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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
TIIE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 15, 1807.' FOR BALE -REAL ESTATE. HORSES, VEHICLES, IIARXESS. PERSONAL. CHIROPODISTS. MUSICAL. BANKS. TOO are (lira to Aonble yortr winner eo thoee . lota Ivaahoo Half kite, mall payment , Auwu.pey balance ! roe vast to. - Owaea, room T. to Si Waebluatua et. 1 AM in aoed of anoia money and will aecrlflcc 18 lota worth i.ooO for 13,00; ooiloo, lm- proved, aad la ana of tha beat locatlona be tween tha river ; njuat ka- eaah and taken at once. Boom 4. 10 Beooni at, - ' BRW B-room booee and rot at Lenta, pood mew t tlon, eloee to aar elation, t tarn, o7o. O. R. Adilllea, Lasts, Oresva.- PONT (all to Invite roar wlfa or awaatbaart , to a ear rid Sunday. Oat aft at Ivanboe and view tba entire city and mountalna from tboee aplandld dirt-cheap lata at Ivanboe . lUlthta. Kaey tarma. Owner win ta aa round. -BOOM plaatered cottage, eaocreta foundation. iuu toiy vi.iuu; f iov eaati. baiaBce fix pet mwia. ataai 141, eara journal. Wa cell tboae baaatlfnl elfhtly lota at Ivanboe noifuta aa practically Tour own tarma. owner, room T. 133 H Waahlnftua at. - " 11,000, BALANCB to cult New a-room modern cottate, electric fliturea, tl.TSO; alea aeTeral Tarant lota. Obae. M. Roaa, second booee aorta or xremont; aft. Scott ear. - JOa SALS , FuU loU- Meilora -aed-Heecb. -HBO-, lot a few aaje. Adaraaa X 147, care Journal. WR hare a few rood barfatna la eloae-la oaat aide - Bomee; may will f quirk. Tarma. Boom a, 10 Second at. Pbona Pacific 11T. ASTORIA New Pacific cecal aeaport. Mortbera Pacific railway. For bargalna la acreage aaareet bos Mil, Aetoru, Or. loveetora amy. COTTAaa. I w I moma. Suanyalde or Mount , Tabor, about tl.400; will pa S00 cub. aeo, care journal. . . FOR 8AI.K Lata on 90th aad Beat Stark ata.. : trom fouo ap; terma. owner, too X Ikark at. Fbona Kaat IMP. Mx300 FEBT, 15 bearing apple treeo. S-raom aoueo and outtmllilluye: all wen renced: leer lop, moat cell: prlca 87B.- Apply 828 Jereey - e mu euana. SAO -ROOM boaaa, lot 00x100. tellwood, blorka to ear Una. ' 880,000 18 acroa. bland, and , tmprove- men re. a aiiiea to fortune. Bao.OOn 4 block, lOvslOO, bforrana at.: arm i a szoo a month. FROM BERO CO.. . "; S2TH Waablnatoa at, ! S.aoo T-ROOM kouee. Mt. Tabor, near eanl- tartom: laraa lot. TSxlOOl flrat-claaa flnlab eerr alfhllri 500 or 1700 eaah, balaara H ten, care eoaraal. ITANHOR BEIOBTS m tba placa 1 pat roar waer ror neat raanita; tarma oaaj. wwaar,. waahlnptoa at. OnzT kama. ba realm tarma: mliht trade. atelkleloaa. Cedar Park aurkm. alt. Mm FOR SALE FARMS. - LOOK BEREl ' . ' all la ranldlr deeelopfne: dlatrlct. aome arlth ' eery little Impruremeate aad aome well lm ' pro red. at nrtcee which are aara to doable In to peera. Alaa a few of tha heat reat dnw proprrtlea la Orwbam, aa well aa a nana Dec or ooaineae uiimnga parinp aa la eeme ef It to 14 per cent, and vacant Iota. ' tireaham la 19 Bllea aaat of Portland, with one ear line flnlahed aad aaotber la couree of onaetruelioa. write, eaplalnlDp Juat what you want, and aae what I will do for poo, or, what la better, rail and eee ma, V. 8. JOU.NHON, . . Oreabam, Or. 1 -2 Acre at Aiiatel W FEET from ear track. P00 feet from ata. tkm, feneed a three el doe; $476 1 T caak, $lo per awath. par cent. Owner 303 Chapter cf Ccmmercc ATTENTION FA RMER9 ATTENTION. I eaa aell roa In pre red (prm land at tha aw - Willamette ealler from pro ap ta 711. aar alaed tract: wheat land la eeatrra Oregoa rmm pin to 133, la tract, of 100 a area to t.000 acroa or mare, prtrea aad terma are rtabt. I eaa tell from actual einerlence what pea eaa do ea aa Orra farm. Cinmc la '"IWmrBpa VwJ fY wVavDlaaV4Vtt 10 AND aft-ACRB TRACT. HI airlda M acrea, It mllaa from eoart- aeer tba rooter read, wbloai la lm- withal honaaa. R and T rooma each. email orchard and a boot IS acrea cleared. all pood eotl and clone to church and aebool; prlcca 7B per acre aad ap. FRKD C. Kl.NO. ' KM Commercial blk.. Bacoad and Waabutptoa. SAO Bt'TS half tatereat la pood buataeea that will par poo to Inreetlpate If rou went to -do bualnoaa la Portland. SOT All aar hide. BAROAINS la acreaa-a, farma and city property. Farmera Land Co, ITS Madlaoa at. roR "AI R at a bareala, I IT lead; M acrea aoder cultleatlon, fair Ira prorementai alen 10 aerea adjolnlnc. 10 acrea ondor cnltlTatloo. pood boaaa and aara, aaw fencee, on county road: will aell ttnfk tracta. conawtlnr or XZS acrea. mr fd.auo. or win aell aenerate. For farther partlralara rail oa or add rem i. 0. wina. Bona Vlata. ' Orepoa. riVB-ACRR tracta, mtlee couth af Fort , land, fine coll. water piped to each P-eere ' tract: tbla land la one mile watt ef Clarke. ' maa atatkm and railroad and ea the Port ; land and Oreatia Cltr wapoa road. Price from (100 to fa) per aeret ea eery, terma. For further partlculare eaa O. W. Barer, 00 Baal Morrlaoa at.. City. FARM FOR SALB. ; 10 arrea, M In eultlrtalon. 100 acrea Ideal trait ana rerm iana. ramuy orraera ana berrlea, pood bulldlnga, dally mall, near railroad and town: nice country home. In tha moat healthful and delightful climate oa raetno coaat. - aooraaa 1. n. a.,- aog it. WoodTlllc. Orepoa. SO ACBES. wtthta IS ml lee cf Portland, fine neb aell. au ander coltlTatkm. -no mcka: new ,- bouae, barn, ehlckea-hoaee and other balld- intra; extra nno place roc rnirKene and ttucaa: rnanlag water through Place: price ' S2.HO0; . terma. Addreea L. a Valletta, Mllwaukle, Or. Roata S, box $4. (3.BO0 RUTS SS acres 1H Billea from Oregon city, na gnoo road ana k. r. n. route: part la cnltlTatloo. part timber; booee. bars aad . fruit; pardea end boaaa fenced with woven wire; Tine weu ana running water; crop, ' team and too la all r. Addreea 1. N. Mania, R. 7. D. 1, bos PS. Oregoa City. Or. BEST email farm any In Oregon so acrea, BraeUy cleared and enltlratrd. adjornlnp town alte of lire ralley town; fine fruit, aprlnp, creek, wood, arboole, ehurrhee, railroad: T large aeermllla near; bnlldlnga worth $3,000; only $2,000. Inquire ttt Stark at. TIMBER. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. Wa want timber laoda la Klamath. Lake aad Croon enaatlee, large and email tracta, aad clngla elalme: aend your full deacrlptlooa aad eetimato ir yea Bare tt. wa arc reaay to an -uwhoeln rx1 oueinees trom tkle time oa, as ma eraieere 1 the field. State yoar mweet act eaah price aad wa oaa aaoa tell you what wc can do for you. CRKflfl BROS. St llxtb at. 817-218 Featos Bldg. . Portlaad. Oregoa. TO OWNERS of timber etalnna and timber Wa will bay for rata aay coed timber tributary to Hebaleia rlrer: will deal arlth ownera only no e there need a newer, Wrtte, gleing full partlcnlara, to Bos S. 0. T. Uttee. Portland. Oregoa. ST . Howell. Chamber of Commerce. HOMESTEAD aad timber Ian 4a. acrlp, to loaa. SO Commercial bids. FOR SALB 100 acrea timber land ta Skamania county. S mllea from Columbia rlrer; will rut S.Oon 000 fact. SOP Eaet 3d at. Tabor 441. TIMBER, claim for Bale; ISO acrea. two mllea from Colombia rlrer, Skamania county, Waah. Ingtoa. Owner, F. 1. McHcery. $80 Second. A FBW celrc"blart1mVr"clalmc tert rctFor la forma tkm phone Unloa 27X8. . FOR SALlLIVSTOCtt. ik COOD llohttetn Cow for aelet string abnnt I gallona a day. JI4 Kearney, Mnntarllla. FOR RALBOmd freak cow. part Jrraey, I 248 Front at... city. at HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. (FOR SALB 4) year-old mare, bnrgy and bar. neeat good driver. Cell Portland Lleeatock Ki change, Fourta and Ankeny ata., Portland. OOSsrs and bnrrtec fnr rent by dey week and month aneclal rataa ta poaii Lill aad Hawthorne. Kaat Is, FOR HALS Hone, about 1 20O poumU. ant .afraid af aara; will auad outled any place: work aliifle or double. Uall al etabla. Second and WaiH-o ate,, after o'clock p. m. rhuoe fiuoo x04. BORSKS FOR SALB 80 head. 1.100 to l.onO poanda. Overton, betwere 13lh aad 14th) take ear. freed ma a Bros. . FOR SALE Fine Belclma Perrheraa etalMoa, yeara old. weljrht l.SfiO. Inqlre at tba Haw thorne a t a b lea. 4 JO Hawthorne are. FITB bead ' of draft boreee. loth at., aontk. CaU T4 Bait IB HEAD ef pood work boreee for aala cheap. 48 Front at. BARTER AP EXCHANGE. EZCHANOB Fine eaburban home. rooma. all modera lnipnnemeata wltb windmill, barn and three-fonrtha acre of around aet to flee ebrnbhery; pa.aoO: will eiehanpa for Inelde reeldence or bualaaaa property or eqnltr In aaaie. Applr to owner, Edward F. Cannon, Archer Place, Mount Rcott motor lino or BOB McKay bldfn Third aad Stark ata. FOR SAI.S ar erchaneo for cordwnod. city property, one e-bnrepowar atatlonary, one la Unrec power portable enolne. Call phone r.a.r m;-arir or armaa lit,' - OROCRRT, aell or esrhanco nn firm! pood buaineaa eatabllabod; tnToIca $1,900. If 14S, Journal. MTSICAL IN'STRCMENTS. A $41M UPRIGHT piano, nerd only about 13 montba. for aalo rheaD and on eaar terma. Tall or addreea Mlaa Hattla. Miller, 836U T1CT0B ralklnr machtnea and rocorda: Stem way land other) planoa. Shermaa. Clay A Co.. Sllth aad Morrteoa. oppoelte paetofflec. TUB WEBBER BTl'DIO Mandolin, hanjo. raior raairuciioae. iwti waauuictoa at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. D rumens BEITUNO, the blc Oermaa paper. Snbacrlptloa price $1 per year: eampla eoplea . free. A. B. Kara St Co pubUehera, corner , Second and Salmon eta. v FOR SALB Chatham tiKabe fiea and beooperu, 4 dare free trial. Geo. W. Fcott, S2I $aat Morrlaoa aC, Portland. WB prmt yoar aama aa SO catllnaT earde. proper alao aad airte. Soot too boalaeaa carda. $L A. W. Sehawlc Co.. S2S Flrat, Portland. Or. SirovD-HAMD bar Sirarea, nonltahlra. aafe. . tahlea, eh aire. Went era Cow 83T Waahloptoa at. ROWCASE8 aad flTtnrec. aaw and hand. Cerhwa A K a 1 let ram, pap Couch at. FOR SALE. rpniAP 4-Inch Keretoaa water meter, practically aaw. , laoalra H. Metafor, 23S Fraat at. . EWINO MACHINES . bonebt. cold and el- chaneecj. $S aad ap. Weatera Sarrapc Cc. 37 Waahloctaa at. SHOWCASES, conn tare, flxturee. hoarht. anld ar exchenced. Weetera a.) race Co. S2T Waebloatoa at. Pacffic TPS. FREE FOR RVERTBODT Rtna ap Mnta 4X00 ar can nan rrnat. we nee aad aau rur al tera, clothlns or any old t blear. BOI.DEN-S RHEfMATIO rtTBE Sore 1 woamanam. Sold by an dreerwta. BILLIARD AND POOL tahma for reat or tor eaie on eear nermeota. TUB BRL'vewirK. BALER rOLLENDBB CO. AS -Third at. PortUnd FOR SALR Berretne la 'Wbttea, Sincere, Da em. wheeler m WIKom. Heaaebolde and otbac ollcbtly dameeed mechlnea. The White Sew ing Machine office, U. p. Joaoa, 180 SamhtU at. oraor Fourth. FOR SALB New motor boat hull, 82 feet kmc; capeoie oc aich apeed. Inquire $83 Orand are. WILL aell rou alabed. for $80. almoa at. a hone. boat, partly fnr Sce Patera, foot of Kaat FOR SALB 10x14 aide crank throttllns anptne. w ii a leemar oeitinp and attaebmenta; ane euxis aorianntai etandard rntiolar boiler. AD- iv.ujh naai nauut viuama auu FOR SALE Pure Barred Plymouth Rock and nurr urpingtoa erra. pi per aettlng. seat iMlb at.. aortWad blllllngaworth BTa. CHERBT TREES of tha only original parent rreo, id a new enem. the niant; nrat-ciaaa trees. Jaliua Kalllch, Woodlawa. Oregoa. SHRBTIRON atneec of all kladt'at reaannablc pneaa at 80S Flrat at. PboaC' Padflc SIB. OLD BOOK BTORB remored ta 1S Fifth aad in sooaad ata. BUFSCHIR allTvr-pleted alldc ti -001 bone ta , eaaet Boetoa trombone Martin aorneta: anapa; expert repairing. lork a, xaTVb Stark fU FOR SALR Wagon; pood aeeoad- urcry wagoa. 430 Belmont at. ALL kloda of furniture for aala at dll Haw- tborne arc TTiR Orand Furniture Co. baya, aella and tradeo anyuuas. n iiawtnoraa arc none saat no. FOR SALR Cheap, fn.000 feet In m her. H. B. moot, its Kaleigh at. Pbona Mala xsoi. TP TARDS Atmlnater carpcti a bargain. Beat Clay aC FOR SALB flood eerond-haad aoda Conn tain. B. T. Raadall. Woodbura, Oregon. - A OOOD BUT Set of cbetracta of Skamania county, Waah.: tba oaly aet m the county. Apply to Daa Crowley. Taneoarcr, Waah. ONE 4-font eboweeee. 48 Raleigh bids, aad Waablngtoa ata. Sixth RHODE ISLAND. Red egpc aad mnatcra for -aalo at 770 Macadam at., near O rover. - - SALOON for aalc Call at Brona ft Co. and Alder ata. Flrat PERSONAL. ' NOTICB OF REMOVAL. - A. BMner. the furrier, will Lewm hide. March I: looking for aultable toca.toa: for preeeat may be fouad at real, dence, 2f2 North IPtb at. Pbona Pacific 2497. Will call and give retlmatae aa aeuaL MADAM ANNA LTJCKET. magnetic, mental and electric vibratory treatment, rtieumatletn and all nervnaa dleeaaea treated -euceeaefully. face and acalp treatment. French paata for re moving wrlnklee, manlrurlnr: euppncltorlec for married ladlee. XipU Fourth at. acay Salmon. Mala 2011. PROFESSIONAL TATTOOINO Work la 10 colore; art la tie work gnaranneed; aelected . rleelgna a cpeHaltr: electric or band work. One Franao, FrlU'a theatre. Second and Bara aide eta. CRRMAN bonra. macaataee, aoveai, ete..t Oer. maa. Bngllab. French. Snentoh. Swedleti aad ftallaa dlctlonarleei fnrelrn bonks . of all kloda. Schmale ATo. 3S Flrat ct. MOf.ES. wrtiklca. hah No ebarcc rn talk tt ov Room 880 Flledner Bids. Mra. M. D. Hill. Phoao Padrie las. DR. BINU CHOONO. Importer Chtneee root medlclneet sella Chlneae tea. eertala care for aH dlaeaaaa. 101 2d. bet. Tamblll aad Taylor. LADIES: Dr. Kctcham. pradaeta and regie. . tared, treata any and all yonr enmplamts with cklll and aeceoe. IT0U Third ct. cor . aer Tamhlll. Pacific Z22S. ' DR. LOUISE ENGLISH, pradnate ma met In - healer, acletitlfle treatments for rheuaiattera and aervoaa dleeaaea, also chiropody. 14AV4 Sixth ct. roam 24. . MARRY Hily Incorporated merrlago paper: cent era led: send dimel 11th year: 2.000 membera. L. L. Love, . box 1000, . Denver, Colo. MANLY vigor reetared by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globe lea. One moorh'e treatment. $8: montba, !) cent eerurety aae led by mail. Areata. Wocdard. Clarke ft Co. Portland, Or. DR A. V. KETCnUM enrec promptly private dlaceaee. kidney, Vervooo. ehla and apectel female rrooblea. Cell cc write Office Itm, ' Third ct. ear. TamhtL Pboac Padflc 233B. HOLD ON There 4c nno thin that will cere rbeumatlam. Aeh year drugclet tor berk tonic or addreee or call J. A. Clemeaaon, drugglat. Portlaad. Or. RXINPt PI I.I ma an fermc of mnarclar wrekaeea. For Price $1 a boa, borne 88. wlrh ran guar antee. Addreea or call I. A. Clemeaaon. drug. Slat, Sertad aad Yamhill ata., Portlaad, Or, TURKISH BATHS, P0 Oreeonfaa bidg. ladlee days, geatlemea alghta. Mala ISSS. DISEASES OF WOMEN; aefnrrnnate pirbi and behlao rared for) prtvato beepltal Dr. Atweod, team , IMa Mas. St, fai, factot 17BS. PITS preened while you wait, SOc la dine aalrre preeaed. poc. Ullbert. IrMt, SIHp at, aaat aa Qoello. pboac Mala S0SS. AI.M OP PICS for an female dli Beat Belmont. Phone Kaat eOSe. SCHOOL MOOrtej bonebt. aold. aaebaapod. - Boo at ore. 291 Alder at. .... RAOAM'S MICROPR KILLER, the areetret . rerm iteetrnyer, for aala by R. D. Wlntara, eosa Grand are., north. SWEDISH trained eorrn. nelalnafnra eraduato, enrea rbeumatlam. atnmach troahlea, aerrooa dlaordera and anralna by baad-rohhlnp, ateam, . eweat and tub hatha. No. T Kaat 11th at. Take Eaet Aokeny aar. Pboac Baal 900. RUSSIAN BATH, tnr Third at., between Taylor and Salmon; ewtmmlnr pool, ateam aad not air bath; fenta, from I a. m. to It p. aa. Prlca 25 oenta. . MAVICt'RINO perlon for lad lea aad centlernea. 2UHI4 MorrieoB at., room 14. HOl.DEya RHEUMATIC Ct'RR "ore core for rbeumatlam. Sold by all drunaiata. FACE and era In maaaape plcca at $48 Vi Mor rlaon at., aulte 1-S. , . - .. BEftT mavaalne crnha errr afreredt aoad far nrtcee: arenta wanted. Jnoea Book Stara. 1 Aider at;PortlaaoT0r. MIR" OIBfln cteea ocelp treatmeati draff. MS4 Morriaaa at., room 61. MM. POTTER Maneuae. ' ecalp. facial maa. aaco, chiropody. 224H Waablnatoa at. IF TOTJ are not feellnjp well. take, a tub bath ,- and alcohol rub. $1. Oxford hotel, corner Sixth and Oak ata., room 17. Phooo Mala 88. CANCER AND OOITRR SPECIALIST Aa'b. matte, aerrouaneea. chronic and nrrrata dbv eaea permanently en red: eonauitatrae aad correapondeneo free. Dr. Tooae. 181 Va Flrat. MM. ' VASH-TT Maaaacea. auntcurtns and ehlropndr. J01 H Third at. MMB. t.EMAR, palm let and elah-Tcyaat. 81 Sercatb at oak. GRANT CHESTERFIELD Perrhie palmlat. rlalrmyant. medium. Tba Pleaaantoa. Third and Columbia ata. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlora: ladlea - ana geniiemen. eoi Morrteoa at. BCSTNESS PERSONALS. INVENTIONS hoarht and aold. Corona nt Oaov - tract Co., 42T riled nee bldg. Mala SS81. AUTOMOBILES. FtTLLMAN ACTO CAR CO, . Bnfldera. dealrnera and rapelrera af all makea of automobllea. Bodlee. tope feodera. daebea. lamp brarheta. running hearda aad Slaee Iroota. Oeara aad all parte of mohllea made to order. oe-70-72-T4 Korth Sixth St, H. L. KEATS ATJTO CO.. AtTTOMOBILES AND DPPLTBB. SnrtbwreteTn dlatrtbotorc for- pope Hart fnrdn. Pop- Trlbuoaa. Pono Waeerlra. Pope Toledna, Tbnmaa. OldameMlea. 1 Fraakltna, Balcka. SOS Seeoatk at- Portlaad, Oregoa. HOWARD M. COVET. A rent Pierre Great Arrow. Leeomebnaa, Cad illac aad Knox. Temporary mcatma Club Oarage. IStk aad Alder ata. BATE TOD BEEN BAKER ELrXTRIOSf Capital Supptr Co.. COS Alder at. phoaa Pa cific art, DemoBotratloa by appotatweet. ASSAVERS. OARTtN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montana Aaaay Offkm 18S Morrteoa at. ART. FRBB LKSSONa IN Embroidery Beery Day. THE NEEDLRCRAFT SHOP. S8S Waahlogtoa at. - B. R. MOOREHOCSB ft CO. Arttata anotertala. aoldlng, olctnre rramlns. atereopo. laatcro alldea. (11 Alder at. I PROFESSOR R. MAX IIBTER. 848 Alder -f- Portratt and mnderape-artlat and teerl "ATTORNEY ST C H PIOOOTT AND I. A. FINCH Atternere-at-Law. Practice la all d Malkey bldg.. earner Beeced end Morrlaoa. J. A. RTROWBRinOR Attorney -et-Law, POT commercial bib. none t-acinc a.a. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OR ROCK, graduate maaaeuaal eabtaet bath, aalt plow, alcohol rab, cream maaaagc; rererencee. 1W seeenta at. Main 4 no. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. BlrheawaM Co.. SO. , SOS Keerett cL ilargeet butrtjer capply aa tha coaat. write tor catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekeaa, Ul-ISS Flrat at. canieo a fall nno a en pleto aeeartmeat at mweet erfcet bla!nk-book makers. HOWE. DAVIS ft KILHAM. 100-111 Beeaad at, Wink hooka manufactured: a genre for Joaea Improved Leoee-Leef ledgera; eee the Bee Eureka mat. tba heat oa the market. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLRANINO CO. Lonreet pleat on flic coeat. Lorlog nnd Hardlag ata.. telephone Eaet aw. carpeta aJecBed. reritted, aewed and laid; both ateam and la teat com. - preeeed-elr prarenei renevallog mat faatberc a apeclally. JOYCE BROS., proprletora of the Electric Clean ing worka; earneta cleaned aad laid, both dry aad eompreeaed air cleaning: carpet refitting enr cpeclalty: work guaranteed. Phoao Mala - SH72 and A ZnTS. ST0 Urant at. SA VITA R T earnet cleenlnc. eorttoe aad coav preeaed air comblaed: rarnetu cleaned on floor without removal. Mala B&84. Mala 100. CARPENTERS ' AND BUILDERS. I. A. MELTON, the carpenter, pr roartb at, tore and office wo-k. Mala 1787. B. MELTON Office, atcre flxrorec: eeneral Jobbing. 67 Flrat at. Pbona Mala SIPO. 1 COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST ft SLABWOOD CO., 858 Front, euceeeaora to Fulton Wood Oa fir. oak. elebwood, coaL TeL Mala 18SS. FOR prompt delivery of alabwond call Mala 4K7S. Oak. aeh, fir and coal. Portlaad . Wood ft Coal Co., 18th aad Barter ata. 0RE0ON Ff EL CO. la now Bailing Welaa la tbraalte. beet coal oa the market. SS4 Alder at. Mala SB. ALRTNA FUEL CO-Deelera la cordwond. coal and green and dry elabweed. B.- R. aad Alblna arc, S bmcka caat of ferry. Beat tie. STEEL BRIDOB FUEl CO. Dee lore ta coal, cord wood cad dry alabwood. Pboac Eaet 424. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. H hlarkamltb mala. Phone Mala 1018. CLATRVOTANTS AND PAMHSTS. AJwave Conenlt the Boat. -, PROF. R. KHIMO. Areateet living aatral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; aitvleer on buaineaa and all affaire of lite; telle your full name end what yon called for. whom yoa will marry, bow to control the one you love, even tbongb ml Ire away: reunltee tha aeparated: glare arcrrt powars to coo are 1 ; no long delara la wilting. Houre 10 to A, dally and Snnday. Office No. S and 4. Orand Theatre Bldg. Waablngtoa, near Park at., Pbona Mala SOTf. MRS. 8. B. SEIP, perrbomerrlat and elnlrmy. ant. 802 AHaky bldg., dally. If yoa went a aplrltnal knowledge ef yonreelf and eventa attend my meetlncu Wcduoeday, Tbnraday, Friday, S p. m.; SSc. ' CHlROriUCTIO. I.MRR B. - COT Chiropractic eveertt free treatmenta every Wcdneeday; will call at nomee and rive free treatment. Office bnura. a. m to B v. m. Phone Mala BOO. Lebba hide. S3TH Waablngtoa at. CAFES. THR OFFICE-yas Waahlartas at. 171. Samaal Yajaaas, . . . WM. DETENT ft RSTEI.LR DEVENT, THB only acientine chlropndlata. parlore ao Irew bids.. 102 2d at. Pboac Mala .1801. CHIROPODY and Pedtcnrtnar. Mra. M. D. Hill, Boom S30 Fleldoer Bide. Pboac Pacific US. CLEANING AND DYEING. CI.OTHRS cleaned and preaerd SI per month. unique laiionnc u,. ataj stars at. I. W. TflRNEB, proreaaloaal dyer and eleeaer. auo ecrioraoa at. rhawa Mam SB1S. PORTLAND Steal 11 Fourth at. Cleaatnc and Prlnp Worka, Phroe Pad He SOT. qramaaawii 1 ei CARRIAGE PAINTINQ. SPECIAL prleea aa llrht earrtire palntlnp. one. pica, pio and ap. Kicbarda. roartb and Ann. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. THB ORFXJOlf CHBESB CO. (1X0.1 CHEESa), - BUTTE II, BOOS. etc.. dairy pro4ucte bought or nanuieu on commiaeino. iu cum al (Swetland bldg.), Portlaod, Or. UANCINOT DANCINO leaaoa, t5e elaeaca or prlrate: walta- my. rwo-omp, cnroeHnep, etc. 1 aiage oancina. bnck and wing, clop, reel, aklrt. Siianlah, tllKhlaad fling, ate. Proreaenr Wal Wllann, clrtVat reenanlnd teacher. AUaky blila., Third aad Morrlaoa ata. WOODWARn DA NCI NO SCHOOTflaaa Moa.. Tbure. and Sat, ere. I eoctat, faacy aad atep aactop taocbti S aaat. teacbere; elaaa and private laeainia dalle. Weatera Acadenir hall. Beooad and Morrlaoa atom Pacific 1630. PROF. RJNOLER. Mlaa Bnckenmerer. leading echool. dally. SOP Aide ct. Mala lOfll. DRESSMAKING. VRS. ATOM AN. erperTenced draaamakar. 8814 Boat Bumaldc at. Phone Baat 4A82. . TBT Aara lea Dreeemaklfip Parlora. S4S Fifth aad Mala. Pacific SS3. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS COt.LROB. Waablngtoa and loth ata.. Klleitner bids. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting end all BagUah branehee Uagbt both war aad eight. BEHNKE-WALKER RrsINPSS COLLEOB. ' DAT AND NIOHT SESSIONS. Bp rial Claaaaa la Oermaa, French. Spa Blah. Blka bids.. Seeeath and Stara ata. ROSB CTTT BUSINESS COLLEOB. Pltmae Shorthand by Court Reporter, Bud Bene Ooerae. Special Scbnlarahlpe: PoettloBa So cured CommnBweertb bldg. nth and Ankeny. HOTELS. BOTEL Portland. Aamrlcaa plaa. $8. per day. BBLTBDERBi Burapoaa plaa: 4th aad Alder ata. GASOLINE ENGINES. OASOLINB engtnea. all amea acd atyma, at . lowwet ptlraa. Bolraoa Maabloary Co. 1MJ-4-8 Morrlaoa at, ... " HEFFTBLD mart no anglaec Any propellera. Fatrbaaka, Mono ft Co. Flrat and Stark ata. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. i, WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at. RlecrHe and Oaa Flsturea aad Supnllea. Maatela, Tiling. Oratea and Doolroaa. PACIFIC ELRCTRIO CO. Rnglneera. marrao tora, rcpalrere, electric wiring, eopptlea. B4 Flrat. oar. Stark. - Mala S5B. R. H. Tata. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, St Sixth at. Contra ctora, electric auppllea. motora and dy Be moa; wa I Detail Hght aad power plaatc MORRISON ELECTRIO CO.. tt Bart Morrteoa at, Fliturea. wiring, repairing. Baat Sits. BARRETT'S, 408 Morrmna at. - phone Main Its. Euarytblns la electric wiring aad lighting. -FENCE-AND WIRE-WORKS. PORT! AND WIRB ft IRON WORP end Everett eta. Phone Mala 2000. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. onlldra oonortnu. Itr to oootc prtceo. 14 Sixth at. Padflc 4AA INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITS. Are la lock bldg. F. ta PA0B, tneuraueo; emplnverC liability, surety bonda, burglar and aerraeut I oeara nee. Pbooe Meln $28. , 204 Falling bldg. J AS. Mcl. WOOD, cmpmyera liability and r dividual accident ercurlty hernia at au BiBoa. CT. aoa McKay a mis LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTICK ft CO., Front and Oak ata., leather and akins or every aeeenpiioa f-c all purpoaea; aols , aad tap , catura: findings. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for eale. All ktoda, tnctadlag approved foreet reeervo ecrlp tor eurvoyea. ao enrveyed. timber aod prairie rovernment land. B. hL BamUtoa. "The Portlaad." PorHand. MONET TO LOAN." MONET TO IX) AS Oa Improved city property or for Be no roc purpoaea. for from to 10 ream, time with prtvtteco to repay all or part of maa after two yeara. ixtane approved rmm pieno eee money ndvaaeed aa building progreeaea; mort gafee taken ap and replaced. ' FRED B. STRONO. Financial Ageat. 242 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalarlea. Inenrancs poiiciee. planoa. furniture, waiebouae reeeipTu, etc.: any daen ilug neraoa may atenra a lib eral advance, repaying by easy weekly ee monthlr tnatenmenta. NBW BRA f OA N ft TRUST COMPANY, SOB Ablngtoa bldg. MONBT ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLR end oreere anon their own a amea without eeenr Ity: ebeepeet ratec. eaaleet paymenra: effleee ta SO nrmrlnel eltlee: nave yoaraeir mosey Jr cetttng our rerme flrat. TOLMAN. 238 Ablngtoa bldg.. IOSH Third St. MONEY loaned to salaried peonle luet on ypnr owa names nnn't borrow ontu yon ee ie. mr ayatem ta the beet for rationed men. clerk a. bnokkeepere. etreetcer men and an other ampVtvee; bnelneaa atrlctlv confldcatlaL P. A. Newtna, 4 72 Ablngtoa bklg. WANTTTt Notea. BMirtcacea ar coo It act a aa any Bind oc real aerate ra orecon ana wnn Incton perehaeed If well tt. . Nohle. Biz commcmci nie.. MONEY to Van ta anme to en It. S end S peers. aa low aa S per cent. ou Improved dty pron ertv. Mnoltoa ft Bcohey Ml Columbia bldg.. SclS Waebtnctoa at. DON'T a eetoev ll yoa aes Hcttca Credit Co. r SIS Dekum bldg. MONEY maaed oa fnrnttnea. plenoo and other corantiee. w. A. Hetnewny, mom i. ae Ingtoa bldg.- Pboac Pad He 1832. - MONEY to locn; larre kuana enedaltyt ama eoillimg mana; low cm rataa: pre pnoereare. William O. Beck. (12 Falllag bids. - ' - CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42 Mnbawk bMp- Moner to lend aa oaey-permeat plea to wago earaera; atrtrtly eoafMrntlal. . MORT0A0B wane at em-rent retea; na com. mle.lon. Columbia Life ft Truet company, Lamber Exchange bldg. MOtFY to maa ea an kind of eecurlty. WBIbim Boll, room Waalitagtoa bids. - LOAN Sums to suit nn chattel serai Mp. - A. Frame 814 tint Marqaam. A LOAN for the cking celery oc chatteL The Loaa Co., 41S Dekata bldg. QUICK Inane aa afl aecwHtlea. 8. W. Kins. a waaaiDgloa Bias- main uiw. MONEY to loaa ea city nreperty. eon. 81A Commercial nlk. 0. A, Jtobo- 0N mnrtrage. $2U0 to $H,noo: coat papers only. Ward, lawyer, Allaky bldg. 1 WILL ken $8 000 or lean nn reel aetata, $ pot aeai. Fanlaftoa, $1$ Featos bids. . MANDOLIN, guitar aad banjo, la cues or pri vate, aceae Parker, vtrtuoeo 1 and teacher, late cf llllpola College cf Muale, Cbleago. eoa-4 Stearne bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa ata. PIANO, violin, mandnlla. trombone clarinet. Prof. . A. Smith. 2S4 I2tb. Mala 47US. MACHINKRT. B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Mtnlng. aawmfT. ma ing aiecbleerri hrdrealle plpea. eaa ting 1 all loda repaired. 104 North Fourth. A. 1 PAUL, 102 Flrat at Enclnaa, hoUara. aawuilU and croea aim maehlaary. THR H. C. ALBEB CO. Second-hand eblnery. cawmllla. etc. S48 Oread eve. MONUMENTS. NED ft KINOSLBY. MS Flrat at. Portlaod-4 leedlng aaerble aad graalta worka. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR LILUCBEI.LB PATTERSON, epeelaltet oa aervoaa. acute aad chronic dfaeaaee. Office $17 Featon bldg. Phone Padflc 11P0. tH - AII X-Ar -tWHtTfHl tvV-c1MO-tT-Tem bKg.. Tbtrd and Waablngtoa ata. Phoaa Mala S4. Bxamtaatloa free. PAINTINQ AND PAPERING. P. A. DO ARB. CSS TamhtTI at., opnoaltc loar. aal afflca, wall paper, palatine and, deenrat . Ins. Pbunc aa for aetlmalea. Pacific 2238. FOR rellahlc work, re.aonable prlcea, Sheehy Broa.. 2N2VA Yambtll. near 4tb. Main 8072. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH ft CO The Fioacer Paint Co. window glaaa and g lacing. , 1AB Pint at. Phone 1884. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. Sanitary plumbera, 231 Second, bet. Main and Salmon. Oregoa phoaa Mala 2001. DONNKRBRRO ft BADRMACBBR, No. cos Bernetde at. PRINTING. THS MODERN PB1NTEBT Artlatle pdntlng. 20 Ruaael bldg. roartb aad Morrlaoa. Phoaa ParlOc IB2S. BYERTTHINO IN PRINTTN0) From rtrrulero to catalocnea and aewena Metropelltaa Printing Co., I4T Trent at. OOIUER BBOS printers Carda: UllhuA eta. Mala I. 14Blb flrat at. RESTAURANTS. THR MELROSE 142 Flrat afreet, aar auk. clean luncbec at reaaonablc pricac P.OOFTNG. TIN ROOFINO. guttering, repairing and peuernl fobbing. J. Laell. SIS Jefferaoa at., rac leae. RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS. 24S Alder ct.. phono Mala T10; rubber etamna. arale. eteoctia: nep gage, trade check a: braea a lane aad pi a tee. REAL ESTATE. C. U PARRISH ft CO., . 211 Maroon tn Bldg. Foac Mala S2SS, Reel aetata, elty and country. Deeds and mortgagee preparrdk at . Betas ratee. Notary public since 1888. Expert crcountante. Beet refercBCos. PARRISH. W ATKINS ft CO., 2S0 ALDER BT. . Real eetatc. reutala, wane and tnearance. Wa make a epedalty of handling reutala and pronertv for realdeata aad non-reel-denta. EaUbllahcd 1STS. Phone Mala IS. OEO. J. SCHAEPER, real eetatc aad firs maoraacc 817 Chamner or rommorco. I "COOS BAY NEXT." I. W. OOII.BRE. real eetatc and manat eeub. - Itahed 183, 148HF1rxt at., room It. BPHINX AOENCY. dealers la reel acta to aad rentals. BOA Stark at. Mara 8164. FOR FARMS OF EYERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. ESPEY. SIP Commercial bldg. SEWING MACHINES. THB WHITE SEWINO MACRINB AOBNCT. 280 Yamhill St.. Cor. Fourth. Phooo Mala Sios. Bargaloa la all klnde ef new end oceoad bend ace Ing mechlnea; a few allgbtly daaa. aged, good as aaw. at greatly radoeed prlcea. PHONB Padflc 2T3B and I pereooally wtO caR and repair your eewlng-marhlne: work gaaf anteod. Rama. adMeter. csi -TBira et. SIGN PATNTKRS. miT A Kf.EISER SIONR. We have built Bp the largeet elga bnatnaac la tbe dty by nrat-riaaa work aea Beeping oar promlaee. Our prlcea are right. Flfta and Bveratt eta. Phono Bxcbange SB. "SIONS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Sign Co. SST Stark at. phono raduc lwm. STREET PAVING. WARREN Conetrnctloa Co.. a treet paving, atdm walka and croealnga. $14 Lambac Bxebanga. THR Barber Alpha It Pi ring Oa. af Portlaad. urnce ano worceerer 01s. SAFES. ' PORTLAND SAFE CO. cole agentc for Honing. Hall-Marvin aefee and Manra Steel Bet Co. 'a beak aefee: 20 eccnod hand flrcpront aa fee aad bank eafee; vary cheap; sac them cr write aa. as Tta ax. DIEROLD Wancaneae and Bio-proof ea fee: locb ante opened; anetal Arrnree; vaalt aad lalt work; Jacka. I. a. Davla, SS So. Mala lOba. EIGHT second-hand Src-prpof cafca aad two eeeoad-haad banh aafce for sale cheap, at IS SUth at.. Portland, twvgoa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of ovary deeerlptloa: bank, bar and etnre Stturec made to order. The Lathe Manafacturlns Co.. Portlaad. B. H. BIRDSALL, dcalmer; arrnt M. Winter Lumber Co . T Hamilton Mdg. Mala 8880. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THR BAaOAGE ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. mr. Slttb end Oah eta.: be core checked from hotel or reeldence direct to deettnatloa; paaaengera therefore avoid rueh aad anoy ance at depot. Prtrate Kxrbaago SS. ASPS, pi ace and furniture amved. peeked reade for ablpptng and ahlpned: an work gaaranteed: large 2-ctory brick re-proof warehonae for etorage. office pop Oak at. Oleea Roe. Phone Mala B4T. - C O. PICK. ofSce SS Flrat et.. betvreen Stark pnd Oak eta , pbooe Mm: ptanoe and fnmlrnre amved and necked for ah I p nine 1 com mod lone brick warehonae wltb separate broa reams. Front aad Clay ata. NATIONAL TRA NSFER A STORA0R-CO.. SOS Oak at. Trie phone Mala 440. Tranaferrtng and atoring. ' OREOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Rlvrh. Phono Main SB. Heavy hauling aad etoraga. INnEI'ENDFNT RAG0A0E TRANSFER CO. Storege. W4 Stark et. Mala COT, POST SPECIAL DELtYERY. Na. 200 14 Waah tnrtou at. Phone Mala sal TOWEL SCPPLT. CI. RAN TOarr-S DAILY Comb, broaa. one a. $1 per month, pte-tlend Laundry ft Towel Sepplv Co . Ninth end Coach Phone 410. TYPEWRITERS. BRA PQ0 ARTF-HS for aew and rebuilt type writers of ell mekeer eee our window; ff yoa ere goloc to bur a aew trnewtiter ee aa be. tore boring; we can aa ra pea money 1 are have parte fnr repairing ell maebtaeo; atele ee bur ali klnde agenta mr the viatnie rox: wc ef trpewrltere The Typewriter Rickange. I or.. K. J. Klltaon. manager. 84 Third sL BI.ICKENSIirRFER Trpewrller Agency; an p. pllee; rrpalca- lla'dih hide, (I'll aad Waah. I'tliLIC 1 INtViRAPHER. WR Ball - Remtnrtnna. Smith Premiere, Dene, moree, etc., lower tnan anr other laveetlemte. Underwood True writer Co., 44 4. a. UTTXD STATU BATI0WA1 BANK OF F0RTLASTJ, 0RX00B. North eat Comae Third end Oak Screeta. Tranaacbi a General Banking Pacta m DSAPTS IhhiisD Avertable re. AH flfee mt rac Unltad Stataa aad Bnrono, Hoortona ead Manila. Onlieetloaa Made on Pavorehte T-rca. tf-- J. C. AINSWOSTH I Caablac .8. W H'llnH Tlee-4-re., B. LBA BAHNBS AmiataarCaahiw A. boLr Aeeletaat Oaebler A. M. WBIOHT ' ' LaUIB ft TTXTOBrf RARXXAS tZaaeMlened Si tup.) .J?n?m f eoeeal Baakmw Beetaeee. Collecrtooe maAa et an antur aa faeae. b' arme. Let tare of credit laeoed aeallable In Enrono end aU note re In the Tnlted I, 77- Rxcaenge and Teleerepblc Traaafere aold aa New York. Waehlnrtoa, Cblceco, ' Heaver. Omaha. Baa Fraocmco aad Montana and Rrltt-k Columbia. Exchange cold as London. Parte. Berlin. Frankfort. Hnarkoag. Yokohama. Manila and Hooolulo. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OBTOOW. -WATSON PreeMent I R L DCRHA tf. , .,, w. H0YT Caablac I OEOROB W. BOT. fl. fl CATTfrfNa Traaaacts 8 Ocacral Bnnhtns Boalneaa. rtrefta - A" Parts of the World. t "JletERr ft LITMBERimf'l BARK Pertu - twmmeeetel and aaetnee demrtment. et o aw, ' 1 "a evaiianie ro ail mmiiWttjJPJL- Preeldent yfVnw a -UTS: IIM n'f Ytce-rTeetdeot I " - ' cn B-n,m 1 i-wia a, ami J Tlni ill .ft T""" OF OArjltlBNlA IctaWlcbed 51. C2 84 boo one UCnarel Rankle and Rvcbaeee nSM4aH RATINGS DEPARTMENT Arcoonm may bo aliened of 81 aad apward. , an w . . . Portlaad Braacn 4Tbamber ef Cnmireree Rnlldtng. ' vrWW Manager l"jL-Ti--"r-" -HAKLLAeetitAnt. itanarct pTtaT BitlONAl BANK. Portlaad, Oregea. Oldect National Bank oa the Pacts Oaact, 1 CAPITAL AND feOBPLUa. $l,$O0.0n0 00. DROOSITS $14,000,000.00. I W wtrwV' ..fteeldent I W, C. AT.YORTk.. .......... Aarlefant W. NEWKTRK... Caehler B. F. STEYENS Second Aealetant Ceabler TRUST COMPANIES. P JIlP tVT CD are A 1TY OF OPvcoW The OWaat Tract Oonrpee-e ta Oregon, K mZnrT 1 no ons. General Ranking. Twc nor cent Intereet oa cwech cceoonte JL. " halaneec of $MA er over, letters of credit end evebance coalj !wrrlSc.aI2rM ",T," aecouata. Time certlScetea. S to 4 per cent- ebeet-eel. apeeUI certtneatca. mn ev-r. $ to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "rLT,TSTRATTON., , RENT r ffSt?" Coraor Third and Oek Streets. Phe Prtrato Bxchaagw Tt. B f r" Vlil Preeldent I H. L .PtTTOCK Ylce-Wree1det " ,-rri PA0ET Seeveter I f O OOTTRA . Aceletent Becietory SITOSITT SAYTV08 ft TRCTT TObTPANT Traeeacte a Oeaaral Nankins Bneluaas. imo ana savtags Arorwate. Acta aa Available oa ATI C P. ADAMS,... A. LV. MILLS.."! Preeldent 1 Second Ylce-Prealdent I OEO. B. RPSSrnx... PAT 'aiHWIJTfap ntTARANTTX ft TRTST 1 tl Mmoor BTgcnemre. a. N. Corner rmritt ineve State. Coaaty. Moaletpal Cornorarloa Bondb end Financed. Stocks PplTLB OWASAWTTS ft TSTT8T OOkfPAVY a BURTUAQ8 LOANS oa Portlaad Real Eetatc at Tltlca Inured. J. THORRUBN ROSS OFOROR tt. HILL . . ............Preeldent Ylce-Preelder.t I BONDS AND M ORRIS BIOTBXS-Ohamaar of Ceaxmoroa . Munlctpat Raftroed sad DOwTrrNO-HOPKTNS OObTPABT Xctakllahed 188$ BR0XZU. , V -STOCXS. BONDS, ORAIlt Bonckt aad Soli for Caah axaf as Vargto. .i Private vTtres. BOOM 4 CHAMBER of COMallRCB. Phone stara T.': 0VI t. WTXDX BOMB TtXIPHOWX BONDS BANK TOOK, . Member Portland Brock Bxrbaepo. Cbracr Btrfk cad Waablngtna Streeta. Portland. Oiepiax. Overbecke Starr & Cooke Co. BATV, PB0YTSTON8. COTTON. STOCKS AND BOND, : s WX DO A ISJCTLY COMMISSION BCfUTISS. , - arBAe a.. tM icvm ' cm-tek . era. aad Dalted ate tee Motional Rank of Portland. 8TENOG RAP HERS. BXPERT atenugiapber cad truewiltct. - Pbooe Mala 1271. 814 Dekum bids. - WHOLESALE JOBBJOIS. ' M. A. OUN8T ft CO., DISTBIBnTORS OF FT VR HOARS. PORTLAND. ORBOON. BHERK ft GRAHAM CO. Mae.) nommlaatoa merrhante. yobbera of frnlta. prpduea, etc. J conaignments aollcltcd. 128 Front at. BVERDINO ft FARBELL, prodoca and enae mlaatoa mcrrbaata, 140 Front at. Portland, or. Pboac Mala its. OREOON FTTPNTTURB MANTJFACTURIMtl Ca Maoafactnrere o furniture fee the ttsoa. PortUnd. WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale grararc. maao Taeturvra an oowwloelna marc beats. FcortS -aad Oah ata. : FCRNTTURN manufaetarlna end cnedal ardara. L. Ravanekya furniture factory, SOT Front at. ALLEN ft LEWIS, eommtnetne aad pioduea mer caaata, rroat aad navm ata.. Portlaad, or. WHOLES A LB crockeiT aad gleaawara. -Brgelo ft Co.. Portlaad. Oregoa. O. W. SIMPSON 201 WanMnrtea eele dealere la grala aod hay. OFFICE DIRECTORT Rftlptirh Bnildlnff. T. YT. COB. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON. ACOUST BENSON Tailoring for particular people. Boom zs, Bamigh, Blxtb aod Waah. DR. B. LEB CARTER Dentlat. Suite S, 832 Waablngtoa at., corner Sixth. I. O. SCHAEFER ft strong the Tailor. 1 NEW YORK Surgical Medical laetttute. Rooma is, la. au. zi. za, so waiting-rooaa, no. 22. BAIL ft TBI -Fanp dty proper ty reutala. Room SS. s DR. B. AUSPIJ1ND, DENTIST. Gootrlnonpri Bunding?. V. K. COB. FTTTH AND TAMTCTLL. Tnl ORFOON FNOBATINCt C" tl'nca pi Mala 821 2.- Work prompt ry attended Ito. TFR INTERNATIONAL POSTCARD CO Pab- rlabarn. am Dor tare aad Jobbcra. Room SOS. FLORENCB TINOLET Dreeemaklng. 231. OEO. I.AUTEN8CHLAEGEB Talmr. BoJta. til p: t roue are. 84 90 ap. Room 23a Commonwealth nolldlns:. fl 'W. COR. SrXTN AND BURNSrSX. DR. W. I. HOWARD Chronic dlaeeoaa: 1 trtelfv sod electric light trcatmaaL 18-318. CHAPMAN ADYERTI8INO CORoom BOB. Swetlrnd Bnlldlntr. ' B. X. COR. FTTTK AND WASNINOTON. SWETLAND Pt.IKJ. Fifth aad Waablngtoa Uealrable orrnrec. A few left. Mohawk Batldlnsr. 8. X. COB. THIRD AND MORRISON. Wolverton. Inveetmenta. Pao. B41. Room 408. ' Rfparns Bntldinv. N. X. COR. SIXTH AND MORRISON. MRS. H. R. JACKSON Art millinery dealgntnr Room 40P Btearna bldg.. cor. 7tb and Morrlaoa iAfSYPtte RntldlnsT. ST. X. COR. STXTW AND WASrTTNOTOB, LAAYBTTN REALTY CO. . Vacant property a apeelalty. . TOUSLET ft WRAYBR Reel eetata. i Rooene it end IP Tel Mate anal GHAMBERLAIH AT BAKER CITY ST. PATRICK'S DAY Governor to Deliver Principal Ad dress at Celebration Sun- : day Night. . - v (Special Dlenatck to The ioarnaLI Baltar City. Or., March II No rlls Irtua aerrlces will be held at tha Catho lic church Bunrtay van Ins. whan SL Patrick's dsy will be celebrated, Oov ernop Chamberlain will bo nronent ami iWlvee aav-aulUroea. Thwtw -wllr ba sn oration on Irlah . hlatory by Rev. T. Csntwclt and a spoclaj progrnm of Irlah muala. Tha principal entertainment Will bo held In tha banement of tho new cathedral. Plehop CFBelVr 1 In receipt Of S letter from the p-n-. rnor, In v. hi. 11 the arcrnte t':o 1:vi', i i : .f I bv t' o rli'irr'l ." - ' -A 1 V- , Ma , , til'.'' - ' cf . . Ylee-lweatdeet aini I irf.l., I and Letters of. Credit leaned Available to Colleettone a Specialty. , . Cnrorc Becoad and Star etraeta. - - 1 . a - . a,,it, . M.A parm OI me woyio. T R. C. MEARS.... .;..Caebtee ' H D STOREY aaerareev ewwv PLATT. .Oeoeral Ceemeet 1IM. Kcad Ofto I Snronw and and' See. Fcaneteoe eeltforata. , . a.AMe aee ne IV.Xt lmtmmt Tliaa tvenaolta. aes aforrteen treet. Portland. Oreeon. BAYTNOS DEPARTMENT. Intereet Allowed oa Truatoa for Ratafee. Drafts aad Lettea ec oaix arta of the World. L. A. M , , . Fbvt Flea- Preol dent R..O. JTRITB. . ........aeaiaiary . Aaalatant Sn'ratary OCBTPAPT Port lea A, Orerea. Second end e,Hi strceta H a-no mawiiiVfAVl Bonirht end Bold. New end Bonde Guaranteed. P4C WASTfTNOTOaT STRUT, A ha tracta FSimriebed. - JNO. B. AlTCHienN... T. T. BURKHART , INVESTMENTS. Bufldlac, Publlr Senile Ccauiiratloa Bonda. (Members Chicago Board of Trade) tot Third at. tlcKay BVlg. Portlaad. Oregem, Berelea. REFERENCES Ladd Tlltaa. BaaB- PIKIKFT-HFAITH I WW Ilk I 'II bilk 1 11 IN OLD AUBKJRfl Fifty to Five Thousand Dollars r- -1 t r a I B a... , a opoi auiu riemj t3f SpotS. - LUCK OF LEASERS OF ; " AN ANCIENT PROPERTY EtaaTineer Arthur Visits His Copper ..Group sod Finds Enormous Out crop, Pronounced Oregon's Great estOr Twice as Rich aa Butte's (Special Dkrpatck ta Ta Journal) Baker City, Maroh II. Old Auburn, tha camp of pockets, whers fortunes bRYS been made and lost In a day, baa com to ths front SATsJn and a stir of excitement has boon oraatad by a bot tla of told BUSSnta brtmht Into Baker City by J. O. and T. H. Elliott, broth- -ars, - who bay boon worklcs ths old Cols at Uttlaflald property on a laaas for soma time. . Mlnlns men of tha district ars taklnp a kocra Into root fn tha dlsoor- cries mads by tha Anbura oporatom, and thera IS arary Indloation of another ruah Into tha eastern -Oreeon mlnlns; district's oriel rial piaoer fields. - Ths Elliotts have two placer olalms and one qusrts claim of their own which lhaa eA aMplrtne In OAriliiVkMrtAak wria a. the Cole ft Uttlaflald property. The pold they brousht Into the elty was from their quarts claim, which shows l lie lurmauvo aaivu mmuw nvuwin aai- mous, pockets of fabulous tiohnesa, rannlns from ISO to ft.OO In a spot; a-1. .u h A,,AM.Min. aA a,Ml Ht. low-srade ores, but axe simply drlftlns; for pockets In their quarts claims la ; tholite summer and winter and operat lns their placer claims In ths spring and early summer when the water will per mit The success of ths Elliotts has spurred aome of the Baker operators to action, and It Is understood that a nura- ', ber of them ar planning to invade the old camp, either to work claims which - they have held there or to aeour prop erties under leas. - . ' Xnormoaa Copper OroppUsr. Moss-overd quarts . outerepplns from the Foorman group of olalms In the copper belt, assaying from I to per oent In copper. Is ths result of a trip to his new property by John Ar thur, the well-known mining engineer. Thea IK... 1 AA AAA a mML ' ore, golag $14 a ton lying on the aur face of the Poorman, the greateat crop ping In Oregon, Is the declaration of Mr. Arthur. With this surface showing . he has the greateat herpes for the devel opments tn be made by deeper work, Two shifts are being worked on the : Poorman group by Howard and Arthur anit tho! aaanclalaa A ceoeeciit orlll ' tap the copper vein at a depth ef ioa feet by tho end of this month. At that tlme'The future of tha mine can be pre dicted with accuracy. 1 At present It Is certain, that there Is the greateat crop ping ever seen In tha state and ennush ore lying on top to pay for tte working, but what wonderful riches will be de veloped by sinking ean only be sm-or-talnod- with the completion of tha tun nel. A stark of apeelmenn from the Poor- man group la to be aeon on tha aldowalk la front cf tha offV-es of the Bovereiirii Consolidated Copper cumnasy's offlree. showing every kind of ore to bo f.nind on the surfai c. The vein that la to(.re. with -lheee-epcclmertn ! - iftKf feet In wlrtth anl hue alremly b' en Ifucel t 1.300 feet by the new own-re. ev'b-ri T" n '' l'-nc!l 1 I-, ' t 1