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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
TUB OREGON ' DAILY JOURIJALY PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING,"" MARCH 15, 1907. SUITABLE FOR , .... .... . , ., ... . t . . ATLATJTIC TRADE Shipping Men Believs Hill Liner - , Dakota Will Be Floated and Transferred. ; JAPANESE WELL PREPARED TO RAISE STRANDED HULL ' Mammoth Carrier Hu Been White ' - Elephant on HUT Band and It - - la Believed He Waa Glad to Sac ----kMllllona-aad-'oiTShipHPpi That the mammoth Great Northern Steamship eomptny i lnr Dakota will never again oe placed in regular, oora v Mission on the Paclflo la the opinion of marine men here. They point to the ' unwleldlnes of the craft and declare in a must be thanklna- hie lucky etare 7 to .he rid of her even though ehe waa '. abandoned to the underwriter for what te considered a Tory email amount com pared with her actual value. The opln- 1 Ion la that eome time in the future "the immense- fre!tijtncr-pasBTir eieemer win De plying- In the . fleet of tne trana-Atiantld liners. Tew Indeed are thoee who ' believe that the eteamer la a total wreck on the rocky (bore near Yokohama. The JPne" are equipped perbap better than any other nation at the preeent ; to handle submerged veeeele, owing to ini experience gamed during and after the war, and It Is eald that now elnoe . arrangements are being: made between the English underwriter and Japanese - wrecker to floet the stranded hull, she wiu soon be on. the way to a dry dock . for temporary repairs. The Japanese ' have cheap labor and modern appliances "for 'the prosecution of the work and the English underwriters will ' profit 1 thereby sine the vessel I worth a . great deal - more . than f he, amount .of ; insurance-carried en her.- v-.'-There Is Hale probability of the Da kota being replaced by a-vessel of her -- Immense dimensions, 'since it I a well known fact that she he been a white , elephant on Hill's hands ever since she : . was placed on the run between Puget .Bound and the orient. . Being , of v too ' deep draft to enter many of the' port , In the orient, she I at a disadvantage. , Bh would prove a valuable acquisition to the trans-Atlantlo - trade, however. - and those venturing a guess believe that ' ahe will aoon be transferred to the other ' aide aed turned Into a paying proyo , aitloa. .,. .; -k. .- . APRIL UNUSUALLY WINDY i Prrqurat GaleeMay Be . Expected ' Along the Coast Judging from pant record gale, will t frequent along the eoast during the month of April and shipping mon are 4WirnM aocoraingiy oy tne government i .ydrogrphto office In th pilot cbsrt of the North Pacific ocean for th month of April. . ' - In this cxmnectlon the chart aay that to th northward of 4fi degrees and between the American ' coast, . and IIS degrees west the wind will veer . from- southeast (with falling' barome ter) through s west to'aortbweet (with . rising barometer,. ' Oale will be fre ' ouent. Immediately under - th eoast they will . blow only f rem west to northwest; between lli degreea-Us de grees, from southeast to southwest; be ' yond 110 degrees, from east southeast , to north northwest. Between 40 de- grees-48 degrees north, and under aim ' liar barometric conditions, th wind will go from south to north, boldtng long w est at northwest, (southwest beyond 110 -degrees) - . with ' occasional gales from southwest. - To th southward of I . 40 degree th prevailing direction will JRstf til Sleep Restored i I . i MRS. P. R. SOUTHARD. I an absoluUIy pur, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tonic, It build up th nerv tissues, tonee up the heart, give power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It bring Into action all th vital forces, it makes dlgetlon perfect, nd enables you to got from th food you eat th nourishment It contains. It I Invaluable for overworked Ivnen, delicate women and sicKiy cnuuren. Duffy's Pure Mult vhlsksy i a form food already digested, and 1 rcog Dtsed a a family medicine everywhere This I a guarantee. . . - , Sold by all druggists, grocers and dealers or direct, in rfealed bottles only; never in bulk. Price $1. Insist on the genuine and 'see that the "Old Chemist" trade-mark is on the label and that the ,seal over the cork is unbroken. Beware of Refilled bottles and" 'spurious malt rwhiskey substitutes offered for sale . by unreliable klealera. They are positively harmful and will not cure. Illustrated medical booklet and doctor's advice free, . Duffy Malt Whiskey Co,. Rochester, N. Y. .. -V.'-.. . . WOODLAND'S CHAMPION - ' The Woodland, Washington, High School team that defeated th Castle Bock High School team In debate at Woodland last Saturday night la composed, reading from Clara Goerlng and Dennis Swart. of the Woodland High School, Professor W. Ernest Crowe. ". b northwest and th easterly wind will be rare. .. ' Continuing southward northwesterly wind may be expected to prevail between the coast and a line drawn from 10 degree, north, 110 de grees west. to 15 degree north, . 100 defreeswest; Between IS degree and 10 degree th prevailing wind will n north and northeast, a also between 10 degree and I degrees, except imme diately under the coast, where the pre vailing direction will still be northwest Between 60 degree north and th line southwesterly wind will extend from the coaat ' to to degree west, beyond, which the direction become success ively southerly and southeasterly. Te dious calm, frequently continuing sev eral days In suooeealon, may be ex pected throughout the whole region to the southward of JO degrees north. Typhoons will be rare In oriental water, during the month. . SAILQRS VS. LANDSMEN saamBaBssaawaa ' Association Football WID Be Played ':. Saturday Afferaoon. Association - football ; wfU . be played Saturday afternoon between an all Portland team and a team composed of members from the " crews of. several British steamer and sailing vessel In that harbor. Ta will be served alter th gam and everybody Is. invited to attend. The gam will be played on th grounds at East Thirty - ninth "and Belmont streets and will start at the usual time Th captains of th steamers Quit and Arm eric ; are taking great intersex in the scheduled game and have already succeeded In lining np a full and prom ising team; John Dickson ha charge of the lineup of the all-Portland team. Following la th lineup of th sailors: T.-Quelle. J. Hunter, fullbacks; A. Tur- ley. H. 8utor. J. Davie, halfbacks; E. Pitman. J. Roblneon, J. Renfleu, T. Wil liams. R. Roser. forward. " Th ship represented are Briusn steamships . Woodford, Quito, Agapaa thus, Aymerio and British ship Tola. Judge Cameron wiu pronaoiy aoi a referee. ALONQ, THE WATERFRONT, Th I British ' steamer - A remount topped at Rainier yesterday afternoon on her way np th liver, where she will receive part of her cargo of lumber for China. She come under charter to J. J. Moor aV Co. " - ; Th schooner Lett! t la arrived at As toria last night aad left up the river this morning In company with th American ship John Currier, which 1 booked to go on the dcydock for a gen eral overhauling. r: Donald 8. Ames and George Q. Welden, aaslatant Inspectors of bull and boiler, will leave for Seattle today to report tor duty there in accordance with' order Pali n strenginens ins system, is a pro IPriair HIGH SCHOOL DEBATERS left to right, of Claude Boiarth, Mlaa Behind the line stand the principal recently Issued from th head of th department in wasnington. - Th ateeemr Alliance sailed laat night from Couch street dock for Coo bay. She will return next Tuesday and sail again for Coo Thursday night follow ing. - -.... , xhe oriental llnitr VMntn nisar . this afternoon for Hongkong via Yoko hama and other porta In the orient with a cargo valued at approximately S200. 000. - She will sail tomorrow morning at daylight. Th steamer Pleiades left down yes terday afternoon with 1.100,000 feet ef lumber for - Ban - - Padro. Th steam schooner Helene left down with 710,000 feet of lumber for Ban Francisco. This Is th Helens' first voyage. Th steamer Manxanlta waa lowered from .the drydock yesterday afternoon after having been given a thorough overhauling. Bh will be used for tow lng on th eoast. Th Port of Portland held It regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon. It was reported that nothing can be done with th dredge at present owing to th lack of fuel, a a result of the mill worker strike. MARINE NOTES ... . " 4' v , ' : ' Astoria. Iferch II Arrived ' down during , the night, schooner Golden Bbore., Arrived down At T:t a. m. ebnone' Mabel Oale. - Left np at l a. ahlp John Currier .and schooner Lettitla. Arrived at 0:10 a, m. and left up at 11:1 a. m ateamer Nome City, from Ban Francisco. Arrived down at 1:10..? m.. ateamer Pleiades. Arrived down at 10:20 a. m.. steamer Helens. -Port Harford. March It. Arrived yesterday, ateamer Lansing, from Port land.. . .: .. ' Astoria, March 14. Sailed at 11:20 p. m.. Japanese ateamer Manshn Maru. for Yokohama and way porta. Balled at 1:15 p. nx,, steamer Tiverton, for Ban Franclson a t i Point Lobos, March 14. Passed at p. n. steamer Aurella, from Redondo, for Portland.: ; .-. . , , Ban Francisco, March" 14. Sailed at s:xo p. m, Qerman ateamer Tiberius, ror fortiand. i Astoria, March 1J. Condition of th bar at t a. m., moderate; wind, west; weatner. cionay. EDITOR MANNING TAKES CONSULAR ' EXAMINATION V jrWaaateio Bene ef The Jeers!.) Washington. March II Iiu van. ning. formerly editor of th Statesman at Balem, Oregon, la taking th oivtl service examlnat.on for a consular an- paiDimvni io oouin America The ax. aminatlon is on academic and technical questions, written first. . then oral Manning was nominated br the dent on Senator Fulton' recommenda tion. Mrs. . P. yR. Southard, of Woodmere, L. I. who was a nervous wreck, and could neither eat nor sleep, was completely restored to health by DUFFY'S : PURE MALT WHISKEY. "I can certainly say your tonic-stimulant, DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, has been a great benefit to rne. ' I was weak, nervous and could not sleep and was troubled with loss of appetite. ' "DUFFY'S PURE MALT .WHIS KEY was recommended to me by friends. I . took it, and the result is that I am stronger and better in every way, can sleep and my appetite is much improved. T . - - '.'.'I write you this, as I thought it was my duty to let you know what your Sreat medicinal Malt Whiskey has one for me." Yours very truly, MRS. P. R. SOUTHARD, Woodmere, L. I., Jan. 3.J9P7. ; - Thousands of cases like that of Mrs. Southard have been cured during the past fifty years, since DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY was discovered. UilBG TIHED AIID CICIC YET. MUST WORK 'Maa may work from aua to ana but woman's work Is nver don," . In order to keep th home neat and pretty, th children well dressed and tidy, woman overdo aad often anffer la ailenoa, drifting along-from bad to won, knowing well that they ought to hav help toovereom th pain and ache which daily make lit a burden. It i to the women that Lydla E. Pinkham'a Veg-etabl Compound, mad from native root and herb, oomea aa a blessing-. When the spir its Ww depressed, the head and back achd. thers are dragginf-down pains, nervousness, alMplaaaneaa. aad reluctance to go anywhere, the are only symptom which anise heeded, ara soon followed by the worst forma of Female Complainta. Lydia Ee.Hnkham'sYegetable CompouncL keep the feminine organism In a atronf and healthy condition. It cure Inflammation, Ulceration, dlaplaoementa, and organic trouble. In preparing for child-birth and to carry women safely through the Change of Life it is most efficient, ' Mr. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pink ham: "For a long time I suffered from female troubles and had all kinds of ache and peine in the lower part of back and side, I eould not sleep and had no appetite. Sinoe taking- Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and following- the advice which yon gave me I feel like a new woman and I cannot praise your medloine too highly." ' . Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women Women suffering frdm any form of female weakness are Invited te -write MrePinkhamr-at Lynny-Masat Out -of -her vast volume of perlenee she probably has the verv knowledge that will help your case. Bpr advioe is free and always helpfuL . BUNKOED TAR OH THE TRAIN Henderson and Johnson , Forced ' to Disgorge but Escape Prosecution. WHERE TRAIN WAS AT TIME THE QUESTION Baldwin, Bailor From the ., Phlhv delphia, ' Becomes Acquainted With Sociable Companions and a Game -of Cards Follow. Through th reluctance ef their vic tim te prosecute and th difficulty of establishing in what county th alleged crime waa committed, F. Henderson and C Johnson, two suppoaed . bunko men, taken into custody laat night by Pa trolman Jeff Thompson at the anion depot, wer allowed their liberty after being "shown up" to th aeeond night relief. :-. .,.... Johnson and Henderson were turned ever to the local police by Railway De tective Cummin is upon tne arrival 01 th Northern Paclflo train last night. It waa all sired that the men fleeced A H. Baldwin ef ui cruiser Phlladel phla out of considerable money by mean of marked cards. Baldwin was on hi way from Bremerton. Washing ton, to liar Island. California, whan he fell In with the windier. A gam of cards wa proposed, and. aa usual, the victim was plucked of all his wealth. Baldwin and Bam Steinberg, a friend. accompanied the card sharps to police headquarter, but it was necessary for the man-o-warsman to proceed to his destination at ones, and he refused to star and prosecute the fellow. John- eon and Henderson wer compelled to return all of th money won from Bald win, and after promising, to leave the city Immediately wer allowed to go. UBLIC1TY CAMPA1B11 ON AT Tom Richardson . Further Fires Zeal of Men Who Are Al ready Advertising. RpcUl T) Up. Irk s The foereaLV Ashland, Or., March 1&. Tom Rich ardson spoke at the opera house here last ntght under the auspice of th Commercial club In the Interest of pub licity and promotion of project for tb growth of Ashland- He enlisted a strong Interest of th larg and repre sentative audience. A short and earnest speech by K. V. Carter preceded that of Mr. Richardson, outlining th advertis ing plans of the committee. President Eggleston of th club presided. Re freshment were ' served and a social Mm waa had at th club room follow ing th speaking. MILLIONAIRE WALSH TO FACE SERIOUS CHARGE . v " i (Jeeraal gpaelal Barries.) . Chlcaao. .March It. John R. Walsh's next appearance In court will be at hi arraignment on the charge of misap propriating $1,800,000. HI attorney obtained a delay in the arraignment by demanding a bill of particular. Th government' attorneys insisted that Walsh be forced to plead at once. The court finally agreed to hear the argu ment on th application -for , bill of particulars next Tuesday. STREETCAR STRIKERS RETURN TO THEIR CARS ' (Journal SDeeta! ftervVs.t Louisville, Ky March 16, Street car service wa completely resumed here this morning, th striker having voted last night to accept the term agreed on by their executive committee and the street ear company,, aad go back to work. Th strikers numbered about too. USED TOBACCO AND WAS' A HUNDRED YEARS OLD '(Jeental ftpwlat BerrVe.) Ashland. Or.. March IX J aa per rourc died at hi home five mile West of Ash land yeaterday. Fource claimed to have been In his IMth year. . He had lived la three centuries, . having been born In Pennsylvania In ITS. He was a strict abstainer from all kinds of liquors, but had used tobaoco moderately all his Ufa, MRS. AUG. LYON PREACHER'S WIFE Tells Story of Abuse to Police . and Asks to Have Babies 1 . Returned. s 1' FEARS HE HAS CONE WITH ANOTHER WOMAN Mrs. New comb Says Husband Who Boasted , of Tlety . Hae . Deserted Her Out Late at Night Would - Not Tell Where. - - (Bfeelal XHspeteh te Th JestaaL ' ' Los Angela, CaL March H. Rev. F. X Newoomb, pastor of Mt. Hollywood Congregational church of . East Holly wood, who told his congregation last Sunday that he bad "walked arm In arm with God for twenty-seven years." la accused by hi third wlfs of having abandoned her yesterday, taking with him their crippled t-yeer-old daughter. Pearl, and their 4-year-old - daughter, Frances. Mrs.. Neweomb reported th flight to th pollc. r. "I am afraid." aald th unhappy wife, "that he haa gone with some other wo man. For month past he has been staying away from home until late at night, and he would never tell m wher he had been." i Mrs. Neweomb then told story of abuse, which If true and bar manner Indicated truth stamps her preacher- nuiwna u a uruiw, on ..iu mum uiu did not ear to hav him return, but she wanted her children and It wa for that purpose that ah had appealed to the police. A general order w Issued to th polio and detectives to find th missing preacher If possible. MINE 0WNERS-T0 FIGHT THE I.W.W. WIU Not Employ aa Industrial Worker In -X ' Capacity Klnee Close Dowm. f Joaraal seeta! Barries.) GoldfMdrKev4 March l(.--Th labor situation at thla place reached a crisis laat night when the cltlsens organised to fight th J, W. W. Resolution wr adopted at a mass meeting In which It waa declared aa Intention not to em ploy any man In any capacity who 1 a mmbr of th a. w. w. in mm- owners also recorded themselves a fa voring tb recognition of any union that I not affiliated with the I. w. w. Fol lowing the adoption of these resolution the L W. W. called out aU of Its men who are employed here, completely sus pending building operations and all klnda of buslneaa Armed guards are stationed an over th city and th fir department la con stantly on the alert against an attempt to burn the city, - One nundred special officers wer appointed by the dtlsena to patrol the city and prassrv peace, WOMEN TO BE ELECTED r IN FINLAND. TODAY ' ." ' ' ' (Journal Bpertal Serrlc.j Helsingfor. Finland, March 15. Main. bers of the Finnish Dist are being chosen today at th first election held In Finland since th revision of th con stitution. General Interest In the polit ical situation haa been aroused by the admission of both sexs to th elective franchise. There are M female candi date, of whom It . I believed several will be elected. Tb worker in th oil field about Beaumont, Tex, sr planning to re organise the Oil and Oas Worksra' union. It 1 understood that the aotlon I preliminary to a demand which the oil field worker witl make for an In crease of wage. Th men are now re ceiving tl a day. -tr- ISO TIRED DRAINS If You Eat Grape-Nuts To prop If. fry for ; IO days , . . "THERE'S A HBJtSOM" hlAKES CHARGES Ne ckwear Special Genuine $1.00 neckwear, fine v rich silks,' in ne w, handsome effects, generous shapes C dp -well made up Special 0J Men's Shirts : Many new, smart effects for Spring in all the high grade makes; all styles Underwear: Complete line of underwear for Spring, imported and domestic, Light Woolens,; Fine Silks, Balbrig gans and Linens Per garment $1.00 to $3.50 "Bring' (. Recently a- State car asked the waiter to bring hmr " a cigar. " The waiter brought two boxes- one was a Triangle A cigar, and the other an uiiknown 1 -7- "Which fa the better ? " asked the Senator; The waiter recommended' ' the unknown brand. 'Why T" the Senator demanded. The waiter . j . ,.. grinned. '"Boss says that's the one -, to push." he said. You don't want "the boss" wants to , oov www env V4 UV1A . fTnm tfn nnrr L-nnrn n nnnJ t.i You can now buy cierars with tho maker's audrantee - of - merit that - distinguishes scientific methods systematically applied to ciar proauction a marK that stands for im proved quality better, riper tobacco, thoroughly matured and actually Mend edsmooth, even-smoking cigars, abso- l.-AI 1 j.; i lutciy ueau wiuiuut mcreasea cost. Whatever you pay, whatever your taste, the " A" (Triangle A) mark is your guarantee of supe rior and reliable quality and unquestionable value. The New CRE3IO Scents ,, ' ' v: ; .," ; affonb you a fine opportunity to prove it by the; smoking test. , ; . -: " Every box is extra-wrapped in glassine paper, sealed tb maintain perfect smoking condition and cleanliness until the box is opened. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY JlasTrfTftrrrr Tl Me Senator on a dining brand. to depend on what push you d rather on evervhoir a mnrlr r