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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALT PORTLAND'FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 15, 1007. 13 f lOilCLE Mi M emo$ "Portoffic Department Sees. the Good of Motor Wagons In' ' i Collecting Mail. - BALTIMORE'S EXPERIMENT . .. REPORTED SUCCESSFUL T. First Assistant General Hitchcock , " In HI iWporl to Concrtse Tell : : Wbt the P. O. Aathorities Have i: (Joerasl -Special gerrles.). v Washington, Uuck .16, All Indies f'tlons point strongly to the probability f that the year HOT will be markod by ' the aeneral -i Introduction ' rtf vnotnr PURCHAS IV wagons In tha various branches of tha y ; unueu states postal aervlce. ' Officials i of the postof nee department, from POst- maatar-Oancral Cortalyou down to tha minor ofnclala. ara awakening to the fact that tha power vehicle offers V. solution to many of tha complex difn- - eulties that ara hampering .the postal ' . aarvloe as conducted today with horse drawn vehicles. They have seen tha Might and are prootlnar by the Jiigns ef .-. the times. Tha motor wagon situation . as regards the poatal service waa ad mirably act forth by .First Assistant v' Postmaster-General Hitchcock la his en- nual report recently aubmltted to son' t areas.-; Among otker things he eeid:- "Durlng the past year, for tha first time In the history of the department. arrangements were made for the lntro f daction of a motor car service In the v collection of city mail. Under a con. . tract that went Into affect on October 1 last, two specially equipped cara ara ! being utilised In the collection service i . at Baltimore. Favorable reports have been received regarding them, and tha i department la now planning for a si mi s' lar collection service In .several -other r plaoea. It la believed . that In large cities automobiles can be advaatage- oualy subatituted to a considerable ex- tent for the horse carta now employed so generally In eollectina- malL Bv tha use of motor vehicles, a much speedier collection aervloe can be Organised with- r out added expense. Plana are being - consider also for' (ha Introduction of automobiles In other branches of the ; city poatal system, with the purpose of quickening as far aa possible the hand ling ef the mails. Unquestionably the j motor vehicle can be an Important fao tor In the poatal service, as It already Is la other business entrprlses,'ril-.. t . Ofnclala Betloeat, - v ' t Department officiate are- Boras what reticent about .dlvulclng the plana now . under consideration for tha extension of motor ear aarvloe In tha postal work, Lend It has been found difficult to gat anybody In authority to discuss the raat j ter. The claim la made that the plana. k. mt tmr mm on 1 1 IrttkA hv-lh. Afatla .- Mm not In shape to be made subtle at this the next city to try automobiles In the ' collection service will, be Milwaukee. One or two other western cities are. also "f In' Jin. Tor these 'experiments, and. there is- kerne Ifketihood ttiat -Wsshlnrtwtr and r curing the current year. wlU-B4 santscnboisA that en Decern bar '4 last, sealed proposals were re eelved by the second assistant post ', master-general for' carrying the malls In the screen wagons prescribed by the t, postof flee department, on certain routes - in certain cities, tt win auo do remem be red that tha seventy-second clause of . the specifications read In part as fol- r lews: - - atria ef r ' "Proposals to perform service oa any of, the routes named in this advertlse- ment in automobiles, of sucn style and tr construction as may bo acceptable to the second assistant poet master-general, , Instead of in wagons drawn by horses. . will be received. In the event of a tropoaal for automobile service being accepted, the department reaervaa tha ' right to rearrange the schedules shown In the advertisement for the route, and to change tha running time so aa to pro vide schedules better adapted , to tha more expeditious mode of transporta tion. In sot far aa applicable, the re qulrements specified In this advertise- , ment, as well as such other practicable requirements necessary to proper per- formance In au tern obi lea, will . govern aervlce by the same, and proposal ahall be made and contract entered Into with such understanding." . Tha contracts were awarded on Jaa ttMy II, but not In a single Instance ' waa a contract awarded for motor ear service. So far as the public. record of the department shows, only one bid was submitted for such service. . It Was that f James Barton, who offered an auto- . mobile service In Anderson, Indiana, for 2.100 a year. Tha contract In that city was awarded to Bart SalUvaa. at 1 1.100 for wagon service. A large number of the proposals ware rejected and , new bids will be called for. "he period la from July 1, 1107, to June 10, 1111. In view of tha extensive and wholly satisfactory trial made with aa Orient buckboard In the rural delivery aervlce Juat outside of Washington last year, tt la regarded as disappointing that Fourth ' Assistant Postmaster-General De Grew, who baa supervision over the - rural service, did snot make any mention ot these demonstrations in his annual re port He had considerable to aay on tha subject of roads, but -there was not a 'axord about the buckboard trials. , M.'A. A. C. GOSSIP At last night's meeting of the Mult nomsh club directors six life and eight active members were elected to club membership. J. C. Muehe reported to the board that ,the society circus was te Beaver Hat IN STYLE IT IS THE LEADER. V TO ITS WEARERS MOST BECOMING. ' v IN QUALITV MOST DURABLE. v : - Price $3.00 : ": ' Sold Jl ni mm ItV Third St, Exclusivsly ClOthUinCd Near by t ' jGUSKUn'iop, Morrison h SLIGHT FAVORITE Annual Boat Race From'Mort lale to Putney 1$ on for '. Tomorrow. ' ' - OARSMEN REPORTED TO ' BE IN FINE CONDITION Oxford f Lada Are,. Stronger Than f Last Year and He Backers Look for a 8 or prise lnj the Race' Brief JXltOTX-Jramoiu.Zreii (JoarmaJ Special Servtee.) London, March la. The annual boat race from Mortlake to Putney between the crews or, Oxford and Cambridge unl varaltles will take place tomorrow and Interest in the great aquatic event Is as keen as ever. For weeks the papers have, devoted oolumas to the dally work of tha two eights, the betting Is at 1U height, and after all Is said there ap pears to be little dlffefenoe between the two boats. The two crews commenced to practice the first week In January and entered strict training a month later. The last two weexs are oy (ar the moat impor tant, and during this period only Is it possible to form definite opinions upon ths respective merits of the rival crews. Both wisely decided to lose no time and to proceed at once to Putney la order te obtain aa much practice as possible on tha- varying waters of the Thames course, where the race will take place. Cambridge, In the opinion of moat com petent critics. Is a more powerful com blnatlon than Oxford, but they are not so neat or so lively. It Is generally agreed that the Oxford crew of this year, Is vary much superior to tha one of -last year. . . -.'. -. ; v.. , . The past history Of the race between the rival universities Is unique In many respects. Thf famous crews .. have fought It out no less than II times, the first race -having been rowed la Ills. 81nee Kit the event has been pulled off regularly without a break. Of the total number of races Oxford has won ' Si. WhUe Cambridge has secured 11, with a sensational ead beat In 1177. - ' Oambrldfo Won jrirst. The first race rowed In outriggers waa In Hit and waa won by the Cam bridge crew by two lengths. The earlier atruggles were under the most primitive conditions.. In 1147 was bald the first race In which either unlverelty rowed In the present style of eights without keel. - In tha same race round ears were also used for, the first time. Sliding seats were used for the first time In 117. In.lMt Oxford won the race on a foul, and 10 years later received another bloodless victory, the Cambridge boat having sunk. Twenty minutes was beaten for the flrat time in 1171, when Cambridge won by three lengths in 1 mlnutea If seconds. .This time stood ss the beat until 181, when Oxford won by over two lengths In 1 minutes and II seconds. ': All previous records were eclipsed In lilt, when Oxford won by Over one length in 11 minutes and 47 seconds. Seven years later Cambridge tted"thlsWme record Beginning with.tha race of 1110. Ox ford "won for nine consecutive years. This was a repetition of a paat perform ance, for It also had nine successive vlo tortes to its credit beginning with the year,llllT . tj YESTERDAY'S RACING ON CALIFORNIA TRACKS L UeawsaJ SaeHaJ gervlce.l San Francisco, March 1. Oakland race results: Four furlongs Braggart won, " Rus tler second, Vespa third: time, 0:41 l-C. - Six furlongs Lord . Nelson won. Sheen second. Princess "Wheeler third; time. 1:114-1. Futurity course Phalanx won, Cur riculum . second, : Delagoa third; time, 1:11. - Mile and 10 yards Bedford won. Fisher second. The Borglan third; lime, 1:4T. " Mile and a alxteenth tuetan won. Rightful second, 1 D. Sheridan third; time. 1:4. .five and one half furlonirs IJsaro won. Bapld Water second. Ethel Day third; time, 1:07 l-i. 't ' ' '' At Lob Angeles. : -Loa Ant else, CaU March IS. Re sults ot races at Ascot: Three and one half furlongs Bey Hindoo won, Panllta second. VlvlaMay third; time, t:4l. Six furlongs My Choice won, Tra. motar second. Prince Frederick third; time. 1:11. . ' Futurity course zellna won, illusion second. Playllt third; time, l:10H l Mile and one aixteentn van jremp won. Chimney Sweep second. A. Mus koday third; time, 1:41V. Six furlongs Redwood JI won, Bo logna second. Cocksure third; time, 1:11. S Brooks course Jack Adams won, Ume, Needful lecond, Joyner third; l:0H. arved Stock anned Ooods. Alls: 4k newla Best Brand. - making substantial progress. The dates act for the event are April 17, 11 and II. The board also made an appropriation for the boxers and wrestlers who will go to Spokane next week. The directors took time to bid Edgar Frank farewell and wish him all sorts of luck on his long trip to Newark. New Jersey. Frank left this morning In company with Her bert Kerrigan, who ' la going to New Tork on a bualneas trip. A large num. bar of friends were at the station- this morning and gave Frank a good sandof f. I r f AQUATIC EVEflTS VEIiyillTEIIESTIilG Last Evening's . Performances Were of a High Grade ' . - of Excellence. .. ,' LESTER TIBBITS WAS STAR OF THE MEETING Large Crowd Witness the Clever Young Men Take the Illfh Dive, Fish for Plato .and Do Other Teats X ftklUavd Ka4 Leater Tlbblts, a lad of II yearatook nearly all ef the events last night st the i. M. C. A. aquatlo meeting. . Ha also broke his own record la .bringing up plates, securing tt jlates out of 41. This breaks his old record, by 10 platea. The lad also made 10 points for himself and "won': tha gold' medal .lnl the Junior class. Warren Jackson won the silver medal with. I points. 'Carroll Mumford came third with 4 points and wpn the bronse medal. Willie Pf ender . v fourth with I points, Raymond Purling was fifth with S and Erneat pauta was last with 'a single point In the prepara tory class Willis Bartlett won the allver medal with II polnta, Kenneth Stroll waa second with 14 and C. Karris waa third with I. Harris took third place In every event in which he entered Willie Bartlett of thla class and Ken neth Stroll were the winners' of the medals. Both boys were tied with 11 points sad each had to make a plunge for dlatance.' As this was the flrat time the boys had tried thla stunt they did not make ovarii feat, but Bartlett made the better plunge and won nrst prise. This class was the most interesting to watch, as tha boys never before have taken part In any nana ox a swimming event, i In tba next claas for the Intennedl- atee H. Anderaon won the gold medal with 11 points. Bert Bur dick was s ond with 10 and Howard Bale, third with I and Raymond Hale fourut witn a. In the Junior ZO-yard swim lm Tin wits waa flrat, W. Jackson aecond and Raymond Durllns third. - : In the Junior Co-yard swim I TTb- btts waa flrat. W. Jackson second and Ernest Pauts third. In diving for plates I Tlbblts was first with II, W. Ffander aeoond with II. C. Mumford third with 14. In the Junior piuuge for oiatanoe I Tlbblta won. II feet; C -Mumford) w second, - feet; R. Darling third, IT H feet. ' In the Intermediate 10-yard swim B. Burdtck waa . first, H. Anderson ' second and H. Hale third. - . - . In the high dive H. Hale was first, R. Hale second snd W, Fenson third. In tha plunge H. Anderaon, was first, II feet I Inches: K. Adams second, SI feet 1 inchea, and H. Hale third. It feet t Inohas. - v - - . r There -were -only It boys .who. took part In the event, yet there were at least 10 boys entered. On next Wednes day afternoon-nil - the, boys that .won medals will meet In the clubrooms snd he nresented with them. -; ' Tha officials: Referee, EC Her low; Judaea, W. L Murray. T. Kleaner, A. F. Anderson, J. C Clark, A. Allan and, J., J. Byrne: Inspectors, James Maokle and V. Den; timekeeper, W. Abegg; clerk of the course,. W. Murrey: scorer, F. K. Qulld; starter. I M. Myers. ,. . SALEM HIGH SCHOOLERS GET THEIR REVENGE (SpecUl Dlspatek te The JearaaL) Salem. Or, March M. The high school got a sweet revenge on the sec ond basket ball team of the university by the score of 11 to 4 last night en the gymnasium floor of the T. M. C A. The game was clean throughout and the rooters yelled themselves hoarse for their respective teama. At the close of the' first half the aoore waa 4 to t and the high school lads had' na trou ble in keeping the lead for the remain der of the contest. Johnson did the telling work for. the oollegisns and Schram and Farmer were the star per formers for the school boys. A third game will be played to decide the su periority of the teams. The line up follows: , " ' Willamette .. High School. Wlnans Forward Roberta Leech ...... .Forward Farmer Johnson ........ Center..... A. Perkins Shanks ..... Guard Molntlre Cummin fa Guard 8chram Referee, - Nelson. Willamette; um pire, Jonea, high achool; scorekeeper, Brooks. ' VANCOUVER SPORTS ARE . READY FOR BIG EVENTS - (flpedsl Dtopttca ts The Joaraal) ' Vancouver, B. C. March 1 C The Vancouver Jockey club will hold a big meet at the Hastings park on May 23, 14 and 16. Good slsed purses will be hung up by the committee and many horsemen will eome up the ooast- for the big meeting. The Crescent five 6f Evanaton, ITL. visited Vancouver' this week and de feated the Vancouver Athletic club quintette in both matches played at-the club, winning the first by a score of 11 points to 10 and the second by a soore of .14 points to 14. The annual meeting of the Vancouver Rowing club waa held a few nights ago when the following offloers were elect. ed for the ensuing year: Honorable pres ident, William Murray; president, c Sweeny; vice presidents, H. J. Cambte, O. B, Harris, H. W. Kent end F. R. McD. Russell; secretary-treasurer, A. D, King; captain. Geo. W. Seymour. GOOD BOWLING BY SPRING TOURNEY TEAMS In the spring bowling tournament last night the Webfoot team lost tba first game to. the Nonpareils, but puUed themselves together and took the last two, Lamond making the highest score as well as highest . average. In tha gamaa between the Columblaa and Mon archy the Utter took three straight gamea, Raymond of tha Monarchs mak ing tha hlgheat score of the evening, 124, and Sumption the beat average. Tb4 scores; v . . . WEB FOOTS. , ' ' . D (2) Lamond 221 171 Ay. 181 H 13 144 171 Armitage Maleen' . . , Deavers Stammers 177 124 10 117 121 111 111 100 Totals .,..... Ill 767 TI4 NONPAREIL8. . . 1 (I) (1) Av. Ogden . . . . . Blnnenkefop warts .... 141 "lit 140 1611 ....... 141 ItV IIS It lit 111 111 144 Tonslng i ..114 111 164 174 167 171 Kalk 117 171 Total 711 I1T 117 MONARCHS. (1) (I) ....... 18 224 (I) 'Av. Raymond 141 141 171 141 101 til (I) 146 164 124 140 til Dolphin . 111 171 111 161 171 110 160 171 Talbot . . . . . Rowe Cape a Total .......i1I0.,0I COLUMBIA8. (1 (1) Av. Gillespie 161 126 111 140 111 170 174 144 114 186 Bo land nui ..... ........ Kees ..... Sumption ee e e e Total ..... Til I0T 711 RACETRACK RESULTS 0M SOUTHERN TRACKS 1 (Jearaal Rrrlal dervlee.) Hot Springe. Ark.. March 16 O&k. lawn race results: Four , furlongs Fake won. Senator Beckham second, Virginia tdndsey third; Ume, 0:41. " , Four furlongs -Bewitched won.' Mer- rifleid second, ChutUa - third; time, 0:101-1. One mile Odd Kile won. Wood Claim aeoond.- Ijsta Duffy third: time. 1:411-1. Mile and TO yards Jack Lory won. Tlvollnl ' aecond, , Rein Regent third; time. 1:4( 4-t. Five and one half furlongs Ballad won. Broken Melody second, Edith M. third; time, 1:10 1-6. Mile and 70 yards Sultry won. Lena- downs second. Prince of Pless third I time, 1:41 1-1. 'At " New Orlenna. T New Orleans, March 11. City Park race results i Three and one half furlongs Lets Foster won. Dick Rose second. Prince Bowling third; time, 0:41 l-C. Steeplechase, short course Kara-won. Llghta Out second, ubador third; time. s:i -a. ' , - Seven furlongs Sallys Preston won. Lanceeteriaa second, Granada third; time. 1:10 t-f. Six furlongs Olorifter- won. Wild Irishman aecond. Rusk third: time. I a:is e-a, One' mile Teeme won. Terlbest sec ond. Fire AJarra third; time, 1:41 1-6. auje ana -one xuriong ex. zxoei won, Grenada aeoond, Jamaa Raddlck third: time. 1:61 l-C. Five and one half furlonirs Good Player won, Tlohmlngo second. Fancy Dreas third; time, 1:10 l-C EARINfS BOWLERS WIN . FROM THE M0NS0NITES Monson's team waa a man short last evening and was consequently defeated by Gearla's aggregation of bowlers at the Multnomah club. The scoraa: MONBON-S TEAM. J1' S . 14T 146 , 117 107 It 116 . , 144 116 Monaon . Brigham Peeblar . Lovejoy . Totals ....... cot cot ; OEARIN-S TEAM. -J, (1 (t) l) Gearln , . 110 164 lis 411 Clark 107 111 . Ill 166 Wlllett 116 -10t.164-.171 Klemson Ill 111 161 440 Benham . . ....... 171 111 161 441 Totals 111 171 714 1041 BASEBALL CHATTER Ban Johnaon's plan to hang a pension I on wormy oui wont-oui nu piayars la making a great hit with the "perfeah." Dreams of the days whan they can alt down and fold their knotty handa fn comfort may explain alaeptneaa on the bases on the part of a "vet" hereafter. Even a youngster may have the possi bilities of a happy old age constantly before him, for the crowd will ear tatnly ys.. 'Tension html" every time he leta anything get paat him. a e Patrick J. Hyneafl who two years ago pitched for - the - 8t Louis American league team, and who waa signed with Milwaukee for the eomlng season, was shot and killed in a saloon row at St Louis en Tuesday. Louis Richardson, tha bartender, was arreated, charged with the ki.ung. Rlohardson declared he fired la self-defense and W. O. Btana bury corroborated the statement. Both said the trouble arose when Hynes. hav ing ordered some bear, refused to pay xor it. e e New Tork refuses to grant Mike Donlln an advance in salary because his Injury last year may alow him up. To Mike's mind magnates are the real vil lains. Ha says they want a man to break a lag for them and then take leas money because he did It. " e e The Boston Katfonafs win not look so weak aa In recent years when they line up this sesson. The team Is com- posed of: Catchers, Brown, Needhara, Orendorff; pitchers, t Toung, Pf elfter, Llndsman, Flaherty, Domer, Boultes; infield. Tenney, Rltchey, Brain, Brld- well; outfield, Howard. Beaumont, Bates: Do lan, utility outfielder 17 men In all. 'mm Bays ths lan Francisco Chronlole: "The Oakland fana are disheartened by the siews that the Oakland baseball club la In financial atralta owing to poor gate receipts snd ths extra expenses of last season. At present tha managers can hardly see a way to raise the money necessary to remodel Freeman's park before ths season opens. The alterna tive of having the games scheduled for Oakland transferred to Ban Francisco ia a moat unpleaaant one to all lovers of the sport and would bo a sore blow to ths olty's pride. Seventy-Ova thousand dollars la needed, to start the team In Its own r -rk, and aa only a month re mains before the oall of time, the neces sity for energetlo action Is apparent. (1) 161 446 111 42J 111 111 141 411 4061117 M a njip ft Be tr i e 1 Ik todmgiisa There is no ailment peculiar to rnen that I cannot cure. . ; For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time and energy , to the treatment of men's diseases. . -, . My methods have been perfected by actual experience, : tith a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am the only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func; tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost1 among specialiststreating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its Bverr afflicted man la Invited to t "knowledge of Wen a 3 laeasee sniTso perfict are my methods In treating that I am able to effect cures In all ordinary caaes without seeing the pstlent . in person. All correspondence strictly confidential. Those , visiting Portland may feel free to call at my office for personal consultation. YOU PAY WHEN CURED WBAKNEaS ,;, So-called "Weakness" In ' men Is curable fully curable. It has not been cured by thoae meaaurea com monly employed, for they are meth od a based upon supposition and not upon feet. , Prematureness and loss or power Tit men la due to a chronic state of inflammation to the -prostate gland, -and not to a disordered nervoue condition, aa hae been sup- Josad. aV treat the Inflammation by ocal process that doea not fall to accompltss Its purpose, and with thla condition corrected full and complete strength and vigor re turns. .... STRICTtTRB My treatment Is ab solutely pslnleea, and perfect results can be depended upon In every In stance. I do no cutting or dilating ' whatever. T H F HP T A I 1IL lIl- I r ? ' Honrs 9 MsTCTMgMaTagggangaKslMMslBaMMaM THE "KANTSTOOP" Shoulder Brace and Suspender .' Strong Eirctive : Simple - - Ths Only Positively cures tha habit of atoep ing. Producea that military effect ao much desired. Women's, Girls' and Boys , all slsea, SUM Men a, all alsea, flB. Only tha following dealere aell our goods: Eyssell a Pharmacy, 117 Morrison at; Woodard. Clarke eV Co., Fourth and Waahlngton etreeta; Plummer Drug Co Third and Madlaon atraets. m -camtstoop BmAtn co, patentees and Mannfaotursrs, OAKLAIO, OAIk Hay's Hair-Health Restores Gray Hair to Youthful Color. . 60c. ALL DRUGGISTS. MORPHINE sad etW dmr habit, aet aesltively eared ty HABITUfA. Tern kvaedensls er laetnuU Bee. Sample Mat te ear m frm- mall, .lnlit srioe mTm ear settle tC at yew 4nmlat er by null la flala nspaet. SK.TA CHEMICAL CO., . IT. LOTTM, KO. rer asle sy kidmere Brag Oc, 111 Thud st reraaaa. unea. CHS. Vi;JSL07'S SCOTEHia SYROP has tMa neel by milVroi of sTothera for their eolldna while TeoUUac for w Fifty Teua It sootbes tse child, euhees tke guma altera all pal a. euree wind euut and la toe best liwly for dlerrhfee. MOUND CITY WELCOMES THE FESTIVE BOWLERS (Joaraal tiMetal Berries.) Bt Louis, Ma, March II. The Mound City has torn the latch-atring- out and thrown the doors wids open In welcome to the visiting bowlers arriving for the annual tournament of the Amer ican Bowling congress. On every train tha tenpin knights are arriving In read iness to take part In the championship competition to begin tomorrow. The St Louis City Bcwllng assoolatton, which la the boat of tha occasion, baa concluded the final preparations and everything Is In readiness for the first balle to rolL Ths political end of the meeting has waxed hot and the lndl cations are for some lively tlmea before the new officers are elected and the 1101 tournament city decided upon. KLAMATH FALLS WILL HAVE HALF-WILE TRACK i i ("pecla! Diana tea te The Jearasl.) Klamath Falls, Or., March 16. The Klamath County Agricultural society haa purchaaed 41 acree of the Weed, formerly the Hanks ranch, which tlss between the upper lake and the survey of the California Northeastern rail road, for 14,000 and will construct I half-mile race track and the necessary buildings in Ume for the fair next fall. The railroad people take over the laaae on the old grounds and will doubt- leas permanently acquire the tract for yard purposes. It is expected the trac tion Una will be In operation before time for the -nest fair. KANSAS WILL TRY TO SHOW MISSOURI Kansas City. MA, March 11. In Con vention toall tonight he ohoeen athletes of Missouri state university and the University of Kanaaa wilt meet once again to contest for supremacy In In door athletics. Lsrge delegations of students from the two universities have arrived to cheer thslr respective teams. Both teams have been training hard for tha meet and appear to be In fine fet tle. While the Missouri men appear to have a little the better cf it oa form, the Kansas team expects to make i kind m the West. write ma a deacrlnltea.Af-kia-amae Such-la. Contractesd Olsiordwrsi Every of contracted disease I treat la thoroughly cured; my pa tients have no relapses. When I pronounce a case cured there la not a particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there le not the slightest danger that the disease win return In Its original form or work Its way Into the general sys tem; No contracted disorder la so trivial as to warrant uncertain meihoda of treatmeat, and I espe cially solicit those cases that otfler doctors have been unable to cure. I have the largea practise be. eaass I Invariably fulfill aay prom ises. My Colored Chart showing the mala anatomy aad asToraing aa lav vanning- nuoy aa ansa s free at office. Y I ft P sP.fl Sccond nd Morrison Sts. Wvsle I L.l Entrance 234 Morrison SL Portland. Ore. u M.-to 9 P.. 11. 8oods7S,l0 A. M to 1 IV U, Z Z Reliable Specialist's ' wi vmmat nm ' BheumaUsm, A ante and Chronic eels. Sexual Weakness, Vsrrous Decline, lose, Syphilis, rase, XlOaey, Bladder and an Urinary an Private Diaeaaes of Ksa.. It will not scar iron anything- to oall at any offlee and soaault us, and by so doing;, tt may save yon aaack ttaae and aaeaeyr and tf wa cannot sure pen wa will honestly sap so, and you wUl stet be nads aay financial obligation to a a. OTTB RITnt OP TmaATTBTO la superior to any tn thla eoutry, and our cures ara the result of thess methods. We neve fall te effect a enre ta any ease we take. If yen suffer front neglect, from want ef messy or from unskilled practice here ts an opportunity ta get tha aervfaeo of a akOIsd specialist, a graduate physician, with years ef ripe experience In treattng oompUoated and epeelal disorders of KBsT OILT, St will cost nothing to talk to us, and may be tke means ef netortnar you to health, and happiness. Why not call trl-rt IMlt fffflntg are very private. Ton see only the doe to. , Our fee betag so low, it suable b many wme are affUoted te piweure ths kignest scientlfU aaedloal aasnstanee. Terms saade te suit tf neese saxy, so that aay ana neea not net ge wlthowt treatment . We Vartt Eyry Man In the Country Who Is Af flicted to Write Us About His Ailment" Sonrst I a. aa. to p. as.) avenlnfa, T te aM; aadays, a. aa, ta is. SL LOUIS MSc?D DISPENSARY oosum nooiD ajtd taxxtuc innn, FOBTiaAjrs. omaoox. TEETH Save 7 Money Come at once and have rrae aa-ainlna- Uon. .. WE EXTRACT TBETH FRSB : SH VER FILLINQS, !6o UP; GOLD FILL TXIO a aw. ITD, 0V)D tn MHlHrrTf al A Ask. I WW V . mfmZt A V27 1 D. Da A II) fl.Vf i SPLENDID SET, l 00; GOLD CROWNS 13.00 TO 16.10; WHITE CROWNS, 11.60 TO. $!.- AH work guaranteed for ten years. Lady attendant alwava oreaent. All work done ebeolutely without pain by peeiaiieia ot irora 11 to xv y perlence. - ( rears' ex- Boston Dentists Fhoue Mala MM. ,' ' 't ; ttHV Morrison K, Op Vestatteel a good showing and will put up a hard fight for the honors. . - . In ths pool tournament at the) Mult nomah club last night Nichols defeated Percy 41 to II. Calvin Demareet won the national amateur billiard 14.1 balk line eham- ptonehlp laat night at Chicago, defeat Ing Edward Gardner 11 te 111. ' Aiaioa Boomnrt waoonro something ta be recorded la the nnals ot Clatnry. Heroine Mt tn nknowledeed the greateet of liver r.- ulators. A positive cure fir luiln-ia ditches, TonatliMitlon, (Mils and la yer, ana sn uvir crnninints. j. (i iHh. Lulls f-nr. " , ': rblne is ths sr. -1-.t .vr it l novo. ! i It r r r . it du.i the work.'' b II ly i i i . , dllllM Diseases ca.- them ne ZMdlar specialist. BB. TATKOB. Ily Fee la Inj Do- f f complicated Case P 1 V f " V ' VARICOCELO Without nsing knife, ligature or caustic without -neln mnA wttWiit ana i detention from - bitslnees. I eur Varicocele in one week. If yon have aought a cure elsewhere and been disappointed, or If yon fear the harsh meuoda that most physt clans employ In treating this dis ease, some te me and I will - euro you soundly and permanently by a Jentle and painless method. Don't elay. Varicocele has Its danger and brings Its disastrous results. If you will call I will be pleased to explain my method of. curing. T s ' SPECIFIC BIXJOD POTS OH Tfo -dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless blood -cleansing remedies that re- -move the last poisonous taint. , . M M . CoDsnIfatloa and Exsa- . laatlon Free Oar Fee la ' Host Cases We are specialists for men and aten only, true special ists, we do not treat all diseases, nor do we treat both sexes, but we do all snamble diaeaaes of We have devoted the beet years of eur lives to this purpose and have accumu lated expert knowledge and skill rn the dlagnoaty-and cure . of saen'a diaeaaes, that can only be obtained through eonstaas study, hos pital training and years of Pay Us for Cores. A Core ivith Us RleansaUfe-Long - Cure $10 rox.x.owxjro smiizii i Blood Poison, ttonunkusa. Tarloo WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS toCOME WEST vu SPECIAL LOW COLONIST RATES BVBOra KABOX AJTS AFBTJ. From 8t. PmuV Minneapolis, Duluth, Omaha, Bt. Joseph. Kansas City and other Missouri liver points te . Portland aad Ashland, Or., and In termediate polnta , . . .tAiAO From 8t. Louis to Fortlaad, Ash land, Or and Intermediate ; points tMAO From Chicago to Portland, Astilsnd, Or., and intermediate pointe N00 imilsr low rntee from ether east, em polnta to the weat Send me full name and address ef your relatlvee or friends la the east that are thinking of eomlng to the Pacific Northwest, and I will have them furnlehed with literature and full information, or if you wlah te pay the fare ef any one, the money can be deposited with any agent of the Northern Peclfle Rail way and tickets wilt be promptly furnished.- Tor any adiljllnnal Information wanted, cell oa or address A. D. CHARLTON Assistant Goners! Ia"' (r T' -!