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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
-THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO. MARCH 15. 1S07. II Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found - on jpp. 18-19. ' If EW 'TOD AlT. ; H.V;LemcKeCo. Profitable investments.. ; Fourth Street . ' Corner close In with nig house for ; 5,soo. . v,-. . : ' ;: i East Water Street ' ; Comw dose to new East Blde djt : Now baa toot revenue, for f 13,500. : Morrison Street Aonw right In the center of tha busi ness district' Wa -would like to tell you about this. . ' .; ' ., ,, i . l; .. . ; -i , ' , , . "Alder Street : Qtisrter Work closer In than Thirteenth at. for "7,500. Now haa torn in. come. V "v,''- Montgomery Street Nearly H Mock. Excellent location for - flata for f lO.OOOr- j H. W. LemcKe Co. MAIM BSO. tJU AJTD WASsODaTCrTOsT To Investors and Soeculators i 'V.' f " . v After you have canvassed the mar- ket thoroughly; Mne. to iHrv 4iave ; some excellent propositions in inside business properties. ' - Sphinx Agency i , . f iOSy, STARK STREET. -C D. Greene: C J. McCracken. To Secure ' I ' Make jrour aJrertUlm aiffereat A from the ordinary run. "To Let ' .- Furniahed room, til Blank at," - naa 'DOthinar in auoh an adTertiae . . . mont to Indue a person to an V swor It when doaana of others V ' ' ar advertialnar more particulars ' . e regarding their roonva.. " ; . Give ' Particulars description that will attract : When In- doubt seo The Journal Want Ad man at Tha Journal f Want Ad window.- MARRIAGE LICENSES. Jaatae F. Brown. bV4 Waabtnctoa atrtetJ 91 1Mb U.n ia , I Prank W. I.tttl, bewail, MaeeacbaxettafBr Eaima Aapland. it. Pete Jotmaoa. S5U Eollada , aTenae, S5: Rarhael Oahorne, 22. OMTf Mrera, Arleta. SO Alice Kllldnff, 8. HELP WASTED MALE. VANTKD Yeena aiea to eaallfr aa railroad telaaraab eoeratora: waaaa S76 to SM mi moath. Applr I oi mediatrix, air exaalaf, Oracoa College, SOS UoaiBMmwealth bldg. WARTEB A watchmaker: ae tinker aeed ap- vlJ Diapm. crvw-, oa w irax ex, BE LP WANTED FEMALE. BRIliHT, amMtloea ladr to repreeaet ainnlar. tarar: ra.pno.lhle poalttoa: eplendtd ckanne for the rtitbt peraoe; glxa pbotie aaaiber, B laS, eare Journal. WANTED Ladlee te prepare for eommerrtal . telearapb paaltlone; waxea ITS to Sho per month. Dar and erenlna aeealooa. Apply ' tmmedlatelr, Oregea College, 609 Conmoa . wealth bfclg. ( WAXTEDOIrl for geaeral hoaaeworkt famllf of three adaltai aa ehildrea.- Iaqnlre 621 Irrtog at., enmer 15th. . firrrjATioNS wanted male. WANTED To trar dowa old boneae far lumber; wella dng. S47 Front at. FTRNISnED ROOMS FOR RENT. bjkoLB room, near Hotel Port la ad. . . eath at. hula 4S0s. . m Sex. COKVENIE?fT rsoai, eal.t plare; reaaonabl rent, u taa, eare jonrnai. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR REXT Hooae ef T rooma. bath. 1 tolleta, . on apMalre. aea down: new fcooee, doable ftoar. full baaaasent, eomMnatloa (aa and electric flirorea; i: par menth. Rawthorn Realty f , 6NS Marrnerlta axa corner jl. w Uiame. Pbone Tabor gle. FOR RENT FLATS, ptiH RRNT Iwer flat, S ranma; rent flA, M K.irihrtip et. liKulr at M7. VOn RENT STORES-OFFICES. II - K mma. fenxtr off ire. reod flnor. rpolt t iiiabn at taeiaerce. ,awi Stark at, ravel 10. Bt'SIXESS CHANCES. ' ' no inin ...... V jiWmma Mmiu-hMi. roo4 rural tare . f-rw tnm rent ii; rm VLl.V!X beame. H6 wr swath: price i,100: soO eWwa. tflot, TbM et.. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE- SS.ono NRW S-roem bom. stationary ti - . . . eltX! .. but owner neat sell; SOW aowa aad $M per " ' T.PAOg HARRIS. ; BOO BelaMat .. earner Kaet SBth. n ana T nsHft-s-raexa modern booae. . nntr M; fine local toe seat etde:soo ear erxfc-e; a barsatn. rMM ewa, P 1S4, care JoaruL incw S-raoai boom. S InU, fralt trem aaa now era. good tardea; oowa. balaaca MJ term. Box IAS, Lrata, Or. . FOR HALE MISCEIXAJfEOUS. A BAROAIN Kmrly aew (eed eetter for ST, mt SIS. A. rteM. Oaua Oomlnt. Omhaaw OCi J.. -J5 .. im inn., m ,ow . .vni.w, . his. ..w. - Bl. jonaa roaa; parxij -bar; crark throncb place. J. T. Jehaaoa. B. R. a. Vaaooorer, Wuk. - FOR SALE: LIVESTOCK. TIMBER. H0MB8TRAD reliBaulahBMat. BUata. eaiy a aiUae rrom Tolaoe ana cioae ie ua aew fios road: good timber and eloee to market. W. n. Boor. BOO Lamber Ezcbanca bid. $1,800 BlYS i.OOO 000 feet pood yaUow pla. eaarajiieeo aaiimaie a niur. Doo't write. Cocne te M. aSTMi Waabtaftoa. BATHS AXD MASSAGE. MAN ICC Rl NO, faea aad acalp treatmeat. batk aad maaaafe. iivvt rouria w. " PERSONAL. MRS. - STEVEN'S, v Portland a KadlnE pa 1mm and clalmrani. 4rt iiui. "r. """ MtSICAL. MANDOLIN, (altar and banK la elaaa ar prl. vate, Jeaae raraer. - Tirmoao ana late of IllinoU CoUeire of Maat. Cklcaco. 40S-4 St eama bldg Sixth aad Marrlaea aU. Ladies' Night OAKS RINK Tonight Special Katlnee Satardar. arorclay aTlrht paeiai Xrlah Unaloal Trofnm Tra Sjharorooka. . . Bkattnar ttll 11 p. 'as. ' One asioa. One Frioa. -t OAKS RINK EXPOSITION RINK irXH AXD WAEHTJfOIO VTa, ' SL Patrick's Eve Party ( r TOMORROW' ITKJHT, RATVRUAY. .MARUU la, lSOT. , V av zvzaTKa or rEAnrmza. Paranrt Races, Relax; Race, Athlerte Exhlbltloaa, Taataful St. Patrick'! Boaxenlra to Exerx Skater. Bpeclal riambera for Conplaa Onlx. TWO SE88I0HS ORE ADMISHOR. Panona' Orcheatra Both Heaatona. No Adxanoa la Prieee. -ASanSfllOV. IOo ST ITER, tie. T Harrlman Askt What We Are Ca ? inj to Do government Official Answers. ! HAtfRlMAN A PART OF f STANDARD OIL SYSTEM We Most Ht0 Competition We Need Through Lines of Railroads . How Can We Hare Them With ., out Combinations? By John E. Lathrop. rWeshlagtoa Bureau et The Journal.) Washington, D. C-, March 14. Stu dents . of tha national transportation nroblem have been pussled here to find a ready answer to tha proposition sub mitted by E. H. HarTlman during his recent visit to the capital city What are yon going' to do with the railroads prevent all consolidations of lines t . go far as It refers to combinations between lines which are oomneutlve, moat persons have experienced no diffi culty In replying to the raiiroan wisaro, and ona is dally surprised at tha fre quency with which the anawer la given no consolidation of competing lines, unless It be under government control. - Oompetlttoa za wecessary.-. That phase does not pussle most par sons so very much, that of combina tions between competing lines, for It ppars to have been Impressed on the publlo mind that the nation 'cannot af ford longer to permit railway magnates to eliminate competition and thua ab solutely nils tha regions traversed by their lines., i But, coming fa the question of tha consolidation of lines which are not competitors, a different problem Is presented. Dlsouaslng this question for The Journal, one of tha lending offi cials ofthefederal government today said:-" "'" """ T "Take tha Instance of the Oregon Rail road Navigation company, the Ore gon Short Line at Utah Northern, the Union Pacific, tha Central Pacific, and the Harrlman connectlona to tha east ward, which form a through line from Portland to Chicago, under tha direction of R. It Harrlman. "What are you going to do with that consolidation, or others like Itf Would it be wise to compel the breaking up of thla. system Into Its original com ponent parts? .That , would make It necsssary for you people tn Oregon to iAIll IS own RAILROADS do bualneaa with five aeparata roads la travallng or ahlpplng to Chicago, la U not better to have the through Mnef meUlroavd rroUem Za wot SJolTed. "If, .then, you eonoeda tba propriety of this arrangemont, what ahaU you aay to the acquialtlon of other lines to tha eaatwaxd of Chicago, giving for Instance Mr. Harrlman control of a lino from coast to,coastf "Tha fact ia. we as a nation hare not yet solved our railroad problem. Wa are fighting, rightly, too. tha trem endous power wielded by Mr. Harrlman. It la absolutely the menace of tba day, greater than that of Standard Oil. which In fact la none other than Harrlman himself, for ha merely la tha -railroad end of tha Standard Oil combination. Tha wielding of auoh power over the regions traversed by his roads places In his hands authority, over tha very Uvea of tha people In thbso regions. In a hundred waya he may affect their fortunea, governing aa he does tha abb and flow of their food and raiment and tha products of their Induatries. Are OomMasttoms Vaossaaryf rdra thatTolhlorlHewrweTnsli at Mr. Harrlman aa tha curse of mod ern civilisation, yet, confronted by the other argument as to through lines, wa are disposed .to amy they are necessary In tha intricate and highly organised social system of tha day. "Now thla Is not a disquisition trend. ing toward the poaitlon of the con servative or reactionary In today poll tlca, but rather impels ons toward gov erament ownership aa tha only method whereby wa may have tha beneflta of through lines without tha curse of one. man domination of Immense regions. It may be argued that government control offers the solution. But, how may you liavn adequate government control with out establishing a system ao compli cated and ao censorious In its complete, neaa that l,t Is tantamount to govern ment ownership without government guarantees of securltteaT , Sow Barrtmaa Sodged. . "Here Is an instance of private own. erahlp and market manipulation of aa curl ties . H. Hartlman. when faoa to face with government Inquiry into hla ownership of Union Paciflo stocks, j recently, transferred of se curities of that road to Edward Rocke feller, and hen waa In a position to swear that Tie did not hold control of tha road. Of course. Rockefeller's hold. Ing the stock was the same aa If Har rlman held It, because the two are) one In common Interest, and Harrlman Is merely the railroad end of tha Standard Oil octopus. Yet, waa it not true that Mr. Harrlman did not personally eon trol the Union Paciflo at that timet "Under private ownership, I tell you, there are hundreds of waya men may manipulate to avoid the provisions of law. Tha problem la ao large, that I am staggered at Its contemplation. I can not sea how we are going to aolva It by other than government ownership. "Of course, they will tell na that to buy the railroads will mean the purchase of the existing securi ties and the issuance of bonds In that amount. But, In the light of recent dla closures of the watering of stocks and the flotation of spurious bond Issues, that statement falls to the ground aa absurd. ... . lar of tha Standard OO System. ' j "Sovereignty the federal government may legally take tha roads, paying the present owners what tha property la worth, and may even determine what ahall be tha basis of the taking, what ahaU be the theory upon which, the property ahall be valued. -. "von template-thla Harrlraaa the ran-. road mao Jacob Sclilff the banking end,- H. H.- Rogera the oil and coal end of the Standard Oil system, and these con trolling the transportation, financial and fuel and ' illuminating- phases - of - the nation's life. Tbeae are bald facta. They do control them. They dictate terma on Wall etfeet, by control of treat companies and fiduciary funds. Tbey control the oil and coal business. No one with a modicum of Information doubts It Croweramaat Ownership tha Solntlom, ' "How are you going to construct a system of adequate government control without making it aa Intricate that It goes - into the . minutest details of all tha tranaactlona of that great combi nation. ' ' ' "Show na some statesman who has offered a eolutlen. Who la hot . Mr. Roosevelt? Mr. Bryant Mr. Aldrlchf Mr. Cannont Mr. Fairbanks? I repeat only government ownership meets' tha demands of the situation. There's no other way." - - Hsrrlman'a query while In Washfngv ton has produced such comments from men who alt at-the feet of Roosevelt and take hi s daily counsel. Harrlman haa hastened the day- of reckoning; he haa urged answers which must be given. Ann every paaulng day, brings forth Such analyses aa thla, f LADIES' NIGHT Oaks' mink Tonight frea 0haauoeks Saturday sTlgM, - Tonight will be ladles night at -the Oaka rink and a pleasant time la antici pated. Tba special band will open their program at and more couples music will be skstea. un Baturaay artemoon there will be a special matinee and at night a St Patrick'a celebration will be given with free shamrocks. Appropriate Irish muato and the regular evening aesslon extended until 11 o'clock. Cape Cod Boot to Come Off. The great boot of Band known aa Cape Cod ia. to be cut off from the mainland of .Uassschusetts by a ship canal,, which will reduce tha coastwtae distance from New Tork to Boston by more than 200 miles. The. actual work of digging the big ditch will begin In the early Bpring. j Heavy, Impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexion, headache, nausea. Indigestion. Thin blood makea you weak, pale, sickly. Burdock Blood Bit ters makes the blood rich, red, pure restores perfect health, Milwaukie Country Club. ' Kastern and California races. Take Seilwood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. cofeee: tea sriccs BAKING POWDER ;extracts: v tTUSFRIGHT CLOSSETaSEVERS PORTLAND, ORE.' FBI All unsold lots in VVavcrlcijh 03) C jftfV vill be advanced in price oJ.WW , You will then have sufficient time to inspect thin beau tiful tract It vill bo on oatins fall of exhilt-rating enjoy ment and profit;-"'-' .v--y :v; : ' "';::-:r To see Wavcrlcigti means a purchase-and a purcha&Q means a handsome profit to you.. v":--- Never again will you have another oppoinity to buy the choicest close-in residence property at $225 and up a lot f BUY I now ; mm MAIN OFFICI: SIXTH AND VVASHTiCTON STS. KltdaSSO iGLWMERICl : t T rwi- n- xrtl FULLY PAID and Non-Assessable The price iwill be again advanced as fast as work on our properties and on the Guggen heim and Morgan Railroad progresses. Investigate at once and get im NOW ' Anglo-American Oil and Coal Co. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES s LOUIS O. CLARKE..... r.....;..FTaaldent PRED 8. STANLEY. .Second Vice-President E. J. RATHBONE...... Field Superintendent .. A ... . . .' Deschotei Irrifstion A Power Co. Katalla, Alaska. 'Jl&S- D- WWASl 'f&i cS?-PrMMmt Formerly Superintendent of W.ter L!ne. of . -xnvwi.As.xj' xf - xx! x 1 1 . nvnnnv r uttt s... .s ep.... tht O. R. A N. Co. a n. .Aa riiiuvn,.,li,,rini 'Publisher Dsily Oreg - OFFICES: 402 AND 403 OREGOM. BUILDING,' PORTLAND, OREGON - Telephone Main 4507 . " r ' V . ' ROBERT S. McBRIDE, Business Manager ' . . OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FROM 7 TO i O'CLOCK EVENINGS UNTIL MARCH 20. J . . ONLY $25.00 DOWN $ 1 0.00" PER MONTH mm MVE DAYS REMAIN r IN WHICH TO PURCHASE STOCK IN AFTER MARCH 20TH THE xypTnTP WTT T . AnVATSTP.Rn ' Tils'-- CaI, T fakefKld, Fries & Co. . HILL. .Seeretarr an! v ice-rvajucnT. uawau. m iiimivniiiu mi nm oniaru - .Yice-PresidentTmejCtrantee & Trust Co. WATSON SUNDAY ' 1 - - .f - wmrrr-sucfH and wkaixum sts. :: OIL if D COE CO. IE ID TIT XT TrfcT T A 17 I. i ' Therefore :: visit THE. C A OTJT A D17 ALLEN, Capitalist, Seattle. BUY NOWj' 4 V."" '":V