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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
3 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. - PORTLAND. - - FRIDAY- EVENING, MARCH . 15. 1S07. BRETIIREU DWELT YEARS IN UNITY Goodness and Pleasantness Thereof Exemplified at Sun- . ; nyside. Washington. SIX CHURCH BODIES ' ' :N " WORSHIPED TOGETHER One Temple - for All Service la ' k Rotation Attended by t All -Now -br-Wlthdmwal uf'Two "Rrokror Charchea, Orowm Strong. ' (Spatial XMavatrb to Tt JoarMi.) Sunnyside, Wash., March IS. Tti curtain has fallen on what was possi bly an absolutely unique church orfanl aatlon. whan the old Federated church -closed Its existence hers Wednesday night The process of dissolution he ron some months ago by ths withdraw al of the Methodist people, who were soon followed by the Baptist and Chris tian bodies: bnt owing- to the articles ef agreement corporate extinction oould not be finally effected until the present time. The vreatest harmony had always prevailed In the organisation, and the . dissolution was amicable. , ' ;" Xad a life ef Hx Tears. The federation was organised In the spring of 101. Just six years ago. and grew out of the weakness of the sereral ' denominations at. that time, who felt that they were not strong enough to build separately. The population of the .town and country was then sparse, and the federation was organised.' with a total membership of but 1J. but owing to the rapid development of the eoomu nlty there were at' the end of Its exist enoe f 00 members In the organisation a Sunday school enrollment of about 00. and a congregation of from 400 to T0. . Six denominations composed the or- canlsatlon: Methodist. Presbyterian, CongregaHonallat, Baptist. Brethren and Chris tun., , . . Mew Temporary reaeratdoa. Tha five naaters who 'nave been eerv Ins the organisation are retained by the several congregations In the order above named.. They are Revs. Charles H. Por ter. Oeorce C Otffln. H. r. uurgis. u. C. McClure and 3. B. Barley. The Chris tian church has no pastor. The Metho dists will besln soon the erection of a, handsome church edifice; tha Baptists will follow Ister. y , The Cengregatlonalists.. Presoyterlana and Brethren have organised a new fed eration, to expire In three years. - At the federated church Wednesday night aa interesting, and appropriate program . was given. Muslo was fur- - . - . ... , h - 1 IJIKI1VU U9T lit 111UI VI llluana. 111V WIU choir and the young people a chotr. Hrrr era! papers were read and addresses wero 'made, setting forth tha history. purpose, ' growth and Influence of the federation. ; STANDARD OILCAN STILL PAY DIVIDENDS ' IJoarsaJ floeeUl Berrtce.) ' New Tors. March II. The sum of I14.T50.OOO was dlabursed among the stockholders -of the Standard OH com pany today In payment of the first quarterly dividend of 107. The divi dend Is one of ll a share, which la the same la amount as that declared at this time last year and the rear before. If the disbursements this year continue the same as those of last year the eon pany will have paid out by the end of ItOT a total or approximately 37.e2I 0 sinoe the organisation of tha Stand ard Oil company of New Jersey In lit. Tea ' and "coffee! so much goodness dwells In a leaf and a bean Schilling's Best ..-'.'.-:. --.....-.v.,.. ,. Take advantage of the-----.- - COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And the Pacific "Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co and Southern Pacific, from all parti of ' the East, DAILY 'during March and April. ' " . :r:.;:- :,YOU CAIM PREPAY - ' For tickets, if you desire to bring friends, relatives, employes or others from the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in tire East A lnre Opportunity to Promoto tKe In dustrial GrowtH of tho Northwest KATXS ntOK ntZsTCirAXi SARSM CXTXXS. A . v ; ChloagO ........ .S30.80 $33.00 St. ZrfnlS ST.M ' 30.00 Kansas City S0.60 : S&-0O Omaha ta.60 88.00 as. ml .......... aao bmo Buffalo Hew Tork Boston ............-. Philadelphia Waalafftoa .......... . Jl". 40.00 4730 47.40 . 47.85 4T.85 S40.80 eo.oo 40 AO 4S.TS 4AM A Rates apply to all main and branch line points, Huntington -to flpokane. Inclusive.. B Rates apply to Portland. Astoria! snd Pugt Bound points; also Southern Pacific main and branch line points north of and including Ashland. Oregon... .. , . . . - . i, i , ,.. ' r))? 'Complete Information, lnqulTSwf " , 1 - 'T '- - .. , Wat SloBnnsmAT,' General Passenger Agent, y Oregon 2k41roa4 BTaTlgattom Oo. ' C W. SUnger, City Ticket Agt. Id and Washington. ' " : FIRST WHITE UAH TO HAHG l FORTY YEARS Andrew -Thomas Is Hanged in Mobile County for the Mur derof His Wife. (Journal Bntelal lUr ilw.l Mobile, Ala., March IS Barfing ex ecutive- Intervention, Mobile county to day Is to have Its first legal execution of a white man 'that haa taken place here In over forty, years. The on demned man la Andrew Thomas. , who shot his wife to" death on the morning of April M.IM. ' ... Thomas rbid been In Jail for a minor Infraction of the laws, and soon sfter release began to taunt and 111 treat hla her iiarenta. On the morning of the murder Thomaa followed his wife to the home of his mother, where she hsd gone to see their child. Rushing Into the room Thomaa pulled a pistol from bis pocket and ' ehet her. As the woman snk to the floor and was begging him net to kill her, Thomas tired A second bullet Into her breast. Ha was arrested near the scene of the murder, convicted and sentenced to death, which sentence affirmed by the state supreme court. INDIAN FUGITIVE IS IN CUSTODY John ' Hughes,, a Half-Breed Wanted in California, Arrest ed - at Klamath Falls. , 1 NERVOUS HEADACHES si, wzixjtAsnr ranc ttua wxx ovma most una Starved Verves Are th Camas sad. ths , Tomia Treatment hoold tatarest very mrfara. - Nobody who haa not endured tha suf fering reused by nervous headache can realise the awful agony of Its victims. Worst of all, tha osdtnary treatment cannot bo relied upon to eura nor even to give relief. Some doctors will say thst If a person Is subjeot to these head aches there Is nothing that can bo done to prevent their recurrence. Nervous headaches, as well as neural gia, are caused by lack of nutrition the nerves are starved. Tho only way to feed the nerves Is through the blood and it is in thla way that Dr. Williams (Joaraal gptctal SrrV) Redding. CaU March It. Sheriff Boyce of Trinity county received a dis patch today from Klamath Falls, Ore gon, signed by J. P. Smith, saying: T have John K. Hughea In custody." Hughes la a halfbreed Cherokee, who is --.wanted -ia - Trinity coanty for tho murder of Turner Palmer near Hay Fork. Hughes eluded Sheriff Boyce In the old diggings In this county on Feb ruary XT, Juat as tho officer was coming into tha mining camp to arrest' him. Aided by friends, Hughea made good his escape. Officers of Shaata county and Trinity county followed his trail for two weeks, but oould get no trace of him further than learning to a certainty that he had gone north., KELSO CITIZENS DESIRE . TO VOTE SCHOOL BONDS (Special Dispatch te Tee 9eaneL) Kelso, Waah., March It. A mass meeting, of citisens was held at tho Business Men's club rooms Wednes day evening to discuss ths advisability of Issuing bonds for new school build ings. The rapid - growth of tha town has made the present facilities entirely inadequate. Reports were given by the board and Superintendent emits and af ter a general discussion It waa voted as the sense of the meeting that the board, should Proceed to .determine .the oost of duplicating tha preecnt Washington- building and then -hold a bond election that tha citisens might vote bonds sufficient to cover the cost. remarkabl eures. - Mrs. Addle Merrill of It Union street Auburn, Me., says: Tor years I suf fered from nervous headaches, 'whton would come on me every flva or alx weeks and continue for several days. The pain waa so severe that I would be obliged to go to bed for three or four days each time. It was particularly In tense over my right 'eye. I tried medl clnes but -got no relief.. I had no appe tite td when the headache passed away I felt as If I had been sick for a month. My blood waa Shin and I was pale, weak and reduced in weight - - , 1 read about Dr. Williams ' Pink Pills in a paper and decided to try them. I flrat noticed that they began to give me an appetlto and I commenced to gain in weight and color. . My. headachee stopped and hava not . returned and have never felt so well as I do now." - Dr. Wllliaraa' Pink Pills act directly on the blood, purifying it and making new blood. They are for this reason also an' Invaluable remedy In arising from bad or deficient blood,' as rheumatism, anaemia, after-effects of tho grip and fevers. Tha piUs are guar anteed to bo free from opiates or any harmful drug and cannot Injur th moat delicate system. : . Dr. Williams Pink Fills are sold by all druglgsts or sent, postpaid, on re ceipt .of price, tt cents per box, six boxes, f I.tO. or J&r th Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. T. Send for book of cures, free. RABBI HELLER REACHES HIS FIELD OF LABOR ' Rabbi H. If. Heller, who was recently engaged by the congregation Norab Zedeck Talmud Torah, arrived In Port land at 7:30 o'clock thla morning from Oakland, California. He will officiate tonight at 7 JO o'clock at th Norah Zedeck synagogue. Services will also be conducted by him at t o'clock Saturday morning. . . . Th eastern Oregon wool clip wtll be heavy and of bettor quality than usual; sheep ere almost all healthy.- A VOSXTlf Si SfSOSSSZTT. Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days from a severely bruised leg, I only xouna reiiei wnen i aoea a bot tle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can cheerfully recommend It aa th beat medicin xor nruiaes ever sent to th afTlictedk -lt-i has -now- beoom a posi tive necessity upon myself. D. H. Byrnes, Merchant,- poversvUl. - Texas, jSc, too and. 1 1.00. all drug glsta - We Are Showing the Only, Complete Stock of I V rnrvTOrO lUiiUjlM C)- Uli hi wTTDTTD 11 .''" si . -''J in patterns comprising all the ,,' noveUiesatthe LOW PRICE of - Better than those offered by many stores at $15 ahd every suit guaranteed V , : Would you save $5? 6ome to us. WHEN! YOU SEE IT' IN OUR AD IfS S(J 2 Stores in One Siiilil . vr ;: 7 i -r THIRD AND OAK .. - .. V Moaes for theMan's Easter ! A Notable Gathering of Stunning Styles for Swell Dressew atPortlarid's Foremost Man's Shop 69-7 1 THIRD STREET v i Between Oak and Pine! -. i .1 , e y Fashionable Top 69-7 1 THIRD STREET ln-the-iaiddleKf-the-l)lock ' ForadJDperung Tomorrow OF THS New"FuIworth,, for Spring of 1907 Get a New "Sky Piece" for Easter . Wt open on Saturday s very complete Una of all the new shapes favored by competent otyl-arhitera in men ' headwear. The choicest noveltie in full line of "Mallory" Hata at $3.50, equal to any S5.00 Mat on cartn, ana tne ceieormtea r auwoim y Hate in all leading shapes and colon as well aa black, soft or stiff, at KJO. Select ths ttaster Mat saturoay wmie saaort ments are'st their best. ' . for Easter : A complete line of all the new' and fashionable lasts and latest toes in every stylish leather that fashion favors for spring. High and low cut and Oxfords. ': ' ; ' Special Values at --y i236aMp.50 Eqaol to other stores $4.00 . j - , and $3.00 v&Iaes 11 1 for Men coats A notable assortment for Easter buyers. Choosing Is fins. Grays predominate. Black dressy Coats are well represented. . Effects are boxy. Coverts for tnoso who favor this standard favorite. Agreat assemblage from., which to choose the top coat youlr need from now- on through ths cool summer even- . ' tngs. yrioes?" T.oy to sito..w. ... y Cravenettes Handsome garments among the new arrivals. Grays, blacks, blues, tans, and smart mixed effects. Thoroughly cravenotted, dreasy and rainproof flO.OO to f35.Q0. Easter Toggery Y;-. ' for men HINTS OF THE NEW MODES AND WHAT'S TO PAY ' ; - V Handsome Easter Neckwear all the new shades and popular;.' shapes, in the newest plaids and rich, plain colorings, in solid effects 6e snd f LOO ; Negligee Shirts, in plain and plaited bosoms all ths newest, and swellest patterns, in Cluett and Star makes, percale and madras materials; best values ever shown in town at $1.00' snd v i. ,...$t.50 Men's fancy Half Hose, in plain colorings of tans, wines, greens, , black, etc, and prettily figured, dotted and striped effects: the ' best "two-bit'' values we've ever been able to offer MEN'S FANCY WASH VESTS Splendid valuea, plain white, figured and checked, in neat colored effects, f l.OO and $1.50 Novelties in Jewelry for Spring Drew Spring Weights in Underwear Swl ribbed cotton, medium weight; blues snd tans......T6 BALBRIGGAN UNDERSHIRTS OR DRAWERS Big as sortment and best values, at 2S and SO . STREET GLOVES In gray and brown suedes, kids snd dor; skins, in newest shades of tan, at pair. . . .$ l.OO and 1.60 , New 'Kerchieft, In plain whits hemstitched novelty bordered effects, at 25) NEW GOLF SHIRTS In madras and mercerised materials; : plain tans and whites l.OO mm You're going to buy it tomorrow, of course. . The question is where? . It's no easy thing to decide in a city the sixe of Portland, with its keen competition and splendid stores. But this much we know and feel - anxious to impart to you. If you will drop round and see the unusual values in ' New and Topcoats we've prepared expressly for cany iMwicr xraa . tomor- to buy" will solve itself in the "twinkling of an eye." SVagger Suits for Smart Dressers- Iq neat and dressy worsteds and handsome tweedish mix- tures. . Single ; and double breasted styles, coats 'cut . long, with single) vent at i back. Grays, - blues . and blacks, the latter in dressy . Thibets, serges and unfin ished worsteds. A vast choosing.... ? 7.50 to $35 CLOT 69-71 THlteD ST. I3ct Oak: & Pino ! O-S BLOCK IIN THE MIDDLE THE ..... . i ; . CHIGAGO HING.GO.