 35c Stationery S,eoe kaatas ro an laara fan sm aa k ftaaat 1 aaetaty Shtleawyi ma aelM Bavalayaa aaa paaa So atok aad aoSaany ekaa akaa at sa aa4 SS wklla tt laatai 5c Package Envelopes An extra good ones, go package. 10c Box Shinola Never sold . under 10c Cut to, box... Sc Lana Oil Soap Best 10c Toilet Soap made. Cake...... Out the Great Cloak Room-Entire iStbck to ' Fmest $15 'to $20 Spring Suits There is no hell) for this sacrifice, builders are clamor! n or far mnm a i. i . out-Nobby Eton Suits, Short Box Coat Suits, the new lonVcoatlffcS. In cWlLuTune V FecS check, plaids, fancy mixtures and plain materials in all colors and black. Jackets silk rt Vatin S - model skirts in the new plaited effects, all elegantly trimmed with braiding, fancy plSSiaTS-tt that reflect the best Ideas of the world's foremost artist tailors, suitamade toseD Uk kS , SS . X ble-the-money, -and you can't match them anywhere for less. All go now at about cost vj) fT .y O ajone. au i9 to ai values, ana tnat's what you pay anywhere else. M I Choice . ...... . TTTi'." ; ."I ........ r ' -rr .-Ar $!50fo$5SiIkWaists cji Alt kMittM ana tka aawast af tka asta trlaa,' saaae af fia wklta n SOka In ,-' ava SO alayaat ataaala, u faay yakaa, Ion aaa akaat waavaa, saavay laaa usarvom aaa rook Maualafl an Th flaaat f SXSO SM Waists. Okoloa f 3.19. EntiraStockof Ladle$3, $9aad $10 Spnng Skirts Wa ataan t avary ana af sm baoo, SSlOS aa S10-OO Cklrfci new 4.98: kaadaoma LADIES' PINS SILK PETTICOAT Worth up to $12, (C QO all colors, at.....U,yO $5.00 and $6.00 SUk Waists, Sd..;;-.:.v:.$1.98 Ladles' $2.00 Embroidery Trimmed Waists, Jpg LADIES' SILK LINED Covert Coats Latest styles,1 worth up to !t1 .!!c.: ..$6.95 Ladles' $12.00 and $15.00 Bilk Petticoats. n no Our endre stock of new lawn Kimon'oValY fan lacs and satin trimmed, worth up to $1 JO at 8: ana f . , bum, ftiwim, aonlttM. Okaeka. XalrUaaa. ata. solora aaa black and eomMaatlona. aad slaatr af tka atrllaa rsyl anspk kattem aad faaay ftrtaunad, ! aad atkaa strlaa, Mek Ska kaat, ekooaa any of .tkass Ssuml SSJM aad S1040 Bktrta at, akatoa, 4.98ck. . WW - LADIES' FINEST SILK RAINCOATS AU colors, our best $20.00 ones. Choice , Ladles" $15.00 'aid $1Z50 Raincoats, now tC Oft ..U.7U LADIES' $10 and' $12 Silk Eton Jackets Latest style, all fancy braid Ladles $5.00 and $8.00 new Spring Skirts. : 2 Ladies' $1 ' snd $2 Fancy "r..e9;....49c THE SHOE DEPARTMENT OOON TO MOVE AND ' KIN 1 1Kb SHOE STOCK GOES women's Shoes and Oxfords .u" .n VT" w.rr1 ana iinest oi S3.00 grades now and r w w- ws, sMav , nvwvsjv. n fjoia uifQfi I y V f . , .r. T1' w'1"0 la the best value aw uuicicni iyira ana sinas in styles, too; Ugh-1 in this dtyi over i 81.49 Mi5Latest Lasts and All Leathers tait kid. ranaiaSaL krlrktaad dU kid at vlal law, aMdtnaaa klfk kaaUl atali vainaa, caoioa, S1.49 sJ. BOYS'. SCHOOL SHOEO Made of kae laatkara, aU solid, soma stoat skod aad nude to ataaa tka kardoat xtad of woari . . in au koat SSjo Sboosi pai,....i...r.....;...i...'.I.Ty Infanl's Shoes BToaa wortk lass tkaa SOO - paw ....... 18c Infant's md CtUiren's 39c B)uo wortk p pais ........ glen's $3.50 and $100 Shoes 11.98 All the best snd finest makes. Shoes for work and dress, box calf, gunmetal and-vici kid,' lace and bin-; cher styles, newest lasts and genuine Goodyear welts.- Shoes youll sse at a glance are $3.50 and I Q O loa koa Sklaoto L- koa j-...., i ,-..-.t. er aOOO paw, rarl Sa SHOB LACES lc Pair ' $4.00 values: pair CHILDREN'S SHOES OkUdraa'a- Sl-80 SkOoa. Al aU aoUd toatkav) atsaa Tftlfa S ta S? okaloa... ....... Ult SiMO s ta. 11 ga at l.OB, aad siaaa 11 H to a, wortk SS pals.... plain a GREAT 98c SALE ODDS AND ENDS OP Wortb to S3.C9 Broken lines of hundreds of pairs of Women's Shoes, Rosens of styles, fine kids, lace and button styles, pat ent tips. Cuban or military heels; all aUas and widths; also Odd lots of children's ahoea: nnni m. - worth less than $U0; plenty of $2.00 f A 9 C up. to-sj.oo. -ay f Shoes .ones, rand .many, worth au go at, choice boys', Youths and little gents shoes In kangaroo and box calf or vici kid. lace and blucher styles; all solid leather, light and &4 Af heavy weights j all best $2i0 shoes, and J) I afV all sires; pair -. . DO YOUR TRADINQ IN OUR Cut Wkara you save aa wkatavat yon kny aad a tka same Uau yon- " ara pamaN saa aaa as ware loooar- IOOO lbs. Deait ; ; C - 7o Prunwai "3 lb. luT tilcy iraTal Omaa-Mi rta laa Oo as .a. doa ....24 Boat 10a Vmfm, Ik. Tf. OoU ktUU Xaple t rropl ' wartk 91.40, gaL . .................. 90y H-a-aL oaa for ............. .45 OkoUo TomatoM, S aaaa ...... SB Okoloa Oorm. B aaas 15 kar ralry Soap ............ 44 im ac. . fwrraa, bomiouim astra flaa, Ik. 23 So kox kcatekao for 94 S akaeta akotoa apidav laaf aaaoiorod Japan aa. flaaet SO grada, tkv34 laa koia Oataap B4 Sa kar Xaadry Saa Boo eaok Arakaa rloas ..24 1S4. aak food Float 194 SOe pan rin Sard ....654 BSa pky. Oraokara ...;.,.. .80a 10a kot. Vappwr Saaaa 54 GET OUR PRICES Oa avarykla la tka giaiiai'j llaa. Wa wUi save yaa aaaaay. - Trerendons lductions in drug - and Toilet Articles Why-pay the -exorbitant price of regular drug stores, when you can buy like thia? Savon Palais Royal Toilet : In. Soap. SOe box for ...lyC 25c box Buttermilk Soap X94 25e medicated Pine Tar Q 8hampoo ..............IOC 55c box Lana OH Soap... 14 25c bottle Bay Rum 14a 20e bottle Florida Water 14e 25c site EspeyB Cream ......164 50c sise Ongsline SS4 , 25c Witch Masel Cream 4 25c Rosaline for .......194 25e Derma Beauty Cloths ...12M4 25c Sanltol for: 194 $U0 Lubln's Extracts, os. ....984 All Onr Oest 39c end 50c : Corset Covers An fancy styles, lace and ribbon trimmed, none worth 1 than 59c .' and op to 50c Choice ...... 25c An Oar Uditt35c FANCY VESTS and ' long 17c Spring weight, high neck and sleeves,' pearl buttons and silk front. aU best S5-cent values 8c Figured Challles VAC AU colors. Pick 'em out at. yard .... 10-4 Gray Blankets WeU fleeced. V 48c FOR rA01ES',75e and " $1 FANCY BAG Pay us 484 and pick the best of these 75c and $14)0 Handbags. AU leathers, all styles, and Including the new square shapes. Every one fitted with Ail extra purse and all 75c up to $1.00 values...,. UC fir al fas lAdlae esa vmi Bk faaay a akeoldared black xoea. $1.19 aiv foa aa.aa aad stylos. Oavtalaaf-aU faaay 7r Tard for adll eads, SO laak wartk ISo. Ac fo laa faaav Lbroidarad VoUlaa. staclksis laakaa. $4.98 for r larra BslS ft, naatta maga, wortk aaoo aaa asuM 39c rot lot af S1.0O faaay xtara. akotea af 8K tern. Xrnok Towala. aadai akaap at laa. tJ Oflrof VfJJlanr -kid Otovaa, lavkaMaa, klaok aad solera. Tard for la rack tar- koy rod Takia Saa aaki wortk Boo. . 19c Air kaary wO 1! lad TowaUac, faU wiaiai wartk ai-Se. WAtnort'c Cf1r nnrl 7C rOX i IVIUWU0 a vv saus swv- viiilllN Spring Underwear do New sprinf goods and gradea made to seQ at SOe and 75c, now s4 Pure Lisle-Thread Vesta and Panta, high and low neck, knee and ankle-length pants, finest silk finish and all sixes. Pick 'em out get 75c values at, choice .... ..894 STOCKS TO BE CROWDED DOWN TO HALF Men's Clothing; and,Furnishings Must Qo The orders are reduce stocks to half and at once. Let nothing stand la the way. ' Clear the surplus even if you don't get wholesale cost are the orders, and every price baa Deen siasnea to tne very bottom. Men, here is your chance to save and get $2 and $2 worth of wearables for what $1 usually buys. Here's ojwnpej eqi jo widarerasi Men's $18 and $20 Spring Suits $9.95 The. newest of thia spring's styles. Suite, we bought to aeU at $1S and $20 rf f Af now 9.95. Fashionable, up-to-date garments, single and double-breast- v VJ v;r ed. In nobby mixtures, checks, stripes and plain colors. Made of pure &ft)U mtltD wool materials, best of linings and trimmings cults we guarantee to be Sis ana szo values ana we want you to compare them with the best offered at pricee elsewhere. Choice 9.95.. ... ... GREAT 19c NECKTIE SALE AND EVERY ONE A SOc VALVE, Over 200 dosen to go, and aU the beet 50c grades. The finest beet and nobbiest of Pure Silk Four-in-Hsnds, in all. the neweat colorings and patterns, wide and narrow widths. Many, elegant light shadings for evening and Sunday wear in the lot., AU SOc ties snd not one worth a penny less.-Choice 3 for B 04 or 194 seen. - - ' , IWM& nneUT . I . 4Sa VOm Tea : ' ' I '.' . km van mn. ' 20c Hosiery Alas laaa, full resular aaada, eoakla aoloa, koala aa4 toaa; svaraa- 1 1 toad te aoeka, pair ...,........HC w 19c Undershirts Kadlam-watfht Balbriscan. ' all-atlk flntah; rarular too valuaa C ;.. awc at kalf prloa. each. Work Shirts .480 Made of kaet Madras aad Cheviot, usni ana a arc colore, ail aiaee aad au 7 to ahirte $3.50 Leather Suit Cases All fall 1 4-Inch atae steal frame, solidly Handsome kraaa look aad elaepe; all vainea, eat to reinforced and '....l.'.!..r.$M8 Boys' Shirts and Dravers Standard every day lee sradea at 15a fine Jersey rlbbad Shlrta and Drawers; all alaea; aaa day aaly, IX. kalf prtoa ;....0C CLEARING Alt SPRING RHUINERY . AT IIA1F PRICE AND LESS Every trimmed Hat in the house,' regardless of cost or loss. The entire stock goes. - Tomorrow tsks your choice of hundreds of the most exquisite snd most beautiful creations of dainty laces, straws and chiffons, richly trimmed with flow, era, ribbons, etc. Many exact copies of the finest Paris patterns, and Hats worth ..double and more all go at- ' . .. . $6 and $7 COJ3$8 and $10eQ.SS Worth CM J3 (Worth C Cs" Hats. . . . Vto Hats; .... vOa to $12. J to $15. .Vo-3 ALL OUR CHILDREN'S L1XGIIORN3 aq And body Hats trimmed with flowers and mun. Choice, 3.9S . i and down to UKjAj REBUILDINQ BARQAINS IN THH 9 Croclacry and nons2fiinils!ifc:3 Okoloa af S400 Salt aaa repyae akakara, wartk a s 18. al 84 aaak. AU adda aad aaaa aad aver SO atylaa Sa ytok freea. Opal staaa, IwrnM, ktewa rktaa, iKltatlaa eat glaas aad aska etyUa, aU vUa kaavy plaM-at avory aae wartk 10a So ua. Allfeaaaaloa, I OkOtea ....,.....,..',,,..,...,....; . t k ISo mautag Plas go at , 94 BSa S-st. avaaita Ium Ta...4$ Opal weat Xgra .............. 24 S-taek rapai yiaWa, wortk SOa," per lee ....294 ISa large 10-Uok elaaa eat Oaxo a f4 Tla os Oovero, aay else ...... T, t lse Ma raaaal , f) ISa rio r'a f Se ko T' j; ie Sta lup gmaita w r. for .-. ..1; an eiie our s'. -J i ? . lo, aacb To lo!e i ..... 9 T :mr ! . r( hi 1" 1 1 : ... Alt t . . .'