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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND, FRIDAY- EVENING. MARCH 18, 11507. -M J". - FEARS FILCHING fl OF STATE RIGHTS $nator Fulton. ; at Salem Re ' publican Banquet Opposes Forest "Reserve Policy.- t 'speaks especially to " u point of water power i - , 't - v- YcllcU Success of Movement to ? freo M'nbmitt Locks Bay Orrgoa lias Don Veil Desplts Depleted Delegation 1 Congress. '1 5 fSneelat' Dispatch to The Joemai.) x Salem.. March, II. -Marlon county leaders In th councils of Republican llmm met at th Willamette hotel last " (evening and ' fathered about the festal fcoard to do honor to United Statee i Senator C W. Fulton of Astoria, who recently returned from Washington. .0. JC XB.IIlT. Jjroyea a, love xoas. i The feature of tbv evening was me, -.address' of Senator Fulton, tie em pressed bis gratitude to the Republl '' pans of Marion county for the evidence : inf their reKard and followed this with s-arharka aa to the importance of de- ' veloping the resources of the state. : i ' He said he was opposed to the forest ' reserves without limitation, and con .i nemnea - me policy 01 wie , rrnraent In accumulating Immense areas lof public landa In foret reserves con trary to- the long-established usage, of it ha country. Jle said, on this line: , ; I Btnte. Control water Powers. '. -1 d mat fcelleve the atateOf Oregon Iran afford to admit that It shall not i hare the- exclusive control of the water 1 powers and sources within Its own j borders.' There- haa never .been SB t , kempt on the part of tfte government ! to control the' water powers in the eaat i era states, ' nor has it either color of -law or shadow of right by which,, such i control'can be exerclaed'ln Oregon. Un j leas vigorously protested against this iwiu become a Axed policy an unjust i and Injurious one. . . . f . i . J Willamette aVoeks. I f "There'ar. several questions " upon ' which I am anxious to obtain the con victions And. opinions t the people- of western Ore go a during this summer. -, pne of these refers to the locks at Ore gon' City.1 I introduced a bill In .each . of the last, two sessions, but on account i of Large demands for ocean harbors, I ,bave not been ahle to get this matter ' to receive favorable eonalderatlon. I Relieve the action taken by the leglsla ; lure will aid -us in ultimately getting , in seeoea apprwpnauon. i nti uoios" ; tlon Is unanimous for this purpose and ; We a ball keep -at 4t until Ue embargo : Is removed-and a free Willamette river 'will be open te . the. commerce ef the Ja-aUsy.:-. i I Oregon Wsn Taken Oars of. . I -rv. .,,. m. rw.. ( tires to" eongreaa was tor a time em jparraastng and disagreeable, but I can laay that Oregon" was "as well taken car lof In the .matter of her publlo improve ments bv the laat eonrmaa.aa an v. at her (tt and we. "obtained, generous appro ihiuoi tt. n me. projects .waicn re re deemed of prime importance. 1 -do not claim- sole credit for this. J have apt been alone there. Senator . tieannt was there nearly a year and I BIG-HEARTED r: DRUGGISTS It Blake a fed seed all near in rmt Uttmmm aike ihtm, from big-hearted drarrlata who. Staviag, .otaeoVeied taat Brlgbt'a Dlaeaia aad .Diabetes are realty cerable, ere Baking It ttetr tmiDM e eoartaee neighbors. Tney iare as happy ae we are' ever it. . Tbey are rlodag It a labor ef leve wU aa ef eneto aneat tad are bva giving tbe Ooeapoaad away e oitceanged erne to start tbem. This ae ner-etatenMBt. Bead tbe letters following: prrtm Sarfard, Dror and Pbete Supnllei, .. . n,, iu-, sept, it, iwx. ) 'ae. J. raltoa Dear gin: I an wee- Mvug mow ftm are setting ehng since the neaae. l write te ru4 eat. alM tor e dapll. rate ef ay hut erder. I have ealr a doen of tbe but lot left. Ale waat aoaie aore -tnecwta; save calls mm eoer eontieo aaJ . There a aaa bv whe was gives np by the doctors to die. . Had ba Unpad three e mar nmn. a a lam fMort be wee tadoced t try PaMrWs Rrael Come. Be has titn fie it a working maa with wife aad deeshtw ad la poor, aad- I gave alia twe bottiea for a eianar. That M waa seed aowa la food greosd yea aaay know, for he has told a (Teat aiinjr. Oae lady eaaie la from the eooatrr aad said ahe bad walked foer miles te toll her hnbead, wtae waa W dowa erlUi Bricht'e bueaae. The lattav la sow oa aia aevrath bottle, aad ae, tuo la Imprevhig. Oae et ear loral errlrtala la alee ea tbe tWpoaad aad la dotn flae. ead be yreuraar Keh to a matatwr et Cengrvaa from aa adjolalag Bute tar a booklet. Yaore rap, 1. OBBIN r. BArroBD, Here it another Mwr. It was written by a ensiwi la a ararhy town te a frwad. Tea eaa aee that be BMaat srerd ef it ead tblt his heart, toe, la the work, sad. Uke fcftoH. ae doeaa't let a seilar ar twe stand bt tbe way. Too A. HplT'i Rto TWrta" "barataey. ' , ' Tlata. Cal., Dept. s. ISOd. ; bty Oaef PVWad: I have hut heard that rare aafferiag frwta DlaKHae. and I haatea , eead yea the only eneltlve pore oa earth. yrtth plnaare I make yea e areent of rtila bottle. Prey do ant fall te take it. Ton vin .be able te rt mora rms Klrbv in nim i eoeld lte dpeana ef apleadld Wn.flfa rma It. f am tarry yea are In ad of It, but am maaed te be able te do -no (ood. I eball bee te hear from yon la three waeka earns yoa are mm-o braerited. I eneloae yoa pam. phlet. Oa not faU te m IL I, am. ruri eloorralr. , , ,THO. A. gPITET. We era savtag lives aO ever this eenatry and. some ef ear dragftet rrleede are aa happy a tbe work as wa are. Mere is aaetfceri ay.-1. Moody, dragglat, Ionia. Iowa, Aag. 39th. j land. i . 1. raltna 0 Oenta: rind eaclnaed eherk tn fall ot met - Mil. We eon 14 rernlah r With seme grant ttlmnnlaM km. Too enrelr have got s cere fnr Brlfht'a Plaeefe ead we think one ef the greatest dlernwrtae ever made la BMdlrlee, .Toara,- , W, I. efOOOY. ' ft. 0. Bmtrhler. the drnrylat at Caldwell, aaabe. wet himself eared ef Dlahetre and W. ttieiard. tbe !ratrlt at Rvrrert. Waeh.. after the oae knednxl and foetteth-nrlen Irrta d-larad the Pnlton ComponrMla te be peelrlee fw Brlfht'a Dleeaae aad Dlabetee and neat peroneal aorlxo nf tbe resell to every one ef the eg phreleiane la hie eoaaty. .' Letters like theae keep as nerved ap te eer were, rattan's Cempoeade Mr the eely tbtaie kaewe that reach etrloae kMsey dlwaat. ror Brtsbt'B sad eeriaar kldaey dhteaas get rsl. tim'a BenU Oempeand, n.00. ref DWbetaa. tk for the Diabetes Oempoead. 11.00. Bead for rree booklet. Jae. Is raltna Co., B010 Baa rable.AveM Oakland. Cal. ' rr eelo b all drnrrt. Trad eapplled by '" wiiH Drag Oa, wsoiaaam drafVna, l.L..a4, ur. . doctor: will determine the . weight of murderer's; soul (Journal Special Bervtoat I' Ban Franolaco. The weight of .the human soul, mar - yst be deter mined within tb walls of San Quentln. Dr. P. Sumner,: the prieoa physician, has determined to make the attempt In t be Jn teres ts of science. His effort will be . watched with., great Interest Ieon Soder, a murderer from this city now awaiting execution which la set for a week from today, Is the subject. By taking the weight Just before the execution and his weight Immediately wsnt to say that a better, more credit able, alncere and capable man could pot be desired than hs la. . Coos Bay and Dredges. gThs .total sjrjtainlitUpnt f orjm- Drovemsnta within and bordering on this state amount to 13.100,00. Among M the matters provided for Is a survey ot Coos bay, which will bo made this sum mer, and then In the next , river and harbor bill I have full hope there will be sufficient provision made for mak ing Coo bay one of the best harbors on ths Paciflo coast "Vs secured an appropriation fos a dredge for ths cons', harbors. Including Oregon and Washington, and it la con tended by the engineers that this dredge will be sufficient to keep all of the Oregon harbora open for all ths commerce of, the immediate future." - Other Voted Bpeekers. R. J. Hendricks was toaatmaster. Be sides the guest of honor the following speakers were heard: . A. M. Crawford, attorney-general; Mayor George Rodgera of Salem, State Scnahor T. B. Kay, J. 8. Van Winkle of Albany, W. W. Parclval of ' Independence, Erneat Hofer of the Capital Journal. - Charles ' B. Moo re a. Frank Davey, Lloyd T. Reynolde sad J. H. Settlemter Of Balem. Dr. J. N. Smith, Judge H. U 'Benson of Klamath, John H. 'Albert,'-the Democ ratio banker, aad P. H. D'Arcy. formerly a Democrat , NO BAIL FOR'RUEF ; UHLESS DUNNE CHOOSES Suprems Court Says the Matttr Rests in ths Discretion of ' ; the Trial Court, . . (Jeeraal SnerUI Berrien.) San Francisco, March II. Whether Bosa Aba Rasf Shall be admitted to bail la B natter entirely within the discre tion of the trial xottrtJ. Thla was held by ths - California supreme 'court yes terday afternoon In denying Ruefa sec ond petition for .writ of habeas cor pus. Jt- - f "! , The' su-irsme eonrt held also that there wag no merit la Raef a contention that the grand Jury that Indicted him waa illegal becauae ana of it members bad asrved on another Jury within a year. Ruef contended that the indict ment did not charge an infraction of the law. The supreme court hold that ths extortion charge waa fuuy aet forth in ths indictment : Mayor Schmlta' petition for a writ of habeas corpus, was' denied also, ths court holding that Schmlta had become nominally .a prisoner n order to secure tha writ Schmlta'' restraint la merely technical, amid tha court and tha plea of uplawfu) restraint, waa nn warranted, being Blade merely for -tha purpose, of securing tbe writ ' ; HERMAHn'S TRIAL IS 1 TILL HOBDAY Land Office Employes Testify That Hermann Answered Let- ' ter-No Copies Found. tJoarael BpaeUI grrtee.t ' Washington, . March IS. That Bingo Hermann, aa commissioner of the land office personally dictated the answers to a number - of Jettera which were copied in the deatroyed press copybooks was testified to at Hermann's trial here yee terday afternoon by Charles I Dubois, D. C. Sherman and J. 8. Wile, Dubois wss chief of the survey division. Sher man ' waa " Hermann's financial cleric. and vv lie was a clerk In the land office. They Identified letters that had been received which were indorsed on the back, "anawered by commissioner." They stated that Hermann had peraonally die tated the replies to theas .letters, and that tha letter were - copied In Her mann a personal latter books, tha ones that were destroyed by hfm. Tha test!- mony showed also that a search of the record of tb land offlos had failed to disclose eoplos of any of ths answer to these letters In any other press copy books. Court has adjourned until Monday.' CHANGES IN RAILWAY ! " STATION AGENCIES ("pedal Mepatea te The Jeernnl.i Corvallla. Or.. March 15. H. H. Cro nlae, ana of tha best known and most obliging railroad officials In' this aec- tlon of Oregon, leaves this city todsy to take charge of the Corvallla A East ern railroad office at Albany, at a con slderabla advance in salary. Mr. Cro also came to Corvallls In August, lltt, apd has been In charge nf the Corvallla dc Eastern depot hers alnca that date. He has alwaya been popular in tils poaitlon and also In lodge circles, be ing master artisan of tha local lodge and alao having served as state rep resentative of the order last fall. ' Tha Corvallla db Eastern station here win be in- charge ef H. H. Ling of Ta qunia. The poeition vacated by Mr. Ling at Taqulna wUI be filled by C. E. Albln, who has been assistant in thla city and trbo left yesterday for tha coast to enter upon his nsw duties. WASHINGTON STOCKED - WITH KANSAS QUAIL -i rSnerlal Dtonatch te The JeeraaLI Tacoma, Wash., March II. flame Warden William Thompsoa received a large consignment of Bob Whits quail from Wichita, Kan., lastnlrht which hs Is Bistrlbutlng throughout .the eoan ty todsy. The order called for twenty dosen. but -the Wichita dealer put aev eral dosen more tn the consignment evidently for good measure. Horn) Acrrg gTrorn Big Tracts. (Special rrtapatra te Tb Journal.) '", JCUxnath Fell a,- Or., March il. J Frank Adams and other have purchased acres of the cary tract conaldera. tioa 1100,004. and will cut It Into small tracts and place upon tha fnfcrke 'i ' ' afterward, acoordlna to the latest dis covery of science, tbe exact weight of a man's emit ean ha determined.. V - It Is planned to weigh Soder Juat Be fore hs steps on- the trap, ana to mae tbe operation from hire ao completely that he will not realise Just what Is being done. It will take about 10 seconds. As-soon as life is extinct tbe body will be cut down and placed on delicate scales. Thla weight, deducted from that first taken, will give the weight of the soul, acoordlng to scientists. HILUOSS TO PUT ISTO GREAT-OX-BfJW-PROJECT Promoters Announce Financing With Boston Capital--Vast Power and Lighting Plants' ' ' (Special Dlapateh to The fcaraat) Baker City, Or, March II. Million aires, with ample-money at-hand to complete tha Oz Bow project Install new; electric plants throughout-eastern Oregon - and Idaho and build elsctrlo railways If necessary, have taken bold of-ths Snake river, power project the Electric .Power company of 'Boles, Idaho, and moat of tha eleotrlo companies ot thla section and have practically com- plated. their consolidation. ... Those man are the Mainland . brothera of Boston, who have Incorporated the Idaho-Oregon Light at Power company, organised un der the laws of Maine. A capital stock of 17,000,000 will back the. naw come pany and It Is understood 11,000.000 la bonds hava already keen floated. ' The echeme aa outlined by the Main lands I gigantic Tbey will dlatrlbut tha enoraioua power to ba obtained front the Ox Bow to all parte of tha Inland empire, run lines Into tha rich copper belt, the gold districts and the cities and may alao take up tha eonstruotioa of electrlo line In the rich eastern Oregon country. ., .'..,. Tha Electrlo Power company of Boise, In which the Mainlands are the heaviest stockholders, elected officers a few day ago and It waa announced at the time by Harry C Wyman, president and real promoter of tha Ox Box projeot that the two companies would b consoli dated. It is learned that tha new company has control of the power planta at On tario, Emmett OaldwelL Meridian and all of tha upper Snake river valley ex cept those already held by tha Pitts burg capltallata who are backing ths Northwestern Oaa A Electric company at Spokane. . . i SUIT ORDERED AGAINST DELINQUENT IRRIGATORS - (Specie Dispeeeb te Tbe JoaraaL) Balem, Or, March il. In - order, to bring tha Columbia Southern Irrigation company to execute their contract with tha settlers the state land board has in structed Attorney General Crawford to start a suit against the' company. The settlers have made their grievance known to tha board and are up ia arms against the company, which It la I leged 1 not keeping Its part of tha agreement - OREGON LUMBER FOR AN r IDAHO PUBLIC BUILDING (Special Dlapateb te Tb Joerael.t Baker City, Or, March IS. The con tract for tha construction of tha wood work and furnishings of the new court house which la under construction at Caldwell, Idaho, has been let to the firm of Bennett A Son In this city. Tb deal, which Involves several thousand doLlara, waa pulled off . la reoord time, lesa than three hours being allowed the mfllmen to make their estimates and draw up the contract . Mr. Wingflald. on of the Idaho con ' ' ' .... . -. . -ninoaL in imeiiani n.o.i aiannnmJ)ii uewnaiiim wm wnojnn.ii.a-m I'liinnwiuii ww eai Mi-iiiiMinwt iwiwnwn-iii .. uii 'j.-l-'gW-iiWS.V.1 " t"JJf!g " 1i wm .. if4.--W-- - j --." f- Ji j -n-n-i-n- i. J-, -' '' -"- y , vv. otr.Mwi. j"", V " -' -.wtM. rttt.r. . BIGGER, BUSIER AND BETTER THAN EVER V NEW NUMBER, 353 . WASHINGTON STREET RE-OPENING TODAY AND TONIGHTNO GOODS SOLD ; r; flf Who SateTDlaaerf V Uh ! xx ! 7--7 1 fx 1 1 It lx- l-tSnnlywdTriTB . ..-.xlDoainigMtX!i" ; , There are many people who .can sea nothing good in a doughnut erfeept the hole. For them there Is nothing In thla world but calamity. Tbeir greatest trouble la to have to eat three times a day. r The stomach is tn rebellion, and this la Immediately shown In a men's face. A man successful must hava sunshine Inside. - Tb world al ready has too many dyspepsia faces that breathe dteastsr ana gloom. Stomaob trouble 1 tb most common esuae of dlacontenti sour face, reoklaaa- nssa, disgust and lack or ambition, a bad stomach there Is tha aec ret ef many ' a failure. Anyone oan have a . good stomacn, - a strong stomach, a stomach that can take ear of anything and everything that Is put Into it no matter whether it is a very bad stomach or not Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets As this very thing. " One ingredient of thane little tablets digests 1.000 gralna of food, and no mattsr how bad your dys pepsia or Indignation, they will dlgeat everything In. your stomach, thoroughly and completely, and.bettsr and mora quickly than a good atrong neaitny stomach can. do It .Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta will quickly cure loss of appe tite, brash, ' Irritation, burning sensa tions, nausea, heartburn." eructations, loss. of vim and enarry, bad memory, and dyspepsia arid Indigestion In their very worst forms. No other' little tablets tn tha world can do ao muoh. -- You - should carry Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tableta around with you wherever you ge and take thera af tr meals. Then only will you realise what It la to enjoy meal, and what perfect - digestion means. Tour whole body and your mind will feel tha ef fects; your vim will Increase, you will be mora aatlafled with what the world does, you will think happier sad be hap pier and your face will be one of su preme contentment That will bring you succors snd then - mora suocees. Tour face will bring you doners. Try It It will cost you Just too for a pack age of these wonderful Stuarfa Dys pepsia Tablets, at any drub storm oa earth. Send us your nam and address today and we will at ones send yon by mall a sample package free. Address T. A. Stuart Co, II Stuart Bids, Marshall. Mich.1 - :V v a , - tractors who are eonatructing tb new courthouse, arrived' in Baker City yes terday mornms. Ha proceeded direct to the' Bennett mill, where be enumer ated ths supplies be desired. Informing tha m lllm an that ba - would ta ready to hear their quotations at II o'clock. The estimates were ready at the ap pointed time and' proved se.Ua rectory. TRILL RESIGNS HONORS' : : HE WON 0RAT0RICALLY (Special Dispatch ,te The JearasL) Balem, Or., March II. At a session ot tha Willamette University Oratorical association yesterday afternoon Wallace a. Trill made It known that ha did not care to keep the medal awarded him when ha won the local content with his oration on "The March to Democracy." which has sine been deolared a pla giarised effort, by tha executive com mittee of tha state association. Mr. . c . ' -. : , "-. ; . , , ' ' . - WOT The most com merits your inspection of the new SPRING SUITS BOCKER SUITS WASH ABLE LADIES' and MISSES' MAN-TAILORED COATS and DRESSES: Trill has refunded the lit 'eash prima pros anted te htm aad refused to accept the medal and the official "W Cor hon ors la' oratory. . George Simpson, whs . stood second In tha local contest, waa then deolared Ui orator of tha university for ' tha year HOT. Bis oration was an "Web ster aad tha Union," and ranked high, .! ... . : ' ' ; . .' .'! ' . . .. ..'..-'-.-' i . ' . . ; :Vf . v'..'" ' I. ' 1 . ' ; i ' - ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' 1 1 shopping' plade ;in Portland BOYS' REEFERS KNICKER T'MW J1- 1 I y "- '- - .. ' v ' ' - " . ii ...... . t ; arrivals in SUITS - - i .... ? r .... v ST V -fAM-rv aa' trr w,t, .... - . , f V IT (Q ; I