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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
, , .. .:. s--' - 7 r . 7 ,: .' ' .". ". - .. - -7-7 . - . ... . . J 5 :S' -v THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND; FRIDAY EVENINO, MARCH 15. I807- , , l-., , "T7 L - I . ' IT . 1 .1 . ..T Imthxn nnnna vMi tiFVT. I , KFRrNFJ? ' ntANCES. I FOIt SALE -HEAL ESTATE. Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 14. MEW TODAY". V 20 INVESTMENT! -ATTENTION!! - r If you have $100 or more, why ; leave it idle? If yon have heard about the -Great Swift Packing Co, of the Oregon Washington R. R. Co.' operations between the rivers, about the New Car- Building Co. buy a lot where ; something is doing.' You can go , there on a car, you do not need an . auto. . Lots 50x100, alley, fruit " and berries. . St. Johns car line. Price $250 and upward. Let me ' tell you, about it. Room 4, 109 Second street. Marguerite Avenue 108x110, OWKER MU8T 8KLt. Piedmont 1 LOT 10. BLOCK . Columbia HMghts " BALr BLOCK. $SOO. Healy Investment Co. 19414 AXXVOTOV. 104 TWXXD CT. Will Sell 750 Acre Tract 1 of Land Tha ttwti Lot and Nancy M. Lore Donation Land Clatma Blda will ba received by tha undersigned for aald land to March 10. 107. Tha right to reject any and all blda reserved. Tha greater part of tola land la within' tha city limit of Portland and la speci ally valuable for platting purpose. Call on or addreaa tha underalrned, ISO Main street, city. T. T. STRUBLE and PHILO HOLBROOK. Truatcea of tha Estate of Lawia Lore, deceased. lota and I houaea. Mlaaourl Ara. and Beach. Thle la poaillvely the chaapeat 'buy on tha market today. Part caah, - balaao c time. - Be ua at onoa. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO. . . 0TM AMD AVaUBTT. ' WHEX AW AT FROM HOME. Ooptaa of The foaraal eaa a obtained ta the foltawlnf eltle and town eataid of Oragea. ' Tb Joarnal woald appreciate tbe receipt el report of fallaro to obtala oopta of the paper at aay of tbeae plaeeal COLFAX, WASHINGTON A. B. King. WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Wall Wall gtatlooery CoBprBorer-Howell Oompaari . . Hotel Dam New Btaad; Daloa Cigar Stand, 11 H Soatb Fourth at net. TACOMA. WASH1NOTOH Hntet Taeaaia Hew Stand; Central Near Compear. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Rainier Oread Near Stand ; lateraattonal New Aeency Newananar Wagn: Hotel Seattle New Stand. OOI.DrlELO, BET AXA Leal Paha, tiewepaeef Wiaea. .BAM 1MEOO. CAUfOBKIA A awe Nan Mar. Newaneoer W a roa SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Joba W. Sraaaai Co. BO I anj, TTtABO Jnwrb Oniea.- - - M1NNEAPOUS. MINNESOTA at. I. Cava- aagnb. 60 Thtrd afreet, enata. nTToDIS. MISSOURI B. T. Jatt 0g OUT an aai: uenrae 1- ai'in uiaa. KANSAS CITT. MlSfot'BI Ioaa Bewa Coav panr, Newananer Waroa. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS r O. New Ooaipaay, 17S nearbera atraat. DENVER. COLORADO Dnlaa Depot Bear Btaad. ' '. LOS A KG EL ICS, CALirORIf IA AM New Oonpanr. Newenaoer Waroa. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Aaan Bewa Oms- paay Newspaper Wagon; N. VaeaUay Mew Company. Nearapaper Wavoa. BAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA R. Wbeatlee Kew Conpany. Newepaper War on; Foater A Oreer. Ferry balMIng; Jobnaoa Nw Ooaopany. I4BI Fillmore atreet. ALT LAKE CITT. UTAH Mr. Leetna, ateanv paper Wagnai O. L. Deelea, Hotel Atari ; Barrow Brna.. 4S Wt Second atreet, anatb. OODEN, UTAH iray New Ooaipaay, Depot , New Stand. OMAHA. NEBRASKA MllUrd Hotel f Bewa Stand. REW TORE CIW Artbar BataBag. Hi . paper Wagon. WEATHER REPORT. " A dlatorbuea of decided character la central thle morning aortbweet of Montana, and a btek . . preaaar area of great magnlftid orerlle tbe aatara atate. Tle barometer la relatively . klrb eear California. Till dlatrlnntloa of prea- - aar ha ceased 1 1 fit it rain In northwester Ore gon and western Waahlngton. and n neat tied weatbee with raj n la tbe Atlantic and golf eta tea. Frost occurred tola morning la anotk- ' era Oregoa and California a far Booth aa Ln Annies. It I much colder In tb Atlantic and galf atate and warmer la Kanaae, Nebraska , aad the apper Mississippi relley. The tadleetloB are for occasional rata toalgnt and Patarday la westers Ore roe and ereetern Waahlnktna aad for generally fair weather Saturday eaat of the Cascade moontsln. , s Tamp - ' ' Mas. Mm. Pterin. Baker City. Oregoa M .0 . Rot. Idaho r.i aa . ' .o . tewlaton. Idsbo oO ' .12 T. North Hesd, Wasblngtoa.. 44 40 1I Portland. Oregoa. Mt a a .17 Bj ihiirg, Oreroa. . . ....... M 112 0 Spokane, Waahlnrton....... 44 24 T. ' Tacnma. Waakh(ton.. 4 S4 JWI - Walla Walla. Waahlnrton.. 60 40 .0 Weddtnc Card. W. O. Saittk Oa, Weak aagtoa bldg., oer Foartk aad Waablngtoa ata. TONSETH CO., FLORISTS. FOR FLOWSBI OF ALL KINDS. I2S SIXTH ST. Clarke Brna, FVeiete Piae Oeweek aad floral dealgB. . tS Morrtaea at. Fall drea ee'ta for teat - all a laaa. Calaaa Tailor tec Co., SOP stars at, UNDERTAKERS. Daanmg. Ollbeatk. aadertakar and meelaira; esfldera la erarr detalL Sereath aad Ha. Mate aa tady aasletaat. ErtrBsea rdertmg CO, aad ambalmlag. 40 Alder at. Pnesa Mala Slaa. Lady aaaUtaat t. f. F1nle Sena, Third aad Madtssa ata. Ofnc f e-ety reruaar. I'nea Mala S. A. R HBV STOCK Fwneeal dlrectee. BL IHtk ad leieilll. . Phone Sellwood 7L Lady aas't. Bdward Bolmaa, aadertakez, KM Xklrd at. For Sale IgUnkUS. I " VTS... I " " I - . . I - - . , 1 . 1 .'.-I- - I m - - II . I ERE la tkl city, March 14. Freak Frederick fcrs. sssd AO vssrs. 4 months Bud 21 days. friends sr respectfully lavlted to etlcBd the funeral service, wbkk will be held et 111 home of hi suo-tn-lsw, 1. t. Mulikauf. 44 earth st, t I ml p. in.. astarasy, uw la. latsraietii a l uou sir enmw. CEMETERIES. El VIK VIEW Single graves, I0; family In, MiO I tl.Ouu, IM euljr cemetery la fu bad which perpetually maintains iifHm ( lot. For full Information, apply ta W. U. Markansla, Wercaeter blurs, dlj- W. M. Lads, presides!. EOBB CITY Single fTaTW, 210; family tote, 828 -to ITS. superintendent at esssetery, curaer of rraoieat at. sad Cull road, roues Tsbug PUS. for tall Informs tlee svply is Frank Srslsgsl. U2 Commercial Mk. Phoaa Mala koa. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. H. Oatmea at al. t John J. MolL hm I ana la. Muck a, Vuuaar'a aikU 4 B8 Mary LatlU aad i'rad a, Fierce taH. C. ataaer, aot T aad a, block a, Uav tuoraa'a a'lrat addltloa l.aOO K. U. aad aiioa B. llulmea ta I.Tdla Faber, tut aad 10, Muck a, gcwtl Plae 00 Bald H. aa4 KU ulaaa ta Otto 1. aud kliia Joaaaua, lou It aad 14, block la. Uullec flaot... tso Sacaxlty Uarla Tnat com pan to yua mn at aias bauk, laad befUwlag at auuthwaat coruar or tut 0, Moor' aotdllal af tut t, block k, for llaod Uouiaaiead 10 Boavo B. MorrtU to Ueorn V. Lent. lot 8, block EaM 1'orUaod, u aepuag (oet olf tk eoutk hle 0.100 W. U. aad aVlle H. Kan ta Mabel Powna, lot a,, bkxk IK. Korlk lxrtof- 290 Peter aad ICmaia M. Hebawer to Cbeater V. Beckated. aouU 40 teet or. lot T, block , Uarrlaoe a aabdlTlaioa to laat 1'urUaad 1.000 C U and Aana O. Kotortnnnd ta Darld O. aad Dlara kl. Htrranaun. lot 1(7 , block 4, TreoMot FUc 760 Victor Laad awupaay to Tracy O. Bar. nDcioa. axa is ana i. diock as, ftnluaoiar addJUoa Na. S 110 Joba C. aad Mnttl M. Smith t R. I'aUtaack. kMa aad block TO. Alotaa .7. O.000 Alfred aad "Myrtle Babette Kolnar to luon K. Cbappell. lot 1. block , aad lot L block 4. baratoaa.. dBO Title Ouarantee " Treat eooipaar ta Clara kllpatrlck,' lot , block 18. Mortb lrrlutaa ' 1TI Albert Borger to B. T. Blttmaaa, weet H or lou i aa a, block w, ungual Towaalte ot Alblaa 10.000 meet Morrla to Joaepb and A note B. ruber, lot IS, block xt. WlUaiue e. . . SO M. L. aad K11U U. Hughe M W. I. XltaaierBMB, aortb 100 feet of Iota T and . block 1, Joba Irrlng'a rirat addltloa S.000 M. C. aad Ma K. Oenrge to Joba and A an la Johneon. lota lft and Id. block I IS. ftttril aihlna .8ga Edward A. and Katberlae L. Meflrarb to Dennla Murpliy. andlekled of weat V. of lot f and 8. block 135. eltr toia i i 10 Joaepkln L1IU to Kmaia M. Adama, mi 44. aieck , uriguuu Towasite ot Alblaa 900 Ales Lokaraewaki t Antnni Lnkaaaew' kl, lota la aad 2S, block S. Uardl awa'e addltloa ., SO CUre 1. bur at al. to Albert Clere- laad. tbt part of lota 1 and X. block , 40. Carter addltloa. lying eaat of Height Tarraee, together with part vacated 10 T. A. and Mary Vorpahl to George A. Vorpahl, lot 0, block 2. Canter addi tion annex J. 000 M 1. C. and B. L. MeOrew to I. D. Staler, weat H t lot a, piocb ia, aera rara. B. W. and Katie L. Canaler to Grant BeU. 174 acraa bealanhig at a point 1 061.1 feet Booth of aortbeaat corner of Booth weat ot aecttoa S3, tow. hip 1 aorta, rang 4 eaat 204 ISO 00 W. Meat to Jennie Barnea, lota 5. , 7 and S, block IS. Willamette addltloa. . W. Mat to Jennie Barnea, let and 10. block IS. Willamette addition Clnda Llnenaorn " to A. L. Llnebenabr lot IS. 1. Id ana 18. block 10. Haw. thorn Aeenoe addltloa 1.4R0 Henry and Aana Weber to W. a. and S. Bennett, d acraa kn aeetloa. 21 Booth, 2 eaat... 4.000 Adntf-- and Fraaeea- MaiwhaU to Edith. Bern, lot Hi, ST. S8. 89 aad 40. block 1 I'enlnanlar addition No. 2..., A. R. and Pneb A. Cum pa ton t "Louie Flecber, aortb V, of lota IT and la, block 2, City View Park B. B. and Mary M. Rica ti Mln Sand rwk. lot 4, block 16. Bolladay Park addltloa Clarlnda and Fred K. H an re r ford ta Hannah" S. Cnrtla. land beclnnlng at a point oa aortb line ot Bolladay arenoe t tntemectloa with reat Una of Eaat Twenty-elghta atreet Commercial Trnat enmnenr to leer Joba 10 WO l.TflO Bon. lot B, block 210. city..,.., 26,000 Jennie and W. L. Doyle to 6. O. Sntb erland. weat H of north H of block IT, Waaerly COO 0. L. and Josephine l. UcKenna to , Winifred Eraea, lot S4. block U, ' Bnrraa-e tract B. M. Cake et al. to Caarle R. Torgler, lot 17 nd IS. block 9, Hawthorne Arena dlttloa .- Security SarlnrB A Trnat company to Henrietta F.lllaoa railing at al.. lot 1. block 109. city Darld Wolf et aL to Eunice M. Doec . laaa. BOxlAO feet rooimenclnc at north- weat corner of tbe N. E. Chnrch lot. tlienca aorthweet along Powell Valley -rod . . ;'. . n r.i-mrmtwi Donilaa (Cemetery aoclattoa t J. IT. Itonalaa. lots 2S and 27, block S. - ponglaa cemetery -,-rrr., ,,. ...... E. K. and Mary Edwarda Merge to W. . O. Taa Schnyrer. lot 12 aad IS, block S, Ooldamlth' addition Kdna B. Balttht to G. W. Prleet. lot 230 178 10 . 400 10 1.1. 14. 13 aad IB, block za, ventral Alhln Charle L. and Ella May Schoenfclrtt to 2,000 Oenrge J. Hart man. lot 11. block 1. .Sharer' block, betna eabdlrtalon of aonth 900 feet of block 1, Ellaabetb Irrmr'a Second addltloa 4.SO0 Frank S. and Bertha L. Ha I lock to Ell M. Reate, lota 18 and 20, block 22. Moant Ta. Tllla 1ST For atterrseta. title rn an ranee or aiortesr loan, call an Pacific Tltl Treat compear, 04-g-T Falling building. . Get roar Inenranea aad abstracts to real state from tb Till Oaaraat Trnat eoaa. pany. 240 Wasblngtoa atreet. MEETING NOTICE8. MXLTKOMAH CAMP. Wo. TT. W. O. W.. meets tonight kl their hall. Bast Slith. near Esst AMer. All visiting neighbors cor dially welcomed. W. W. I.CMSPE. C. C. J. It. WOODWOBTR. C. M. W. A. ETEBOREEN Camp. S.4twl, meet Wedneaday aeeamg. away auia, inn-o aaa ata. M. W. A. Oregoa Grape Camp. No. S.STS. Mon days. 17th and Marshall: visitors waloama LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A plae to bar hair mattresses rene - vatrd sad returaed aaste day. 22S Float at Mala 474. Portland Cwled-Hahf Factory. U. Metsger, proprietor. LOST Lady's gold watch, plctnre la ea, gen tlema' fob, between Alder, Salmon and Second; sultsble reward 1 tnltlsla L. 0., cars Journal. LOST A female balldogi brtndle. tall and ears rllpped. Return to 502 Albloa av. Reward, NOTICES. IJ THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB UNITED State for tb district af Oregon. Ia the matter of tha estate of the Kataeada Wood Manufacturing company, bankrupts. - Tba oaderelgsed will receive sealed bid np to 12 o'clock nana of March 23, 1907, for all of th following described reel estate, " together with th Improvement thareoa, be. waging to esld sstste, to-wlt: Lots . t. 4, S. o, T. S, t. 10. li and 12 ef block B, Ratsctda. Ctsrkams coanty. Oregon, and also all Implementa and tools . ased la and a host aald plant aeoordlag to laveatory thereof now ea file. A check for 10 par cent must accompany each offer and tb l la subject to con firmation by tb court. ' laveatory may be aeea at air effle and property -asay be Inspected at It stars da. Dated at Portland, Oregon. March 9. 1907. . - R. L. SARIN. Trustee, . No, T First St., room St- BEMOFAL NOTICB J, Baltvela.. tailor, baa removed from Hotel Scott, 240 Bqrneld at,, serosa atreet to SU Rurnalds. THE SPRINOHTf EN MEDICINE CO. haa re aaov4 fjoa Uia flnt at, to 200 t Third at. KOTlt C Notice I hereby glrea .that t maetlnsa or tue atocaaoiocrs anu atreciore tu Cwlnmhla Lnalneerina Wvrka I corpora ti.i lueuruurated and eiiatlna nailer tb lea of the alal of Orecual. July called aad held for that purpose at the office of the couuaoy In tha efrv of Portland. Orerou. on the let day of March, IUU7. at wal.-h laeellng ot the Block bolderai all the stecklinliler of eelal . company were present aad rotluk ua acn nd erery alia re of the capital slock of aM corporation we present aad to led. and at which1 aald meeting of the .director all the director of aald corporation were present and roted. the asm ot said corporation was changed from "Columbia Ens Ineerlua Worke' to "Columbia ' Steel Company," aud article I and 111 ot tb article af incorporation of aid company were amended so as to reed aa hereinafter more .particularly set forte. ' said .action ou tli part of the atorhnoklera karlug been takea by the ananlmona and afriruMllT rote of all the stockboldera aud af each aad erery eoar af the capital stock af aald company, the aim brine awra then aerea-elghth of aald capital stock, and em.- actios oa tha part of tk dlreetora baring beea takea by tha enanlmeo and afflrmatlT rot of all tha director and that Supple mentary Article af Incorporation hare been duly executed, filed and .recorded as required by law, In conformity with ach action of th4 Stockholders and director, --and- the tb nam of said corporation has been leasUr ' and lawfully chanced from Oolumhlt Engi neering Works to "Colombia Steel Company' and that article I et tha article of Incur poratlea of aald company has bee chinaed and amended ao aa to read follow, to-wlt: ARTICLE I. -Tba a am aaanmad by this eorporatloa aad ' by which It aball bo known shall ba "Colam- . bla Steel Company." ' And that article III f said article of Incorporatlea baa been changed aad amsndad ao a to read a Pillows, to-wltl ARTICLB III. Tha aatsrprls. bualneea. p 11 resit and oera- . aatloa la which this eorporatloa propose to (( ar follow: - -- (1) To aoodart and carry aa a general steel and Iron foandry and manufacturing Plant: to conduct pad carry aa ateel works, ' Iron works, braas works, boiler works, ma- ' chine shop, foundries and factories. sd ta enraee la tha business of manufacturing, selling, dealing In, eoostmctlng and repalrinf 11 kind of machinery, engloee. boilers, caat Ings, elerators. models, and any and all kind and class af ateel. Iroa aad other metal work. ' ..'-'. a To parch aa. la, rent ar etberwia conlre. to erect, conatract, eetahllab. own, matotaia aad operate feundrles. maehln bop, ateel work, lroa worka, bras work, machinery, rnrnace, ameltlng, rednctloa and , refining worka, tools, appliance .and ppra ta of erery nature and description whatso erer that may ba deemed neeeessry. con renleat or dealrsbl for any ofih aorporat parposea, and to leaae. rent, morlgaire. pledse, sell, con ray or otherwise dispos ot tha asm at pleaanr. ' - (81 To parrhaa. own. hold, lease ar : otherwla icnnlre, and to Bell, mortgage or otherwise dispose ot property, both reel and personal and of whstaoerer kind of descrln ttoa. whether mannfaclnrad by the corporation or otherwla. Including tb acrralsltioa ot patent and patent right. (4) To act aa tba selling a rest for other, and to conduct In suck msnner s may La " deemed desirable a enmmlaaloa bnalneee. M To borrow such money and Incur anea Indebtednees aa mar be deemed conrenlent Sfr dealrable In th condnct of th corporat buaineae. na to. inane in noies, noons or ether obllastleaa af this corporation therefor, and to secure payment of' tha earn or any part thereof by amrtgie. deed of trust er pledge of any or all ot th corporat prop rty, .both real aad personal.' To do all thing neceassry, desirable or conrenlent for th conduct af any of tba ' basloea of thl corpora tlo. Dated at Portland. Oregon, thM Tth day of Marchv 1907 . 8el. S. V. MEABS. -r " Pntldeat af Columhbi Knrlneerlna Worka TATLOR GOODRICH. Secretary of Columbia Enrlneerlng Worka S. M. MBA R.I R. R. HOOK. WALTER MACKAT, CPAS. M. C1TNN. TATI.OR GOODRICH. Director of Columbia Engineering Worka HELP WANTED MAliE. MONEY! MONET1 Advanced every week to our igenta; ' full line. Including ap-to-date uecultlra. Write for free-canraaalng outfit. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. TOI'NO man to assist la offlc and address elrculara: permanent poattlon, with chsnc for steady sdvsncement. F, B. Beach A Co. Tha fluneer rsuit t-O. WANTED Toong men to study telegraphy; po sition when qualified. Oregoa Collet. 802 Commeaweslth .bldg. OREGON CONTRACT CO.j griding kinds. . Phone Mala 4.12S. ef all WANTED, boy to work and leara drug bust- seas, a 14P, car journal. WANTED Solicitor for health and accident tneurance; big money; eaay work. America Mutual benefit assocUtloa, 400 Oregoolaa - bldg. . WANTED Rellrhl boy, with wheel. Joaea Book Store, Vl Alder sr. WANTED First -clss porter. Apply at en re. Brunn, rirat and Aider ta TOU eaa leara to operate motion picture la short time; term reasonable; short boors, easy work: salary t::o. Particulars, cell . Newman's Motion imur Co., 14s sutk at. WANTED Cabinet-maker. 100 North 11th at. WA'NTED Hlgb-claa salesman for choice ter rltorles; hlgliest commlaaloa paid: verytblng - rnmienen: eaen soTaneeo lor evpeose. - A rare opportanlty. - Andreas, geick Oregon nursery, osiem, or. MBN-wmhtog to become dranrhtameu. --tt will pay you to mreatigata. f bona Mala 102)1. S14 MCKty oiag. FIRST-CLASS carriage painter, striper aad fta Isher. Inquire 121 First at. WAltTEn AT ONCE e-tave-holt cutters, wares $1.50 per cord; steady work. Apply Westsr Conperag u aleaxn Pidg, portlaad, a Uooltoa, Or. WANTED Salesmeat many mk SIM to flM . per month: aom ere more: atork clean grown oa reservation, far from old ercbarde; casta advanced areeklyt enolco of territory. Addreaa Waahlnrton Nursery com pan. Top pen tab. Waablngtoa. MEN and boys wanted to leara plumbing. Blat tering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free catalogue; position seeurea. uoyu xraa . Schools, New York aad Saa Francisco. 1 WANTED Every crank to cell at Rovd Tea Co., SO First t.. tor "Ardmor Coffee"; 2 lb. !) w Ilk yea; yoa know wkea and why to kick. VB get work for our members: special mem bers. $2. X. M. C. A. Foarth aad TamkllL PACIFIC STATIONER! A PRINTING CO. 90A-207 Second at. Phone mala 921 We design and Install tbe most wooer and Improved office a rata ma; eomplate lino loos leaf filing device.' 1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS T0I7 . Against accident, sickness snd death. Writs or cell snd Investigate. Northwestern Health A Accident Aasodarlen, Room Al, 208 Stark at. Agent Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN to learn tb berher trad In eight weeks: grsdaafe ea re from lis ta Izs weekly: eipert tnetrnctor: catalogue rrea, loler Syatem of Oollegea. 2S Nertk Foarth at.. Portland. WANTED Men for mill snd wood. Apply at , mill; com via Claremont tavern or Bearer. loa, iimi lagging at L.mmr tju, TOt'NO men deetrtng tn better tbetr coonttlin can 00 employment oepartmeut, x. at. v. a WANTED for sawmill. 1 re-sawyer, 1 planer feeder, also 1 grader. Oregon A Washington Lumber Co. Addreaa B 190, car Joornal. WANTED A watchmaker) no tinker need gp- - ply. utspiaa, tus jeweler, log rirat at. WB can at aeveral atea over 20, of ahlllty, tn peeps re for u. B. euatams-hona aervlce; gana to aiar:; life positions. Writs Pacific State - ec bonis, aicaay tiiag., city. . WANTED Experienced clothes cleaner at Eaat Port lard Cleaning Dr Worka 14S Grand - av. uooa psy tar rigni party. WANTED Flrst-claa man who nnderatanda fin ishing and esblnet work, for retsll a tor m city. Address N 140. care Joornal. BOYS was ted. Id. to IS years of ag. Apply to Olda, Wortmaa A King. WANTED Bnahelman. enatmsker and helper on costs. Room 407 Stearns blk., Bllth am! Morrtaon ata. WANTKD Bellboy. Bobart-Curtla, 2A8 14th at, A I'ERSEVERINO canvasser; gohd opportunity for the right man; rafareuce waatad. S 148, car Joaraa, , WHY work for ealaryt Be soar awn bos, earn from t at to Jnto a week: very little money required. Cor particular satires R 14a, - car Journal. BOY wanted, aot aadar Id yeara ot ga- It saa su sroni bi. ADVERTISING solicitor tor country paper. But 6. Arista. WOOD-CHOPPER. ISA Idah at. I'boo Mala BARBER wanted, Satardsys aad sitrs. ITT Msdlsoa at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED First -claaa ehstaberm Id, ana aot afraid of work; Swedish or Oerina preferred; will pay good wage. Phone Pacific 1211. of . Mil at Suav Bur aald St., room 10. SIR I A, yoa eaa make 28 to on after school viuu bdwii awweenoiq aecessities. com ana aee me. 824 ttaatsnbcla are. CANTED A food gfa-1 for general housework, .two la family, good. wag. Call up Wood lawn 681. WANTED Toong idy stenographer to Assist tn af flea (liquor store): state aalary axpacted nd prsvkiu expertsnce. Addreta A 147, Journal. GIRL tn saa 1st la housework; good bom. Oof ar Eleventh aad Schuyler. Tak Broadway car. - , WANTED A good Bans gUl. aloa ho am. Ia gulra SuO Park St. 0IRLB WANTED Opera tut a to work 00 aktrta and overs lie Lesson gives to laerpertsoesd. Apply at Standard faotory Ma 2. Grand are, and East Taylor C 0IRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory : 2, Grand are. and Kst Taylor at. BANSBN'S LADIES' AOERCT. S4H Ingtoa at, cor. Seven tk. apstalra Mala 20S2. . Femalo help wasted. WANTED Young ladle to tody totegraphyj poaltlon when qualified. Oregoa Collage, 601 Com moo wealth bldg. WANTED A competent girl for general bonsai wor a ; gooa wagee. 101 aaac Mornsoa at., or 817 Oommerclal bldg. QOOu cook for private family; good ware. soi s,sa ism t- aoris. cornea acnuyaar. Phena Eaat 827. GIRL for general bona work 1a aall family. apply mi sixth at. WANTED ChocoUt dipper. Apply easily factory. 104 North Fifth st, , MATtTRB woman, refined, of good address,- to sirs part time ror orgsnmtng wora wita au aoeistlsa Call 208 Tllford bldg. WANTED A married lady to do light house- eeping lor rsmuy 01 tiv; no collilrsn: moat have references. Apply ta Principal W. B. Crows, Woodland, Wash. LADT or girl helper wanted la taUof-ebop. Call aat jiorca roarta mi. WANTED Girl to work doubl-tlteh mas china, loqulr Fits-Well factory, 78 rirat. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply , mornings, xia Aorth lth at, he twees Lovejoy and Marshall. HOUSECLEANING and washing by tha day. I'oooe i-scuic H17. xtoom ov. GIRL for housework, part 'day; leep at bomej wag fis. 001 - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED A taw good solicitor, mat aal . female; best proposition ta Port la sd: good money to in a rigor part lee. psaae nail wood tl. vomer East 12th st, aad Daiatllla ava. HELP wanted and supplied, aula ar female. R. G. Drake, 208 Washington st, Psclfl ISTa SITUATION WANTED MALE. WlANTBD Position br Tonne man aa 1 keener or aaalatsnt bookkeeper; references. Aaurees is r-aar a,igmu sr. WORK wanted with a light teaaa. S18 Baaa Una road. Montavllla. JAPANESE boy. honest, diligent, want situa tion; work kklx dsy."T T 148. csrs WANTED Posltloa a sight watchman; not able Jo do manual labor. B 842 R Osk, city. SITUATIONS WANTED- FEMALE. EXPERIENCED aura wishes work by th day or week: also giro sea salt hatha aad massage to Inrallda. Phono Mala 133. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOTMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a epoelarry, 20 North Seeoad st. Psoas Mala UM. Wa psy all telegraph charges. . BANSBN'S EMPLOTMENT OFFICB , FOB MEN. 28 North Second at- Phoaa Mara 1829. PORTLAND EMPLOTMENT OFFICB 20SH Morrison st Phoaa Pacific 2S9 27 North Seeoad et Phone Psftfle 1209 WANTED AGENTS. ONE bottler tn eark - town ' or - lees llty - re handle medicine r anap: write quirk; big a s. I'lBmnuir. xrx iblro at. WANTED Al aewlng machine saleemaa; aal ary and eommlaalon. Z 147, Journal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT House, eottsrea. flats. tora of flee, rooming, bnassa, eta. Lese- lorda will 00 well to call oa PORTIA ND TRUST COMPANT OP OREGON - Pbooo Ba 72, B. B. Cor. 2d aad Oak. WANTED TO RENT Hone, eottagee, flats, tor, rooming-boos, office, sod Mohawk bldg. WANTED Boomlng-kooae. brick building; terms; aa agents. Address B, Vancouver, Wah. I WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF yoa want to Bell quick, list wltk F. Fochs, , 221U Morrlsoa at. WANTED From owner who'll toll, good city homos, vacant lots - and Improved farms. ' Bom Land Go, 145 V4 First at. . WANTED To boy a snlmrban corner lot front ing 8 -cent electric line. What has yoa for ' a hoot feOOT Addreaa Z ISO. ear Journal. WANTED Lot or k onset and lots 00 cast Snd west side. Room 4, NTT! First at. WANTED Corner lot aa or near Cnloa or Hawthorne ave.l caah. Phon East 822. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 1H acre at Piedmont. 2 yes re, 8 per cent; aot lea than 1600. O 149, Joarnal WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. - MAIN Sana. CASn AND LOTS OF IT FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, ,211 tint St, If AIM 80S8. . KAIB 8008. CASH for Ixajeehoid (rood. Savag A PsnaalL 848-247 First at. Phoaa Paclfl 200. WB WILL BUT. SELL OR TRAPS ANT At.p THING. WESTERN" SALVAGE CO.. Sgf. 639 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 798. WANTED Furnltor and kaaesbnld goods ef rery geacriptlon bought, Bold aad tchaagd Th S. 232 First St. Mara 6374. $ HIGHEST cash price paid for an klad seeoad hand good. Phono Mala 2111, 82 N. laird. WE haul deed horses and cattle free. Oregna Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney' Veteri nary, Fourth and Ollaaa ata Mala lOOS. WANTED To buy young bens. Intjulr at 129 North Sixth t. WANTKD Secondand harness, all klada Kel ler Hsroeae Co, 49 North Sixth at. J. W. TOUNO A CO Excavators, wreck ere sd graders; estimates given. Pbono Eaat 1172. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 2 OR 8 furnished rooma private family; best residence section; resaonablc; nfsrsaoa. 847 -Celleg at, PacU I 2800, , THB .Rlt'HIUtU. SH Berth Slxtg stS ganuy ruraisas; lies - y THE GRAND, H Nortk Third at. geatlemea, at-xo per wees see ,w THB TAMHILL SSI West Park Rooam by day er week; lata seat, balk, phone, trsa, slant THB STEWART Housokarotr and trsnslsnt rooms, slesly farulshed. Wsshlugtoa. NBWLT famished moms eg streetcar Una. S4S Esst 27th sad UoyL S0f HAWTHORNS AVE., corner Esst 10th., furnish sd rooms; gas. bath, pboo. - WEI L furnished moai with board for two, 2U8 14th. Mala 138. ' ELEGANTLY furuntbsd snsrtmSBta at Tba Woodland. 28 Sixth St. 212 18TTI ST. Nice furntshsd room; pbono, , bath, gaa-arasc boat; centrally healed; reasonable. . .. . . . . . TO BENT Newly furnished room (2), walking distance. (30 East xsinhllt at. TBB ARCADE, ltd '4 First St.. near Morrison, furnished rooms aric to I; trsnslent, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FURNISHED or aufurntehed housekeeping snd - sleeping rooms, fl.o week; also 4 and 8-room cottages, furnished or unfurnished, on west aide. 864 North 26th-i W car to hath, tux left halt block. 81.80 WEEK CP, large, clean, fern la bed bouss keeping rooms, laundry aad hath. 14 Bbaf saa south. Portland. 11.2 WEEK UP, alee a. furnished housekeep ing room a. parlor, bath, laundry,, furaace heat. yard. SOStt Stsatoa. I) ear. ' THB MITCHELL Boaeskseptng and trans Isnt rooma, rsasoaabl. Soveath and Flsadsrs. BOUSEKEEPINd rooms; lowest rates, electric light aad phoaa Included. 801 M ' Water at. NICELY furnished room for housekeeping, la ; anlte of two, 28 per aulta 8sl liood at. Phone Pacific 1422, 1 10 BACH for 1 8-room furnished flats, eloee in. rina new. v rooo stain loot . so nevy sath st. . LARGE light bousekseplng-eoom. wsll famished. S78 14th at. raoaa Mala auza. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT 8 anfuralshed hoaaskeeplag rooms; - light, alryt walking dlataaca from postofflca. anqoira ava aixta atracr. - FOUR flna nrt furnished rooma la a awe 11 neigh borhood, weat aid. L 148. car eouraal. 1 4-ROOM flat. hath, gas, 14; alnglo 83.50. 1B0H Market at. impsEwaaEssnaBKassswBasasaBssmBasBm ROOMS AND BOARD. THE MORRISON. ' foramrly tb Hesperian I .a res comfort a bt room a. alngl and ea ault. newly rural. bed 1 - neat isms - oora: pj prloaa modcrat. 8eS Morrlsoa st, corosr lit. BOSEDALB (th Bnrrell ttl, 404 corner 10th and Midlsou, just opened; everythlug f lrat-claaa. Newly furslahad throughout. NICB large ' furnished rooms, suitable for two, bom cookmg: private family. Mra Bandera, 181 North 18th at. FOR RENT HOUSES. L t GUARANTEED as advertised. Wa can rent or ecu yoar aoosee, room, tiara, oiucse. store, farms, acres ge. Iota; Hat now for astsra advertising. 204 Mohawk bldg. A BOOM hoosa, f nor month; inns Ohio at., near Hamilton sv.. South Portland- Apply Simon Stelaar, Hamilton are. and West at. FOR BENT S-rotMB modern horn la frret claa oondltlou, SOS Eaat Slat t.. - Kenll. worth. - Key at 804 82d at. 1'hoo Esst 788. WB rent and aU pianos. Shsrmsa. c Clay Co. MODERN Broomcottagr'Bniiiiylda 1 asset dlatrlct): 8100 down, balance like rent. A. P. . Smith, owner, 818 Commercial blk. FOR RENT Boose In good repair, S room. fin location. call or aaareee 101 assi Couch at, Pboo East 80M. ' 1 FURNISHED HOUSES. FURNISHED cottage. S rooma S or 8 for rent for light housekeeping: gas and wood stove, porcelain bath, stationary tubs, bsaessent; modern; quiet place; phone aad water. SOS Lincoln St. FOR RENT It-room modern furnished boos. Phone Woodlawa 818.. .1 FOR RENT FLATS. 810 EACB for t 8-room furnished flats, close tn. flna View. Pboo Eaat 1667. a2 Be . cath t. FOR BENT Flat, 10 room, unfurnished, brick. 148H Front at., sear Morrison. FOR RENT Stor and groom flat, cheap. 418 Vancouver ava. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR , lease, for term of rears. 10 acres, good fence, good soil, 4 block from car Itn and school; H aorca la cultivation-! -will give chance and long less tn right party. Phon ; Pacific 1211, or call after 8 p. m. at 803 4 Bnrnalda st, room 10, MILES from Portland, 80 aerea ndar plow, large psatnrss, good nuildtnga. For farther Information phoaa East 813. TO - RENT Small farm Beer Greensm; esah or aharee. Dr. Darling. Esst 82o. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE of S rooma and hlgb-grsd pUno; will tell at barrels If tskea at oacs. 819 Untoa ava, aocih. FURNITURR of six rnoma and kltebca, cora plrta. excellent condition; rent VIM; your own price: will accept aay ressonsbls offer. 184 - Grand ava., aorta. FOR SALE NICELY furnlahed A room (dark green) bouse host st a bargain. Foot of Clap St.. west side. Sign "For Sal" over door. ROOMS, new furniture, rent 230, central, cheep for cash, J 149, car Journal, FURNITURE of 8-room bona for Ml cheep If taken at once; rant reasoosblej close In. Phone Mala 1811. WB ased furniture at any price. Portland As tarn Rooma 211 First tt. Mate 8088. A B ROOM cottage for font and furniture for sale; rent fl2. Eaat 18Q2. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, anfarnltbed room sad s septs-rooms for rent. Gopdaough bldg. Apply s leva tor. FOR RENT Storeroom fitted np for liquor bualneea; flrst-elsas location; real .cheap. Ad dreaa Q 147, ears Journal. - ' IF TOU ars tetsrested la aa up-to-date ground floor office or desk room, call at M Third St., op posits tb Chamber of Cemmerc. PLATE-FRONT, team-heated atnr. low rent; fin location; long lease. Apply on premises, 80S Washing toa at, next to Wolfs Jewelry tore GOOD light offices snd sleeplng-rooma Tha Olive, 808H Wsshlngtoa st. BUSINESS CHANCES. STRIKE OB MO STRIKE, 1'EOPLB HAVE TO EAT. BeataursBt, on of tha best moaey-mskera In Portland, wltk 8 years' leaaa and low rent: this plae will stand your Closest In . veetlgatloa, snowing yoa that It psys for itself every six month. Prk-s 12.800, 81. MK) cash. If yoa want to accumulate 8 Utile fortune do not miss thl chance. F. FUCnS, 221 Morriena t. - - MONOPOLY of plctur framing and art bust aess, lty of 4.000; no other hnslnsss of kind Id city; leering city to sttend to other bast see; takea fnuo. W left, car J on real. CORNER grocery, eetabllnhed, rxebang hen. lot, ALEXANPEB LAND CO., HVk Sixth, Rear rice. BAJt GAINS Two elrgar stores, ens 28,800 aad an at f 000. 209 McKv hide. HOTEL FOB SALS. 108 rooms, most modem ta sll details, never a Tscant room or suits, bast eecetkool this hotel will stand a moat thorough investi gation; dlnlng-roout capacity MAX For Par ticulars, call oa ' T. L. AUSTIN A CO, Suites 122 to 128 Ablngtoa bldg. R0OMINO-B0USR BAROAINI . PopoUr boas in heart of city, furnishing th best; lease; grass ajoney-maksr: urgent reason for selling: worth 88.800. I Will sell for 8J.4O0 cash. , X 148. ears Journal. AGENTS NEED NOT INVESTIGATE.', v .Big Grocery Snap- . " Grocery stor hi connection with meat mar ket. Al location, esst sidsl 2 good bora as, 1 new double wagon, a aaw Bet of harnesses A- slagUi good aUigla. wagon SUfl harness an dees stock; muat be sold at once; olg-Tns. count; owner going to Kurop. Addreaa r 10, rare Journal. . . - ' ' GOOD INVESTMENTS! LARGE AND SMALL. V , , ( Partner wanted la aawmlll aad cra v. merchandlae atnre, oa good harbor, doe to Urge body of timber; large return Bsr espltsl of 210.000 or mora Farm and timber land for Bale. - Timber clalma for location. 1 v For InAirmetlea send stsmpsd aaraloa to box 148, Wsldport, Oregoa. J- r Grocery ani Meat Market WIU aell at 8 dlscoant If sold before March 25 tb, or wtrj U grocery Be pa rata, aa have a party tor meet market; cheap rent. king lease; Al Iocs t ton, Al fixtures; term If deal red; owner leaving city; aa ageata, Addreaa 11 147, JournaL .. ' Lock Here If you wish to sell or exchange year ' roomtng-bauss for real astato, aaa Demeat A King. Thay have buyers, aad property for exchange. Call 242 Madlaoa at. Mala S202. SALOON for aala Call at Braas Co, First and Alder ata. OLD established grocery for vale; best location cast aids, close tn, doing 8100 a day baalDssa; stork at tneotc sad good fixture cheap; Invoice a host 81.800; beet of reasons for Bell ing; s gents assd not apply. F 149. Journal. FOR SALE Transfer business; 1 good young team and harness, goose Bark fernltare . wagon. - PhotM Pacific 2411.- . v FOR SALE 55-cow dairy, good delivery eat. fit. best retell route ia city. Phoaa Mala .-8tW2. . GRUB STAKR wanted by aa Alaska proa pec tor; L only parties hi terse ted la cop par Bead apply. f Amm tR ISO ImiOI.1 LBESTAC RANT roe sale or rent! arosllsat hasl ness: set stoethly profit 8400 Ps. O. bag OU V a scour sr. Wash lag ton. . B0TELS 0CB SPECIALTY. If year hotel ia for aala la or out of th city, bring It to a and wa will pracura a purchaser without publicity. Rsfsrsnce, Bo te! Men's 'ssaoclsttoa, P. U AUSTEN A CO., Original Betel Brokers, Suite 122 to 128, Ablngtoa bldg. Phoaa Mala 2488. ' BAVB tb boat opening oa th aoaet la welW sstabllabsd . enterprlast small eapltal re. aulred; write for psrtlculars. F. L, Schott, du4H But Morrlsoa st. , 8AVB MONEY Anything ta printing see Med. dea. Odd FeUows Temple, First aad Alder ta; spatalr. ' FOR SALB OR TRADE Hotel Halsey. 100 mile from Portlaud oa Soutnera Pacific: a modern up-to-date hoosa. sew ly foraiabed: ha good commercial trad. Addreaa Hotel lialeey, Balsey, Or. SMALL grocery a tor a tn BU barbs; good wea tloa Phoaa Pacific 969. . FOR BALE Small stock of grocer! and fu ture, computing scales, show esses, ice ' cheat, coffee mill and other fixtures he- longing to the grocery . business; reasoa tor selling, going eaat by lbs tint of April; cheap; "prlo 8200. t Its, JournaL LEASE aad furnishings of 70-room hotel for sal bp owner; new brick with every mod- 1 era eoaeenlenee; paying 8VK) or better per month; best central location, best prospects ; and bast hotel buy In Portland, aura; ealy buyer need apply. . M 148. Journal. . PROFITS from 810 to 2100 per awning: fins chsocs for man with small amount of money.' For psrtlelaara call at 148 ft Sixth at., room 2. SEVE( new furnished noma 808H Pine st., . toOT real $.'. ( all aad trade with owner. Q ISO, care JournaL I HAVE 21,000 and services. What bar -yoa to offer? Give full particulars tint letter. S 148. car Joarnal, BARBER A snap, good Pay tog. twe-chalr , shop; furnttnrs worth 1S0; permanent lo cation. Sell oa time, gfio dowai 1 23 per month. 203 Third, near Taylor. A BARGAIN Millinery store In reentry town of 600. Address B M. Aaderaoa, box 174. Kelso, Wash. , 21,800 S-ACRB chicken ranek; Irving boos - and ehtckso-horisss, atl fenced; near Lenta. 200 McKay bldg. . . .. . FURNITURE of 10-mma resldsnca. eloss tn: rent $27. SO; price 2178 If takea at one. 242 Madlsoa at. FINE house snd lot ou Bast Ankeny at. at S bargain; S3.o); terms. 200 McKsy bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE." " nilwaukle en the Willamette THE PLACE TO GET A CHEAP BOMB. 81.000 bays 1 acre, right la town. 81. AM buys B-noa eottega, near th river; 2 lota. 81100 bay 1U aerea with 8-room house, 4 hlockt from ear line. , Ws have choice lots ea easy terms, glOO and bp, with city water. Also sere ta large snd small trseta Barlow A Dow ling. Mllwaukl. Oregoa. , At a Sacrifice f will rt! my lot In Ross City Park at a loss ot 2"0: the lot Is 2 blocks from th car Use, I block from tba boulevard; a 2400 lot for 23 0 If takes today; I aa going east. Call 801 Bwstland bldg. I WILL pay your car fare on Sunday If yoa will see thoee sightly lots st Ivanboe Heights 1 and do not pronounce them among the cheap est, handsomest home spots shout tba entire city; magnificent view, rich anil, street graded, water to each mtf only 2200 and ap, asay terms. Owner, 823 Vi Weablngtoo st. Investments - gso.ono Bnv th beat brick building oa Rnsasri at, 78x90 corner. , This la first-class lncoma property. . 1 . . 210.000 1 ' Will bny block. 17th aad Kearney ata Thl property will double- In. 12 moatha. . ' DIAMOND REALTT CO, 283 Aidar at, . , A SOUTH PORTLAND BOMB. . A 8-room modern house, elegantly farnlhd magnificent. view of tb river; beet home for the moaey on the market ; 82. M; half eash, belanc eaay term a: lot 42Hxll0. 01 IHLTLAAU BLDG. TAKE a W W car Sunday, get off at Ivanhne, and tak a look at those choice lot at Ivaa hoe Heights. Ownef ea the ground.. $2. Ton A A room modem honae, gsa and eleetn lights; ale lawn, roeebnahes; comer 80x KM, on block from car; half cash. 201 Swethad bldg. $l,pno8 ROOMS, can be flnlehrd for twe more; toilet and bath, gas snd electric light", cne rrete basement; 80x100) half eaah, balascs aay terms. 201 Bwstland bldg. , X GOOD "BUT. -' 82 000 8 rooms, moilern thmoghnat, cement basement snd walk, hardwood flolah inalds, gsa and electric llghra For a few days astir. 201 g WETLAND BLDG. ANOTHER BARGAIN II acres, mostly el eared, good bunas and bare fine poll, muat ge cheap. The Tills A Abstract Co., room 4 Mulkey bldg.. Second and Morrison sts. I4.2.V) will buy 8-room modern hones, rang snd carpets; corner M 100x100, 18 bearing fruit trees: Eatt 24th St., bear ear lla owner mast alL L 148, tare Journal ! BOME8EEKERS, TAKB NOTICE. 80 acres, eieellrnt Boll, ml led from river tow; A) eras under flu aisle of CUltlva tloo. 20 acres slashed snd seeded, ba lanes . paaturs; fins arcuard of sseorted trulta; 8 room lu story bouse, nearly ssw bern eOxluv. chlckan-kouee, woodabed.' etc.; placo wsU watered by living springs and atreamal mil from acbool end church. Thia hi a fin borne, I good neighborhood, and la cheap at th pries, 3,0uO: owner ran giva terms; good ressuo for selling. 40 acres. 2 acres cleared, aadar flna atat of culllratlon. 10 acre fin saw timber, lie . within M mil of aawmlll, bslanc of laad vary sea II y cleared 1 place all fenced aad croas-feuced, lias oa ma lu Bounty road. H mils from good coaatry town, church, graded chnoL a tores, etc.i 10 mllee from Vancouver: llvlag water; fin aetghbornood; telephona . line by plae. Price with timber, 21.800. or will sell lend and reserve timber tor 81,200; term If desired. 8 acres, gt miles from thai city, all under flna atat ot cultivation but about ot sit acre; fslr 4-room souse, barn, chick en-hoaa.a and yard, woodshed, etc.; horse, buggy, oae bors wagon, plow, about 78 chickens: ales orohsrd of s .sorted fruits. This Is sa At shlrksa and berry ranch, excellent soil and good well af pur water. Price 81,100; part caah. IdO a eras, beet of land, 20 acre cleared, more aaally cleared, balance of land seeded to pasture: blare fenced and rross feoosd. f7afgfr 2 itcry-a-lTSTm'bmiae. -nlcefy- palnledi- large narn, woouanaa ao a urge cnK-asn-houess; chicken yard has living spring, good . wsll st house; 8H acre la orchard, full hearing, assorted fruits, strawberry bed, etc., tc. fin trout atrssm through land; llvlag water aa a very 401 ; aiUe from school. 1 '. mils from railroad station and country store, erssmsry, tc. sic and 12 mil from Van couver, oa good county road; la good locality ana on 01 tb eaaapMt, isrma m ins county; ajl AOOi nart cash. Call and wvssttgata ear bargains before buying, w eaa av yoa njooey. shown xrse. . . THOMPSON SWAB, , - Cltlseoa' Bask bldg., Vsaooover, Wash. srbcr Lodge Snaps" Choice booses and vacant lots, ale larg corner near boulevard aad car, aseontaln view,, city water, slectrlc, also lot 60x100 with good tent; hones eery cheap; save rest; term. See W. R. Bast, 292 Portland bonis- -vard. Arbor Lodge, Phoaa Woodlawa 128. ' St. Johaa oar. JUST THINK Lota 220 each at 21 as awath, sear Salem car Una. Apply to 1 wast. W. Rsldt, room 18. Waablngtoa bldg. ACREAGE af all - stsee, easy term. Bear - Salem Uaa- W. Raldt. Waablngtoa bldg. I HAVE IS lots at Mil wank Is aad meet asllt I'H ssll yoa eaa bow for 828 cosh, sett meat another, oa every month; many as yoa) wsnt aad aU adjoining. ' Boa lrwht. MU waukl. Or. QUARTER block fat B7th aad Eaat Cllatoa ata., on 8-reofh and on 8-room sot tag. , full bssemeut; tkese are meters) Both lug , alcer In 'Esst Portland. Price $8.000;' ca a - give term. See Q. W. Bever, owner. 800 Esst Morrlsoa St., City. BtTLDINO LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. LOTS FROM 2250 and upward. Com and asa us. We will give yea lnforsjsttos aboat say part of ths city ar atate. Term ea etp ig - see -want tt.- ROOM a. lOS mECONO IT. 2M DOWN, 818 monthly, bays asat Areev eottsge oa 80x100 aorner, ess block ef ear, oa river ridge, jost beyond Rreskrya school; young fruit tree, berries, garden: lot sained st 8800: price 11.209. Horns Laad Co, 148i Flrat at. Big Snap In Houses Bnose, 8 rooms, lot 100x14 teet. for 81.100; boose, 4 rooma 21.200: hones, 4 rooma 2830. Call ea ewner, Ira Kllhora, Lents, Or. 2760 BUILD yoar home oa the "Bltulltbl Boulevard to Mt. Tsbar'l Ma win double la valus la six months; a few left oa assy terma V. rge Harris, Bslmont aad Eaat ' 26th at. - TWO K-ennm cot tare to sale ta Sellwood. 81,200 apteca lnuuh-e ef ewasr, 480 Mil ler ava RARflAlN 2 lota 110x188 feet, ia Midway - blocks from car line, ally water, for fMO cash and Installments. ami Esst Hd at Richmondi car. ON B 7-roim plastered honae. well finished, or less' tbsa cost, block; I 7 -room. 1 e.ronm bouse, close la. enesp; 1 easiness ana other property; all la St, Juhna. Or.; bur "direct from owner; real eatata mas need not apply. For furtba particulars addreaa. bog Trtfl, St. sonna, ur. , 2 ACRES on Ba ear Haa, $289 aa acre. 204 stoaaws oiag. . , - 1 HATE 108 lots hi htllwsakte and mast sail; I'll sell yoa one bow for 228 caah, next month another, one a vary 'month: aa many sa roa want and all adjoining. Baa Irwla, athV seas tie, ur. TWO good Investments ta St. Johns piouat ly etlx200. faced and improved f 108x182, aa. improved; near Willamette boulevard. Dod- aon area, aia vamor or uoBsmsrc. FINEST prtmnt alts ra dty. eloss ta-l 100x90; price reaaoaabte, Addrsss 0 14171 Journal. A BARGAIN Half block with three houses, 11 rented, only 88.000. Corset Water and Curry. Also timber .land. . Owner, Let curry st. FOR SALB. chesn. good modern 9-room house. plaatared. hath, gas, sewer, bsasmsnt; Fre moot snd Untoa. Dodsoa Bros., 412 Cham ber of Commsrca. FINS- subdivision proposition o O. W. P, cloee tn. 21 crsa; Isvel, a gravel; bargain for quick sals. - Vsaduya h Waltaa, 818 Chambsr Com marc. STOP PAYINO RENT. 70x100, oa 8 car Ua. a mall ho, re. tnentvhaasnssat, gardes. $278. 204 Mohawk bldg. 8 LOTS. 80x80, asar Be car Hue, g&oO; aevd 1 uu.o, rAri, msvs w . . 11 u. the money. 208 sfbswh bldg. 2-ROOM boose, all modern, flraplaee, thres lots, owaer, ixa aoata jerssy st. Boat - at. eonns. TWO finest lot, with pew hoes aot- anil, . finished. 4 rooms: sserlflo: owner leaving enanes seioom strereu; on siount ocort re line: aa agents, r. MstnAola, ears Wsbb addltloa. Lsata, Oregon. 88.780 TWO rood 7 -room h sua as west ati. W have thl bargain for only 18 daa' avesmus- as iai aii ?i ssirsi Bt. 22.e30O NEW xaodera S-eonm - aotreaw. mi Int. aplaadld locatloa. eaat aids, walktnsi H.-v. -I-, fm ww. k 00, SOWrBBS. "OR SALE Improved aad anrmproved land In largs er mail tracts, eloae to good school. lores, ete.i se miles rrom rortlaad; rallrnt, aad steamboat trans porta tloo. . FaUsrton varren, w. - . 7 ROOM hoosa with Mj acre. 1 block fm-i Lents; also 10 seres mils aortb ef Mil - oeoti ear. riy aire. He la, oray-( Crnsxln, boo farms, small tracts aad lets; bar.i. . . a W. P. electric ilns, O. B. Addltoa, hiaCu, - Oreeoa. Take Mount Baott car, 8e. r Ef. NIL WORTH Comer 100x100. worth ti ivj la two month: If nld la few days, $tA ibn . . e sou, nis .uinsi. afnriKBM Lmmm SAttsM. IsiMwrfA. - - dlatrlct); 2100 dow. balance Ilka rent A. ft awawiai. ssuss, wie issner! DIB, AROOM house, modem, at a bargala. owaer, 794 Union ava., aorth. Y0C FIND A LOT. WJ Wftu BfY IT AN BUILD TOO A HOME. PAT US A SMAt AMOUNT DOWN. RALANCB IWST.i, MENTS TO SUIT. McOMRRR A DEFFEM huuo, ,iv iisasna sbuu. , East Hcrrlssn 100x100. just s cross brldga Bast Mil at low price. BOOM SOS COMMERCIAL BLK. 21.16A IF Invested Bow will boy new lt. eottegs ea Jersey St., St. Johns Ded tiros., vis iwsMr et isnaim. - CRBSTON. . 21,200 rash 8-room modern house, I 0J ea.l et t irx si.. Mount neott ear Unas. . S aoI, U. Pstsesoau owses "V i FOR SALB Onod Broom mttega with and hath, walking d lata nee. East Kalnv bet. 18th and 17th ate, tXenO; terms If . sired. Address owner, 881 Esst Mnrrlana $8,000 BUYS a new 7-rooea booas and lot 1V 100, concrete basement, good bars and chirk. t n ul We Cmm e II r . 984 Bodney are. - 9 1 aarnoNAI. Int. anvinn. r.. r..,"7 FRACTIONAL lot. 80x100, Fa.t Taylor Twenty fifth ata., 760. Inquire swuer. b! r.sst Marvlaoa at. , A S-ROOM boos and lot as WUssa, asa ?, ' t. r,