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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
t , - THE OREGON DAILY JOPRHAt. PORTLAND. ruiDAY EVENING. MARCH IS. IV.T. . ' call; ; PRICE TOO HIGH or Ufa of Portland. Tba 10 pagea la tha first Issue ara devoted to ar music, literature, politics and society. Governor Chamberlain contributes an article on tha veto and among tha namea of other contributors ara Mra. Wyna Johnson, Judge Oeorge J. Cam eron. George W. McMillan and Pr. HJ- Resident of Woodlawn Protest .. Agilrwt th City's Paying V room an. Thar la aieo an in teresting story on the efforts of sen ators Fulton and Bourne to cloee out tba senatorial aaplratlons of ex-Con-greasman M. A. Moody. ' ' Two v Portland newapapermee; Hugh Huma and Jamea 8. Tyler, are tha adl tors of tha magaslna. Both are well known In tha field of Paclflo eoaat journallam. Mr.- Huma waa formerly publisher of tha San Francisco Evening Poet and cam to Portland aa managing editor of th Telegram, later serving tha Sum Asked. SAY MAINS CANNOT " WITHSTAND PRESSURE Push cial Aathorlnrd It Secretary t. Inveatlrate Conditio of Prt- ate Water SjiUtir-Mn' hnrm What, Would Bo EqnlUble Price. KUBIK'S V I Hew Weekly Makes Bow Tomorrow : ; ' ' - . . - : r '- V;- ' I V .Tvil 1 if I ") : ' All I KiiAVvN. ? : :V' ... Xset aid Departaesat. - ... .' Iu view of tbe con tempi ted purcbssa .'. by tb city of tha Woodlawn water aye. tern, now ewaed by Hubart Kublk. tha 'i Woodlawn Push club last night author lied Clinton A. Ambrose, secretary of tha organisation,, to . investigate tha condition of tha eyatam and find tf a ; fair, valuation of tba works can ba .as certained. .. ' Tha aaraa problem that eonfronted tha water board at Mount Tabor ' la pre sented at Woodlawn. Kubtk baa made It know that ha will accept tha earns price for hie ayatam aa was paid for - Arthur's worka at Mount Tabor. But tha pople of Woodlawn, and aapaelally ' tha Woodlawn Push elnb bellera that tha Woodlawn ayatam la practically , worthless ts t he city. Many of tha pipe are owned by prl ' . rata cltlsens.. For lone dlatanoae three-quarter-Inch plpaa ara uaad to supply a great many patrona. - Mr. Ambrose also : aaya that tha mains ara of wood and , ksv baea In uaa ao lone that they noulj , not endure tha preaaure from tha Bull Run ayatam. Tha club la deelroua of . aiding tha water board aa far as It can in order t obtain Bull Run watar aa ; aoon as posslbls. , r. . - Psleg-atsa Appointed. - President J. T. Gregg. C Ii Bosell, Charlaa E. Tork. W. M. Cooke and Dr. : H. B. Start were appointed delegates to tha confederated clubs of East Portland ' that will ba permanently organised at ' tha bureau of Information on Eaat Mor- ' tison street, near East Third, next Tuesday evening, March An effort will ba made to aacura play. grounds adjoining tha Woodlawn school. V4. commute Including C. A. . Ambrose, : C T. Hollo way and William Orabach waa appointed to aonfar with tha board of education regarding .the matter. Toe additions that, have been made from ' time to tlma to accommodate tha ln- ' creasing enrollment, hare seriously an . j croaohed . upon tha; children's play. -. errounda. " ' Tha delay allowed la tha " improve , mant of streets In Woodlawn has not been remedied to any noticeable extent and tha club haa resolved to resort to mora vigorous methods to procure tha ' reooenlnc of streets that oontractora e have kept cloaed all winter with half . completed wock. ' t :' VfoOsntJaa foe - -4 -Grossing gates, procured through, the f forts of cast slda business men, for . the Intersections of tho Southern Fa. clfte track, with Eaat Morrison street and Hawthorne avenue at Eaat First TYLER-: ' 1 X J S g Portland' a lataat infant in the field of Journalism Is th Spectator, whicn makes its'.lnltlai appearance tomorrow. In a tneeJura tha now. Journal will ba a weekly newspaper -In- magaslna form, and will also fulfill tha duUea of Journal of comment, reflecting thanign- BUGTUWriE. EDITOR. on tho editorial staff of Tba Journal. Mr. Tyler came from San Fraud boo about four years sgo and waa man aging editor of Tba Journal for a time, was Washington, correspondent of the San Franclsoo Call and was later business manager of th Telegram. street, have, arrived and have been de livered. They are of the moat Improved type and ara operated by a watchman stationed near by. who upon tha ap proach - of a train lowers them by lever. It Is thought that th gates will aid greatly In lessening th risk of ac cidents at these Intersections. . Ths reading-room at St Johns will be opened about April 1. Rooms will be secured from the Commercial club -in tha Holbrook building and It la ex pected that the Portland Library asso ciation will furnish about J 58 books to be exchanged for new ones from time to time. 1 . W. & Love, the sast slda druggist, re cently operated on for appendicitis, haa recovered sufficiently to be able to be removed to his honqe, 8H Bast Thir teenth street. , '7 v r- r How do they coin a word? Best coined moneyback. Schilling's MULTIPLIED HIS GOLD FIVEFOLD Youne i,English Lord Increased ' His Patrimony In West . ' em Hemisphere. sun) J - nsingiy in Suits REGULAR $ 12.50 TO $15.00 vrts 1 These suits are of a select seml . winter stock. Just the thing for this mild spring weather. - Neat and natty suits of lasting material. These suits are ex ceedingly stylish and substan- Saturday So in BOY'S CLOTHING ill This stock consists of vacation as well as " ; v.,.': School Suits Mothers, you will, perhaps never again have. such, an opportunity to secure such excellent values at HALF. PRICE vV Bring the boys around and we will fit them in one . of these swell suits.. V " : - v FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS KILLED IN WRECK 0M11 THE GREAT NORTHERN Nephew of Admiral Bervwford, Conv mander of the British Navy aad Recently la Portland, tho Kx- ecntor of Estate. . J In England it la said that a sombre fata aeema to bang over many of tha membera - of ,. tha Baraarord ram. tly, on of ' . whom. Lord Charles Bereaford. admiral or the Brit ish navy, visited Portland a few daya ago on buaineas connected with tha set tlement of his nephewa estate. Tha nephew. Lord Delaval James da la Poor Bereaford. waa a younger son of a British peer and possessed ths peculiar quality of nerve that compels young men to break away from tha ties 01 old famines ana aaaociauon and carve out fortunes in new worlds.. Born tho youageat of five brothers, only four years before th death of hia father, who was Marquis of Waterford, young Bereaford was educated at Eton, and afterward at Trinity college. Dub lin. At tha aga of tl year ha took his small portion of tho family fortune, and. with 10,009 pounds starling in his pocket he departed for Mexico. For tha the remainder of his life, with th exception of two short visits to England. James Bereaford resided continuously on American soil. In a railroad wrack on tha Great Northern a few weeks ago h waa killed. Admiral Charlea Bereaford waa appointed execu tor, and it was In the settlement of ths dsad man' business affairs that tha admiral, had occasion .to visit Portland this- week. . . , , Young Bereaford was a successful cattle rancher and breeder. - He con ducted a larg ranch altuated 110 miles from El Paso, purchased and developed with the patrimony ba' brought from England.', It liCt he-Inherited a con siderable aum of. money, aa residuary legatee of hia ' uncle, ; Captain Leslie Ullngsby.. This', he Invested In th pur chase of a subsidiary ranch in Alberta. Canada.wlth the Idea of gracing hia hards frbm tha' Rio Grande northward, and fattening them In Canada. It was while on a return' trip from th Al berta ranch -that, he .was .killed. Tbe remains were embalmed and aant to England for burial.. Exaggerated stories of his wealth and concerning bis career a "cattle king" in America, gained currency in England, and ire now be ing refuted by i hia. famDy. It Is be lieved If th properties left by htm re Sold to advantage - th estate will yield upwards of I600.00. . s A NEW DEPARTURE Vb Cost f Za tons eats sag Bees Great ly msdaosd by th olsa tl)Ua ' taking Company. - Heretofore It haa been th custom' of funeral directors to make charge for all incidentals connected with a funeral. Tha Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, th leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1, llOf, will ( depart from thla old custom. Whsn ths , caskst la furnished by us lit cost will I Include all-charges, such as conveying the remalna to our chapel, outside box. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all ssrvloe which may b required of na, except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thus effecting a saving of IIS to II on each funeral. , THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK ING COM PA NT. lift Third street, corner Salmon. BLAZE IN EAST SIDE CONFECTIONERY STORE A small Vlase was discovered early this morning la th rear of th confection- 240 Washington in 10 minutes from Street hourly, beginning 9:00 A. M. - WHY YOU SHOULD SELECT A LOT IN R.OSSMEHE FOR. RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT Because it is the coming' residence district of Portland. On account of rthe fine, improvements. Parking of street walks andxurbs. Building restrictions of $2,000.' Buildings erected 15 feet from lot line. COME AND SEE US! 240-244 WASHINGTON .' STREET, COR. SECOND If too cant fo to Bella Crest before, be cure and phone for anto teat reser vations for Sunday.,. We have planned a continuous . automobile service between 'i ' offices and Belle Crest all oay tomorrow (Saturday; ana Hunaay, regsxaiese ot weather conditiona " .' ' -'- -'-'..' ' ' Wl 11' MdiiFWllBs mm idle Crall For 403 This Is What Yoo Get .Three years time to pay for a Bfelle, Crest lot.. 'K'.- Graded streets free. . 1 "Cement sidewalks free. Bull. Run water in front of your lot. A fifteen-rninute rapid-transit service. High altitude I- -Magnificent view. Pay Us $M Down Whether we like a place or not depends in a measure on the neighbors we have. Cultivated people keep the tone of a community: up; ignorant people fight shy of good manners. - ..r". ::-, ' . . .; 1 ; ; ' - Thf heaviest stockholders in ,the Belle Crest "Company are local people they have made lotv reservations for themselves and the plans for modern houses' are' already drawn 60 days more will see many desirable homes under way. ".;''. '" V ; ; ' ' As a ampie of the class of people buying in Belle Crest let us take block 11 as an ' instance-f- There are 18 lots in this block' Block 11 is no better than any, other, block in Belle rest- -all the blocks in Belle Crest are alike so far las desirability is concerned- its mst average In this block 9 lots are already sold.'-? , ' i ' A PHYSICIAN BOUGHT ONE. i';)' : Vv';. ' A MINING MAN-BOUGHT ANOTHER. : ; v V - r " ' A CASHIER IN A WHOLESALE HOUSE SELECTED ONE. ' A RETIRED MERCHANT, FROM MEMPHIS BOUGHT TWO. ; A HOOD RIVER FRUIT GROWER BOUGHT TV,0. A PROMINENT DRUGGIST BOUGHT TWO. ' 1 - ' ; , : We would be glad to submit to you names of -people buying;" Belle Crest or.have heard of most of them. " : s " ' ; ,. , -' Pi" -you either know Plan to go witK us tomorrow if you can.- : The Spanlon Co. v Commonwealth Building on Sixth Street: - - Main 2828. . The Jacobs-Slin'e Co. Swetland Building on FiftlT Street .. .Main 359. '" -. 'if' 0 ery stor at 10tt Russell street, owned by C W. Cowan. It la believed th fir might bar started from a smoldering cigar stub esrelessly thrown on ths floor near ths stove where th blase wj first detected. , Beyoad soms daaag by staoks little ..... ' "..- . . , .... i ; ' r" '.''.; . loss will b sustained. The alarm waa turned In at 4:47 a- m. Tha lao.l also ssd aa a waltlng-rooro on the .Missis sippi avenue carlln. ' - ' . Fief awed ertock Oaaasd gfooda. Allen 4k Lewis' Bst Brand. - Skating Rink Bolldlnc M OorvaUls. (Riweul IMaaaMH f Tha ImntLI Corvallls, Or., March Th frame work Is about completed on th new 11,000 skating rink that W. O. Hsckart of Eugene la building In Uils elty for a eounuc naan namaa aioranana . . a ... . . Th building wtll b toxlfto and will hav a rock mapls floor snd all other moder equipment. ' It Is to b eomplstsd 1 10 daya. - . .MaUgsr flts youf eyas for 11.00. . 11 Sixth street, near Washington, i Si