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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY '.EVENING. MARCH 13. 1SS7. 13 : V i 226-228 Alder Street, Between First and Second Streets , , , ; ,. , If you should buy a pound of meat at any market in this city except Smith's you would be taking a few extra cents out of your own pocket and adding them to the for tunes of the Beef Trust, for practically every other market in the city but Smith's is owned or controlled oy tne cmcago xscei i rusi. BEEF 3c TO 15c '5oub Meat . . .... . .'. . . i-.3c Beef Kidneys . . . . . ; . . 5c Beef Stew J.?;.: ... .T.'-. .5c I Fancy Porterhouse .'. ... 15c Fancy rT"-Bone . ; ..... 15c Beef Tongues, each . ... .45c Necks to Boil 5c Brisket Beef d:... 5c V Oxtails, per pound ...... 5c . Corned Beef ... . . . .". ...... 6c Shoulder Steak ......... 8c Shoulder Roast .8c - Pot Roast Beef. . . ...... .8c rRump Roast Beef .8c Hamburger Steak ';ta . .;. 8c Tripe .. .... .f... 8c - Prime Rib Roast.. ..i,.10c Best Round Steak. .'. . . . 10c I Brains ... ...... Y...W 10c Sirloin Steak .V . . Je 12C Small Porterhouse. . . 12c Rolled Rib Roast.. . 12c Beef RiV Steak.... ;.12c BeeLLoin Steak, . . . . , lZc - , ' - '- - Xf 1 2w.V ammIJ VEAL 6c TO 15c Veal for Broth. .. . . . . .-. .6c clyaLfj-Stcwin 8c Breast ot Veal ....... . . iuc Shoulder Roast Veal . . . 10c Leg Roast of Veal,. 12J4c Veal Rump Roast . .... .15c Loin Roast Veal . . -.". . . 1 5c Rib Roast VeaLt 15c Loin Veal, Cutlets...... 15c Rib Vear Cutlets.. 15c Calves'-Liver , , ..u. . . 15c Lamb Shoulder Chops 12c Legs of Lamb'.'.'. . . . . .'.15c Lamb Lbih Roast . . . .15c Lamb Rib Roast ,.y.. 15c Lamb Loin Chops . . .'.,15c Lamb Rib Choos 15c Lamb Tongues, dozen. .30c LAMB 5c TO 15c Lamb Liver . . . . . . ..... JSc Lamb Stew ... ......... 6c Frontquarters Lamb .... 10c Shoulders of Lamb ... . 10c PORK 5c TO 15c Pigs' Heads "......'......5c Pies': Feet 5c Pork Sausage .... ... . ,10c Our Own Pure Lard. , . .12c Lc of Pork.. 12Hc Side Pork ........... 12c Pork Shoulder Roast. 1214c Leaf Lard 777....:.. 12c Pickled Pork ........ 12J4c Pork Chops ....... .'. . . 15c Pork Loin Roast....... 15c Pork Steak .......... .15c Our Own Hams . . . . . .1754c Our Own Bacon ...... uyjC Lamb Sh!ldcr, Roast ... . . 10c xt urm ief rnmnit f nw. mmmodious Mckin? establishment.' where we will resume making our superior quality of Hams, Bacon, Lard, Bologna, Frankfurts and other, sausages. THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY PURE. ; Our meats are strictly. Oregon meats. Not a pound of eastern meats, either fresh or cured, in our markp. - ;;;;:"-:, v:'v ., - :'..' : '. :.;- v' as GROCERIES 319-331 OAK ST.- Fellows Grocery Go. ':: J v . Phone Main 2596 - MEATS 348-330 ANKENY ST. 7H Y NOT - BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT TDE CDEAPEST STORE ? Come to the big store oh Oak street, near Seventh, and we can save you from 10 to 20 per cent on groceries of the best standard quality. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY: 22 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for.. $1.00 Rose City FlourFancy Patent, per Sack $1.15 Best Eastern Sugar Cured Hams, per lb. . .16c Baker's Cocoa,, can . : . V. .20 'Pound Mocha and Java'Coffee''. , . . ;.7T .25 5 cans, Pork and.Beans....... v.,.r.......25 2 pkgs. Corn Flakes. uV, .............. .25 2 pkgs.'-Forced '. :K . . . .' . .... . . .V: ....i .25 1 pkg. Postum Cereal . . . 1 . A . .... . . . . . .20p l pkgScotch' Oats 10 10 cans Star Cream.. ........ ....... 50jC 3-ll. pkg. Washing Powder.. ;;15f 2 cans Standard Corn. . . . ...... u..VS$ 3 cans Standard Tomatoes. . .... .... .25 Large package SodatCrackeri7..:..,Vi. .20-' Gallon can Maple SyrupfT... ,...,...91.00 7 lbs. Standard Rolled Oats.. 25 g SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND pOARDINO-HOUSES tizggazMasiaiigwgmMiMMTgxrsiwiMaxzsaMissiKigwMMsiHii i A Bran-New Market " Mr. Paul Spath, former partner ci the firm of Penne A Spath, Palace Market. 260 YamhUl atreet, wilt be pleated to note the following: On March IS Mr. Spath will open op a firat-clau Meat Market at 185 Fourth atreet. between Yamhill and Taylor i atreeta. He will be pleated to have hit old acquaintances and ' cuttomere give him a call. - Ha will handle a full line of Roatts, Steaks, Chopt, Veal and . all Idnda of Sautagea. If you art looking for good, freth. Juicy ' ' mettt patronise Mr. Spath. Ha will alto handle that far famed "CORVALLIS CREAMERY BUTTER" at lower prict than V. elsewhere. Remember if it's something in the line of meats it's something in the line of Mr. Spath. . - ' PAUL SPATH 185 FOURTH STREET. PHONE MAIN 2830. A FLAT IRON BUILDING GROCERY A mw fttputurt fot TertUaa to the -TLA ZBOaT BUZUZva BOCIBT, wtloh will 'epm .t tkont Kaveh lOtb wltt moat esena 1U of tuU ftacy fweertM. Tb. aw ftoeenr to , niaiit U ke nw mi noi , BVtUniO, at eonet ImI rirrt . aa4 Cliotimi St. Tow ptroaar to atoat Muraoatly aoUoltd. - We wis enOoavot to ploaao om matoouM to every way. aiv at a fair ' : "- :...;-,': ': '. '. v ,,. TOVYNSEND & VAN SCI100NH0VEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers 147 FIRST' STREET ... SHndy omr srtoM tkoa y will m why trad ka lnaraaMO. Ou gooda ra mt tM kifkM AUty aaa w ekalloaff wapulna wltk the flaoat that he t omma, to aay mom. . timii eh art. ......... 20 Creajnory Buttor. ... ......... 74 VT. nt our oca from tho . farmer, butter from the creameries no middle men.. ' ' , ' " ' . , w. Croae At BtackweU Ivueca Oll t...6S Croea BlackweU Chow. H pint.. 20 Poatum or FlKprun Ceraal 4, ....20 -1 oa.a toot Paaohea or Aprlcota...l5 fltaaderd' - tMWM -. rnrr. . 1 0 4 S eana Cora. Pmj or 8trln Baaaa. .25 Eraporato Cream, S eana for ....15 1-lb. pkf. Arm and Hammer Soda.. 6 Js'apth Soap ......... o bare Baby EHepnent soap. . .xof ARM. HAMMER SODA-BULK. 3 POUNDS 1 tb. Enellah Breakfaat Tta......2S t lb. Gunpowder Tea Sftf 1 aack Bt Valley Flour fl.OO 1 tack rood Hard Wheat Flour.... 90 1 eaek Beat Hard Wbeat Flour . (patent) $1.15 X ' bottl Woreaaterahlre Bauee, " 1 iC atle .miiDiinri ..... ...1 O 1 lb. Whole Nutmea 85 New Crop Prunea, T Ibe .....2ft New White Honey, oorab ........15 1-lb. eaa Cora Bf lO H-lb. eaa Deviled Ham. I for ......25 PHONI! MAIN 1111. Eaat aide delivery Tueaday and Friday. Bof, while quite raanable In Ce rfiall tnerketa, la vary llkaly to advance oon, owing to the hither coat at whole aala. Pork and muttoa are high on ao coant et a aoarelty to the euppUee of both, theaa produota- all over the Pa clflo aorthwaat . t. . , now la atlU three feet dp la the aaoutalne 1 mllae back af Weetoa. The Market "Basket chanveable weather eondltlona Juat about the rtfht thing to bring in vood auppllea of muahrooma. The marketa era dlaplaylng aoma today, but the aupply la atlll very email and TS ernts a pound la the ruling' erica at re toll. , v Thoae dandellona ao deteatabla in your lawnB are worth money theae days whan greena are .ecaree. In the local retail marketa theae are eelllng at 29 canta a pound when freah, and 11 canta a pound when a dar or ao old. ,- , . , Spinach IB coming . to market In eomewhat better supply, but demand Is great, and for thia reason the price remalna qulta high. In the retail mar kete today It sella for II eenta a pound. Cauliflower le rather scarce for the bast stuff, and It's only a few that are able to buy it at thla time In the retail markets. Today's price Is II canta a head. . . . . Alligator pears are again in market While claaaad as a fruit, the alligator pear la really a fuU-fladged vegetable, for It la need aa a salad. They come from the Hawaiian ialanda, where they are generally used by the natives. So difficult Is It to bring them to the North Pactfle eoaat In fine condition that the price la rather high. At re tail today St cente eaeh. At thla price demand la better than aupply. Cucumbers, while somewhat more plentiful, are atlll too scarce and high for general consumption. For a family of ordinary Blse It would take more, money to purchaee . cucumbers these days than to aupply them with tha beet of meats. At retail II cente eaeh.- Rhubarb Is getting cheaper, and to day's price le about-In reach of those that would like to taate a pie made out of that material. Present supplies are from California, and. while not nearly bo good at the rhubarb raised at home. Is meeting with favor among consum ers. At retail three pounds for II cents. , Artichokes are atlll selling at three for II ' eenta, and the prospecta look like thla price will be - maintained In the retail marketa for soros time. All from California. .Florida and MiBBlaatppt tomatoes are in rair aupply in tha markete today and are selling at It eenta a pound for the beat quality. Only occasional arrival from Mexican growers. Tbe latter are not se good aa those raised In Florida. Sweet potatoes are almost out of this market on account or the acarclty In the south and the high price demanded there. At retail today dealers are of fering two pounds for II eenta,' or II eenta a pound. , - Cabbage remalna vary high In prlee, swing to the long dlatanoe supplies are' brought Moat of the cabbage now being sold In the Portland marketa la from the south, and the retail trade charges ebout I eenta a pound. , Green beana, celery and aprouta . . atlll very high , In the marketa, but within a ahort time, with Increased atipplleB, all' theae' lines are expected te ahow lower valaee. A a all of then IE PEOIPLS'S TASLK SUPPLY MUSS; THE GREAT VOLUME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED HERE DAILY TELLS THE STORY WHERE ' . v- ARE VALUES, GREAT VALUES. ' For economical buyers here 'every day. The power of buying "direct from the grower and producer" means much to you, care ful buyers' Look over the list. The prices quoted are on staple seasonable goods, not old shop-worn or out of season goods that we want to work off. This Is a live store dealing in every-day wants. , . , ON FANCY sar&s n Watch Your Pocketbook SSS mw 22 Ubs. Granulated Sugar CHieKENSrl8c $l.QO RANCH RaaS, PerDozen,Ocl . MEATS Beef Stew . -4 Corned Beef . ; . c . C . 5c Pot Roasts, all kinds; 6c-7c Hamburg Steaks . . . . 6c Shoulder Steaks ( , : . 7c Shoulder Roasts . 8c Prime Rolled Roasts . . 9c : Sirloin Steak , . v . . lOc Prime Rib Roasts ; . .11c Porterhouse Steaks . f 12 Vac Picnic Hams . . . 12V2C . Cottage Hams v :. 12 Vic Eastern Hams . . . 17V2C Government -Inspected Oreflon ; and Washington Steer Deei GROCERIES Gallon cans Tomatoes. SO Galbn cans Apples.. 30e 8 bars Monarch Soap. ...... ..25 Postum Cereal . . . ....... . . . ,20 6 lbs. Broken Rice.. ...... ...25 5 dozen Clothes Pins...., 5 7-lb. box Macaroni or Spaghetti 40 2-Ib. brick Codfish........... 15 50-lb. sack W. S. Flour, none better ..............;.?1.10 60-Ib. sack L. B. Flour, bread flour, it- ....eX00 84b. box Soda Crackers.. .20e 10-lb. sack Rolled Oata, ...33 10 lbs. Yellow Corn Meal...25e? 10 lbs. White Corn Meal..3e 2 pkgs. Gold Dust....C...8Sf Fancy Creamery. Batter 80 8 cans Cream.. ..........25e 8 cans Salmon. . M2Se 8 cans Sard fries. . . . . . . 5e 2 cans Mustard Sardines. ..lSe Shredded Wheat ..... .10eJ Arm and Hammer Soda..M.5e JWb. can Singapore Pineapple. 0) 7 lbs. Nary Beans. w ........ 23f 7 lbs. Pink Beana . . . . . U . . ljb. Comb Pure Honey '. .lSe) 1-lb. can Trophy Baking Powder . . Zj , 1 gallon Cuttbgs Pur Tbmato CS&M tip r - sj laaia1SjBj8l tr ' 8 pkgs. V. a Mince) Mtat... JS5T Famous Town Talk Blended Co flee "per lb .....20 e Monarch Blended Moaha, and Java, per tb. i.itai.a.i..C5f 8 cans Tomatoes, Com, Peas tad Beam.. , . . ........ ... ...SZ4 8 pkgs. Haunpty-Dumpty, asm as. Torce" ;, TT 18 ban Sosip., ' ., T ' TV 8 pkgs. Violet Wheat. Blueing, botthi , , ' Ammonia, bottla mmmi t eakes SapoUo. large bars Ivory 1 Soap. ., , , 1 Bef Scotch Oats V , , , "... , 10e PEOPLE' AH orders fof'Albina and East Side must be in by 1 o'clock Saturday QROCERY CO. KiivE 1 PHONE MAIN 1412 FIRST AND TAYLOR 8TRBBTS 8 pkgs, Acnu 9 BluaBack Boston PacItM Co. BBBBS' . . . INCORPORATED Third and Ankeny Sts PHONE MAIN 414 Boston Iwkef First and Burnside Sts PHONE MAIN 184 Way 1. leads fed Every meal is a success if we supply , the meats; No matter whether it's a steak, roast or chop, you're sure to have noth ing but the finest in the market, and you can rely upon the quality being strictly of the highest order. We cut bur meats with care, too that adds much to their enjoyment Keep us in mind and give us a trial order soon These Special Prices for. Tomorrow Stew Beef, per lb.' . . . . ... . . . . ...... . . . ........ .5c Leg Roast Veal, per lb. ... .... : .. ... . . v . ; . . .12Hc , .Short Ribs Beef, per lb..'... ....5c Rump Roast Veal, per lb..,.........;. .15c' Pot Roast Beef, per lb............. 8c Rib Veal Cutlets, per lb.. .....15c Boiling Beef, per lb. ... . . .... .. ............... .5c ' Prime Rib Steak, short cut. .... .... . . . . .... . . 12c Sausage, per lb ............ ... . . . . . ,- : . . 10c Best Grade Hams, per lb ............... . . .... 16c Hamburg, 2 lbs. for. ................... . . . . ... 15c Breakfast Bacon, our own brand, per lb. ... . . 17Jc Loin Veal Cutlets, per lb. .... ......... . . . .... 15c , Pure Lard, our own brand, 5 lbs. ,60c Special Mc are brousHt from the aonth. the price I point (or the season, and prices are al- alreadr atarted. and this, With the extra ! Chickens are ao high that It'a ml? is made there. I ready steadvlna; with a t.ndeoey te co I demand from the northern oltlee, causes I eartaln elasa that eaa afford then ver Cats have about torched the WwlkJfeer. Oold-eterace eperaOons have local auppllea 6 ahow smaller. ; often.