The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 15, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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    J ma er V
Refused by. the consignees, ordered sold by the transportation com
panies, turned over to the Boston Store this t week for what they'll
bring at quick, forced sale. Ready Saturday on our counters. , Read
- . : '.; the story. ;' ' '
WANTED We want experienced sales
men, salesladies, wrappers and cashiers to en
able us to handle broDerlv the crowd that are
to Spring s
Musical Quicksteps
Five Great Carloads of Spring Goods Came Piling in Yesterday to Add to the
Excitement of the Monster Blockade Sale at
. First and
Salmon Streets
First and
Salmon Streets
Tins Sensational Sale of the Transcontinental Railroads Delayed Freights, embracing as It does thousands of dollars' worth of the newest spring merchandise, fresh from
the mills and factories, held for transportation charges and consigned to the Boston-Store for quick transformationinto cish, has aroused the wonder, the adniiration and
the amazement of merchants and masses! The values are extraordinary 1 Entirely without precedent, and of momentous interest to all! Thousands of dollars' worth ' I
of stupendous values added during the past 24 hours. Read: - - -,-,v- . r..-r-7 - r . .
hTfJt ursda was deluded a great prue. Something that will help make your money do double duty before Easter. What you can
save here Saturday will pay for your other wants. About 200 new Sprint? Suits and Tauntv Tart inf , juL Z-Z y IT"
maker, the most marvelous offering ever made at this season. Plain and fancy materials; ail latest models. We've had some inter
esting garment sales at the Boston Store in the past, but tomorrow offers the golden opportunity. The best regular $25.00 values
in town in Women s Smart New Suite. Ponrra T?o . . r 7 . "
tiriit, half-fitting or hT- 4UUUW8' m xuu, uireeuarter ana snort lengths, K -W: Ai
tight, half-fittmgor boxy effects. Choose from all at one price. ....... ...........
Men's Suits and Topcoats
kail msxu HUD-M
C'4 Wum ! la fwnm M
tar far larto rkw
H. S. & M Alfred Rfifllunin TTir.rtiK.nm
- W WM VWW-M lltll .
famout nukes, delred in transit to western represen
tatives, here at less than actual cost of labor on them
represents. r . ... . , .
Mus$i j-snifs ern r
or Overcoats . . JU.yiJ
Men's $20 Suits MOP
or Overcoats . . j90
Men's $10 Suits OP Men's $35 Suits (fa 7C
or Overcoats .. Jw.Ow or Overcoat .flui9
These latter include the highest class, hand-tailored
garments, and you may choose from any in the house.
Men'aCravenettes Same prices as on Overcoats. r
Glen's 75c Working Shirts :
Men's 7Sc Working Shirts, in cheviots,' sateens, etc.;
: well made, strong and durable; double back and
shoulders; all sites 7 29
Boys' Suits
Several cases of boys' smart wsw styles ia new spring
School Suits, ages 4 to 9; sailor, Eton and juvenile
styles, and values to $4.00, for only f l.OO
57 Cases of the Newest Shapes in .
- Men's Spring Hals
Made for a 'Frisco hatter that sells only $3.00 Hats, on
sale, now, at fl.OO
The Railroads Pay the Difference. -
Choose from over 50 styles of the famous and standard
styles of the present season's best $3.00 Hats,
at .Sl.OO
Men's celebrated 2.00 Gold Medal Hats here torn or.
st ........,,.,,.,,,,....
Hen's Overalls
Heavy black denim, worth 75c, at S8
Shoes Prom America's Best Makers Choose From
v Any of Koberts, Johnson or Rand Shoes.
For MenBest regular $150 and $4.00 grades, in all
size;, jipnc jreeryed at . g.ftq
Men's fine don cola or nitent lrathr T)tH It.
all sizes and newest lasts, with popular toes; values
to $3.50, at '.....ft.S
nocus gooo, strong serviceable working bhoes. rreat
bargains at $ZO0 and $2.50, go for ..fl.25
Women's lace and oxford Shoes, popular styles and
values to $2.50, here at .....f 1.19
Women s Sandals, in kid or patent leather, with neat
bow or buckles, $175 values, here tomorrow, at.89
Men's Furnishings
Suspenders Police or firemen's, with good, fresh
webbings of silk or double twist web and heavy pM
. ent buckles; the regular 50c and 75c kind. Special,
"for' ..........s vr... 19
Underwear Men's fancy balbriggan or silk and lisle
Undershirts or Drawers, spring weights; values to
75c, for 25
Neckwear Men's new shapes in all styles of popular
sarin? neckdress: values to 41 On far . . 2K4
Work Shirts Men's good 50c Work Shirts, in neat
colorings and attractive patterns, go at 29t
Men's French Black Satine Shirts Wonderful bar-
gains at $125, in all sizes; - backs and shoulders
double, at ......i.... , 55
Men's Fashionable Trousers
At Cost of Making.
13.00 Pants for tl.Mi
$4.50 Pants for ,....'f 1.BO
$5.00 Pants Choice of any in the house, for ... .92.50
... ininx ot it. '
$3.00 Pants for ........fl.OO
$4.50 PanU for 91.BO
$5.00 Pants Choice of any in the house for ....f2.50
Startling Values in Muslin
20 cases of Muslin Underwear, including corset covers,
gowns, drawers, chemise, skirts, from 25 to 9 5.00
Values worth two or three times our price.
Women's $1X0 House Wrappers, 25o Cttt-fun,-not
Uf yini uivuui, uui inncuTc j percales;
well made , .25f
ladies' Three-Quarter and Full
Lngins in New toats
Coats worth to $15.00 for
Coats worth to 125 DO tnr SR.AK
A half car load of these, shipped to some of the best
known houses on the coast. Some local houses repre-
Women's Walking and Dress
Women's $20
Imported Oraveneltes $195
Values almost unbelievable, but here; in the plain,
rich black and blues; sizes 34 to 37 only. Your
choice at .f2.95
Women's Walking and Dress Skirts
Values from $2J5 to $10.00.
$5.00 Skirts for'
$7.50 Skirts for
$10.00 Skirts for
v... 92.95
: It "
- Amazing Values in Corsets
Women's Stylish $1.00 Corsets, 35e.
All standard models, from leading American makers.
ynoose xrom popular models, values to $1.00.
for ..35
One Case ot Quilts and Comforts
Heavy downaline filled Comforters, worth $
i1.e!TZ.fu11 ,ized Comforters, worth $5.00, for ..92.60
11-4 Blankets, $175 values, for 9 l.OO
Blankets worth up to $5.00 for 92.00
$5.00 Skirts for
- $7 JO Skirts for
$10.00 Skirts for
Women's Waists1 Case ot These
Waists worth to $2.50 for ...... i. ...25)
Think of it Be early for these.
v Womctfs Furnishings fr'
Women's 20c and 25c Hosiery 94
Women's $1.50 Umbrellas-.. ........u.... 50
Women's $2.00 colored Shirt Waists ..60s
Women's summer and medium weight Undershirts or
Drawers, in fine knit goods, silk trimmed; bargains
; at the regular price of 50c, now 19
'Towels and Tablecloths
Torkish Towels, heavy 45-inch double twist, worth 25c,
now twofor 25e? I
Damask Tablecloths ;
Three or four cases of mill ends of Table Linens, 2 to
3-yard lengths; red or white and cream damask:
$1.50 ends for 65 $2.00 ends for 95e
- $3.00 ends for 91 ;
- - A Shower of 'Kerchiefs
Women's 'Kerchiefs, worth 15c, for.............. 5'
Women's 'Kerchiefs, worth 25c, for .....lOe
Women's sample line of 'Kerchiefs, worth 35c. 12 5
II - 'V. s. I
' ' sjMSMssiasssSBssssssaMsiiM ' - '
Contractors Ask Street Commit
pete for Extensions of Time 4
on Contracts.
TV arrant Broker Declares) He Will
' Not Finance Any Contract for
- Work cm Streets Where Oregon
Reel Estate Company Is Owner.
i Tt looms te ne that the eempany has
Ibcen filling that atraat with a Ublv
V (poon." remarked Mayor Lao when the
'rctflo Brldvs eompaay petitioned the
, street committee of the exeoutlve board
1 for an extension of time tor the eon.
. XISTEST ' " "
nd remamher the smxt time you euffer
from pln cuxJ by dump WMthxr
whan your haI nearly hunts from nu
rlrt try Ballard's Snow Ltnlmant.
It will cur you. A prominent huslnesa
man of HemnatMA. Tsxaa. wrltoa: "I
1 have uml your llntmant, Previous to
tn It I wa a prmit aufterer from
' Rhaumatlam and Nurlla. t am
vlmard to aay that now I am free from
ihK oomplainta. I am aura I owe thla
n jour liniment." Sold by all druf-cUta.
platloa of the fining of Union avenue
from Belmont to East Oak street. The
company had been at work upon the
Improvement for many mot ha, and lta
Contract expired February ft. . Its repre-
sentatlvee asUad for US daya la which
to complete the work, ailetinc that ow
ing to the bad weather they were unable
to -areas" the street .
The request drew the comment from
the mayor upon the eompanya progress
upon the improvement. After a dlaeue-
slon the oompany was (ranted SO days
extra time. The oompany was also
treated an extension ef SO days for the
nu or Monuromery alouah and so dare
in wnicfl to begin work en East Morrison
street. .
Bfoaey Tied TTp.
No bids for the Improvement ef Sast
Thirty-fourth street were received be
cause the contractors present and Abe
Tichner, a warrant broker, said it was
not safe for anyone to risk money in lay
Ins the street. Most of the abutting
property la owned by the Oregon Real
Estate oompany, which, says Tichner.
has Invariably refused to jay its street
easmenta. -'- '
It won't pay anything that it can
avoid paying." Tichner declared to May
or Lne and commissioners SJabln and
PattuUa "A flne .pleoa ef work waa
done on Clackamas street and the eora-
paay waa assessed CTM for the improve,
ment Every property-owner along the
street with the exception of the com
pany paid without complaint The com
pany said the Improvement was Illegal.
and threw the matter Into the eourts.
The result la that that contractor will
have to wait a eouple ef years for his
&.700. Z won't finance any contractors
who do work where the Oregon Reel
Estate company ewaa a majority of the
property." ,
- Kay Mold Oemfsrssiua,
Mayor Lane suggested that a confer
ence he held between the committee and
X. LarratMe of the company and the
difficulty adjusted. Mr. Larrahoe la out
of the city, but he la expected back
soon. '
The following bids for street Impreve-
One ef the largest reptile all-re will
be brought through Portland en Its way
to one of the elrcua manager tee east If
a letter received here yesterday by F.
A. Btuhr. Importer of birds and wild ani-
mala, tells the truth. The immense
snake la at present resting peacefully
In a box in Singapore, to which plaoe It
haa Just been brought from the Jun
gles of India. Tbe anake was captured
by natives, who. are constantly ' on the
lookout for good a pec lm ana . for ; the
Portland Importer.
Mr. Stuhr will probably take a trip
serosa the ocean to bring the snake
back with him. aa It would be taking
a big risk to leave the cere of the pet
In the hand a of the Chinese cool lea on '
one or the liners. The letter describes
the reptile aa a royal python, more than
IS feet in length. Thla, Mr. Stuhr saya,
la a whopper and will beat anythlna
eeen la the cjreua menageries ef these
Besides the snake, Mr. Stuhr win
bring back a lot of monkeys and a pea.
The eoollea en the regular Portland
Asiatic llnera have failed to bring many
animals of late owing to the risk In
taking them safely through the cold
weather uaually aftoountered la the
North Paclflo during the winter month a,
and the aupply of menkeye la Car below
the demand at present Half of the
monkeys brought ever during the eold
and damp months ef winter contract
tuberculosis and soon die. .
Young Men's Club to Celebrate
Day of Ireland's Patron
St Patrick's day was celebrated by
the Young Men's club of St Patrick's
pariah la at night at St Patrick's hall.
A large crowd waa present and listened
to the speeches snd songs that had been
arranged for the eveninga entertainment
menta were awarded by the committee:
Van Houten etreet from Strong street
to Columbia boulevard Peninsula Fuel
Feed oompany, S7.JM.I7; Joplln t
Meeks, tliyrLK. Hlbbard street from
Hibbardl addition to the Baae Una road
Glebisch eV Joplln H4.r7l.0S. Missouri
avenue to the north line ef North Al
blna H. I. Ewtna. ftt.MS.- Flake-street
from Dawson te Trenton streets, tt.S8l.tJ.
Smelt Benson May tie Over.
JCetso, Wasli. March IS. There has
been -no run of smelt In the Cowlits
the past twe daye and it is feared by I
the fishermen that the smelt aeeson Is
over for this year. Tbe season . thla
year , naa been a very good one. alJ
though no record breaker, and thou-
sands of boxes ef the dainty fish have
been shipped front. Kelso. . ,
j X? f
Arthur DsTtoa. rK.lnti.ii tf ih.
InC mads a few Mnirbl inmlnr
Airupiaoe or ireland'a great saint and
men introauoea tne orator of tbe even
ing, J. Hennessy Mnrnhr. Mr. MurahT
said in part:
"There ! tMMnmnnif t fh. f..i
that tha hlatorv of the Calholla rhurrh
la aa epitome of dear old Ireland. Tou
people laid tha foundation of this church
In hopeful daya. Tou have met your
ai!vraarl.ft.i in . 1 1 n A a. 4 .-!. . .
ahead. Tou are now being rewarded for
your aevouon in tne growta or thla city,
whtftH Will .Mntii.ll. t a. --
ril-fcr Kj.1 n w nnt ahI- n tk. mm. w
stantlal but moat besutlful eburchea In
una Ticiniiy, weu woruy ox tne name
4 ,,
violin solo by Miss Julia Burks, vocal
oio vj ananw vun, ana voooj soioo oy
Miss Nancy Beals and Miss Elisabeth w as.
Gofdcn Gate Japan
Golden Gate English Breakfast
Golden Gate Ceylon
Golden Gate Oolongf
Golden Gate Fancy Blend
, Golden Gate Gunpowder
-, Golden Gate Black and Green
J. A. Folger 6: G).,S.n Frand.ce'
Ssedal Bkvatch a The fearsaL)
Kswberg. Or, March II. The flret
district eonvsntlon of the Rebekah
lodge, compoalng Dayton. LaFaystte
and Kewberg, waa held here Wednes
day and was weU attended. Mrs. JEmma
Galloway, vice-president of the state
aasemniy. conducted the meeting. Of
ficers were elected as . follows: Miss
Belle Belcher ef Banner lodge. No. I6t.
chairman: Mra. M. Mattle of Banner
lodira, secretary: Mrs. Verona Nelson of
Veatm lodge, No, 7t, conductor: Mrs.
Ella Harris of Naomi lodge, marshal;
Mrs. Emma Nionls ef Naomi lodge. In
aide guardian; Mrs. M. K. Moore of
Vesta, lode, outside guardian. The de
grus staff of Naomi lnda- put on the
floor work. A banquet waa e.rrwt at
noon bv the ladlr. of the lo'-nl loilre.
The af "-rnnon - s-n n takn up
wlih a l-tr-rp r - .i i tlt COT
vanli" ) i d i i .;-
reeltlvelr ewreel by
these IOtUc Fills.
They also relieve Dis
tress froa Dyspepsia. Zn
dlgrstloa and Too Hearty .
Xatlng. A perfect ren
edytor Dizziness, Basses
Drowsiness, Bad, Taste
tn the Mouth. Obatea
Tongue, Palate (he Side.
TORPID Ijvxb. They
regulate the Bowets, Ju Veretabls, . t
Genuine Must Bear
' .' Fos-Similo Signature '
Ahmmwm. Rmm
' . imi . atunlf- .
Bsre-tlJIoroRn" eyelet niS kauoabelea
that e-ee't Mar ML
ess. p. lee a eo mm reor.s. v,
la ..- "WnHiIH"